Script to check language links for general pages.
Uses existing translations of a page, plus hints from the command line, to
download the equivalent pages from other languages. All of such pages are
downloaded as well and checked for interwiki links recursively until there are
no more links that are encountered. A rationalization process then selects the
right interwiki links, and if this is unambiguous, the interwiki links in the
original page will be automatically updated and the modified page uploaded.
These command-line arguments can be used to specify which pages to work on:
-days: Like -years, but runs through all date pages. Stops at
Dec 31. If the argument is given in the form -days:X,
it will start at month no. X through Dec 31. If the
argument is simply given as -days, it will run from
Jan 1 through Dec 31. E.g. for -days:9 it will run
from Sep 1 through Dec 31.
-years: run on all year pages in numerical order. Stop at year 2050.
If the argument is given in the form -years:XYZ, it
will run from [[XYZ]] through [[2050]]. If XYZ is a
negative value, it is interpreted as a year BC. If the
argument is simply given as -years, it will run from 1
through 2050.
This implies -noredirect.
-new: Work on the 100 newest pages. If given as -new:x, will work
on the x newest pages.
When multiple -namespace parameters are given, x pages are
inspected, and only the ones in the selected name spaces are
processed. Use -namespace:all for all namespaces. Without
-namespace, only article pages are processed.
This implies -noredirect.
-restore: restore a set of "dumped" pages the bot was working on
when it terminated. The dump file will be subsequently
-restore:all restore a set of "dumped" pages of all dumpfiles to a given
family remaining in the "interwiki-dumps" directory. All
these dump files will be subsequently removed. If restoring
process interrupts again, it saves all unprocessed pages in
one new dump file of the given site.
-continue: like restore, but after having gone through the dumped
pages, continue alphabetically starting at the last of the
dumped pages. The dump file will be subsequently removed.
Additionally, these arguments can be used to restrict the bot to certain pages:
-namespace:n Number or name of namespace to process. The parameter can be
used multiple times. It works in combination with all other
parameters, except for the -start parameter. If you e.g.
want to iterate over all categories starting at M, use
-number: used as -number:#, specifies that the bot should process
that amount of pages and then stop. This is only useful in
combination with -start. The default is not to stop.
-until: used as -until:title, specifies that the bot should
process pages in wiki default sort order up to, and
including, "title" and then stop. This is only useful in
combination with -start. The default is not to stop.
Note: do not specify a namespace, even if -start has one.
-bracket only work on pages that have (in the home language)
parenthesis in their title. All other pages are skipped.
(note: without ending colon)
-skipfile: used as -skipfile:filename, skip all links mentioned in
the given file. This does not work with -number!
-skipauto use to skip all pages that can be translated automatically,
like dates, centuries, months, etc.
(note: without ending colon)
-lack: used as -lack:xx with xx a language code: only work on pages
without links to language xx. You can also add a number nn
like -lack:xx:nn, so that the bot only works on pages with
at least nn interwiki links (the default value for nn is 1).
These arguments control miscellaneous bot behaviour:
-quiet Use this option to get less output
(note: without ending colon)
-async Put page on queue to be saved to wiki asynchronously. This
enables loading pages during saving throttling and gives a
better performance.
NOTE: For post-processing it always assumes that saving the
the pages was successful.
(note: without ending colon)
-summary: Set an additional action summary message for the edit. This
could be used for further explainings of the bot action.
This will only be used in non-autonomous mode.
-hintsonly The bot does not ask for a page to work on, even if none of
the above page sources was specified. This will make the
first existing page of -hint or -hinfile slip in as start
page, determining properties like namespace, disambiguation
state, and so on. When no existing page is found in the
hints, the bot does nothing.
Hitting return without input on the "Which page to check:"
prompt has the same effect as using -hintsonly.
Options like -back, -same or -wiktionary are in effect only
after a page has been found to work on.
(note: without ending colon)
These arguments are useful to provide hints to the bot:
-hint: used as -hint:de:Anweisung to give the bot a hint
where to start looking for translations. If no text
is given after the second ':', the name of the page
itself is used as the title for the hint, unless the
-hintnobracket command line option (see there) is also
There are some special hints, trying a number of languages
at once:
* all: All languages with at least ca. 100 articles
* 10: The 10 largest languages (sites with most
articles). Analogous for any other natural
* arab: All languages using the Arabic alphabet
* cyril: All languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet
* chinese: All Chinese dialects
* latin: All languages using the Latin script
* scand: All Scandinavian languages
Names of families that forward their interlanguage links
to the wiki family being worked upon can be used, they are:
* commons: Interlanguage links of Wikimedia Commons
* incubator: Links in pages on the Wikimedia Incubator
* meta: Interlanguage links of named pages on Meta
* species: Interlanguage links of the Wikispecies wiki
* strategy: Links in pages on Wikimedia Strategy wiki
* test: Take interwiki links from Test Wikipedia
* wikimania: Interwiki links of Wikimania
Languages, groups and families having the same page title
can be combined, as -hint:5,scand,sr,pt,commons:New_York
-hintfile: similar to -hint, except that hints are taken from the given
file, enclosed in [[]] each, instead of the command line.
-askhints: for each page one or more hints are asked. See hint: above
for the format, one can for example give "en:something" or
"20:" as hint.
-repository Include data repository
-same looks over all 'serious' languages for the same title.
-same is equivalent to -hint:all:
(note: without ending colon)
-wiktionary: similar to -same, but will ONLY accept names that are
identical to the original. Also, if the title is not
capitalized, it will only go through other wikis without
automatic capitalization.
-untranslated: works normally on pages with at least one interlanguage
link; asks for hints for pages that have none.
-untranslatedonly: same as -untranslated, but pages which already have a
translation are skipped. Hint: do NOT use this in
combination with -start without a -number limit, because
you will go through the whole alphabet before any queries
are performed!
-showpage when asking for hints, show the first bit of the text
of the page always, rather than doing so only when being
asked for (by typing '?'). Only useful in combination
with a hint-asking option like -untranslated, -askhints
or -untranslatedonly.
(note: without ending colon)
-noauto Do not use the automatic translation feature for years and
dates, only use found links and hints.
(note: without ending colon)
-hintnobracket used to make the bot strip everything in last brackets,
and surrounding spaces from the page name, before it is
used in a -hint:xy: where the page name has been left out,
or -hint:all:, -hint:10:, etc. without a name, or
an -askhint reply, where only a language is given.
These arguments define how much user confirmation is required:
-autonomous run automatically, do not ask any questions. If a question
-auto to an operator is needed, write the name of the page
to autonomous_problems.dat and continue on the next page.
(note: without ending colon)
-confirm ask for confirmation before any page is changed on the
live wiki. Without this argument, additions and
unambiguous modifications are made without confirmation.
(note: without ending colon)
-force do not ask permission to make "controversial" changes,
like removing a language because none of the found
alternatives actually exists.
(note: without ending colon)
-cleanup like -force but only removes interwiki links to non-existent
or empty pages.
-select ask for each link whether it should be included before
changing any page. This is useful if you want to remove
invalid interwiki links and if you do multiple hints of
which some might be correct and others incorrect. Combining
-select and -confirm is possible, but seems like overkill.
(note: without ending colon)
These arguments specify in which way the bot should follow interwiki links:
-noredirect do not follow redirects nor category redirects.
(note: without ending colon)
-initialredirect work on its target if a redirect or category redirect is
entered on the command line or by a generator (note: without
ending colon). It is recommended to use this option with the
-movelog pagegenerator.
-neverlink: used as -neverlink:xx where xx is a language code:
Disregard any links found to language xx. You can also
specify a list of languages to disregard, separated by
-ignore: used as -ignore:xx:aaa where xx is a language code, and
aaa is a page title to be ignored.
-ignorefile: similar to -ignore, except that the pages are taken from
the given file instead of the command line.
