MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
24namespace MediaWiki\Auth;
27use InvalidArgumentException;
28use LogicException;
59use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface;
60use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
61use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
62use StatusValue;
63use Wikimedia\NormalizedException\NormalizedException;
64use Wikimedia\ObjectFactory\ObjectFactory;
67use Wikimedia\ScopedCallback;
117class AuthManager implements LoggerAwareInterface {
122 public const AUTHN_STATE = 'AuthManager::authnState';
128 public const ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE = 'AuthManager::accountCreationState';
134 public const ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE = 'AuthManager::accountLinkState';
141 public const AUTOCREATE_BLOCKLIST = 'AuthManager::AutoCreateBlacklist';
144 public const ACTION_LOGIN = 'login';
148 public const ACTION_LOGIN_CONTINUE = 'login-continue';
150 public const ACTION_CREATE = 'create';
154 public const ACTION_CREATE_CONTINUE = 'create-continue';
156 public const ACTION_LINK = 'link';
160 public const ACTION_LINK_CONTINUE = 'link-continue';
162 public const ACTION_CHANGE = 'change';
164 public const ACTION_REMOVE = 'remove';
166 public const ACTION_UNLINK = 'unlink';
169 public const SEC_OK = 'ok';
171 public const SEC_REAUTH = 'reauth';
173 public const SEC_FAIL = 'fail';
176 public const AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_SESSION = \MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::class;
179 public const AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_MAINT = '::Maintenance::';
182 public const AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_TEMP = TempUserCreator::class;
188 public const REMEMBER_ME = 'rememberMe';
191 private $request;
194 private $config;
197 private $objectFactory;
200 private $logger;
203 private $userNameUtils;
206 private $allAuthenticationProviders = [];
209 private $preAuthenticationProviders = null;
212 private $primaryAuthenticationProviders = null;
215 private $secondaryAuthenticationProviders = null;
218 private $createdAccountAuthenticationRequests = [];
221 private $hookContainer;
224 private $hookRunner;
227 private $readOnlyMode;
230 private $blockManager;
233 private $watchlistManager;
236 private $loadBalancer;
239 private $contentLanguage;
242 private $languageConverterFactory;
245 private $botPasswordStore;
248 private $userFactory;
251 private $userIdentityLookup;
254 private $userOptionsManager;
274 public function __construct(
275 WebRequest $request,
276 Config $config,
277 ObjectFactory $objectFactory,
278 HookContainer $hookContainer,
279 ReadOnlyMode $readOnlyMode,
280 UserNameUtils $userNameUtils,
281 BlockManager $blockManager,
282 WatchlistManager $watchlistManager,
283 ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer,
284 Language $contentLanguage,
285 LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory,
286 BotPasswordStore $botPasswordStore,
287 UserFactory $userFactory,
288 UserIdentityLookup $userIdentityLookup,
289 UserOptionsManager $userOptionsManager
290 ) {
291 $this->request = $request;
292 $this->config = $config;
293 $this->objectFactory = $objectFactory;
294 $this->hookContainer = $hookContainer;
295 $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer );
296 $this->setLogger( new NullLogger() );
297 $this->readOnlyMode = $readOnlyMode;
298 $this->userNameUtils = $userNameUtils;
299 $this->blockManager = $blockManager;
300 $this->watchlistManager = $watchlistManager;
301 $this->loadBalancer = $loadBalancer;
302 $this->contentLanguage = $contentLanguage;
303 $this->languageConverterFactory = $languageConverterFactory;
304 $this->botPasswordStore = $botPasswordStore;
305 $this->userFactory = $userFactory;
306 $this->userIdentityLookup = $userIdentityLookup;
307 $this->userOptionsManager = $userOptionsManager;
308 }
313 public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) {
314 $this->logger = $logger;
315 }
320 public function getRequest() {
321 return $this->request;
322 }
331 public function forcePrimaryAuthenticationProviders( array $providers, $why ) {
332 wfDeprecated( __METHOD__, '1.43' );
334 $this->logger->warning( "Overriding AuthManager primary authn because $why" );
336 if ( $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders !== null ) {
337 $this->logger->warning(
338 'PrimaryAuthenticationProviders have already been accessed! I hope nothing breaks.'
339 );
341 $this->allAuthenticationProviders = array_diff_key(
342 $this->allAuthenticationProviders,
343 $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders
344 );
345 $session = $this->request->getSession();
346 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
347 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
348 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
349 $this->createdAccountAuthenticationRequests = [];
350 }
352 $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders = [];
353 foreach ( $providers as $provider ) {
354 if ( !$provider instanceof AbstractPrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) {
355 throw new \RuntimeException(
356 'Expected instance of MediaWiki\\Auth\\AbstractPrimaryAuthenticationProvider, got ' .
357 get_class( $provider )
358 );
359 }
360 $provider->init( $this->logger, $this, $this->hookContainer, $this->config, $this->userNameUtils );
361 $id = $provider->getUniqueId();
362 if ( isset( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) ) {
363 throw new \RuntimeException(
364 "Duplicate specifications for id $id (classes " .
365 get_class( $provider ) . ' and ' .
366 get_class( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) . ')'
367 );
368 }
369 $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] = $provider;
370 $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders[$id] = $provider;
371 }
372 }
374 /***************************************************************************/
375 // region Authentication
386 public function canAuthenticateNow() {
387 return $this->request->getSession()->canSetUser();
388 }
408 public function beginAuthentication( array $reqs, $returnToUrl ) {
409 $session = $this->request->getSession();
410 if ( !$session->canSetUser() ) {
411 // Caller should have called canAuthenticateNow()
412 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
413 throw new LogicException( 'Authentication is not possible now' );
414 }
416 $guessUserName = null;
417 foreach ( $reqs as $req ) {
418 $req->returnToUrl = $returnToUrl;
419 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
420 if ( $req->username !== null && $req->username !== '' ) {
421 if ( $guessUserName === null ) {
422 $guessUserName = $req->username;
423 } elseif ( $guessUserName !== $req->username ) {
424 $guessUserName = null;
425 break;
426 }
427 }
428 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
429 }
431 // Check for special-case login of a just-created account
433 $reqs, CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest::class
434 );
435 if ( $req ) {
436 if ( !in_array( $req, $this->createdAccountAuthenticationRequests, true ) ) {
437 throw new LogicException(
438 'CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequests are only valid on ' .
439 'the same AuthManager that created the account'
440 );
441 }
443 $user = $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$req->username );
444 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
445 if ( !$user ) {
446 throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
447 "CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest had invalid username \"{$req->username}\""
448 );
449 } elseif ( $user->getId() != $req->id ) {
450 throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
451 "ID for \"{$req->username}\" was {$user->getId()}, expected {$req->id}"
452 );
453 }
454 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
456 $this->logger->info( 'Logging in {user} after account creation', [
457 'user' => $user->getName(),
458 ] );
459 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $user->getName() );
460 $performer = $session->getUser();
461 $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user );
462 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ $user, $ret ] );
463 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
464 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit(
465 $ret, $user, $user->getName(), [
466 'performer' => $performer
467 ] );
468 return $ret;
469 }
471 $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null );
473 foreach ( $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) {
474 $status = $provider->testForAuthentication( $reqs );
475 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
476 $this->logger->debug( 'Login failed in pre-authentication by ' . $provider->getUniqueId() );
478 Status::wrap( $status )->getMessage()
479 );
480 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication',
481 [ $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$guessUserName ), $ret ]
482 );
483 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit( $ret, null, $guessUserName, [
484 'performer' => $session->getUser()
485 ] );
486 return $ret;
487 }
488 }
490 $state = [
491 'reqs' => $reqs,
492 'returnToUrl' => $returnToUrl,
493 'guessUserName' => $guessUserName,
494 'providerIds' => $this->getProviderIds(),
495 'primary' => null,
496 'primaryResponse' => null,
497 'secondary' => [],
498 'maybeLink' => [],
499 'continueRequests' => [],
500 ];
502 // Preserve state from a previous failed login
504 $reqs, CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest::class
505 );
506 if ( $req ) {
507 $state['maybeLink'] = $req->maybeLink;
508 }
510 $session = $this->request->getSession();
511 $session->setSecret( self::AUTHN_STATE, $state );
512 $session->persist();
514 return $this->continueAuthentication( $reqs );
515 }
539 public function continueAuthentication( array $reqs ) {
540 $session = $this->request->getSession();
541 try {
542 if ( !$session->canSetUser() ) {
543 // Caller should have called canAuthenticateNow()
544 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
545 throw new LogicException( 'Authentication is not possible now' );
546 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
547 }
549 $state = $session->getSecret( self::AUTHN_STATE );
550 if ( !is_array( $state ) ) {
552 wfMessage( 'authmanager-authn-not-in-progress' )
553 );
554 }
555 if ( $state['providerIds'] !== $this->getProviderIds() ) {
556 // An inconsistent AuthManagerFilterProviders hook, or site configuration changed
557 // while the user was in the middle of authentication. The first is a bug, the
558 // second is rare but expected when deploying a config change. Try handle in a way
559 // that's useful for both cases.
560 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
561 MWExceptionHandler::logException( new NormalizedException(
562 'Authentication failed because of inconsistent provider array',
563 [ 'old' => json_encode( $state['providerIds'] ), 'new' => json_encode( $this->getProviderIds() ) ]
564 ) );
566 wfMessage( 'authmanager-authn-not-in-progress' )
567 );
568 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication',
569 [ $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$state['guessUserName'] ), $response ]
570 );
571 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
572 return $response;
573 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
574 }
575 $state['continueRequests'] = [];
577 $guessUserName = $state['guessUserName'];
579 foreach ( $reqs as $req ) {
580 $req->returnToUrl = $state['returnToUrl'];
581 }
583 // Step 1: Choose a primary authentication provider, and call it until it succeeds.
585 if ( $state['primary'] === null ) {
586 // We haven't picked a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider yet
587 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
588 $guessUserName = null;
589 foreach ( $reqs as $req ) {
590 if ( $req->username !== null && $req->username !== '' ) {
591 if ( $guessUserName === null ) {
592 $guessUserName = $req->username;
593 } elseif ( $guessUserName !== $req->username ) {
594 $guessUserName = null;
595 break;
596 }
597 }
598 }
599 $state['guessUserName'] = $guessUserName;
600 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
601 $state['reqs'] = $reqs;
603 foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $id => $provider ) {
604 $res = $provider->beginPrimaryAuthentication( $reqs );
605 switch ( $res->status ) {
607 $state['primary'] = $id;
608 $state['primaryResponse'] = $res;
609 $this->logger->debug( "Primary login with $id succeeded" );
610 break 2;
612 $this->logger->debug( "Login failed in primary authentication by $id" );
613 if ( $res->createRequest || $state['maybeLink'] ) {
614 $res->createRequest = new CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest(
615 $res->createRequest, $state['maybeLink']
616 );
617 }
618 $this->callMethodOnProviders(
619 7,
620 'postAuthentication',
621 [
622 $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$guessUserName ),
623 $res
624 ]
625 );
626 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
627 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit(
628 $res, null, $guessUserName, [
629 'performer' => $session->getUser()
630 ] );
631 return $res;
633 // Continue loop
634 break;
637 $this->logger->debug( "Primary login with $id returned $res->status" );
638 $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LOGIN, $guessUserName );
639 $state['primary'] = $id;
640 $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests;
641 $session->setSecret( self::AUTHN_STATE, $state );
642 return $res;
644 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
645 default:
646 throw new \DomainException(
647 get_class( $provider ) . "::beginPrimaryAuthentication() returned $res->status"
648 );
649 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
650 }
651 }
652 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset Always set in loop before, if passed
653 if ( $state['primary'] === null ) {
654 $this->logger->debug( 'Login failed in primary authentication because no provider accepted' );
656 wfMessage( 'authmanager-authn-no-primary' )
657 );
658 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication',
659 [ $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$guessUserName ), $response ]
660 );
661 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
662 return $response;
663 }
664 } elseif ( $state['primaryResponse'] === null ) {
665 $provider = $this->getAuthenticationProvider( $state['primary'] );
666 if ( !$provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) {
667 // Configuration changed? Force them to start over.
668 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
670 wfMessage( 'authmanager-authn-not-in-progress' )
671 );
672 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication',
673 [ $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$guessUserName ), $response ]
674 );
675 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
676 return $response;
677 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
678 }
679 $id = $provider->getUniqueId();
680 $res = $provider->continuePrimaryAuthentication( $reqs );
681 switch ( $res->status ) {
683 $state['primaryResponse'] = $res;
684 $this->logger->debug( "Primary login with $id succeeded" );
685 break;
687 $this->logger->debug( "Login failed in primary authentication by $id" );
688 if ( $res->createRequest || $state['maybeLink'] ) {
689 $res->createRequest = new CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest(
690 $res->createRequest, $state['maybeLink']
691 );
692 }
693 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication',
694 [ $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$guessUserName ), $res ]
695 );
696 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
697 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit(
698 $res, null, $guessUserName, [
699 'performer' => $session->getUser()
700 ] );
701 return $res;
704 $this->logger->debug( "Primary login with $id returned $res->status" );
705 $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LOGIN, $guessUserName );
706 $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests;
707 $session->setSecret( self::AUTHN_STATE, $state );
708 return $res;
709 default:
710 throw new \DomainException(
711 get_class( $provider ) . "::continuePrimaryAuthentication() returned $res->status"
712 );
713 }
714 }
716 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset Always set in loop before, if passed
717 $res = $state['primaryResponse'];
718 if ( $res->username === null ) {
719 $provider = $this->getAuthenticationProvider( $state['primary'] );
720 if ( !$provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) {
721 // Configuration changed? Force them to start over.
722 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
724 wfMessage( 'authmanager-authn-not-in-progress' )
725 );
726 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication',
727 [ $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$guessUserName ), $response ]
728 );
729 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
730 return $response;
731 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
732 }
734 if ( $provider->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK &&
735 $res->linkRequest &&
736 // don't confuse the user with an incorrect message if linking is disabled
737 $this->getAuthenticationProvider( ConfirmLinkSecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class )
738 ) {
739 $state['maybeLink'][$res->linkRequest->getUniqueId()] = $res->linkRequest;
740 $msg = 'authmanager-authn-no-local-user-link';
741 } else {
742 $msg = 'authmanager-authn-no-local-user';
743 }
744 $this->logger->debug(
745 "Primary login with {$provider->getUniqueId()} succeeded, but returned no user"
746 );
747 $response = AuthenticationResponse::newRestart( wfMessage( $msg ) );
748 $response->neededRequests = $this->getAuthenticationRequestsInternal(
749 self::ACTION_LOGIN,
750 [],
752 );
753 if ( $res->createRequest || $state['maybeLink'] ) {
754 $response->createRequest = new CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest(
755 $res->createRequest, $state['maybeLink']
756 );
757 $response->neededRequests[] = $response->createRequest;
758 }
759 $this->fillRequests( $response->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LOGIN, null, true );
760 $session->setSecret( self::AUTHN_STATE, [
761 'reqs' => [], // Will be filled in later
762 'primary' => null,
763 'primaryResponse' => null,
764 'secondary' => [],
765 'continueRequests' => $response->neededRequests,
766 ] + $state );
768 // Give the AuthManagerVerifyAuthentication hook a chance to interrupt - even though
769 // RESTART does not immediately result in a successful login, the response and session
770 // state can hold information identifying a (remote) user, and that could be turned
771 // into access to that user's account in a follow-up request.
772 if ( !$this->runVerifyHook( self::ACTION_LOGIN, null, $response, $state['primary'] ) ) {
773 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ null, $response ] );
774 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
775 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit(
776 $response, null, null, [ 'performer' => $session->getUser() ]
777 );
778 return $response;
779 }
781 return $response;
782 }
784 // Step 2: Primary authentication succeeded, create the User object
785 // (and add the user locally if necessary)
787 $user = $this->userFactory->newFromName(
788 (string)$res->username,
789 UserRigorOptions::RIGOR_USABLE
790 );
791 if ( !$user ) {
792 $provider = $this->getAuthenticationProvider( $state['primary'] );
793 throw new \DomainException(
794 get_class( $provider ) . " returned an invalid username: {$res->username}"
795 );
796 }
797 if ( !$user->isRegistered() ) {
798 // User doesn't exist locally. Create it.
799 $this->logger->info( 'Auto-creating {user} on login', [
800 'user' => $user->getName(),
801 ] );
802 // Also use $user as performer, because the performer will be used for permission
803 // checks and global rights extensions might add rights based on the username,
804 // even if the user doesn't exist at this point.
805 $status = $this->autoCreateUser( $user, $state['primary'], false, true, $user );
806 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
808 Status::wrap( $status )->getMessage( 'authmanager-authn-autocreate-failed' )
809 );
810 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ $user, $response ] );
811 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
812 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit(
813 $response, $user, $user->getName(), [
814 'performer' => $session->getUser()
815 ] );
816 return $response;
817 }
818 }
820 // Step 3: Iterate over all the secondary authentication providers.
822 $beginReqs = $state['reqs'];
824 foreach ( $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders() as $id => $provider ) {
825 if ( !isset( $state['secondary'][$id] ) ) {
826 // This provider isn't started yet, so we pass it the set
827 // of reqs from beginAuthentication instead of whatever
828 // might have been used by a previous provider in line.
829 $func = 'beginSecondaryAuthentication';
830 $res = $provider->beginSecondaryAuthentication( $user, $beginReqs );
831 } elseif ( !$state['secondary'][$id] ) {
832 $func = 'continueSecondaryAuthentication';
833 $res = $provider->continueSecondaryAuthentication( $user, $reqs );
834 } else {
835 continue;
836 }
837 switch ( $res->status ) {
839 $this->logger->debug( "Secondary login with $id succeeded" );
840 // fall through
842 $state['secondary'][$id] = true;
843 break;
845 $this->logger->debug( "Login failed in secondary authentication by $id" );
846 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ $user, $res ] );
847 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
848 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit(
849 $res, $user, $user->getName(), [
850 'performer' => $session->getUser()
851 ] );
852 return $res;
855 $this->logger->debug( "Secondary login with $id returned " . $res->status );
856 $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LOGIN, $user->getName() );
857 $state['secondary'][$id] = false;
858 $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests;
859 $session->setSecret( self::AUTHN_STATE, $state );
860 return $res;
862 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
863 default:
864 throw new \DomainException(
865 get_class( $provider ) . "::{$func}() returned $res->status"
866 );
867 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
868 }
869 }
871 // Step 4: Authentication complete! Give hook handlers a chance to interrupt, then
872 // set the user in the session and clean up.
874 $response = AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $user->getName() );
875 if ( !$this->runVerifyHook( self::ACTION_LOGIN, $user, $response, $state['primary'] ) ) {
876 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ $user, $response ] );
877 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
878 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit(
879 $response, $user, $user->getName(), [
880 'performer' => $session->getUser(),
881 ] );
882 return $response;
883 }
884 $this->logger->info( 'Login for {user} succeeded from {clientip}', [
885 'user' => $user->getName(),
886 'clientip' => $this->request->getIP(),
887 ] );
888 $rememberMeConfig = $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::RememberMe );
889 if ( $rememberMeConfig === RememberMeAuthenticationRequest::ALWAYS_REMEMBER ) {
890 $rememberMe = true;
891 } elseif ( $rememberMeConfig === RememberMeAuthenticationRequest::NEVER_REMEMBER ) {
892 $rememberMe = false;
893 } else {
896 $beginReqs, RememberMeAuthenticationRequest::class
897 );
899 // T369668: Before we conclude, let's make sure the user hasn't specified
900 // that they want their login remembered elsewhere like in the central domain.
901 // If the user clicked "remember me" in the central domain, then we should
902 // prioritise that when we call continuePrimaryAuthentication() in the provider
903 // that makes calls continuePrimaryAuthentication(). NOTE: It is the responsibility
904 // of the provider to refresh the "remember me" state that will be applied to
905 // the local wiki.
906 $rememberMe = ( $req && $req->rememberMe ) ||
907 $this->getAuthenticationSessionData( self::REMEMBER_ME );
908 }
909 $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user, $rememberMe );
910 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAuthentication', [ $user, $response ] );
911 $performer = $session->getUser();
912 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
913 $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null );
914 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerLoginAuthenticateAudit(
915 $response, $user, $user->getName(), [
916 'performer' => $performer
917 ] );
918 return $response;
919 } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
920 $session->remove( self::AUTHN_STATE );
921 throw $ex;
922 }
923 }
936 public function securitySensitiveOperationStatus( $operation ) {
937 $status = self::SEC_OK;
939 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Checking $operation" );
941 $session = $this->request->getSession();
942 $aId = $session->getUser()->getId();
943 if ( $aId === 0 ) {
944 // User isn't authenticated. DWIM?
946 $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ": Not logged in! $operation is $status" );
947 return $status;
948 }
950 if ( $session->canSetUser() ) {
951 $id = $session->get( 'AuthManager:lastAuthId' );
952 $last = $session->get( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp' );
953 if ( $id !== $aId || $last === null ) {
954 $timeSinceLogin = PHP_INT_MAX; // Forever ago
955 } else {
956 $timeSinceLogin = max( 0, time() - $last );
957 }
959 $thresholds = $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::ReauthenticateTime );
960 if ( isset( $thresholds[$operation] ) ) {
961 $threshold = $thresholds[$operation];
962 } elseif ( isset( $thresholds['default'] ) ) {
963 $threshold = $thresholds['default'];
964 } else {
965 throw new \UnexpectedValueException( '$wgReauthenticateTime lacks a default' );
966 }
968 if ( $threshold >= 0 && $timeSinceLogin > $threshold ) {
969 $status = self::SEC_REAUTH;
970 }
971 } else {
972 $timeSinceLogin = -1;
974 $pass = $this->config->get(
976 if ( isset( $pass[$operation] ) ) {
977 $status = $pass[$operation] ? self::SEC_OK : self::SEC_FAIL;
978 } elseif ( isset( $pass['default'] ) ) {
979 $status = $pass['default'] ? self::SEC_OK : self::SEC_FAIL;
980 } else {
981 throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
982 '$wgAllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate lacks a default'
983 );
984 }
985 }
987 $this->getHookRunner()->onSecuritySensitiveOperationStatus(
988 $status, $operation, $session, $timeSinceLogin );
990 // If authentication is not possible, downgrade from "REAUTH" to "FAIL".
991 if ( !$this->canAuthenticateNow() && $status === self::SEC_REAUTH ) {
992 $status = self::SEC_FAIL;
993 }
995 $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ": $operation is $status for '{user}'",
996 [
997 'user' => $session->getUser()->getName(),
998 'clientip' => $this->getRequest()->getIP(),
999 ]
1000 );
1002 return $status;
1003 }
1014 public function userCanAuthenticate( $username ) {
1015 foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) {
1016 if ( $provider->testUserCanAuthenticate( $username ) ) {
1017 return true;
1018 }
1019 }
1020 return false;
1021 }
1037 public function normalizeUsername( $username ) {
1038 $ret = [];
1039 foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) {
1040 $normalized = $provider->providerNormalizeUsername( $username );
1041 if ( $normalized !== null ) {
1042 $ret[$normalized] = true;
1043 }
1044 }
1045 return array_keys( $ret );
1046 }
1065 $context = RequestContext::getMain();
1066 $user = $context->getRequest()->getSession()->getUser();
1068 StubGlobalUser::setUser( $user );
1069 $context->setUser( $user );
1071 // phpcs:ignore MediaWiki.Usage.ExtendClassUsage.FunctionVarUsage
1072 global $wgLang;
1073 // phpcs:ignore MediaWiki.Usage.ExtendClassUsage.FunctionVarUsage
1074 $wgLang = $context->getLanguage();
1075 }
1077 // endregion -- end of Authentication
1079 /***************************************************************************/
1080 // region Authentication data changing
1090 public function revokeAccessForUser( $username ) {
1091 $this->logger->info( 'Revoking access for {user}', [
1092 'user' => $username,
1093 ] );
1094 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 6, 'providerRevokeAccessForUser', [ $username ] );
1095 }
1106 public function allowsAuthenticationDataChange( AuthenticationRequest $req, $checkData = true ) {
1107 $any = false;
1108 $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() +
1109 $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
1111 foreach ( $providers as $provider ) {
1112 $status = $provider->providerAllowsAuthenticationDataChange( $req, $checkData );
1113 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
1114 // If status is not good because reset email password last attempt was within
1115 // $wgPasswordReminderResendTime then return good status with throttled-mailpassword value;
1116 // otherwise, return the $status wrapped.
1117 return $status->hasMessage( 'throttled-mailpassword' )
1118 ? Status::newGood( 'throttled-mailpassword' )
1119 : Status::wrap( $status );
1120 }
1121 $any = $any || $status->value !== 'ignored';
1122 }
1123 if ( !$any ) {
1124 return Status::newGood( 'ignored' )
1125 ->warning( 'authmanager-change-not-supported' );
1126 }
1127 return Status::newGood();
1128 }
1147 public function changeAuthenticationData( AuthenticationRequest $req, $isAddition = false ) {
1148 $this->logger->info( 'Changing authentication data for {user} class {what}', [
1149 'user' => is_string( $req->username ) ? $req->username : '<no name>',
1150 'what' => get_class( $req ),
1151 ] );
1153 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 6, 'providerChangeAuthenticationData', [ $req ] );
1155 // When the main account's authentication data is changed, invalidate
1156 // all BotPasswords too.
1157 if ( !$isAddition ) {
1158 $this->botPasswordStore->invalidateUserPasswords( (string)$req->username );
1159 }
1160 }
1162 // endregion -- end of Authentication data changing
1164 /***************************************************************************/
1165 // region Account creation
1172 public function canCreateAccounts() {
1173 foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) {
1174 switch ( $provider->accountCreationType() ) {
1177 return true;
1178 }
1179 }
1180 return false;
1181 }
1191 public function canCreateAccount( $username, $options = [] ) {
1192 // Back compat
1193 if ( is_int( $options ) ) {
1194 $options = [ 'flags' => $options ];
1195 }
1196 $options += [
1197 'flags' => IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL,
1198 'creating' => false,
1199 ];
1200 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset False positive
1201 $flags = $options['flags'];
1203 if ( !$this->canCreateAccounts() ) {
1204 return Status::newFatal( 'authmanager-create-disabled' );
1205 }
1207 if ( $this->userExists( $username, $flags ) ) {
1208 return Status::newFatal( 'userexists' );
1209 }
1211 $user = $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$username, UserRigorOptions::RIGOR_CREATABLE );
1212 if ( !is_object( $user ) ) {
1213 return Status::newFatal( 'noname' );
1214 } else {
1215 $user->load( $flags ); // Explicitly load with $flags, auto-loading always uses READ_NORMAL
1216 if ( $user->isRegistered() ) {
1217 return Status::newFatal( 'userexists' );
1218 }
1219 }
1221 // Denied by providers?
1222 $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() +
1223 $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() +
1224 $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
1225 foreach ( $providers as $provider ) {
1226 $status = $provider->testUserForCreation( $user, false, $options );
1227 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
1228 return Status::wrap( $status );
1229 }
1230 }
1232 return Status::newGood();
1233 }
1240 private function authorizeInternal(
1241 callable $authorizer,
1242 string $action
1243 ): StatusValue {
1244 // Wiki is read-only?
1245 if ( $this->readOnlyMode->isReadOnly() ) {
1246 return StatusValue::newFatal( wfMessage( 'readonlytext', $this->readOnlyMode->getReason() ) );
1247 }
1249 $permStatus = new PermissionStatus();
1250 if ( !$authorizer(
1251 $action,
1252 SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'CreateAccount' ),
1253 $permStatus
1254 ) ) {
1255 return $permStatus;
1256 }
1258 $ip = $this->getRequest()->getIP();
1259 if ( $this->blockManager->isDnsBlacklisted( $ip, true /* check $wgProxyWhitelist */ ) ) {
1260 return StatusValue::newFatal( 'sorbs_create_account_reason' );
1261 }
1263 return StatusValue::newGood();
1264 }
1277 public function probablyCanCreateAccount( Authority $creator ): StatusValue {
1278 return $this->authorizeInternal(
1279 static function (
1280 string $action,
1281 PageIdentity $target,
1282 PermissionStatus $status
1283 ) use ( $creator ) {
1284 return $creator->probablyCan( $action, $target, $status );
1285 },
1286 'createaccount'
1287 );
1288 }
1301 public function authorizeCreateAccount( Authority $creator ): StatusValue {
1302 return $this->authorizeInternal(
1303 static function (
1304 string $action,
1305 PageIdentity $target,
1306 PermissionStatus $status
1307 ) use ( $creator ) {
1308 return $creator->authorizeWrite( $action, $target, $status );
1309 },
1310 'createaccount'
1311 );
1312 }
1333 public function beginAccountCreation( Authority $creator, array $reqs, $returnToUrl ) {
1334 $session = $this->request->getSession();
1335 if ( !$this->canCreateAccounts() ) {
1336 // Caller should have called canCreateAccounts()
1337 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1338 throw new LogicException( 'Account creation is not possible' );
1339 }
1341 try {
1342 $username = AuthenticationRequest::getUsernameFromRequests( $reqs );
1343 } catch ( \UnexpectedValueException $ex ) {
1344 $username = null;
1345 }
1346 if ( $username === null ) {
1347 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': No username provided' );
1348 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'noname' ) );
1349 }
1351 // Permissions check
1352 $status = Status::wrap( $this->authorizeCreateAccount( $creator ) );
1353 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
1354 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {creator} cannot create users: {reason}', [
1355 'user' => $username,
1356 'creator' => $creator->getUser()->getName(),
1357 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' )
1358 ] );
1359 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() );
1360 }
1362 $status = $this->canCreateAccount(
1363 $username, [ 'flags' => IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING, 'creating' => true ]
1364 );
1365 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
1366 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {user} cannot be created: {reason}', [
1367 'user' => $username,
1368 'creator' => $creator->getUser()->getName(),
1369 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' )
1370 ] );
1371 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() );
1372 }
1374 $user = $this->userFactory->newFromName( (string)$username, UserRigorOptions::RIGOR_CREATABLE );
1375 foreach ( $reqs as $req ) {
1376 $req->username = $username;
1377 $req->returnToUrl = $returnToUrl;
1378 if ( $req instanceof UserDataAuthenticationRequest ) {
1379 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable user should be checked and valid here
1380 $status = $req->populateUser( $user );
1381 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
1382 $status = Status::wrap( $status );
1383 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1384 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': UserData is invalid: {reason}', [
1385 'user' => $user->getName(),
1386 'creator' => $creator->getUser()->getName(),
1387 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' ),
1388 ] );
1389 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() );
1390 }
1391 }
1392 }
1394 $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null );
1396 $state = [
1397 'username' => $username,
1398 'userid' => 0,
1399 'creatorid' => $creator->getUser()->getId(),
1400 'creatorname' => $creator->getUser()->getName(),
1401 'reqs' => $reqs,
1402 'returnToUrl' => $returnToUrl,
1403 'providerIds' => $this->getProviderIds(),
1404 'primary' => null,
1405 'primaryResponse' => null,
1406 'secondary' => [],
1407 'continueRequests' => [],
1408 'maybeLink' => [],
1409 'ranPreTests' => false,
1410 ];
1412 // Special case: converting a login to an account creation
1413 $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass(
1414 $reqs, CreateFromLoginAuthenticationRequest::class
1415 );
1416 if ( $req ) {
1417 $state['maybeLink'] = $req->maybeLink;
1419 if ( $req->createRequest ) {
1420 $reqs[] = $req->createRequest;
1421 $state['reqs'][] = $req->createRequest;
1422 }
1423 }
1425 $session->setSecret( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE, $state );
1426 $session->persist();
1428 return $this->continueAccountCreation( $reqs );
1429 }
1436 public function continueAccountCreation( array $reqs ) {
1437 $session = $this->request->getSession();
1438 try {
1439 if ( !$this->canCreateAccounts() ) {
1440 // Caller should have called canCreateAccounts()
1441 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1442 throw new LogicException( 'Account creation is not possible' );
1443 }
1445 $state = $session->getSecret( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1446 if ( !is_array( $state ) ) {
1447 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
1448 wfMessage( 'authmanager-create-not-in-progress' )
1449 );
1450 }
1451 $state['continueRequests'] = [];
1453 // Step 0: Prepare and validate the input
1455 $user = $this->userFactory->newFromName(
1456 (string)$state['username'],
1457 UserRigorOptions::RIGOR_CREATABLE
1458 );
1459 if ( !is_object( $user ) ) {
1460 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1461 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Invalid username', [
1462 'user' => $state['username'],
1463 ] );
1464 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'noname' ) );
1465 }
1467 if ( $state['creatorid'] ) {
1468 $creator = $this->userFactory->newFromId( (int)$state['creatorid'] );
1469 } else {
1470 $creator = $this->userFactory->newAnonymous();
1471 $creator->setName( $state['creatorname'] );
1472 }
1474 if ( $state['providerIds'] !== $this->getProviderIds() ) {
1475 // An inconsistent AuthManagerFilterProviders hook, or site configuration changed
1476 // while the user was in the middle of authentication. The first is a bug, the
1477 // second is rare but expected when deploying a config change. Try handle in a way
1478 // that's useful for both cases.
1479 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
1480 MWExceptionHandler::logException( new NormalizedException(
1481 'Authentication failed because of inconsistent provider array',
1482 [ 'old' => json_encode( $state['providerIds'] ), 'new' => json_encode( $this->getProviderIds() ) ]
1483 ) );
1484 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
1485 wfMessage( 'authmanager-create-not-in-progress' )
1486 );
1487 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] );
1488 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1489 return $ret;
1490 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
1491 }
1493 // Avoid account creation races on double submissions
1494 $cache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getObjectCacheFactory()->getLocalClusterInstance();
1495 $lock = $cache->getScopedLock( $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'account', md5( $user->getName() ) ) );
1496 if ( !$lock ) {
1497 // Don't clear AuthManager::accountCreationState for this code
1498 // path because the process that won the race owns it.
1499 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Could not acquire account creation lock', [
1500 'user' => $user->getName(),
1501 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1502 ] );
1503 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'usernameinprogress' ) );
1504 }
1506 // Permissions check
1507 $status = Status::wrap( $this->authorizeCreateAccount( $creator ) );
1508 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
1509 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {creator} cannot create users: {reason}', [
1510 'user' => $user->getName(),
1511 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1512 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' )
1513 ] );
1514 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() );
1515 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] );
1516 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1517 return $ret;
1518 }
1520 // Load from primary DB for existence check
1521 $user->load( IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING );
1523 if ( $state['userid'] === 0 ) {
1524 if ( $user->isRegistered() ) {
1525 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': User exists locally', [
1526 'user' => $user->getName(),
1527 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1528 ] );
1529 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'userexists' ) );
1530 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] );
1531 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1532 return $ret;
1533 }
1534 } else {
1535 if ( !$user->isRegistered() ) {
1536 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': User does not exist locally when it should', [
1537 'user' => $user->getName(),
1538 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1539 'expected_id' => $state['userid'],
1540 ] );
1541 throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
1542 "User \"{$state['username']}\" should exist now, but doesn't!"
1543 );
1544 }
1545 if ( $user->getId() !== $state['userid'] ) {
1546 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': User ID/name mismatch', [
1547 'user' => $user->getName(),
1548 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1549 'expected_id' => $state['userid'],
1550 'actual_id' => $user->getId(),
1551 ] );
1552 throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
1553 "User \"{$state['username']}\" exists, but " .
1554 "ID {$user->getId()} !== {$state['userid']}!"
1555 );
1556 }
1557 }
1558 foreach ( $state['reqs'] as $req ) {
1559 if ( $req instanceof UserDataAuthenticationRequest ) {
1560 $status = $req->populateUser( $user );
1561 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
1562 // This should never happen...
1563 $status = Status::wrap( $status );
1564 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': UserData is invalid: {reason}', [
1565 'user' => $user->getName(),
1566 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1567 'reason' => $status->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' ),
1568 ] );
1569 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() );
1570 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] );
1571 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1572 return $ret;
1573 }
1574 }
1575 }
1577 foreach ( $reqs as $req ) {
1578 $req->returnToUrl = $state['returnToUrl'];
1579 $req->username = $state['username'];
1580 }
1582 // Run pre-creation tests, if we haven't already
1583 if ( !$state['ranPreTests'] ) {
1584 $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() +
1585 $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() +
1586 $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
1587 foreach ( $providers as $id => $provider ) {
1588 $status = $provider->testForAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $reqs );
1589 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
1590 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Fail in pre-authentication by $id", [
1591 'user' => $user->getName(),
1592 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1593 ] );
1594 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
1595 Status::wrap( $status )->getMessage()
1596 );
1597 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] );
1598 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1599 return $ret;
1600 }
1601 }
1603 $state['ranPreTests'] = true;
1604 }
1606 // Step 1: Choose a primary authentication provider and call it until it succeeds.
1608 if ( $state['primary'] === null ) {
1609 // We haven't picked a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider yet
1610 foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $id => $provider ) {
1611 if ( $provider->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_NONE ) {
1612 continue;
1613 }
1614 $res = $provider->beginPrimaryAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $reqs );
1615 switch ( $res->status ) {
1616 case AuthenticationResponse::PASS:
1617 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation passed by $id", [
1618 'user' => $user->getName(),
1619 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1620 ] );
1621 $state['primary'] = $id;
1622 $state['primaryResponse'] = $res;
1623 break 2;
1624 case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL:
1625 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation failed by $id", [
1626 'user' => $user->getName(),
1627 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1628 ] );
1629 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $res ] );
1630 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1631 return $res;
1632 case AuthenticationResponse::ABSTAIN:
1633 // Continue loop
1634 break;
1635 case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT:
1636 case AuthenticationResponse::UI:
1637 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation $res->status by $id", [
1638 'user' => $user->getName(),
1639 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1640 ] );
1641 $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_CREATE, null );
1642 $state['primary'] = $id;
1643 $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests;
1644 $session->setSecret( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE, $state );
1645 return $res;
1647 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
1648 default:
1649 throw new \DomainException(
1650 get_class( $provider ) . "::beginPrimaryAccountCreation() returned $res->status"
1651 );
1652 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
1653 }
1654 }
1655 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset Always set in loop before, if passed
1656 if ( $state['primary'] === null ) {
1657 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Primary creation failed because no provider accepted', [
1658 'user' => $user->getName(),
1659 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1660 ] );
1661 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
1662 wfMessage( 'authmanager-create-no-primary' )
1663 );
1664 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] );
1665 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1666 return $ret;
1667 }
1668 } elseif ( $state['primaryResponse'] === null ) {
1669 $provider = $this->getAuthenticationProvider( $state['primary'] );
1670 if ( !$provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) {
1671 // Configuration changed? Force them to start over.
1672 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
1673 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
1674 wfMessage( 'authmanager-create-not-in-progress' )
1675 );
1676 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] );
1677 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1678 return $ret;
1679 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
1680 }
1681 $id = $provider->getUniqueId();
1682 $res = $provider->continuePrimaryAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $reqs );
1683 switch ( $res->status ) {
1684 case AuthenticationResponse::PASS:
1685 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation passed by $id", [
1686 'user' => $user->getName(),
1687 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1688 ] );
1689 $state['primaryResponse'] = $res;
1690 break;
1691 case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL:
1692 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation failed by $id", [
1693 'user' => $user->getName(),
1694 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1695 ] );
1696 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $res ] );
1697 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1698 return $res;
1699 case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT:
1700 case AuthenticationResponse::UI:
1701 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Primary creation $res->status by $id", [
1702 'user' => $user->getName(),
1703 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1704 ] );
1705 $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_CREATE, null );
1706 $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests;
1707 $session->setSecret( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE, $state );
1708 return $res;
1709 default:
1710 throw new \DomainException(
1711 get_class( $provider ) . "::continuePrimaryAccountCreation() returned $res->status"
1712 );
1713 }
1714 }
1716 // Step 2: Primary authentication succeeded. Give hook handlers a chance to interrupt,
1717 // then create the User object and add the user locally.
1719 if ( $state['userid'] === 0 ) {
1720 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset Always set if we passed step 1
1721 $response = $state['primaryResponse'];
1722 if ( !$this->runVerifyHook( self::ACTION_CREATE, $user, $response, $state['primary'] ) ) {
1723 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $response ] );
1724 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1725 return $response;
1726 }
1727 $this->logger->info( 'Creating user {user} during account creation', [
1728 'user' => $user->getName(),
1729 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1730 ] );
1731 $status = $user->addToDatabase();
1732 if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
1733 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
1734 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $status->getMessage() );
1735 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] );
1736 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1737 return $ret;
1738 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
1739 }
1740 $this->setDefaultUserOptions( $user, $creator->isAnon() );
1741 $this->getHookRunner()->onLocalUserCreated( $user, false );
1742 $user->saveSettings();
1743 $state['userid'] = $user->getId();
1745 // Update user count
1746 DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( SiteStatsUpdate::factory( [ 'users' => 1 ] ) );
1748 // Watch user's userpage and talk page
1749 $this->watchlistManager->addWatchIgnoringRights( $user, $user->getUserPage() );
1751 // Inform the provider
1752 // @phan-suppress-next-next-line PhanPossiblyUndeclaredVariable
1753 // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypePossiblyInvalidDimOffset Always set in loop before, if passed
1754 $logSubtype = $provider->finishAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $state['primaryResponse'] );
1756 // Log the creation
1757 if ( $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::NewUserLog ) ) {
1758 $isNamed = $creator->isNamed();
1759 $logEntry = new \ManualLogEntry(
1760 'newusers',
1761 $logSubtype ?: ( $isNamed ? 'create2' : 'create' )
1762 );
1763 $logEntry->setPerformer( $isNamed ? $creator : $user );
1764 $logEntry->setTarget( $user->getUserPage() );
1766 $req = AuthenticationRequest::getRequestByClass(
1767 $state['reqs'], CreationReasonAuthenticationRequest::class
1768 );
1769 $logEntry->setComment( $req ? $req->reason : '' );
1770 $logEntry->setParameters( [
1771 '4::userid' => $user->getId(),
1772 ] );
1773 $logid = $logEntry->insert();
1774 $logEntry->publish( $logid );
1775 }
1776 }
1778 // Step 3: Iterate over all the secondary authentication providers.
