Source code for pywikibot

"""The initialization file for the Pywikibot framework."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import atexit
import datetime
import math
import re
import sys
import threading
from contextlib import suppress
from decimal import Decimal
from queue import Queue
from time import sleep as time_sleep
from typing import Any, Optional, Type, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from warnings import warn

from pywikibot import config as _config
from pywikibot import exceptions
from pywikibot.__metadata__ import (
from pywikibot._wbtypes import WbRepresentation as _WbRepresentation
from pywikibot.backports import (  # skipcq: PY-W2000
from import (
from pywikibot.diff import PatchManager
from import AutoFamily, Family
from pywikibot.i18n import translate
from pywikibot.logging import (
from import APISite, BaseSite, DataSite
from pywikibot.time import Timestamp
from import normalize_username

ItemPageStrNoneType = Union[str, 'ItemPage', None]
ToDecimalType = Union[int, float, str, 'Decimal', None]

__all__ = (
    '__copyright__', '__description__', '__download_url__', '__license__',
    '__maintainer__', '__maintainer_email__', '__name__', '__url__',
    'async_manager', 'async_request', 'Bot', 'calledModuleName', 'Category',
    'Claim', 'Coordinate', 'critical', 'CurrentPageBot', 'debug', 'error',
    'exception', 'FilePage', 'handle_args', 'html2unicode', 'info', 'input',
    'input_choice', 'input_yn', 'ItemPage', 'LexemeForm', 'LexemePage',
    'LexemeSense', 'Link', 'log', 'MediaInfo', 'output', 'Page',
    'PropertyPage', 'showDiff', 'show_help', 'Site', 'SiteLink', 'sleep',
    'stdout', 'stopme', 'Timestamp', 'translate', 'ui', 'url2unicode',
    'User', 'warning', 'WbGeoShape', 'WbMonolingualText', 'WbQuantity',
    'WbTabularData', 'WbTime', 'WbUnknown', 'WikidataBot',

# argvu is set by when it's imported

if not hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'argvu'):
    argvu: List[str] = []

[docs]class Coordinate(_WbRepresentation): """Class for handling and storing Coordinates.""" _items = ('lat', 'lon', 'entity') def __init__(self, lat: float, lon: float, alt: Optional[float] = None, precision: Optional[float] = None, globe: Optional[str] = None, typ: str = '', name: str = '', dim: Optional[int] = None, site: Optional[DataSite] = None, globe_item: ItemPageStrNoneType = None, primary: bool = False) -> None: """ Represent a geo coordinate. :param lat: Latitude :param lon: Longitude :param alt: Altitude :param precision: precision :param globe: Which globe the point is on :param typ: The type of coordinate point :param name: The name :param dim: Dimension (in meters) :param site: The Wikibase site :param globe_item: The Wikibase item for the globe, or the entity URI of this Wikibase item. Takes precedence over 'globe' if present. :param primary: True for a primary set of coordinates """ = lat self.lon = lon self.alt = alt self._precision = precision self._entity = globe_item self.type = typ = name self._dim = dim = site or Site().data_repository() self.primary = primary if globe: globe = globe.lower() elif not globe_item: globe = self.globe = globe @property def entity(self) -> str: """Return the entity uri of the globe.""" if not self._entity: if self.globe not in raise exceptions.CoordinateGlobeUnknownError( '{} is not supported in Wikibase yet.' .format(self.globe)) return[self.globe] if isinstance(self._entity, ItemPage): return self._entity.concept_uri() return self._entity
[docs] def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Export the data to a JSON object for the Wikibase API. FIXME: Should this be in the DataSite object? :return: Wikibase JSON """ return {'latitude':, 'longitude': self.lon, 'altitude': self.alt, 'globe': self.entity, 'precision': self.precision, }
[docs] @classmethod def fromWikibase(cls: Type['Coordinate'], data: Dict[str, Any], site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'Coordinate': """ Constructor to create an object from Wikibase's JSON output. :param data: Wikibase JSON :param site: The Wikibase site """ if site is None: site = Site().data_repository() globe = None if data['globe']: globes = {entity: name for name, entity in site.globes().items()} globe = globes.get(data['globe']) return cls(data['latitude'], data['longitude'], data['altitude'], data['precision'], globe, site=site, globe_item=data['globe'])