-localright do not follow interwiki links from other pages than the
starting page. (Warning! Should be used very sparingly,
only when you are sure you have first gotten the interwiki
links on the starting page exactly right).
(note: without ending colon)
-hintsareright do not follow interwiki links to sites for which hints
on existing pages are given. Note that, hints given
interactively, via the -askhint command line option,
are only effective once they have been entered, thus
interwiki links on the starting page are followed
regardess of hints given when prompted.
(Warning! Should be used with caution!)
(note: without ending colon)
-back only work on pages that have no backlink from any other
language; if a backlink is found, all work on the page
will be halted. (note: without ending colon)
The following arguments are only important for users who have accounts for
multiple languages, and specify on which sites the bot should modify pages:
-localonly only work on the local wiki, not on other wikis in the
family I have a login at. (note: without ending colon)
-limittwo only update two pages - one in the local wiki (if logged-in)
and one in the top available one.
For example, if the local page has links to de and fr,
this option will make sure that only the local site and
the de: (larger) sites are updated. This option is useful
to quickly set two way links without updating all of the
wiki families sites.
(note: without ending colon)
-whenneeded works like limittwo, but other languages are changed in the
following cases:
* If there are no interwiki links at all on the page
* If an interwiki link must be removed
* If an interwiki link must be changed and there has been
a conflict for this page
Optionally, -whenneeded can be given an additional number
(for example -whenneeded:3), in which case other languages
will be changed if there are that number or more links to
change or add. (note: without ending colon)
The following arguments influence how many pages the bot works on at once:
-array: The number of pages the bot tries to be working on at once.
If the number of pages loaded is lower than this number,
a new set of pages is loaded from the starting wiki. The
default is 100, but can be changed in the config variable
-query: The maximum number of pages that the bot will load at once.
Default value is 50.
Some configuration option can be used to change the working of this bot:
interwiki_min_subjects: the minimum amount of subjects that should be
processed at the same time.
interwiki_backlink: if set to True, all problems in foreign wikis will
be reported
interwiki_shownew: should interwiki.py display every new link it discovers?
interwiki_graph: output a graph PNG file on conflicts? You need pydot for
this: https://pypi.org/project/pydot/
interwiki_graph_format: the file format for interwiki graphs
without_interwiki: save file with local articles without interwikis
All these options can be changed through the user configuration file.
If interwiki.py is terminated before it is finished, it will write a dump file
to the interwiki-dumps subdirectory. The program will read it if invoked with
the "-restore" or "-continue" option, and finish all the subjects in that list.
After finishing the dump file will be deleted. To run the interwiki-bot on all
pages on a language, run it with option "-start:!", and if it takes so long
that you have to break it off, use "-continue" next time.
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2003-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import codecs
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from contextlib import suppress
from textwrap import fill
from typing import Optional
import pywikibot
from pywikibot import (
from pywikibot.backports import Iterable
from pywikibot.bot import ListOption, OptionHandler, StandardOption
from pywikibot.cosmetic_changes import moved_links
from pywikibot.exceptions import (
from pywikibot.tools import first_upper
from pywikibot.tools.collections import SizedKeyCollection
docuReplacements = {
'¶ms;': pagegenerators.parameterHelp
[docs]class SaveError(Error):
"""An attempt to save a page with changed interwiki has failed."""
[docs]class LinkMustBeRemoved(SaveError):
"""An interwiki link has to be removed manually.
An interwiki link has to be removed, but this can't be done because
of user preferences or because the user chose not to change the page.
[docs]class GiveUpOnPage(Error):
"""User chose not to work on this page and its linked pages any more."""
# A list of template names in different languages.
# Pages which contain these shouldn't be changed.
ignoreTemplates = {
'_default': ['delete'],
'ar': ['تحرر', 'تحويل لين'],
'ary': ['كاتبدل دابا'],
'arz': ['بتتطور'],
'cs': ['Pracuje_se'],
'de': ['inuse', 'in use', 'in bearbeitung', 'inbearbeitung',
'löschen', 'sla',
'löschantrag', 'löschantragstext',
'obsolete schreibung', 'veraltete schreibweise'],
'en': ['inuse', 'softredirect'],
'fa': ['در دست ویرایش ۲', 'حذف سریع'],
'pdc': ['lösche'],
'zh': ['inuse'],
[docs]class InterwikiBotConfig:
"""Container class for interwikibot's settings."""
autonomous = False
confirm = False
always = False
select = False
followredirect = True
initialredirect = False
force = False
cleanup = False
remove = []
maxquerysize = 50
same = False
skip = set()
skipauto = False
untranslated = False
untranslatedonly = False
auto = True
neverlink = []
showtextlink = 0
showtextlinkadd = 300
localonly = False
limittwo = False
strictlimittwo = False
needlimit = 0
ignore = []
parenthesesonly = False
rememberno = False
followinterwiki = True
minsubjects = config.interwiki_min_subjects
nobackonly = False
askhints = False
hintnobracket = False
hints = []
hintsareright = False
lacklanguage = None
minlinks = 0
quiet = False
restore_all = False
asynchronous = False
summary = ''
repository = False
[docs] def note(self, text: str) -> None:
"""Output a notification message with.
The text will be printed only if conf.quiet isn't set.
:param text: text to be shown
if not self.quiet:
pywikibot.info('NOTE: ' + text)
[docs] def readOptions(self, option: str) -> bool:
"""Read all commandline parameters for the global container."""
arg, _, value = option.partition(':')
if not arg.startswith('-'):
return False
arg = arg[1:]
if arg == 'noauto':
self.auto = False
elif arg == 'hint':
elif arg == 'hintfile':
hintfilename = value or pywikibot.input(
'Please enter the hint filename:')
# hint or title ends either before | or before ]]
R = re.compile(r'\[\[(.+?)(?:\]\]|\|)')
with codecs.open(hintfilename, 'r', config.textfile_encoding) as f:
self.hints += R.findall(f.read())
elif arg == 'wiktionary':
self.same = 'wiktionary'
# Don't use auto-translation in -wiktionary mode
# where page titles must be the same
self.auto = False
elif arg == 'untranslatedonly':
self.untranslated = True
self.untranslatedonly = True
elif arg == 'askhints':
self.untranslated = True
self.untranslatedonly = False
self.askhints = True
elif arg in ('autonomous', 'auto'):
self.autonomous = True
elif arg == 'noredirect':
self.followredirect = False
elif arg == 'limittwo':
self.limittwo = True
self.strictlimittwo = True
elif arg == 'whenneeded':
self.limittwo = True
self.strictlimittwo = False
if value.isdigit():
self.needlimit = int(value)
elif arg == 'skipfile':
skip_page_gen = pagegenerators.TextIOPageGenerator(value)
del skip_page_gen
elif arg == 'neverlink':
self.neverlink += value.split(',')
elif arg == 'ignore':
self.ignore += [pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Site(), p)
for p in value.split(',')]
elif arg == 'ignorefile':
ignore_page_gen = pagegenerators.TextIOPageGenerator(value)
del ignore_page_gen
elif arg == 'showpage':
self.showtextlink += self.showtextlinkadd
elif arg == 'graph':
# override configuration
config.interwiki_graph = True
elif arg == 'bracket':
self.parenthesesonly = True
elif arg == 'localright':
self.followinterwiki = False
elif arg == 'array' and value.isdigit():
self.minsubjects = int(value)
elif arg == 'query' and value.isdigit():
self.maxquerysize = int(value)
elif arg == 'back':
self.nobackonly = True
elif arg == 'async':
self.asynchronous = True
elif arg == 'summary':
self.summary = value or pywikibot.input(
'What summary do you want to use?')
elif arg == 'lack':
self.lacklanguage, _, minlinks = value.partition(':')
self.minlinks = int(minlinks or 1)
elif arg in ('cleanup', 'confirm', 'force', 'hintnobracket',
'hintsareright', 'initialredirect', 'localonly', 'quiet',
'repository', 'same', 'select', 'skipauto',
assert hasattr(self, arg)
assert value == ''
setattr(self, arg, True)
return False
return True
[docs]class Subject(interwiki_graph.Subject):
Class to follow the progress of a single 'subject'.
