Source code for scripts.clean_sandbox

This bot resets a (user) sandbox with predefined text.

This script understands the following command-line arguments:


Furthermore, the following command line parameters are supported:

    -hours:#       Use this parameter if to make the script repeat itself
                   after # hours. Hours can be defined as a decimal. 0.01
                   hours are 36 seconds; 0.1 are 6 minutes.

    -delay:#       Use this parameter for a wait time after the last edit
                   was made. If no parameter is given it takes it from
                   hours and limits it between 5 and 15 minutes.
                   The minimum delay time is 5 minutes.

    -text          The text that substitutes in the sandbox, you can use this
                   when you haven't configured clean_candbox for your wiki.

    -summary       Summary of the edit made by bot. Overrides the default
                   from i18n.

This script is a :py:obj:`ConfigParserBot <bot.ConfigParserBot>`.
All local parameters can be given inside a scripts.ini file. Options
passed to the script are priorized over options read from ini file.

.. seealso:: :python:`Supported .ini File Structure

For example:

    # the parameter section for clean_sandbox script
    summary = Bot: Cleaning sandbox
    text = {{subst:Clean Sandbox}}
    hours: 0.5
    delay: 7
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2006-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import datetime
import sys
import time

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import i18n, pagegenerators
from import Bot, ConfigParserBot
from pywikibot.exceptions import EditConflictError, NoPageError

content = {
    'commons': '{{Sandbox}}\n<!-- Please edit only below this line. -->',
    'meta': '{{Meta:Sandbox/Please do not edit this line}}'
            '<!--Please edit below this line.-->',
    'test': '<noinclude>{{Sandbox}}</noinclude>\n'
            '== Please start your testing below this line ==',
    'wikidata': '{{Please leave this line alone (sandbox heading)}}',
    'wikibooks': {
        'ru': '{{/Шапка}}\n'
              '<!-- Не удаляйте, пожалуйста, эту строку, '
              'тестируйте ниже -->',
    'wikivoyage': {
        'es': '<!--No borres este mensaje-->'
              '{{Zona de pruebas}}'
              '<!--Haz las pruebas debajo. Gracias-->\n\n'
              '== Las pruebas en esta sección ==\n',
    'als': '{{subst:/Vorlage}}',
    'ar': '{{عنوان الملعب}}\n<!-- مرحبا! خذ راحتك في تجربة مهارتك في التنسيق '
          'والتحرير أسفل هذا السطر. هذه الصفحة لتجارب التعديل ، سيتم تفريغ '
          'هذه الصفحة كل 12 ساعة. -->',
    'arz': '{{عنوان السبوره}}\n<!-- مرحبا! خد راحتك فى تجريب مهاراتك فى'
           'التحرير تحت الخط ده. بما إن الصفحه دى لتجارب التعديل، فالصفحه دى '
           'حيتم تنضيفها اوتوماتيكيا كل 12 ساعه. -->',
    'az': '<!--- LÜTFƏN, BU SƏTRƏ TOXUNMAYIN --->\n{{Qaralama dəftəri}}\n'
    'bar': '{{Bitte erst NACH dieser Zeile schreiben! (Begrüßungskasten)}}\n',
    'bn': '{{খেলাঘর}}<!-- অনুগ্রহপূর্বক এই লাইনটি অপসারণ করবেন না -->',
    'cs': '{{Tento řádek neměňte}}\n<!-- ************  Prosíme, '
          'NEMĚŇTE nic nad tímto řádkem.  Díky.  ************ -->\n\n'
          "== Bábovičky ==\n#'''první'''\n#''druhá''\n*třetí\n"
          "*'''''čtvrtá'''''\n pátá\n;šestá\n:sedmá",
    'da': '{{subst:Sandkasse tekst}}',
    'de': '{{subst:Wikipedia:Spielwiese/Vorlage}}',
    'en': '{{Sandbox heading}}\n<!-- Hello! Feel free to try your formatting '
          'and editing skills below this line. As this page is for editing '
          'experiments, this page will automatically be cleaned every 12 '
          'hours. -->',
    'eo': '{{Bonvolu ne forigi tiun ĉi linion (Provejo)}}',
    'fa': '{{subst:Wikipedia:ربات/sandbox}}',
    'fi': '{{subst:Hiekka}}',
    'fr': '{{subst:Préchargement pour Bac à sable}}',
    'he': '{{ארגז חול}}\n<!-- נא לערוך מתחת לשורה זו בלבד, תודה. -->',
    'hi': '{{User sandbox}}\n<!-- कृप्या इस लाइन के नीचे सम्पादन करे। -->',
    'id': '{{Bakpasir}}\n<!-- Uji coba dilakukan di baris di bawah ini -->',
    'it': '{{sandbox}}'
          '<!-- Scrivi SOTTO questa riga senza cancellarla. Grazie. -->',
    'ja': '{{subst:サンドボックス}}',
    'ko': '{{연습장 안내문}}',
    'ksh': '{{subst:/Schablon}}',
    'mzn': '{{ویکی‌پدیا:چنگ‌مویی صفحه/پیغوم}}\n<!-- سلام!اگه '
           'خواننی شه دچی‌ین مهارتون وسه تمرین هاکنین بتوننی اینتا صفحه جا '
           'ایستفاده هاکنین، اته لطف هاکنین اینتا پیغوم ره شه بقیه رفقون وسه '
           'بیلین. اینتا صفحه هرچند ساعت ربوت جا پاک بونه.-->',
    'my': '{{subst:Sandbox reset}}',
    'nds': '{{subst:/Vörlaag}}',
    'ne': '{{User sandbox}}\n'
          '<!-- कृप्या! यो लाइनको तल सम्पादन गर्नुहोला। -->',
    'nl': '{{subst:Wikipedia:Zandbak/schoon zand}}',
    'nn': '{{sandkasse}}\n<!-- Ver snill og IKKJE FJERN DENNE LINA OG LINA '
          'OVER ({{sandkasse}}) Nedanføre kan du derimot ha det artig og '
          'prøve deg fram! Lykke til! :-)  -->',
          'FJERNES! -->}}',
    'pl': '{{Prosimy - NIE ZMIENIAJ, NIE KASUJ, NIE PRZENOŚ tej linijki '
          '- pisz niżej}}',
    'pt': '<!--não apague esta linha-->'
          '{{página de testes}}<!--não apagar-->\n',
    'ru': '{{/Пишите ниже}}\n'
          '<!-- Не удаляйте, пожалуйста, эту строку, тестируйте ниже -->',
    'simple': '{{subst:/Text}}',
    'sco': '{{subst:Saundbox}}',
    'shn': '{{subst:Sandbox reset}}',
    'sr': '{{песак}}<!--\n'
          '*               Добро дошли на песак!               *\n'
          '*             Молимо вас да испробавате             *\n'
          '*             испод црне линије. Хвала!             *\n'
    'sv': '{{subst:Sandlådan}}',
    'th': '{{กระบะทราย}}\n<!-- กรุณาอย่าแก้ไขบรรทัดนี้ ขอบคุณครับ/ค่ะ -- '
          'Please leave this line as they are. Thank you! -->',
    'tr': '{{/Bu satırı değiştirmeden bırakın}}',
    'zh': '{{subst:User:Sz-iwbot/sandbox}}\n',