@property def precision(self) -> Optional[float]: """ Return the precision of the geo coordinate. The precision is calculated if the Coordinate does not have a precision, and self._dim is set. When no precision and no self._dim exists, None is returned. The biggest error (in degrees) will be given by the longitudinal error; the same error in meters becomes larger (in degrees) further up north. We can thus ignore the latitudinal error. The longitudinal can be derived as follows: In small angle approximation (and thus in radians): M{Δλ ≈ Δpos / r_φ}, where r_φ is the radius of earth at the given latitude. Δλ is the error in longitude. M{r_φ = r cos φ}, where r is the radius of earth, φ the latitude Therefore:: precision = math.degrees( self._dim/(radius*math.cos(math.radians( """ if self._dim is None and self._precision is None: return None if self._precision is None and self._dim is not None: radius = 6378137 # TODO: Support other globes self._precision = math.degrees( self._dim / (radius * math.cos(math.radians( return self._precision @precision.setter def precision(self, value: float) -> None: self._precision = value
[docs] def precisionToDim(self) -> Optional[int]: """ Convert precision from Wikibase to GeoData's dim and return the latter. dim is calculated if the Coordinate doesn't have a dimension, and precision is set. When neither dim nor precision are set, ValueError is thrown. Carrying on from the earlier derivation of precision, since precision = math.degrees(dim/(radius*math.cos(math.radians( we get:: dim = math.radians( precision)*radius*math.cos(math.radians( But this is not valid, since it returns a float value for dim which is an integer. We must round it off to the nearest integer. Therefore:: dim = int(round(math.radians( precision)*radius*math.cos(math.radians( """ if self._dim is None and self._precision is None: raise ValueError('No values set for dim or precision') if self._dim is None and self._precision is not None: radius = 6378137 self._dim = int( round( math.radians(self._precision) * radius * math.cos( math.radians( ) ) return self._dim
[docs] def get_globe_item(self, repo: Optional[DataSite] = None, lazy_load: bool = False) -> 'ItemPage': """ Return the ItemPage corresponding to the globe. Note that the globe need not be in the same data repository as the Coordinate itself. A successful lookup is stored as an internal value to avoid the need for repeated lookups. :param repo: the Wikibase site for the globe, if different from that provided with the Coordinate. :param lazy_load: Do not raise NoPage if ItemPage does not exist. :return: pywikibot.ItemPage """ if isinstance(self._entity, ItemPage): return self._entity repo = repo or return ItemPage.from_entity_uri(repo, self.entity, lazy_load)
[docs]class WbTime(_WbRepresentation): """A Wikibase time representation.""" PRECISION = {'1000000000': 0, '100000000': 1, '10000000': 2, '1000000': 3, '100000': 4, '10000': 5, 'millenia': 6, 'century': 7, 'decade': 8, 'year': 9, 'month': 10, 'day': 11, 'hour': 12, 'minute': 13, 'second': 14 } FORMATSTR = '{0:+012d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}T{3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d}Z' _items = ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'precision', 'before', 'after', 'timezone', 'calendarmodel') def __init__(self, year: Optional[int] = None, month: Optional[int] = None, day: Optional[int] = None, hour: Optional[int] = None, minute: Optional[int] = None, second: Optional[int] = None, precision: Union[int, str, None] = None, before: int = 0, after: int = 0, timezone: int = 0, calendarmodel: Optional[str] = None, site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> None: """Create a new WbTime object. The precision can be set by the Wikibase int value (0-14) or by a human readable string, e.g., 'hour'. If no precision is given, it is set according to the given time units. Timezone information is given in three different ways depending on the time: * Times after the implementation of UTC (1972): as an offset from UTC in minutes; * Times before the implementation of UTC: the offset of the time zone from universal time; * Before the implementation of time zones: The longitude of the