(i.e. a page with all its translations)
Subject is a transitive closure of the binary relation on Page:
A formal way to compute that closure would be:
With P a set of pages, NL ('NextLevel') a function on sets defined as:
`NL(P) = { target | ∃ source ∈ P, target ∈ source.langlinks() }`
todo <- [origin]
done <- []
while todo != []:
pending <- todo
todo <-NL(pending) / done
done <- NL(pending) U done
return done
There is, however, one limitation that is induced by implementation:
to compute efficiently NL(P), one has to load the page contents of
pages in P.
(Not only the langlinks have to be parsed from each Page, but we also want
to know if the Page is a redirect, a disambiguation, etc...)
Because of this, the pages in pending have to be preloaded.
However, because the pages in pending are likely to be in several sites
we cannot "just" preload them as a batch.
Instead of doing "pending <- todo" at each iteration, we have to elect a
Site, and we put in pending all the pages from todo that belong to that
Code becomes::
todo <- {origin.site: [origin]}
done <- []
while todo != {}:
site <- electSite()
pending <- todo[site]
preloadpages(site, pending)
todo[site] <- NL(pending) / done
done <- NL(pending) U done
return done
Subject objects only operate on pages that should have been preloaded
before. In fact, at any time:
* todo contains new Pages that have not been loaded yet
* done contains Pages that have been loaded, and that have been treated.
* If batch preloadings are successful, Page._get() is never called from
this Object.
def __init__(self, origin=None, hints=None, conf=None) -> None:
Takes as arguments the Page on the home wiki
plus optionally a list of hints for translation
self.conf = conf
self.repoPage = None
# todo is a list of all pages that still need to be analyzed.
# Mark the origin page as todo.
self.todo = SizedKeyCollection('site')
if origin:
# done is a list of all pages that have been analyzed and that
# are known to belong to this subject.
self.done = SizedKeyCollection('site')
# This is a list of all pages that are currently scheduled for
# download.
self.pending = SizedKeyCollection('site')
if self.conf.hintsareright:
# This is a set of sites that we got hints to
self.hintedsites = set()
self.translate(hints, self.conf.hintsareright)
self.confirm = self.conf.confirm
self.problemfound = False
self.untranslated = None
self.hintsAsked = False
self.forcedStop = False
self.workonme = True
[docs] def getFoundDisambig(self, site):
Return the first disambiguation found.
If we found a disambiguation on the given site while working on the
subject, this method returns it. If several ones have been found, the
first one will be returned.
Otherwise, None will be returned.
for tree in [self.done, self.pending]:
for page in tree.filter(site):
if page.exists() and page.isDisambig():
return page
return None
[docs] def getFoundNonDisambig(self, site):
Return the first non-disambiguation found.
If we found a non-disambiguation on the given site while working on the
subject, this method returns it. If several ones have been found, the
first one will be returned.
Otherwise, None will be returned.
for tree in [self.done, self.pending]:
for page in tree.filter(site):
if page.exists() \
and not page.isDisambig() \
and not page.isRedirectPage() \
and not page.isCategoryRedirect():
return page
return None
[docs] def getFoundInCorrectNamespace(self, site):
Return the first page in the extended namespace.
If we found a page that has the expected namespace on the given site
while working on the subject, this method returns it. If several ones
have been found, the first one will be returned.
Otherwise, None will be returned.
for tree in [self.done, self.pending, self.todo]:
for page in tree.filter(site):
# -hintsonly: before we have an origin page, any namespace will
# do.
if self.origin \
and page.namespace() == self.origin.namespace() \
and page.exists() \
and not page.isRedirectPage() \
and not page.isCategoryRedirect():
return page
return None
[docs] def translate(self, hints=None, keephintedsites: bool = False) -> None:
"""Add the given translation hints to the todo list."""
if self.conf.same and self.origin:
if hints:
hints += ['all:']
hints = ['all:']
site = self.origin.site
site = pywikibot.Site()
links = titletranslate.translate(
for link in links:
page = pywikibot.Page(link)
self.found_in[page] = [None]
if keephintedsites:
[docs] def openSites(self):
Yields (site, count) pairs:
* site is a site where we still have work to do on
* count is the number of items in that Site that need work on
return self.todo.iter_values_len()
[docs] def whatsNextPageBatch(self, site):
Return the next page batch.
By calling this method, you 'promise' this instance that you will
preload all the 'site' Pages that are in the todo list.
This routine will return a list of pages that can be treated.
# Bug-check: Isn't there any work still in progress? We can't work on
# different sites at a time!
if self.pending:
raise RuntimeError(
"BUG: Can't start to work on {}; still working on {}"
.format(site, self.pending))
# Prepare a list of suitable pages
result = []
for page in self.todo.filter(site):
# If there are any, return them. Otherwise, nothing is in progress.
return result
[docs] def makeForcedStop(self, counter) -> None:
"""End work on the page before the normal end."""
for site, count in self.todo.iter_values_len():
counter.minus(site, count)
self.forcedStop = True
[docs] def addIfNew(self, page, counter, linkingPage) -> bool:
Add the pagelink given to the todo list, if it hasn't been seen yet.
If it is added, update the counter accordingly.
Also remembers where we found the page, regardless of whether it had
already been found before or not.
Returns True if the page is new.
if self.forcedStop:
return False
# cannot check backlink before we have an origin page
if self.conf.nobackonly and self.origin and page == self.origin:
pywikibot.info(f'{page} has a backlink from {linkingPage}.')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
pywikibot.info('Found a backlink for a page.')
return False
if page in self.found_in:
# not new
return False
self.found_in[page] = [linkingPage]
return True
[docs] def skipPage(self, page, target, counter):
"""Return whether page has to be skipped."""
return self.isIgnored(target) \
or self.namespaceMismatch(page, target, counter) \
or self.wiktionaryMismatch(target)
[docs] def namespaceMismatch(self, linkingPage, linkedPage, counter) -> bool:
Check whether or not the given page has a different namespace.
Returns True if the namespaces are different and the user
has selected not to follow the linked page.
if linkedPage in self.found_in:
# We have seen this page before, don't ask again.
return False
if self.origin and self.origin.namespace() != linkedPage.namespace():
# Allow for a mapping between different namespaces
crossFrom = self.origin.site.family.crossnamespace.get(
self.origin.namespace(), {})
crossTo = crossFrom.get(self.origin.site.lang,
crossFrom.get('_default', {}))
nsmatch = crossTo.get(linkedPage.site.lang,
crossTo.get('_default', []))
if linkedPage.namespace() in nsmatch:
return False
if self.conf.autonomous:
'NOTE: Ignoring link from page {} in namespace'
' {} to page {} in namespace {}.'
.format(linkingPage, linkingPage.namespace(), linkedPage,
# Fill up found_in, so that we will not write this notice
self.found_in[linkedPage] = [linkingPage]
return True
preferredPage = self.getFoundInCorrectNamespace(linkedPage.site)
if preferredPage:
'NOTE: Ignoring link from page {} in namespace {} to '
'page {} in namespace {} because page {} in the '
'correct namespace has already been found.'
.format(linkingPage, linkingPage.namespace(),
linkedPage, linkedPage.namespace(),
return True
choice = pywikibot.input_choice(
'WARNING: {} is in namespace "{}", but {} is in '
'namespace "{}". Follow it anyway?'
