Translate extension for MediaWiki
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Translate.alias.phpAliases for special pages of Translate extension
 Translate.i18n.magic.phpInternationalisation file for magic words in the Translate extension
 FileBasedMessageGroup.phpThis file a contains a message group implementation
 MessageGroup.phpThis file holds a message group interface
 MessageGroupBase.phpThis file contains a base implementation of managed message groups
 MessageGroupOld.phpThis file contains the base information of unmanaged message groups
 RecentAdditionsMessageGroup.phpThis file contains an unmanaged message group implementation
 RecentMessageGroup.phpThis file contains an unmanaged message group implementation
 SandboxMessageGroup.phpThis file contains an unmanaged message group implementation
 WikiMessageGroup.phpThis file contains an unmanaged message group implementation
 WikiPageMessageGroup.phpThis file contains an unmanaged message group implementation
 WorkflowStatesMessageGroup.phpThis file contains an unmanaged message group implementation
 characterEditStats.phpShow number of characters translated over a given period of time
 createCheckIndex.phpCreates serialised database of messages that need checking for problems
 createMessageIndex.phpCreates a database of keys in all groups, so that namespace and key can be used to get the group they belong to
 expand-groupspec.phpScript that expands a message group specification (such as page-News*,page-Help*)
 export-rename-language.phpScript to automate renaming of language codes in supported repos
 fallbacks-graph.phpScript for creating graphml xml file of language fallbacks
 groupStatistics.phpCommandline script to general statistics about the localisation level of one or more message groups
 migrate-schema2.phpScript to convert Translate extension database schema to v2
 plural-comparison.phpScript for comparing different plural implementations
 poimport.phpImports gettext files exported from Special:Translate back
 populateFuzzy.phpA script to populate fuzzy tags to revtag table
 refresh-translatable-pages.phpScript to ensure all translation pages are up to date
 test-mt.phpScript to test web services from the command line
 translator-stats-process.phpScript to gather translator stats
 translator-stats.phpScript to gather translator stats
 ttmserver-export.phpScript to bootstrap TtmServer translation memory
 yaml-tests.phpScript for comparing supported YAML parser implementations
 ServiceWiring.phpList of services in this extension with construction instructions