Object-Oriented User Interface
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 COOUI\HtmlSnippetWraps a HTML snippet for use with Tag::appendContent() and Tag::prependContent()
 COOUI\ElementDOM element abstraction
 COOUI\LayoutContainer for elements
 COOUI\FieldLayoutLayout made of a field and optional label
 COOUI\ActionFieldLayoutLayout made of a field, button and optional label
 COOUI\FieldsetLayoutLayout made of a fieldset and optional legend
 COOUI\FormLayoutLayout with an HTML form
 COOUI\HorizontalLayoutHorizontalLayout arranges its contents in a single line (using display: inline-block for its items), with small margins between them
 COOUI\MenuLayoutMenuLayouts combine a menu and a content PanelLayout panel
 COOUI\IndexLayoutIndexLayouts contain TabPanelLayout layouts as well as TabSelectWidget tabs that allow users to navigate through the tab panels and select which one to display
 COOUI\PanelLayoutLayout that expands to cover the entire area of its parent, with optional scrolling and padding
 COOUI\StackLayoutStackLayouts contain a series of PanelLayouts
 COOUI\TabPanelLayoutTabPanelLayouts are used within IndexLayouts to create tab panels that users can select and display from the index's optional TabSelectWidget navigation
 COOUI\WidgetUser interface control
 COOUI\ButtonGroupWidgetGroup widget for multiple related buttons
 COOUI\ButtonWidgetGeneric widget for buttons
 COOUI\HiddenInputWidgetData widget intended for creating 'hidden'-type inputs
 COOUI\IconWidgetIcon widget
 COOUI\IndicatorWidgetIndicator widget
 COOUI\InputWidgetBase class for input widgets
 COOUI\ButtonInputWidgetA button that is an input widget
 COOUI\CheckboxInputWidgetCheckbox input widget
 COOUI\CheckboxMultiselectInputWidgetMultiple checkbox input widget
 COOUI\DropdownInputWidgetDropdown input widget, wrapping a <select> element
 COOUI\RadioInputWidgetRadio input widget
 COOUI\RadioSelectInputWidgetMultiple radio buttons input widget
 COOUI\SelectFileInputWidgetGeneric widget for buttons
 COOUI\TextInputWidgetInput widget with a text field
 COOUI\ComboBoxInputWidgetCombo box input widget, wrapping a text input with <datalist>
 COOUI\MultilineTextInputWidgetInput widget with a text field
 COOUI\NumberInputWidgetInput widget with a number field
 COOUI\SearchInputWidgetInput widget with a text field
 COOUI\LabelWidgetLabel widget
 COOUI\MessageWidgetNotice widget
 COOUI\OptionWidgetOptionWidgets are special elements that can be selected and configured with data
 COOUI\SelectWidgetA SelectWidget is of a generic selection of options
 COOUI\TabSelectWidgetTabSelectWidget is a list that contains TabOptionWidget options
 COOUI\ToggleWidgetToggle widget
 COOUI\ToggleSwitchWidgetToggleSwitch widget
 COOUI\ThemeTheme logic