1780 $beginReqs = $state['reqs'];
1782 foreach ( $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders() as $id => $provider ) {
1783 if ( !isset( $state['secondary'][$id] ) ) {
1784 // This provider isn't started yet, so we pass it the set
1785 // of reqs from beginAuthentication instead of whatever
1786 // might have been used by a previous provider in line.
1787 $func = 'beginSecondaryAccountCreation';
1788 $res = $provider->beginSecondaryAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $beginReqs );
1789 } elseif ( !$state['secondary'][$id] ) {
1790 $func = 'continueSecondaryAccountCreation';
1791 $res = $provider->continueSecondaryAccountCreation( $user, $creator, $reqs );
1792 } else {
1793 continue;
1794 }
1795 switch ( $res->status ) {
1796 case AuthenticationResponse::PASS:
1797 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Secondary creation passed by $id", [
1798 'user' => $user->getName(),
1799 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1800 ] );
1801 // fall through
1802 case AuthenticationResponse::ABSTAIN:
1803 $state['secondary'][$id] = true;
1804 break;
1805 case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT:
1806 case AuthenticationResponse::UI:
1807 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Secondary creation $res->status by $id", [
1808 'user' => $user->getName(),
1809 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1810 ] );
1811 $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_CREATE, null );
1812 $state['secondary'][$id] = false;
1813 $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests;
1814 $session->setSecret( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE, $state );
1815 return $res;
1816 case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL:
1817 throw new \DomainException(
1818 get_class( $provider ) . "::{$func}() returned $res->status." .
1819 ' Secondary providers are not allowed to fail account creation, that' .
1820 ' should have been done via testForAccountCreation().'
1821 );
1822 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
1823 default:
1824 throw new \DomainException(
1825 get_class( $provider ) . "::{$func}() returned $res->status"
1826 );
1827 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
1828 }
1829 }
1831 $id = $user->getId();
1832 $name = $user->getName();
1833 $req = new CreatedAccountAuthenticationRequest( $id, $name );
1834 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newPass( $name );
1835 $ret->loginRequest = $req;
1836 $this->createdAccountAuthenticationRequests[] = $req;
1838 $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ': Account creation succeeded for {user}', [
1839 'user' => $user->getName(),
1840 'creator' => $creator->getName(),
1841 ] );
1843 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $creator, $ret ] );
1844 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1845 $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null );
1846 return $ret;
1847 } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
1848 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
1849 throw $ex;
1850 }
1851 }
1874 public function autoCreateUser(
1875 User $user,
1876 $source,
1877 $login = true,
1878 $log = true,
1879 ?Authority $performer = null
1880 ) {
1881 $validSources = [
1885 ];
1886 if ( !in_array( $source, $validSources, true )
1887 && !$this->getAuthenticationProvider( $source ) instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider
1888 ) {
1889 throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Unknown auto-creation source: $source" );
1890 }
1892 $username = $user->getName();
1894 // Try the local user from the replica DB, then fall back to the primary.
1895 $localUserIdentity = $this->userIdentityLookup->getUserIdentityByName( $username );
1896 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
1897 if ( ( !$localUserIdentity || !$localUserIdentity->isRegistered() )
1898 && $this->loadBalancer->getReaderIndex() !== 0
1899 ) {
1900 $localUserIdentity = $this->userIdentityLookup->getUserIdentityByName(
1901 $username, IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST
1902 );
1903 }
1904 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
1905 $localId = ( $localUserIdentity && $localUserIdentity->isRegistered() )
1906 ? $localUserIdentity->getId()
1907 : null;
1909 if ( $localId ) {
1910 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {username} already exists locally', [
1911 'username' => $username,
1912 ] );
1913 $user->setId( $localId );
1915 // Can't rely on a replica read, not even when getUserIdentityByName() used
1916 // READ_NORMAL, because that method has an in-process cache not shared
1917 // with loadFromId.
1918 $user->loadFromId( IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST );
1919 if ( $login ) {
1920 $remember = $source === self::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_TEMP;
1921 $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user, $remember );
1922 }
1923 return Status::newGood()->warning( 'userexists' );
1924 }
1926 // Wiki is read-only?
1927 if ( $this->readOnlyMode->isReadOnly() ) {
1928 $reason = $this->readOnlyMode->getReason();
1929 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': denied because of read only mode: {reason}', [
1930 'username' => $username,
1931 'reason' => $reason,
1932 ] );
1933 $user->setId( 0 );
1934 $user->loadFromId();
1935 return Status::newFatal( wfMessage( 'readonlytext', $reason ) );
1936 }
1938 // If there is a non-anonymous performer, don't use their session
1939 $session = null;
1940 if ( !$performer || $performer->getUser()->equals( $user ) ) {
1941 $session = $this->request->getSession();
1942 }
1944 // Check the session, if we tried to create this user already there's
1945 // no point in retrying.
1946 if ( $session && $session->get( self::AUTOCREATE_BLOCKLIST ) ) {
1947 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': blacklisted in session {sessionid}', [
1948 'username' => $username,
1949 'sessionid' => $session->getId(),
1950 ] );
1951 $user->setId( 0 );
1952 $user->loadFromId();
1953 $reason = $session->get( self::AUTOCREATE_BLOCKLIST );
1954 if ( $reason instanceof StatusValue ) {
1955 return Status::wrap( $reason );
1956 } else {
1957 return Status::newFatal( $reason );
1958 }
1959 }
1961 // Is the username usable? (Previously isCreatable() was checked here but
1962 // that doesn't work with auto-creation of TempUser accounts by CentralAuth)
1963 if ( !$this->userNameUtils->isUsable( $username ) ) {
1964 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': name "{username}" is not usable', [
1965 'username' => $username,
1966 ] );
1967 if ( $session ) {
1968 $session->set( self::AUTOCREATE_BLOCKLIST, 'noname' );
1969 }
1970 $user->setId( 0 );
1971 $user->loadFromId();
1972 return Status::newFatal( 'noname' );
1973 }
1975 // Is the IP user able to create accounts?
1976 $performer ??= $this->userFactory->newAnonymous();
1977 $bypassAuthorization = $session ? $session->getProvider()->canAlwaysAutocreate() : false;
1978 if ( $source !== self::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_MAINT && !$bypassAuthorization ) {
1979 $status = $this->authorizeAutoCreateAccount( $performer );
1980 if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
1981 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': cannot create or autocreate accounts', [
1982 'username' => $username,
1983 'creator' => $performer->getUser()->getName(),
1984 ] );
1985 if ( $session ) {
1986 $session->set( self::AUTOCREATE_BLOCKLIST, $status );
1987 $session->persist();
1988 }
1989 $user->setId( 0 );
1990 $user->loadFromId();
1991 return Status::wrap( $status );
1992 }
1993 }
1995 // Avoid account creation races on double submissions
1996 $cache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getObjectCacheFactory()->getLocalClusterInstance();
1997 $lock = $cache->getScopedLock( $cache->makeGlobalKey( 'account', md5( $username ) ) );
1998 if ( !$lock ) {
1999 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Could not acquire account creation lock', [
2000 'user' => $username,
2001 ] );
2002 $user->setId( 0 );
2003 $user->loadFromId();
2004 return Status::newFatal( 'usernameinprogress' );
2005 }
2007 // Denied by providers?
2008 $options = [
2009 'flags' => IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST,
2010 'creating' => true,
2011 'canAlwaysAutocreate' => $session && $session->getProvider()->canAlwaysAutocreate(),
2012 ];
2013 $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() +
2014 $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() +
2015 $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
2016 foreach ( $providers as $provider ) {
2017 $status = $provider->testUserForCreation( $user, $source, $options );
2018 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
2019 $ret = Status::wrap( $status );
2020 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Provider denied creation of {username}: {reason}', [
2021 'username' => $username,
2022 'reason' => $ret->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' ),
2023 ] );
2024 if ( $session ) {
2025 $session->set( self::AUTOCREATE_BLOCKLIST, $status );
2026 }
2027 $user->setId( 0 );
2028 $user->loadFromId();
2029 return $ret;
2030 }
2031 }
2033 $backoffKey = $cache->makeKey( 'AuthManager', 'autocreate-failed', md5( $username ) );
2034 if ( $cache->get( $backoffKey ) ) {
2035 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': {username} denied by prior creation attempt failures', [
2036 'username' => $username,
2037 ] );
2038 $user->setId( 0 );
2039 $user->loadFromId();
2040 return Status::newFatal( 'authmanager-autocreate-exception' );
2041 }
2043 // Checks passed, create the user...
2044 $from = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?? 'CLI';
2045 $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ': creating new user ({username}) - from: {from}', [
2046 'username' => $username,
2047 'from' => $from,
2048 ] );
2050 // Ignore warnings about primary connections/writes...hard to avoid here
2051 $trxProfiler = \Profiler::instance()->getTransactionProfiler();
2052 $scope = $trxProfiler->silenceForScope( $trxProfiler::EXPECTATION_REPLICAS_ONLY );
2053 try {
2054 $status = $user->addToDatabase();
2055 if ( !$status->isOK() ) {
2056 // Double-check for a race condition (T70012). We make use of the fact that when
2057 // addToDatabase fails due to the user already existing, the user object gets loaded.
2058 if ( $user->getId() ) {
2059 $this->logger->info( __METHOD__ . ': {username} already exists locally (race)', [
2060 'username' => $username,
2061 ] );
2062 if ( $login ) {
2063 $remember = $source === self::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_TEMP;
2064 $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user, $remember );
2065 }
2066 $status = Status::newGood()->warning( 'userexists' );
2067 } else {
2068 $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ': {username} failed with message {msg}', [
2069 'username' => $username,
2070 'msg' => $status->getWikiText( false, false, 'en' )
2071 ] );
2072 $user->setId( 0 );
2073 $user->loadFromId();
2074 }
2075 return $status;
2076 }
2077 } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
2078 $this->logger->error( __METHOD__ . ': {username} failed with exception {exception}', [
2079 'username' => $username,
2080 'exception' => $ex,
2081 ] );
2082 // Do not keep throwing errors for a while
2083 $cache->set( $backoffKey, 1, 600 );
2084 // Bubble up error; which should normally trigger DB rollbacks
2085 throw $ex;
2086 }
2088 $this->setDefaultUserOptions( $user, false );
2090 // Inform the providers
2091 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 6, 'autoCreatedAccount', [ $user, $source ] );
2093 $this->getHookRunner()->onLocalUserCreated( $user, true );
2094 $user->saveSettings();
2096 // Update user count
2097 DeferredUpdates::addUpdate( SiteStatsUpdate::factory( [ 'users' => 1 ] ) );
2098 // Watch user's userpage and talk page (except temp users)
2099 if ( $source !== self::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_TEMP ) {
2100 DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use ( $user ) {
2101 $this->watchlistManager->addWatchIgnoringRights( $user, $user->getUserPage() );
2102 } );
2103 }
2105 // Log the creation
2106 if ( $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::NewUserLog ) && $log ) {
2107 $logEntry = new \ManualLogEntry( 'newusers', 'autocreate' );
2108 $logEntry->setPerformer( $user );
2109 $logEntry->setTarget( $user->getUserPage() );
2110 $logEntry->setComment( '' );
2111 $logEntry->setParameters( [
2112 '4::userid' => $user->getId(),
2113 ] );
2114 $logEntry->insert();
2115 }
2117 ScopedCallback::consume( $scope );
2119 if ( $login ) {
2120 $remember = $source === self::AUTOCREATE_SOURCE_TEMP;
2121 $this->setSessionDataForUser( $user, $remember );
2122 }
2124 return Status::newGood();
2125 }
2134 private function authorizeAutoCreateAccount( Authority $creator ) {
2135 return $this->authorizeInternal(
2136 static function (
2137 string $action,
2138 PageIdentity $target,
2139 PermissionStatus $status
2140 ) use ( $creator ) {
2141 return $creator->authorizeWrite( $action, $target, $status );
2142 },
2143 'autocreateaccount'
2144 );
2145 }
2147 // endregion -- end of Account creation
2149 /***************************************************************************/
2150 // region Account linking
2157 public function canLinkAccounts() {
2158 foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) {
2159 if ( $provider->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) {
2160 return true;
2161 }
2162 }
2163 return false;
2164 }
2175 public function beginAccountLink( User $user, array $reqs, $returnToUrl ) {
2176 $session = $this->request->getSession();
2177 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2179 if ( !$this->canLinkAccounts() ) {
2180 // Caller should have called canLinkAccounts()
2181 throw new LogicException( 'Account linking is not possible' );
2182 }
2184 if ( !$user->isRegistered() ) {
2185 if ( !$this->userNameUtils->isUsable( $user->getName() ) ) {
2186 $msg = wfMessage( 'noname' );
2187 } else {
2188 $msg = wfMessage( 'authmanager-userdoesnotexist', $user->getName() );
2189 }
2190 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( $msg );
2191 }
2192 foreach ( $reqs as $req ) {
2193 $req->username = $user->getName();
2194 $req->returnToUrl = $returnToUrl;
2195 }
2197 $this->removeAuthenticationSessionData( null );
2199 $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders();
2200 foreach ( $providers as $id => $provider ) {
2201 $status = $provider->testForAccountLink( $user );
2202 if ( !$status->isGood() ) {
2203 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking pre-check failed by $id", [
2204 'user' => $user->getName(),
2205 ] );
2206 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
2207 Status::wrap( $status )->getMessage()
2208 );
2209 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $ret ] );
2210 return $ret;
2211 }
2212 }
2214 $state = [
2215 'username' => $user->getName(),
2216 'userid' => $user->getId(),
2217 'returnToUrl' => $returnToUrl,
2218 'providerIds' => $this->getProviderIds(),
2219 'primary' => null,
2220 'continueRequests' => [],
2221 ];
2223 $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders();
2224 foreach ( $providers as $id => $provider ) {
2225 if ( $provider->accountCreationType() !== PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) {
2226 continue;
2227 }
2229 $res = $provider->beginPrimaryAccountLink( $user, $reqs );
2230 switch ( $res->status ) {
2231 case AuthenticationResponse::PASS:
2232 $this->logger->info( "Account linked to {user} by $id", [
2233 'user' => $user->getName(),
2234 ] );
2235 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $res ] );
2236 return $res;
2238 case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL:
2239 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking failed by $id", [
2240 'user' => $user->getName(),
2241 ] );
2242 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $res ] );
2243 return $res;
2245 case AuthenticationResponse::ABSTAIN:
2246 // Continue loop
2247 break;
2249 case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT:
2250 case AuthenticationResponse::UI:
2251 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking $res->status by $id", [
2252 'user' => $user->getName(),
2253 ] );
2254 $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LINK, $user->getName() );
2255 $state['primary'] = $id;
2256 $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests;
2257 $session->setSecret( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE, $state );
2258 $session->persist();
2259 return $res;
2261 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
2262 default:
2263 throw new \DomainException(
2264 get_class( $provider ) . "::beginPrimaryAccountLink() returned $res->status"
2265 );
2266 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
2267 }
2268 }
2270 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ': Account linking failed because no provider accepted', [
2271 'user' => $user->getName(),
2272 ] );
2273 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
2274 wfMessage( 'authmanager-link-no-primary' )
2275 );
2276 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $ret ] );
2277 return $ret;
2278 }
2285 public function continueAccountLink( array $reqs ) {
2286 $session = $this->request->getSession();
2287 try {
2288 if ( !$this->canLinkAccounts() ) {
2289 // Caller should have called canLinkAccounts()
2290 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2291 throw new LogicException( 'Account linking is not possible' );
2292 }
2294 $state = $session->getSecret( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2295 if ( !is_array( $state ) ) {
2296 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
2297 wfMessage( 'authmanager-link-not-in-progress' )
2298 );
2299 }
2300 $state['continueRequests'] = [];
2302 // Step 0: Prepare and validate the input
2304 $user = $this->userFactory->newFromName(
2305 (string)$state['username'],
2306 UserRigorOptions::RIGOR_USABLE
2307 );
2308 if ( !is_object( $user ) ) {
2309 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2310 return AuthenticationResponse::newFail( wfMessage( 'noname' ) );
2311 }
2312 if ( $user->getId() !== $state['userid'] ) {
2313 throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
2314 "User \"{$state['username']}\" is valid, but " .
2315 "ID {$user->getId()} !== {$state['userid']}!"
2316 );
2317 }
2319 if ( $state['providerIds'] !== $this->getProviderIds() ) {
2320 // An inconsistent AuthManagerFilterProviders hook, or site configuration changed
2321 // while the user was in the middle of authentication. The first is a bug, the
2322 // second is rare but expected when deploying a config change. Try handle in a way
2323 // that's useful for both cases.
2324 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
2325 MWExceptionHandler::logException( new NormalizedException(
2326 'Authentication failed because of inconsistent provider array',
2327 [ 'old' => json_encode( $state['providerIds'] ), 'new' => json_encode( $this->getProviderIds() ) ]
2328 ) );
2329 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
2330 wfMessage( 'authmanager-link-not-in-progress' )
2331 );
2332 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 7, 'postAccountCreation', [ $user, $ret ] );
2333 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2334 return $ret;
2335 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
2336 }
2338 foreach ( $reqs as $req ) {
2339 $req->username = $state['username'];
2340 $req->returnToUrl = $state['returnToUrl'];
2341 }
2343 // Step 1: Call the primary again until it succeeds
2345 $provider = $this->getAuthenticationProvider( $state['primary'] );
2346 if ( !$provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider ) {
2347 // Configuration changed? Force them to start over.
2348 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
2349 $ret = AuthenticationResponse::newFail(
2350 wfMessage( 'authmanager-link-not-in-progress' )
2351 );
2352 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $ret ] );
2353 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2354 return $ret;
2355 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
2356 }
2357 $id = $provider->getUniqueId();
2358 $res = $provider->continuePrimaryAccountLink( $user, $reqs );
2359 switch ( $res->status ) {
2360 case AuthenticationResponse::PASS:
2361 $this->logger->info( "Account linked to {user} by $id", [
2362 'user' => $user->getName(),
2363 ] );
2364 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $res ] );
2365 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2366 return $res;
2367 case AuthenticationResponse::FAIL:
2368 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking failed by $id", [
2369 'user' => $user->getName(),
2370 ] );
2371 $this->callMethodOnProviders( 3, 'postAccountLink', [ $user, $res ] );
2372 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2373 return $res;
2374 case AuthenticationResponse::REDIRECT:
2375 case AuthenticationResponse::UI:
2376 $this->logger->debug( __METHOD__ . ": Account linking $res->status by $id", [
2377 'user' => $user->getName(),
2378 ] );
2379 $this->fillRequests( $res->neededRequests, self::ACTION_LINK, $user->getName() );
2380 $state['continueRequests'] = $res->neededRequests;
2381 $session->setSecret( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE, $state );
2382 return $res;
2383 default:
2384 throw new \DomainException(
2385 get_class( $provider ) . "::continuePrimaryAccountLink() returned $res->status"
2386 );
2387 }
2388 } catch ( \Exception $ex ) {
2389 $session->remove( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2390 throw $ex;
2391 }
2392 }
2394 // endregion -- end of Account linking
2396 /***************************************************************************/
2397 // region Information methods
2418 public function getAuthenticationRequests( $action, UserIdentity $user = null ) {
2419 $options = [];
2420 $providerAction = $action;
2422 // Figure out which providers to query
2423 switch ( $action ) {
2424 case self::ACTION_LOGIN:
2425 case self::ACTION_CREATE:
2426 $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() +
2427 $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() +
2428 $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
2429 break;
2431 case self::ACTION_LOGIN_CONTINUE:
2432 $state = $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( self::AUTHN_STATE );
2433 return is_array( $state ) ? $state['continueRequests'] : [];
2436 $state = $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_STATE );
2437 return is_array( $state ) ? $state['continueRequests'] : [];
2439 case self::ACTION_LINK:
2440 $providers = [];
2441 foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $p ) {
2442 if ( $p->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) {
2443 $providers[] = $p;
2444 }
2445 }
2446 break;
2448 case self::ACTION_UNLINK:
2449 $providers = [];
2450 foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $p ) {
2451 if ( $p->accountCreationType() === PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::TYPE_LINK ) {
2452 $providers[] = $p;
2453 }
2454 }
2456 // To providers, unlink and remove are identical.
2457 $providerAction = self::ACTION_REMOVE;
2458 break;
2460 case self::ACTION_LINK_CONTINUE:
2461 $state = $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( self::ACCOUNT_LINK_STATE );
2462 return is_array( $state ) ? $state['continueRequests'] : [];
2464 case self::ACTION_CHANGE:
2465 case self::ACTION_REMOVE:
2466 $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() +
2467 $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
2468 break;
2470 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
2471 default:
2472 throw new \DomainException( __METHOD__ . ": Invalid action \"$action\"" );
2473 }
2474 // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
2476 return $this->getAuthenticationRequestsInternal( $providerAction, $options, $providers, $user );
2477 }
2488 private function getAuthenticationRequestsInternal(
2489 $providerAction, array $options, array $providers, UserIdentity $user = null
2490 ) {
2491 $user = $user ?: RequestContext::getMain()->getUser();
2492 $options['username'] = $user->isRegistered() ? $user->getName() : null;
2494 // Query them and merge results
2495 $reqs = [];
2496 foreach ( $providers as $provider ) {
2497 $isPrimary = $provider instanceof PrimaryAuthenticationProvider;
2498 foreach ( $provider->getAuthenticationRequests( $providerAction, $options ) as $req ) {
2499 $id = $req->getUniqueId();
2501 // If a required request if from a Primary, mark it as "primary-required" instead
2502 if ( $isPrimary && $req->required ) {
2503 $req->required = AuthenticationRequest::PRIMARY_REQUIRED;
2504 }
2506 if (
2507 !isset( $reqs[$id] )
2508 || $req->required === AuthenticationRequest::REQUIRED
2509 || $reqs[$id] === AuthenticationRequest::OPTIONAL
2510 ) {
2511 $reqs[$id] = $req;
2512 }
2513 }
2514 }
2516 // AuthManager has its own req for some actions
2517 switch ( $providerAction ) {
2518 case self::ACTION_LOGIN:
2519 $reqs[] = new RememberMeAuthenticationRequest(
2520 $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::RememberMe ) );
2521 $options['username'] = null; // Don't fill in the username below
2522 break;
2524 case self::ACTION_CREATE:
2525 $reqs[] = new UsernameAuthenticationRequest;
2526 $reqs[] = new UserDataAuthenticationRequest;
2528 // Registered users should be prompted to provide a rationale for account creations,
2529 // except for the case of a temporary user registering a full account (T328718).
2530 if (
2531 $options['username'] !== null &&
2532 !$this->userNameUtils->isTemp( $options['username'] )
2533 ) {
2534 $reqs[] = new CreationReasonAuthenticationRequest;
2535 $options['username'] = null; // Don't fill in the username below
2536 }
2537 break;
2538 }
2540 // Fill in reqs data
2541 $this->fillRequests( $reqs, $providerAction, $options['username'], true );
2543 // For self::ACTION_CHANGE, filter out any that something else *doesn't* allow changing
2544 if ( $providerAction === self::ACTION_CHANGE || $providerAction === self::ACTION_REMOVE ) {
2545 $reqs = array_filter( $reqs, function ( $req ) {
2546 return $this->allowsAuthenticationDataChange( $req, false )->isGood();
2547 } );
2548 }
2550 return array_values( $reqs );
2551 }
2560 private function fillRequests( array &$reqs, $action, $username, $forceAction = false ) {
2561 foreach ( $reqs as $req ) {
2562 if ( !$req->action || $forceAction ) {
2563 $req->action = $action;
2564 }
2565 $req->username ??= $username;
2566 }
2567 }
2575 public function userExists( $username, $flags = IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) {
2576 foreach ( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() as $provider ) {
2577 if ( $provider->testUserExists( $username, $flags ) ) {
2578 return true;
2579 }
2580 }
2582 return false;
2583 }
2596 public function allowsPropertyChange( $property ) {
2597 $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() +
2598 $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
2599 foreach ( $providers as $provider ) {
2600 if ( !$provider->providerAllowsPropertyChange( $property ) ) {
2601 return false;
2602 }
2603 }
2604 return true;
2605 }
2615 public function getAuthenticationProvider( $id ) {
2616 // Fast version
2617 if ( isset( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) ) {
2618 return $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id];
2619 }
2621 // Slow version: instantiate each kind and check
2622 $providers = $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders();
2623 if ( isset( $providers[$id] ) ) {
2624 return $providers[$id];
2625 }
2626 $providers = $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
2627 if ( isset( $providers[$id] ) ) {
2628 return $providers[$id];
2629 }
2630 $providers = $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders();
2631 if ( isset( $providers[$id] ) ) {
2632 return $providers[$id];
2633 }
2635 return null;
2636 }
2638 // endregion -- end of Information methods
2640 /***************************************************************************/
2641 // region Internal methods
2650 public function setAuthenticationSessionData( $key, $data ) {
2651 $session = $this->request->getSession();
2652 $arr = $session->getSecret( 'authData' );
2653 if ( !is_array( $arr ) ) {
2654 $arr = [];
2655 }
2656 $arr[$key] = $data;
2657 $session->setSecret( 'authData', $arr );
2658 }
2667 public function getAuthenticationSessionData( $key, $default = null ) {
2668 $arr = $this->request->getSession()->getSecret( 'authData' );
2669 if ( is_array( $arr ) && array_key_exists( $key, $arr ) ) {
2670 return $arr[$key];
2671 } else {
2672 return $default;
2673 }
2674 }
2681 public function removeAuthenticationSessionData( $key ) {
2682 $session = $this->request->getSession();
2683 if ( $key === null ) {
2684 $session->remove( 'authData' );
2685 } else {
2686 $arr = $session->getSecret( 'authData' );
2687 if ( is_array( $arr ) && array_key_exists( $key, $arr ) ) {
2688 unset( $arr[$key] );
2689 $session->setSecret( 'authData', $arr );
2690 }
2691 }
2692 }
2700 protected function providerArrayFromSpecs( $class, array $specs ) {
2701 $i = 0;
2702 foreach ( $specs as &$spec ) {
2703 $spec = [ 'sort2' => $i++ ] + $spec + [ 'sort' => 0 ];
2704 }
2705 unset( $spec );
2706 // Sort according to the 'sort' field, and if they are equal, according to 'sort2'
2707 usort( $specs, static function ( $a, $b ) {
2708 return $a['sort'] <=> $b['sort']
2709 ?: $a['sort2'] <=> $b['sort2'];
2710 } );
2712 $ret = [];
2713 foreach ( $specs as $spec ) {
2715 $provider = $this->objectFactory->createObject( $spec, [ 'assertClass' => $class ] );
2716 $provider->init( $this->logger, $this, $this->getHookContainer(), $this->config, $this->userNameUtils );
2717 $id = $provider->getUniqueId();
2718 if ( isset( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) ) {
2719 throw new \RuntimeException(
2720 "Duplicate specifications for id $id (classes " .
2721 get_class( $provider ) . ' and ' .
2722 get_class( $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] ) . ')'
2723 );
2724 }
2725 $this->allAuthenticationProviders[$id] = $provider;
2726 $ret[$id] = $provider;
2727 }
2728 return $ret;
2729 }
2735 protected function getPreAuthenticationProviders() {
2736 if ( $this->preAuthenticationProviders === null ) {
2737 $this->initializeAuthenticationProviders();
2738 }
2739 return $this->preAuthenticationProviders;
2740 }
2747 if ( $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders === null ) {
2748 $this->initializeAuthenticationProviders();
2749 }
2750 return $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders;
2751 }
2758 if ( $this->secondaryAuthenticationProviders === null ) {
2759 $this->initializeAuthenticationProviders();
2760 }
2761 return $this->secondaryAuthenticationProviders;
2762 }
2764 private function getProviderIds(): array {
2765 return [
2766 'preauth' => array_keys( $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders() ),
2767 'primaryauth' => array_keys( $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders() ),
2768 'secondaryauth' => array_keys( $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders() ),
2769 ];
2770 }
2772 private function initializeAuthenticationProviders() {
2773 $conf = $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::AuthManagerConfig )
2774 ?: $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::AuthManagerAutoConfig );
2776 $providers = array_map( fn ( $stepConf ) => array_fill_keys( array_keys( $stepConf ), true ), $conf );
2777 $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerFilterProviders( $providers );
2778 foreach ( $conf as $step => $stepConf ) {
2779 $conf[$step] = array_intersect_key( $stepConf, array_filter( $providers[$step] ) );
2780 }
2782 $this->preAuthenticationProviders = $this->providerArrayFromSpecs(
2783 PreAuthenticationProvider::class, $conf['preauth']
2784 );
2785 $this->primaryAuthenticationProviders = $this->providerArrayFromSpecs(
2786 PrimaryAuthenticationProvider::class, $conf['primaryauth']
2787 );
2788 $this->secondaryAuthenticationProviders = $this->providerArrayFromSpecs(
2789 SecondaryAuthenticationProvider::class, $conf['secondaryauth']
2790 );
2791 }
2798 private function setSessionDataForUser( $user, $remember = null ) {
2799 $session = $this->request->getSession();
2800 $delay = $session->delaySave();
2802 $session->resetId();
2803 $session->resetAllTokens();
2804 if ( $session->canSetUser() ) {
2805 $session->setUser( $user );
2806 }
2807 if ( $remember !== null ) {
2808 $session->setRememberUser( $remember );
2809 }
2810 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthId', $user->getId() );
2811 $session->set( 'AuthManager:lastAuthTimestamp', time() );
2812 $session->persist();
2814 \Wikimedia\ScopedCallback::consume( $delay );
2816 $this->getHookRunner()->onUserLoggedIn( $user );
2817 }
2823 private function setDefaultUserOptions( User $user, $useContextLang ) {
2824 $user->setToken();
2826 $lang = $useContextLang ? RequestContext::getMain()->getLanguage() : $this->contentLanguage;
2827 $this->userOptionsManager->setOption(
2828 $user,
2829 'language',
2830 $this->languageConverterFactory->getLanguageConverter( $lang )->getPreferredVariant()
2831 );
2833 $contLangConverter = $this->languageConverterFactory->getLanguageConverter( $this->contentLanguage );
2834 if ( $contLangConverter->hasVariants() ) {
2835 $this->userOptionsManager->setOption(
2836 $user,
2837 'variant',
2838 $contLangConverter->getPreferredVariant()
2839 );
2840 }
2841 }
2846 private function runVerifyHook(
2847 string $action,
2848 ?UserIdentity $user,
2849 AuthenticationResponse &$response,
2850 string $primaryId
2851 ): bool {
2852 $oldResponse = $response;
2853 $info = [
2854 'action' => $action,
2855 'primaryId' => $primaryId,
2856 ];
2857 $proceed = $this->getHookRunner()->onAuthManagerVerifyAuthentication( $user, $response, $this, $info );
2858 if ( !( $response instanceof AuthenticationResponse ) ) {
2859 throw new LogicException( '$response must be an AuthenticationResponse' );
2860 } elseif ( $proceed && $response !== $oldResponse ) {
2861 throw new LogicException(
2862 'AuthManagerVerifyAuthenticationHook must not modify the response unless it returns false' );
2863 } elseif ( !$proceed && $response->status !== AuthenticationResponse::FAIL ) {
2864 throw new LogicException(
2865 'AuthManagerVerifyAuthenticationHook must set the response to FAIL if it returns false' );
2866 }
2867 if ( !$proceed ) {
2868 $this->logger->info(
2869 $action . ' action for {user} from {clientip} prevented by '
2870 . 'AuthManagerVerifyAuthentication hook: {reason}',
2871 [
2872 'user' => $user ? $user->getName() : '<null>',
2873 'clientip' => $this->request->getIP(),
2874 'reason' => $response->message->getKey(),
2875 'primaryId' => $primaryId,
2876 ]
2877 );
2878 }
2879 return $proceed;
2880 }
2887 private function callMethodOnProviders( $which, $method, array $args ) {
2888 $providers = [];
2889 if ( $which & 1 ) {
2890 $providers += $this->getPreAuthenticationProviders();
2891 }
2892 if ( $which & 2 ) {
2893 $providers += $this->getPrimaryAuthenticationProviders();
2894 }
2895 if ( $which & 4 ) {
2896 $providers += $this->getSecondaryAuthenticationProviders();
2897 }
2898 foreach ( $providers as $provider ) {
2899 $provider->$method( ...$args );
2900 }
2901 }
2906 private function getHookContainer() {
2907 return $this->hookContainer;
2908 }
2913 private function getHookRunner() {
2914 return $this->hookRunner;
2915 }
2917 // endregion -- end of Internal methods
2922 * This file uses VisualStudio style region/endregion fold markers which are
2923 * recognised by PHPStorm. If modelines are enabled, the following editor
2924 * configuration will also enable folding in vim, if it is in the last 5 lines
2925 * of the file. We also use "@name" which creates sections in Doxygen.
2926 *
2927 * vim: foldmarker=//\ region,//\ endregion foldmethod=marker
2928 */
wfMessage( $key,... $params)
This is the function for getting translated interface messages.
wfDeprecated( $function, $version=false, $component=false, $callerOffset=2)
Logs a warning that a deprecated feature was used.
if(!defined( 'MW_NO_SESSION') &&MW_ENTRY_POINT !=='cli' $wgLang
Definition Setup.php:540
Definition WebStart.php:81
Handler class for MWExceptions.
static logException(Throwable $e, $catcher=self::CAUGHT_BY_OTHER, $extraData=[])
Log a throwable to the exception log (if enabled).
A base class that implements some of the boilerplate for a PrimaryAuthenticationProvider.
This serves as the entry point to the authentication system.
Determine whether accounts can be linked.
Like ACTION_REMOVE but for linking providers only.
const SEC_FAIL
Security-sensitive should not be performed.
Get the list of PrimaryAuthenticationProviders.
Continue a login process that was interrupted by the need for user input or communication with an ext...
setAuthenticationSessionData( $key, $data)
Store authentication in the current session.
getAuthenticationProvider( $id)
Get a provider by ID.
securitySensitiveOperationStatus( $operation)
Whether security-sensitive operations should proceed.
revokeAccessForUser( $username)
Revoke any authentication credentials for a user.
beginAccountLink(User $user, array $reqs, $returnToUrl)
Start an account linking flow.
Security-sensitive operations should re-authenticate.
Get the list of SecondaryAuthenticationProviders.
allowsPropertyChange( $property)
Determine whether a user property should be allowed to be changed.
Continue a user creation process that was interrupted by the need for user input or communication wit...
Auto-creation is due to temporary account creation on page save.
continueAccountLink(array $reqs)
Continue an account linking flow.
setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger)
userExists( $username, $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
Determine whether a username exists.
allowsAuthenticationDataChange(AuthenticationRequest $req, $checkData=true)
Validate a change of authentication data (e.g.
beginAuthentication(array $reqs, $returnToUrl)
Start an authentication flow.
probablyCanCreateAccount(Authority $creator)
Check whether $creator can create accounts.
getAuthenticationSessionData( $key, $default=null)
Fetch authentication data from the current session.
beginAccountCreation(Authority $creator, array $reqs, $returnToUrl)
Start an account creation flow.
Determine whether accounts can be created.
canCreateAccount( $username, $options=[])
Determine whether a particular account can be created.
changeAuthenticationData(AuthenticationRequest $req, $isAddition=false)
Change authentication data (e.g.
userCanAuthenticate( $username)
Determine whether a username can authenticate.
removeAuthenticationSessionData( $key)
Remove authentication data.
providerArrayFromSpecs( $class, array $specs)
Create an array of AuthenticationProviders from an array of ObjectFactory specs.
forcePrimaryAuthenticationProviders(array $providers, $why)
Force certain PrimaryAuthenticationProviders.
Auto-creation is due to a Maintenance script.
autoCreateUser(User $user, $source, $login=true, $log=true, ?Authority $performer=null)
Auto-create an account, and optionally log into that account.
getAuthenticationRequests( $action, UserIdentity $user=null)
Return the applicable list of AuthenticationRequests.
continueAuthentication(array $reqs)
Continue an authentication flow.
const SEC_OK
Security-sensitive operations are ok.
Call this method to set the request context user for the current request from the context session use...
Continue a user linking process that was interrupted by the need for user input or communication with...
Change a user's credentials.
Indicate whether user authentication is possible.
Remove a user's credentials.
Link an existing user to a third-party account.
authorizeCreateAccount(Authority $creator)
Authorize the account creation by $creator.
__construct(WebRequest $request, Config $config, ObjectFactory $objectFactory, HookContainer $hookContainer, ReadOnlyMode $readOnlyMode, UserNameUtils $userNameUtils, BlockManager $blockManager, WatchlistManager $watchlistManager, ILoadBalancer $loadBalancer, Language $contentLanguage, LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory, BotPasswordStore $botPasswordStore, UserFactory $userFactory, UserIdentityLookup $userIdentityLookup, UserOptionsManager $userOptionsManager)
Auto-creation is due to SessionManager.
Get the list of PreAuthenticationProviders.
Log in with an existing (not necessarily local) user.
normalizeUsername( $username)
Provide normalized versions of the username for security checks.
continueAccountCreation(array $reqs)
Continue an account creation flow.
Create a new user.
This is a value object for authentication requests.
static getRequestByClass(array $reqs, $class, $allowSubclasses=false)
Select a request by class name.
const FAIL
Indicates that the authentication failed.
const PASS
Indicates that the authentication succeeded.
static newFail(Message $msg, array $failReasons=[])
const UI
Indicates that the authentication needs further user input of some sort.
Indicates that the authentication needs to be redirected to a third party to proceed.
Indicates that the authentication provider does not handle this request.
This transfers state between the login and account creation flows.
Returned from account creation to allow for logging into the created account.
Indicates that the user will always be remembered.
Indicates that the user will never be remembered.
This represents additional user data requested on the account creation form.
A service class for checking blocks.
Group all the pieces relevant to the context of a request into one instance.
Defer callable updates to run later in the PHP process.
Class for handling updates to the site_stats table.
This class provides an implementation of the core hook interfaces, forwarding hook calls to HookConta...
Base class for language-specific code.
Definition Language.php:78
An interface for creating language converters.
A class containing constants representing the names of configuration variables.
const AllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate
Name constant for the AllowSecuritySensitiveOperationIfCannotReauthenticate setting,...
const RememberMe
Name constant for the RememberMe setting, for use with Config::get()
const ReauthenticateTime
Name constant for the ReauthenticateTime setting, for use with Config::get()
Service locator for MediaWiki core services.
A StatusValue for permission errors.
The WebRequest class encapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form,...
Parent class for all special pages.
static getTitleFor( $name, $subpage=false, $fragment='')
Get a localised Title object for a specified special page name If you don't need a full Title object,...
Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value.
Definition Status.php:54
Stub object for the global user ($wgUser) that makes it possible to change the relevant underlying ob...
A service class to control user options.
Service for temporary user creation.
Creates User objects.
UserNameUtils service.
internal since 1.36
Definition User.php:93
getId( $wikiId=self::LOCAL)
Get the user's ID.
Definition User.php:1535
Get this user's personal page title.
Definition User.php:2709
Add this existing user object to the database.
Definition User.php:2565
loadFromId( $flags=IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL)
Load user table data, given mId has already been set.
Definition User.php:444
setId( $v)
Set the user and reload all fields according to a given ID.
Definition User.php:1559
Save this user's settings into the database.
Definition User.php:2358
Get whether the user is registered.
Definition User.php:2116
Get the user name, or the IP of an anonymous user.
Definition User.php:1568
Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value.
hasMessage( $message)
Returns true if the specified message is present as a warning or error.
Returns whether the operation completed.
error( $message,... $parameters)
Add an error, do not set fatal flag This can be used for non-fatal errors.
warning( $message,... $parameters)
Add a new warning.
Returns whether the operation completed and didn't have any error or warnings.
static newGood( $value=null)
Factory function for good results.