.format(self.origin, self.origin.namespace(),
linkedPage, linkedPage.namespace()),
[('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n'),
('Add an alternative', 'a'), ('give up', 'g')],
if choice != 'y':
# Fill up found_in, so that we will not ask again
self.found_in[linkedPage] = [linkingPage]
if choice == 'g':
elif choice == 'a':
newHint = pywikibot.input(
'Give the alternative for language {}, not '
'using a language code:'
if newHint:
alternativePage = pywikibot.Page(
linkedPage.site, newHint)
if alternativePage:
# add the page that was entered by the user
self.addIfNew(alternativePage, counter, None)
'NOTE: ignoring {} and its interwiki links'
return True
# same namespaces, no problem
# or no origin page yet, also no problem
return False
[docs] def wiktionaryMismatch(self, page) -> bool:
"""Check for ignoring pages."""
if self.origin and self.conf.same == 'wiktionary':
if page.title().lower() != self.origin.title().lower():
pywikibot.info(f'NOTE: Ignoring {page} for {self.origin} in '
f'wiktionary mode')
return True
if (page.title() != self.origin.title()
and self.origin.namespace().case == 'case-sensitive'
and page.namespace().case == 'case-sensitive'):
'NOTE: Ignoring {} for {} in wiktionary mode because both '
'languages are uncapitalized.'
.format(page, self.origin))
return True
return False
[docs] def disambigMismatch(self, page, counter):
Check whether the given page has a different disambiguation status.
Returns a tuple (skip, alternativePage).
skip is True if the pages have mismatching statuses and the bot
is either in autonomous mode, or the user chose not to use the
given page.
alternativePage is either None, or a page that the user has
chosen to use instead of the given page.
if not self.origin:
return (False, None) # any page matches til we have an origin page
if self.conf.autonomous:
if self.origin.isDisambig() and not page.isDisambig():
'NOTE: Ignoring link from disambiguation page {} to '
'non-disambiguation {}'.format(self.origin, page))
return (True, None)
if not self.origin.isDisambig() and page.isDisambig():
'NOTE: Ignoring link from non-disambiguation page {} to '
'disambiguation {}'.format(self.origin, page))
return (True, None)
choice = 'y'
if self.origin.isDisambig() and not page.isDisambig():
disambig = self.getFoundDisambig(page.site)
if disambig:
'NOTE: Ignoring non-disambiguation page {} for {} '
'because disambiguation page {} has already been '
.format(page, self.origin, disambig))
return (True, None)
choice = pywikibot.input_choice(
"WARNING: {} is a disambiguation page, but {} doesn't "
'seem to be one. Follow it anyway?'
.format(self.origin, page),
[('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n'),
('Add an alternative', 'a'), ('give up', 'g')],
elif not self.origin.isDisambig() and page.isDisambig():
nondisambig = self.getFoundNonDisambig(page.site)
if nondisambig:
'NOTE: Ignoring disambiguation page {} for {} because '
'non-disambiguation page {} has already been found.'
.format(page, self.origin, nondisambig))
return (True, None)
choice = pywikibot.input_choice(
"WARNING: {} doesn't seem to be a disambiguation "
'page, but {} is one. Follow it anyway?'
.format(self.origin, page),
[('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n'),
('Add an alternative', 'a'), ('give up', 'g')],
if choice == 'n':
return (True, None)
if choice == 'a':
newHint = pywikibot.input(
f'Give the alternative for language {page.site.lang}, '
f'not using a language code:')
alternativePage = pywikibot.Page(page.site, newHint)
return (True, alternativePage)
if choice == 'g':
return (True, None)
# We can follow the page.
return (False, None)
[docs] def isIgnored(self, page) -> bool:
"""Return True if pages is to be ignored."""
if page.site.lang in self.conf.neverlink:
pywikibot.info(f'Skipping link {page} to an ignored language')
return True
if page in self.conf.ignore:
pywikibot.info(f'Skipping link {page} to an ignored page')
return True
return False
[docs] def reportInterwikilessPage(self, page) -> None:
"""Report interwikiless page."""
self.conf.note('{} does not have any interwiki links'
if config.without_interwiki:
with codecs.open(
'a', 'utf-8') as f:
f.write(f'# {page} \n')
[docs] def askForHints(self, counter) -> None:
"""Ask for hints to other sites."""
if (not self.workonme # we don't work on it anyway
or not self.untranslated and not self.conf.askhints
or self.hintsAsked
or not self.origin
or not self.origin.exists()
or self.origin.isRedirectPage()
or self.origin.isCategoryRedirect()):
self.hintsAsked = True
if not self.conf.untranslated:
t = self.conf.showtextlink
if t:
while True:
newhint = pywikibot.input('Give a hint (? to see pagetext):')
if not newhint:
if newhint == '?':
t += self.conf.showtextlinkadd
elif ':' not in newhint:
'Please enter a hint in the format language:pagename '
'or type nothing if you do not have a hint.'))
links = titletranslate.translate(
for link in links:
page = pywikibot.Page(link)
self.addIfNew(page, counter, None)
if self.conf.hintsareright:
[docs] def redir_checked(self, page, counter):
"""Check and handle redirect. Return True if check is done."""
if page.isRedirectPage():
redirect_target = page.getRedirectTarget()
redir = ''
elif page.isCategoryRedirect():
redirect_target = page.getCategoryRedirectTarget()
redir = 'category '
return False
self.conf.note('{} is {}redirect to {}'
.format(page, redir, redirect_target))
if self.origin is None or page == self.origin:
# the 1st existig page becomes the origin page, if none was
# supplied
if self.conf.initialredirect:
# don't follow another redirect; it might be a self
# loop
if not redirect_target.isRedirectPage() \
and not redirect_target.isCategoryRedirect():
self.origin = redirect_target
# This is a redirect page to the origin. We don't need
# to follow the redirection.
# In this case we can also stop all hints!
for site, count in self.todo.iter_values_len():
counter.minus(site, count)
elif not self.conf.followredirect:
self.conf.note(f'not following {redir}redirects.')
elif page.isStaticRedirect():
self.conf.note(f'not following static {redir}redirects.')
elif (page.site.family == redirect_target.site.family
and not self.skipPage(page, redirect_target, counter)
and self.addIfNew(redirect_target, counter, page)
and config.interwiki_shownew):
pywikibot.info(f'{self.origin}: {page} gives new {redir}redirect '
return True
[docs] def check_page(self, page, counter) -> None:
"""Check whether any iw links should be added to the todo list."""
if not page.exists():
self.conf.note(f'{page} does not exist. Skipping.')
if page == self.origin:
# The page we are working on is the page that does not
# exist. No use in doing any work on it in that case.
for site, count in self.todo.iter_values_len():
counter.minus(site, count)
# In some rare cases it might be we already did check some
# 'automatic' links
if self.redir_checked(page, counter):
# must be behind the page.isRedirectPage() part
# otherwise a redirect error would be raised
if page_empty_check(page):
self.conf.note(f'{page} is empty. Skipping.')
if page == self.origin:
for site, count in self.todo.iter_values_len():
counter.minus(site, count)
self.origin = None
if page.section():
self.conf.note(f'{page} is a page section. Skipping.')
# Page exists, isn't a redirect, and is a plain link (no section)
if self.origin is None:
# the 1st existig page becomes the origin page, if none was
# supplied
self.origin = page
iw = page.langlinks()
except UnknownSiteError:
self.conf.note(f'site {page.site} does not exist.')
