Source code for transferpy.Transferer


import base64
import os
import os.path
import re
import shlex
import time
import logging

from wmfmariadbpy.RemoteExecution.CuminExecution import CuminExecution as RemoteExecution
from transferpy.Firewall import Firewall
from transferpy.MariaDB import MariaDB
from transferpy.Exceptions import TempDeletionError, FirewallError

[docs]class Transferer(object): def __init__(self, source_host, source_path, target_hosts, target_paths, options={}): self.source_host = shlex.quote(source_host) self.source_path = shlex.quote(source_path) self.target_hosts = [shlex.quote(h) for h in target_hosts] self.target_paths = [shlex.quote(p) for p in target_paths] self.options = options if 'type' not in self.options: # default transfer type is file/directory transfer self.options['type'] = 'file' if 'verbose' not in self.options: # default to non-verbose output self.options['verbose'] = False if 'checksum' not in self.options: # default to checksum self.options['checksum'] = True if 'parallel_checksum' not in self.options: # default to non-parallel-checksum self.options['parallel_checksum'] = False self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) remote_execution_options = {'verbose': self.options['verbose']} self.remote_executor = RemoteExecution(remote_execution_options) self.mariadb = MariaDB(self.remote_executor) self.source_is_dir = False self.source_is_socket = False self.original_size = 0 self.checksum = None self.parallel_checksum = None self.parent_tmp_dir = '/tmp' self.source_tmp_dir = None self.parallel_checksum_source_path = None self.parallel_checksum_target_path = None self._password = None self.cipher = 'chacha20' self.buffer_size = 8 self.iterations = 310000 self.logger.debug('Finished Transferer initialization')
[docs] def run_command(self, host, command): return, command)
@property def is_xtrabackup(self): return self.options['type'] == 'xtrabackup' @property def is_decompress(self): return self.options['type'] == 'decompress'
[docs] def is_dir(self, host, path): command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"[ -d "{}" ]"'.format(path)] result = self.run_command(host, command) return not result.returncode
[docs] def is_socket(self, host, path): command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"[ -S "{}" ]"'.format(path)] result = self.run_command(host, command) return not result.returncode
[docs] def host_exists(self, host): """ Checks the availability of given host. :param host: host to be checked :return: remote execution run_command result """ command = ['/bin/true'] result = self.run_command(host, command) return result
[docs] def file_exists(self, host, path): """ Returns true if there is a file or a directory with such path on the remote host given """ command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"[ -a "{}" ]"'.format(path)] result = self.run_command(host, command) return not result.returncode
[docs] def calculate_checksum_command(self, host, path): hash_executable = '/usr/bin/md5sum' parent_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, '..')) basename = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(path)) if host == self.source_host and path == self.source_path: checksum_write_command = ' > {}'.format(self.parallel_checksum_source_path) else: checksum_write_command = '' if self.source_is_dir: command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"cd {} && /usr/bin/find {} -type f -exec {} {} {}"' .format(parent_dir, basename, hash_executable, r'\{\} \;', checksum_write_command)] else: command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"cd {} && {} {} {}"' .format(parent_dir, hash_executable, basename, checksum_write_command)] return command
[docs] def calculate_checksum(self, host, path):'Started checksum calculation for {}:{}'.format(host, path)) command = self.calculate_checksum_command(host, path) result = self.run_command(host, command) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('md5sum execution failed')'Finished checksum calculation for {}:{}'.format(host, path)) return result.stdout
[docs] def read_checksum(self, host, path): command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', '/bin/cat < {} && /bin/rm {}'.format(path, path)] result = self.run_command(host, command) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('reading checksum failed for {}:{}'.format(host, path)) return result.stdout