place of the event, in the range −180° to 180°, multiplied by 4 to convert to minutes. :param year: The year as a signed integer of between 1 and 16 digits. :param month: Month :param day: Day :param hour: Hour :param minute: Minute :param second: Second :param precision: The unit of the precision of the time. :param before: Number of units after the given time it could be, if uncertain. The unit is given by the precision. :param after: Number of units before the given time it could be, if uncertain. The unit is given by the precision. :param timezone: Timezone information in minutes. :param calendarmodel: URI identifying the calendar model :param site: The Wikibase site """ if year is None: raise ValueError('no year given') self.precision = self.PRECISION['second'] if second is None: self.precision = self.PRECISION['minute'] second = 0 if minute is None: self.precision = self.PRECISION['hour'] minute = 0 if hour is None: self.precision = self.PRECISION['day'] hour = 0 if day is None: self.precision = self.PRECISION['month'] day = 1 if month is None: self.precision = self.PRECISION['year'] month = 1 self.year = year self.month = month = day self.hour = hour self.minute = minute self.second = second self.after = after self.before = before self.timezone = timezone if calendarmodel is None: if site is None: site = Site().data_repository() if site is None: raise ValueError('Site {} has no data repository' .format(Site())) calendarmodel = site.calendarmodel() self.calendarmodel = calendarmodel # if precision is given it overwrites the autodetection above if precision is not None: if (isinstance(precision, int) and precision in self.PRECISION.values()): self.precision = precision elif precision in self.PRECISION: assert isinstance(precision, str) self.precision = self.PRECISION[precision] else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid precision: "{precision}"')
[docs] @classmethod def fromTimestr(cls: Type['WbTime'], datetimestr: str, precision: Union[int, str] = 14, before: int = 0, after: int = 0, timezone: int = 0, calendarmodel: Optional[str] = None, site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbTime': """Create a new WbTime object from a UTC date/time string. The timestamp differs from ISO 8601 in that: * The year is always signed and having between 1 and 16 digits; * The month, day and time are zero if they are unknown; * The Z is discarded since time zone is determined from the timezone param. :param datetimestr: Timestamp in a format resembling ISO 8601, e.g. +2013-01-01T00:00:00Z :param precision: The unit of the precision of the time. :param before: Number of units after the given time it could be, if uncertain. The unit is given by the precision. :param after: Number of units before the given time it could be, if uncertain. The unit is given by the precision. :param timezone: Timezone information in minutes. :param calendarmodel: URI identifying the calendar model :param site: The Wikibase site """ match = re.match(r'([-+]?\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)T(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)Z', datetimestr) if not match: raise ValueError(f"Invalid format: '{datetimestr}'") t = match.groups() return cls(int(t[0]), int(t[1]), int(t[2]), int(t[3]), int(t[4]), int(t[5]), precision, before, after, timezone, calendarmodel, site)
[docs] @classmethod def fromTimestamp(cls: Type['WbTime'], timestamp: 'Timestamp', precision: Union[int, str] = 14, before: int = 0, after: int = 0, timezone: int = 0, calendarmodel: Optional[str] = None, site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbTime': """ Create a new WbTime object from a pywikibot.Timestamp. :param timestamp: Timestamp :param precision: The unit of the precision of the time. :param before: Number of units after the given time it could be, if uncertain. The unit is given by the precision. :param after: Number of units before the given time it could be, if uncertain. The unit is given by the precision. :param timezone: Timezone information in minutes. :param calendarmodel: URI identifying the calendar model :param site: The Wikibase site """ return cls.fromTimestr(timestamp.isoformat(), precision=precision, before=before, after=after, timezone=timezone, calendarmodel=calendarmodel, site=site)