(skip, alternativePage) = self.disambigMismatch(page, counter)
if skip:
pywikibot.info(f'NOTE: ignoring {page} and its interwiki links')
iw = ()
if alternativePage:
# add the page that was entered by the user
self.addIfNew(alternativePage, counter, None)
duplicate = None
for p in self.done.filter(page.site):
if p != page and p.exists() \
and not p.isRedirectPage() and not p.isCategoryRedirect():
duplicate = p
if self.origin == page:
self.untranslated = not iw
if self.conf.untranslatedonly:
# Ignore the interwiki links.
iw = ()
if self.conf.lacklanguage \
and self.conf.lacklanguage in (link.site.lang for link in iw):
iw = ()
self.workonme = False
if len(iw) < self.conf.minlinks:
iw = ()
self.workonme = False
elif self.conf.autonomous and duplicate and not skip:
pywikibot.info(f'Stopping work on {self.origin} because duplicate '
f'pages {duplicate} and {page} are found')
with codecs.open(
'a', 'utf-8') as f:
f.write('* {} {{Found more than one link for {}}}'
.format(self.origin, page.site))
if config.interwiki_graph and config.interwiki_graph_url:
filename = interwiki_graph.getFilename(
f.write(' [{}{} graph]'
.format(config.interwiki_graph_url, filename))
# FIXME: What errors are we catching here?
except Exception:
'File autonomous_problems.dat open or corrupted! '
'Try again with -restore.')
iw = ()
for link in iw:
linkedPage = pywikibot.Page(link)
if self.conf.hintsareright and linkedPage.site in self.hintedsites:
'NOTE: {}: {} extra interwiki on hinted site ignored {}'
.format(self.origin, page, linkedPage))
if not self.skipPage(page, linkedPage, counter) \
and (self.conf.followinterwiki or page == self.origin) \
and self.addIfNew(linkedPage, counter, page):
# It is new. Also verify whether it is the second on the
# same site
lpsite = linkedPage.site
for prevPage in self.found_in:
if prevPage != linkedPage and prevPage.site == lpsite:
# Still, this could be "no problem" as
# either may be a redirect to the other.
# No way to find out quickly!
'NOTE: {}: {} gives duplicate interwiki on same '
'site {}'.format(self.origin, page, linkedPage))
if config.interwiki_shownew:
'{}: {} gives new interwiki {}'
.format(self.origin, page, linkedPage))
if self.forcedStop:
[docs] def batchLoaded(self, counter) -> None:
Notify that the promised batch of pages was loaded.
This is called by a worker to tell us that the promised batch of
pages was loaded.
In other words, all the pages in self.pending have already
been preloaded.
The only argument is an instance of a counter class, that has methods
minus() and plus() to keep counts of the total work todo.
# Loop over all the pages that should have been taken care of
for page in self.pending:
# Mark the page as done
# make sure that none of the linked items is an auto item
if self.conf.skipauto:
dictName, year = page.autoFormat()
if dictName is not None:
if self.origin:
'{}:{} relates to {}:{}, which is an '
'auto entry {}({})'
.format(self.origin.site.lang, self.origin,
page.site.lang, page, dictName, year))
# Abort processing if the bot is running in autonomous mode
if self.conf.autonomous:
# Register this fact at the todo-counter.
# Now check whether any interwiki links should be added to the
# todo list.
self.check_page(page, counter)
# These pages are no longer 'in progress'
# Check whether we need hints and the user offered to give them
if self.untranslated and not self.hintsAsked:
[docs] def isDone(self):
"""Return True if all the work for this subject has completed."""
return not self.todo
[docs] def problem(self, txt: str, createneed: bool = True) -> None:
"""Report a problem with the resolution of this subject."""
self.confirm = True
if createneed:
self.problemfound = True
[docs] def whereReport(self, page, indent: int = 4) -> None:
"""Report found interlanguage links with conflicts."""
for page2 in sorted(self.found_in[page]):
if page2 is None:
pywikibot.info(' ' * indent + 'Given as a hint.')
pywikibot.info(' ' * indent + str(page2))
[docs] def assemble(self):
"""Assemble language links."""
# No errors have been seen so far, except....
errorCount = self.problemfound
# Build up a dictionary of all pages found, with the site as key.
# Each value will be a list of pages.
new = defaultdict(list)
for page in self.done:
if page.exists() and not page.isRedirectPage() \
and not page.isCategoryRedirect():
site = page.site
if site.family.interwiki_forward:
# TODO: allow these cases to be propagated!
# inhibit the forwarding families pages to be updated.
if site != self.origin.site:
elif page != self.origin:
self.problem(f'Found link to {page}')
errorCount += 1
# See if new{} contains any problematic values
for site, pages in new.items():
if len(pages) > 1:
errorCount += 1
self.problem(f'Found more than one link for {site}')
if not errorCount and not self.conf.select:
# no errors, so all lists have only one item
return {site: pages[0] for site, pages in new.items()}
# There are any errors.
if config.interwiki_graph:
graphDrawer = interwiki_graph.GraphDrawer(self)
# We don't need to continue with the rest if we're in autonomous
# mode.
if self.conf.autonomous:
return None
result = {}
# First loop over the ones that have more solutions
for site, pages in new.items():
if len(pages) <= 1:
pywikibot.info('=' * 30)
pywikibot.info(f'Links to {site}')
for i, page2 in enumerate(pages, 1):
pywikibot.info(f' ({i}) Found link to {page2} in:')
self.whereReport(page2, indent=8)
# TODO: allow answer to repeat previous or go back after a mistake
answer = pywikibot.input_choice(
'Which variant should be used?',
StandardOption('none', 'n'),
StandardOption('give up', 'g')))
if answer == 'g':
return None
if answer != 'n':
result[site] = answer[1]
# Loop over the ones that have one solution, so are in principle
# not a problem.
acceptall = False
for site, pages in new.items():
if len(pages) != 1:
if not acceptall:
pywikibot.info('=' * 30)
page2 = pages[0]
pywikibot.info(f'Found link to {page2} in:')
self.whereReport(page2, indent=4)
# TODO: allow answer to repeat previous or go back
# after a mistake
answer = 'a' if acceptall else pywikibot.input_choice(
'What should be done?',
[('accept', 'a'), ('reject', 'r'), ('give up', 'g'),
('accept all', 'l')], 'a', automatic_quit=False)
if answer == 'l': # accept all
acceptall = True
answer = 'a'
if answer == 'a': # accept this one
result[site] = pages[0]
elif answer == 'g': # give up
return None
# else reject if None acceptable
return result
[docs] def finish(self):
Round up the subject, making any necessary changes.
This should be called exactly once after the todo list has gone empty.
if not self.isDone():
raise Exception('Bugcheck: finish called before done')
if not self.workonme or not self.origin:
if self.origin.isRedirectPage() or self.origin.isCategoryRedirect():
if not self.untranslated and self.conf.untranslatedonly:
if self.forcedStop: # autonomous with problem
pywikibot.info(f'======Aborted processing {self.origin}======')
[docs] def post_processing(self):
"""Some finishing processes to be done."""
pywikibot.info(f'======Post-processing {self.origin}======')
# Assemble list of accepted interwiki links
new = self.assemble()
if new is None: # User said give up
pywikibot.info(f'======Aborted processing {self.origin}======')
# Make sure new contains every page link, including the page we are
# processing
# TODO: should be move to assemble()
# replaceLinks will skip the site it's working on.
# TODO: make this possible as well.
if self.origin.site not in new \
and not self.origin.site.family.interwiki_forward:
new[self.origin.site] = self.origin
updatedSites = []
# Process all languages here
self.conf.always = False
if self.conf.limittwo:
self.process_limit_two(new, updatedSites)
self.process_unlimited(new, updatedSites)
# don't report backlinks for pages we already changed
if config.interwiki_backlink:
self.reportBacklinks(new, updatedSites)
[docs] def process_limit_two(self, new, updated):
"""Post process limittwo."""
lclSite = self.origin.site
lclSiteDone = False
frgnSiteDone = False
for code in lclSite.family.languages_by_size:
site = pywikibot.Site(code, lclSite.family)
if not lclSiteDone and site == lclSite \
or (not frgnSiteDone and site != lclSite and site in new):
if site == lclSite:
lclSiteDone = True # even if we fail the update
if (site.family.name in config.usernames
and site.code in config.usernames[site.family.name]):
if self.replaceLinks(new[site], new):
if site != lclSite:
frgnSiteDone = True
except SaveError:
except GiveUpOnPage:
elif (not self.conf.strictlimittwo
and site in new and site != lclSite):
old = {}
for link in new[site].iterlanglinks():
page = pywikibot.Page(link)
old[page.site] = page
except NoPageError:
pywikibot.error(f'{new[site]} no longer exists?')