[docs] def has_available_disk_space(self, host, path, size): command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"df --block-size=1 --output=avail {} | /usr/bin/tail -n 1"'.format(path)] result = self.run_command(host, command) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('df execution failed') return int(result.stdout) > size
[docs] def disk_usage(self, host, path, is_xtrabackup=False): """ Returns the size used on the filesystem by the file path on the given host, or the aggregated size of all the files inside path and its subdirectories """ if is_xtrabackup: path = self.get_datadir_from_socket(path) # Sadly, our .tar.gz s, created with a pigz streaming pipe do not store # accurate file sizes, so a minimum number of the size of the tarball # will be used instead command = ['/usr/bin/du', '--bytes', '--summarize', '{}'.format(path)] result = self.run_command(host, command) if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('du execution failed') return int(result.stdout.split()[0])
[docs] def dir_is_empty(self, directory, host): """ Returns true the given directory path is empty, false if it contains something (a file, a dir). If it is not a directory or does not exist, the result is undefined. """ command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"[ -z \"$(/bin/ls -A {})\" ]"'.format(directory)] result = self.run_command(host, command) return result.returncode == 0
@property def compress_command(self): if self.options['compress']: if self.source_is_dir or self.is_xtrabackup: compress_command = '| /usr/bin/pigz -c' elif self.is_decompress: compress_command = '/bin/cat' # file is already compressed else: compress_command = '/usr/bin/pigz -c' else: if self.source_is_dir or self.source_is_socket: compress_command = '' else: compress_command = '/bin/cat' return compress_command @property def decompress_command(self): if self.options['compress']: decompress_command = '| /usr/bin/pigz -c -d' else: decompress_command = '' return decompress_command @property def parallel_checksum_source_command(self): """ Property: command to make source checksum parallel to the file transfer. :return: command to make the checksum """ if self.options['parallel_checksum']: checksum_command = '| tee >(md5sum > {})'.format(self.parallel_checksum_source_path) else: checksum_command = '' return checksum_command @property def parallel_checksum_target_command(self): """ Property: command to make target checksum parallel to the file transfer. :return: command to make the checksum """ if self.options['parallel_checksum']: checksum_command = '| tee >(md5sum > {})'.format(self.parallel_checksum_target_path) else: checksum_command = '' return checksum_command
[docs] def netcat_send_command(self, target_host, port): netcat_send_command = '| /bin/nc -q 0 -w 300 {} {}'.format(target_host, port) return netcat_send_command
[docs] def netcat_listen_command(self, port): netcat_listen_command = '/bin/nc -l -w 300 -p {}'.format(port) return netcat_listen_command
@property def tar_command(self): return '/bin/tar cf -' @property def untar_command(self): if self.is_decompress: # ignore subdir return '| /bin/tar --strip-components=1 -xf -' else: return '| /bin/tar xf -'
[docs] def get_datadir_from_socket(self, socket): if socket.endswith('mysqld.sock'): datadir = '/srv/sqldata' else: result = re.match(r'.*mysqld\.(.+)\.sock', socket) if result: datadir = '/srv/sqldata.' + else: raise Exception('the given socket does not have a known format') return datadir
@property def xtrabackup_command(self): user = 'root' threads = 16 socket = self.source_path datadir = self.get_datadir_from_socket(socket) xtrabackup_command = ('xtrabackup --backup --target-dir /tmp ' '--user {} --socket={} --close-files --datadir={} --parallel={} ' '--stream=xbstream --slave-info --skip-ssl' ).format(user, socket, datadir, str(threads)) return xtrabackup_command @property def mbstream_command(self): return '| mbstream -x' @property def password(self): if self._password is None: self._password = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(24)).decode('utf-8') return self._password @property def encrypt_command(self): if self.options['encrypt']: encrypt_command = (f'| /usr/bin/openssl enc -{self.cipher}' f' -pass pass:{self.password}' f' -bufsize {self.buffer_size}' f' -iter {self.iterations}') else: encrypt_command = '' return encrypt_command @property def decrypt_command(self): if self.options['encrypt']: decrypt_command = (f'| /usr/bin/openssl enc -d -{self.cipher}' f' -pass pass:{self.password}' f' -bufsize {self.buffer_size}' f' -iter {self.iterations}') else: decrypt_command = '' return decrypt_command
