Source code for scripts.cosmetic_changes

This module can do slight modifications to tidy a wiki page's source code.

The changes are not supposed to change the look of the rendered wiki page.

The following parameters are supported:

-always           Don't prompt you for each replacement. Warning (see below)
                  has not to be confirmed. ATTENTION: Use this with care!

-async            Put page on queue to be saved to wiki asynchronously.

-summary:XYZ      Set the summary message text for the edit to XYZ, bypassing
                  the predefined message texts with original and replacements

-ignore:          Ignores if an error occurred and either skips the page or
                  only that method. It can be set to:
                  all - dos not ignore errors
                  match - ignores ISBN related errors (default)
                  method - ignores fixing method errors
                  page - ignores page related errors

The following generators and filters are supported:



For further information see pywikibot/
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2006-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import pywikibot
from pywikibot import config, pagegenerators
from import AutomaticTWSummaryBot, ExistingPageBot
from pywikibot.cosmetic_changes import CANCEL, CosmeticChangesToolkit
from pywikibot.exceptions import InvalidPageError

warning = """
ATTENTION: You can run this script as a stand-alone for testing purposes.
However, the changes that are made are only minor, and other users
might get angry if you fill the version histories and watchlists with such
irrelevant changes. Some wikis prohibit stand-alone running."""

docuReplacements = {
    '&params;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp,
    '&warning;': warning,

[docs]class CosmeticChangesBot(AutomaticTWSummaryBot, ExistingPageBot): """Cosmetic changes bot.""" use_redirects = False summary_key = 'cosmetic_changes-standalone' update_options = { 'async': False, 'summary': '', 'ignore': CANCEL.MATCH, }
[docs] def treat_page(self) -> None: """Treat page with the cosmetic toolkit. .. versionchanged:: 7.0 skip if InvalidPageError is raised """ cc_toolkit = CosmeticChangesToolkit(self.current_page, ignore=self.opt.ignore) try: old_text = self.current_page.text except InvalidPageError as e: pywikibot.error(e) return new_text = cc_toolkit.change(old_text) if new_text is not False: self.put_current(new_text=new_text, summary=self.opt.summary, asynchronous=self.opt['async'])
[docs]def main(*args: str) -> None: """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. :param args: command line arguments """ options = {} # Process global args and prepare generator args parser gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory() local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) local_args = gen_factory.handle_args(local_args) for arg in local_args: opt, _, value = arg.partition(':') if opt == '-summary': options['summary'] = value elif opt in ('-always', '-async'): options[opt[1:]] = True elif opt == '-ignore': value = value.upper() try: options['ignore'] = getattr(CANCEL, value) except AttributeError: raise ValueError(f'Unknown ignore mode {value!r}!') gen = gen_factory.getCombinedGenerator(preload=True) if not gen) \ and (options.get('always') or config.simulate or pywikibot.input_yn( warning + '\nDo you really want to continue?', default=False, automatic_quit=False)): bot = CosmeticChangesBot(generator=gen, **options)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()