[docs] def toTimestr(self, force_iso: bool = False) -> str: """ Convert the data to a UTC date/time string. See fromTimestr() for differences between output with and without force_iso. :param force_iso: whether the output should be forced to ISO 8601 :return: Timestamp in a format resembling ISO 8601 """ if force_iso: return Timestamp._ISO8601Format_new.format( self.year, max(1, self.month), max(1,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second) return self.FORMATSTR.format(self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second)
[docs] def toTimestamp(self) -> Timestamp: """ Convert the data to a pywikibot.Timestamp. :raises ValueError: instance value cannot be represented using Timestamp """ if self.year <= 0: raise ValueError('You cannot turn BC dates into a Timestamp') return Timestamp.fromISOformat( self.toTimestr(force_iso=True).lstrip('+'))
[docs] def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert the data to a JSON object for the Wikibase API. :return: Wikibase JSON """ json = {'time': self.toTimestr(), 'precision': self.precision, 'after': self.after, 'before': self.before, 'timezone': self.timezone, 'calendarmodel': self.calendarmodel } return json
[docs] @classmethod def fromWikibase(cls: Type['WbTime'], data: Dict[str, Any], site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbTime': """ Create a WbTime from the JSON data given by the Wikibase API. :param data: Wikibase JSON :param site: The Wikibase site """ return cls.fromTimestr(data['time'], data['precision'], data['before'], data['after'], data['timezone'], data['calendarmodel'], site)
[docs]class WbQuantity(_WbRepresentation): """A Wikibase quantity representation.""" _items = ('amount', 'upperBound', 'lowerBound', 'unit') @staticmethod def _require_errors(site: Optional[DataSite]) -> bool: """ Check if Wikibase site is so old it requires error bounds to be given. If no site item is supplied it raises a warning and returns True. :param site: The Wikibase site """ if not site: warning( "WbQuantity now expects a 'site' parameter. This is needed to " 'ensure correct handling of error bounds.') return False return site.mw_version < '1.29.0-wmf.2' @staticmethod def _todecimal(value: ToDecimalType) -> Optional[Decimal]: """ Convert a string to a Decimal for use in WbQuantity. None value is returned as is. :param value: decimal number to convert """ if isinstance(value, Decimal): return value if value is None: return None return Decimal(str(value)) @staticmethod def _fromdecimal(value: Optional[Decimal]) -> Optional[str]: """ Convert a Decimal to a string representation suitable for WikiBase. None value is returned as is. :param value: decimal number to convert """ return format(value, '+g') if value is not None else None def __init__(self, amount: ToDecimalType, unit: ItemPageStrNoneType = None, error: Union[ToDecimalType, Tuple[ToDecimalType, ToDecimalType]] = None, site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> None: """ Create a new WbQuantity object. :param amount: number representing this quantity :param unit: the Wikibase item for the unit or the entity URI of this Wikibase item. :param error: the uncertainty of the amount (e.g. ±1) :param site: The Wikibase site """ if amount is None: raise ValueError('no amount given') self.amount = self._todecimal(amount) self._unit = unit = site or Site().data_repository() # also allow entity URIs to be provided via unit parameter if isinstance(unit, str) \ and unit.partition('://')[0] not in ('http', 'https'): raise ValueError("'unit' must be an ItemPage or entity uri.") if error is None and not self._require_errors(site): self.upperBound = self.lowerBound = None else: if error is None: upperError: Optional[Decimal] = Decimal(0) lowerError: Optional[Decimal] = Decimal(0) elif isinstance(error, tuple): upperError = self._todecimal(error[0]) lowerError = self._todecimal(error[1]) else: upperError = lowerError = self._todecimal(error) assert upperError is not None and lowerError is not None assert self.amount is not None self.upperBound = self.amount + upperError self.lowerBound = self.amount - lowerError @property def unit(self) -> str: """Return _unit's entity uri or '1' if _unit is None.""" if isinstance(self._unit, ItemPage): return self._unit.concept_uri() return self._unit or '1'
