Source code for families.commons_family

"""Family module for Wikimedia Commons."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2005-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from pywikibot import family

# The Wikimedia Commons family
[docs]class Family(family.WikimediaFamily): """Family class for Wikimedia Commons.""" name = 'commons' langs = { 'commons': '', 'test': '', 'beta': '' } interwiki_forward = 'wikipedia' # Templates that indicate a category redirect # Redirects to these templates are automatically included category_redirect_templates = { '_default': ( 'Category redirect', 'Synonym taxon category redirect', 'Invalid taxon category redirect', 'Monotypic taxon category redirect', 'Endashcatredirect', ), } # Subpages for documentation. doc_subpages = { '_default': (('/doc', ), ['commons']), }
[docs] def interface(self, code) -> str: """Return 'DataSite' to enable structured data. .. versionadded 6.5 """ return 'DataSite'