Determine whether a site is currently in read-only mode.
return[0=> 'ـ', 1=> ' ', 2=> '`', 3=> '´', 4=> '˜', 5=> '^', 6=> '¯', 7=> '‾', 8=> '˘', 9=> '˙', 10=> '¨', 11=> '˚', 12=> '˝', 13=> '᾽', 14=> '῝', 15=> '¸', 16=> '˛', 17=> '_', 18=> '‗', 19=> '῀', 20=> '﮲', 21=> '﮳', 22=> '﮴', 23=> '﮵', 24=> '﮶', 25=> '﮷', 26=> '﮸', 27=> '﮹', 28=> '﮺', 29=> '﮻', 30=> '﮼', 31=> '﮽', 32=> '﮾', 33=> '﮿', 34=> '﯀', 35=> '﯁', 36=> '゛', 37=> '゜', 38=> '-', 39=> '֊', 40=> '᐀', 41=> '᭠', 42=> '᠆', 43=> '᠇', 44=> '‐', 45=> '‒', 46=> '–', 47=> '—', 48=> '―', 49=> '⁓', 50=> '⸗', 51=> '゠', 52=> '・', 53=> ',', 54=> '՝', 55=> '،', 56=> '؍', 57=> '٫', 58=> '٬', 59=> '߸', 60=> '᠂', 61=> '᠈', 62=> '꓾', 63=> '꘍', 64=> '꛵', 65=> '︑', 66=> ';', 67=> '؛', 68=> '⁏', 69=> '꛶', 70=> ':', 71=> '։', 72=> '؞', 73=> '܃', 74=> '܄', 75=> '܅', 76=> '܆', 77=> '܇', 78=> '܈', 79=> '࠰', 80=> '࠱', 81=> '࠲', 82=> '࠳', 83=> '࠴', 84=> '࠵', 85=> '࠶', 86=> '࠷', 87=> '࠸', 88=> '࠹', 89=> '࠺', 90=> '࠻', 91=> '࠼', 92=> '࠽', 93=> '࠾', 94=> '፡', 95=> '፣', 96=> '፤', 97=> '፥', 98=> '፦', 99=> '᠄', 100=> '᠅', 101=> '༔', 102=> '៖', 103=> '᭝', 104=> '꧇', 105=> '᛫', 106=> '᛬', 107=> '᛭', 108=> '꛴', 109=> '!', 110=> '¡', 111=> '՜', 112=> '߹', 113=> '᥄', 114=> '?', 115=> '¿', 116=> '⸮', 117=> '՞', 118=> '؟', 119=> '܉', 120=> '፧', 121=> '᥅', 122=> '⳺', 123=> '⳻', 124=> '꘏', 125=> '꛷', 126=> '‽', 127=> '⸘', 128=> '.', 129=> '᠁', 130=> '۔', 131=> '܁', 132=> '܂', 133=> '።', 134=> '᠃', 135=> '᠉', 136=> '᙮', 137=> '᭜', 138=> '⳹', 139=> '⳾', 140=> '⸰', 141=> '꓿', 142=> '꘎', 143=> '꛳', 144=> '︒', 145=> '·', 146=> '⸱', 147=> '।', 148=> '॥', 149=> '꣎', 150=> '꣏', 151=> '᰻', 152=> '᰼', 153=> '꡶', 154=> '꡷', 155=> '᜵', 156=> '᜶', 157=> '꤯', 158=> '၊', 159=> '။', 160=> '។', 161=> '៕', 162=> '᪨', 163=> '᪩', 164=> '᪪', 165=> '᪫', 166=> '᭞', 167=> '᭟', 168=> '꧈', 169=> '꧉', 170=> '꩝', 171=> '꩞', 172=> '꩟', 173=> '꯫', 174=> '𐩖', 175=> '𐩗', 176=> '𑁇', 177=> '𑁈', 178=> '𑃀', 179=> '𑃁', 180=> '᱾', 181=> '᱿', 182=> '܀', 183=> '߷', 184=> '჻', 185=> '፠', 186=> '፨', 187=> '᨞', 188=> '᨟', 189=> '᭚', 190=> '᭛', 191=> '꧁', 192=> '꧂', 193=> '꧃', 194=> '꧄', 195=> '꧅', 196=> '꧆', 197=> '꧊', 198=> '꧋', 199=> '꧌', 200=> '꧍', 201=> '꛲', 202=> '꥟', 203=> '𐡗', 204=> '𐬺', 205=> '𐬻', 206=> '𐬼', 207=> '𐬽', 208=> '𐬾', 209=> '𐬿', 210=> '𑂾', 211=> '𑂿', 212=> '⁕', 213=> '⁖', 214=> '⁘', 215=> '⁙', 216=> '⁚', 217=> '⁛', 218=> '⁜', 219=> '⁝', 220=> '⁞', 221=> '⸪', 222=> '⸫', 223=> '⸬', 224=> '⸭', 225=> '⳼', 226=> '⳿', 227=> '⸙', 228=> '𐤿', 229=> '𐄀', 230=> '𐄁', 231=> '𐄂', 232=> '𐎟', 233=> '𐏐', 234=> '𐤟', 235=> '𒑰', 236=> '𒑱', 237=> '𒑲', 238=> '𒑳', 239=> '\'', 240=> '‘', 241=> '’', 242=> '‚', 243=> '‛', 244=> '‹', 245=> '›', 246=> '"', 247 => '“', 248 => '”', 249 => '„', 250 => '‟', 251 => '«', 252 => '»', 253 => '(', 254 => ')', 255 => '[', 256 => ']', 257 => '{', 258 => '}', 259 => '༺', 260 => '༻', 261 => '༼', 262 => '༽', 263 => '᚛', 264 => '᚜', 265 => '⁅', 266 => '⁆', 267 => '⧼', 268 => '⧽', 269 => '⦃', 270 => '⦄', 271 => '⦅', 272 => '⦆', 273 => '⦇', 274 => '⦈', 275 => '⦉', 276 => '⦊', 277 => '⦋', 278 => '⦌', 279 => '⦍', 280 => '⦎', 281 => '⦏', 282 => '⦐', 283 => '⦑', 284 => '⦒', 285 => '⦓', 286 => '⦔', 287 => '⦕', 288 => '⦖', 289 => '⦗', 290 => '⦘', 291 => '⟬', 292 => '⟭', 293 => '⟮', 294 => '⟯', 295 => '⸂', 296 => '⸃', 297 => '⸄', 298 => '⸅', 299 => '⸉', 300 => '⸊', 301 => '⸌', 302 => '⸍', 303 => '⸜', 304 => '⸝', 305 => '⸠', 306 => '⸡', 307 => '⸢', 308 => '⸣', 309 => '⸤', 310 => '⸥', 311 => '⸦', 312 => '⸧', 313 => '⸨', 314 => '⸩', 315 => '〈', 316 => '〉', 317 => '「', 318 => '」', 319 => '﹝', 320 => '﹞', 321 => '︗', 322 => '︘', 323 => '﴾', 324 => '﴿', 325 => '§', 326 => '¶', 327 => '⁋', 328 => '©', 329 => '®', 330 => '@', 331 => '*', 332 => '⁎', 333 => '⁑', 334 => '٭', 335 => '꙳', 336 => '/', 337 => '⁄', 338 => '\\', 339 => '&', 340 => '⅋', 341 => '⁊', 342 => '#', 343 => '%', 344 => '٪', 345 => '‰', 346 => '؉', 347 => '‱', 348 => '؊', 349 => '⁒', 350 => '†', 351 => '‡', 352 => '•', 353 => '‣', 354 => '‧', 355 => '⁃', 356 => '⁌', 357 => '⁍', 358 => '′', 359 => '‵', 360 => '‸', 361 => '※', 362 => '‿', 363 => '⁔', 364 => '⁀', 365 => '⁐', 366 => '⁁', 367 => '⁂', 368 => '⸀', 369 => '⸁', 370 => '⸆', 371 => '⸇', 372 => '⸈', 373 => '⸋', 374 => '⸎', 375 => '⸏', 376 => '⸐', 377 => '⸑', 378 => '⸒', 379 => '⸓', 380 => '⸔', 381 => '⸕', 382 => '⸖', 383 => '⸚', 384 => '⸛', 385 => '⸞', 386 => '⸟', 387 => '꙾', 388 => '՚', 389 => '՛', 390 => '՟', 391 => '־', 392 => '׀', 393 => '׃', 394 => '׆', 395 => '׳', 396 => '״', 397 => '܊', 398 => '܋', 399 => '܌', 400 => '܍', 401 => '࡞', 402 => '᠀', 403 => '॰', 404 => '꣸', 405 => '꣹', 406 => '꣺', 407 => '෴', 408 => '๚', 409 => '๛', 410 => '꫞', 411 => '꫟', 412 => '༄', 413 => '༅', 414 => '༆', 415 => '༇', 416 => '༈', 417 => '༉', 418 => '༊', 419 => '࿐', 420 => '࿑', 421 => '་', 422 => '།', 423 => '༎', 424 => '༏', 425 => '༐', 426 => '༑', 427 => '༒', 428 => '྅', 429 => '࿒', 430 => '࿓', 431 => '࿔', 432 => '࿙', 433 => '࿚', 434 => '᰽', 435 => '᰾', 436 => '᰿', 437 => '᥀', 438 => '၌', 439 => '၍', 440 => '၎', 441 => '၏', 442 => '႞', 443 => '႟', 444 => '꩷', 445 => '꩸', 446 => '꩹', 447 => 'ៗ', 448 => '៘', 449 => '៙', 450 => '៚', 451 => '᪠', 452 => '᪡', 453 => '᪢', 454 => '᪣', 455 => '᪤', 456 => '᪥', 457 => '᪦', 458 => '᪬', 459 => '᪭', 460 => '᙭', 461 => '⵰', 462 => '꡴', 463 => '꡵', 464 => '᯼', 465 => '᯽', 466 => '᯾', 467 => '᯿', 468 => '꤮', 469 => '꧞', 470 => '꧟', 471 => '꩜', 472 => '𑁉', 473 => '𑁊', 474 => '𑁋', 475 => '𑁌', 476 => '𑁍', 477 => '𐩐', 478 => '𐩑', 479 => '𐩒', 480 => '𐩓', 481 => '𐩔', 482 => '𐩕', 483 => '𐩘', 484 => '𐬹', 485 => '𑂻', 486 => '𑂼', 487 => 'ʹ', 488 => '͵', 489 => 'ʺ', 490 => '˂', 491 => '˃', 492 => '˄', 493 => '˅', 494 => 'ˆ', 495 => 'ˇ', 496 => 'ˈ', 497 => 'ˉ', 498 => 'ˊ', 499 => 'ˋ', 500 => 'ˌ', 501 => 'ˍ', 502 => 'ˎ', 503 => 'ˏ', 504 => '˒', 505 => '˓', 506 => '˔', 507 => '˕', 508 => '˖', 509 => '˗', 510 => '˞', 511 => '˟', 512 => '˥', 513 => '˦', 514 => '˧', 515 => '˨', 516 => '˩', 517 => '˪', 518 => '˫', 519 => 'ˬ', 520 => '˭', 521 => '˯', 522 => '˰', 523 => '˱', 524 => '˲', 525 => '˳', 526 => '˴', 527 => '˵', 528 => '˶', 529 => '˷', 530 => '˸', 531 => '˹', 532 => '˺', 533 => '˻', 534 => '˼', 535 => '˽', 536 => '˾', 537 => '˿', 538 => '᎐', 539 => '᎑', 540 => '᎒', 541 => '᎓', 542 => '᎔', 543 => '᎕', 544 => '᎖', 545 => '᎗', 546 => '᎘', 547 => '᎙', 548 => '꜀', 549 => '꜁', 550 => '꜂', 551 => '꜃', 552 => '꜄', 553 => '꜅', 554 => '꜆', 555 => '꜇', 556 => '꜈', 557 => '꜉', 558 => '꜊', 559 => '꜋', 560 => '꜌', 561 => '꜍', 562 => '꜎', 563 => '꜏', 564 => '꜐', 565 => '꜑', 566 => '꜒', 567 => '꜓', 568 => '꜔', 569 => '꜕', 570 => '꜖', 571 => 'ꜗ', 572 => 'ꜘ', 573 => 'ꜙ', 574 => 'ꜚ', 575 => 'ꜛ', 576 => 'ꜜ', 577 => 'ꜝ', 578 => 'ꜞ', 579 => 'ꜟ', 580 => '꜠', 581 => '꜡', 582 => 'ꞈ', 583 => '꞉', 584 => '꞊', 585 => '°', 586 => '҂', 587 => '؈', 588 => '؎', 589 => '؏', 590 => '۞', 591 => '۩', 592 => '﷽', 593 => '߶', 594 => '৺', 595 => '୰', 596 => '௳', 597 => '௴', 598 => '௵', 599 => '௶', 600 => '௷', 601 => '௸', 602 => '௺', 603 => '౿', 604 => '൹', 605 => '꠨', 606 => '꠩', 607 => '꠪', 608 => '꠫', 609 => '꠶', 610 => '꠷', 611 => '꠹', 612 => '๏', 613 => '༁', 614 => '༂', 615 => '༃', 616 => '༓', 617 => '༕', 618 => '༖', 619 => '༗', 620 => '༚', 621 => '༛', 622 => '༜', 623 => '༝', 624 => '༞', 625 => '༟', 626 => '༴', 627 => '༶', 628 => '༸', 629 => '྾', 630 => '྿', 631 => '࿀', 632 => '࿁', 633 => '࿂', 634 => '࿃', 635 => '࿄', 636 => '࿅', 637 => '࿇', 638 => '࿈', 639 => '࿉', 640 => '࿊', 641 => '࿋', 642 => '࿌', 643 => '࿎', 644 => '࿏', 645 => '࿕', 646 => '࿖', 647 => '࿗', 648 => '࿘', 649 => '᧠', 650 => '᧡', 651 => '᧢', 652 => '᧣', 653 => '᧤', 654 => '᧥', 655 => '᧦', 656 => '᧧', 657 => '᧨', 658 => '᧩', 659 => '᧪', 660 => '᧫', 661 => '᧬', 662 => '᧭', 663 => '᧮', 664 => '᧯', 665 => '᧰', 666 => '᧱', 667 => '᧲', 668 => '᧳', 669 => '᧴', 670 => '᧵', 671 => '᧶', 672 => '᧷', 673 => '᧸', 674 => '᧹', 675 => '᧺', 676 => '᧻', 677 => '᧼', 678 => '᧽', 679 => '᧾', 680 => '᧿', 681 => '᭡', 682 => '᭢', 683 => '᭣', 684 => '᭤', 685 => '᭥', 686 => '᭦', 687 => '᭧', 688 => '᭨', 689 => '᭩', 690 => '᭪', 691 => '᭴', 692 => '᭵', 693 => '᭶', 694 => '᭷', 695 => '᭸', 696 => '᭹', 697 => '᭺', 698 => '᭻', 699 => '᭼', 700 => '℄', 701 => '℈', 702 => '℔', 703 => '℗', 704 => '℘', 705 => '℞', 706 => '℟', 707 => '℣', 708 => '℥', 709 => '℧', 710 => '℩', 711 => '℮', 712 => '℺', 713 => '⅁', 714 => '⅂', 715 => '⅃', 716 => '⅄', 717 => '⅊', 718 => '⅌', 719 => '⅍', 720 => '⅏', 721 => '←', 722 => '→', 723 => '↑', 724 => '↓', 725 => '↔', 726 => '↕', 727 => '↖', 728 => '↗', 729 => '↘', 730 => '↙', 731 => '↜', 732 => '↝', 733 => '↞', 734 => '↟', 735 => '↠', 736 => '↡', 737 => '↢', 738 => '↣', 739 => '↤', 740 => '↥', 741 => '↦', 742 => '↧', 743 => '↨', 744 => '↩', 745 => '↪', 746 => '↫', 747 => '↬', 748 => '↭', 749 => '↯', 750 => '↰', 751 => '↱', 752 => '↲', 753 => '↳', 754 => '↴', 755 => '↵', 756 => '↶', 757 => '↷', 758 => '↸', 759 => '↹', 760 => '↺', 761 => '↻', 762 => '↼', 763 => '↽', 764 => '↾', 765 => '↿', 766 => '⇀', 767 => '⇁', 768 => '⇂', 769 => '⇃', 770 => '⇄', 771 => '⇅', 772 => '⇆', 773 => '⇇', 774 => '⇈', 775 => '⇉', 776 => '⇊', 777 => '⇋', 778 => '⇌', 779 => '⇐', 780 => '⇑', 781 => '⇒', 782 => '⇓', 783 => '⇔', 784 => '⇕', 785 => '⇖', 786 => '⇗', 787 => '⇘', 788 => '⇙', 789 => '⇚', 790 => '⇛', 791 => '⇜', 792 => '⇝', 793 => '⇞', 794 => '⇟', 795 => '⇠', 796 => '⇡', 797 => '⇢', 798 => '⇣', 799 => '⇤', 800 => '⇥', 801 => '⇦', 802 => '⇧', 803 => '⇨', 804 => '⇩', 805 => '⇪', 806 => '⇫', 807 => '⇬', 808 => '⇭', 809 => '⇮', 810 => '⇯', 811 => '⇰', 812 => '⇱', 813 => '⇲', 814 => '⇳', 815 => '⇴', 816 => '⇵', 817 => '⇶', 818 => '⇷', 819 => '⇸', 820 => '⇹', 821 => '⇺', 822 => '⇻', 823 => '⇼', 824 => '⇽', 825 => '⇾', 826 => '⇿', 827 => '∀', 828 => '∁', 829 => '∂', 830 => '∃', 831 => '∅', 832 => '∆', 833 => '∇', 834 => '∈', 835 => '∊', 836 => '∋', 837 => '∍', 838 => '϶', 839 => '∎', 840 => '∏', 841 => '∐', 842 => '∑', 843 => '+', 844 => '±', 845 => '÷', 846 => '×', 847 => '<', 848 => '=', 849 => '>', 850 => '¬', 851 => '|', 852 => '¦', 853 => '‖', 854 => '~', 855 => '−', 856 => '∓', 857 => '∔', 858 => '∕', 859 => '∖', 860 => '∗', 861 => '∘', 862 => '∙', 863 => '√', 864 => '∛', 865 => '؆', 866 => '∜', 867 => '؇', 868 => '∝', 869 => '∞', 870 => '∟', 871 => '∠', 872 => '∡', 873 => '∢', 874 => '∣', 875 => '∥', 876 => '∧', 877 => '∨', 878 => '∩', 879 => '∪', 880 => '∫', 881 => '∮', 882 => '∱', 883 => '∲', 884 => '∳', 885 => '∴', 886 => '∵', 887 => '∶', 888 => '∷', 889 => '∸', 890 => '∹', 891 => '∺', 892 => '∻', 893 => '∼', 894 => '∽', 895 => '∾', 896 => '∿', 897 => '≀', 898 => '≂', 899 => '≃', 900 => '≅', 901 => '≆', 902 => '≈', 903 => '≊', 904 => '≋', 905 => '≌', 906 => '≍', 907 => '≎', 908 => '≏', 909 => '≐', 910 => '≑', 911 => '≒', 912 => '≓', 913 => '≔', 914 => '≕', 915 => '≖', 916 => '≗', 917 => '≘', 918 => '≙', 919 => '≚', 920 => '≛', 921 => '≜', 922 => '≝', 923 => '≞', 924 => '≟', 925 => '≡', 926 => '≣', 927 => '≤', 928 => '≥', 929 => '≦', 930 => '≧', 931 => '≨', 932 => '≩', 933 => '≪', 934 => '≫', 935 => '≬', 936 => '≲', 937 => '≳', 938 => '≶', 939 => '≷', 940 => '≺', 941 => '≻', 942 => '≼', 943 => '≽', 944 => '≾', 945 => '≿', 946 => '⊂', 947 => '⊃', 948 => '⊆', 949 => '⊇', 950 => '⊊', 951 => '⊋', 952 => '⊌', 953 => '⊍', 954 => '⊎', 955 => '⊏', 956 => '⊐', 957 => '⊑', 958 => '⊒', 959 => '⊓', 960 => '⊔', 961 => '⊕', 962 => '⊖', 963 => '⊗', 964 => '⊘', 965 => '⊙', 966 => '⊚', 967 => '⊛', 968 => '⊜', 969 => '⊝', 970 => '⊞', 971 => '⊟', 972 => '⊠', 973 => '⊡', 974 => '⊢', 975 => '⊣', 976 => '⊤', 977 => '⊥', 978 => '⊦', 979 => '⊧', 980 => '⊨', 981 => '⊩', 982 => '⊪', 983 => '⊫', 984 => '⊰', 985 => '⊱', 986 => '⊲', 987 => '⊳', 988 => '⊴', 989 => '⊵', 990 => '⊶', 991 => '⊷', 992 => '⊸', 993 => '⊹', 994 => '⊺', 995 => '⊻', 996 => '⊼', 997 => '⊽', 998 => '⊾', 999 => '⊿', 1000 => '⋀', 1001 => '⋁', 1002 => '⋂', 1003 => '⋃', 1004 => '⋄', 1005 => '⋅', 1006 => '⋆', 1007 => '⋇', 1008 => '⋈', 1009 => '⋉', 1010 => '⋊', 1011 => '⋋', 1012 => '⋌', 1013 => '⋍', 1014 => '⋎', 1015 => '⋏', 1016 => '⋐', 1017 => '⋑', 1018 => '⋒', 1019 => '⋓', 1020 => '⋔', 1021 => '⋕', 1022 => '⋖', 1023 => '⋗', 1024 => '⋘', 1025 => '⋙', 1026 => '⋚', 1027 => '⋛', 1028 => '⋜', 1029 => '⋝', 1030 => '⋞', 1031 => '⋟', 1032 => '⋤', 1033 => '⋥', 1034 => '⋦', 1035 => '⋧', 1036 => '⋨', 1037 => '⋩', 1038 => '⋮', 1039 => '⋯', 1040 => '⋰', 1041 => '⋱', 1042 => '⋲', 1043 => '⋳', 1044 => '⋴', 1045 => '⋵', 1046 => '⋶', 1047 => '⋷', 1048 => '⋸', 1049 => '⋹', 1050 => '⋺', 1051 => '⋻', 1052 => '⋼', 1053 => '⋽', 1054 => '⋾', 1055 => '⋿', 1056 => '⌀', 1057 => '⌁', 1058 => '⌂', 1059 => '⌃', 1060 => '⌄', 1061 => '⌅', 1062 => '⌆', 1063 => '⌇', 1064 => '⌈', 1065 => '⌉', 1066 => '⌊', 1067 => '⌋', 1068 => '⌌', 1069 => '⌍', 1070 => '⌎', 1071 => '⌏', 1072 => '⌐', 1073 => '⌑', 1074 => '⌒', 1075 => '⌓', 1076 => '⌔', 1077 => '⌕', 1078 => '⌖', 1079 => '⌗', 1080 => '⌘', 1081 => '⌙', 1082 => '⌚', 1083 => '⌛', 1084 => '⌜', 1085 => '⌝', 1086 => '⌞', 1087 => '⌟', 1088 => '⌠', 1089 => '⌡', 1090 => '⌢', 1091 => '⌣', 1092 => '⌤', 1093 => '⌥', 1094 => '⌦', 1095 => '⌧', 1096 => '⌨', 1097 => '⌫', 1098 => '⌬', 1099 => '⌭', 1100 => '⌮', 1101 => '⌯', 1102 => '⌰', 1103 => '⌱', 1104 => '⌲', 1105 => '⌳', 1106 => '⌴', 1107 => '⌵', 1108 => '⌶', 1109 => '⌷', 1110 => '⌸', 1111 => '⌹', 1112 => '⌺', 1113 => '⌻', 1114 => '⌼', 1115 => '⌽', 1116 => '⌾', 1117 => '⌿', 1118 => '⍀', 1119 => '⍁', 1120 => '⍂', 1121 => '⍃', 1122 => '⍄', 1123 => '⍅', 1124 => '⍆', 1125 => '⍇', 1126 => '⍈', 1127 => '⍉', 1128 => '⍊', 1129 => '⍋', 1130 => '⍌', 1131 => '⍍', 1132 => '⍎', 1133 => '⍏', 1134 => '⍐', 1135 => '⍑', 1136 => '⍒', 1137 => '⍓', 1138 => '⍔', 1139 => '⍕', 1140 => '⍖', 1141 => '⍗', 1142 => '⍘', 1143 => '⍙', 1144 => '⍚', 1145 => '⍛', 1146 => '⍜', 1147 => '⍝', 1148 => '⍞', 1149 => '⍟', 1150 => '⍠', 1151 => '⍡', 1152 => '⍢', 1153 => '⍣', 1154 => '⍤', 1155 => '⍥', 1156 => '⍦', 1157 => '⍧', 1158 => '⍨', 1159 => '⍩', 1160 => '⍪', 1161 => '⍫', 1162 => '⍬', 1163 => '⍭', 1164 => '⍮', 1165 => '⍯', 1166 => '⍰', 1167 => '⍱', 1168 => '⍲', 1169 => '⍳', 1170 => '⍴', 1171 => '⍵', 1172 => '⍶', 1173 => '⍷', 1174 => '⍸', 1175 => '⍹', 1176 => '⍺', 1177 => '⍻', 1178 => '⍼', 1179 => '⍽', 1180 => '⍾', 1181 => '⍿', 1182 => '⎀', 1183 => '⎁', 1184 => '⎂', 1185 => '⎃', 1186 => '⎄', 1187 => '⎅', 1188 => '⎆', 1189 => '⎇', 1190 => '⎈', 1191 => '⎉', 1192 => '⎊', 1193 => '⎋', 1194 => '⎌', 1195 => '⎍', 1196 => '⎎', 1197 => '⎏', 1198 => '⎐', 1199 => '⎑', 1200 => '⎒', 1201 => '⎓', 1202 => '⎔', 1203 => '⎕', 1204 => '⎖', 1205 => '⎗', 1206 => '⎘', 1207 => '⎙', 1208 => '⎚', 1209 => '⎛', 1210 => '⎜', 1211 => '⎝', 1212 => '⎞', 1213 => '⎟', 1214 => '⎠', 1215 => '⎡', 1216 => '⎢', 1217 => '⎣', 1218 => '⎤', 1219 => '⎥', 1220 => '⎦', 1221 => '⎧', 1222 => '⎨', 1223 => '⎩', 1224 => '⎪', 1225 => '⎫', 1226 => '⎬', 1227 => '⎭', 1228 => '⎮', 1229 => '⎯', 1230 => '⎰', 1231 => '⎱', 1232 => '⎲', 1233 => '⎳', 1234 => '⎴', 1235 => '⎵', 1236 => '⎶', 1237 => '⎷', 1238 => '⎸', 1239 => '⎹', 1240 => '⎺', 1241 => '⎻', 1242 => '⎼', 1243 => '⎽', 1244 => '⎾', 1245 => '⎿', 1246 => '⏀', 1247 => '⏁', 1248 => '⏂', 1249 => '⏃', 1250 => '⏄', 1251 => '⏅', 1252 => '⏆', 1253 => '⏇', 1254 => '⏈', 1255 => '⏉', 1256 => '⏊', 1257 => '⏋', 1258 => '⏌', 1259 => '⏍', 1260 => '⏎', 1261 => '⏏', 1262 => '⏐', 1263 => '⏑', 1264 => '⏒', 1265 => '⏓', 1266 => '⏔', 1267 => '⏕', 1268 => '⏖', 1269 => '⏗', 1270 => '⏘', 1271 => '⏙', 1272 => '⏚', 1273 => '⏛', 1274 => '⏜', 1275 => '⏝', 1276 => '⏞', 1277 => '⏟', 1278 => '⏠', 1279 => '⏡', 1280 => '⏢', 1281 => '⏣', 1282 => '⏤', 1283 => '⏥', 1284 => '⏦', 1285 => '⏧', 1286 => '⏨', 1287 => '⏩', 1288 => '⏪', 1289 => '⏫', 1290 => '⏬', 1291 => '⏭', 1292 => '⏮', 1293 => '⏯', 1294 => '⏰', 1295 => '⏱', 1296 => '⏲', 1297 => '⏳', 1298 => '␀', 1299 => '␁', 1300 => '␂', 1301 => '␃', 1302 => '␄', 1303 => '␅', 1304 => '␆', 1305 => '␇', 1306 => '␈', 1307 => '␉', 1308 => '␊', 1309 => '␋', 1310 => '␌', 1311 => '␍', 1312 => '␎', 1313 => '␏', 1314 => '␐', 1315 => '␑', 1316 => '␒', 1317 => '␓', 1318 => '␔', 1319 => '␕', 1320 => '␖', 1321 => '␗', 1322 => '␘', 1323 => '␙', 1324 => '␚', 1325 => '␛', 1326 => '␜', 1327 => '␝', 1328 => '␞', 1329 => '␟', 1330 => '␠', 1331 => '␡', 1332 => '␢', 1333 => '␣', 1334 => '␤', 1335 => '␥', 1336 => '␦', 1337 => '⑀', 1338 => '⑁', 1339 => '⑂', 1340 => '⑃', 1341 => '⑄', 1342 => '⑅', 1343 => '⑆', 1344 => '⑇', 1345 => '⑈', 1346 => '⑉', 1347 => '⑊', 1348 => '─', 1349 => '━', 1350 => '│', 1351 => '┃', 1352 => '┄', 1353 => '┅', 1354 => '┆', 1355 => '┇', 1356 => '┈', 1357 => '┉', 1358 => '┊', 1359 => '┋', 1360 => '┌', 1361 => '┍', 1362 => '┎', 1363 => '┏', 1364 => '┐', 1365 => '┑', 1366 => '┒', 1367 => '┓', 1368 => '└', 1369 => '┕', 1370 => '┖', 1371 => '┗', 1372 => '┘', 1373 => '┙', 1374 => '┚', 1375 => '┛', 1376 => '├', 1377 => '┝', 1378 => '┞', 1379 => '┟', 1380 => '┠', 1381 => '┡', 1382 => '┢', 1383 => '┣', 1384 => '┤', 1385 => '┥', 1386 => '┦', 1387 => '┧', 1388 => '┨', 1389 => '┩', 1390 => '┪', 1391 => '┫', 1392 => '┬', 1393 => '┭', 1394 => '┮', 1395 => '┯', 1396 => '┰', 1397 => '┱', 1398 => '┲', 1399 => '┳', 1400 => '┴', 1401 => '┵', 1402 => '┶', 1403 => '┷', 1404 => '┸', 1405 => '┹', 1406 => '┺', 1407 => '┻', 1408 => '┼', 1409 => '┽', 1410 => '┾', 1411 => 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'⛑', 1797 => '⛒', 1798 => '⛓', 1799 => '⛔', 1800 => '⛕', 1801 => '⛖', 1802 => '⛗', 1803 => '⛘', 1804 => '⛙', 1805 => '⛚', 1806 => '⛛', 1807 => '⛜', 1808 => '⛝', 1809 => '⛞', 1810 => '⛟', 1811 => '⛠', 1812 => '⛡', 1813 => '⛢', 1814 => '⛣', 1815 => '⛤', 1816 => '⛥', 1817 => '⛦', 1818 => '⛧', 1819 => '⛨', 1820 => '⛩', 1821 => '⛪', 1822 => '⛫', 1823 => '⛬', 1824 => '⛭', 1825 => '⛮', 1826 => '⛯', 1827 => '⛰', 1828 => '⛱', 1829 => '⛲', 1830 => '⛳', 1831 => '⛴', 1832 => '⛵', 1833 => '⛶', 1834 => '⛷', 1835 => '⛸', 1836 => '⛹', 1837 => '⛺', 1838 => '⛻', 1839 => '⛼', 1840 => '⛽', 1841 => '⛾', 1842 => '⛿', 1843 => '✁', 1844 => '✂', 1845 => '✃', 1846 => '✄', 1847 => '✅', 1848 => '✆', 1849 => '✇', 1850 => '✈', 1851 => '✉', 1852 => '✊', 1853 => '✋', 1854 => '✌', 1855 => '✍', 1856 => '✎', 1857 => '✏', 1858 => '✐', 1859 => '✑', 1860 => '✒', 1861 => '✓', 1862 => '✔', 1863 => '✕', 1864 => '✖', 1865 => '✗', 1866 => '✘', 1867 => '✙', 1868 => '✚', 1869 => '✛', 1870 => '✜', 1871 => '✝', 1872 => '✞', 1873 => '✟', 1874 => '✠', 1875 => '✡', 1876 => '✢', 1877 => '✣', 1878 => '✤', 1879 => '✥', 1880 => '✦', 1881 => '✧', 1882 => '✨', 1883 => '✩', 1884 => '✪', 1885 => '✫', 1886 => '✬', 1887 => '✭', 1888 => '✮', 1889 => '✯', 1890 => '✰', 1891 => '✱', 1892 => '✲', 1893 => '✳', 1894 => '✴', 1895 => '✵', 1896 => '✶', 1897 => '✷', 1898 => '✸', 1899 => '✹', 1900 => '✺', 1901 => '✻', 1902 => '✼', 1903 => '✽', 1904 => '✾', 1905 => '✿', 1906 => '❀', 1907 => '❁', 1908 => '❂', 1909 => '❃', 1910 => '❄', 1911 => '❅', 1912 => '❆', 1913 => '❇', 1914 => '❈', 1915 => '❉', 1916 => '❊', 1917 => '❋', 1918 => '❌', 1919 => '❍', 1920 => '❎', 1921 => '❏', 1922 => '❐', 1923 => '❑', 1924 => '❒', 1925 => '❓', 1926 => '❔', 1927 => '❕', 1928 => '❖', 1929 => '❗', 1930 => '❘', 1931 => '❙', 1932 => '❚', 1933 => '❛', 1934 => '❜', 1935 => '❝', 1936 => '❞', 1937 => '❟', 1938 => '❠', 1939 => '❡', 1940 => '❢', 1941 => '❣', 1942 => '❤', 1943 => '❥', 1944 => '❦', 1945 => '❧', 1946 => '❨', 1947 => '❩', 1948 => '❪', 1949 => '❫', 1950 => '❬', 1951 => '❭', 1952 => '❮', 1953 => '❯', 1954 => '❰', 1955 => '❱', 1956 => '❲', 1957 => '❳', 1958 => '❴', 1959 => '❵', 1960 => '➔', 1961 => '➕', 1962 => '➖', 1963 => '➗', 1964 => '➘', 1965 => '➙', 1966 => '➚', 1967 => '➛', 1968 => '➜', 1969 => '➝', 1970 => '➞', 1971 => '➟', 1972 => '➠', 1973 => '➡', 1974 => '➢', 1975 => '➣', 1976 => '➤', 1977 => '➥', 1978 => '➦', 1979 => '➧', 1980 => '➨', 1981 => '➩', 1982 => '➪', 1983 => '➫', 1984 => '➬', 1985 => '➭', 1986 => '➮', 1987 => '➯', 1988 => '➰', 1989 => '➱', 1990 => '➲', 1991 => '➳', 1992 => '➴', 1993 => '➵', 1994 => '➶', 1995 => '➷', 1996 => '➸', 1997 => '➹', 1998 => '➺', 1999 => '➻', 2000 => '➼', 2001 => '➽', 2002 => '➾', 2003 => '➿', 2004 => '⟀', 2005 => '⟁', 2006 => '⟂', 2007 => '⟃', 2008 => '⟄', 2009 => '⟅', 2010 => '⟆', 2011 => '⟇', 2012 => '⟈', 2013 => '⟉', 2014 => '⟊', 2015 => '⟌', 2016 => '⟎', 2017 => '⟏', 2018 => '⟐', 2019 => '⟑', 2020 => '⟒', 2021 => '⟓', 2022 => '⟔', 2023 => '⟕', 2024 => '⟖', 2025 => '⟗', 2026 => '⟘', 2027 => '⟙', 2028 => '⟚', 2029 => '⟛', 2030 => '⟜', 2031 => '⟝', 2032 => '⟞', 2033 => '⟟', 2034 => '⟠', 2035 => '⟡', 2036 => '⟢', 2037 => '⟣', 2038 => '⟤', 2039 => '⟥', 2040 => '⟦', 2041 => '⟧', 2042 => '⟨', 2043 => '⟩', 2044 => '⟪', 2045 => '⟫', 2046 => '⟰', 