Source code for tests.interwikidata_tests

"""Tests for scripts/"""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2015-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
import unittest
from contextlib import suppress

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import Link
from scripts import interwikidata
from tests.aspects import SiteAttributeTestCase
from tests.utils import empty_sites

[docs]class DummyBot(interwikidata.IWBot): """A dummy bot to prevent editing in production wikis."""
[docs] def put_current(self): """Prevent editing.""" return False
[docs] def create_item(self): """Prevent creating items.""" return False
[docs] def try_to_add(self): """Prevent adding sitelinks to items.""" return None
[docs]class TestInterwikidataBot(SiteAttributeTestCase): """Test Interwikidata.""" sites = { 'en': { 'family': 'wikipedia', 'code': 'en', }, 'fa': { 'family': 'wikipedia', 'code': 'fa', }, 'wt': { 'family': 'wikitech', 'code': 'en', }, }
[docs] def test_main(self): """Test main function""" # The main function should return False when no generator is defined. with empty_sites(): self.assertFalse(interwikidata.main())
[docs] def test_iw_bot(self): """Test IWBot class.""" page = pywikibot.Page(self.en, 'User:Ladsgroup') text = page.get() # The page looks as expected. self.assertLength(page.langlinks(), 1) iw_link = page.langlinks()[0] self.assertIsInstance(iw_link, Link) self.assertEqual(iw_link.canonical_title(), 'کاربر:Ladsgroup') self.assertEqual(, self.fa) repo = self.en.data_repository() bot = DummyBot(generator=[page], site=self.en, ignore_ns=True) # Repo and site should not change during a run. self.assertEqual(bot.repo, repo) self.assertEqual(, self.en) # Test iwlangs method. self.assertIn(self.fa, bot.iwlangs) self.assertEqual(Link.fromPage(bot.iwlangs[self.fa]), iw_link) page2 = pywikibot.Page(self.en, 'User:Ladsgroup') self.assertEqual(page2.get(), text) self.assertFalse(bot.handle_complicated())
[docs] def test_without_repo(self): """Test throwing error when site does not have a data repo.""" wt_page = pywikibot.Page(self.wt, 'User:Ladsgroup') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): DummyBot(generator=[wt_page], site=self.wt) with self.assertRaisesRegex( ValueError, 'wikitech:en does not have a data repository.'): interwikidata.IWBot( generator=[pywikibot.Page(self.wt, 'User:Dalba')], site=self.wt)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover with suppress(SystemExit): unittest.main()