[docs] def get_unit_item(self, repo: Optional[DataSite] = None, lazy_load: bool = False) -> 'ItemPage': """ Return the ItemPage corresponding to the unit. Note that the unit need not be in the same data repository as the WbQuantity itself. A successful lookup is stored as an internal value to avoid the need for repeated lookups. :param repo: the Wikibase site for the unit, if different from that provided with the WbQuantity. :param lazy_load: Do not raise NoPage if ItemPage does not exist. :return: pywikibot.ItemPage """ if not isinstance(self._unit, str): return self._unit repo = repo or self._unit = ItemPage.from_entity_uri(repo, self._unit, lazy_load) return self._unit
[docs] def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert the data to a JSON object for the Wikibase API. :return: Wikibase JSON """ json = {'amount': self._fromdecimal(self.amount), 'upperBound': self._fromdecimal(self.upperBound), 'lowerBound': self._fromdecimal(self.lowerBound), 'unit': self.unit } return json
[docs] @classmethod def fromWikibase(cls: Type['WbQuantity'], data: Dict[str, Any], site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbQuantity': """ Create a WbQuantity from the JSON data given by the Wikibase API. :param data: Wikibase JSON :param site: The Wikibase site """ amount = cls._todecimal(data['amount']) upperBound = cls._todecimal(data.get('upperBound')) lowerBound = cls._todecimal(data.get('lowerBound')) bounds_provided = (upperBound is not None and lowerBound is not None) error = None if bounds_provided or cls._require_errors(site): error = (upperBound - amount, amount - lowerBound) if data['unit'] == '1': unit = None else: unit = data['unit'] return cls(amount, unit, error, site)
[docs]class WbMonolingualText(_WbRepresentation): """A Wikibase monolingual text representation.""" _items = ('text', 'language') def __init__(self, text: str, language: str) -> None: """ Create a new WbMonolingualText object. :param text: text string :param language: language code of the string """ if not text or not language: raise ValueError('text and language cannot be empty') self.text = text self.language = language
[docs] def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert the data to a JSON object for the Wikibase API. :return: Wikibase JSON """ json = {'text': self.text, 'language': self.language } return json
[docs] @classmethod def fromWikibase(cls: Type['WbMonolingualText'], data: Dict[str, Any], site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbMonolingualText': """ Create a WbMonolingualText from the JSON data given by Wikibase API. :param data: Wikibase JSON :param site: The Wikibase site """ return cls(data['text'], data['language'])
class _WbDataPage(_WbRepresentation): """ A Wikibase representation for data pages. A temporary implementation until :phab:`T162336` has been resolved. Note that this class cannot be used directly """ _items = ('page', ) @classmethod def _get_data_site(cls: Type['_WbDataPage'], repo_site: DataSite ) -> APISite: """ Return the site serving as a repository for a given data type. Must be implemented in the extended class. :param repo_site: The Wikibase site """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def _get_type_specifics(cls: Type['_WbDataPage'], site: DataSite ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the specifics for a given data type. Must be implemented in the extended class. The dict should have three keys: * ending: str, required filetype-like ending in page titles. * label: str, describing the data type for use in error messages. * data_site: APISite, site serving as a repository for the given data type. :param site: The Wikibase site """ raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _validate(page: 'Page', data_site: 'BaseSite', ending: str, label: str) -> None: """ Validate the provided page against general and type specific rules. :param page: Page containing the data. :param data_site: The site serving as a repository for the given data type. :param ending: Required filetype-like ending in page titles. E.g. '.map' :param label: Label describing the data type in error messages. """ if not isinstance(page, Page): raise ValueError( 'Page {} must be a pywikibot.Page object not a {}.' .format(page, type(page))) # validate page exists if not page.exists(): raise ValueError(f'Page {page} must