2047 => '⟱', 2048 => '⟲', 2049 => '⟳', 2050 => '⟴', 2051 => '⟵', 2052 => '⟶', 2053 => '⟷', 2054 => '⟸', 2055 => '⟹', 2056 => '⟺', 2057 => '⟻', 2058 => '⟼', 2059 => '⟽', 2060 => '⟾', 2061 => '⟿', 2062 => '⤀', 2063 => '⤁', 2064 => '⤂', 2065 => '⤃', 2066 => '⤄', 2067 => '⤅', 2068 => '⤆', 2069 => '⤇', 2070 => '⤈', 2071 => '⤉', 2072 => '⤊', 2073 => '⤋', 2074 => '⤌', 2075 => '⤍', 2076 => '⤎', 2077 => '⤏', 2078 => '⤐', 2079 => '⤑', 2080 => '⤒', 2081 => '⤓', 2082 => '⤔', 2083 => '⤕', 2084 => '⤖', 2085 => '⤗', 2086 => '⤘', 2087 => '⤙', 2088 => '⤚', 2089 => '⤛', 2090 => '⤜', 2091 => '⤝', 2092 => '⤞', 2093 => '⤟', 2094 => '⤠', 2095 => '⤡', 2096 => '⤢', 2097 => '⤣', 2098 => '⤤', 2099 => '⤥', 2100 => '⤦', 2101 => '⤧', 2102 => '⤨', 2103 => '⤩', 2104 => '⤪', 2105 => '⤫', 2106 => '⤬', 2107 => '⤭', 2108 => '⤮', 2109 => '⤯', 2110 => '⤰', 2111 => '⤱', 2112 => '⤲', 2113 => '⤳', 2114 => '⤴', 2115 => '⤵', 2116 => '⤶', 2117 => '⤷', 2118 => '⤸', 2119 => '⤹', 2120 => '⤺', 2121 => '⤻', 2122 => '⤼', 2123 => '⤽', 2124 => '⤾', 2125 => '⤿', 2126 => '⥀', 2127 => '⥁', 2128 => '⥂', 2129 => '⥃', 2130 => '⥄', 2131 => '⥅', 2132 => '⥆', 2133 => '⥇', 2134 => '⥈', 2135 => '⥉', 2136 => '⥊', 2137 => '⥋', 2138 => '⥌', 2139 => '⥍', 2140 => '⥎', 2141 => '⥏', 2142 => '⥐', 2143 => '⥑', 2144 => '⥒', 2145 => '⥓', 2146 => '⥔', 2147 => '⥕', 2148 => '⥖', 2149 => '⥗', 2150 => '⥘', 2151 => '⥙', 2152 => '⥚', 2153 => '⥛', 2154 => '⥜', 2155 => '⥝', 2156 => '⥞', 2157 => '⥟', 2158 => '⥠', 2159 => '⥡', 2160 => '⥢', 2161 => '⥣', 2162 => '⥤', 2163 => '⥥', 2164 => '⥦', 2165 => '⥧', 2166 => '⥨', 2167 => '⥩', 2168 => '⥪', 2169 => '⥫', 2170 => '⥬', 2171 => '⥭', 2172 => '⥮', 2173 => '⥯', 2174 => '⥰', 2175 => '⥱', 2176 => '⥲', 2177 => '⥳', 2178 => '⥴', 2179 => '⥵', 2180 => '⥶', 2181 => '⥷', 2182 => '⥸', 2183 => '⥹', 2184 => '⥺', 2185 => '⥻', 2186 => '⥼', 2187 => '⥽', 2188 => '⥾', 2189 => '⥿', 2190 => '⦀', 2191 => '⦁', 2192 => '⦂', 2193 => '⦙', 2194 => '⦚', 2195 => '⦛', 2196 => '⦜', 2197 => '⦝', 2198 => '⦞', 2199 => '⦟', 2200 => '⦠', 2201 => '⦡', 2202 => '⦢', 2203 => '⦣', 2204 => '⦤', 2205 => '⦥', 2206 => '⦦', 2207 => '⦧', 2208 => '⦨', 2209 => '⦩', 2210 => '⦪', 2211 => '⦫', 2212 => '⦬', 2213 => '⦭', 2214 => '⦮', 2215 => '⦯', 2216 => '⦰', 2217 => '⦱', 2218 => '⦲', 2219 => '⦳', 2220 => '⦴', 2221 => '⦵', 2222 => '⦶', 2223 => '⦷', 2224 => '⦸', 2225 => '⦹', 2226 => '⦺', 2227 => '⦻', 2228 => '⦼', 2229 => '⦽', 2230 => '⦾', 2231 => '⦿', 2232 => '⧀', 2233 => '⧁', 2234 => '⧂', 2235 => '⧃', 2236 => '⧄', 2237 => '⧅', 2238 => '⧆', 2239 => '⧇', 2240 => '⧈', 2241 => '⧉', 2242 => '⧊', 2243 => '⧋', 2244 => '⧌', 2245 => '⧍', 2246 => '⧎', 2247 => '⧏', 2248 => '⧐', 2249 => '⧑', 2250 => '⧒', 2251 => '⧓', 2252 => '⧔', 2253 => '⧕', 2254 => '⧖', 2255 => '⧗', 2256 => '⧘', 2257 => '⧙', 2258 => '⧚', 2259 => '⧛', 2260 => '⧜', 2261 => '⧝', 2262 => '⧞', 2263 => '⧟', 2264 => '⧠', 2265 => '⧡', 2266 => '⧢', 2267 => '⧣', 2268 => '⧤', 2269 => '⧥', 2270 => '⧦', 2271 => '⧧', 2272 => '⧨', 2273 => '⧩', 2274 => '⧪', 2275 => '⧫', 2276 => '⧬', 2277 => '⧭', 2278 => '⧮', 2279 => '⧯', 2280 => '⧰', 2281 => '⧱', 2282 => '⧲', 2283 => '⧳', 2284 => '⧴', 2285 => '⧵', 2286 => '⧶', 2287 => '⧷', 2288 => '⧸', 2289 => '⧹', 2290 => '⧺', 2291 => '⧻', 2292 => '⧾', 2293 => '⧿', 2294 => '⨀', 2295 => '⨁', 2296 => '⨂', 2297 => '⨃', 2298 => '⨄', 2299 => '⨅', 2300 => '⨆', 2301 => '⨇', 2302 => '⨈', 2303 => '⨉', 2304 => '⨊', 2305 => '⨋', 2306 => '⨍', 2307 => '⨎', 2308 => '⨏', 2309 => '⨐', 2310 => '⨑', 2311 => '⨒', 2312 => '⨓', 2313 => '⨔', 2314 => '⨕', 2315 => '⨖', 2316 => '⨗', 2317 => '⨘', 2318 => '⨙', 2319 => '⨚', 2320 => '⨛', 2321 => '⨜', 2322 => '⨝', 2323 => '⨞', 2324 => '⨟', 2325 => '⨠', 2326 => '⨡', 2327 => '⨢', 2328 => '⨣', 2329 => '⨤', 2330 => '⨥', 2331 => '⨦', 2332 => '⨧', 2333 => '⨨', 2334 => '⨩', 2335 => '⨪', 2336 => '⨫', 2337 => '⨬', 2338 => '⨭', 2339 => '⨮', 2340 => '⨯', 2341 => '⨰', 2342 => '⨱', 2343 => '⨲', 2344 => '⨳', 2345 => '⨴', 2346 => '⨵', 2347 => '⨶', 2348 => '⨷', 2349 => '⨸', 2350 => '⨹', 2351 => '⨺', 2352 => '⨻', 2353 => '⨼', 2354 => '⨽', 2355 => '⨾', 2356 => '⨿', 2357 => '⩀', 2358 => '⩁', 2359 => '⩂', 2360 => '⩃', 2361 => '⩄', 2362 => '⩅', 2363 => '⩆', 2364 => '⩇', 2365 => '⩈', 2366 => '⩉', 2367 => '⩊', 2368 => '⩋', 2369 => '⩌', 2370 => '⩍', 2371 => '⩎', 2372 => '⩏', 2373 => '⩐', 2374 => '⩑', 2375 => '⩒', 2376 => '⩓', 2377 => '⩔', 2378 => '⩕', 2379 => '⩖', 2380 => '⩗', 2381 => '⩘', 2382 => '⩙', 2383 => '⩚', 2384 => '⩛', 2385 => '⩜', 2386 => '⩝', 2387 => '⩞', 2388 => '⩟', 2389 => '⩠', 2390 => '⩡', 2391 => '⩢', 2392 => '⩣', 2393 => '⩤', 2394 => '⩥', 2395 => '⩦', 2396 => '⩧', 2397 => '⩨', 2398 => '⩩', 2399 => '⩪', 2400 => '⩫', 2401 => '⩬', 2402 => '⩭', 2403 => '⩮', 2404 => '⩯', 2405 => '⩰', 2406 => '⩱', 2407 => '⩲', 2408 => '⩳', 2409 => '⩷', 2410 => '⩸', 2411 => '⩹', 2412 => '⩺', 2413 => '⩻', 2414 => '⩼', 2415 => '⩽', 2416 => '⩾', 2417 => '⩿', 2418 => '⪀', 2419 => '⪁', 2420 => '⪂', 2421 => '⪃', 2422 => '⪄', 2423 => '⪅', 2424 => '⪆', 2425 => '⪇', 2426 => '⪈', 2427 => '⪉', 2428 => '⪊', 2429 => '⪋', 2430 => '⪌', 2431 => '⪍', 2432 => '⪎', 2433 => '⪏', 2434 => '⪐', 2435 => '⪑', 2436 => '⪒', 2437 => '⪓', 2438 => '⪔', 2439 => '⪕', 2440 => '⪖', 2441 => '⪗', 2442 => '⪘', 2443 => '⪙', 2444 => '⪚', 2445 => '⪛', 2446 => '⪜', 2447 => '⪝', 2448 => '⪞', 2449 => '⪟', 2450 => '⪠', 2451 => '⪡', 2452 => '⪢', 2453 => '⪣', 2454 => '⪤', 2455 => '⪥', 2456 => '⪦', 2457 => '⪧', 2458 => '⪨', 2459 => '⪩', 2460 => '⪪', 2461 => '⪫', 2462 => '⪬', 2463 => '⪭', 2464 => '⪮', 2465 => '⪯', 2466 => '⪰', 2467 => '⪱', 2468 => '⪲', 2469 => '⪳', 2470 => '⪴', 2471 => '⪵', 2472 => '⪶', 2473 => '⪷', 2474 => '⪸', 2475 => '⪹', 2476 => '⪺', 2477 => '⪻', 2478 => '⪼', 2479 => '⪽', 2480 => '⪾', 2481 => '⪿', 2482 => '⫀', 2483 => '⫁', 2484 => '⫂', 2485 => '⫃', 2486 => '⫄', 2487 => '⫅', 2488 => '⫆', 2489 => '⫇', 2490 => '⫈', 2491 => '⫉', 2492 => '⫊', 2493 => '⫋', 2494 => '⫌', 2495 => '⫍', 2496 => '⫎', 2497 => '⫏', 2498 => '⫐', 2499 => '⫑', 2500 => '⫒', 2501 => '⫓', 2502 => '⫔', 2503 => '⫕', 2504 => '⫖', 2505 => '⫗', 2506 => '⫘', 2507 => '⫙', 2508 => '⫚', 2509 => '⫛', 2510 => '⫝', 2511 => '⫞', 2512 => '⫟', 2513 => '⫠', 2514 => '⫡', 2515 => '⫢', 2516 => '⫣', 2517 => '⫤', 2518 => '⫥', 2519 => '⫦', 2520 => '⫧', 2521 => '⫨', 2522 => '⫩', 2523 => '⫪', 2524 => '⫫', 2525 => '⫬', 2526 => '⫭', 2527 => '⫮', 2528 => '⫯', 2529 => '⫰', 2530 => '⫱', 2531 => '⫲', 2532 => '⫳', 2533 => '⫴', 2534 => '⫵', 2535 => '⫶', 2536 => '⫷', 2537 => '⫸', 2538 => '⫹', 2539 => '⫺', 2540 => '⫻', 2541 => '⫼', 2542 => '⫽', 2543 => '⫾', 2544 => '⫿', 2545 => '⬀', 2546 => '⬁', 2547 => '⬂', 2548 => '⬃', 2549 => '⬄', 2550 => '⬅', 2551 => '⬆', 2552 => '⬇', 2553 => '⬈', 2554 => '⬉', 2555 => '⬊', 2556 => '⬋', 2557 => '⬌', 2558 => '⬍', 2559 => '⬎', 2560 => '⬏', 2561 => '⬐', 2562 => '⬑', 2563 => '⬒', 2564 => '⬓', 2565 => '⬔', 2566 => '⬕', 2567 => '⬖', 2568 => '⬗', 2569 => '⬘', 2570 => '⬙', 2571 => '⬚', 2572 => '⬛', 2573 => '⬜', 2574 => '⬝', 2575 => '⬞', 2576 => '⬟', 2577 => '⬠', 2578 => '⬡', 2579 => '⬢', 2580 => '⬣', 2581 => '⬤', 2582 => '⬥', 2583 => '⬦', 2584 => '⬧', 2585 => '⬨', 2586 => '⬩', 2587 => '⬪', 2588 => '⬫', 2589 => '⬬', 2590 => '⬭', 2591 => '⬮', 2592 => '⬯', 2593 => '⬰', 2594 => '⬱', 2595 => '⬲', 2596 => '⬳', 2597 => '⬴', 2598 => '⬵', 2599 => '⬶', 2600 => '⬷', 2601 => '⬸', 2602 => '⬹', 2603 => '⬺', 2604 => '⬻', 2605 => '⬼', 2606 => '⬽', 2607 => '⬾', 2608 => '⬿', 2609 => '⭀', 2610 => '⭁', 2611 => '⭂', 2612 => '⭃', 2613 => '⭄', 2614 => '⭅', 2615 => '⭆', 2616 => '⭇', 2617 => '⭈', 2618 => '⭉', 2619 => '⭊', 2620 => '⭋', 2621 => '⭌', 2622 => '⭐', 2623 => '⭑', 2624 => '⭒', 2625 => '⭓', 2626 => '⭔', 2627 => '⭕', 2628 => '⭖', 2629 => '⭗', 2630 => '⭘', 2631 => '⭙', 2632 => '⳥', 2633 => '⳦', 2634 => '⳧', 2635 => '⳨', 2636 => '⳩', 2637 => '⳪', 2638 => '⠀', 2639 => '⠁', 2640 => '⠂', 2641 => '⠃', 2642 => '⠄', 2643 => '⠅', 2644 => '⠆', 2645 => '⠇', 2646 => '⠈', 2647 => '⠉', 2648 => '⠊', 2649 => '⠋', 2650 => '⠌', 2651 => '⠍', 2652 => '⠎', 2653 => '⠏', 2654 => '⠐', 2655 => '⠑', 2656 => '⠒', 2657 => '⠓', 2658 => '⠔', 2659 => '⠕', 2660 => '⠖', 2661 => '⠗', 2662 => '⠘', 2663 => '⠙', 2664 => '⠚', 2665 => '⠛', 2666 => '⠜', 2667 => '⠝', 2668 => '⠞', 2669 => '⠟', 2670 => '⠠', 2671 => '⠡', 2672 => '⠢', 2673 => '⠣', 2674 => '⠤', 2675 => '⠥', 2676 => '⠦', 2677 => '⠧', 2678 => '⠨', 2679 => '⠩', 2680 => '⠪', 2681 => '⠫', 2682 => '⠬', 2683 => '⠭', 2684 => '⠮', 2685 => '⠯', 2686 => '⠰', 2687 => '⠱', 2688 => '⠲', 2689 => '⠳', 2690 => '⠴', 2691 => '⠵', 2692 => '⠶', 2693 => '⠷', 2694 => '⠸', 2695 => '⠹', 2696 => '⠺', 2697 => '⠻', 2698 => '⠼', 2699 => '⠽', 2700 => '⠾', 2701 => '⠿', 2702 => '⡀', 2703 => '⡁', 2704 => '⡂', 2705 => '⡃', 2706 => '⡄', 2707 => '⡅', 2708 => '⡆', 2709 => '⡇', 2710 => '⡈', 2711 => '⡉', 2712 => '⡊', 2713 => '⡋', 2714 => '⡌', 2715 => '⡍', 2716 => '⡎', 2717 => '⡏', 2718 => '⡐', 2719 => '⡑', 2720 => '⡒', 2721 => '⡓', 2722 => '⡔', 2723 => '⡕', 2724 => '⡖', 2725 => '⡗', 2726 => '⡘', 2727 => '⡙', 2728 => '⡚', 2729 => '⡛', 2730 => '⡜', 2731 => '⡝', 2732 => '⡞', 2733 => '⡟', 2734 => '⡠', 2735 => '⡡', 2736 => '⡢', 2737 => '⡣', 2738 => '⡤', 2739 => '⡥', 2740 => '⡦', 2741 => '⡧', 2742 => '⡨', 2743 => '⡩', 2744 => '⡪', 2745 => '⡫', 2746 => '⡬', 2747 => '⡭', 2748 => '⡮', 2749 => '⡯', 2750 => '⡰', 2751 => '⡱', 2752 => '⡲', 2753 => '⡳', 2754 => '⡴', 2755 => '⡵', 2756 => '⡶', 2757 => '⡷', 2758 => '⡸', 2759 => '⡹', 2760 => '⡺', 2761 => '⡻', 2762 => '⡼', 2763 => '⡽', 2764 => '⡾', 2765 => '⡿', 2766 => '⢀', 2767 => '⢁', 2768 => '⢂', 2769 => '⢃', 2770 => '⢄', 2771 => '⢅', 2772 => '⢆', 2773 => '⢇', 2774 => '⢈', 2775 => '⢉', 2776 => '⢊', 2777 => '⢋', 2778 => '⢌', 2779 => '⢍', 2780 => '⢎', 2781 => '⢏', 2782 => '⢐', 2783 => '⢑', 2784 => '⢒', 2785 => '⢓', 2786 => '⢔', 2787 => '⢕', 2788 => '⢖', 2789 => '⢗', 2790 => '⢘', 2791 => '⢙', 2792 => '⢚', 2793 => '⢛', 2794 => '⢜', 2795 => '⢝', 2796 => '⢞', 2797 => '⢟', 2798 => '⢠', 2799 => '⢡', 2800 => '⢢', 2801 => '⢣', 2802 => '⢤', 2803 => '⢥', 2804 => '⢦', 2805 => '⢧', 2806 => '⢨', 2807 => '⢩', 2808 => '⢪', 2809 => '⢫', 2810 => '⢬', 2811 => '⢭', 2812 => '⢮', 2813 => '⢯', 2814 => '⢰', 2815 => '⢱', 2816 => '⢲', 2817 => '⢳', 2818 => '⢴', 2819 => '⢵', 2820 => '⢶', 2821 => '⢷', 2822 => '⢸', 2823 => '⢹', 2824 => '⢺', 2825 => '⢻', 2826 => '⢼', 2827 => '⢽', 2828 => '⢾', 2829 => '⢿', 2830 => '⣀', 2831 => '⣁', 2832 => '⣂', 2833 => '⣃', 2834 => '⣄', 2835 => '⣅', 2836 => '⣆', 2837 => '⣇', 2838 => '⣈', 2839 => '⣉', 2840 => '⣊', 2841 => '⣋', 2842 => '⣌', 2843 => '⣍', 2844 => '⣎', 2845 => '⣏', 2846 => '⣐', 2847 => '⣑', 2848 => '⣒', 2849 => '⣓', 2850 => '⣔', 2851 => '⣕', 2852 => '⣖', 2853 => '⣗', 2854 => '⣘', 2855 => '⣙', 2856 => '⣚', 2857 => '⣛', 2858 => '⣜', 2859 => '⣝', 2860 => '⣞', 2861 => '⣟', 2862 => '⣠', 2863 => '⣡', 2864 => '⣢', 2865 => '⣣', 2866 => '⣤', 2867 => '⣥', 2868 => '⣦', 2869 => '⣧', 2870 => '⣨', 2871 => '⣩', 2872 => '⣪', 2873 => '⣫', 2874 => '⣬', 2875 => '⣭', 2876 => '⣮', 2877 => '⣯', 2878 => '⣰', 2879 => '⣱', 2880 => '⣲', 2881 => '⣳', 2882 => '⣴', 2883 => '⣵', 2884 => '⣶', 2885 => '⣷', 2886 => '⣸', 2887 => '⣹', 2888 => '⣺', 2889 => '⣻', 2890 => '⣼', 2891 => '⣽', 2892 => '⣾', 2893 => '⣿', 2894 => '⚊', 2895 => '⚋', 2896 => '⚌', 2897 => '⚍', 2898 => '⚎', 2899 => '⚏', 2900 => '☰', 2901 => '☱', 2902 => '☲', 2903 => '☳', 2904 => '☴', 2905 => '☵', 2906 => '☶', 2907 => '☷', 2908 => '䷀', 2909 => '䷁', 2910 => '䷂', 2911 => '䷃', 2912 => '䷄', 2913 => '䷅', 2914 => '䷆', 2915 => '䷇', 2916 => '䷈', 2917 => '䷉', 2918 => '䷊', 2919 => '䷋', 2920 => '䷌', 2921 => '䷍', 2922 => '䷎', 2923 => '䷏', 2924 => '䷐', 2925 => '䷑', 2926 => '䷒', 2927 => '䷓', 2928 => '䷔', 2929 => '䷕', 2930 => '䷖', 2931 => '䷗', 2932 => '䷘', 2933 => '䷙', 2934 => '䷚', 2935 => '䷛', 2936 => '䷜', 2937 => '䷝', 2938 => '䷞', 2939 => '䷟', 2940 => '䷠', 2941 => '䷡', 2942 => '䷢', 2943 => '䷣', 2944 => '䷤', 2945 => '䷥', 2946 => '䷦', 2947 => '䷧', 2948 => '䷨', 2949 => '䷩', 2950 => '䷪', 2951 => '䷫', 2952 => '䷬', 2953 => '䷭', 2954 => '䷮', 2955 => '䷯', 2956 => '䷰', 2957 => '䷱', 2958 => '䷲', 2959 => '䷳', 2960 => '䷴', 2961 => '䷵', 2962 => '䷶', 2963 => '䷷', 2964 => '䷸', 2965 => '䷹', 2966 => '䷺', 2967 => '䷻', 2968 => '䷼', 2969 => '䷽', 2970 => '䷾', 2971 => '䷿', 2972 => '𝌀', 2973 => '𝌁', 2974 => '𝌂', 2975 => '𝌃', 2976 => '𝌄', 2977 => '𝌅', 2978 => '𝌆', 2979 => '𝌇', 2980 => '𝌈', 2981 => '𝌉', 2982 => '𝌊', 2983 => '𝌋', 2984 => '𝌌', 2985 => '𝌍', 2986 => '𝌎', 2987 => '𝌏', 2988 => '𝌐', 2989 => '𝌑', 2990 => '𝌒', 2991 => '𝌓', 2992 => '𝌔', 2993 => '𝌕', 2994 => '𝌖', 2995 => '𝌗', 2996 => '𝌘', 2997 => '𝌙', 2998 => '𝌚', 2999 => '𝌛', 3000 => '𝌜', 3001 => '𝌝', 3002 => '𝌞', 3003 => '𝌟', 3004 => '𝌠', 3005 => '𝌡', 3006 => '𝌢', 3007 => '𝌣', 3008 => '𝌤', 3009 => '𝌥', 3010 => '𝌦', 3011 => '𝌧', 3012 => '𝌨', 3013 => '𝌩', 3014 => '𝌪', 3015 => '𝌫', 3016 => '𝌬', 3017 => '𝌭', 3018 => '𝌮', 3019 => '𝌯', 3020 => '𝌰', 3021 => '𝌱', 3022 => '𝌲', 3023 => '𝌳', 3024 => '𝌴', 3025 => '𝌵', 3026 => '𝌶', 3027 => '𝌷', 3028 => '𝌸', 3029 => '𝌹', 3030 => '𝌺', 3031 => '𝌻', 3032 => '𝌼', 3033 => '𝌽', 3034 => '𝌾', 3035 => '𝌿', 3036 => '𝍀', 3037 => '𝍁', 3038 => '𝍂', 3039 => '𝍃', 3040 => '𝍄', 3041 => '𝍅', 3042 => '𝍆', 3043 => '𝍇', 3044 => '𝍈', 3045 => '𝍉', 3046 => '𝍊', 3047 => '𝍋', 3048 => '𝍌', 3049 => '𝍍', 3050 => '𝍎', 3051 => '𝍏', 3052 => '𝍐', 3053 => '𝍑', 3054 => '𝍒', 3055 => '𝍓', 3056 => '𝍔', 3057 => '𝍕', 3058 => '𝍖', 3059 => '꒐', 3060 => '꒑', 3061 => '꒒', 3062 => '꒓', 3063 => '꒔', 3064 => '꒕', 3065 => '꒖', 3066 => '꒗', 3067 => '꒘', 3068 => '꒙', 3069 => '꒚', 3070 => '꒛', 3071 => '꒜', 3072 => '꒝', 3073 => '꒞', 3074 => '꒟', 3075 => '꒠', 3076 => '꒡', 3077 => '꒢', 3078 => '꒣', 3079 => '꒤', 3080 => '꒥', 3081 => '꒦', 3082 => '꒧', 3083 => '꒨', 3084 => '꒩', 3085 => '꒪', 3086 => '꒫', 3087 => '꒬', 3088 => '꒭', 3089 => '꒮', 3090 => '꒯', 3091 => '꒰', 3092 => '꒱', 3093 => '꒲', 3094 => '꒳', 3095 => '꒴', 3096 => '꒵', 3097 => '꒶', 3098 => '꒷', 3099 => '꒸', 3100 => '꒹', 3101 => '꒺', 3102 => '꒻', 3103 => '꒼', 3104 => '꒽', 3105 => '꒾', 3106 => '꒿', 3107 => '꓀', 3108 => '꓁', 3109 => '꓂', 3110 => '꓃', 3111 => '꓄', 3112 => '꓅', 3113 => '꓆', 3114 => '𐄷', 3115 => '𐄸', 3116 => '𐄹', 3117 => '𐄺', 3118 => '𐄻', 3119 => '𐄼', 3120 => '𐄽', 3121 => '𐄾', 3122 => '𐄿', 3123 => '𐅹', 3124 => '𐅺', 3125 => '𐅻', 3126 => '𐅼', 3127 => '𐅽', 3128 => '𐅾', 3129 => '𐅿', 3130 => '𐆀', 3131 => '𐆁', 3132 => '𐆂', 3133 => '𐆃', 3134 => '𐆄', 3135 => '𐆅', 3136 => '𐆆', 3137 => '𐆇', 3138 => '𐆈', 3139 => '𐆉', 3140 => '𐆐', 3141 => '𐆑', 3142 => '𐆒', 3143 => '𐆓', 3144 => '𐆔', 3145 => '𐆕', 3146 => '𐆖', 3147 => '𐆗', 3148 => '𐆘', 3149 => '𐆙', 3150 => '𐆚', 3151 => '𐆛', 3152 => '𐇐', 3153 => '𐇑', 3154 => '𐇒', 3155 => '𐇓', 3156 => '𐇔', 3157 => '𐇕', 3158 => '𐇖', 3159 => '𐇗', 3160 => '𐇘', 3161 => '𐇙', 3162 => '𐇚', 3163 => '𐇛', 3164 => '𐇜', 3165 => '𐇝', 3166 => '𐇞', 3167 => '𐇟', 3168 => '𐇠', 3169 => '𐇡', 3170 => '𐇢', 3171 => '𐇣', 3172 => '𐇤', 3173 => '𐇥', 3174 => '𐇦', 3175 => '𐇧', 3176 => '𐇨', 3177 => '𐇩', 3178 => '𐇪', 3179 => '𐇫', 3180 => '𐇬', 3181 => '𐇭', 3182 => '𐇮', 3183 => '𐇯', 3184 => '𐇰', 3185 => '𐇱', 3186 => '𐇲', 3187 => '𐇳', 3188 => '𐇴', 3189 => '𐇵', 3190 => '𐇶', 3191 => '𐇷', 3192 => '𐇸', 3193 => '𐇹', 3194 => '𐇺', 3195 => '𐇻', 3196 => '𐇼', 3197 => '𝀀', 3198 => '𝀁', 3199 => '𝀂', 3200 => '𝀃', 3201 => '𝀄', 3202 => '𝀅', 3203 => '𝀆', 3204 => '𝀇', 3205 => '𝀈', 3206 => '𝀉', 3207 => '𝀊', 3208 => '𝀋', 3209 => '𝀌', 3210 => '𝀍', 3211 => '𝀎', 3212 => '𝀏', 3213 => '𝀐', 3214 => '𝀑', 3215 => '𝀒', 3216 => '𝀓', 3217 => '𝀔', 3218 => '𝀕', 3219 => '𝀖', 3220 => '𝀗', 3221 => '𝀘', 3222 => '𝀙', 3223 => '𝀚', 3224 => '𝀛', 3225 => '𝀜', 3226 => '𝀝', 3227 => '𝀞', 3228 => '𝀟', 3229 => '𝀠', 3230 => '𝀡', 3231 => '𝀢', 3232 => '𝀣', 3233 => '𝀤', 3234 => '𝀥', 3235 => '𝀦', 3236 => '𝀧', 3237 => '𝀨', 3238 => '𝀩', 3239 => '𝀪', 3240 => '𝀫', 3241 => '𝀬', 3242 => '𝀭', 3243 => '𝀮', 3244 => '𝀯', 3245 => '𝀰', 3246 => '𝀱', 3247 => '𝀲', 3248 => '𝀳', 3249 => '𝀴', 3250 => '𝀵', 3251 => '𝀶', 3252 => '𝀷', 3253 => '𝀸', 3254 => '𝀹', 3255 => '𝀺', 3256 => '𝀻', 3257 => '𝀼', 3258 => '𝀽', 3259 => '𝀾', 3260 => '𝀿', 3261 => '𝁀', 3262 => '𝁁', 3263 => '𝁂', 3264 => '𝁃', 3265 => '𝁄', 3266 => '𝁅', 3267 => '𝁆', 3268 => '𝁇', 3269 => '𝁈', 3270 => '𝁉', 3271 => '𝁊', 3272 => '𝁋', 3273 => '𝁌', 3274 => '𝁍', 3275 => '𝁎', 3276 => '𝁏', 3277 => '𝁐', 3278 => '𝁑', 3279 => '𝁒', 3280 => '𝁓', 3281 => '𝁔', 3282 => '𝁕', 3283 => '𝁖', 3284 => '𝁗', 3285 => '𝁘', 3286 => '𝁙', 3287 => '𝁚', 3288 => '𝁛', 3289 => '𝁜', 3290 => '𝁝', 3291 => '𝁞', 3292 => '𝁟', 3293 => '𝁠', 3294 => '𝁡', 3295 => '𝁢', 3296 => '𝁣', 3297 => '𝁤', 3298 => '𝁥', 3299 => '𝁦', 3300 => '𝁧', 3301 => '𝁨', 3302 => '𝁩', 3303 => '𝁪', 3304 => '𝁫', 3305 => '𝁬', 3306 => '𝁭', 3307 => '𝁮', 3308 => '𝁯', 3309 => '𝁰', 3310 => '𝁱', 3311 => '𝁲', 3312 => '𝁳', 3313 => '𝁴', 3314 => '𝁵', 3315 => '𝁶', 3316 => '𝁷', 3317 => '𝁸', 3318 => '𝁹', 3319 => '𝁺', 3320 => '𝁻', 3321 => '𝁼', 3322 => '𝁽', 3323 => '𝁾', 3324 => '𝁿', 3325 => '𝂀', 3326 => '𝂁', 3327 => '𝂂', 3328 => '𝂃', 3329 => '𝂄', 3330 => '𝂅', 3331 => '𝂆', 3332 => '𝂇', 3333 => '𝂈', 3334 => '𝂉', 3335 => '𝂊', 3336 => '𝂋', 3337 => '𝂌', 3338 => '𝂍', 3339 => '𝂎', 3340 => '𝂏', 3341 => '𝂐', 3342 => '𝂑', 3343 => '𝂒', 3344 => '𝂓', 3345 => '𝂔', 3346 => '𝂕', 3347 => '𝂖', 3348 => '𝂗', 3349 => '𝂘', 3350 => '𝂙', 3351 => '𝂚', 3352 => '𝂛', 3353 => '𝂜', 3354 => '𝂝', 3355 => '𝂞', 3356 => '𝂟', 3357 => '𝂠', 3358 => '𝂡', 3359 => '𝂢', 3360 => '𝂣', 3361 => '𝂤', 3362 => '𝂥', 3363 => '𝂦', 3364 => '𝂧', 3365 => '𝂨', 3366 => '𝂩', 3367 => '𝂪', 3368 => '𝂫', 3369 => '𝂬', 3370 => '𝂭', 3371 => '𝂮', 3372 => '𝂯', 3373 => '𝂰', 3374 => '𝂱', 3375 => '𝂲', 3376 => '𝂳', 3377 => '𝂴', 3378 => '𝂵', 3379 => '𝂶', 3380 => '𝂷', 3381 => '𝂸', 3382 => '𝂹', 3383 => '𝂺', 3384 => '𝂻', 3385 => '𝂼', 3386 => '𝂽', 3387 => '𝂾', 3388 => '𝂿', 3389 => '𝃀', 3390 => '𝃁', 3391 => '𝃂', 3392 => '𝃃', 3393 => '𝃄', 3394 => '𝃅', 3395 => '𝃆', 3396 => '𝃇', 3397 => '𝃈', 3398 => '𝃉', 3399 => '𝃊', 3400 => '𝃋', 3401 => '𝃌', 3402 => '𝃍', 3403 => '𝃎', 3404 => '𝃏', 3405 => '𝃐', 3406 => '𝃑', 3407 => '𝃒', 3408 => '𝃓', 3409 => '𝃔', 3410 => '𝃕', 3411 => '𝃖', 3412 => '𝃗', 3413 => '𝃘', 3414 => '𝃙', 3415 => '𝃚', 3416 => '𝃛', 3417 => '𝃜', 3418 => '𝃝', 3419 => '𝃞', 3420 => '𝃟', 3421 => '𝃠', 3422 => '𝃡', 3423 => '𝃢', 3424 => '𝃣', 3425 => '𝃤', 3426 => '𝃥', 3427 => '𝃦', 3428 => '𝃧', 3429 => '𝃨', 3430 => '𝃩', 3431 => '𝃪', 3432 => '𝃫', 3433 => '𝃬', 3434 => '𝃭', 3435 => '𝃮', 3436 => '𝃯', 3437 => '𝃰', 3438 => '𝃱', 3439 => '𝃲', 3440 => '𝃳', 3441 => '𝃴', 3442 => '𝃵', 3443 => '𝄀', 3444 => '𝄁', 3445 => '𝄂', 3446 => '𝄃', 3447 => '𝄄', 3448 => '𝄅', 3449 => '𝄆', 3450 => '𝄇', 3451 => '𝄈', 3452 => '𝄉', 3453 => '𝄊', 3454 => '𝄋', 3455 => '𝄌', 3456 => '𝄍', 3457 => '𝄎', 3458 => '𝄏', 3459 => '𝄐', 3460 => '𝄑', 3461 => '𝄒', 3462 => '𝄓', 3463 => '𝄔', 3464 => '𝄕', 3465 => '𝄖', 3466 => '𝄗', 3467 => '𝄘', 3468 => '𝄙', 3469 => '𝄚', 3470 => '𝄛', 3471 => '𝄜', 3472 => '𝄝', 3473 => '𝄞', 3474 => '𝄟', 3475 => '𝄠', 3476 => '𝄡', 3477 => '𝄢', 3478 => '𝄣', 3479 => '𝄤', 3480 => '𝄥', 3481 => '𝄦', 3482 => '♭', 3483 => '♮', 3484 => '♯', 3485 => '𝄪', 3486 => '𝄫', 3487 => '𝄬', 3488 => '𝄭', 3489 => '𝄮', 3490 => '𝄯', 3491 => '𝄰', 3492 => '𝄱', 3493 => '𝄲', 3494 => '𝄳', 3495 => '𝄴', 3496 => '𝄵', 3497 => '𝄶', 3498 => '𝄷', 3499 => '𝄸', 3500 => '𝄹', 3501 => '𝄩', 3502 => '𝄺', 3503 => '𝄻', 3504 => '𝄼', 3505 => '𝄽', 3506 => '𝄾', 3507 => '𝄿', 3508 => '𝅀', 3509 => '𝅁', 3510 => '𝅂', 3511 => '𝅃', 3512 => '𝅄', 3513 => '𝅅', 3514 => '𝅆', 3515 => '𝅇', 3516 => '𝅈', 3517 => '𝅉', 3518 => '𝅊', 3519 => '𝅋', 3520 => '𝅌', 3521 => '𝅍', 3522 => '𝅎', 3523 => '𝅏', 3524 => '𝅐', 3525 => '𝅑', 3526 => '𝅒', 3527 => '𝅓', 3528 => '𝅔', 3529 => '𝅕', 3530 => '𝅖', 3531 => '𝅗', 3532 => '𝅘', 3533 => '𝅙', 3534 => '𝅚', 3535 => '𝅛', 3536 => '𝅜', 3537 => '𝅝', 3538 => '𝅪', 3539 => '𝅫', 3540 => '𝅬', 3541 => '𝆃', 3542 => '𝆄', 3543 => '𝆌', 3544 => '𝆍', 3545 => '𝆎', 3546 => '𝆏', 3547 => '𝆐', 3548 => '𝆑', 3549 => '𝆒', 3550 => '𝆓', 3551 => '𝆔', 3552 => '𝆕', 3553 => '𝆖', 3554 => '𝆗', 3555 => '𝆘', 3556 => '𝆙', 3557 => '𝆚', 3558 => '𝆛', 3559 => '𝆜', 3560 => '𝆝', 3561 => '𝆞', 3562 => '𝆟', 3563 => '𝆠', 3564 => '𝆡', 3565 => '𝆢', 3566 => '𝆣', 3567 => '𝆤', 3568 => '𝆥', 3569 => '𝆦', 3570 => '𝆧', 3571 => '𝆨', 3572 => '𝆩', 3573 => '𝆮', 3574 => '𝆯', 3575 => '𝆰', 3576 => '𝆱', 3577 => '𝆲', 3578 => '𝆳', 3579 => '𝆴', 3580 => '𝆵', 3581 => '𝆶', 3582 => '𝆷', 3583 => '𝆸', 3584 => '𝆹', 3585 => '𝆺', 3586 => '𝇁', 3587 => '𝇂', 3588 => '𝇃', 3589 => '𝇄', 3590 => '𝇅', 3591 => '𝇆', 3592 => '𝇇', 3593 => '𝇈', 3594 => '𝇉', 3595 => '𝇊', 3596 => '𝇋', 3597 => '𝇌', 3598 => '𝇍', 3599 => '𝇎', 3600 => '𝇏', 3601 => '𝇐', 3602 => '𝇑', 3603 => '𝇒', 3604 => '𝇓', 3605 => '𝇔', 3606 => '𝇕', 3607 => '𝇖', 3608 => '𝇗', 3609 => '𝇘', 3610 => '𝇙', 3611 => '𝇚', 3612 => '𝇛', 3613 => '𝇜', 