[docs] def copy_to(self, target_host, target_path, port): """ Copies the source file or dir on the source host to 'target_host'. 'target_path' is assumed to be a *directory* and the source file or directory will be copied inside. """ if self.is_xtrabackup: src_command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"{} {} {} {} {}"' .format(self.xtrabackup_command, self.compress_command, self.parallel_checksum_source_command, self.encrypt_command, self.netcat_send_command(target_host, port))] dst_command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"cd {} && {} {} {} {} {}"' .format(target_path, self.netcat_listen_command(port), self.decrypt_command, self.parallel_checksum_target_command, self.decompress_command, self.mbstream_command)] elif self.is_decompress: src_command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"{} < {} {} {} {}"' .format(self.compress_command, self.source_path, self.parallel_checksum_source_command, self.encrypt_command, self.netcat_send_command(target_host, port))] dst_command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"cd {} && {} {} {} {} {}"' .format(target_path, self.netcat_listen_command(port), self.decrypt_command, self.parallel_checksum_target_command, self.decompress_command, self.untar_command)] elif self.source_is_dir: source_parent_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.source_path, '..')) source_basename = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.source_path)) src_command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"cd {} && {} {} {} {} {} {}"' .format(source_parent_dir, self.tar_command, source_basename, self.compress_command, self.parallel_checksum_source_command, self.encrypt_command, self.netcat_send_command(target_host, port))] dst_command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"cd {} && {} {} {} {} {}"' .format(target_path, self.netcat_listen_command(port), self.decrypt_command, self.parallel_checksum_target_command, self.decompress_command, self.untar_command)] else: src_command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"{} < {} {} {} {}"' .format(self.compress_command, self.source_path, self.parallel_checksum_source_command, self.encrypt_command, self.netcat_send_command(target_host, port))] final_file = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(target_path), os.path.basename(self.source_path)) dst_command = ['/bin/bash', '-c', r'"{} {} {} {} > {}"' .format(self.netcat_listen_command(port), self.decrypt_command, self.parallel_checksum_target_command, self.decompress_command, final_file)] job = self.remote_executor.start_job(target_host, dst_command) time.sleep(3) # FIXME: Work on a better way to wait for nc to be listening result = self.run_command(self.source_host, src_command) if result.returncode != 0: self.remote_executor.kill_job(target_host, job) else: self.remote_executor.wait_job(target_host, job) return result.returncode
[docs] def sanity_checks(self): """ Set of preflight checks for the transfer- raise an exception if they are not met. """ # Does source host exist? result = self.host_exists(self.source_host) if result.returncode != 0: raise ValueError("The specified source host {} does not exist or is unavailable." .format(self.source_host)) # Does the source path (file or dir) exist? self.source_path = os.path.normpath(self.source_path) if not self.file_exists(self.source_host, self.source_path): raise ValueError("The specified source path {} doesn't exist on {}" .format(self.source_path, self.source_host)) self.original_size = self.disk_usage(self.source_host, self.source_path, self.is_xtrabackup) for target_host, target_path in zip(self.target_hosts, self.target_paths): # Does the target host exist? result = self.host_exists(target_host) if result.returncode != 0: raise ValueError("The specified target host {} does not exist or is unavailable." .format(target_host)) # Does the target dir exist? if not self.file_exists(target_host, target_path): raise ValueError("The specified target path {} doesn't exist on {}" .format(target_path, target_host)) # If it is a backup, is the target path emtpy if self.is_xtrabackup or self.is_decompress: if not self.dir_is_empty(target_path, target_host): raise ValueError("The final target path {} is not empty on {}." .format(target_path, target_host)) else: # Will the final path (target path + final dir or file) overwrite # an existing file or dir? target_final_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(target_path), os.path.basename(self.source_path)) if self.file_exists(target_host, target_final_path): raise ValueError("The final target path {} already exists on {}." .format(target_final_path, target_host)) # To the best of our knowledge, is there enough free space on target? if not self.has_available_disk_space(target_host, target_path, self.original_size): raise ValueError("{} doesn't have enough space on {}" .format(target_host, target_path)) # For xtrabackup, is the source patch a socket? if self.is_xtrabackup: self.source_is_socket = self.is_socket(self.source_host, self.source_path) if not self.source_is_socket: raise ValueError("The specified source path {} is not a valid socket" .format(self.source_path)) else: # If not xtrabackup, is the source a directory or a file? self.source_is_dir = self.is_dir(self.source_host, self.source_path)
[docs] def after_transfer_checks(self, result, target_host, target_path): """ Post-transfer checks: Was the transfer really successful. Yes- return 0; No- return 1 or more. """ # Return code was not 0? if result != 0: self.logger.error('Copy from {}:{} to {}:{} failed' .format(self.source_host, self.source_path, target_host, target_path)) return 1 # if creating or restoring a backup, does it include an xtrabackup_info file, # otherwise, does the copied file or dir exists? if self.is_xtrabackup or self.is_decompress: target_final_path = os.path.normpath(target_path) check_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(target_path), 'xtrabackup_info') else: target_final_path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(target_path), os.path.basename(self.source_path)) check_path = target_final_path if not self.file_exists(target_host, check_path): self.logger.error(('file was not found on the target path {} after transfer' ' to {}').format(check_path, target_host)) return 2 # Is original and final size the same? Otherwise throw a warning final_size = self.disk_usage(target_host, target_final_path) if self.original_size != final_size: self.logger.warning('Original size is {} but transferred size is {} ' 'for copy to {}'.format(self.original_size, final_size, target_host)) # Was checksum requested, and does it match the original? if self.options['checksum']: target_checksum = self.calculate_checksum(target_host, target_final_path) if self.checksum != target_checksum: self.logger.error('Original checksum {} on {} is different than checksum ' '{} on {}'.format(self.checksum, self.source_host, target_checksum, target_host)) return 3 else:'Checksum of all original files on {} and the transmitted ones' ' on {} match.').format(self.source_host, target_host)) if self.options['parallel_checksum']: self.parallel_checksum = self.read_checksum(self.source_host, self.parallel_checksum_source_path) target_checksum = self.read_checksum(target_host, self.parallel_checksum_target_path) if self.parallel_checksum != target_checksum: self.logger.error('Original checksum {} on {} is different than checksum {}' ' on {}'.format(self.parallel_checksum, self.source_host, target_checksum, target_host)) return 3 else:'Parallel checksum of source on {} and the transmitted ones' ' on {} match.').format(self.source_host, target_host)) self.remove_temp_paths() # All checks seem right, return success'{} bytes correctly transferred from {} to {}' .format(final_size, self.source_host, target_host)) return 0
[docs] def create_temp_paths(self, lock_dir): """ Update checksum file paths, and create a temporary directory at the source machine. :param lock_dir: temporary lock directory at the target host :return: None if successful, else Exception """ command = ["/bin/mkdir {}".format(self.source_tmp_dir)] result = self.run_command(self.source_host, command) self.parallel_checksum_source_path = os.path.join(self.source_tmp_dir, 'transferrer_source.md5sum') self.parallel_checksum_target_path = os.path.join(lock_dir, 'transferrer_target.md5sum') if result.returncode != 0: raise Exception('Creation of temporary directory failed at source {}:{}'. format(self.source_host, self.source_tmp_dir))
[docs] def remove_temp_paths(self): """ Remove temporary directories. :return: None """ tmp_dir = self.parallel_checksum_source_path.rsplit('/', 1)[0] command = ["/bin/rmdir {}".format(tmp_dir)] result = self.run_command(self.source_host, command) if result.returncode != 0: self.logger.warning('Deletion of temporary directory {}:{} failed'.format( self.source_host, tmp_dir))