*_, adding, removing, modifying = compareLanguages(
old, new, lclSite, self.conf.summary)
if (removing and not self.conf.autonomous
or modifying and self.problemfound
or not old
or (self.conf.needlimit
and len(adding) + len(modifying)
>= self.conf.needlimit + 1)):
if self.replaceLinks(new[site], new):
except (NoUsernameError, SaveError):
except GiveUpOnPage:
[docs] def process_unlimited(self, new, updated):
"""Post process unlimited."""
for (site, page) in new.items():
# if we have an account for this site
if site.family.name in config.usernames \
and site.code in config.usernames[site.family.name] \
and not site.has_data_repository:
# Try to do the changes
if self.replaceLinks(page, new):
# Page was changed
except SaveError:
except GiveUpOnPage:
[docs] def replaceLinks(self, page, newPages) -> bool:
"""Return True if saving was successful."""
# In this case only continue on the Page we started with
if self.conf.localonly and page != self.origin:
raise SaveError('-localonly and page != origin')
if page.section():
# This is not a page, but a subpage. Do not edit it.
f'Not editing {page}: not doing interwiki on subpages')
raise SaveError('Link has a #section')
pagetext = page.get()
except NoPageError:
pywikibot.info(f'Not editing {page}: page does not exist')
raise SaveError("Page doesn't exist")
if page_empty_check(page):
pywikibot.info(f'Not editing {page}: page is empty')
raise SaveError('Page is empty.')
# clone original newPages dictionary, so that we can modify it to the
# local page's needs
new = newPages.copy()
interwikis = [pywikibot.Page(link) for link in page.iterlanglinks()]
# remove interwiki links to ignore
for iw in re.finditer(r'<!-- *\[\[(.*?:.*?)\]\] *-->', pagetext):
with suppress(KeyError,
ignorepage = pywikibot.Page(page.site, iw.groups()[0])
if new[ignorepage.site] == ignorepage \
and ignorepage.site != page.site:
param = {'to': ignorepage, 'from': page}
if ignorepage not in interwikis:
pywikibot.info('Ignoring link to {to} for {from}'
'NOTE: Not removing interwiki from {from} to '
'{to} (exists both commented and non-commented)'
# sanity check - the page we are fixing must be the only one for that
# site.
pltmp = new[page.site]
if pltmp != page:
f'{page} is not in the list of new links! Found {pltmp}.')
raise SaveError('BUG: sanity check failed')
# Avoid adding an iw link back to itself
del new[page.site]
# Do not add interwiki links to foreign families that page.site() does
# not forward to
for stmp in new.keys():
if stmp.family != page.site.family \
and stmp.family.name != page.site.family.interwiki_forward:
del new[stmp]
# Put interwiki links into a map
old = {p.site: p for p in interwikis}
# Check what needs to get done
mods, mcomment, adding, removing, modifying = compareLanguages(
old, new, page.site, self.conf.summary)
# When running in autonomous mode without -force switch, make sure we
# don't remove any items, but allow addition of the new ones
if self.conf.autonomous and not self.conf.force and removing:
for rmsite in removing:
# Sometimes sites have an erroneous link to itself as an
# interwiki
if rmsite == page.site:
rmPage = old[rmsite]
# put it to new means don't delete it
if (not self.conf.cleanup
or str(rmPage) not in self.conf.remove):
new[rmsite] = rmPage
'{} is either deleted or has a mismatching '
'disambiguation state.'.format(rmPage))
# Re-Check what needs to get done
mods, mcomment, adding, removing, modifying = compareLanguages(
old, new, page.site, self.conf.summary)
if not mods:
self.conf.note(f'No changes needed on page {page}')
return False
pywikibot.info('<<lightpurple>>Updating links on page {}.'
pywikibot.info(f'Changes to be made: {mods}')
oldtext = page.get()
template = (page.namespace() == 10)
newtext = textlib.replaceLanguageLinks(oldtext, new,
# This is for now. Later there should be different funktions for each
# kind
if not botMayEdit(page):
pywikibot.info(f'SKIPPING: {page} ', newline=False)
if template:
msg = 'should have interwiki links on subpage.'
msg = 'is under construction or to be deleted.'
return False
if newtext == oldtext:
return False
pywikibot.showDiff(oldtext, newtext)
# Determine whether we need permission to submit
ask = False
# Allow for special case of a self-pointing interwiki link
if removing and removing != [page.site]:
self.problem('Found incorrect link to {} in {}'
.format(', '.join(x.code for x in removing), page),
ask = True
if self.conf.force or self.conf.cleanup:
ask = False
if self.conf.confirm and not self.conf.always:
ask = True
if not ask:
# If we do not need to ask, allow
answer = 'y'
elif self.conf.autonomous:
# If we cannot ask, deny permission
answer = 'n'
else: # If we need to ask, do so
answer = pywikibot.input_choice('Submit?',
[('Yes', 'y'), ('No', 'n'),
('open in Browser', 'b'),
('Give up', 'g'),
('Always', 'a')],
if answer == 'b':
return True
if answer == 'a':
# don't ask for the rest of this subject
self.conf.always = True
answer = 'y'
if answer == 'g':
raise GiveUpOnPage('User asked us to give up')
# If we got permission to submit, do so
if answer != 'y':
raise LinkMustBeRemoved(
'Found incorrect link to {} in {}'
.format(', '.join(x.code for x in removing), page))
self.conf.note('Updating live wiki...')
timeout = 60
page.text = newtext
while True:
except NoCreateError as e:
return False
except LockedPageError:
pywikibot.info(f'Page {page} is locked. Skipping.')
raise SaveError('Locked')
except EditConflictError:
'ERROR putting page: An edit conflict occurred. '
'Giving up.')
raise SaveError('Edit conflict')
except SpamblacklistError as error:
pywikibot.info(f'ERROR putting page: {error.url} blacklisted '
f'by spamfilter. Giving up.')
raise SaveError('Spam filter')
except PageSaveRelatedError as error:
pywikibot.info(f'ERROR putting page: {error.args}')
raise SaveError('PageSaveRelatedError')
except OSError as error:
if timeout > 3600:
pywikibot.info(f'ERROR putting page: {error.args}')
f'Sleeping {timeout} seconds before trying again.')
timeout *= 2
except ServerError:
if timeout > 3600:
pywikibot.info('ERROR putting page: ServerError.')
f'Sleeping {timeout} seconds before trying again.')
timeout *= 2
return True
[docs] @staticmethod
def reportBacklinks(new, updatedSites) -> None:
Report missing back links. This will be called from finish() if needed.
updatedSites is a list that contains all sites we changed, to avoid
reporting of missing backlinks for pages we already fixed
# use sets because searching an element is faster than in lists
expectedPages = set(new.values())
expectedSites = set(new)
for site in expectedSites - set(updatedSites):
page = new[site]
if page.section():
linkedPages = {pywikibot.Page(link)
for link in page.iterlanglinks()}
except NoPageError:
pywikibot.warning('Page {} does no longer exist?!'
# To speed things up, create a dictionary which maps sites
# to pages. This assumes that there is only one interwiki
# link per language.
linkedPagesDict = {p.site: p for p in linkedPages}
for expectedPage in expectedPages - linkedPages:
if expectedPage == page:
linkedPage = linkedPagesDict[expectedPage.site]
'{}: {} does not link to {} but to {}'
page, expectedPage, linkedPage))
except KeyError:
if not expectedPage.site.is_data_repository():
pywikibot.warning('{}: {} does not link to {}'
page, expectedPage))
# Check for superfluous links
for linkedPage in linkedPages:
if linkedPage in expectedPages:
# Check whether there is an alternative page on
# that language.
# In this case, it was already reported above.
if linkedPage.site not in expectedSites:
pywikibot.warning('{}: {} links to incorrect {}'
page, linkedPage))
[docs]class InterwikiBot:
A class keeping track of a list of subjects.