3614 => '𝇝', 3615 => '𝈀', 3616 => '𝈁', 3617 => '𝈂', 3618 => '𝈃', 3619 => '𝈄', 3620 => '𝈅', 3621 => '𝈆', 3622 => '𝈇', 3623 => '𝈈', 3624 => '𝈉', 3625 => '𝈊', 3626 => '𝈋', 3627 => '𝈌', 3628 => '𝈍', 3629 => '𝈎', 3630 => '𝈏', 3631 => '𝈐', 3632 => '𝈑', 3633 => '𝈒', 3634 => '𝈓', 3635 => '𝈔', 3636 => '𝈕', 3637 => '𝈖', 3638 => '𝈗', 3639 => '𝈘', 3640 => '𝈙', 3641 => '𝈚', 3642 => '𝈛', 3643 => '𝈜', 3644 => '𝈝', 3645 => '𝈞', 3646 => '𝈟', 3647 => '𝈠', 3648 => '𝈡', 3649 => '𝈢', 3650 => '𝈣', 3651 => '𝈤', 3652 => '𝈥', 3653 => '𝈦', 3654 => '𝈧', 3655 => '𝈨', 3656 => '𝈩', 3657 => '𝈪', 3658 => '𝈫', 3659 => '𝈬', 3660 => '𝈭', 3661 => '𝈮', 3662 => '𝈯', 3663 => '𝈰', 3664 => '𝈱', 3665 => '𝈲', 3666 => '𝈳', 3667 => '𝈴', 3668 => '𝈵', 3669 => '𝈶', 3670 => '𝈷', 3671 => '𝈸', 3672 => '𝈹', 3673 => '𝈺', 3674 => '𝈻', 3675 => '𝈼', 3676 => '𝈽', 3677 => '𝈾', 3678 => '𝈿', 3679 => '𝉀', 3680 => '𝉁', 3681 => '𝉅', 3682 => '🀀', 3683 => '🀁', 3684 => '🀂', 3685 => '🀃', 3686 => '🀄', 3687 => '🀅', 3688 => '🀆', 3689 => '🀇', 3690 => '🀈', 3691 => '🀉', 3692 => '🀊', 3693 => '🀋', 3694 => '🀌', 3695 => '🀍', 3696 => '🀎', 3697 => '🀏', 3698 => '🀐', 3699 => '🀑', 3700 => '🀒', 3701 => '🀓', 3702 => '🀔', 3703 => '🀕', 3704 => '🀖', 3705 => '🀗', 3706 => '🀘', 3707 => '🀙', 3708 => '🀚', 3709 => '🀛', 3710 => '🀜', 3711 => '🀝', 3712 => '🀞', 3713 => '🀟', 3714 => '🀠', 3715 => '🀡', 3716 => '🀢', 3717 => '🀣', 3718 => '🀤', 3719 => '🀥', 3720 => '🀦', 3721 => '🀧', 3722 => '🀨', 3723 => '🀩', 3724 => '🀪', 3725 => '🀫', 3726 => '🀰', 3727 => '🀱', 3728 => '🀲', 3729 => '🀳', 3730 => '🀴', 3731 => '🀵', 3732 => '🀶', 3733 => '🀷', 3734 => '🀸', 3735 => '🀹', 3736 => '🀺', 3737 => '🀻', 3738 => '🀼', 3739 => '🀽', 3740 => '🀾', 3741 => '🀿', 3742 => '🁀', 3743 => '🁁', 3744 => '🁂', 3745 => '🁃', 3746 => '🁄', 3747 => '🁅', 3748 => '🁆', 3749 => '🁇', 3750 => '🁈', 3751 => '🁉', 3752 => '🁊', 3753 => '🁋', 3754 => '🁌', 3755 => '🁍', 3756 => '🁎', 3757 => '🁏', 3758 => '🁐', 3759 => '🁑', 3760 => '🁒', 3761 => '🁓', 3762 => '🁔', 3763 => '🁕', 3764 => '🁖', 3765 => '🁗', 3766 => '🁘', 3767 => '🁙', 3768 => '🁚', 3769 => '🁛', 3770 => '🁜', 3771 => '🁝', 3772 => '🁞', 3773 => '🁟', 3774 => '🁠', 3775 => '🁡', 3776 => '🁢', 3777 => '🁣', 3778 => '🁤', 3779 => '🁥', 3780 => '🁦', 3781 => '🁧', 3782 => '🁨', 3783 => '🁩', 3784 => '🁪', 3785 => '🁫', 3786 => '🁬', 3787 => '🁭', 3788 => '🁮', 3789 => '🁯', 3790 => '🁰', 3791 => '🁱', 3792 => '🁲', 3793 => '🁳', 3794 => '🁴', 3795 => '🁵', 3796 => '🁶', 3797 => '🁷', 3798 => '🁸', 3799 => '🁹', 3800 => '🁺', 3801 => '🁻', 3802 => '🁼', 3803 => '🁽', 3804 => '🁾', 3805 => '🁿', 3806 => '🂀', 3807 => '🂁', 3808 => '🂂', 3809 => '🂃', 3810 => '🂄', 3811 => '🂅', 3812 => '🂆', 3813 => '🂇', 3814 => '🂈', 3815 => '🂉', 3816 => '🂊', 3817 => '🂋', 3818 => '🂌', 3819 => '🂍', 3820 => '🂎', 3821 => '🂏', 3822 => '🂐', 3823 => '🂑', 3824 => '🂒', 3825 => '🂓', 3826 => '🂠', 3827 => '🂡', 3828 => '🂢', 3829 => '🂣', 3830 => '🂤', 3831 => '🂥', 3832 => '🂦', 3833 => '🂧', 3834 => '🂨', 3835 => '🂩', 3836 => '🂪', 3837 => '🂫', 3838 => '🂬', 3839 => '🂭', 3840 => '🂮', 3841 => '🂱', 3842 => '🂲', 3843 => '🂳', 3844 => '🂴', 3845 => '🂵', 3846 => '🂶', 3847 => '🂷', 3848 => '🂸', 3849 => '🂹', 3850 => '🂺', 3851 => '🂻', 3852 => '🂼', 3853 => '🂽', 3854 => '🂾', 3855 => '🃁', 3856 => '🃂', 3857 => '🃃', 3858 => '🃄', 3859 => '🃅', 3860 => '🃆', 3861 => '🃇', 3862 => '🃈', 3863 => '🃉', 3864 => '🃊', 3865 => '🃋', 3866 => '🃌', 3867 => '🃍', 3868 => '🃎', 3869 => '🃏', 3870 => '🃑', 3871 => '🃒', 3872 => '🃓', 3873 => '🃔', 3874 => '🃕', 3875 => '🃖', 3876 => '🃗', 3877 => '🃘', 3878 => '🃙', 3879 => '🃚', 3880 => '🃛', 3881 => '🃜', 3882 => '🃝', 3883 => '🃞', 3884 => '🃟', 3885 => '🌀', 3886 => '🌁', 3887 => '🌂', 3888 => '🌃', 3889 => '🌄', 3890 => '🌅', 3891 => '🌆', 3892 => '🌇', 3893 => '🌈', 3894 => '🌉', 3895 => '🌊', 3896 => '🌋', 3897 => '🌌', 3898 => '🌍', 3899 => '🌎', 3900 => '🌏', 3901 => '🌐', 3902 => '🌑', 3903 => '🌒', 3904 => '🌓', 3905 => '🌔', 3906 => '🌕', 3907 => '🌖', 3908 => '🌗', 3909 => '🌘', 3910 => '🌙', 3911 => '🌚', 3912 => '🌛', 3913 => '🌜', 3914 => '🌝', 3915 => '🌞', 3916 => '🌟', 3917 => '🌠', 3918 => '🌰', 3919 => '🌱', 3920 => '🌲', 3921 => '🌳', 3922 => '🌴', 3923 => '🌵', 3924 => '🌷', 3925 => '🌸', 3926 => '🌹', 3927 => '🌺', 3928 => '🌻', 3929 => '🌼', 3930 => '🌽', 3931 => '🌾', 3932 => '🌿', 3933 => '🍀', 3934 => '🍁', 3935 => '🍂', 3936 => '🍃', 3937 => '🍄', 3938 => '🍅', 3939 => '🍆', 3940 => '🍇', 3941 => '🍈', 3942 => '🍉', 3943 => '🍊', 3944 => '🍋', 3945 => '🍌', 3946 => '🍍', 3947 => '🍎', 3948 => '🍏', 3949 => '🍐', 3950 => '🍑', 3951 => '🍒', 3952 => '🍓', 3953 => '🍔', 3954 => '🍕', 3955 => '🍖', 3956 => '🍗', 3957 => '🍘', 3958 => '🍙', 3959 => '🍚', 3960 => '🍛', 3961 => '🍜', 3962 => '🍝', 3963 => '🍞', 3964 => '🍟', 3965 => '🍠', 3966 => '🍡', 3967 => '🍢', 3968 => '🍣', 3969 => '🍤', 3970 => '🍥', 3971 => '🍦', 3972 => '🍧', 3973 => '🍨', 3974 => '🍩', 3975 => '🍪', 3976 => '🍫', 3977 => '🍬', 3978 => '🍭', 3979 => '🍮', 3980 => '🍯', 3981 => '🍰', 3982 => '🍱', 3983 => '🍲', 3984 => '🍳', 3985 => '🍴', 3986 => '🍵', 3987 => '🍶', 3988 => '🍷', 3989 => '🍸', 3990 => '🍹', 3991 => '🍺', 3992 => '🍻', 3993 => '🍼', 3994 => '🎀', 3995 => '🎁', 3996 => '🎂', 3997 => '🎃', 3998 => '🎄', 3999 => '🎅', 4000 => '🎆', 4001 => '🎇', 4002 => '🎈', 4003 => '🎉', 4004 => '🎊', 4005 => '🎋', 4006 => '🎌', 4007 => '🎍', 4008 => '🎎', 4009 => '🎏', 4010 => '🎐', 4011 => '🎑', 4012 => '🎒', 4013 => '🎓', 4014 => '🎠', 4015 => '🎡', 4016 => '🎢', 4017 => '🎣', 4018 => '🎤', 4019 => '🎥', 4020 => '🎦', 4021 => '🎧', 4022 => '🎨', 4023 => '🎩', 4024 => '🎪', 4025 => '🎫', 4026 => '🎬', 4027 => '🎭', 4028 => '🎮', 4029 => '🎯', 4030 => '🎰', 4031 => '🎱', 4032 => '🎲', 4033 => '🎳', 4034 => '🎴', 4035 => '🎵', 4036 => '🎶', 4037 => '🎷', 4038 => '🎸', 4039 => '🎹', 4040 => '🎺', 4041 => '🎻', 4042 => '🎼', 4043 => '🎽', 4044 => '🎾', 4045 => '🎿', 4046 => '🏀', 4047 => '🏁', 4048 => '🏂', 4049 => '🏃', 4050 => '🏄', 4051 => '🏆', 4052 => '🏇', 4053 => '🏈', 4054 => '🏉', 4055 => '🏊', 4056 => '🏠', 4057 => '🏡', 4058 => '🏢', 4059 => '🏣', 4060 => '🏤', 4061 => '🏥', 4062 => '🏦', 4063 => '🏧', 4064 => '🏨', 4065 => '🏩', 4066 => '🏪', 4067 => '🏫', 4068 => '🏬', 4069 => '🏭', 4070 => '🏮', 4071 => '🏯', 4072 => '🏰', 4073 => '🐀', 4074 => '🐁', 4075 => '🐂', 4076 => '🐃', 4077 => '🐄', 4078 => '🐅', 4079 => '🐆', 4080 => '🐇', 4081 => '🐈', 4082 => '🐉', 4083 => '🐊', 4084 => '🐋', 4085 => '🐌', 4086 => '🐍', 4087 => '🐎', 4088 => '🐏', 4089 => '🐐', 4090 => '🐑', 4091 => '🐒', 4092 => '🐓', 4093 => '🐔', 4094 => '🐕', 4095 => '🐖', 4096 => '🐗', 4097 => '🐘', 4098 => '🐙', 4099 => '🐚', 4100 => '🐛', 4101 => '🐜', 4102 => '🐝', 4103 => '🐞', 4104 => '🐟', 4105 => '🐠', 4106 => '🐡', 4107 => '🐢', 4108 => '🐣', 4109 => '🐤', 4110 => '🐥', 4111 => '🐦', 4112 => '🐧', 4113 => '🐨', 4114 => '🐩', 4115 => '🐪', 4116 => '🐫', 4117 => '🐬', 4118 => '🐭', 4119 => '🐮', 4120 => '🐯', 4121 => '🐰', 4122 => '🐱', 4123 => '🐲', 4124 => '🐳', 4125 => '🐴', 4126 => '🐵', 4127 => '🐶', 4128 => '🐷', 4129 => '🐸', 4130 => '🐹', 4131 => '🐺', 4132 => '🐻', 4133 => '🐼', 4134 => '🐽', 4135 => '🐾', 4136 => '👀', 4137 => '👂', 4138 => '👃', 4139 => '👄', 4140 => '👅', 4141 => '👆', 4142 => '👇', 4143 => '👈', 4144 => '👉', 4145 => '👊', 4146 => '👋', 4147 => '👌', 4148 => '👍', 4149 => '👎', 4150 => '👏', 4151 => '👐', 4152 => '👑', 4153 => '👒', 4154 => '👓', 4155 => '👔', 4156 => '👕', 4157 => '👖', 4158 => '👗', 4159 => '👘', 4160 => '👙', 4161 => '👚', 4162 => '👛', 4163 => '👜', 4164 => '👝', 4165 => '👞', 4166 => '👟', 4167 => '👠', 4168 => '👡', 4169 => '👢', 4170 => '👣', 4171 => '👤', 4172 => '👥', 4173 => '👦', 4174 => '👧', 4175 => '👨', 4176 => '👩', 4177 => '👪', 4178 => '👫', 4179 => '👬', 4180 => '👭', 4181 => '👮', 4182 => '👯', 4183 => '👰', 4184 => '👱', 4185 => '👲', 4186 => '👳', 4187 => '👴', 4188 => '👵', 4189 => '👶', 4190 => '👷', 4191 => '👸', 4192 => '👹', 4193 => '👺', 4194 => '👻', 4195 => '👼', 4196 => '👽', 4197 => '👾', 4198 => '👿', 4199 => '💀', 4200 => '💁', 4201 => '💂', 4202 => '💃', 4203 => '💄', 4204 => '💅', 4205 => '💆', 4206 => '💇', 4207 => '💈', 4208 => '💉', 4209 => '💊', 4210 => '💋', 4211 => '💌', 4212 => '💍', 4213 => '💎', 4214 => '💏', 4215 => '💐', 4216 => '💑', 4217 => '💒', 4218 => '💓', 4219 => '💔', 4220 => '💕', 4221 => '💖', 4222 => '💗', 4223 => '💘', 4224 => '💙', 4225 => '💚', 4226 => '💛', 4227 => '💜', 4228 => '💝', 4229 => '💞', 4230 => '💟', 4231 => '💠', 4232 => '💡', 4233 => '💢', 4234 => '💣', 4235 => '💤', 4236 => '💥', 4237 => '💦', 4238 => '💧', 4239 => '💨', 4240 => '💩', 4241 => '💪', 4242 => '💫', 4243 => '💬', 4244 => '💭', 4245 => '💮', 4246 => '💯', 4247 => '💰', 4248 => '💱', 4249 => '💲', 4250 => '💳', 4251 => '💴', 4252 => '💵', 4253 => '💶', 4254 => '💷', 4255 => '💸', 4256 => '💹', 4257 => '💺', 4258 => '💻', 4259 => '💼', 4260 => '💽', 4261 => '💾', 4262 => '💿', 4263 => '📀', 4264 => '📁', 4265 => '📂', 4266 => '📃', 4267 => '📄', 4268 => '📅', 4269 => '📆', 4270 => '📇', 4271 => '📈', 4272 => '📉', 4273 => '📊', 4274 => '📋', 4275 => '📌', 4276 => '📍', 4277 => '📎', 4278 => '📏', 4279 => '📐', 4280 => '📑', 4281 => '📒', 4282 => '📓', 4283 => '📔', 4284 => '📕', 4285 => '📖', 4286 => '📗', 4287 => '📘', 4288 => '📙', 4289 => '📚', 4290 => '📛', 4291 => '📜', 4292 => '📝', 4293 => '📞', 4294 => '📟', 4295 => '📠', 4296 => '📡', 4297 => '📢', 4298 => '📣', 4299 => '📤', 4300 => '📥', 4301 => '📦', 4302 => '📧', 4303 => '📨', 4304 => '📩', 4305 => '📪', 4306 => '📫', 4307 => '📬', 4308 => '📭', 4309 => '📮', 4310 => '📯', 4311 => '📰', 4312 => '📱', 4313 => '📲', 4314 => '📳', 4315 => '📴', 4316 => '📵', 4317 => '📶', 4318 => '📷', 4319 => '📹', 4320 => '📺', 4321 => '📻', 4322 => '📼', 4323 => '🔀', 4324 => '🔁', 4325 => '🔂', 4326 => '🔃', 4327 => '🔄', 4328 => '🔅', 4329 => '🔆', 4330 => '🔇', 4331 => '🔈', 4332 => '🔉', 4333 => '🔊', 4334 => '🔋', 4335 => '🔌', 4336 => '🔍', 4337 => '🔎', 4338 => '🔏', 4339 => '🔐', 4340 => '🔑', 4341 => '🔒', 4342 => '🔓', 4343 => '🔔', 4344 => '🔕', 4345 => '🔖', 4346 => '🔗', 4347 => '🔘', 4348 => '🔙', 4349 => '🔚', 4350 => '🔛', 4351 => '🔜', 4352 => '🔝', 4353 => '🔞', 4354 => '🔟', 4355 => '🔠', 4356 => '🔡', 4357 => '🔢', 4358 => '🔣', 4359 => '🔤', 4360 => '🔥', 4361 => '🔦', 4362 => '🔧', 4363 => '🔨', 4364 => '🔩', 4365 => '🔪', 4366 => '🔫', 4367 => '🔬', 4368 => '🔭', 4369 => '🔮', 4370 => '🔯', 4371 => '🔰', 4372 => '🔱', 4373 => '🔲', 4374 => '🔳', 4375 => '🔴', 4376 => '🔵', 4377 => '🔶', 4378 => '🔷', 4379 => '🔸', 4380 => '🔹', 4381 => '🔺', 4382 => '🔻', 4383 => '🔼', 4384 => '🔽', 4385 => '🕐', 4386 => '🕑', 4387 => '🕒', 4388 => '🕓', 4389 => '🕔', 4390 => '🕕', 4391 => '🕖', 4392 => '🕗', 4393 => '🕘', 4394 => '🕙', 4395 => '🕚', 4396 => '🕛', 4397 => '🕜', 4398 => '🕝', 4399 => '🕞', 4400 => '🕟', 4401 => '🕠', 4402 => '🕡', 4403 => '🕢', 4404 => '🕣', 4405 => '🕤', 4406 => '🕥', 4407 => '🕦', 4408 => '🕧', 4409 => '🗻', 4410 => '🗼', 4411 => '🗽', 4412 => '🗾', 4413 => '🗿', 4414 => '😁', 4415 => '😂', 4416 => '😃', 4417 => '😄', 4418 => '😅', 4419 => '😆', 4420 => '😇', 4421 => '😈', 4422 => '😉', 4423 => '😊', 4424 => '😋', 4425 => '😌', 4426 => '😍', 4427 => '😎', 4428 => '😏', 4429 => '😐', 4430 => '😒', 4431 => '😓', 4432 => '😔', 4433 => '😖', 4434 => '😘', 4435 => '😚', 4436 => '😜', 4437 => '😝', 4438 => '😞', 4439 => '😠', 4440 => '😡', 4441 => '😢', 4442 => '😣', 4443 => '😤', 4444 => '😥', 4445 => '😨', 4446 => '😩', 4447 => '😪', 4448 => '😫', 4449 => '😭', 4450 => '😰', 4451 => '😱', 4452 => '😲', 4453 => '😳', 4454 => '😵', 4455 => '😶', 4456 => '😷', 4457 => '😸', 4458 => '😹', 4459 => '😺', 4460 => '😻', 4461 => '😼', 4462 => '😽', 4463 => '😾', 4464 => '😿', 4465 => '🙀', 4466 => '🙅', 4467 => '🙆', 4468 => '🙇', 4469 => '🙈', 4470 => '🙉', 4471 => '🙊', 4472 => '🙋', 4473 => '🙌', 4474 => '🙍', 4475 => '🙎', 4476 => '🙏', 4477 => '🚀', 4478 => '🚁', 4479 => '🚂', 4480 => '🚃', 4481 => '🚄', 4482 => '🚅', 4483 => '🚆', 4484 => '🚇', 4485 => '🚈', 4486 => '🚉', 4487 => '🚊', 4488 => '🚋', 4489 => '🚌', 4490 => '🚍', 4491 => '🚎', 4492 => '🚏', 4493 => '🚐', 4494 => '🚑', 4495 => '🚒', 4496 => '🚓', 4497 => '🚔', 4498 => '🚕', 4499 => '🚖', 4500 => '🚗', 4501 => '🚘', 4502 => '🚙', 4503 => '🚚', 4504 => '🚛', 4505 => '🚜', 4506 => '🚝', 4507 => '🚞', 4508 => '🚟', 4509 => '🚠', 4510 => '🚡', 4511 => '🚢', 4512 => '🚣', 4513 => '🚤', 4514 => '🚥', 4515 => '🚦', 4516 => '🚧', 4517 => '🚨', 4518 => '🚩', 4519 => '🚪', 4520 => '🚫', 4521 => '🚬', 4522 => '🚭', 4523 => '🚮', 4524 => '🚯', 4525 => '🚰', 4526 => '🚱', 4527 => '🚲', 4528 => '🚳', 4529 => '🚴', 4530 => '🚵', 4531 => '🚶', 4532 => '🚷', 4533 => '🚸', 4534 => '🚹', 4535 => '🚺', 4536 => '🚻', 4537 => '🚼', 4538 => '🚽', 4539 => '🚾', 4540 => '🚿', 4541 => '🛀', 4542 => '🛁', 4543 => '🛂', 4544 => '🛃', 4545 => '🛄', 4546 => '🛅', 4547 => '🜀', 4548 => '🜁', 4549 => '🜂', 4550 => '🜃', 4551 => '🜄', 4552 => '🜅', 4553 => '🜆', 4554 => '🜇', 4555 => '🜈', 4556 => '🜉', 4557 => '🜊', 4558 => '🜋', 4559 => '🜌', 4560 => '🜍', 4561 => '🜎', 4562 => '🜏', 4563 => '🜐', 4564 => '🜑', 4565 => '🜒', 4566 => '🜓', 4567 => '🜔', 4568 => '🜕', 4569 => '🜖', 4570 => '🜗', 4571 => '🜘', 4572 => '🜙', 4573 => '🜚', 4574 => '🜛', 4575 => '🜜', 4576 => '🜝', 4577 => '🜞', 4578 => '🜟', 4579 => '🜠', 4580 => '🜡', 4581 => '🜢', 4582 => '🜣', 4583 => '🜤', 4584 => '🜥', 4585 => '🜦', 4586 => '🜧', 4587 => '🜨', 4588 => '🜩', 4589 => '🜪', 4590 => '🜫', 4591 => '🜬', 4592 => '🜭', 4593 => '🜮', 4594 => '🜯', 4595 => '🜰', 4596 => '🜱', 4597 => '🜲', 4598 => '🜳', 4599 => '🜴', 4600 => '🜵', 4601 => '🜶', 4602 => '🜷', 4603 => '🜸', 4604 => '🜹', 4605 => '🜺', 4606 => '🜻', 4607 => '🜼', 4608 => '🜽', 4609 => '🜾', 4610 => '🜿', 4611 => '🝀', 4612 => '🝁', 4613 => '🝂', 4614 => '🝃', 4615 => '🝄', 4616 => '🝅', 4617 => '🝆', 4618 => '🝇', 4619 => '🝈', 4620 => '🝉', 4621 => '🝊', 4622 => '🝋', 4623 => '🝌', 4624 => '🝍', 4625 => '🝎', 4626 => '🝏', 4627 => '🝐', 4628 => '🝑', 4629 => '🝒', 4630 => '🝓', 4631 => '🝔', 4632 => '🝕', 4633 => '🝖', 4634 => '🝗', 4635 => '🝘', 4636 => '🝙', 4637 => '🝚', 4638 => '🝛', 4639 => '🝜', 4640 => '🝝', 4641 => '🝞', 4642 => '🝟', 4643 => '🝠', 4644 => '🝡', 4645 => '🝢', 4646 => '🝣', 4647 => '🝤', 4648 => '🝥', 4649 => '🝦', 4650 => '🝧', 4651 => '🝨', 4652 => '🝩', 4653 => '🝪', 4654 => '🝫', 4655 => '🝬', 4656 => '🝭', 4657 => '🝮', 4658 => '🝯', 4659 => '🝰', 4660 => '🝱', 4661 => '🝲', 4662 => '🝳', 4663 => '㆐', 4664 => '㆑', 4665 => '', 4666 => '�', 4667 => '৴', 4668 => '৵', 4669 => '৶', 4670 => '৷', 4671 => '৸', 4672 => '৹', 4673 => '୲', 4674 => '୳', 4675 => '୴', 4676 => '୵', 4677 => '୶', 4678 => '୷', 4679 => '꠰', 4680 => '꠱', 4681 => '꠲', 4682 => '꠳', 4683 => '꠴', 4684 => '꠵', 4685 => '௰', 4686 => '௱', 4687 => '௲', 4688 => '൰', 4689 => '൱', 4690 => '൲', 4691 => '൳', 4692 => '൴', 4693 => '൵', 4694 => '፲', 4695 => '፳', 4696 => '፴', 4697 => '፵', 4698 => '፶', 4699 => '፷', 4700 => '፸', 4701 => '፹', 4702 => '፺', 4703 => '፻', 4704 => '፼', 4705 => 'ↀ', 4706 => 'ↁ', 4707 => 'ↂ', 4708 => 'ↆ', 4709 => 'ↇ', 4710 => 'ↈ', 4711 => '𐹩', 4712 => '𐹪', 4713 => '𐹫', 4714 => '𐹬', 4715 => '𐹭', 4716 => '𐹮', 4717 => '𐹯', 4718 => '𐹰', 4719 => '𐹱', 4720 => '𐹲', 4721 => '𐹳', 4722 => '𐹴', 4723 => '𐹵', 4724 => '𐹶', 4725 => '𐹷', 4726 => '𐹸', 4727 => '𐹹', 4728 => '𐹺', 4729 => '𐹻', 4730 => '𐹼', 4731 => '𐹽', 4732 => '𐹾', 4733 => '⳽', 4734 => '𐌢', 4735 => '𐌣', 4736 => '𐄐', 4737 => '𐄑', 4738 => '𐄒', 4739 => '𐄓', 4740 => '𐄔', 4741 => '𐄕', 4742 => '𐄖', 4743 => '𐄗', 4744 => '𐄘', 4745 => '𐄙', 4746 => '𐄚', 4747 => '𐄛', 4748 => '𐄜', 4749 => '𐄝', 4750 => '𐄞', 4751 => '𐄟', 4752 => '𐄠', 4753 => '𐄡', 4754 => '𐄢', 4755 => '𐄣', 4756 => '𐄤', 4757 => '𐄥', 4758 => '𐄦', 4759 => '𐄧', 4760 => '𐄨', 4761 => '𐄩', 4762 => '𐄪', 4763 => '𐄫', 4764 => '𐄬', 4765 => '𐄭', 4766 => '𐄮', 4767 => '𐄯', 4768 => '𐄰', 4769 => '𐄱', 4770 => '𐄲', 4771 => '𐄳', 4772 => '𐅀', 4773 => '𐅁', 4774 => '𐅄', 4775 => '𐅅', 4776 => '𐅆', 4777 => '𐅇', 4778 => '𐅉', 4779 => '𐅊', 4780 => '𐅋', 4781 => '𐅌', 4782 => '𐅍', 4783 => '𐅎', 4784 => '𐅐', 4785 => '𐅑', 4786 => '𐅒', 4787 => '𐅓', 4788 => '𐅔', 4789 => '𐅕', 4790 => '𐅖', 4791 => '𐅗', 4792 => '𐅠', 4793 => '𐅡', 4794 => '𐅢', 4795 => '𐅣', 4796 => '𐅤', 4797 => '𐅥', 4798 => '𐅦', 4799 => '𐅧', 4800 => '𐅨', 4801 => '𐅩', 4802 => '𐅪', 4803 => '𐅫', 4804 => '𐅬', 4805 => '𐅭', 4806 => '𐅮', 4807 => '𐅯', 4808 => '𐅰', 4809 => '𐅱', 4810 => '𐅲', 4811 => '𐅴', 4812 => '𐅵', 4813 => '𐅶', 4814 => '𐅷', 4815 => '𐅸', 4816 => '𐏓', 4817 => '𐏔', 4818 => '𐏕', 4819 => '𐩾', 4820 => '𐩿', 4821 => '𐤗', 4822 => '𐤘', 4823 => '𐤙', 4824 => '𐡛', 4825 => '𐡜', 4826 => '𐡝', 4827 => '𐡞', 4828 => '𐡟', 4829 => '𐭜', 4830 => '𐭝', 4831 => '𐭞', 4832 => '𐭟', 4833 => '𐭼', 4834 => '𐭽', 4835 => '𐭾', 4836 => '𐭿', 4837 => '𑁛', 4838 => '𑁜', 4839 => '𑁝', 4840 => '𑁞', 4841 => '𑁟', 4842 => '𑁠', 4843 => '𑁡', 4844 => '𑁢', 4845 => '𑁣', 4846 => '𑁤', 4847 => '𑁥', 4848 => '𐩄', 4849 => '𐩅', 4850 => '𐩆', 4851 => '𐩇', 4852 => '𒐲', 4853 => '𒐳', 4854 => '𒑖', 4855 => '𒑗', 4856 => '𒑚', 4857 => '𒑛', 4858 => '𒑜', 4859 => '𒑝', 4860 => '𒑞', 4861 => '𒑟', 4862 => '𒑠', 4863 => '𒑡', 4864 => '𒑢', 4865 => '𝍩', 4866 => '𝍪', 4867 => '𝍫', 4868 => '𝍬', 4869 => '𝍭', 4870 => '𝍮', 4871 => '𝍯', 4872 => '𝍰', 4873 => '𝍱', 4874 => 'ː', 4875 => 'ˑ', 4876 => 'ॱ', 4877 => 'ๆ', 4878 => 'ໆ', 4879 => 'ᪧ', 4880 => 'ꧏ', 4881 => 'ꩰ', 4882 => 'ꫝ', 4883 => 'ゝ', 4884 => 'ー', 4885 => 'ヽ', 4886 => '¤', 4887 => '¢', 4888 => '$', 4889 => '£', 4890 => '¥', 4891 => '؋', 4892 => '৲', 4893 => '৳', 4894 => '৻', 4895 => '૱', 4896 => '꠸', 4897 => '௹', 4898 => '฿', 4899 => '៛', 4900 => '₠', 4901 => '₡', 4902 => '₢', 4903 => '₣', 4904 => '₤', 4905 => '₥', 4906 => '₦', 4907 => '₧', 4908 => '₩', 4909 => '₪', 4910 => '₫', 4911 => '€', 4912 => '₭', 4913 => '₮', 4914 => '₯', 4915 => '₰', 4916 => '₱', 4917 => '₲', 4918 => '₳', 4919 => '₴', 4920 => '₵', 4921 => '₶', 4922 => '₷', 4923 => '₸', 4924 => '₹', 4925 => '0', 4926 => '1', 4927 => '2', 4928 => '3', 4929 => '4', 4930 => '5', 4931 => '6', 4932 => '7', 4933 => '8', 4934 => '9', 4935 => 'A', 4936 => 'ᴀ', 4937 => 'Ⱥ', 4938 => 'ᶏ', 4939 => 'ᴁ', 4940 => 'ᴂ', 4941 => 'Ɐ', 4942 => 'Ɑ', 4943 => 'ᶐ', 4944 => 'Ɒ', 4945 => 'B', 4946 => 'ʙ', 4947 => 'Ƀ', 4948 => 'ᴯ', 4949 => 'ᴃ', 4950 => 'ᵬ', 4951 => 'ᶀ', 4952 => 'Ɓ', 4953 => 'Ƃ', 4954 => 'C', 4955 => 'ᴄ', 4956 => 'Ȼ', 4957 => 'Ƈ', 4958 => 'ɕ', 4959 => 'Ↄ', 4960 => 'Ꜿ', 4961 => 'D', 4962 => 'ᴅ', 4963 => 'ᴆ', 4964 => 'ᵭ', 4965 => 'ᶁ', 4966 => 'Ɖ', 4967 => 'Ɗ', 4968 => 'ᶑ', 4969 => 'Ƌ', 4970 => 'ȡ', 4971 => 'ꝱ', 4972 => 'ẟ', 4973 => 'E', 4974 => 'ᴇ', 4975 => 'Ɇ', 4976 => 'ᶒ', 4977 => 'ⱸ', 4978 => 'Ǝ', 4979 => 'ⱻ', 4980 => 'Ə', 4981 => 'ᶕ', 4982 => 'Ɛ', 4983 => 'ᶓ', 4984 => 'ɘ', 4985 => 'ɚ', 4986 => 'ɜ', 4987 => 'ᶔ', 4988 => 'ᴈ', 4989 => 'ɝ', 4990 => 'ɞ', 4991 => 'ʚ', 4992 => 'ɤ', 4993 => 'F', 4994 => 'ꜰ', 4995 => 'ᵮ', 4996 => 'ᶂ', 4997 => 'Ƒ', 4998 => 'Ⅎ', 4999 => 'ꟻ', 5000 => 'G', 5001 => 'ɡ', 5002 => 'ɢ', 5003 => 'Ǥ', 5004 => 'ᶃ', 5005 => 'Ɠ', 5006 => 'ʛ', 5007 => 'ᵷ', 5008 => 'Ꝿ', 5009 => 'Ɣ', 5010 => 'Ƣ', 5011 => 'H', 5012 => 'ʜ', 5013 => 'Ƕ', 5014 => 'ɦ', 5015 => 'Ⱨ', 5016 => 'Ⱶ', 5017 => 'Ꜧ', 5018 => 'ɧ', 5019 => 'ʻ', 5020 => 'ʽ', 5021 => 'I', 5022 => 'ı', 5023 => 'ɪ', 5024 => 'ꟾ', 5025 => 'ᴉ', 5026 => 'Ɨ', 5027 => 'ᵻ', 5028 => 'ᶖ', 5029 => 'Ɩ', 5030 => 'ᵼ', 5031 => 'J', 5032 => 'ȷ', 5033 => 'ᴊ', 5034 => 'Ɉ', 5035 => 'ʝ', 5036 => 'ɟ', 5037 => 'ʄ', 5038 => 'K', 5039 => 'ᴋ', 5040 => 'ᶄ', 5041 => 'Ƙ', 5042 => 'Ⱪ', 5043 => 'Ꝁ', 5044 => 'Ꝃ', 5045 => 'Ꝅ', 5046 => 'ʞ', 5047 => 'L', 5048 => 'ʟ', 5049 => 'Ꝇ', 5050 => 'ᴌ', 5051 => 'Ꝉ', 5052 => 'Ƚ', 5053 => 'Ⱡ', 5054 => 'Ɫ', 5055 => 'ɬ', 5056 => 'ᶅ', 5057 => 'ɭ', 5058 => 'ꞎ', 5059 => 'ȴ', 5060 => 'ꝲ', 5061 => 'ɮ', 5062 => 'Ꞁ', 5063 => 'ƛ', 5064 => 'ʎ', 5065 => 'M', 5066 => 'ᴍ', 5067 => 'ᵯ', 5068 => 'ᶆ', 5069 => 'Ɱ', 5070 => 'ꟽ', 5071 => 'ꟿ', 5072 => 'ꝳ', 5073 => 'N', 5074 => 'ɴ', 5075 => 'ᴻ', 5076 => 'ᴎ', 5077 => 'ᵰ', 5078 => 'Ɲ', 5079 => 'Ƞ', 5080 => 'Ꞑ', 5081 => 'ᶇ', 5082 => 'ɳ', 5083 => 'ȵ', 5084 => 'ꝴ', 5085 => 'Ŋ', 5086 => 'O', 5087 => 'ᴏ', 5088 => 'ᴑ', 5089 => 'ɶ', 5090 => 'ᴔ', 5091 => 'ᴓ', 5092 => 'Ɔ', 5093 => 'ᴐ', 5094 => 'ᴒ', 5095 => 'ᶗ', 5096 => 'Ꝍ', 5097 => 'ᴖ', 5098 => 'ᴗ', 5099 => 'ⱺ', 5100 => 'Ɵ', 5101 => 'Ꝋ', 5102 => 'ɷ', 5103 => 'Ȣ', 5104 => 'ᴕ', 5105 => 'P', 5106 => 'ᴘ', 5107 => 'Ᵽ', 5108 => 'Ꝑ', 5109 => 'ᵱ', 5110 => 'ᶈ', 5111 => 'Ƥ', 5112 => 'Ꝓ', 5113 => 'Ꝕ', 5114 => 'ꟼ', 5115 => 'ɸ', 5116 => 'ⱷ', 5117 => 'Q', 5118 => 'Ꝗ', 5119 => 'Ꝙ', 5120 => 'ʠ', 5121 => 'Ɋ', 5122 => 'ĸ', 5123 => 'R', 5124 => 'Ʀ', 5125 => 'Ꝛ', 5126 => 'ᴙ', 5127 => 'Ɍ', 5128 => 'ᵲ', 5129 => 'ɹ', 5130 => 'ᴚ', 5131 => 'ɺ', 5132 => 'ᶉ', 5133 => 'ɻ', 5134 => 'ⱹ', 5135 => 'ɼ', 5136 => 'Ɽ', 5137 => 'ɾ', 5138 => 'ᵳ', 5139 => 'ɿ', 5140 => 'ʁ', 5141 => 'ꝵ', 5142 => 'ꝶ', 5143 => 'Ꝝ', 5144 => 'S', 5145 => 'ꜱ', 5146 => 'ᵴ', 5147 => 'ᶊ', 5148 => 'ʂ', 5149 => 'Ȿ', 5150 => 'ẜ', 5151 => 'ẝ', 5152 => 'Ʃ', 5153 => 'ᶋ', 5154 => 'ƪ', 5155 => 'ʅ', 5156 => 'ᶘ', 5157 => 'ʆ', 5158 => 'T', 5159 => 'ᴛ', 5160 => 'Ŧ', 5161 => 'Ⱦ', 5162 => 'ᵵ', 5163 => 'ƫ', 5164 => 'Ƭ', 5165 => 'Ʈ', 5166 => 'ȶ', 5167 => 'ꝷ', 5168 => 'ʇ', 5169 => 'U', 5170 => 'ᴜ', 5171 => 'ᴝ', 5172 => 'ᴞ', 5173 => 'ᵫ', 5174 => 'Ʉ', 5175 => 'ᵾ', 5176 => 'ᶙ', 5177 => 'Ɥ', 5178 => 'ʮ', 5179 => 'ʯ', 5180 => 'Ɯ', 