exist.') # validate page is on the right site, and that site supports the type if not data_site: raise ValueError( f'The provided site does not support {label}.') if != data_site: raise ValueError( f'Page must be on the {label} repository site.') # validate page title fulfills hard-coded Wikibase requirement # pcre regexp: '/^Data:[^\\[\\]#\\\:{|}]+\.map$/u' for geo-shape # pcre regexp: '/^Data:[^\\[\\]#\\\:{|}]+\.tab$/u' for tabular-data # As we have already checked for existence the following simplified # check should be enough. if not page.title().startswith('Data:') \ or not page.title().endswith(ending): raise ValueError( "Page must be in 'Data:' namespace and end in '{}' " 'for {}.'.format(ending, label)) def __init__(self, page: 'Page', site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> None: """ Create a new _WbDataPage object. :param page: page containing the data :param site: The Wikibase site """ site = site or specifics = type(self)._get_type_specifics(site) _WbDataPage._validate(page, specifics['data_site'], specifics['ending'], specifics['label']) = page def __hash__(self) -> int: """Override super.hash() as toWikibase is a string for _WbDataPage.""" return hash(self.toWikibase()) def toWikibase(self) -> str: """ Convert the data to the value required by the Wikibase API. :return: title of the data page incl. namespace """ return @classmethod def fromWikibase(cls: Type['_WbDataPage'], page_name: str, site: Optional[DataSite]) -> '_WbDataPage': """ Create a _WbDataPage from the JSON data given by the Wikibase API. :param page_name: page name from Wikibase value :param site: The Wikibase site """ # TODO: This method signature does not match our parent class (which # takes a dictionary argument rather than a string). We should either # change this method's signature or rename this method. data_site = cls._get_data_site(site) page = Page(data_site, page_name) return cls(page, site)
[docs]class WbGeoShape(_WbDataPage): """A Wikibase geo-shape representation.""" @classmethod def _get_data_site(cls: Type['WbGeoShape'], site: DataSite) -> APISite: """ Return the site serving as a geo-shape repository. :param site: The Wikibase site """ return site.geo_shape_repository() @classmethod def _get_type_specifics(cls: Type['WbGeoShape'], site: DataSite ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the specifics for WbGeoShape. :param site: The Wikibase site """ specifics = { 'ending': '.map', 'label': 'geo-shape', 'data_site': cls._get_data_site(site) } return specifics
[docs]class WbTabularData(_WbDataPage): """A Wikibase tabular-data representation.""" @classmethod def _get_data_site(cls: Type['WbTabularData'], site: DataSite) -> APISite: """ Return the site serving as a tabular-data repository. :param site: The Wikibase site """ return site.tabular_data_repository() @classmethod def _get_type_specifics(cls: Type['WbTabularData'], site: DataSite ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the specifics for WbTabularData. :param site: The Wikibase site """ specifics = { 'ending': '.tab', 'label': 'tabular-data', 'data_site': cls._get_data_site(site) } return specifics
[docs]class WbUnknown(_WbRepresentation): """ A Wikibase representation for unknown data type. This will prevent the bot from breaking completely when a new type is introduced. This data type is just a json container .. versionadded:: 3.0 """ _items = ('json',) def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Create a new WbUnknown object. :param json: Wikibase JSON """ self.json = json
[docs] def toWikibase(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return the JSON object for the Wikibase API. :return: Wikibase JSON """ return self.json
[docs] @classmethod def fromWikibase(cls: Type['WbUnknown'], data: Dict[str, Any], site: Optional[DataSite] = None) -> 'WbUnknown': """ Create a WbUnknown from the JSON data given by the Wikibase API. :param data: Wikibase JSON :param site: The Wikibase site """ return cls(data)
