Script to upload images to Wikipedia.
The following parameters are supported:
-keep Keep the filename as is
-filename: Target filename without the namespace prefix
-prefix: Add specified prefix to every filename.
-noverify Do not ask for verification of the upload description if one
is given
-abortonwarn: Abort upload on the specified warning type. If no warning type
is specified, aborts on any warning.
-ignorewarn: Ignores specified upload warnings. If no warning type is
specified, ignores all warnings. Use with caution
-chunked: Upload the file in chunks (more overhead, but restartable). If
no value is specified the chunk size is 1 MiB. The value must
be a number which can be preceded by a suffix. The units are:
No suffix: Bytes
'k': Kilobytes (1000 B)
'M': Megabytes (1000000 B)
'Ki': Kibibytes (1024 B)
'Mi': Mebibytes (1024x1024 B)
The suffixes are case insensitive.
-async Make potentially large file operations asynchronous on the
server side when possible.
-always Don't ask the user anything. This will imply -keep and
-noverify and require that either -abortonwarn or -ignorewarn
is defined for all. It will also require a valid file name and
description. It'll only overwrite files if -ignorewarn includes
the 'exists' warning.
-recursive When the filename is a directory it also uploads the files from
the subdirectories.
-summary: Pick a custom edit summary for the bot.
-descfile: Specify a filename where the description is stored
It is possible to combine -abortonwarn and -ignorewarn so that if the specific
warning is given it won't apply the general one but more specific one. So if it
should ignore specific warnings and abort on the rest it's possible by defining
no warning for -abortonwarn and the specific warnings for -ignorewarn. The
order does not matter. If both are unspecific or a warning is specified by
both, it'll prefer aborting.
If any other arguments are given, the first is either URL, filename or
directory to upload, and the rest is a proposed description to go with the
upload. If none of these are given, the user is asked for the directory, file
or URL to upload. The bot will then upload the image to the wiki.
The script will ask for the location of an image(s), if not given as a
parameter, and for a description.
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2003-2021
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import codecs
import math
import os
import re
import pywikibot
from pywikibot.bot import suggest_help
from pywikibot.specialbots import UploadRobot
CHUNK_SIZE_REGEX = re.compile(
r'-chunked(?::(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[ \t]*(k|ki|m|mi)?b?)?$', re.I)
[docs]def get_chunk_size(match) -> int:
"""Get chunk size."""
if not match:
pywikibot.error('Chunk size parameter is not valid.')
chunk_size = 0
elif match[1]: # number was in there
base = float(match[1])
if match[2]: # suffix too
suffix = match[2].lower()
if suffix == 'k':
suffix = 1000
elif suffix == 'm':
suffix = 1000000
elif suffix == 'ki':
suffix = 1 << 10
elif suffix == 'mi':
suffix = 1 << 20
suffix = 1
chunk_size = math.trunc(base * suffix)
chunk_size = 1 << 20 # default to 1 MiB
return chunk_size
[docs]def main(*args: str) -> None:
Process command line arguments and invoke bot.
If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used.
:param args: command line arguments
url = ''
description = []
summary = None
keep_filename = False
always = False
use_filename = None
filename_prefix = None
verify_description = True
aborts = set()
ignorewarn = set()
chunk_size = 0
asynchronous = False
recursive = False
description_file = None
# process all global bot args
# returns a list of non-global args, i.e. args for upload.py
local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)
for option in local_args:
arg, _, value = option.partition(':')
if arg == '-always':
keep_filename = True
always = True
verify_description = False
elif arg == '-recursive':
recursive = True
elif arg == '-keep':
keep_filename = True
elif arg == '-filename':
use_filename = value
elif arg == '-prefix':
filename_prefix = value
elif arg == '-summary':
summary = value
elif arg == '-noverify':
verify_description = False
elif arg == '-abortonwarn':
if value and aborts is not True:
aborts = True
elif arg == '-ignorewarn':
if value and ignorewarn is not True:
ignorewarn = True
elif arg == '-chunked':
match = CHUNK_SIZE_REGEX.match(option)
chunk_size = get_chunk_size(match)
elif arg == '-async':
asynchronous = True
elif arg == '-descfile':
description_file = value
elif not url:
url = option
description = ' '.join(description)
if description_file:
if description:
pywikibot.error('Both a description and a -descfile were '
'provided. Please specify only one of those.')
with codecs.open(description_file,
encoding=pywikibot.config.textfile_encoding) as f:
description = f.read().replace('\r\n', '\n')
while not ('://' in url or os.path.exists(url)):
if not url:
error = 'No input filename given.'
error = 'Invalid input filename given.'
if not always:
error += ' Try again.'
if always:
url = None
url = pywikibot.input('URL, file or directory where files are now:')
if always and (aborts is not True and ignorewarn is not True
or not description or url is None):
additional = ''
missing = []
if url is None:
missing += ['filename']
additional = error + ' '
if description is None:
missing += ['description']
if aborts is not True and ignorewarn is not True:
additional += ('Either -ignorewarn or -abortonwarn must be '
'defined for all codes. ')
additional += 'Unable to run in -always mode'
suggest_help(missing_parameters=missing, additional_text=additional)
if os.path.isdir(url):
file_list = []
for directory_info in os.walk(url):
if not recursive:
# Do not visit any subdirectories
directory_info[1][:] = []
for dir_file in directory_info[2]:
file_list.append(os.path.join(directory_info[0], dir_file))
url = file_list
url = [url]
bot = UploadRobot(url, description=description, use_filename=use_filename,
verify_description=verify_description, aborts=aborts,
ignore_warning=ignorewarn, chunk_size=chunk_size,
always=always, summary=summary,
if __name__ == '__main__':