5181 => 'ꟺ', 5182 => 'ᴟ', 5183 => 'ɰ', 5184 => 'Ʊ', 5185 => 'ᵿ', 5186 => 'V', 5187 => 'ᴠ', 5188 => 'Ꝟ', 5189 => 'ᶌ', 5190 => 'Ʋ', 5191 => 'ⱱ', 5192 => 'ⱴ', 5193 => 'Ỽ', 5194 => 'Ʌ', 5195 => 'W', 5196 => 'ᴡ', 5197 => 'Ⱳ', 5198 => 'ʍ', 5199 => 'X', 5200 => 'ᶍ', 5201 => 'Y', 5202 => 'ʏ', 5203 => 'Ɏ', 5204 => 'Ƴ', 5205 => 'Ỿ', 5206 => 'Z', 5207 => 'ᴢ', 5208 => 'Ƶ', 5209 => 'ᵶ', 5210 => 'ᶎ', 5211 => 'Ȥ', 5212 => 'ʐ', 5213 => 'ʑ', 5214 => 'Ɀ', 5215 => 'Ⱬ', 5216 => 'Ꝣ', 5217 => 'Ʒ', 5218 => 'ᴣ', 5219 => 'Ƹ', 5220 => 'ᶚ', 5221 => 'ƺ', 5222 => 'ʓ', 5223 => 'Ȝ', 5224 => 'Þ', 5225 => 'Ꝥ', 5226 => 'Ꝧ', 5227 => 'Ƿ', 5228 => 'Ꝩ', 5229 => 'Ꝫ', 5230 => 'Ꝭ', 5231 => 'Ꝯ', 5232 => 'ꝸ', 5233 => 'ƻ', 5234 => 'Ꜫ', 5235 => 'Ꜭ', 5236 => 'Ꜯ', 5237 => 'Ƨ', 5238 => 'Ƽ', 5239 => 'Ƅ', 5240 => 'ʔ', 5241 => 'Ɂ', 5242 => 'ˀ', 5243 => 'ʼ', 5244 => 'ˮ', 5245 => 'ʾ', 5246 => 'Ꜣ', 5247 => 'Ꞌ', 5248 => 'ʕ', 5249 => 'ʿ', 5250 => 'ˁ', 5251 => 'ᴤ', 5252 => 'ᴥ', 5253 => 'Ꜥ', 5254 => 'ʡ', 5255 => 'ʢ', 5256 => 'ʖ', 5257 => 'ǀ', 5258 => 'ǁ', 5259 => 'ǂ', 5260 => 'ǃ', 5261 => 'ʗ', 5262 => 'ʘ', 5263 => 'ʬ', 5264 => 'ʭ', 5265 => 'Α', 5266 => 'Β', 5267 => 'Γ', 5268 => 'ᴦ', 5269 => 'Δ', 5270 => 'Ε', 5271 => 'Ϝ', 5272 => 'Ͷ', 5273 => 'Ϛ', 5274 => 'Ζ', 5275 => 'Ͱ', 5276 => 'Η', 5277 => 'Θ', 5278 => 'Ι', 5279 => 'ϳ', 5280 => 'Κ', 5281 => 'Λ', 5282 => 'ᴧ', 5283 => 'Μ', 5284 => 'Ν', 5285 => 'Ξ', 5286 => 'Ο', 5287 => 'Π', 5288 => 'ᴨ', 5289 => 'Ϻ', 5290 => 'Ϟ', 5291 => 'Ϙ', 5292 => 'Ρ', 5293 => 'ᴩ', 5294 => 'ϼ', 5295 => 'Σ', 5296 => 'Ͼ', 5297 => 'Ͻ', 5298 => 'Ͽ', 5299 => 'Τ', 5300 => 'Υ', 5301 => 'Φ', 5302 => 'Χ', 5303 => 'Ψ', 5304 => 'ᴪ', 5305 => 'Ω', 5306 => 'Ϡ', 5307 => 'Ͳ', 5308 => 'Ϸ', 5309 => 'Ⲁ', 5310 => 'Ⲃ', 5311 => 'Ⲅ', 5312 => 'Ⲇ', 5313 => 'Ⲉ', 5314 => 'Ⲷ', 5315 => 'Ⲋ', 5316 => 'Ⲍ', 5317 => 'Ⲏ', 5318 => 'Ⲑ', 5319 => 'Ⲓ', 5320 => 'Ⲕ', 5321 => 'Ⲹ', 5322 => 'Ⲗ', 5323 => 'Ⲙ', 5324 => 'Ⲛ', 5325 => 'Ⲻ', 5326 => 'Ⲽ', 5327 => 'Ⲝ', 5328 => 'Ⲟ', 5329 => 'Ⲡ', 5330 => 'Ⲣ', 5331 => 'Ⲥ', 5332 => 'Ⲧ', 5333 => 'Ⲩ', 5334 => 'Ⲫ', 5335 => 'Ⲭ', 5336 => 'Ⲯ', 5337 => 'Ⲱ', 5338 => 'Ⲿ', 5339 => 'Ⳁ', 5340 => 'Ϣ', 5341 => 'Ⳬ', 5342 => 'Ⳃ', 5343 => 'Ⳅ', 5344 => 'Ⳇ', 5345 => 'Ϥ', 5346 => 'Ϧ', 5347 => 'Ⳉ', 5348 => 'Ϩ', 5349 => 'Ⳋ', 5350 => 'Ⳍ', 5351 => 'Ⳏ', 5352 => 'Ⳑ', 5353 => 'Ⳓ', 5354 => 'Ⳕ', 5355 => 'Ϫ', 5356 => 'Ⳮ', 5357 => 'Ⳗ', 5358 => 'Ϭ', 5359 => 'Ⳙ', 5360 => 'Ⳛ', 5361 => 'Ⳝ', 5362 => 'Ϯ', 5363 => 'Ⲳ', 5364 => 'Ⲵ', 5365 => 'Ⳟ', 5366 => 'Ⳡ', 5367 => 'Ⳣ', 5368 => 'А', 5369 => 'Ӑ', 5370 => 'Ӓ', 5371 => 'Ә', 5372 => 'Ӛ', 5373 => 'Ӕ', 5374 => 'Б', 5375 => 'В', 5376 => 'Г', 5377 => 'Ғ', 5378 => 'Ӻ', 5379 => 'Ҕ', 5380 => 'Ӷ', 5381 => 'Д', 5382 => 'Ԁ', 5383 => 'Ꚁ', 5384 => 'Ђ', 5385 => 'Ꙣ', 5386 => 'Ԃ', 5387 => 'Ѓ', 5388 => 'Ҙ', 5389 => 'Е', 5390 => 'Ӗ', 5391 => 'Є', 5392 => 'Ж', 5393 => 'Ꚅ', 5394 => 'Ӝ', 5395 => 'Җ', 5396 => 'З', 5397 => 'Ꙁ', 5398 => 'Ԅ', 5399 => 'Ԑ', 5400 => 'Ӟ', 5401 => 'Ꙃ', 5402 => 'Ѕ', 5403 => 'Ꙅ', 5404 => 'Ӡ', 5405 => 'Ꚉ', 5406 => 'Ԇ', 5407 => 'Ꚃ', 5408 => 'И', 5409 => 'Ҋ', 5410 => 'Ӥ', 5411 => 'І', 5412 => 'Ꙇ', 5413 => 'Ї', 5414 => 'Й', 5415 => 'Ј', 5416 => 'Ꙉ', 5417 => 'К', 5418 => 'Қ', 5419 => 'Ӄ', 5420 => 'Ҡ', 5421 => 'Ҟ', 5422 => 'Ҝ', 5423 => 'Ԟ', 5424 => 'Ԛ', 5425 => 'Л', 5426 => 'ᴫ', 5427 => 'Ӆ', 5428 => 'Ԓ', 5429 => 'Ԡ', 5430 => 'Љ', 5431 => 'Ꙥ', 5432 => 'Ԉ', 5433 => 'Ԕ', 5434 => 'М', 5435 => 'Ӎ', 5436 => 'Ꙧ', 5437 => 'Н', 5438 => 'Ӊ', 5439 => 'Ң', 5440 => 'Ӈ', 5441 => 'Ԣ', 5442 => 'Ҥ', 5443 => 'Њ', 5444 => 'Ԋ', 5445 => 'О', 5446 => 'Ӧ', 5447 => 'Ө', 5448 => 'Ӫ', 5449 => 'П', 5450 => 'Ԥ', 5451 => 'Ҧ', 5452 => 'Ҁ', 5453 => 'Р', 5454 => 'Ҏ', 5455 => 'Ԗ', 5456 => 'С', 5457 => 'Ԍ', 5458 => 'Ҫ', 5459 => 'Т', 5460 => 'Ꚍ', 5461 => 'Ԏ', 5462 => 'Ҭ', 5463 => 'Ꚋ', 5464 => 'Ћ', 5465 => 'Ќ', 5466 => 'У', 5467 => 'Ў', 5468 => 'Ӱ', 5469 => 'Ӳ', 5470 => 'Ү', 5471 => 'Ұ', 5472 => 'Ꙋ', 5473 => 'Ѹ', 5474 => 'Ф', 5475 => 'Х', 5476 => 'Ӽ', 5477 => 'Ӿ', 5478 => 'Ҳ', 5479 => 'Һ', 5480 => 'Ԧ', 5481 => 'Ꚕ', 5482 => 'Ѡ', 5483 => 'Ѿ', 5484 => 'Ꙍ', 5485 => 'Ѽ', 5486 => 'Ѻ', 5487 => 'Ц', 5488 => 'Ꙡ', 5489 => 'Ꚏ', 5490 => 'Ҵ', 5491 => 'Ꚑ', 5492 => 'Ч', 5493 => 'Ꚓ', 5494 => 'Ӵ', 5495 => 'Ҷ', 5496 => 'Ӌ', 5497 => 'Ҹ', 5498 => 'Ꚇ', 5499 => 'Ҽ', 5500 => 'Ҿ', 5501 => 'Џ', 5502 => 'Ш', 5503 => 'Ꚗ', 5504 => 'Щ', 5505 => 'Ꙏ', 5506 => 'ⸯ', 5507 => 'ꙿ', 5508 => 'Ъ', 5509 => 'Ꙑ', 5510 => 'Ы', 5511 => 'Ӹ', 5512 => 'Ь', 5513 => 'Ҍ', 5514 => 'Ѣ', 5515 => 'Ꙓ', 5516 => 'Э', 5517 => 'Ӭ', 5518 => 'Ю', 5519 => 'Ꙕ', 5520 => 'Ꙗ', 5521 => 'Я', 5522 => 'Ԙ', 5523 => 'Ѥ', 5524 => 'Ѧ', 5525 => 'Ꙙ', 5526 => 'Ѫ', 5527 => 'Ꙛ', 5528 => 'Ѩ', 5529 => 'Ꙝ', 5530 => 'Ѭ', 5531 => 'Ѯ', 5532 => 'Ѱ', 5533 => 'Ѳ', 5534 => 'Ѵ', 5535 => 'Ѷ', 5536 => 'Ꙟ', 5537 => 'Ҩ', 5538 => 'Ԝ', 5539 => 'Ӏ', 5540 => 'Ⰰ', 5541 => 'Ⰱ', 5542 => 'Ⰲ', 5543 => 'Ⰳ', 5544 => 'Ⰴ', 5545 => 'Ⰵ', 5546 => 'Ⰶ', 5547 => 'Ⰷ', 5548 => 'Ⰸ', 5549 => 'Ⰹ', 5550 => 'Ⰺ', 5551 => 'Ⰻ', 5552 => 'Ⰼ', 5553 => 'Ⰽ', 5554 => 'Ⰾ', 5555 => 'Ⰿ', 5556 => 'Ⱀ', 5557 => 'Ⱁ', 5558 => 'Ⱂ', 5559 => 'Ⱃ', 5560 => 'Ⱄ', 5561 => 'Ⱅ', 5562 => 'Ⱆ', 5563 => 'Ⱇ', 5564 => 'Ⱈ', 5565 => 'Ⱉ', 5566 => 'Ⱊ', 5567 => 'Ⱋ', 5568 => 'Ⱌ', 5569 => 'Ⱍ', 5570 => 'Ⱎ', 5571 => 'Ⱏ', 5572 => 'Ⱐ', 5573 => 'Ⱑ', 5574 => 'Ⱒ', 5575 => 'Ⱓ', 5576 => 'Ⱔ', 5577 => 'Ⱕ', 5578 => 'Ⱖ', 5579 => 'Ⱗ', 5580 => 'Ⱘ', 5581 => 'Ⱙ', 5582 => 'Ⱚ', 5583 => 'Ⱛ', 5584 => 'Ⱜ', 5585 => 'Ⱝ', 5586 => 'Ⱞ', 5587 => 'ა', 5588 => 'Ⴀ', 5589 => 'ბ', 5590 => 'Ⴁ', 5591 => 'გ', 5592 => 'Ⴂ', 5593 => 'დ', 5594 => 'Ⴃ', 5595 => 'ე', 5596 => 'Ⴄ', 5597 => 'ვ', 5598 => 'Ⴅ', 5599 => 'ზ', 5600 => 'Ⴆ', 5601 => 'ჱ', 5602 => 'Ⴡ', 5603 => 'თ', 5604 => 'Ⴇ', 5605 => 'ი', 5606 => 'Ⴈ', 5607 => 'კ', 5608 => 'Ⴉ', 5609 => 'ლ', 5610 => 'Ⴊ', 5611 => 'მ', 5612 => 'Ⴋ', 5613 => 'ნ', 5614 => 'Ⴌ', 5615 => 'ჲ', 5616 => 'Ⴢ', 5617 => 'ო', 5618 => 'Ⴍ', 5619 => 'პ', 5620 => 'Ⴎ', 5621 => 'ჟ', 5622 => 'Ⴏ', 5623 => 'რ', 5624 => 'Ⴐ', 5625 => 'ს', 5626 => 'Ⴑ', 5627 => 'ტ', 5628 => 'Ⴒ', 5629 => 'ჳ', 5630 => 'Ⴣ', 5631 => 'უ', 5632 => 'Ⴓ', 5633 => 'ფ', 5634 => 'Ⴔ', 5635 => 'ქ', 5636 => 'Ⴕ', 5637 => 'ღ', 5638 => 'Ⴖ', 5639 => 'ყ', 5640 => 'Ⴗ', 5641 => 'შ', 5642 => 'Ⴘ', 5643 => 'ჩ', 5644 => 'Ⴙ', 5645 => 'ც', 5646 => 'Ⴚ', 5647 => 'ძ', 5648 => 'Ⴛ', 5649 => 'წ', 5650 => 'Ⴜ', 5651 => 'ჭ', 5652 => 'Ⴝ', 5653 => 'ხ', 5654 => 'Ⴞ', 5655 => 'ჴ', 5656 => 'Ⴤ', 5657 => 'ჯ', 5658 => 'Ⴟ', 5659 => 'ჰ', 5660 => 'Ⴠ', 5661 => 'ჵ', 5662 => 'Ⴥ', 5663 => 'ჶ', 5664 => 'ჷ', 5665 => 'ჸ', 5666 => 'ჹ', 5667 => 'ჺ', 5668 => 'Ա', 5669 => 'Բ', 5670 => 'Գ', 5671 => 'Դ', 5672 => 'Ե', 5673 => 'Զ', 5674 => 'Է', 5675 => 'Ը', 5676 => 'Թ', 5677 => 'Ժ', 5678 => 'Ի', 5679 => 'Լ', 5680 => 'Խ', 5681 => 'Ծ', 5682 => 'Կ', 5683 => 'Հ', 5684 => 'Ձ', 5685 => 'Ղ', 5686 => 'Ճ', 5687 => 'Մ', 5688 => 'Յ', 5689 => 'Ն', 5690 => 'Շ', 5691 => 'Ո', 5692 => 'Չ', 5693 => 'Պ', 5694 => 'Ջ', 5695 => 'Ռ', 5696 => 'Ս', 5697 => 'Վ', 5698 => 'Տ', 5699 => 'Ր', 5700 => 'Ց', 5701 => 'Ւ', 5702 => 'Փ', 5703 => 'Ք', 5704 => 'Օ', 5705 => 'Ֆ', 5706 => 'ՙ', 5707 => 'א', 5708 => 'ב', 5709 => 'ג', 5710 => 'ד', 5711 => 'ה', 5712 => 'ו', 5713 => 'ז', 5714 => 'ח', 5715 => 'ט', 5716 => 'י', 5717 => 'ך', 5718 => 'ל', 5719 => 'ם', 5720 => 'ן', 5721 => 'ס', 5722 => 'ע', 5723 => 'ף', 5724 => 'ץ', 5725 => 'ק', 5726 => 'ר', 5727 => 'ש', 5728 => 'ת', 5729 => '𐤀', 5730 => '𐤁', 5731 => '𐤂', 5732 => '𐤃', 5733 => '𐤄', 5734 => '𐤅', 5735 => '𐤆', 5736 => '𐤇', 5737 => '𐤈', 5738 => '𐤉', 5739 => '𐤊', 5740 => '𐤋', 5741 => '𐤌', 5742 => '𐤍', 5743 => '𐤎', 5744 => '𐤏', 5745 => '𐤐', 5746 => '𐤑', 5747 => '𐤒', 5748 => '𐤓', 5749 => '𐤔', 5750 => '𐤕', 5751 => 'ࠀ', 5752 => 'ࠁ', 5753 => 'ࠂ', 5754 => 'ࠃ', 5755 => 'ࠄ', 5756 => 'ࠅ', 5757 => 'ࠆ', 5758 => 'ࠇ', 5759 => 'ࠈ', 5760 => 'ࠉ', 5761 => 'ࠊ', 5762 => 'ࠋ', 5763 => 'ࠌ', 5764 => 'ࠍ', 5765 => 'ࠎ', 5766 => 'ࠏ', 5767 => 'ࠐ', 5768 => 'ࠑ', 5769 => 'ࠒ', 5770 => 'ࠓ', 5771 => 'ࠔ', 5772 => 'ࠕ', 5773 => 'ࠚ', 5774 => 'ء', 5775 => 'آ', 5776 => 'أ', 5777 => 'ٲ', 5778 => 'ٱ', 5779 => 'ؤ', 5780 => 'إ', 5781 => 'ٳ', 5782 => 'ݳ', 5783 => 'ݴ', 5784 => 'ئ', 5785 => 'ا', 5786 => 'ٮ', 5787 => 'ب', 5788 => 'ٻ', 5789 => 'پ', 5790 => 'ڀ', 5791 => 'ݐ', 5792 => 'ݑ', 5793 => 'ݒ', 5794 => 'ݓ', 5795 => 'ݔ', 5796 => 'ݕ', 5797 => 'ݖ', 5798 => 'ة', 5799 => 'ت', 5800 => 'ث', 5801 => 'ٹ', 5802 => 'ٺ', 5803 => 'ټ', 5804 => 'ٽ', 5805 => 'ٿ', 5806 => 'ج', 5807 => 'ڃ', 5808 => 'ڄ', 5809 => 'چ', 5810 => 'ڿ', 5811 => 'ڇ', 5812 => 'ح', 5813 => 'خ', 5814 => 'ځ', 5815 => 'ڂ', 5816 => 'څ', 5817 => 'ݗ', 5818 => 'ݘ', 5819 => 'ݮ', 5820 => 'ݯ', 5821 => 'ݲ', 5822 => 'ݼ', 5823 => 'د', 5824 => 'ذ', 5825 => 'ڈ', 5826 => 'ډ', 5827 => 'ڊ', 5828 => 'ڋ', 5829 => 'ڌ', 5830 => 'ڍ', 5831 => 'ڎ', 5832 => 'ڏ', 5833 => 'ڐ', 5834 => 'ۮ', 5835 => 'ݙ', 5836 => 'ݚ', 5837 => 'ر', 5838 => 'ز', 5839 => 'ڑ', 5840 => 'ڒ', 5841 => 'ړ', 5842 => 'ڔ', 5843 => 'ڕ', 5844 => 'ږ', 5845 => 'ڗ', 5846 => 'ژ', 5847 => 'ڙ', 5848 => 'ۯ', 5849 => 'ݛ', 5850 => 'ݫ', 5851 => 'ݬ', 5852 => 'ݱ', 5853 => 'س', 5854 => 'ش', 5855 => 'ښ', 5856 => 'ڛ', 5857 => 'ڜ', 5858 => 'ۺ', 5859 => 'ݜ', 5860 => 'ݭ', 5861 => 'ݰ', 5862 => 'ݽ', 5863 => 'ݾ', 5864 => 'ص', 5865 => 'ض', 5866 => 'ڝ', 5867 => 'ڞ', 5868 => 'ۻ', 5869 => 'ط', 5870 => 'ظ', 5871 => 'ڟ', 5872 => 'ع', 5873 => 'غ', 5874 => 'ڠ', 5875 => 'ۼ', 5876 => 'ݝ', 5877 => 'ݞ', 5878 => 'ݟ', 5879 => 'ف', 5880 => 'ڡ', 5881 => 'ڢ', 5882 => 'ڣ', 5883 => 'ڤ', 5884 => 'ڥ', 5885 => 'ڦ', 5886 => 'ݠ', 5887 => 'ݡ', 5888 => 'ٯ', 5889 => 'ق', 5890 => 'ڧ', 5891 => 'ڨ', 5892 => 'ك', 5893 => 'ک', 5894 => 'ڪ', 5895 => 'ګ', 5896 => 'ڬ', 5897 => 'ݿ', 5898 => 'ڭ', 5899 => 'ڮ', 5900 => 'گ', 5901 => 'ڰ', 5902 => 'ڱ', 5903 => 'ڲ', 5904 => 'ڳ', 5905 => 'ڴ', 5906 => 'ݢ', 5907 => 'ػ', 5908 => 'ؼ', 5909 => 'ݣ', 5910 => 'ݤ', 5911 => 'ل', 5912 => 'ڵ', 5913 => 'ڶ', 5914 => 'ڷ', 5915 => 'ڸ', 5916 => 'ݪ', 5917 => 'م', 5918 => 'ݥ', 5919 => 'ݦ', 5920 => 'ن', 5921 => 'ں', 5922 => 'ڻ', 5923 => 'ڼ', 5924 => 'ڽ', 5925 => 'ڹ', 5926 => 'ݧ', 5927 => 'ݨ', 5928 => 'ݩ', 5929 => 'ه', 5930 => 'ھ', 5931 => 'ہ', 5932 => 'ۃ', 5933 => 'ۿ', 5934 => 'ە', 5935 => 'و', 5936 => 'ۄ', 5937 => 'ۅ', 5938 => 'ۆ', 5939 => 'ۇ', 5940 => 'ۈ', 5941 => 'ۉ', 5942 => 'ۊ', 5943 => 'ۋ', 5944 => 'ۏ', 5945 => 'ݸ', 5946 => 'ݹ', 5947 => 'ى', 5948 => 'ي', 5949 => 'ی', 5950 => 'ۍ', 5951 => 'ێ', 5952 => 'ې', 5953 => 'ۑ', 5954 => 'ؽ', 5955 => 'ؾ', 5956 => 'ؿ', 5957 => 'ؠ', 5958 => 'ݵ', 5959 => 'ݶ', 5960 => 'ݷ', 5961 => 'ے', 5962 => 'ݺ', 5963 => 'ݻ', 5964 => 'ܐ', 5965 => 'ܒ', 5966 => 'ܓ', 5967 => 'ܖ', 5968 => 'ܕ', 5969 => 'ܗ', 5970 => 'ܘ', 5971 => 'ܙ', 5972 => 'ݍ', 5973 => 'ܚ', 5974 => 'ܛ', 5975 => 'ܝ', 5976 => 'ܞ', 5977 => 'ܟ', 5978 => 'ݎ', 5979 => 'ܠ', 5980 => 'ܡ', 5981 => 'ܢ', 5982 => 'ܣ', 5983 => 'ܥ', 5984 => 'ܦ', 5985 => 'ݏ', 5986 => 'ܨ', 5987 => 'ܩ', 5988 => 'ܪ', 5989 => 'ܫ', 5990 => 'ܬ', 5991 => 'ࡀ', 5992 => 'ࡁ', 5993 => 'ࡂ', 5994 => 'ࡃ', 5995 => 'ࡄ', 5996 => 'ࡅ', 5997 => 'ࡆ', 5998 => 'ࡇ', 5999 => 'ࡈ', 6000 => 'ࡉ', 6001 => 'ࡊ', 6002 => 'ࡋ', 6003 => 'ࡌ', 6004 => 'ࡍ', 6005 => 'ࡎ', 6006 => 'ࡏ', 6007 => 'ࡐ', 6008 => 'ࡑ', 6009 => 'ࡒ', 6010 => 'ࡓ', 6011 => 'ࡔ', 6012 => 'ࡕ', 6013 => 'ࡖ', 6014 => 'ࡗ', 6015 => 'ࡘ', 6016 => 'ހ', 6017 => 'ޙ', 6018 => 'ޚ', 6019 => 'ށ', 6020 => 'ނ', 6021 => 'ރ', 6022 => 'ޜ', 6023 => 'ބ', 6024 => 'ޅ', 6025 => 'ކ', 6026 => 'އ', 6027 => 'ޢ', 6028 => 'ޣ', 6029 => 'ވ', 6030 => 'ޥ', 6031 => 'މ', 6032 => 'ފ', 6033 => 'ދ', 6034 => 'ޛ', 6035 => 'ތ', 6036 => 'ޘ', 6037 => 'ޠ', 6038 => 'ޡ', 6039 => 'ލ', 6040 => 'ގ', 6041 => 'ޤ', 6042 => 'ޏ', 6043 => 'ސ', 6044 => 'ޝ', 6045 => 'ޞ', 6046 => 'ޟ', 6047 => 'ޑ', 6048 => 'ޒ', 6049 => 'ޓ', 6050 => 'ޔ', 6051 => 'ޕ', 6052 => 'ޖ', 6053 => 'ޗ', 6054 => 'ޱ', 6055 => 'ߊ', 6056 => 'ߋ', 6057 => 'ߌ', 6058 => 'ߍ', 6059 => 'ߎ', 6060 => 'ߏ', 6061 => 'ߐ', 6062 => 'ߑ', 6063 => 'ߒ', 6064 => 'ߓ', 6065 => 'ߔ', 6066 => 'ߕ', 6067 => 'ߖ', 6068 => 'ߗ', 6069 => 'ߘ', 6070 => 'ߙ', 6071 => 'ߚ', 6072 => 'ߛ', 6073 => 'ߜ', 6074 => 'ߝ', 6075 => 'ߞ', 6076 => 'ߟ', 6077 => 'ߠ', 6078 => 'ߡ', 6079 => 'ߢ', 6080 => 'ߣ', 6081 => 'ߤ', 6082 => 'ߥ', 6083 => 'ߦ', 6084 => 'ߧ', 6085 => 'ߴ', 6086 => 'ߵ', 6087 => 'ⴰ', 6088 => 'ⴱ', 6089 => 'ⴲ', 6090 => 'ⴳ', 6091 => 'ⴴ', 6092 => 'ⴵ', 6093 => 'ⴶ', 6094 => 'ⴷ', 6095 => 'ⴸ', 6096 => 'ⴹ', 6097 => 'ⴺ', 6098 => 'ⴻ', 6099 => 'ⴼ', 6100 => 'ⴽ', 6101 => 'ⴾ', 6102 => 'ⴿ', 6103 => 'ⵀ', 6104 => 'ⵁ', 6105 => 'ⵂ', 6106 => 'ⵃ', 6107 => 'ⵄ', 6108 => 'ⵅ', 6109 => 'ⵆ', 6110 => 'ⵇ', 6111 => 'ⵈ', 6112 => 'ⵉ', 6113 => 'ⵊ', 6114 => 'ⵋ', 6115 => 'ⵌ', 6116 => 'ⵍ', 6117 => 'ⵎ', 6118 => 'ⵏ', 6119 => 'ⵐ', 6120 => 'ⵑ', 6121 => 'ⵒ', 6122 => 'ⵓ', 6123 => 'ⵔ', 6124 => 'ⵕ', 6125 => 'ⵖ', 6126 => 'ⵗ', 6127 => 'ⵘ', 6128 => 'ⵙ', 6129 => 'ⵚ', 6130 => 'ⵛ', 6131 => 'ⵜ', 6132 => 'ⵝ', 6133 => 'ⵞ', 6134 => 'ⵟ', 6135 => 'ⵠ', 6136 => 'ⵡ', 6137 => 'ⵢ', 6138 => 'ⵣ', 6139 => 'ⵤ', 6140 => 'ⵥ', 6141 => 'ⵯ', 6142 => 'ሀ', 6143 => 'ሁ', 6144 => 'ሂ', 6145 => 'ሃ', 6146 => 'ሄ', 6147 => 'ህ', 6148 => 'ሆ', 6149 => 'ሇ', 6150 => 'ለ', 6151 => 'ሉ', 6152 => 'ሊ', 6153 => 'ላ', 6154 => 'ሌ', 6155 => 'ል', 6156 => 'ሎ', 6157 => 'ሏ', 6158 => 'ⶀ', 6159 => 'ሐ', 6160 => 'ሑ', 6161 => 'ሒ', 6162 => 'ሓ', 6163 => 'ሔ', 6164 => 'ሕ', 6165 => 'ሖ', 6166 => 'ሗ', 6167 => 'መ', 6168 => 'ሙ', 6169 => 'ሚ', 6170 => 'ማ', 6171 => 'ሜ', 6172 => 'ም', 6173 => 'ሞ', 6174 => 'ሟ', 6175 => 'ᎀ', 6176 => 'ᎁ', 6177 => 'ᎂ', 6178 => 'ᎃ', 6179 => 'ⶁ', 6180 => 'ሠ', 6181 => 'ሡ', 6182 => 'ሢ', 6183 => 'ሣ', 6184 => 'ሤ', 6185 => 'ሥ', 6186 => 'ሦ', 6187 => 'ሧ', 6188 => 'ረ', 6189 => 'ሩ', 6190 => 'ሪ', 6191 => 'ራ', 6192 => 'ሬ', 6193 => 'ር', 6194 => 'ሮ', 6195 => 'ሯ', 6196 => 'ⶂ', 6197 => 'ሰ', 6198 => 'ሱ', 6199 => 'ሲ', 6200 => 'ሳ', 6201 => 'ሴ', 6202 => 'ስ', 6203 => 'ሶ', 6204 => 'ሷ', 6205 => 'ⶃ', 6206 => 'ꬁ', 6207 => 'ꬂ', 6208 => 'ꬃ', 6209 => 'ꬄ', 6210 => 'ꬅ', 6211 => 'ꬆ', 6212 => 'ሸ', 6213 => 'ሹ', 6214 => 'ሺ', 6215 => 'ሻ', 6216 => 'ሼ', 6217 => 'ሽ', 6218 => 'ሾ', 6219 => 'ሿ', 6220 => 'ⶄ', 6221 => 'ቀ', 6222 => 'ቁ', 6223 => 'ቂ', 6224 => 'ቃ', 6225 => 'ቄ', 6226 => 'ቅ', 6227 => 'ቆ', 6228 => 'ቇ', 6229 => 'ቈ', 6230 => 'ቊ', 6231 => 'ቋ', 6232 => 'ቌ', 6233 => 'ቍ', 6234 => 'ቐ', 6235 => 'ቑ', 6236 => 'ቒ', 6237 => 'ቓ', 6238 => 'ቔ', 6239 => 'ቕ', 6240 => 'ቖ', 6241 => 'ቘ', 6242 => 'ቚ', 6243 => 'ቛ', 6244 => 'ቜ', 6245 => 'ቝ', 6246 => 'በ', 6247 => 'ቡ', 6248 => 'ቢ', 6249 => 'ባ', 6250 => 'ቤ', 6251 => 'ብ', 6252 => 'ቦ', 6253 => 'ቧ', 6254 => 'ᎄ', 6255 => 'ᎅ', 6256 => 'ᎆ', 6257 => 'ᎇ', 6258 => 'ⶅ', 6259 => 'ቨ', 6260 => 'ቩ', 6261 => 'ቪ', 6262 => 'ቫ', 6263 => 'ቬ', 6264 => 'ቭ', 6265 => 'ቮ', 6266 => 'ቯ', 6267 => 'ተ', 6268 => 'ቱ', 6269 => 'ቲ', 6270 => 'ታ', 6271 => 'ቴ', 6272 => 'ት', 6273 => 'ቶ', 6274 => 'ቷ', 6275 => 'ⶆ', 6276 => 'ቸ', 6277 => 'ቹ', 6278 => 'ቺ', 6279 => 'ቻ', 6280 => 'ቼ', 6281 => 'ች', 6282 => 'ቾ', 6283 => 'ቿ', 6284 => 'ⶇ', 6285 => 'ኀ', 6286 => 'ኁ', 6287 => 'ኂ', 6288 => 'ኃ', 6289 => 'ኄ', 6290 => 'ኅ', 6291 => 'ኆ', 6292 => 'ኇ', 6293 => 'ኈ', 6294 => 'ኊ', 6295 => 'ኋ', 6296 => 'ኌ', 6297 => 'ኍ', 6298 => 'ነ', 6299 => 'ኑ', 6300 => 'ኒ', 6301 => 'ና', 6302 => 'ኔ', 6303 => 'ን', 6304 => 'ኖ', 6305 => 'ኗ', 6306 => 'ⶈ', 6307 => 'ኘ', 6308 => 'ኙ', 6309 => 'ኚ', 6310 => 'ኛ', 6311 => 'ኜ', 6312 => 'ኝ', 6313 => 'ኞ', 6314 => 'ኟ', 6315 => 'ⶉ', 6316 => 'አ', 6317 => 'ኡ', 6318 => 'ኢ', 6319 => 'ኣ', 6320 => 'ኤ', 6321 => 'እ', 6322 => 'ኦ', 6323 => 'ኧ', 6324 => 'ⶊ', 6325 => 'ከ', 6326 => 'ኩ', 6327 => 'ኪ', 6328 => 'ካ', 6329 => 'ኬ', 6330 => 'ክ', 6331 => 'ኮ', 6332 => 'ኯ', 6333 => 'ኰ', 6334 => 'ኲ', 6335 => 'ኳ', 6336 => 'ኴ', 6337 => 'ኵ', 6338 => 'ኸ', 6339 => 'ኹ', 6340 => 'ኺ', 6341 => 'ኻ', 6342 => 'ኼ', 6343 => 'ኽ', 6344 => 'ኾ', 6345 => 'ዀ', 6346 => 'ዂ', 6347 => 'ዃ', 6348 => 'ዄ', 6349 => 'ዅ', 6350 => 'ወ', 6351 => 'ዉ', 6352 => 'ዊ', 6353 => 'ዋ', 6354 => 'ዌ', 6355 => 'ው', 6356 => 'ዎ', 6357 => 'ዏ', 6358 => 'ዐ', 6359 => 'ዑ', 6360 => 'ዒ', 6361 => 'ዓ', 6362 => 'ዔ', 6363 => 'ዕ', 6364 => 'ዖ', 6365 => 'ዘ', 6366 => 'ዙ', 6367 => 'ዚ', 6368 => 'ዛ', 6369 => 'ዜ', 6370 => 'ዝ', 6371 => 'ዞ', 6372 => 'ዟ', 6373 => 'ⶋ', 6374 => 'ꬑ', 6375 => 'ꬒ', 6376 => 'ꬓ', 6377 => 'ꬔ', 6378 => 'ꬕ', 6379 => 'ꬖ', 6380 => 'ዠ', 6381 => 'ዡ', 6382 => 'ዢ', 6383 => 'ዣ', 6384 => 'ዤ', 6385 => 'ዥ', 6386 => 'ዦ', 6387 => 'ዧ', 6388 => 'የ', 6389 => 'ዩ', 6390 => 'ዪ', 6391 => 'ያ', 6392 => 'ዬ', 6393 => 'ይ', 6394 => 'ዮ', 6395 => 'ዯ', 6396 => 'ደ', 6397 => 'ዱ', 6398 => 'ዲ', 6399 => 'ዳ', 6400 => 'ዴ', 6401 => 'ድ', 6402 => 'ዶ', 6403 => 'ዷ', 6404 => 'ⶌ', 6405 => 'ꬉ', 6406 => 'ꬊ', 6407 => 'ꬋ', 6408 => 'ꬌ', 6409 => 'ꬍ', 6410 => 'ꬎ', 6411 => 'ዸ', 6412 => 'ዹ', 6413 => 'ዺ', 6414 => 'ዻ', 6415 => 'ዼ', 6416 => 'ዽ', 6417 => 'ዾ', 6418 => 'ዿ', 6419 => 'ⶍ', 6420 => 'ጀ', 6421 => 'ጁ', 6422 => 'ጂ', 6423 => 'ጃ', 6424 => 'ጄ', 6425 => 'ጅ', 6426 => 'ጆ', 6427 => 'ጇ', 6428 => 'ⶎ', 6429 => 'ገ', 6430 => 'ጉ', 6431 => 'ጊ', 6432 => 'ጋ', 6433 => 'ጌ', 6434 => 'ግ', 6435 => 'ጎ', 6436 => 'ጏ', 6437 => 'ጐ', 6438 => 'ጒ', 6439 => 'ጓ', 6440 => 'ጔ', 6441 => 'ጕ', 6442 => 'ጘ', 6443 => 'ጙ', 6444 => 'ጚ', 6445 => 'ጛ', 6446 => 'ጜ', 6447 => 'ጝ', 6448 => 'ጞ', 6449 => 'ጟ', 6450 => 'ⶓ', 6451 => 'ⶔ', 6452 => 'ⶕ', 6453 => 'ⶖ', 6454 => 'ጠ', 6455 => 'ጡ', 6456 => 'ጢ', 6457 => 'ጣ', 6458 => 'ጤ', 6459 => 'ጥ', 6460 => 'ጦ', 6461 => 'ጧ', 6462 => 'ⶏ', 6463 => 'ጨ', 6464 => 'ጩ', 6465 => 'ጪ', 6466 => 'ጫ', 6467 => 'ጬ', 6468 => 'ጭ', 6469 => 'ጮ', 6470 => 'ጯ', 6471 => 'ⶐ', 6472 => 'ꬠ', 6473 => 'ꬡ', 6474 => 'ꬢ', 6475 => 'ꬣ', 6476 => 'ꬤ', 6477 => 'ꬥ', 6478 => 'ꬦ', 6479 => 'ጰ', 6480 => 'ጱ', 6481 => 'ጲ', 6482 => 'ጳ', 6483 => 'ጴ', 6484 => 'ጵ', 6485 => 'ጶ', 6486 => 'ጷ', 6487 => 'ⶑ', 6488 => 'ጸ', 6489 => 'ጹ', 6490 => 'ጺ', 6491 => 'ጻ', 6492 => 'ጼ', 6493 => 'ጽ', 6494 => 'ጾ', 6495 => 'ጿ', 6496 => 'ꬨ', 6497 => 'ꬩ', 6498 => 'ꬪ', 6499 => 'ꬫ', 6500 => 'ꬬ', 6501 => 'ꬭ', 6502 => 'ꬮ', 6503 => 'ፀ', 6504 => 'ፁ', 6505 => 'ፂ', 6506 => 'ፃ', 6507 => 'ፄ', 6508 => 'ፅ', 6509 => 'ፆ', 6510 => 'ፇ', 6511 => 'ፈ', 6512 => 'ፉ', 6513 => 'ፊ', 6514 => 'ፋ', 6515 => 'ፌ', 6516 => 'ፍ', 6517 => 'ፎ', 6518 => 'ፏ', 6519 => 'ᎈ', 6520 => 'ᎉ', 6521 => 'ᎊ', 6522 => 'ᎋ', 6523 => 'ፐ', 6524 => 'ፑ', 6525 => 'ፒ', 6526 => 'ፓ', 6527 => 'ፔ', 6528 => 'ፕ', 6529 => 'ፖ', 6530 => 'ፗ', 6531 => 'ᎌ', 6532 => 'ᎍ', 6533 => 'ᎎ', 6534 => 'ᎏ', 6535 => 'ⶒ', 6536 => 'ፘ', 6537 => 'ፙ', 6538 => 'ፚ', 6539 => 'ⶠ', 6540 => 'ⶡ', 6541 => 'ⶢ', 6542 => 'ⶣ', 6543 => 'ⶤ', 6544 => 'ⶥ', 6545 => 'ⶦ', 6546 => 'ⶨ', 6547 => 'ⶩ', 6548 => 'ⶪ', 6549 => 'ⶫ', 6550 => 'ⶬ', 6551 => 'ⶭ', 6552 => 'ⶮ', 6553 => 'ⶰ', 6554 => 'ⶱ', 6555 => 'ⶲ', 6556 => 'ⶳ', 6557 => 'ⶴ', 6558 => 'ⶵ', 6559 => 'ⶶ', 6560 => 'ⶸ', 6561 => 'ⶹ', 6562 => 'ⶺ', 6563 => 'ⶻ', 6564 => 'ⶼ', 6565 => 'ⶽ', 6566 => 'ⶾ', 6567 => 'ⷀ', 6568 => 'ⷁ', 6569 => 'ⷂ', 6570 => 'ⷃ', 6571 => 'ⷄ', 6572 => 'ⷅ', 6573 => 'ⷆ', 6574 => 'ⷈ', 6575 => 'ⷉ', 6576 => 'ⷊ', 6577 => 'ⷋ', 6578 => 'ⷌ', 6579 => 'ⷍ', 6580 => 'ⷎ', 6581 => 'ⷐ', 6582 => 'ⷑ', 6583 => 'ⷒ', 6584 => 'ⷓ', 6585 => 'ⷔ', 6586 => 'ⷕ', 6587 => 'ⷖ', 6588 => 'ⷘ', 6589 => 'ⷙ', 6590 => 'ⷚ', 6591 => 'ⷛ', 6592 => 'ⷜ', 6593 => 'ⷝ', 6594 => 'ⷞ', 6595 => 'ॐ', 6596 => 'ॲ', 6597 => 'ऄ', 6598 => 'अ', 6599 => 'आ', 6600 => 'ॳ', 6601 => 'ॴ', 6602 => 'ॵ', 6603 => 'ॶ', 6604 => 'ॷ', 6605 => 'इ', 6606 => 'ई', 6607 => 'उ', 6608 => 'ऊ', 6609 => 'ऋ', 6610 => 'ॠ', 6611 => 'ऌ', 6612 => 'ॡ', 6613 => 'ऍ', 6614 => 'ऎ', 6615 => 'ए', 6616 => 'ऐ', 6617 => 'ऑ', 6618 => 'ऒ', 6619 => 'ओ', 6620 => 'औ', 6621 => 'क', 6622 => 'ख', 6623 => 'ग', 6624 => 'ॻ', 6625 => 'घ', 6626 => 'ङ', 6627 => 'च', 6628 => 'छ', 6629 => 'ज', 6630 => 'ॹ', 6631 => 'ॼ', 6632 => 'झ', 6633 => 'ञ', 6634 => 'ट', 6635 => 'ठ', 6636 => 'ड', 6637 => 'ॾ', 6638 => 'ढ', 6639 => 'ण', 6640 => 'त', 6641 => 'थ', 6642 => 'द', 6643 => 'ध', 6644 => 'न', 6645 => 'प', 6646 => 'फ', 6647 => 'ब', 6648 => 'ॿ', 6649 => 'भ', 6650 => 'म', 6651 => 'य', 6652 => 'ॺ', 6653 => 'र', 6654 => 'ल', 6655 => 'ळ', 6656 => 'व', 6657 => 'श', 6658 => 'ष', 6659 => 'स', 6660 => 'ह', 6661 => 'ऽ', 6662 => 'ॽ', 6663 => 'ᳩ', 6664 => 'ꣲ', 6665 => 'ꣻ', 6666 => 'অ', 6667 => 'আ', 6668 => 'ই', 6669 => 'ঈ', 6670 => 'উ', 6671 => 'ঊ', 6672 => 'ঋ', 6673 => 'ৠ', 6674 => 'ঌ', 6675 => 'ৡ', 6676 => 'এ', 6677 => 'ঐ', 6678 => 'ও', 6679 => 'ঔ', 6680 => 'ক', 6681 => 'খ', 6682 => 'গ', 6683 => 'ঘ', 6684 => 'ঙ', 6685 => 'চ', 6686 => 'ছ', 6687 => 'জ', 6688 => 'ঝ', 6689 => 'ঞ', 6690 => 'ট', 6691 => 'ঠ', 6692 => 'ড', 6693 => 'ঢ', 6694 => 'ণ', 6695 => 'ত', 6696 => 'থ', 6697 => 'দ', 6698 => 'ধ', 6699 => 'ন', 6700 => 'প', 6701 => 'ফ', 6702 => 'ব', 6703 => 'ভ', 6704 => 'ম', 6705 => 'য', 6706 => 'র', 6707 => 'ৰ', 6708 => 'ল', 6709 => 'ৱ', 6710 => 'শ', 6711 => 'ষ', 6712 => 'স', 6713 => 'হ', 6714 => 'ঽ', 6715 => 'ੴ', 6716 => 'ੳ', 6717 => 'ਉ', 6718 => 'ਊ', 6719 => 'ਓ', 6720 => 'ਅ', 6721 => 'ਆ', 6722 => 'ਐ', 6723 => 'ਔ', 6724 => 'ੲ', 6725 => 'ਇ', 6726 => 'ਈ', 6727 => 'ਏ', 6728 => 'ਸ', 6729 => 'ਹ', 6730 => 'ਕ', 6731 => 'ਖ', 6732 => 'ਗ', 6733 => 'ਘ', 6734 => 'ਙ', 6735 => 'ਚ', 6736 => 'ਛ', 6737 => 'ਜ', 6738 => 'ਝ', 6739 => 'ਞ', 6740 => 'ਟ', 6741 => 'ਠ', 6742 => 'ਡ', 6743 => 'ਢ', 6744 => 'ਣ', 6745 => 'ਤ', 6746 => 'ਥ', 6747 => 'ਦ', 