_sites: Dict[str, APISite] = {} @cache def _code_fam_from_url(url: str, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Set url to cache and get code and family from cache. Site helper method. :param url: The site URL to get code and family :param name: A family name used by AutoFamily """ matched_sites = [] # Iterate through all families and look, which does apply to # the given URL for fam in _config.family_files: family = Family.load(fam) code = family.from_url(url) if code is not None: matched_sites.append((code, family)) if not matched_sites: if not name: # create a name from url name = urlparse(url).netloc.split('.')[-2] name = removesuffix(name, 'wiki') family = AutoFamily(name, url) matched_sites.append((family.code, family)) if len(matched_sites) > 1: warning('Found multiple matches for URL "{}": {} (use first)' .format(url, ', '.join(str(s) for s in matched_sites))) return matched_sites[0]
[docs]def Site(code: Optional[str] = None, fam: Union[str, 'Family', None] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, *, interface: Union[str, 'BaseSite', None] = None, url: Optional[str] = None) -> BaseSite: """A factory method to obtain a Site object. Site objects are cached and reused by this method. By default rely on config settings. These defaults may all be overridden using the method parameters. Creating the default site using config.mylang and site = pywikibot.Site() Override default site code:: site = pywikibot.Site('fr') Override default family:: site = pywikibot.Site(fam='wikisource') Setting a specific site:: site = pywikibot.Site('fr', 'wikisource') which is equal to:: site = pywikibot.Site('wikisource:fr') .. note:: An already created site is cached an a new variable points to the same object if interface, family, code and user are equal: >>> import pywikibot >>> site_1 = pywikibot.Site('wikisource:fr') >>> site_2 = pywikibot.Site('fr', 'wikisource') >>> site_1 is site_2 True >>> site_1 APISite("fr", "wikisource") :class:`APISite<>` is the default interface. Refer :py:obj:`` for other interface types. .. warning:: Never create a site object via interface class directly. Always use this factory method. .. versionchanged:: 7.3 Short creation if site code is equal to family name like `Site('commons')`, `Site('meta')` or `Site('wikidata')`. :param code: language code (override config.mylang) code may also be a sitename like 'wikipedia:test' :param fam: family name or object (override :param user: bot user name to use on this site (override config.usernames) :param interface: site class or name of class in :py:obj:`` (override config.site_interface) :param url: Instead of code and fam, does try to get a Site based on the URL. Still requires that the family supporting that URL exists. :raises ValueError: URL and pair of code and family given :raises ValueError: Invalid interface name :raises ValueError: Missing Site code :raises ValueError: Missing Site family """ if url: # Either code and fam or url with optional fam for AutoFamily name if code: raise ValueError( 'URL to the wiki OR a pair of code and family name ' 'should be provided') code, fam = _code_fam_from_url(url, fam) elif code and ':' in code: if fam: raise ValueError( 'sitename OR a pair of code and family name ' 'should be provided') fam, _, code = code.partition(':') else: if not fam: # try code as family with suppress(exceptions.UnknownFamilyError): fam = Family.load(code) # Fallback to config defaults code = code or _config.mylang fam = fam or if not (code and fam): raise ValueError('Missing Site {}' .format('code' if not code else 'family')) if not isinstance(fam, Family): fam = Family.load(fam) interface = interface or fam.interface(code) # config.usernames is initialised with a defaultdict for each family name family_name = str(fam) code_to_user = {} if '*' in _config.usernames: # T253127: usernames is a defaultdict code_to_user = _config.usernames['*'].copy() code_to_user.update(_config.usernames[family_name]) user = user or code_to_user.get(code) or code_to_user.get('*') if not isinstance(interface, type): # If it isn't a class, assume it is a string try: tmp = __import__('', fromlist=[interface]) except ImportError: raise ValueError(f'Invalid interface name: {interface}') else: interface = getattr(tmp, interface) if not issubclass(interface, BaseSite): warning(f'Site called with interface={interface.__name__}') user = normalize_username(user) key = f'{interface.__name__}:{fam}:{code}:{user}' if key not in _sites or not isinstance(_sites[key], interface): _sites[key] = interface(code=code, fam=fam, user=user) debug("Instantiated {} object '{}'" .format(interface.__name__, _sites[key])) if _sites[key].code != code: warn('Site {} instantiated using different code "{}"' .format(_sites[key], code), UserWarning, 2) return _sites[key]