sandbox_titles = ('Q3938', 'Q28939665')

# This is required for the text that is shown when you run this script
# with the parameter -help.
docuReplacements = {
    '&params;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp,

[docs]class SandboxBot(Bot, ConfigParserBot): """Sandbox reset bot.""" available_options = { 'hours': -1.0, # do not repeat if hours < 0 'delay': -1, 'text': '', 'summary': '', } def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Initializer.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) if self.opt.delay < 0: d = min(15, max(5, int(self.opt.hours * 60))) self.delay_td = datetime.timedelta(minutes=d) else: d = max(5, self.opt.delay) self.delay_td = datetime.timedelta(minutes=d) = pywikibot.Site() self.translated_content = self.opt.text or i18n.translate(, content) if not self.translated_content: raise RuntimeError( 'No content is given for sandbox pages, exiting.') if not self.generator: pages = [] for item in sandbox_titles: p = if p is not None: pages.append(p) if not pages: sys.exit() self.generator = pages
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run bot.""" while True: wait = False now = time.strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S (UTC)', time.gmtime()) for sandbox_page in self.generator:'Preparing to process sandbox page ' + sandbox_page.title(as_link=True)) if sandbox_page.isRedirectPage(): pywikibot.warning( '{} is a redirect page, cleaning it anyway' .format(sandbox_page.title(as_link=True))) try: text = sandbox_page.text if self.opt.summary: translated_msg = self.opt.summary else: translated_msg = i18n.twtranslate(, 'clean_sandbox-cleaned') subst = 'subst:' in self.translated_content pos = text.find(self.translated_content.strip()) if text.strip() == self.translated_content.strip(): 'The sandbox is still clean, no change necessary.') elif subst and sandbox_page.userName() == 'The sandbox might be clean, no change necessary.') elif pos != 0 and not subst: sandbox_page.put(self.translated_content, translated_msg) pywikibot.showDiff(text, self.translated_content) 'Standard content was changed, sandbox cleaned.') else: edit_delta = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - sandbox_page.latest_revision.timestamp) delta = self.delay_td - edit_delta # Is the last edit more than 'delay' minutes ago? if delta <= datetime.timedelta(0): sandbox_page.put( self.translated_content, translated_msg) pywikibot.showDiff(text, self.translated_content)'Standard content was changed, ' 'sandbox cleaned.') else: # wait for the rest 'Sandbox edited {:.1f} minutes ago...' .format(edit_delta.seconds / 60.0)) f'Sleeping for {delta.seconds // 60} minutes.') pywikibot.sleep(delta.seconds) wait = True except EditConflictError: '*** Loading again because of edit conflict.\n') except NoPageError: '*** The sandbox is not existent, skipping.') continue if self.opt.hours < 0:'\nDone.') return if not wait: if self.opt.hours < 1.0: f'\nSleeping {self.opt.hours * 60} minutes, now {now}') else: f'\nSleeping {self.opt.hours} hours, now {now}') pywikibot.sleep(self.opt.hours * 60 * 60)
[docs]def main(*args: str) -> None: """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. :param args: command line arguments """ opts = {} local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory() for arg in local_args: opt, _, value = arg.partition(':') if opt.startswith('-'): opt = opt[1:] else: continue if opt == 'hours': opts[opt] = float(value) elif opt == 'delay': opts[opt] = int(value) elif opt == 'text': opts[opt] = value or pywikibot.input( 'What text do you want to substitute?') elif opt == 'summary': opts[opt] = value or pywikibot.input('Enter the summary:') else: gen_factory.handle_arg(arg) generator = gen_factory.getCombinedGenerator() bot = SandboxBot(generator=generator, **opts)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()