[docs] def attempt_temp_deletion(self, host, path, type): """ Delete directory/file if it exist. :param host: host in which path need to be deleted :param path: path need to be deleted :param type: type of the path (file or dir) """ if self.file_exists(host, path): if type == 'dir': command = ['/bin/rmdir {}'.format(path)] elif type == 'file': command = ['/bin/rm {}'.format(path)] result = self.run_command(host, command) if result.returncode != 0: self.logger.error('Failed to delete temporary path {}:{}'. format(host, path))
[docs] def clean_all_temps(self, target_host, target_tmp_dir): """ Function to clean all the temporary paths if exists in case of any uncaught exception situations. :param target_host: last target host :param target_tmp_dir: temporary lock directory at the target :return: """"Cleaning up....") if self.source_tmp_dir: if self.options['parallel_checksum'] or self.options['checksum']: # Delete the checksum files if exist if self.parallel_checksum_source_path: self.attempt_temp_deletion(self.source_host, self.parallel_checksum_source_path, 'file') if self.parallel_checksum_target_path and self.options['parallel_checksum']: self.attempt_temp_deletion(target_host, self.parallel_checksum_target_path, 'file') # Delete the temp source directory if exist self.attempt_temp_deletion(self.source_host, self.source_tmp_dir, 'dir') if target_tmp_dir: self.attempt_temp_deletion(target_host, target_tmp_dir, 'dir')
[docs] def run(self): """ Transfers the file (or the directory and all its contents) given on source_path from the source_target machine to all target_hosts hosts, as fast as possible. Returns an array of exit codes, one per target host, indicating if the transfer was successful (0) or not (<> 0). """ # pre-execution sanity checks try: self.sanity_checks() except ValueError as e: self.logger.error("{}".format(str(e))) return [-1] # stop slave if requested if self.options.get('stop_slave', False): result = self.mariadb.stop_replication(self.source_host, self.source_path) if result != 0: self.logger.error("Stop slave failed") return [-2]'About to transfer {} from {} to {}:{} ({} bytes)' .format(self.source_path, self.source_host, self.target_hosts, self.target_paths, self.original_size)) transfer_sucessful = [] wait_for_source_checksum = True # actual transfer process- this is done serially until we implement a # multicast-like process try: current_target_host = None current_target_tmp_dir = None for target_host, target_path in zip(self.target_hosts, self.target_paths): current_target_host = target_host firewall_handler = Firewall(target_host, self.remote_executor, self.parent_tmp_dir) try: port =, self.options['port']) current_target_tmp_dir = firewall_handler.reserve_port_dir_name # Lets delete the lock suffix since the dir is not actually meant # for locking (It also resolves the problem of trying to make # the same dir twice in case of same source and target host). if self.options['parallel_checksum'] or (self.options['checksum'] and wait_for_source_checksum): self.source_tmp_dir = current_target_tmp_dir.rsplit('.', 1)[0] self.create_temp_paths(current_target_tmp_dir) except (ValueError, FirewallError, TempDeletionError) as e: self.logger.error("{}".format(str(e))) return [-1] if self.options['checksum'] and wait_for_source_checksum: # Calculate the checksum in another process command = self.calculate_checksum_command(self.source_host, self.source_path) job = self.remote_executor.start_job(self.source_host, command) result = self.copy_to(target_host, target_path, port) if self.options['checksum'] and wait_for_source_checksum: self.remote_executor.wait_job(self.source_host, job) self.checksum = self.read_checksum(self.source_host, self.parallel_checksum_source_path) self.remove_temp_paths() wait_for_source_checksum = False transfer_sucessful.append(self.after_transfer_checks(result, target_host, target_path)) if firewall_handler.close(self.source_host) != 0: self.logger.warning('Firewall\'s temporary rule could not be deleted') del firewall_handler finally: self.clean_all_temps(current_target_host, current_target_tmp_dir) if self.options.get('stop_slave', False): result = self.mariadb.start_replication(self.source_host, self.source_path) if result != 0: self.logger.error("Start slave failed") return [-3] return transfer_sucessful