6748 => 'ਧ', 6749 => 'ਨ', 6750 => 'ਪ', 6751 => 'ਫ', 6752 => 'ਬ', 6753 => 'ਭ', 6754 => 'ਮ', 6755 => 'ਯ', 6756 => 'ਰ', 6757 => 'ਲ', 6758 => 'ਵ', 6759 => 'ੜ', 6760 => 'ૐ', 6761 => 'અ', 6762 => 'આ', 6763 => 'ઇ', 6764 => 'ઈ', 6765 => 'ઉ', 6766 => 'ઊ', 6767 => 'ઋ', 6768 => 'ૠ', 6769 => 'ઌ', 6770 => 'ૡ', 6771 => 'ઍ', 6772 => 'એ', 6773 => 'ઐ', 6774 => 'ઑ', 6775 => 'ઓ', 6776 => 'ઔ', 6777 => 'ક', 6778 => 'ખ', 6779 => 'ગ', 6780 => 'ઘ', 6781 => 'ઙ', 6782 => 'ચ', 6783 => 'છ', 6784 => 'જ', 6785 => 'ઝ', 6786 => 'ઞ', 6787 => 'ટ', 6788 => 'ઠ', 6789 => 'ડ', 6790 => 'ઢ', 6791 => 'ણ', 6792 => 'ત', 6793 => 'થ', 6794 => 'દ', 6795 => 'ધ', 6796 => 'ન', 6797 => 'પ', 6798 => 'ફ', 6799 => 'બ', 6800 => 'ભ', 6801 => 'મ', 6802 => 'ય', 6803 => 'ર', 6804 => 'લ', 6805 => 'વ', 6806 => 'શ', 6807 => 'ષ', 6808 => 'સ', 6809 => 'હ', 6810 => 'ળ', 6811 => 'ઽ', 6812 => 'ଅ', 6813 => 'ଆ', 6814 => 'ଇ', 6815 => 'ଈ', 6816 => 'ଉ', 6817 => 'ଊ', 6818 => 'ଋ', 6819 => 'ୠ', 6820 => 'ଌ', 6821 => 'ୡ', 6822 => 'ଏ', 6823 => 'ଐ', 6824 => 'ଓ', 6825 => 'ଔ', 6826 => 'କ', 6827 => 'ଖ', 6828 => 'ଗ', 6829 => 'ଘ', 6830 => 'ଙ', 6831 => 'ଚ', 6832 => 'ଛ', 6833 => 'ଜ', 6834 => 'ଝ', 6835 => 'ଞ', 6836 => 'ଟ', 6837 => 'ଠ', 6838 => 'ଡ', 6839 => 'ଢ', 6840 => 'ଣ', 6841 => 'ତ', 6842 => 'ଥ', 6843 => 'ଦ', 6844 => 'ଧ', 6845 => 'ନ', 6846 => 'ପ', 6847 => 'ଫ', 6848 => 'ବ', 6849 => 'ଭ', 6850 => 'ମ', 6851 => 'ଯ', 6852 => 'ୟ', 6853 => 'ର', 6854 => 'ଲ', 6855 => 'ଳ', 6856 => 'ଵ', 6857 => 'ୱ', 6858 => 'ଶ', 6859 => 'ଷ', 6860 => 'ସ', 6861 => 'ହ', 6862 => 'ଽ', 6863 => 'ௐ', 6864 => 'அ', 6865 => 'ஆ', 6866 => 'இ', 6867 => 'ஈ', 6868 => 'உ', 6869 => 'ஊ', 6870 => 'எ', 6871 => 'ஏ', 6872 => 'ஐ', 6873 => 'ஒ', 6874 => 'ஓ', 6875 => 'ஔ', 6876 => 'ஃ', 6877 => 'க', 6878 => 'ங', 6879 => 'ச', 6880 => 'ஞ', 6881 => 'ட', 6882 => 'ண', 6883 => 'த', 6884 => 'ந', 6885 => 'ப', 6886 => 'ம', 6887 => 'ய', 6888 => 'ர', 6889 => 'ல', 6890 => 'வ', 6891 => 'ழ', 6892 => 'ள', 6893 => 'ற', 6894 => 'ன', 6895 => 'ஜ', 6896 => 'ஶ', 6897 => 'ஷ', 6898 => 'ஸ', 6899 => 'ஹ', 6900 => 'అ', 6901 => 'ఆ', 6902 => 'ఇ', 6903 => 'ఈ', 6904 => 'ఉ', 6905 => 'ఊ', 6906 => 'ఋ', 6907 => 'ౠ', 6908 => 'ఌ', 6909 => 'ౡ', 6910 => 'ఎ', 6911 => 'ఏ', 6912 => 'ఐ', 6913 => 'ఒ', 6914 => 'ఓ', 6915 => 'ఔ', 6916 => 'క', 6917 => 'ఖ', 6918 => 'గ', 6919 => 'ఘ', 6920 => 'ఙ', 6921 => 'చ', 6922 => 'ౘ', 6923 => 'ఛ', 6924 => 'జ', 6925 => 'ౙ', 6926 => 'ఝ', 6927 => 'ఞ', 6928 => 'ట', 6929 => 'ఠ', 6930 => 'డ', 6931 => 'ఢ', 6932 => 'ణ', 6933 => 'త', 6934 => 'థ', 6935 => 'ద', 6936 => 'ధ', 6937 => 'న', 6938 => 'ప', 6939 => 'ఫ', 6940 => 'బ', 6941 => 'భ', 6942 => 'మ', 6943 => 'య', 6944 => 'ర', 6945 => 'ఱ', 6946 => 'ల', 6947 => 'వ', 6948 => 'శ', 6949 => 'ష', 6950 => 'స', 6951 => 'హ', 6952 => 'ళ', 6953 => 'ఽ', 6954 => 'ಅ', 6955 => 'ಆ', 6956 => 'ಇ', 6957 => 'ಈ', 6958 => 'ಉ', 6959 => 'ಊ', 6960 => 'ಋ', 6961 => 'ೠ', 6962 => 'ಌ', 6963 => 'ೡ', 6964 => 'ಎ', 6965 => 'ಏ', 6966 => 'ಐ', 6967 => 'ಒ', 6968 => 'ಓ', 6969 => 'ಔ', 6970 => 'ಕ', 6971 => 'ಖ', 6972 => 'ಗ', 6973 => 'ಘ', 6974 => 'ಙ', 6975 => 'ಚ', 6976 => 'ಛ', 6977 => 'ಜ', 6978 => 'ಝ', 6979 => 'ಞ', 6980 => 'ಟ', 6981 => 'ಠ', 6982 => 'ಡ', 6983 => 'ಢ', 6984 => 'ಣ', 6985 => 'ತ', 6986 => 'ಥ', 6987 => 'ದ', 6988 => 'ಧ', 6989 => 'ನ', 6990 => 'ಪ', 6991 => 'ಫ', 6992 => 'ಬ', 6993 => 'ಭ', 6994 => 'ಮ', 6995 => 'ಯ', 6996 => 'ರ', 6997 => 'ಱ', 6998 => 'ಲ', 6999 => 'ವ', 7000 => 'ಶ', 7001 => 'ಷ', 7002 => 'ಸ', 7003 => 'ಹ', 7004 => 'ಳ', 7005 => 'ೞ', 7006 => 'ಽ', 7007 => 'ೱ', 7008 => 'ೲ', 7009 => 'അ', 7010 => 'ആ', 7011 => 'ഇ', 7012 => 'ഈ', 7013 => 'ഉ', 7014 => 'ഊ', 7015 => 'ഋ', 7016 => 'ൠ', 7017 => 'ഌ', 7018 => 'ൡ', 7019 => 'എ', 7020 => 'ഏ', 7021 => 'ഐ', 7022 => 'ഒ', 7023 => 'ഓ', 7024 => 'ഔ', 7025 => 'ക', 7026 => 'ഖ', 7027 => 'ഗ', 7028 => 'ഘ', 7029 => 'ങ', 7030 => 'ച', 7031 => 'ഛ', 7032 => 'ജ', 7033 => 'ഝ', 7034 => 'ഞ', 7035 => 'ട', 7036 => 'ഠ', 7037 => 'ഡ', 7038 => 'ഢ', 7039 => 'ണ', 7040 => 'ത', 7041 => 'ഥ', 7042 => 'ദ', 7043 => 'ധ', 7044 => 'ന', 7045 => 'ഩ', 7046 => 'പ', 7047 => 'ഫ', 7048 => 'ബ', 7049 => 'ഭ', 7050 => 'മ', 7051 => 'യ', 7052 => 'ര', 7053 => 'ല', 7054 => 'വ', 7055 => 'ശ', 7056 => 'ഷ', 7057 => 'സ', 7058 => 'ഹ', 7059 => 'ള', 7060 => 'ഴ', 7061 => 'റ', 7062 => 'ഺ', 7063 => 'ഽ', 7064 => 'අ', 7065 => 'ආ', 7066 => 'ඇ', 7067 => 'ඈ', 7068 => 'ඉ', 7069 => 'ඊ', 7070 => 'උ', 7071 => 'ඌ', 7072 => 'ඍ', 7073 => 'ඎ', 7074 => 'ඏ', 7075 => 'ඐ', 7076 => 'එ', 7077 => 'ඒ', 7078 => 'ඓ', 7079 => 'ඔ', 7080 => 'ඕ', 7081 => 'ඖ', 7082 => 'ක', 7083 => 'ඛ', 7084 => 'ග', 7085 => 'ඝ', 7086 => 'ඞ', 7087 => 'ඟ', 7088 => 'ච', 7089 => 'ඡ', 7090 => 'ජ', 7091 => 'ඣ', 7092 => 'ඤ', 7093 => 'ඥ', 7094 => 'ඦ', 7095 => 'ට', 7096 => 'ඨ', 7097 => 'ඩ', 7098 => 'ඪ', 7099 => 'ණ', 7100 => 'ඬ', 7101 => 'ත', 7102 => 'ථ', 7103 => 'ද', 7104 => 'ධ', 7105 => 'න', 7106 => 'ඳ', 7107 => 'ප', 7108 => 'ඵ', 7109 => 'බ', 7110 => 'භ', 7111 => 'ම', 7112 => 'ඹ', 7113 => 'ය', 7114 => 'ර', 7115 => 'ල', 7116 => 'ව', 7117 => 'ශ', 7118 => 'ෂ', 7119 => 'ස', 7120 => 'හ', 7121 => 'ළ', 7122 => 'ෆ', 7123 => 'ꯀ', 7124 => 'ꯁ', 7125 => 'ꯂ', 7126 => 'ꯃ', 7127 => 'ꯄ', 7128 => 'ꯅ', 7129 => 'ꯆ', 7130 => 'ꯇ', 7131 => 'ꯈ', 7132 => 'ꯉ', 7133 => 'ꯊ', 7134 => 'ꯋ', 7135 => 'ꯌ', 7136 => 'ꯍ', 7137 => 'ꯎ', 7138 => 'ꯏ', 7139 => 'ꯐ', 7140 => 'ꯑ', 7141 => 'ꯒ', 7142 => 'ꯓ', 7143 => 'ꯔ', 7144 => 'ꯕ', 7145 => 'ꯖ', 7146 => 'ꯗ', 7147 => 'ꯘ', 7148 => 'ꯙ', 7149 => 'ꯚ', 7150 => 'ꯛ', 7151 => 'ꯜ', 7152 => 'ꯝ', 7153 => 'ꯞ', 7154 => 'ꯟ', 7155 => 'ꯠ', 7156 => 'ꯡ', 7157 => 'ꯢ', 7158 => 'ꠀ', 7159 => 'ꠁ', 7160 => 'ꠃ', 7161 => 'ꠄ', 7162 => 'ꠅ', 7163 => 'ꠇ', 7164 => 'ꠈ', 7165 => 'ꠉ', 7166 => 'ꠊ', 7167 => 'ꠌ', 7168 => 'ꠍ', 7169 => 'ꠎ', 7170 => 'ꠏ', 7171 => 'ꠐ', 7172 => 'ꠑ', 7173 => 'ꠒ', 7174 => 'ꠓ', 7175 => 'ꠔ', 7176 => 'ꠕ', 7177 => 'ꠖ', 7178 => 'ꠗ', 7179 => 'ꠘ', 7180 => 'ꠙ', 7181 => 'ꠚ', 7182 => 'ꠛ', 7183 => 'ꠜ', 7184 => 'ꠝ', 7185 => 'ꠞ', 7186 => 'ꠟ', 7187 => 'ꠠ', 7188 => 'ꠡ', 7189 => 'ꠢ', 7190 => 'ꢂ', 7191 => 'ꢃ', 7192 => 'ꢄ', 7193 => 'ꢅ', 7194 => 'ꢆ', 7195 => 'ꢇ', 7196 => 'ꢈ', 7197 => 'ꢉ', 7198 => 'ꢊ', 7199 => 'ꢋ', 7200 => 'ꢌ', 7201 => 'ꢍ', 7202 => 'ꢎ', 7203 => 'ꢏ', 7204 => 'ꢐ', 7205 => 'ꢑ', 7206 => 'ꢒ', 7207 => 'ꢓ', 7208 => 'ꢔ', 7209 => 'ꢕ', 7210 => 'ꢖ', 7211 => 'ꢗ', 7212 => 'ꢘ', 7213 => 'ꢙ', 7214 => 'ꢚ', 7215 => 'ꢛ', 7216 => 'ꢜ', 7217 => 'ꢝ', 7218 => 'ꢞ', 7219 => 'ꢟ', 7220 => 'ꢠ', 7221 => 'ꢡ', 7222 => 'ꢢ', 7223 => 'ꢣ', 7224 => 'ꢤ', 7225 => 'ꢥ', 7226 => 'ꢦ', 7227 => 'ꢧ', 7228 => 'ꢨ', 7229 => 'ꢩ', 7230 => 'ꢪ', 7231 => 'ꢫ', 7232 => 'ꢬ', 7233 => 'ꢭ', 7234 => 'ꢮ', 7235 => 'ꢯ', 7236 => 'ꢰ', 7237 => 'ꢱ', 7238 => 'ꢲ', 7239 => 'ꢳ', 7240 => '𑂃', 7241 => '𑂄', 7242 => '𑂅', 7243 => '𑂆', 7244 => '𑂇', 7245 => '𑂈', 7246 => '𑂉', 7247 => '𑂊', 7248 => '𑂋', 7249 => '𑂌', 7250 => '𑂍', 7251 => '𑂎', 7252 => '𑂏', 7253 => '𑂐', 7254 => '𑂑', 7255 => '𑂒', 7256 => '𑂓', 7257 => '𑂔', 7258 => '𑂕', 7259 => '𑂖', 7260 => '𑂗', 7261 => '𑂘', 7262 => '𑂙', 7263 => '𑂛', 7264 => '𑂝', 7265 => '𑂞', 7266 => '𑂟', 7267 => '𑂠', 7268 => '𑂡', 7269 => '𑂢', 7270 => '𑂣', 7271 => '𑂤', 7272 => '𑂥', 7273 => '𑂦', 7274 => '𑂧', 7275 => '𑂨', 7276 => '𑂩', 7277 => '𑂪', 7278 => '𑂬', 7279 => '𑂭', 7280 => '𑂮', 7281 => '𑂯', 7282 => 'ᮃ', 7283 => 'ᮄ', 7284 => 'ᮅ', 7285 => 'ᮆ', 7286 => 'ᮇ', 7287 => 'ᮈ', 7288 => 'ᮉ', 7289 => 'ᮊ', 7290 => 'ᮮ', 7291 => 'ᮋ', 7292 => 'ᮌ', 7293 => 'ᮍ', 7294 => 'ᮎ', 7295 => 'ᮏ', 7296 => 'ᮐ', 7297 => 'ᮑ', 7298 => 'ᮒ', 7299 => 'ᮓ', 7300 => 'ᮔ', 7301 => 'ᮕ', 7302 => 'ᮖ', 7303 => 'ᮗ', 7304 => 'ᮘ', 7305 => 'ᮙ', 7306 => 'ᮚ', 7307 => 'ᮛ', 7308 => 'ᮜ', 7309 => 'ᮝ', 7310 => 'ᮞ', 7311 => 'ᮟ', 7312 => 'ᮯ', 7313 => 'ᮠ', 7314 => '𑀅', 7315 => '𑀆', 7316 => '𑀇', 7317 => '𑀈', 7318 => '𑀉', 7319 => '𑀊', 7320 => '𑀋', 7321 => '𑀌', 7322 => '𑀍', 7323 => '𑀎', 7324 => '𑀏', 7325 => '𑀐', 7326 => '𑀑', 7327 => '𑀒', 7328 => '𑀓', 7329 => '𑀔', 7330 => '𑀕', 7331 => '𑀖', 7332 => '𑀗', 7333 => '𑀘', 7334 => '𑀙', 7335 => '𑀚', 7336 => '𑀛', 7337 => '𑀜', 7338 => '𑀝', 7339 => '𑀞', 7340 => '𑀟', 7341 => '𑀠', 7342 => '𑀡', 7343 => '𑀢', 7344 => '𑀣', 7345 => '𑀤', 7346 => '𑀥', 7347 => '𑀦', 7348 => '𑀧', 7349 => '𑀨', 7350 => '𑀩', 7351 => '𑀪', 7352 => '𑀫', 7353 => '𑀬', 7354 => '𑀭', 7355 => '𑀮', 7356 => '𑀯', 7357 => '𑀰', 7358 => '𑀱', 7359 => '𑀲', 7360 => '𑀳', 7361 => '𑀃', 7362 => '𑀄', 7363 => '𑀴', 7364 => '𑀵', 7365 => '𑀶', 7366 => '𑀷', 7367 => '𐨀', 7368 => '𐨐', 7369 => '𐨑', 7370 => '𐨒', 7371 => '𐨓', 7372 => '𐨕', 7373 => '𐨖', 7374 => '𐨗', 7375 => '𐨙', 7376 => '𐨚', 7377 => '𐨛', 7378 => '𐨜', 7379 => '𐨝', 7380 => '𐨞', 7381 => '𐨟', 7382 => '𐨠', 7383 => '𐨡', 7384 => '𐨢', 7385 => '𐨣', 7386 => '𐨤', 7387 => '𐨥', 7388 => '𐨦', 7389 => '𐨧', 7390 => '𐨨', 7391 => '𐨩', 7392 => '𐨪', 7393 => '𐨫', 7394 => '𐨬', 7395 => '𐨭', 7396 => '𐨮', 7397 => '𐨯', 7398 => '𐨰', 7399 => '𐨱', 7400 => '𐨲', 7401 => '𐨳', 7402 => 'ก', 7403 => 'ข', 7404 => 'ฃ', 7405 => 'ค', 7406 => 'ฅ', 7407 => 'ฆ', 7408 => 'ง', 7409 => 'จ', 7410 => 'ฉ', 7411 => 'ช', 7412 => 'ซ', 7413 => 'ฌ', 7414 => 'ญ', 7415 => 'ฎ', 7416 => 'ฏ', 7417 => 'ฐ', 7418 => 'ฑ', 7419 => 'ฒ', 7420 => 'ณ', 7421 => 'ด', 7422 => 'ต', 7423 => 'ถ', 7424 => 'ท', 7425 => 'ธ', 7426 => 'น', 7427 => 'บ', 7428 => 'ป', 7429 => 'ผ', 7430 => 'ฝ', 7431 => 'พ', 7432 => 'ฟ', 7433 => 'ภ', 7434 => 'ม', 7435 => 'ย', 7436 => 'ร', 7437 => 'ฤ', 7438 => 'ล', 7439 => 'ฦ', 7440 => 'ว', 7441 => 'ศ', 7442 => 'ษ', 7443 => 'ส', 7444 => 'ห', 7445 => 'ฬ', 7446 => 'อ', 7447 => 'ฮ', 7448 => 'ฯ', 7449 => 'ะ', 7450 => 'า', 7451 => 'ำ', 7452 => 'เ', 7453 => 'แ', 7454 => 'โ', 7455 => 'ใ', 7456 => 'ไ', 7457 => 'ๅ', 7458 => 'ກ', 7459 => 'ຂ', 7460 => 'ຄ', 7461 => 'ງ', 7462 => 'ຈ', 7463 => 'ສ', 7464 => 'ຊ', 7465 => 'ຍ', 7466 => 'ດ', 7467 => 'ຕ', 7468 => 'ຖ', 7469 => 'ທ', 7470 => 'ນ', 7471 => 'ບ', 7472 => 'ປ', 7473 => 'ຜ', 7474 => 'ຝ', 7475 => 'ພ', 7476 => 'ຟ', 7477 => 'ມ', 7478 => 'ຢ', 7479 => 'ຣ', 7480 => 'ລ', 7481 => 'ວ', 7482 => 'ຫ', 7483 => 'ອ', 7484 => 'ຮ', 7485 => 'ຯ', 7486 => 'ະ', 7487 => 'າ', 7488 => 'ຳ', 7489 => 'ຽ', 7490 => 'ເ', 7491 => 'ແ', 7492 => 'ໂ', 7493 => 'ໃ', 7494 => 'ໄ', 7495 => 'ꪀ', 7496 => 'ꪁ', 7497 => 'ꪂ', 7498 => 'ꪃ', 7499 => 'ꪄ', 7500 => 'ꪅ', 7501 => 'ꪆ', 7502 => 'ꪇ', 7503 => 'ꪈ', 7504 => 'ꪉ', 7505 => 'ꪊ', 7506 => 'ꪋ', 7507 => 'ꪌ', 7508 => 'ꪍ', 7509 => 'ꪎ', 7510 => 'ꪏ', 7511 => 'ꪐ', 7512 => 'ꪑ', 7513 => 'ꪒ', 7514 => 'ꪓ', 7515 => 'ꪔ', 7516 => 'ꪕ', 7517 => 'ꪖ', 7518 => 'ꪗ', 7519 => 'ꪘ', 7520 => 'ꪙ', 7521 => 'ꪚ', 7522 => 'ꪛ', 7523 => 'ꪜ', 7524 => 'ꪝ', 7525 => 'ꪞ', 7526 => 'ꪟ', 7527 => 'ꪠ', 7528 => 'ꪡ', 7529 => 'ꪢ', 7530 => 'ꪣ', 7531 => 'ꪤ', 7532 => 'ꪥ', 7533 => 'ꪦ', 7534 => 'ꪧ', 7535 => 'ꪨ', 7536 => 'ꪩ', 7537 => 'ꪪ', 7538 => 'ꪫ', 7539 => 'ꪬ', 7540 => 'ꪭ', 7541 => 'ꪮ', 7542 => 'ꪯ', 7543 => 'ꪱ', 7544 => 'ꪵ', 7545 => 'ꪶ', 7546 => 'ꪹ', 7547 => 'ꪺ', 7548 => 'ꪻ', 7549 => 'ꪼ', 7550 => 'ꪽ', 7551 => 'ꫀ', 7552 => 'ꫂ', 7553 => 'ꫛ', 7554 => 'ꫜ', 7555 => 'ཀ', 7556 => 'ཫ', 7557 => 'ཁ', 7558 => 'ག', 7559 => 'ང', 7560 => 'ཅ', 7561 => 'ཆ', 7562 => 'ཇ', 7563 => 'ཉ', 7564 => 'ཊ', 7565 => 'ཋ', 7566 => 'ཌ', 7567 => 'ཎ', 7568 => 'ཏ', 7569 => 'ཐ', 7570 => 'ད', 7571 => 'ན', 7572 => 'པ', 7573 => 'ཕ', 7574 => 'བ', 7575 => 'མ', 7576 => 'ཙ', 7577 => 'ཚ', 7578 => 'ཛ', 7579 => 'ཝ', 7580 => 'ཞ', 7581 => 'ཟ', 7582 => 'འ', 7583 => 'ཡ', 7584 => 'ར', 7585 => 'ཬ', 7586 => 'ལ', 7587 => 'ཤ', 7588 => 'ཥ', 7589 => 'ས', 7590 => 'ཧ', 7591 => 'ཨ', 7592 => 'ྈ', 7593 => 'ྉ', 7594 => 'ྌ', 7595 => 'ྊ', 7596 => 'ྋ', 7597 => 'ᰀ', 7598 => 'ᰁ', 7599 => 'ᰂ', 7600 => 'ᰃ', 7601 => 'ᰄ', 7602 => 'ᰅ', 7603 => 'ᰆ', 7604 => 'ᰇ', 7605 => 'ᰈ', 7606 => 'ᰉ', 7607 => 'ᱍ', 7608 => 'ᱎ', 7609 => 'ᱏ', 7610 => 'ᰊ', 7611 => 'ᰋ', 7612 => 'ᰌ', 7613 => 'ᰍ', 7614 => 'ᰎ', 7615 => 'ᰏ', 7616 => 'ᰐ', 7617 => 'ᰑ', 7618 => 'ᰒ', 7619 => 'ᰓ', 7620 => 'ᰔ', 7621 => 'ᰕ', 7622 => 'ᰖ', 7623 => 'ᰗ', 7624 => 'ᰘ', 7625 => 'ᰙ', 7626 => 'ᰚ', 7627 => 'ᰛ', 7628 => 'ᰜ', 7629 => 'ᰝ', 7630 => 'ᰞ', 7631 => 'ᰟ', 7632 => 'ᰠ', 7633 => 'ᰡ', 7634 => 'ᰢ', 7635 => 'ᰣ', 7636 => 'ꡀ', 7637 => 'ꡁ', 7638 => 'ꡂ', 7639 => 'ꡃ', 7640 => 'ꡄ', 7641 => 'ꡅ', 7642 => 'ꡆ', 7643 => 'ꡇ', 7644 => 'ꡩ', 7645 => 'ꡪ', 7646 => 'ꡫ', 7647 => 'ꡬ', 7648 => 'ꡈ', 7649 => 'ꡉ', 7650 => 'ꡊ', 7651 => 'ꡋ', 7652 => 'ꡌ', 7653 => 'ꡍ', 7654 => 'ꡎ', 7655 => 'ꡏ', 7656 => 'ꡐ', 7657 => 'ꡑ', 7658 => 'ꡒ', 7659 => 'ꡓ', 7660 => 'ꡧ', 7661 => 'ꡔ', 7662 => 'ꡕ', 7663 => 'ꡖ', 7664 => 'ꡗ', 7665 => 'ꡨ', 7666 => 'ꡭ', 7667 => 'ꡘ', 7668 => 'ꡱ', 7669 => 'ꡲ', 7670 => 'ꡙ', 7671 => 'ꡚ', 7672 => 'ꡮ', 7673 => 'ꡛ', 7674 => 'ꡜ', 7675 => 'ꡯ', 7676 => 'ꡰ', 7677 => 'ꡝ', 7678 => 'ꡢ', 7679 => 'ꡣ', 7680 => 'ꡤ', 7681 => 'ꡥ', 7682 => 'ꡞ', 7683 => 'ꡟ', 7684 => 'ꡠ', 7685 => 'ꡡ', 7686 => 'ꡦ', 7687 => 'ꡳ', 7688 => 'ᤀ', 7689 => 'ᤁ', 7690 => 'ᤂ', 7691 => 'ᤃ', 7692 => 'ᤄ', 7693 => 'ᤅ', 7694 => 'ᤆ', 7695 => 'ᤇ', 7696 => 'ᤈ', 7697 => 'ᤉ', 7698 => 'ᤊ', 7699 => 'ᤋ', 7700 => 'ᤌ', 7701 => 'ᤍ', 7702 => 'ᤎ', 7703 => 'ᤏ', 7704 => 'ᤐ', 7705 => 'ᤑ', 7706 => 'ᤒ', 7707 => 'ᤓ', 7708 => 'ᤔ', 7709 => 'ᤕ', 7710 => 'ᤖ', 7711 => 'ᤗ', 7712 => 'ᤘ', 7713 => 'ᤙ', 7714 => 'ᤚ', 7715 => 'ᤛ', 7716 => 'ᤜ', 7717 => 'ᜀ', 7718 => 'ᜁ', 7719 => 'ᜂ', 7720 => 'ᜃ', 7721 => 'ᜄ', 7722 => 'ᜅ', 7723 => 'ᜆ', 7724 => 'ᜇ', 7725 => 'ᜈ', 7726 => 'ᜉ', 7727 => 'ᜊ', 7728 => 'ᜋ', 7729 => 'ᜌ', 7730 => 'ᜎ', 7731 => 'ᜏ', 7732 => 'ᜐ', 7733 => 'ᜑ', 7734 => 'ᜠ', 7735 => 'ᜡ', 7736 => 'ᜢ', 7737 => 'ᜣ', 7738 => 'ᜤ', 7739 => 'ᜥ', 7740 => 'ᜦ', 7741 => 'ᜧ', 7742 => 'ᜨ', 7743 => 'ᜩ', 7744 => 'ᜪ', 7745 => 'ᜫ', 7746 => 'ᜬ', 7747 => 'ᜭ', 7748 => 'ᜮ', 7749 => 'ᜯ', 7750 => 'ᜰ', 7751 => 'ᜱ', 7752 => 'ᝀ', 7753 => 'ᝁ', 7754 => 'ᝂ', 7755 => 'ᝃ', 7756 => 'ᝄ', 7757 => 'ᝅ', 7758 => 'ᝆ', 7759 => 'ᝇ', 7760 => 'ᝈ', 7761 => 'ᝉ', 7762 => 'ᝊ', 7763 => 'ᝋ', 7764 => 'ᝌ', 7765 => 'ᝍ', 7766 => 'ᝎ', 7767 => 'ᝏ', 7768 => 'ᝐ', 7769 => 'ᝑ', 7770 => 'ᝠ', 7771 => 'ᝡ', 7772 => 'ᝢ', 7773 => 'ᝣ', 7774 => 'ᝤ', 7775 => 'ᝥ', 7776 => 'ᝦ', 7777 => 'ᝧ', 7778 => 'ᝨ', 7779 => 'ᝩ', 7780 => 'ᝪ', 7781 => 'ᝫ', 7782 => 'ᝬ', 7783 => 'ᝮ', 7784 => 'ᝯ', 7785 => 'ᝰ', 7786 => 'ᨀ', 7787 => 'ᨁ', 7788 => 'ᨂ', 7789 => 'ᨃ', 7790 => 'ᨄ', 7791 => 'ᨅ', 7792 => 'ᨆ', 7793 => 'ᨇ', 7794 => 'ᨈ', 7795 => 'ᨉ', 7796 => 'ᨊ', 7797 => 'ᨋ', 7798 => 'ᨌ', 7799 => 'ᨍ', 7800 => 'ᨎ', 7801 => 'ᨏ', 7802 => 'ᨐ', 7803 => 'ᨑ', 7804 => 'ᨒ', 7805 => 'ᨓ', 7806 => 'ᨔ', 7807 => 'ᨕ', 7808 => 'ᨖ', 7809 => 'ᯀ', 7810 => 'ᯂ', 7811 => 'ᯅ', 7812 => 'ᯇ', 7813 => 'ᯉ', 7814 => 'ᯋ', 7815 => 'ᯎ', 7816 => 'ᯐ', 7817 => 'ᯑ', 7818 => 'ᯒ', 7819 => 'ᯔ', 7820 => 'ᯖ', 7821 => 'ᯘ', 7822 => 'ᯛ', 7823 => 'ᯝ', 7824 => 'ᯞ', 7825 => 'ᯠ', 7826 => 'ᯡ', 7827 => 'ᯢ', 7828 => 'ᯣ', 7829 => 'ᯤ', 7830 => 'ᯥ', 7831 => 'ꤰ', 7832 => 'ꤱ', 7833 => 'ꤲ', 7834 => 'ꤳ', 7835 => 'ꤴ', 7836 => 'ꤵ', 7837 => 'ꤶ', 7838 => 'ꤷ', 7839 => 'ꤸ', 7840 => 'ꤹ', 7841 => 'ꤺ', 7842 => 'ꤻ', 7843 => 'ꤼ', 7844 => 'ꤽ', 7845 => 'ꤾ', 7846 => 'ꤿ', 7847 => 'ꥀ', 7848 => 'ꥁ', 7849 => 'ꥂ', 7850 => 'ꥃ', 7851 => 'ꥄ', 7852 => 'ꥅ', 7853 => 'ꥆ', 7854 => 'ꤊ', 7855 => 'ꤋ', 7856 => 'ꤌ', 7857 => 'ꤍ', 7858 => 'ꤎ', 7859 => 'ꤏ', 7860 => 'ꤐ', 7861 => 'ꤑ', 7862 => 'ꤒ', 7863 => 'ꤓ', 7864 => 'ꤔ', 7865 => 'ꤕ', 7866 => 'ꤖ', 7867 => 'ꤗ', 7868 => 'ꤘ', 7869 => 'ꤙ', 7870 => 'ꤚ', 7871 => 'ꤛ', 7872 => 'ꤜ', 7873 => 'ꤝ', 7874 => 'ꤞ', 7875 => 'ꤟ', 7876 => 'ꤠ', 7877 => 'ꤡ', 7878 => 'ꤢ', 7879 => 'ꤣ', 7880 => 'ꤤ', 7881 => 'ꤥ', 7882 => 'က', 7883 => 'ၵ', 7884 => 'ခ', 7885 => 'ၶ', 7886 => 'ဂ', 7887 => 'ၷ', 7888 => 'ꩠ', 7889 => 'ဃ', 7890 => 'င', 7891 => 'ၚ', 7892 => 'စ', 7893 => 'ၸ', 7894 => 'ꩡ', 7895 => 'ဆ', 7896 => 'ꩢ', 7897 => 'ဇ', 7898 => 'ꩣ', 7899 => 'ၹ', 7900 => 'ꩲ', 7901 => 'ဈ', 7902 => 'ၛ', 7903 => 'ꩤ', 7904 => 'ၡ', 7905 => 'ဉ', 7906 => 'ၺ', 7907 => 'ꩥ', 7908 => 'ည', 7909 => 'ဋ', 7910 => 'ꩦ', 7911 => 'ဌ', 7912 => 'ꩧ', 7913 => 'ဍ', 7914 => 'ꩨ', 7915 => 'ဎ', 7916 => 'ꩩ', 7917 => 'ဏ', 7918 => 'ၮ', 7919 => 'တ', 7920 => 'ထ', 7921 => 'ဒ', 7922 => 'ၻ', 7923 => 'ဓ', 7924 => 'ꩪ', 7925 => 'န', 7926 => 'ၼ', 7927 => 'ꩫ', 7928 => 'ပ', 7929 => 'ဖ', 7930 => 'ၽ', 7931 => 'ၾ', 7932 => 'ꩯ', 7933 => 'ႎ', 7934 => 'ဗ', 7935 => 'ၿ', 7936 => 'ဘ', 7937 => 'မ', 7938 => 'ယ', 7939 => 'ရ', 7940 => 'ꩳ', 7941 => 'ꩺ', 7942 => 'လ', 7943 => 'ဝ', 7944 => 'ႀ', 7945 => 'ၐ', 7946 => 'ၑ', 7947 => 'ၥ', 7948 => 'သ', 7949 => 'ꩬ', 7950 => 'ဟ', 7951 => 'ႁ', 7952 => 'ꩭ', 7953 => 'ꩮ', 7954 => 'ꩱ', 7955 => 'ဠ', 7956 => 'ၜ', 7957 => 'ၝ', 7958 => 'ၯ', 7959 => 'ၰ', 7960 => 'ၦ', 7961 => 'အ', 7962 => 'ဢ', 7963 => 'ဣ', 7964 => 'ဤ', 7965 => 'ဥ', 7966 => 'ဦ', 7967 => 'ၒ', 7968 => 'ၓ', 7969 => 'ၔ', 7970 => 'ၕ', 7971 => 'ဧ', 7972 => 'ဨ', 7973 => 'ဩ', 7974 => 'ဪ', 7975 => 'ꩴ', 7976 => 'ꩵ', 7977 => 'ꩶ', 7978 => 'ក', 7979 => 'ខ', 7980 => 'គ', 7981 => 'ឃ', 7982 => 'ង', 7983 => 'ច', 7984 => 'ឆ', 7985 => 'ជ', 7986 => 'ឈ', 7987 => 'ញ', 7988 => 'ដ', 7989 => 'ឋ', 7990 => 'ឌ', 7991 => 'ឍ', 7992 => 'ណ', 7993 => 'ត', 7994 => 'ថ', 7995 => 'ទ', 7996 => 'ធ', 7997 => 'ន', 7998 => 'ប', 7999 => 'ផ', 8000 => 'ព', 8001 => 'ភ', 8002 => 'ម', 8003 => 'យ', 8004 => 'រ', 8005 => 'ល', 8006 => 'វ', 8007 => 'ឝ', 8008 => 'ឞ', 8009 => 'ស', 8010 => 'ហ', 8011 => 'ឡ', 8012 => 'អ', 8013 => 'ៜ', 8014 => 'ឣ', 8015 => 'ឤ', 8016 => 'ឥ', 8017 => 'ឦ', 8018 => 'ឧ', 8019 => 'ឨ', 8020 => 'ឩ', 8021 => 'ឪ', 8022 => 'ឫ', 8023 => 'ឬ', 8024 => 'ឭ', 8025 => 'ឮ', 8026 => 'ឯ', 8027 => 'ឰ', 8028 => 'ឱ', 8029 => 'ឲ', 8030 => 'ឳ', 8031 => 'ᥐ', 8032 => 'ᥑ', 8033 => 'ᥒ', 8034 => 'ᥓ', 8035 => 'ᥔ', 8036 => 'ᥕ', 8037 => 'ᥖ', 8038 => 'ᥗ', 8039 => 'ᥘ', 8040 => 'ᥙ', 8041 => 'ᥚ', 8042 => 'ᥛ', 8043 => 'ᥜ', 8044 => 'ᥝ', 8045 => 'ᥞ', 8046 => 'ᥟ', 8047 => 'ᥠ', 8048 => 'ᥡ', 8049 => 'ᥢ', 8050 => 'ᥣ', 8051 => 'ᥤ', 8052 => 'ᥥ', 8053 => 'ᥦ', 8054 => 'ᥧ', 8055 => 'ᥨ', 8056 => 'ᥩ', 8057 => 'ᥪ', 8058 => 'ᥫ', 8059 => 'ᥬ', 8060 => 'ᥭ', 8061 => 'ᥰ', 8062 => 'ᥱ', 8063 => 'ᥲ', 8064 => 'ᥳ', 8065 => 'ᥴ', 8066 => 'ᦀ', 8067 => 'ᦁ', 8068 => 'ᦂ', 8069 => 'ᦃ', 8070 => 'ᦄ', 8071 => 'ᦅ', 8072 => 'ᦆ', 8073 => 'ᦇ', 8074 => 'ᦈ', 8075 => 'ᦉ', 8076 => 'ᦊ', 8077 => 'ᦋ', 8078 => 'ᦌ', 8079 => 'ᦍ', 8080 => 'ᦎ', 8081 => 'ᦏ', 8082 => 'ᦐ', 8083 => 'ᦑ', 8084 => 'ᦒ', 8085 => 'ᦓ', 8086 => 'ᦔ', 8087 => 'ᦕ', 8088 => 'ᦖ', 8089 => 'ᦗ', 8090 => 'ᦘ', 8091 => 'ᦙ', 8092 => 'ᦚ', 8093 => 'ᦛ', 8094 => 'ᦜ', 8095 => 'ᦝ', 8096 => 'ᦞ', 8097 => 'ᦟ', 8098 => 'ᦠ', 8099 => 'ᦡ', 8100 => 'ᦢ', 8101 => 'ᦣ', 8102 => 'ᦤ', 8103 => 'ᦥ', 8104 => 'ᦦ', 8105 => 'ᦧ', 8106 => 'ᦨ', 8107 => 'ᦩ', 8108 => 'ᦪ', 8109 => 'ᦫ', 8110 => 'ᧁ', 8111 => 'ᧂ', 8112 => 'ᧃ', 8113 => 'ᧄ', 8114 => 'ᧅ', 8115 => 'ᧆ', 8116 => 'ᧇ', 8117 => 'ᨠ', 8118 => 'ᨡ', 8119 => 'ᨢ', 8120 => 'ᨣ', 8121 => 'ᨤ', 8122 => 'ᨥ', 8123 => 'ᨦ', 8124 => 'ᨧ', 8125 => 'ᨨ', 8126 => 'ᨩ', 8127 => 'ᨪ', 8128 => 'ᨫ', 8129 => 'ᨬ', 8130 => 'ᨭ', 8131 => 'ᨮ', 8132 => 'ᨯ', 8133 => 'ᨰ', 8134 => 'ᨱ', 8135 => 'ᨲ', 8136 => 'ᨳ', 8137 => 'ᨴ', 8138 => 'ᨵ', 8139 => 'ᨶ', 8140 => 'ᨷ', 8141 => 'ᨸ', 8142 => 'ᨹ', 8143 => 'ᨺ', 8144 => 'ᨻ', 8145 => 'ᨼ', 8146 => 'ᨽ', 8147 => 'ᨾ', 8148 => 'ᨿ', 8149 => 'ᩀ', 8150 => 'ᩁ', 8151 => 'ᩂ', 8152 => 'ᩃ', 8153 => 'ᩄ', 8154 => 'ᩅ', 8155 => 'ᩆ', 8156 => 'ᩇ', 8157 => 'ᩈ', 8158 => 'ᩉ', 8159 => 'ᩊ', 8160 => 'ᩋ', 8161 => 'ᩌ', 8162 => 'ᩓ', 8163 => 'ᩍ', 8164 => 'ᩎ', 8165 => 'ᩏ', 8166 => 'ᩐ', 8167 => 'ᩑ', 8168 => 'ᩒ', 8169 => 'ꨀ', 8170 => 'ꨁ', 8171 => 'ꨂ', 8172 => 'ꨃ', 8173 => 'ꨄ', 8174 => 'ꨅ', 8175 => 'ꨆ', 8176 => 'ꨇ', 8177 => 'ꨈ', 8178 => 'ꨉ', 8179 => 'ꨊ', 8180 => 'ꨋ', 8181 => 'ꨌ', 8182 => 'ꨍ', 8183 => 'ꨎ', 8184 => 'ꨏ', 8185 => 'ꨐ', 8186 => 'ꨑ', 8187 => 'ꨒ', 8188 => 'ꨓ', 8189 => 'ꨔ', 8190 => 'ꨕ', 8191 => 'ꨖ', 8192 => 'ꨗ', 8193 => 'ꨘ', 8194 => 'ꨙ', 8195 => 'ꨚ', 8196 => 'ꨛ', 8197 => 'ꨜ', 8198 => 'ꨝ', 8199 => 'ꨞ', 8200 => 'ꨟ', 8201 => 'ꨠ', 8202 => 'ꨡ', 8203 => 'ꨢ', 8204 => 'ꨣ', 8205 => 'ꨤ', 8206 => 'ꨥ', 8207 => 'ꨦ', 8208 => 'ꨧ', 8209 => 'ꨨ', 8210 => 'ꩀ', 8211 => 'ꩁ', 8212 => 'ꩂ', 8213 => 'ꩄ', 8214 => 'ꩅ', 8215 => 'ꩆ', 8216 => 'ꩇ', 8217 => 'ꩈ', 8218 => 'ꩉ', 8219 => 'ꩊ', 8220 => 'ꩋ', 8221 => 'ᬅ', 8222 => 'ᬆ', 8223 => 'ᬇ', 8224 => 'ᬈ', 8225 => 'ᬉ', 8226 => 'ᬊ', 8227 => 'ᬋ', 8228 => 'ᬌ', 8229 => 'ᬍ', 8230 => 'ᬎ', 8231 => 'ᬏ', 8232 => 'ᬐ', 8233 => 'ᬑ', 8234 => 'ᬒ', 8235 => 'ᬓ', 8236 => 'ᭅ', 8237 => 'ᭆ', 8238 => 'ᬔ', 8239 => 'ᬕ', 8240 => 'ᬖ', 8241 => 'ᬗ', 8242 => 'ᬘ', 8243 => 'ᬙ', 8244 => 'ᬚ', 8245 => 'ᬛ', 8246 => 'ᬜ', 8247 => 'ᬝ', 8248 => 'ᬞ', 8249 => 'ᬟ', 8250 => 'ᬠ', 8251 => 'ᬡ', 8252 => 'ᬢ', 8253 => 'ᭇ', 8254 => 'ᬣ', 8255 => 'ᬤ', 8256 => 'ᬥ', 8257 => 'ᬦ', 8258 => 'ᬧ', 8259 => 'ᭈ', 8260 => 'ᬨ', 8261 => 'ᬩ', 8262 => 'ᬪ', 8263 => 'ᬫ', 8264 => 'ᬬ', 8265 => 'ᬭ', 8266 => 'ᬮ', 8267 => 'ᬯ', 8268 => 'ᭉ', 8269 => 'ᬰ', 8270 => 'ᬱ', 8271 => 'ᬲ', 8272 => 'ᭊ', 8273 => 'ᭋ', 8274 => 'ᬳ', 8275 => 'ꦄ', 8276 => 'ꦅ', 8277 => 'ꦆ', 8278 => 'ꦇ', 8279 => 'ꦈ', 8280 => 'ꦉ', 8281 => 'ꦊ', 8282 => 'ꦋ', 8283 => 'ꦌ', 8284 => 'ꦍ', 8285 => 'ꦎ', 8286 => 'ꦏ', 8287 => 'ꦐ', 8288 => 'ꦑ', 8289 => 'ꦒ', 8290 => 'ꦓ', 8291 => 'ꦔ', 8292 => 'ꦕ', 8293 => 'ꦖ', 8294 => 'ꦗ', 8295 => 'ꦘ', 8296 => 'ꦙ', 8297 => 'ꦚ', 8298 => 'ꦛ', 8299 => 'ꦜ', 8300 => 'ꦝ', 8301 => 'ꦞ', 8302 => 'ꦟ', 8303 => 'ꦠ', 8304 => 'ꦡ', 8305 => 'ꦢ', 8306 => 'ꦣ', 8307 => 'ꦤ', 8308 => 'ꦥ', 8309 => 'ꦦ', 8310 => 'ꦧ', 8311 => 'ꦨ', 8312 => 'ꦩ', 8313 => 'ꦪ', 8314 => 'ꦫ', 