It controls which pages are queried from which languages when.
def __init__(self, conf=None) -> None:
self.subjects = []
# We count how many pages still need to be loaded per site.
# This allows us to find out from which site to retrieve pages next
# in a way that saves bandwidth.
# sites are keys, integers are values.
# Modify this only via plus() and minus()!
self.counts = Counter()
self.pageGenerator = None
self.generated = 0
self.conf = conf
self.site = pywikibot.Site()
[docs] def add(self, page, hints=None) -> None:
"""Add a single subject to the list."""
subj = Subject(page, hints=hints, conf=self.conf)
for site, count in subj.openSites():
# Keep correct counters
self.plus(site, count)
[docs] def setPageGenerator(self, pageGenerator, number=None, until=None) -> None:
Add a generator of subjects.
Once the list of subjects gets too small,
this generator is called to produce more Pages.
self.pageGenerator = pageGenerator
self.generateNumber = number
self.generateUntil = until
def dump_titles(self):
"""Return generator of titles for dump file."""
return (s.origin.title(as_link=True) for s in self.subjects)
[docs] def generateMore(self, number) -> None:
"""Generate more subjects.
This is called internally when the
list of subjects becomes too small, but only if there is a
fs = self.firstSubject()
if fs:
self.conf.note(f'The first unfinished subject is {fs.origin}')
'NOTE: Number of pages queued is {}, trying to add {} more.'
.format(len(self.subjects), number))
for _ in range(number):
for page in self.pageGenerator:
if page in self.conf.skip:
pywikibot.info(f'Skipping: {page} is in the skip list')
if self.conf.skipauto:
dictName, year = page.autoFormat()
if dictName is not None:
pywikibot.info(f'Skipping: {page} is an auto entry '
# Only yield pages that have ( ) in titles
if self.conf.parenthesesonly and '(' not in page.title():
if page.isTalkPage():
pywikibot.info(f'Skipping: {page} is a talk page')
if page.namespace() == 10:
loc = None
with suppress(KeyError):
tmpl, loc = moved_links[page.site.code]
del tmpl
if loc is not None and loc in page.title():
'Skipping: {} is a templates subpage'
else: # generator stopped
if self.generateUntil:
until = self.generateUntil
page_namespace = (
if page_namespace.case == 'first-letter':
until = first_upper(until)
if page.title(with_ns=False) > until:
self.add(page, hints=self.conf.hints)
self.generated += 1
if self.generateNumber and self.generated >= self.generateNumber:
# for loop was exited by break statement
self.pageGenerator = None
[docs] def firstSubject(self) -> Optional[Subject]:
"""Return the first subject that is still being worked on."""
return self.subjects[0] if self.subjects else None
[docs] def maxOpenSite(self):
Return the site that has the most open queries plus the number.
If there is nothing left, return None.
Only languages that are TODO for the first Subject are returned.
if not self.firstSubject():
return None
oc = dict(self.firstSubject().openSites())
if not oc:
# The first subject is done. This might be a recursive call made
# because we have to wait before submitting another modification to
# go live. Select any language from counts.
oc = self.counts
if self.site in oc:
return self.site
for site, _ in self.counts.most_common():
if site in oc:
return site
return None
[docs] def selectQuerySite(self):
"""Select the site the next query should go out for."""
# How many home-language queries we still have?
mycount = self.counts[self.site]
# Do we still have enough subjects to work on for which the
# home language has been retrieved? This is rough, because
# some subjects may need to retrieve a second home-language page!
if len(self.subjects) - mycount < self.conf.minsubjects:
# Can we make more home-language queries by adding subjects?
if self.pageGenerator and mycount < self.conf.maxquerysize:
timeout = 60
while timeout < 3600:
self.generateMore(self.conf.maxquerysize - mycount)
except ServerError:
# Could not extract allpages special page?
pywikibot.error('could not retrieve more pages. '
'Will try again in {} seconds'
timeout *= 2
# If we have a few, getting the home language is a good thing.
if not self.conf.restore_all and self.counts[self.site] > 4:
return self.site
# If getting the home language doesn't make sense, see how many
# foreign page queries we can find.
return self.maxOpenSite()
[docs] def oneQuery(self) -> bool:
Perform one step in the solution process.
Returns True if pages could be preloaded, or false
# First find the best language to work on
site = self.selectQuerySite()
if site is None:
pywikibot.info('NOTE: Nothing left to do')
return False
# Now assemble a reasonable list of pages to get
subjectGroup = []
pageGroup = []
for subject in self.subjects:
# Promise the subject that we will work on the site.
# We will get a list of pages we can do.
pages = subject.whatsNextPageBatch(site)
if pages:
if len(pageGroup) >= self.conf.maxquerysize:
# We have found enough pages to fill the bandwidth.
if not pageGroup:
pywikibot.info('NOTE: Nothing left to do 2')
return False
# Get the content of the assembled list in one blow
gen = site.preloadpages(pageGroup, templates=True, langlinks=True,
for _ in gen:
# we don't want to do anything with them now. The
# page contents will be read via the Subject class.
# Tell all of the subjects that the promised work is done
for subject in subjectGroup:
return True
[docs] def queryStep(self) -> None:
"""Delete the ones that are done now."""
for i in range(len(self.subjects) - 1, -1, -1):
subj = self.subjects[i]
if subj.isDone():
del self.subjects[i]
[docs] def isDone(self) -> bool:
"""Check whether there is still more work to do."""
return not self.subjects and self.pageGenerator is None
[docs] def plus(self, site, count: int = 1) -> None:
"""Helper routine that the Subject class expects in a counter."""
self.counts[site] += count
[docs] def minus(self, site, count: int = 1) -> None:
"""Helper routine that the Subject class expects in a counter."""
self.counts[site] -= count
self.counts = +self.counts # remove zero and negative counts
[docs] def run(self) -> None:
"""Start the process until finished."""
while not self.isDone():
[docs]def compareLanguages(old, new, insite, summary):
"""Compare changes and setup i18n message."""
oldiw = set(old)
newiw = set(new)
# sort by language code
adding = sorted(newiw - oldiw)
removing = sorted(oldiw - newiw)
modifying = sorted(site for site in oldiw & newiw
if old[site] != new[site])
if not summary and len(adding) + len(removing) + len(modifying) <= 3:
# Use an extended format for the string linking to all added pages.
def fmt(d, site):
return str(d[site])
# Use short format, just the language code
def fmt(d, site):
return site.code
mods = mcomment = ''
commentname = 'interwiki'
if adding:
commentname += '-adding'
if removing:
commentname += '-removing'
if modifying:
commentname += '-modifying'
if commentname == 'interwiki-modifying' and len(modifying) == 1:
useFrom = True
commentname += '-from'
useFrom = False
if adding or removing or modifying:
mcomment += summary
comma = insite.mediawiki_message('comma-separator')
changes = {'adding': comma.join(fmt(new, x) for x in adding),
'removing': comma.join(fmt(old, x) for x in removing),
'modifying': comma.join(fmt(new, x) for x in modifying),
'from': '' if not useFrom else old[modifying[0]]}
en_changes = {'adding': ', '.join(fmt(new, x) for x in adding),
'removing': ', '.join(fmt(old, x) for x in removing),
'modifying': ', '.join(fmt(new, x) for x in modifying),
'from': '' if not useFrom else old[modifying[0]]}
mcomment += i18n.twtranslate(insite, commentname, changes)
mods = i18n.twtranslate('en', commentname, en_changes)
return mods, mcomment, adding, removing, modifying
[docs]def botMayEdit(page) -> bool:
"""Test for allowed edits."""
tmpl = []
with suppress(KeyError):
tmpl, _ = moved_links[page.site.code]
if not isinstance(tmpl, list):
tmpl = [tmpl]
with suppress(KeyError):
tmpl += ignoreTemplates[page.site.code]
tmpl += ignoreTemplates['_default']
if tmpl != []:
templates = page.templatesWithParams()
for template in templates:
if template[0].title(with_ns=False).lower() in tmpl:
return False
return True
[docs]def page_empty_check(page) -> bool:
Return True if page should be skipped as it is almost empty.
