Source code for scripts.download_dump

This bot downloads dump from

This script supports the following command line parameters:

    -filename:#     The name of the file (e.g. abstract.xml)

    -storepath:#    The stored file's path.

    -dumpdate:#     The dumpdate date of the dump (default to `latest`)
                    formatted as YYYYMMDD.

.. note:: This script is a
   :py:obj:`ConfigParserBot <bot.ConfigParserBot>`. All options
   can be set within a settings file which is scripts.ini by default.
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2017-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import binascii
import os.path
from http import HTTPStatus
from os import remove, replace, symlink, urandom

import pywikibot
from import Bot, ConfigParserBot
from pywikibot.comms.http import fetch

[docs]class DownloadDumpBot(Bot, ConfigParserBot): """Download dump bot. .. versionchanged:: 7.0 DownloadDumpBot is a ConfigParserBot """ available_options = { 'wikiname': '', 'filename': '', 'storepath': './', 'dumpdate': 'latest', }
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dump_name(db_name, typ, dumpdate): """Check if dump file exists locally in a Toolforge server.""" db_path = f'/public/dumps/public/{db_name}/' if os.path.isdir(db_path): dump_filepath_template = ( '/public/dumps/public/{db_name}/{date}/{db_name}-{date}-{typ}') if dumpdate != 'latest': dump_filepath = dump_filepath_template.format( db_name=db_name, date=dumpdate, typ=typ) if os.path.isfile(dump_filepath): return dump_filepath else: # Search for the "latest" dump dirs = [directory for directory in os.listdir(db_path) if directory.isdigit()] dates = map(int, dirs) dates = sorted(dates, reverse=True) for date in dates: dump_filepath = dump_filepath_template.format( db_name=db_name, date=date, typ=typ) if os.path.isfile(dump_filepath): return dump_filepath return None
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run bot.""" def convert_from_bytes(total_bytes): for unit in ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T']: if abs(total_bytes) < 1024: return str(total_bytes) + unit total_bytes = float(format(total_bytes / 1024.0, '.2f')) return str(total_bytes) + 'P''Downloading dump from ' + self.opt.wikiname) download_filename = '{wikiname}-{dumpdate}-{filename}'.format_map( self.opt) temp_filename = download_filename + '-' \ + binascii.b2a_hex(urandom(8)).decode('ascii') + '.part' file_final_storepath = os.path.join( self.opt.storepath, download_filename) file_current_storepath = os.path.join( self.opt.storepath, temp_filename) # toolforge_dump_filepath = self.get_dump_name( self.opt.wikiname, self.opt.filename, self.opt.dumpdate) # First iteration for atomic download with temporary file # Second iteration for fallback non-atomic download for non_atomic in range(2): try: if toolforge_dump_filepath:'Symlinking file from ' + toolforge_dump_filepath) if non_atomic and os.path.exists(file_final_storepath): remove(file_final_storepath) symlink(toolforge_dump_filepath, file_current_storepath) else: url = '{}/{}/{}'.format( self.opt.wikiname, self.opt.dumpdate, download_filename)'Downloading file from ' + url) response = fetch(url, stream=True) if response.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK: if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND: 'File with name {filename!r}, from dumpdate ' '{dumpdate!r}, and wiki {wikiname!r} ({url}) ' "isn't available in the Wikimedia Dumps" .format(url=url, **self.opt)) else: HTTPStatus(response.status_code).description) return with open(file_current_storepath, 'wb') as result_file: total = int(response.headers['content-length']) if total == -1: pywikibot.warning("'content-length' missing in " 'response headers') downloaded = 0 parts = 50 display_string = '' for data in response.iter_content(100 * 1024): result_file.write(data) if total <= 0: continue downloaded += len(data) done = int(parts * downloaded / total) display = map(convert_from_bytes, (downloaded, total)) prior_display = display_string display_string = '\r|{}{}|{}{}/{}'.format( '=' * done, '-' * (parts - done), ' ' * 5, *display) # Add whitespace to cover up prior bar display_string += ' ' * ( len(prior_display.rstrip()) - len(display_string.rstrip())), newline=False) # Rename the temporary file to the target file # if the download completes successfully if not non_atomic: replace(file_current_storepath, file_final_storepath) break except OSError as e: pywikibot.error(e) try: remove(file_current_storepath) except OSError as e: pywikibot.error(e) # If the atomic download fails, try without a temporary file # If the non-atomic download also fails, exit the script if non_atomic: return'Cannot make temporary file, ' 'falling back to non-atomic download') file_current_storepath = file_final_storepath'Done! File stored as ' + file_final_storepath)
[docs]def main(*args: str) -> None: """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. :param args: command line arguments """ opts = {} unknown_args = [] local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) for arg in local_args: option, _, value = arg.partition(':') if option.startswith('-'): option = option[1:] if option == 'filename': opts[option] = value or pywikibot.input('Enter the filename: ') continue if option == 'storepath': opts[option] = os.path.abspath(value) or pywikibot.input( 'Enter the store path: ') continue if option == 'dumpdate': opts[option] = value or pywikibot.input( 'Enter the dumpdate of the dump: ') continue unknown_args.append(arg) missing = [] if 'filename' not in opts: missing.append('-filename') if, unknown_parameters=unknown_args): return site = pywikibot.Site() opts['wikiname'] = site.dbName() bot = DownloadDumpBot(**opts)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()