Source code for transferpy.Firewall

import os

from transferpy.Exceptions import TempDeletionError, FirewallError

[docs]class Firewall(object): """Class for Transferer firewall related command execution""" def __init__(self, target_host, remote_execution, parent_tmp_dir='/tmp'): """ Initialize the instance variables. :param target_host: host address for port open/close :param remote_execution: remote execution helper """ self.target_host = target_host self.target_port = 0 self.remote_executor = remote_execution self.search_start_port = 4400 self.search_end_port = 4500 self.parent_tmp_dir = parent_tmp_dir self.reserve_port_dir_name = None @property def find_used_ports_command(self): """ Property: command to find used ports. :return: command to find used ports """ # TODO: Make this command in terms of search_start_port and search_end_port command = ["/bin/netstat -altn | awk '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $NF}' | grep ^44[0-9][0-9]$ || echo 0"] return command
[docs] def find_pid(self, target_port): """ Finds pid of the process based on the port it is using. :param target_port: the port using by process """ command = "/bin/fuser {}/tcp".format(target_port) result = self.run_command(command) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('failed to find PID based on the port {} on {}' .format(target_port, self.target_host)) else: try: pid = int(result.stdout.split(':')[1].strip()) except Exception as e: raise Exception('failed to find PID based on the port {} on {}, {}' .format(target_port, self.target_host, str(e))) return pid
[docs] def kill_process(self, target_port): """ Kill the process based on the port it is using. :param target_port: the port using by process :return: raises exception if not successful """ command = "/bin/fuser -k {}/tcp || echo 0".format(target_port) result = self.run_command(command) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('failed to kill process based on the port {} on {}' .format(target_port, self.target_host))
[docs] def run_command(self, command): """ Executes command on the target host. :param command: command to run :return: execution result (returncode, stdout, stderr) """ return, command)
[docs] def open(self, source_host, target_port): """ Opens target port on iptables of target host. :param source_host: sender host :param target_port: port to be opened :return: raises exception if not successful """ # If target port is 0, find a free port automatically # else try to reserve the given port for the transfer if target_port == 0: target_port = self.find_available_port() elif not self.reserve_port(target_port): raise ValueError("ERROR: The given port {} is not available on {}" .format(target_port, self.target_host)) self.target_port = target_port command = ['/sbin/iptables', '-A', 'INPUT', '-p', 'tcp', '-s', '{}'.format(source_host), '--dport', '{}'.format(target_port), '-j', 'ACCEPT'] result = self.run_command(command) if result.returncode != 0: if not self.unreserve_port(target_port): raise TempDeletionError( 'iptables execution and temporary lock dir {} deletion failed'.format( self.reserve_port_dir_name)) raise FirewallError('iptables execution failed') return target_port
[docs] def close(self, source_host): """ Closes target port on iptables of target host. :param source_host: sender host :param target_port: port to be closed :return: remote run exit code, successful(0) """ command = ['/sbin/iptables', '-D', 'INPUT', '-p', 'tcp', '-s', '{}'.format(source_host), '--dport', '{}'.format(self.target_port), '-j', 'ACCEPT'] result = self.run_command(command) if not self.unreserve_port(self.target_port): print('WARNING: {} temporary directory could not be deleted' .format(self.reserve_port_dir_name)) return result.returncode
[docs] def reserve_port(self, target_port): """ Reserves target port by creating a directory. :param target_port: port to be reserved :return: True if reservation is successful """ reserve_port_dir_name = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.parent_tmp_dir, 'trnsfr_{}_{}.lock'.format(self.target_host, target_port))) command = ["/bin/mkdir {}".format(reserve_port_dir_name)] result = self.run_command(command) if result.returncode == 0: # The trnsfr_target_host_target_port will always be unique at an instance of time self.reserve_port_dir_name = reserve_port_dir_name return result.returncode == 0
[docs] def unreserve_port(self, target_port): """ Removes the reservation for target port by deleting a directory. :param target_port: port to be unreserved :return: True if port successfully unreserved """ command = ["/bin/rmdir {}".format(self.reserve_port_dir_name)] result = self.run_command(command) return result.returncode == 0
[docs] def find_available_port(self): """ Checks port availability from a given range of ports on the target host and select one among them. :return: available port if successful, else raises ValueError """ result = self.run_command(self.find_used_ports_command) num_of_searches = self.search_end_port - self.search_start_port if result.returncode != 0 or len(result.stdout.split('\n')) == num_of_searches: raise ValueError('failed to find an available port on {}'.format(self.target_host)) try: used_ports = [int(i) for i in result.stdout.split('\n')] except Exception as e: raise ValueError("ERROR: Returned non integer value for used ports " "on {}\n{}".format(self.target_host, str(e))) port = 0 for p in range(self.search_start_port, self.search_end_port): if p not in used_ports: if self.reserve_port(p): port = p break if port == 0: raise ValueError("ERROR: Could not find a free port on {}".format(self.target_host)) return port
def __del__(self): """Destructor""" pass