Pages in content namespaces are considered empty if they contain less than
50 characters, and other pages are considered empty if they are not
category pages and contain less than 4 characters excluding interlanguage
links and categories.
txt = page.text
# Check if the page is in content namespace
if page.namespace().content:
# Check if the page contains at least 50 characters
return len(txt) < 50
if not page.is_categorypage():
txt = textlib.removeLanguageLinks(txt, site=page.site)
txt = textlib.removeCategoryLinks(txt, site=page.site)
return len(txt) < 4
return False
[docs]class InterwikiDumps(OptionHandler):
"""Handle interwiki dumps."""
available_options = {
'do_continue': False,
'restore_all': False
FILE_PATTERN = '{site.family.name}-{site.code}.txt'
def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None:
:keyword do_continue: If true, continue alphabetically starting at the
last of the dumped pages.
self.site = kwargs.pop('site', pywikibot.Site())
self.restored_files = set()
self._next_page = '!'
self._next_namespace = 0
self.path = pywikibot.config.datafilepath('data', 'interwiki-dumps')
def next_page(self):
"""Return next page title string for continue option."""
if self._next_page == '!':
pywikibot.info('Dump file is empty! Starting at the beginning.')
return self._next_page
def next_namespace(self):
"""Return next page namespace for continue option."""
return self._next_namespace
[docs] def remove(self, filename: str) -> None:
"""Remove filename from restored files.
:param filename: A filename to be removed from restored set.
with suppress(KeyError):
[docs] def get_files(self):
"""Get dump files from directory."""
pattern = r'(?P<file>(?P<fam>[a-z]+)-(?P<code>[a-z]+)\.txt)'
for filename in os.listdir(self.path):
found = re.fullmatch(pattern, filename)
if found:
yield (found['file'],
pywikibot.Site(found['code'], found['fam']))
def files(self):
"""Return file generator depending on restore_all option.
rtype: generator
if self.opt.restore_all:
return self.get_files()
return iter([(self.FILE_PATTERN.format(site=self.site), self.site)])
[docs] def read_dump(self):
"""Read the dump file.
:rtype: generator
for tail, site in self.files:
filename = os.path.join(self.path, tail)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
pywikibot.info(tail + ' does not exist.')
pywikibot.info('Retrieving pages from dump file ' + tail)
for page in pagegenerators.TextIOPageGenerator(filename, site):
if site == self.site:
self._next_page = page.title(with_ns=False) + '!'
self._next_namespace = page.namespace()
yield page
if self.opt.do_continue:
yield from self.site.allpages(start=self.next_page,
[docs] def write_dump(self, iterable: Iterable, append: bool = True) -> None:
"""Write dump file.
:param iterable: an iterable of page titles to be dumped.
:param append: if a dump already exits, append the page titles to it
if True else overwrite it.
filename = os.path.join(self.path,
mode = 'appended' if append else 'written'
with codecs.open(filename, mode[0], 'utf-8') as f:
f'Dump {self.site.code} ({self.site.family.name}) {mode}.')
[docs] def delete_dumps(self) -> None:
"""Delete processed dumps."""
for filename in self.restored_files:
tail = os.path.split(filename)[-1]
except OSError as e:
f'Cannot delete {tail} due to\n{e}\nDo it manually.')
pywikibot.info(f'Dumpfile {tail} deleted')
[docs]def main(*args: str) -> None:
"""Process command line arguments and invoke bot.
If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used.
:param args: command line arguments
singlePageTitle = ''
opthintsonly = False
# Which namespaces should be processed?
# default to [] which means all namespaces will be processed
namespaces = []
number = None
until = None
# a normal PageGenerator (which doesn't give hints, only Pages)
hintlessPageGen = None
optContinue = False
optRestore = False
append = True
newPages = None
# Process global args and prepare generator args parser
local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
genFactory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
iwconf = InterwikiBotConfig()
for arg in local_args:
if iwconf.readOptions(arg):
if arg.startswith('-years'):
# Look if user gave a specific year at which to start
# Must be a natural number or negative integer.
if len(arg) > 7 and (arg[7:].isdigit()
or (arg[7] == '-' and arg[8:].isdigit())):
startyear = int(arg[7:])
startyear = 1
# avoid problems where year pages link to centuries etc.
iwconf.followredirect = False
hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.YearPageGenerator(startyear)
elif arg.startswith('-days'):
if len(arg) > 6 and arg[5] == ':' and arg[6:].isdigit():
# Looks as if the user gave a specific month at which to start
# Must be a natural number.
startMonth = int(arg[6:])
startMonth = 1
hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.DayPageGenerator(startMonth)
elif arg.startswith('-new'):
if len(arg) > 5 and arg[4] == ':' and arg[5:].isdigit():
# Looks as if the user gave a specific number of pages
newPages = int(arg[5:])
newPages = 100
elif arg.startswith('-restore'):
iwconf.restore_all = arg[9:].lower() == 'all'
optRestore = not iwconf.restore_all
elif arg == '-continue':
optContinue = True
elif arg == '-hintsonly':
opthintsonly = True
elif arg.startswith('-namespace:'):
except ValueError:
elif arg.startswith('-number:'):
number = int(arg[8:])
elif arg.startswith('-until:'):
until = arg[7:]
if not genFactory.handle_arg(arg) and not singlePageTitle:
singlePageTitle = arg
# Do not use additional summary with autonomous mode
if iwconf.autonomous:
iwconf.summary = ''
elif iwconf.summary:
iwconf.summary += '; '
site = pywikibot.Site()
# ensure that we don't try to change main page
mainpagename = site.siteinfo['mainpage']
iwconf.skip.add(pywikibot.Page(site, mainpagename))
dump = InterwikiDumps(site=site, do_continue=optContinue,
if newPages is not None:
if not namespaces:
ns = 0
elif len(namespaces) == 1:
ns = namespaces[0]
if isinstance(ns, str) and ns != 'all':
index = site.namespaces.lookup_name(ns)
if index is None:
raise ValueError('Unknown namespace: ' + ns)
ns = index.id
namespaces = []
ns = 'all'
hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.NewpagesPageGenerator(total=newPages,
elif optRestore or optContinue or iwconf.restore_all:
hintlessPageGen = dump.read_dump()
bot = InterwikiBot(iwconf)
if not hintlessPageGen:
hintlessPageGen = genFactory.getCombinedGenerator()
if hintlessPageGen:
if len(namespaces) > 0:
hintlessPageGen = pagegenerators.NamespaceFilterPageGenerator(
hintlessPageGen, namespaces, site)
# we'll use iter() to create make a next() function available.
bot.setPageGenerator(iter(hintlessPageGen), number=number, until=until)
if not singlePageTitle and not opthintsonly:
singlePageTitle = pywikibot.input('Which page to check:')
if singlePageTitle:
singlePage = pywikibot.Page(pywikibot.Site(), singlePageTitle)
singlePage = None
bot.add(singlePage, hints=iwconf.hints)
append = not (optRestore or optContinue or iwconf.restore_all)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
dump.write_dump(bot.dump_titles, append)
except Exception: # pragma: no cover
dump.write_dump(bot.dump_titles, append)
pywikibot.info('Script terminated sucessfully.')
if __name__ == '__main__':