Source code for backports

"""This module contains backports to support older Python versions."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2014-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import sys
from typing import Any

PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info[:3]
SPHINX_RUNNING = 'sphinx' in sys.modules

# functools.cache
if PYTHON_VERSION >= (3, 9):
    from functools import cache  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
    from functools import lru_cache as _lru_cache
    cache = _lru_cache(None)

# context

[docs] class nullcontext: # noqa: N801 """Context manager that does no additional processing. .. seealso:: :python:`contextlib.nullcontext <library/contextlib.html#contextlib.nullcontext>`, backported from Python 3.7. """ def __init__(self, enter_result: Any = None) -> None: # noqa: D107 self.enter_result = enter_result def __enter__(self) -> Any: return self.enter_result def __exit__(self, *excinfo: Any) -> None: pass
else: from contextlib import nullcontext # type: ignore[misc] # queue if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 7): from queue import Queue as SimpleQueue else: from queue import SimpleQueue # type: ignore[misc] # typing if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 9): from typing import DefaultDict # type: ignore[misc] else: from collections import ( # type: ignore[misc] # noqa: N812 defaultdict as DefaultDict, ) if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 7, 2): from typing import Dict as OrderedDict elif PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 9): from typing import OrderedDict else: from collections import OrderedDict if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 9): from typing import ( Container, Dict, FrozenSet, Generator, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, Match, Pattern, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Type, ) else: from import ( Container, Generator, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence, ) from re import Match, Pattern Dict = dict # type: ignore[misc] FrozenSet = frozenset # type: ignore[misc] List = list # type: ignore[misc] Set = set # type: ignore[misc] Tuple = tuple # type: ignore[assignment] Type = type if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 9, 2): from typing import Callable else: from import Callable # PEP 616 string methods if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 9) or SPHINX_RUNNING:
[docs] def removeprefix(string: str, prefix: str) -> str: # skipcq: TYP-053 """Remove prefix from a string or return a copy otherwise. >>> removeprefix('TestHook', 'Test') 'Hook' >>> removeprefix('BaseTestCase', 'Test') 'BaseTestCase' .. seealso:: :python:`str.removeprefix <library/stdtypes.html#str.removeprefix>`, backported from Python 3.9. .. versionadded:: 5.4 """ if string.startswith(prefix): return string[len(prefix):] return string
[docs] def removesuffix(string: str, suffix: str) -> str: # skipcq: TYP-053 """Remove suffix from a string or return a copy otherwise. >>> removesuffix('MiscTests', 'Tests') 'Misc' >>> removesuffix('TmpDirMixin', 'Tests') 'TmpDirMixin' .. seealso:: :python:`str.removesuffix <library/stdtypes.html#str.removesuffix>`, backported from Python 3.9. .. versionadded:: 5.4 """ if string.endswith(suffix): return string[:-len(suffix)] return string
else: removeprefix = str.removeprefix # type: ignore[attr-defined] removesuffix = str.removesuffix # type: ignore[attr-defined] # bpo-38200 if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 10) or SPHINX_RUNNING: from itertools import tee
[docs] def pairwise(iterable): """Return successive overlapping pairs taken from the input iterable. .. seealso:: :python:`itertools.pairwise <library/itertools.html#itertools.pairwise>`, backported from Python 3.10. .. versionadded:: 7.6 """ a, b = tee(iterable) next(b, None) return zip(a, b)
else: from itertools import pairwise