# These imports depend on Wb* classes above. from import ( # noqa: E402 Category, Claim, FilePage, ItemPage, LexemeForm, LexemePage, LexemeSense, Link, MediaInfo, Page, PropertyPage, SiteLink, User, html2unicode, url2unicode, ) link_regex = re.compile(r'\[\[(?P<title>[^\]|[<>{}]*)(\|.*?)?\]\]')
[docs]def showDiff(oldtext: str, newtext: str, context: int = 0) -> None: """ Output a string showing the differences between oldtext and newtext. The differences are highlighted (only on compatible systems) to show which changes were made. """ PatchManager(oldtext, newtext, context=context).print_hunks()
# Throttle and thread handling
[docs]def sleep(secs: int) -> None: """Suspend execution of the current thread for the given number of seconds. Drop this process from the throttle log if wait time is greater than 30 seconds. """ if secs >= 30: stopme() time_sleep(secs)
[docs]def stopme() -> None: """ Drop this process from the throttle log, after pending threads finish. Can be called manually if desired. Does not clean async_manager. This should be run when a bot does not interact with the Wiki, or when it has stopped doing so. After a bot has run stopme() it will not slow down other bots any more. """ _flush(False)
def _flush(stop: bool = True) -> None: """ Drop this process from the throttle log, after pending threads finish. Wait for the page-putter to flush its queue. Also drop this process from the throttle log. Called automatically at Python exit. """ debug('_flush() called') def remaining() -> Tuple[int, datetime.timedelta]: remainingPages = page_put_queue.qsize() if stop: # -1 because we added a None element to stop the queue remainingPages -= 1 remainingSeconds = datetime.timedelta( seconds=round(remainingPages * _config.put_throttle)) return (remainingPages, remainingSeconds) if stop: # None task element leaves async_manager page_put_queue.put((None, [], {})) num, sec = remaining() if num > 0 and sec.total_seconds() > _config.noisysleep: output('<<lightblue>>Waiting for {num} pages to be put. ' 'Estimated time remaining: {sec}<<default>>' .format(num=num, sec=sec)) exit_queue = None if _putthread is not threading.current_thread(): while _putthread.is_alive() and not (page_put_queue.empty() and page_put_queue_busy.empty()): try: _putthread.join(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: exit_queue = input_yn( 'There are {} pages remaining in the queue. Estimated ' 'time remaining: {}\nReally exit?'.format(*remaining()), default=False, automatic_quit=False) break if exit_queue is False: # handle the queue when _putthread is stopped after KeyboardInterrupt with suppress(KeyboardInterrupt): async_manager(block=False) if not stop: # delete the put queue with page_put_queue.mutex: page_put_queue.all_tasks_done.notify_all() page_put_queue.queue.clear() page_put_queue.not_full.notify_all() # only need one drop() call because all throttles use the same global pid with suppress(KeyError): _sites.popitem()[1].throttle.drop() log('Dropped throttle(s).') # Create a separate thread for asynchronous page saves (and other requests)
[docs]def async_manager(block=True) -> None: """Daemon; take requests from the queue and execute them in background.""" while True: if not block and page_put_queue.empty(): break (request, args, kwargs) = page_put_queue.get(block) page_put_queue_busy.put(None) if request is None: break request(*args, **kwargs) page_put_queue.task_done() page_put_queue_busy.get()
[docs]def async_request(request: Callable, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Put a request on the queue, and start the daemon if necessary.""" if not _putthread.is_alive(): with page_put_queue.mutex, suppress(AssertionError, RuntimeError): _putthread.start() page_put_queue.put((request, args, kwargs))
# queue to hold pending requests page_put_queue: Queue = Queue(_config.max_queue_size) # queue to signal that async_manager is working on a request. See T147178. page_put_queue_busy: Queue = Queue(_config.max_queue_size) # set up the background thread _putthread = threading.Thread(target=async_manager, name='Put-Thread', # for debugging purposes daemon=True) atexit.register(_flush)