8315 => 'ꦭ', 8316 => 'ꦮ', 8317 => 'ꦯ', 8318 => 'ꦰ', 8319 => 'ꦱ', 8320 => 'ꦲ', 8321 => 'ᢀ', 8322 => 'ᢁ', 8323 => 'ᢂ', 8324 => 'ᢃ', 8325 => 'ᢄ', 8326 => 'ᢅ', 8327 => 'ᢆ', 8328 => 'ᡃ', 8329 => 'ᠠ', 8330 => 'ᢇ', 8331 => 'ᠡ', 8332 => 'ᡄ', 8333 => 'ᡝ', 8334 => 'ᠢ', 8335 => 'ᡅ', 8336 => 'ᡞ', 8337 => 'ᡳ', 8338 => 'ᢈ', 8339 => 'ᡟ', 8340 => 'ᠣ', 8341 => 'ᡆ', 8342 => 'ᠤ', 8343 => 'ᡇ', 8344 => 'ᡡ', 8345 => 'ᠥ', 8346 => 'ᡈ', 8347 => 'ᠦ', 8348 => 'ᡉ', 8349 => 'ᡠ', 8350 => 'ᠧ', 8351 => 'ᠨ', 8352 => 'ᠩ', 8353 => 'ᡊ', 8354 => 'ᡢ', 8355 => 'ᢊ', 8356 => 'ᢛ', 8357 => 'ᠪ', 8358 => 'ᡋ', 8359 => 'ᠫ', 8360 => 'ᡌ', 8361 => 'ᡦ', 8362 => 'ᠬ', 8363 => 'ᡍ', 8364 => 'ᠭ', 8365 => 'ᡎ', 8366 => 'ᡤ', 8367 => 'ᢚ', 8368 => 'ᡥ', 8369 => 'ᠮ', 8370 => 'ᡏ', 8371 => 'ᠯ', 8372 => 'ᠰ', 8373 => 'ᠱ', 8374 => 'ᡧ', 8375 => 'ᢜ', 8376 => 'ᢝ', 8377 => 'ᢢ', 8378 => 'ᢤ', 8379 => 'ᢥ', 8380 => 'ᠲ', 8381 => 'ᡐ', 8382 => 'ᡨ', 8383 => 'ᠳ', 8384 => 'ᡑ', 8385 => 'ᡩ', 8386 => 'ᠴ', 8387 => 'ᡒ', 8388 => 'ᡱ', 8389 => 'ᡜ', 8390 => 'ᢋ', 8391 => 'ᠵ', 8392 => 'ᡓ', 8393 => 'ᡪ', 8394 => 'ᡷ', 8395 => 'ᠶ', 8396 => 'ᡕ', 8397 => 'ᡲ', 8398 => 'ᠷ', 8399 => 'ᡵ', 8400 => 'ᠸ', 8401 => 'ᡖ', 8402 => 'ᠹ', 8403 => 'ᡫ', 8404 => 'ᡶ', 8405 => 'ᠺ', 8406 => 'ᡗ', 8407 => 'ᡣ', 8408 => 'ᡴ', 8409 => 'ᢉ', 8410 => 'ᠻ', 8411 => 'ᠼ', 8412 => 'ᡔ', 8413 => 'ᡮ', 8414 => 'ᠽ', 8415 => 'ᡯ', 8416 => 'ᡘ', 8417 => 'ᡬ', 8418 => 'ᠾ', 8419 => 'ᡙ', 8420 => 'ᡭ', 8421 => 'ᠿ', 8422 => 'ᡀ', 8423 => 'ᡁ', 8424 => 'ᡂ', 8425 => 'ᡚ', 8426 => 'ᡛ', 8427 => 'ᡰ', 8428 => 'ᢌ', 8429 => 'ᢞ', 8430 => 'ᢍ', 8431 => 'ᢎ', 8432 => 'ᢟ', 8433 => 'ᢏ', 8434 => 'ᢐ', 8435 => 'ᢘ', 8436 => 'ᢠ', 8437 => 'ᢑ', 8438 => 'ᢡ', 8439 => 'ᢒ', 8440 => 'ᢓ', 8441 => 'ᢨ', 8442 => 'ᢔ', 8443 => 'ᢣ', 8444 => 'ᢕ', 8445 => 'ᢙ', 8446 => 'ᢖ', 8447 => 'ᢗ', 8448 => 'ᢦ', 8449 => 'ᢧ', 8450 => 'ᢪ', 8451 => 'ᱚ', 8452 => 'ᱛ', 8453 => 'ᱜ', 8454 => 'ᱝ', 8455 => 'ᱞ', 8456 => 'ᱟ', 8457 => 'ᱠ', 8458 => 'ᱡ', 8459 => 'ᱢ', 8460 => 'ᱣ', 8461 => 'ᱤ', 8462 => 'ᱥ', 8463 => 'ᱦ', 8464 => 'ᱧ', 8465 => 'ᱨ', 8466 => 'ᱩ', 8467 => 'ᱪ', 8468 => 'ᱫ', 8469 => 'ᱬ', 8470 => 'ᱭ', 8471 => 'ᱮ', 8472 => 'ᱯ', 8473 => 'ᱰ', 8474 => 'ᱱ', 8475 => 'ᱲ', 8476 => 'ᱳ', 8477 => 'ᱴ', 8478 => 'ᱵ', 8479 => 'ᱶ', 8480 => 'ᱷ', 8481 => 'ᱸ', 8482 => 'ᱹ', 8483 => 'ᱺ', 8484 => 'ᱻ', 8485 => 'ᱼ', 8486 => 'ᱽ', 8487 => 'Ꭰ', 8488 => 'Ꭱ', 8489 => 'Ꭲ', 8490 => 'Ꭳ', 8491 => 'Ꭴ', 8492 => 'Ꭵ', 8493 => 'Ꭶ', 8494 => 'Ꭷ', 8495 => 'Ꭸ', 8496 => 'Ꭹ', 8497 => 'Ꭺ', 8498 => 'Ꭻ', 8499 => 'Ꭼ', 8500 => 'Ꭽ', 8501 => 'Ꭾ', 8502 => 'Ꭿ', 8503 => 'Ꮀ', 8504 => 'Ꮁ', 8505 => 'Ꮂ', 8506 => 'Ꮃ', 8507 => 'Ꮄ', 8508 => 'Ꮅ', 8509 => 'Ꮆ', 8510 => 'Ꮇ', 8511 => 'Ꮈ', 8512 => 'Ꮉ', 8513 => 'Ꮊ', 8514 => 'Ꮋ', 8515 => 'Ꮌ', 8516 => 'Ꮍ', 8517 => 'Ꮎ', 8518 => 'Ꮏ', 8519 => 'Ꮐ', 8520 => 'Ꮑ', 8521 => 'Ꮒ', 8522 => 'Ꮓ', 8523 => 'Ꮔ', 8524 => 'Ꮕ', 8525 => 'Ꮖ', 8526 => 'Ꮗ', 8527 => 'Ꮘ', 8528 => 'Ꮙ', 8529 => 'Ꮚ', 8530 => 'Ꮛ', 8531 => 'Ꮜ', 8532 => 'Ꮝ', 8533 => 'Ꮞ', 8534 => 'Ꮟ', 8535 => 'Ꮠ', 8536 => 'Ꮡ', 8537 => 'Ꮢ', 8538 => 'Ꮣ', 8539 => 'Ꮤ', 8540 => 'Ꮥ', 8541 => 'Ꮦ', 8542 => 'Ꮧ', 8543 => 'Ꮨ', 8544 => 'Ꮩ', 8545 => 'Ꮪ', 8546 => 'Ꮫ', 8547 => 'Ꮬ', 8548 => 'Ꮭ', 8549 => 'Ꮮ', 8550 => 'Ꮯ', 8551 => 'Ꮰ', 8552 => 'Ꮱ', 8553 => 'Ꮲ', 8554 => 'Ꮳ', 8555 => 'Ꮴ', 8556 => 'Ꮵ', 8557 => 'Ꮶ', 8558 => 'Ꮷ', 8559 => 'Ꮸ', 8560 => 'Ꮹ', 8561 => 'Ꮺ', 8562 => 'Ꮻ', 8563 => 'Ꮼ', 8564 => 'Ꮽ', 8565 => 'Ꮾ', 8566 => 'Ꮿ', 8567 => 'Ᏸ', 8568 => 'Ᏹ', 8569 => 'Ᏺ', 8570 => 'Ᏻ', 8571 => 'Ᏼ', 8572 => 'ᐁ', 8573 => 'ᐂ', 8574 => 'ᐃ', 8575 => 'ᐄ', 8576 => 'ᐅ', 8577 => 'ᐆ', 8578 => 'ᐇ', 8579 => 'ᐈ', 8580 => 'ᐉ', 8581 => 'ᐊ', 8582 => 'ᐋ', 8583 => 'ᐌ', 8584 => 'ᐍ', 8585 => 'ᐎ', 8586 => 'ᐏ', 8587 => 'ᐐ', 8588 => 'ᐑ', 8589 => 'ᐒ', 8590 => 'ᐓ', 8591 => 'ᐔ', 8592 => 'ᐕ', 8593 => 'ᐖ', 8594 => 'ᐗ', 8595 => 'ᐘ', 8596 => 'ᐙ', 8597 => 'ᐚ', 8598 => 'ᐛ', 8599 => 'ᐜ', 8600 => 'ᐝ', 8601 => 'ᐞ', 8602 => 'ᐟ', 8603 => 'ᐠ', 8604 => 'ᐡ', 8605 => 'ᐢ', 8606 => 'ᐣ', 8607 => 'ᐤ', 8608 => 'ᐥ', 8609 => 'ᐦ', 8610 => 'ᐧ', 8611 => 'ᐨ', 8612 => 'ᐩ', 8613 => 'ᐪ', 8614 => 'ᐫ', 8615 => 'ᐬ', 8616 => 'ᐭ', 8617 => 'ᐮ', 8618 => 'ᐯ', 8619 => 'ᐰ', 8620 => 'ᐱ', 8621 => 'ᐲ', 8622 => 'ᐳ', 8623 => 'ᐴ', 8624 => 'ᐵ', 8625 => 'ᐶ', 8626 => 'ᐷ', 8627 => 'ᐸ', 8628 => 'ᐹ', 8629 => 'ᐺ', 8630 => 'ᐻ', 8631 => 'ᐼ', 8632 => 'ᐽ', 8633 => 'ᐾ', 8634 => 'ᐿ', 8635 => 'ᑀ', 8636 => 'ᑁ', 8637 => 'ᑂ', 8638 => 'ᑃ', 8639 => 'ᑄ', 8640 => 'ᑅ', 8641 => 'ᑆ', 8642 => 'ᑇ', 8643 => 'ᑈ', 8644 => 'ᑉ', 8645 => 'ᑊ', 8646 => 'ᑋ', 8647 => 'ᑌ', 8648 => 'ᑍ', 8649 => 'ᑎ', 8650 => 'ᑏ', 8651 => 'ᑐ', 8652 => 'ᑑ', 8653 => 'ᑒ', 8654 => 'ᑓ', 8655 => 'ᑔ', 8656 => 'ᑕ', 8657 => 'ᑖ', 8658 => 'ᑗ', 8659 => 'ᑘ', 8660 => 'ᑙ', 8661 => 'ᑚ', 8662 => 'ᑛ', 8663 => 'ᑜ', 8664 => 'ᑝ', 8665 => 'ᑞ', 8666 => 'ᑟ', 8667 => 'ᑠ', 8668 => 'ᑡ', 8669 => 'ᑢ', 8670 => 'ᑣ', 8671 => 'ᑤ', 8672 => 'ᑥ', 8673 => 'ᑦ', 8674 => 'ᑧ', 8675 => 'ᑨ', 8676 => 'ᑩ', 8677 => 'ᑪ', 8678 => 'ᑫ', 8679 => 'ᑬ', 8680 => 'ᑭ', 8681 => 'ᑮ', 8682 => 'ᑯ', 8683 => 'ᑰ', 8684 => 'ᑱ', 8685 => 'ᑲ', 8686 => 'ᑳ', 8687 => 'ᑴ', 8688 => 'ᑵ', 8689 => 'ᑶ', 8690 => 'ᑷ', 8691 => 'ᑸ', 8692 => 'ᑹ', 8693 => 'ᑺ', 8694 => 'ᑻ', 8695 => 'ᑼ', 8696 => 'ᑽ', 8697 => 'ᑾ', 8698 => 'ᑿ', 8699 => 'ᒀ', 8700 => 'ᒁ', 8701 => 'ᒂ', 8702 => 'ᒃ', 8703 => 'ᒄ', 8704 => 'ᒅ', 8705 => 'ᒆ', 8706 => 'ᒇ', 8707 => 'ᒈ', 8708 => 'ᒉ', 8709 => 'ᒊ', 8710 => 'ᒋ', 8711 => 'ᒌ', 8712 => 'ᒍ', 8713 => 'ᒎ', 8714 => 'ᒏ', 8715 => 'ᒐ', 8716 => 'ᒑ', 8717 => 'ᒒ', 8718 => 'ᒓ', 8719 => 'ᒔ', 8720 => 'ᒕ', 8721 => 'ᒖ', 8722 => 'ᒗ', 8723 => 'ᒘ', 8724 => 'ᒙ', 8725 => 'ᒚ', 8726 => 'ᒛ', 8727 => 'ᒜ', 8728 => 'ᒝ', 8729 => 'ᒞ', 8730 => 'ᒟ', 8731 => 'ᒠ', 8732 => 'ᒡ', 8733 => 'ᒢ', 8734 => 'ᒣ', 8735 => 'ᒤ', 8736 => 'ᒥ', 8737 => 'ᒦ', 8738 => 'ᒧ', 8739 => 'ᒨ', 8740 => 'ᒩ', 8741 => 'ᒪ', 8742 => 'ᒫ', 8743 => 'ᒬ', 8744 => 'ᒭ', 8745 => 'ᒮ', 8746 => 'ᒯ', 8747 => 'ᒰ', 8748 => 'ᒱ', 8749 => 'ᒲ', 8750 => 'ᒳ', 8751 => 'ᒴ', 8752 => 'ᒵ', 8753 => 'ᒶ', 8754 => 'ᒷ', 8755 => 'ᒸ', 8756 => 'ᒹ', 8757 => 'ᒺ', 8758 => 'ᒻ', 8759 => 'ᒼ', 8760 => 'ᒽ', 8761 => 'ᒾ', 8762 => 'ᒿ', 8763 => 'ᓀ', 8764 => 'ᓁ', 8765 => 'ᓂ', 8766 => 'ᓃ', 8767 => 'ᓄ', 8768 => 'ᓅ', 8769 => 'ᓆ', 8770 => 'ᓇ', 8771 => 'ᓈ', 8772 => 'ᓉ', 8773 => 'ᓊ', 8774 => 'ᓋ', 8775 => 'ᓌ', 8776 => 'ᓍ', 8777 => 'ᓎ', 8778 => 'ᓏ', 8779 => 'ᓐ', 8780 => 'ᓑ', 8781 => 'ᓒ', 8782 => 'ᓓ', 8783 => 'ᓔ', 8784 => 'ᓕ', 8785 => 'ᓖ', 8786 => 'ᓗ', 8787 => 'ᓘ', 8788 => 'ᓙ', 8789 => 'ᓚ', 8790 => 'ᓛ', 8791 => 'ᓜ', 8792 => 'ᓝ', 8793 => 'ᓞ', 8794 => 'ᓟ', 8795 => 'ᓠ', 8796 => 'ᓡ', 8797 => 'ᓢ', 8798 => 'ᓣ', 8799 => 'ᓤ', 8800 => 'ᓥ', 8801 => 'ᓦ', 8802 => 'ᓧ', 8803 => 'ᓨ', 8804 => 'ᓩ', 8805 => 'ᓪ', 8806 => 'ᓫ', 8807 => 'ᓬ', 8808 => 'ᓭ', 8809 => 'ᓮ', 8810 => 'ᓯ', 8811 => 'ᓰ', 8812 => 'ᓱ', 8813 => 'ᓲ', 8814 => 'ᓳ', 8815 => 'ᓴ', 8816 => 'ᓵ', 8817 => 'ᓶ', 8818 => 'ᓷ', 8819 => 'ᓸ', 8820 => 'ᓹ', 8821 => 'ᓺ', 8822 => 'ᓻ', 8823 => 'ᓼ', 8824 => 'ᓽ', 8825 => 'ᓾ', 8826 => 'ᓿ', 8827 => 'ᔀ', 8828 => 'ᔁ', 8829 => 'ᔂ', 8830 => 'ᔃ', 8831 => 'ᔄ', 8832 => 'ᔅ', 8833 => 'ᔆ', 8834 => 'ᔇ', 8835 => 'ᔈ', 8836 => 'ᔉ', 8837 => 'ᔊ', 8838 => 'ᔋ', 8839 => 'ᔌ', 8840 => 'ᔍ', 8841 => 'ᔎ', 8842 => 'ᔏ', 8843 => 'ᔐ', 8844 => 'ᔑ', 8845 => 'ᔒ', 8846 => 'ᔓ', 8847 => 'ᔔ', 8848 => 'ᔕ', 8849 => 'ᔖ', 8850 => 'ᔗ', 8851 => 'ᔘ', 8852 => 'ᔙ', 8853 => 'ᔚ', 8854 => 'ᔛ', 8855 => 'ᔜ', 8856 => 'ᔝ', 8857 => 'ᔞ', 8858 => 'ᔟ', 8859 => 'ᔠ', 8860 => 'ᔡ', 8861 => 'ᔢ', 8862 => 'ᔣ', 8863 => 'ᔤ', 8864 => 'ᔥ', 8865 => 'ᔦ', 8866 => 'ᔧ', 8867 => 'ᔨ', 8868 => 'ᔩ', 8869 => 'ᔪ', 8870 => 'ᔫ', 8871 => 'ᔬ', 8872 => 'ᔭ', 8873 => 'ᔮ', 8874 => 'ᔯ', 8875 => 'ᔰ', 8876 => 'ᔱ', 8877 => 'ᔲ', 8878 => 'ᔳ', 8879 => 'ᔴ', 8880 => 'ᔵ', 8881 => 'ᔶ', 8882 => 'ᔷ', 8883 => 'ᔸ', 8884 => 'ᔹ', 8885 => 'ᔺ', 8886 => 'ᔻ', 8887 => 'ᔼ', 8888 => 'ᔽ', 8889 => 'ᔾ', 8890 => 'ᔿ', 8891 => 'ᕀ', 8892 => 'ᕁ', 8893 => 'ᕂ', 8894 => 'ᕃ', 8895 => 'ᕄ', 8896 => 'ᕅ', 8897 => 'ᕆ', 8898 => 'ᕇ', 8899 => 'ᕈ', 8900 => 'ᕉ', 8901 => 'ᕊ', 8902 => 'ᕋ', 8903 => 'ᕌ', 8904 => 'ᕍ', 8905 => 'ᕎ', 8906 => 'ᕏ', 8907 => 'ᕐ', 8908 => 'ᕑ', 8909 => 'ᕒ', 8910 => 'ᕓ', 8911 => 'ᕔ', 8912 => 'ᕕ', 8913 => 'ᕖ', 8914 => 'ᕗ', 8915 => 'ᕘ', 8916 => 'ᕙ', 8917 => 'ᕚ', 8918 => 'ᕛ', 8919 => 'ᕜ', 8920 => 'ᕝ', 8921 => 'ᕞ', 8922 => 'ᕟ', 8923 => 'ᕠ', 8924 => 'ᕡ', 8925 => 'ᕢ', 8926 => 'ᕣ', 8927 => 'ᕤ', 8928 => 'ᕥ', 8929 => 'ᕦ', 8930 => 'ᕧ', 8931 => 'ᕨ', 8932 => 'ᕩ', 8933 => 'ᕪ', 8934 => 'ᕫ', 8935 => 'ᕬ', 8936 => 'ᕭ', 8937 => 'ᕮ', 8938 => 'ᕯ', 8939 => 'ᕰ', 8940 => 'ᕱ', 8941 => 'ᕲ', 8942 => 'ᕳ', 8943 => 'ᕴ', 8944 => 'ᕵ', 8945 => 'ᕶ', 8946 => 'ᕷ', 8947 => 'ᕸ', 8948 => 'ᕹ', 8949 => 'ᕺ', 8950 => 'ᕻ', 8951 => 'ᕽ', 8952 => 'ᙯ', 8953 => 'ᕾ', 8954 => 'ᕿ', 8955 => 'ᖀ', 8956 => 'ᖁ', 8957 => 'ᖂ', 8958 => 'ᖃ', 8959 => 'ᖄ', 8960 => 'ᖅ', 8961 => 'ᖆ', 8962 => 'ᖇ', 8963 => 'ᖈ', 8964 => 'ᖉ', 8965 => 'ᖊ', 8966 => 'ᖋ', 8967 => 'ᖌ', 8968 => 'ᖍ', 8969 => 'ᙰ', 8970 => 'ᖎ', 8971 => 'ᖏ', 8972 => 'ᖐ', 8973 => 'ᖑ', 8974 => 'ᖒ', 8975 => 'ᖓ', 8976 => 'ᖔ', 8977 => 'ᖕ', 8978 => 'ᙱ', 8979 => 'ᙲ', 8980 => 'ᙳ', 8981 => 'ᙴ', 8982 => 'ᙵ', 8983 => 'ᙶ', 8984 => 'ᖖ', 8985 => 'ᖗ', 8986 => 'ᖘ', 8987 => 'ᖙ', 8988 => 'ᖚ', 8989 => 'ᖛ', 8990 => 'ᖜ', 8991 => 'ᖝ', 8992 => 'ᖞ', 8993 => 'ᖟ', 8994 => 'ᖠ', 8995 => 'ᖡ', 8996 => 'ᖢ', 8997 => 'ᖣ', 8998 => 'ᖤ', 8999 => 'ᖥ', 9000 => 'ᖦ', 9001 => 'ᕼ', 9002 => 'ᖧ', 9003 => 'ᖨ', 9004 => 'ᖩ', 9005 => 'ᖪ', 9006 => 'ᖫ', 9007 => 'ᖬ', 9008 => 'ᖭ', 9009 => 'ᖮ', 9010 => 'ᖯ', 9011 => 'ᖰ', 9012 => 'ᖱ', 9013 => 'ᖲ', 9014 => 'ᖳ', 9015 => 'ᖴ', 9016 => 'ᖵ', 9017 => 'ᖶ', 9018 => 'ᖷ', 9019 => 'ᖸ', 9020 => 'ᖹ', 9021 => 'ᖺ', 9022 => 'ᖻ', 9023 => 'ᖼ', 9024 => 'ᖽ', 9025 => 'ᖾ', 9026 => 'ᖿ', 9027 => 'ᗀ', 9028 => 'ᗁ', 9029 => 'ᗂ', 9030 => 'ᗃ', 9031 => 'ᗄ', 9032 => 'ᗅ', 9033 => 'ᗆ', 9034 => 'ᗇ', 9035 => 'ᗈ', 9036 => 'ᗉ', 9037 => 'ᗊ', 9038 => 'ᗋ', 9039 => 'ᗌ', 9040 => 'ᗍ', 9041 => 'ᗎ', 9042 => 'ᗏ', 9043 => 'ᗐ', 9044 => 'ᗑ', 9045 => 'ᗒ', 9046 => 'ᗓ', 9047 => 'ᗔ', 9048 => 'ᗕ', 9049 => 'ᗖ', 9050 => 'ᗗ', 9051 => 'ᗘ', 9052 => 'ᗙ', 9053 => 'ᗚ', 9054 => 'ᗛ', 9055 => 'ᗜ', 9056 => 'ᗝ', 9057 => 'ᗞ', 9058 => 'ᗟ', 9059 => 'ᗠ', 9060 => 'ᗡ', 9061 => 'ᗢ', 9062 => 'ᗣ', 9063 => 'ᗤ', 9064 => 'ᗥ', 9065 => 'ᗦ', 9066 => 'ᗧ', 9067 => 'ᗨ', 9068 => 'ᗩ', 9069 => 'ᗪ', 9070 => 'ᗫ', 9071 => 'ᗬ', 9072 => 'ᗭ', 9073 => 'ᗮ', 9074 => 'ᗯ', 9075 => 'ᗰ', 9076 => 'ᗱ', 9077 => 'ᗲ', 9078 => 'ᗳ', 9079 => 'ᗴ', 9080 => 'ᗵ', 9081 => 'ᗶ', 9082 => 'ᗷ', 9083 => 'ᗸ', 9084 => 'ᗹ', 9085 => 'ᗺ', 9086 => 'ᗻ', 9087 => 'ᗼ', 9088 => 'ᗽ', 9089 => 'ᗾ', 9090 => 'ᗿ', 9091 => 'ᘀ', 9092 => 'ᘁ', 9093 => 'ᘂ', 9094 => 'ᘃ', 9095 => 'ᘄ', 9096 => 'ᘅ', 9097 => 'ᘆ', 9098 => 'ᘇ', 9099 => 'ᘈ', 9100 => 'ᘉ', 9101 => 'ᘊ', 9102 => 'ᘋ', 9103 => 'ᘌ', 9104 => 'ᘍ', 9105 => 'ᘎ', 9106 => 'ᘏ', 9107 => 'ᘐ', 9108 => 'ᘑ', 9109 => 'ᘒ', 9110 => 'ᘓ', 9111 => 'ᘔ', 9112 => 'ᘕ', 9113 => 'ᘖ', 9114 => 'ᘗ', 9115 => 'ᘘ', 9116 => 'ᘙ', 9117 => 'ᘚ', 9118 => 'ᘛ', 9119 => 'ᘜ', 9120 => 'ᘝ', 9121 => 'ᘞ', 9122 => 'ᘟ', 9123 => 'ᘠ', 9124 => 'ᘡ', 9125 => 'ᘢ', 9126 => 'ᘣ', 9127 => 'ᘤ', 9128 => 'ᘥ', 9129 => 'ᘦ', 9130 => 'ᘧ', 9131 => 'ᘨ', 9132 => 'ᘩ', 9133 => 'ᘪ', 9134 => 'ᘫ', 9135 => 'ᘬ', 9136 => 'ᘭ', 9137 => 'ᘮ', 9138 => 'ᘯ', 9139 => 'ᘰ', 9140 => 'ᘱ', 9141 => 'ᘲ', 9142 => 'ᘳ', 9143 => 'ᘴ', 9144 => 'ᘵ', 9145 => 'ᘶ', 9146 => 'ᘷ', 9147 => 'ᘸ', 9148 => 'ᘹ', 9149 => 'ᘺ', 9150 => 'ᘻ', 9151 => 'ᘼ', 9152 => 'ᘽ', 9153 => 'ᘾ', 9154 => 'ᘿ', 9155 => 'ᙀ', 9156 => 'ᙁ', 9157 => 'ᙂ', 9158 => 'ᙃ', 9159 => 'ᙄ', 9160 => 'ᙅ', 9161 => 'ᙆ', 9162 => 'ᙇ', 9163 => 'ᙈ', 9164 => 'ᙉ', 9165 => 'ᙊ', 9166 => 'ᙋ', 9167 => 'ᙌ', 9168 => 'ᙍ', 9169 => 'ᙎ', 9170 => 'ᙏ', 9171 => 'ᙐ', 9172 => 'ᙑ', 9173 => 'ᙒ', 9174 => 'ᙓ', 9175 => 'ᙔ', 9176 => 'ᙕ', 9177 => 'ᙖ', 9178 => 'ᙗ', 9179 => 'ᙘ', 9180 => 'ᙙ', 9181 => 'ᙚ', 9182 => 'ᙛ', 9183 => 'ᙜ', 9184 => 'ᙝ', 9185 => 'ᙞ', 9186 => 'ᙟ', 9187 => 'ᙠ', 9188 => 'ᙡ', 9189 => 'ᙢ', 9190 => 'ᙣ', 9191 => 'ᙤ', 9192 => 'ᙥ', 9193 => 'ᙦ', 9194 => 'ᙧ', 9195 => 'ᙨ', 9196 => 'ᙩ', 9197 => 'ᙪ', 9198 => 'ᙫ', 9199 => 'ᙬ', 9200 => 'ᙷ', 9201 => 'ᙸ', 9202 => 'ᙹ', 9203 => 'ᙺ', 9204 => 'ᙻ', 9205 => 'ᙼ', 9206 => 'ᙽ', 9207 => 'ᙾ', 9208 => 'ᙿ', 9209 => 'ᢰ', 9210 => 'ᢱ', 9211 => 'ᢲ', 9212 => 'ᢳ', 9213 => 'ᢴ', 9214 => 'ᢵ', 9215 => 'ᢶ', 9216 => 'ᢷ', 9217 => 'ᢸ', 9218 => 'ᢹ', 9219 => 'ᢺ', 9220 => 'ᢻ', 9221 => 'ᢼ', 9222 => 'ᢽ', 9223 => 'ᢾ', 9224 => 'ᢿ', 9225 => 'ᣀ', 9226 => 'ᣁ', 9227 => 'ᣂ', 9228 => 'ᣃ', 9229 => 'ᣄ', 9230 => 'ᣅ', 9231 => 'ᣆ', 9232 => 'ᣇ', 9233 => 'ᣈ', 9234 => 'ᣉ', 9235 => 'ᣊ', 9236 => 'ᣋ', 9237 => 'ᣌ', 9238 => 'ᣍ', 9239 => 'ᣎ', 9240 => 'ᣏ', 9241 => 'ᣐ', 9242 => 'ᣑ', 9243 => 'ᣒ', 9244 => 'ᣓ', 9245 => 'ᣔ', 9246 => 'ᣕ', 9247 => 'ᣖ', 9248 => 'ᣗ', 9249 => 'ᣘ', 9250 => 'ᣙ', 9251 => 'ᣚ', 9252 => 'ᣛ', 9253 => 'ᣜ', 9254 => 'ᣝ', 9255 => 'ᣞ', 9256 => 'ᣟ', 9257 => 'ᣠ', 9258 => 'ᣡ', 9259 => 'ᣢ', 9260 => 'ᣣ', 9261 => 'ᣤ', 9262 => 'ᣥ', 9263 => 'ᣦ', 9264 => 'ᣧ', 9265 => 'ᣨ', 9266 => 'ᣩ', 9267 => 'ᣪ', 9268 => 'ᣫ', 9269 => 'ᣬ', 9270 => 'ᣭ', 9271 => 'ᣮ', 9272 => 'ᣯ', 9273 => 'ᣰ', 9274 => 'ᣱ', 9275 => 'ᣲ', 9276 => 'ᣳ', 9277 => 'ᣴ', 9278 => 'ᣵ', 9279 => 'ᚁ', 9280 => 'ᚂ', 9281 => 'ᚃ', 9282 => 'ᚄ', 9283 => 'ᚅ', 9284 => 'ᚆ', 9285 => 'ᚇ', 9286 => 'ᚈ', 9287 => 'ᚉ', 9288 => 'ᚊ', 9289 => 'ᚋ', 9290 => 'ᚌ', 9291 => 'ᚍ', 9292 => 'ᚎ', 9293 => 'ᚏ', 9294 => 'ᚐ', 9295 => 'ᚑ', 9296 => 'ᚒ', 9297 => 'ᚓ', 9298 => 'ᚔ', 9299 => 'ᚕ', 9300 => 'ᚖ', 9301 => 'ᚗ', 9302 => 'ᚘ', 9303 => 'ᚙ', 9304 => 'ᚚ', 9305 => 'ᚠ', 9306 => 'ᚢ', 9307 => 'ᚦ', 9308 => 'ᚨ', 9309 => 'ᚯ', 9310 => 'ᚰ', 9311 => 'ᚱ', 9312 => 'ᚲ', 9313 => 'ᚷ', 9314 => 'ᚹ', 9315 => 'ᚺ', 9316 => 'ᚾ', 9317 => 'ᛁ', 9318 => 'ᛃ', 9319 => 'ᛅ', 9320 => 'ᛇ', 9321 => 'ᛈ', 9322 => 'ᛉ', 9323 => 'ᛊ', 9324 => 'ᛏ', 9325 => 'ᛒ', 9326 => 'ᛖ', 9327 => 'ᛗ', 9328 => 'ᛚ', 9329 => 'ᛜ', 9330 => 'ᛞ', 9331 => 'ᛟ', 9332 => 'ᚪ', 9333 => 'ᚫ', 9334 => 'ᚣ', 9335 => 'ᛠ', 9336 => 'ᛣ', 9337 => 'ᚸ', 9338 => 'ᛤ', 9339 => 'ᛡ', 9340 => 'ᛢ', 9341 => 'ᛥ', 9342 => 'ᛦ', 9343 => '𐰀', 9344 => '𐰂', 9345 => '𐰃', 9346 => '𐰅', 9347 => '𐰆', 9348 => '𐰇', 9349 => '𐰉', 9350 => '𐰋', 9351 => '𐰍', 9352 => '𐰏', 9353 => '𐰑', 9354 => '𐰓', 9355 => '𐰔', 9356 => '𐰖', 9357 => '𐰘', 9358 => '𐰚', 9359 => '𐰜', 9360 => '𐰞', 9361 => '𐰠', 9362 => '𐰡', 9363 => '𐰢', 9364 => '𐰣', 9365 => '𐰤', 9366 => '𐰦', 9367 => '𐰨', 9368 => '𐰪', 9369 => '𐰬', 9370 => '𐰭', 9371 => '𐰯', 9372 => '𐰰', 9373 => '𐰱', 9374 => '𐰲', 9375 => '𐰴', 9376 => '𐰶', 9377 => '𐰸', 9378 => '𐰺', 9379 => '𐰼', 9380 => '𐰽', 9381 => '𐰾', 9382 => '𐰿', 9383 => '𐱁', 9384 => '𐱃', 9385 => '𐱅', 9386 => '𐱇', 9387 => '𐱈', 9388 => 'ꔀ', 9389 => 'ꔁ', 9390 => 'ꔂ', 9391 => 'ꔃ', 9392 => 'ꔄ', 9393 => 'ꔅ', 9394 => 'ꔆ', 9395 => 'ꔇ', 9396 => 'ꔈ', 9397 => 'ꔉ', 9398 => 'ꔊ', 9399 => 'ꔋ', 9400 => 'ꔌ', 9401 => 'ꔍ', 9402 => 'ꔎ', 9403 => 'ꔏ', 9404 => 'ꔐ', 9405 => 'ꔑ', 9406 => 'ꔒ', 9407 => 'ꔓ', 9408 => 'ꔔ', 9409 => 'ꔕ', 9410 => 'ꔖ', 9411 => 'ꔗ', 9412 => 'ꔘ', 9413 => 'ꔙ', 9414 => 'ꔚ', 9415 => 'ꔛ', 9416 => 'ꔜ', 9417 => 'ꔝ', 9418 => 'ꔞ', 9419 => 'ꔟ', 9420 => 'ꔠ', 9421 => 'ꔡ', 9422 => 'ꔢ', 9423 => 'ꔣ', 9424 => 'ꔤ', 9425 => 'ꔥ', 9426 => 'ꔦ', 9427 => 'ꔧ', 9428 => 'ꔨ', 9429 => 'ꔩ', 9430 => 'ꔪ', 9431 => 'ꔫ', 9432 => 'ꔬ', 9433 => 'ꔭ', 9434 => 'ꔮ', 9435 => 'ꔯ', 9436 => 'ꔰ', 9437 => 'ꔱ', 9438 => 'ꔲ', 9439 => 'ꔳ', 9440 => 'ꔴ', 9441 => 'ꔵ', 9442 => 'ꔶ', 9443 => 'ꔷ', 9444 => 'ꔸ', 9445 => 'ꔹ', 9446 => 'ꔺ', 9447 => 'ꔻ', 9448 => 'ꔼ', 9449 => 'ꔽ', 9450 => 'ꔾ', 9451 => 'ꔿ', 9452 => 'ꕀ', 9453 => 'ꕁ', 9454 => 'ꕂ', 9455 => 'ꕃ', 9456 => 'ꕄ', 9457 => 'ꕅ', 9458 => 'ꕆ', 9459 => 'ꕇ', 9460 => 'ꕈ', 9461 => 'ꕉ', 9462 => 'ꕊ', 9463 => 'ꕋ', 9464 => 'ꕌ', 9465 => 'ꕍ', 9466 => 'ꕎ', 9467 => 'ꕏ', 9468 => 'ꕐ', 9469 => 'ꕑ', 9470 => 'ꕒ', 9471 => 'ꕓ', 9472 => 'ꕔ', 9473 => 'ꕕ', 9474 => 'ꕖ', 9475 => 'ꕗ', 9476 => 'ꕘ', 9477 => 'ꕙ', 9478 => 'ꕚ', 9479 => 'ꕛ', 9480 => 'ꕜ', 9481 => 'ꕝ', 9482 => 'ꕞ', 9483 => 'ꕟ', 9484 => 'ꕠ', 9485 => 'ꕡ', 9486 => 'ꕢ', 9487 => 'ꕣ', 9488 => 'ꕤ', 9489 => 'ꕥ', 9490 => 'ꕦ', 9491 => 'ꕧ', 9492 => 'ꕨ', 9493 => 'ꕩ', 9494 => 'ꕪ', 9495 => 'ꕫ', 9496 => 'ꕬ', 9497 => 'ꕭ', 9498 => 'ꕮ', 9499 => 'ꕯ', 9500 => 'ꕰ', 9501 => 'ꕱ', 9502 => 'ꕲ', 9503 => 'ꕳ', 9504 => 'ꕴ', 9505 => 'ꕵ', 9506 => 'ꕶ', 9507 => 'ꕷ', 9508 => 'ꕸ', 9509 => 'ꕹ', 9510 => 'ꕺ', 9511 => 'ꕻ', 9512 => 'ꕼ', 9513 => 'ꕽ', 9514 => 'ꕾ', 9515 => 'ꕿ', 9516 => 'ꖀ', 9517 => 'ꖁ', 9518 => 'ꖂ', 9519 => 'ꖃ', 9520 => 'ꖄ', 9521 => 'ꖅ', 9522 => 'ꖆ', 9523 => 'ꖇ', 9524 => 'ꖈ', 9525 => 'ꖉ', 9526 => 'ꖊ', 9527 => 'ꖋ', 9528 => 'ꖌ', 9529 => 'ꖍ', 9530 => 'ꖎ', 9531 => 'ꖏ', 9532 => 'ꖐ', 9533 => 'ꖑ', 9534 => 'ꖒ', 9535 => 'ꖓ', 9536 => 'ꖔ', 9537 => 'ꖕ', 9538 => 'ꖖ', 9539 => 'ꖗ', 9540 => 'ꖘ', 9541 => 'ꖙ', 9542 => 'ꖚ', 9543 => 'ꖛ', 9544 => 'ꖜ', 9545 => 'ꖝ', 9546 => 'ꖞ', 9547 => 'ꖟ', 9548 => 'ꖠ', 9549 => 'ꖡ', 9550 => 'ꖢ', 9551 => 'ꖣ', 9552 => 'ꖤ', 9553 => 'ꖥ', 9554 => 'ꖦ', 9555 => 'ꖧ', 9556 => 'ꖨ', 9557 => 'ꖩ', 9558 => 'ꖪ', 9559 => 'ꖫ', 9560 => 'ꖬ', 9561 => 'ꖭ', 9562 => 'ꖮ', 9563 => 'ꖯ', 9564 => 'ꖰ', 9565 => 'ꖱ', 9566 => 'ꖲ', 9567 => 'ꖳ', 9568 => 'ꖴ', 9569 => 'ꖵ', 9570 => 'ꖶ', 9571 => 'ꖷ', 9572 => 'ꖸ', 9573 => 'ꖹ', 9574 => 'ꖺ', 9575 => 'ꖻ', 9576 => 'ꖼ', 9577 => 'ꖽ', 9578 => 'ꖾ', 9579 => 'ꖿ', 9580 => 'ꗀ', 9581 => 'ꗁ', 9582 => 'ꗂ', 9583 => 'ꗃ', 9584 => 'ꗄ', 9585 => 'ꗅ', 9586 => 'ꗆ', 9587 => 'ꗇ', 9588 => 'ꗈ', 9589 => 'ꗉ', 9590 => 'ꗊ', 9591 => 'ꗋ', 9592 => 'ꗌ', 9593 => 'ꗍ', 9594 => 'ꗎ', 9595 => 'ꗏ', 9596 => 'ꗐ', 9597 => 'ꗑ', 9598 => 'ꗒ', 9599 => 'ꗓ', 9600 => 'ꗔ', 9601 => 'ꗕ', 9602 => 'ꗖ', 9603 => 'ꗗ', 9604 => 'ꗘ', 9605 => 'ꗙ', 9606 => 'ꗚ', 9607 => 'ꗛ', 9608 => 'ꗜ', 9609 => 'ꗝ', 9610 => 'ꗞ', 9611 => 'ꗟ', 9612 => 'ꗠ', 9613 => 'ꗡ', 9614 => 'ꗢ', 9615 => 'ꗣ', 9616 => 'ꗤ', 9617 => 'ꗥ', 9618 => 'ꗦ', 9619 => 'ꗧ', 9620 => 'ꗨ', 9621 => 'ꗩ', 9622 => 'ꗪ', 9623 => 'ꗫ', 9624 => 'ꗬ', 9625 => 'ꗭ', 9626 => 'ꗮ', 9627 => 'ꗯ', 9628 => 'ꗰ', 9629 => 'ꗱ', 9630 => 'ꗲ', 9631 => 'ꗳ', 9632 => 'ꗴ', 9633 => 'ꗵ', 9634 => 'ꗶ', 9635 => 'ꗷ', 9636 => 'ꗸ', 9637 => 'ꗹ', 9638 => 'ꗺ', 9639 => 'ꗻ', 9640 => 'ꗼ', 9641 => 'ꗽ', 9642 => 'ꗾ', 9643 => 'ꗿ', 9644 => 'ꘀ', 9645 => 'ꘁ', 9646 => 'ꘂ', 9647 => 'ꘃ', 9648 => 'ꘄ', 9649 => 'ꘅ', 9650 => 'ꘆ', 9651 => 'ꘇ', 9652 => 'ꘈ', 9653 => 'ꘉ', 9654 => 'ꘊ', 9655 => 'ꘋ', 9656 => 'ꘌ', 9657 => 'ꚠ', 9658 => 'ꚡ', 9659 => 'ꚢ', 9660 => 'ꚣ', 9661 => 'ꚤ', 9662 => 'ꚥ', 9663 => 'ꚦ', 9664 => 'ꚧ', 9665 => 'ꚨ', 9666 => 'ꚩ', 9667 => 'ꚪ', 9668 => 'ꚫ', 9669 => 'ꚬ', 9670 => 'ꚭ', 9671 => 'ꚮ', 9672 => 'ꚯ', 9673 => 'ꚰ', 9674 => 'ꚱ', 9675 => 'ꚲ', 9676 => 'ꚳ', 9677 => 'ꚴ', 9678 => 'ꚵ', 9679 => 'ꚶ', 9680 => 'ꚷ', 9681 => 'ꚸ', 9682 => 'ꚹ', 9683 => 'ꚺ', 9684 => 'ꚻ', 9685 => 'ꚼ', 9686 => 'ꚽ', 9687 => 'ꚾ', 9688 => 'ꚿ', 9689 => 'ꛀ', 9690 => 'ꛁ', 9691 => 'ꛂ', 9692 => 'ꛃ', 9693 => 'ꛄ', 9694 => 'ꛅ', 9695 => 'ꛆ', 9696 => 'ꛇ', 9697 => 'ꛈ', 9698 => 'ꛉ', 9699 => 'ꛊ', 9700 => 'ꛋ', 9701 => 'ꛌ', 9702 => 'ꛍ', 9703 => 'ꛎ', 9704 => 'ꛏ', 9705 => 'ꛐ', 9706 => 'ꛑ', 9707 => 'ꛒ', 9708 => 'ꛓ', 9709 => 'ꛔ', 9710 => 'ꛕ', 9711 => 'ꛖ', 9712 => 'ꛗ', 9713 => 'ꛘ', 9714 => 'ꛙ', 9715 => 'ꛚ', 9716 => 'ꛛ', 9717 => 'ꛜ', 9718 => 'ꛝ', 9719 => 'ꛞ', 9720 => 'ꛟ', 9721 => 'ꛠ', 9722 => 'ꛡ', 9723 => 'ꛢ', 9724 => 'ꛣ', 9725 => 'ꛤ', 9726 => 'ꛥ', 9727 => 'ꛦ', 9728 => 'ꛧ', 9729 => 'ꛨ', 9730 => 'ꛩ', 9731 => 'ꛪ', 9732 => 'ꛫ', 9733 => 'ꛬ', 9734 => 'ꛭ', 9735 => 'ꛮ', 9736 => 'ꛯ', 9737 => '𖠀', 9738 => '𖠁', 9739 => '𖠂', 9740 => '𖠃', 9741 => '𖠄', 9742 => '𖠅', 9743 => '𖠆', 9744 => '𖠇', 9745 => '𖠈', 9746 => '𖠉', 9747 => '𖠊', 9748 => '𖠋', 9749 => '𖠌', 9750 => '𖠍', 9751 => '𖠎', 9752 => '𖠏', 9753 => '𖠐', 9754 => '𖠑', 9755 => '𖠒', 9756 => '𖠓', 9757 => '𖠔', 9758 => '𖠕', 9759 => '𖠖', 9760 => '𖠗', 9761 => '𖠘', 9762 => '𖠙', 9763 => '𖠚', 9764 => '𖠛', 9765 => '𖠜', 9766 => '𖠝', 9767 => '𖠞', 9768 => '𖠟', 9769 => '𖠠', 9770 => '𖠡', 9771 => '𖠢', 9772 => '𖠣', 9773 => '𖠤', 9774 => '𖠥', 9775 => '𖠦', 9776 => '𖠧', 9777 => '𖠨', 9778 => '𖠩', 9779 => '𖠪', 9780 => '𖠫', 9781 => '𖠬', 9782 => '𖠭', 9783 => '𖠮', 9784 => '𖠯', 9785 => '𖠰', 9786 => '𖠱', 9787 => '𖠲', 9788 => '𖠳', 9789 => '𖠴', 9790 => '𖠵', 9791 => '𖠶', 9792 => '𖠷', 9793 => '𖠸', 9794 => '𖠹', 9795 => '𖠺', 9796 => '𖠻', 9797 => '𖠼', 9798 => '𖠽', 9799 => '𖠾', 9800 => '𖠿', 9801 => '𖡀', 9802 => '𖡁', 9803 => '𖡂', 9804 => '𖡃', 9805 => '𖡄', 9806 => '𖡅', 9807 => '𖡆', 9808 => '𖡇', 9809 => '𖡈', 9810 => '𖡉', 9811 => '𖡊', 9812 => '𖡋', 9813 => '𖡌', 9814 => '𖡍', 9815 => '𖡎', 9816 => '𖡏', 9817 => '𖡐', 9818 => '𖡑', 9819 => '𖡒', 9820 => '𖡓', 9821 => '𖡔', 9822 => '𖡕', 9823 => '𖡖', 9824 => '𖡗', 9825 => '𖡘', 9826 => '𖡙', 9827 => '𖡚', 9828 => '𖡛', 9829 => '𖡜', 9830 => '𖡝', 9831 => '𖡞', 9832 => '𖡟', 9833 => '𖡠', 9834 => '𖡡', 9835 => '𖡢', 9836 => '𖡣', 9837 => '𖡤', 9838 => '𖡥', 9839 => '𖡦', 9840 => '𖡧', 9841 => '𖡨', 9842 => '𖡩', 9843 => '𖡪', 9844 => '𖡫', 9845 => '𖡬', 9846 => '𖡭', 9847 => '𖡮', 9848 => '𖡯', 9849 => '𖡰', 9850 => '𖡱', 9851 => '𖡲', 9852 => '𖡳', 9853 => '𖡴', 9854 => '𖡵', 9855 => '𖡶', 9856 => '𖡷', 9857 => '𖡸', 9858 => '𖡹', 9859 => '𖡺', 9860 => '𖡻', 9861 => '𖡼', 9862 => '𖡽', 9863 => '𖡾', 9864 => '𖡿', 9865 => '𖢀', 9866 => '𖢁', 9867 => '𖢂', 9868 => '𖢃', 9869 => '𖢄', 9870 => '𖢅', 9871 => '𖢆', 9872 => '𖢇', 9873 => '𖢈', 9874 => '𖢉', 9875 => '𖢊', 9876 => '𖢋', 9877 => '𖢌', 9878 => '𖢍', 9879 => '𖢎', 9880 => '𖢏', 9881 => '𖢐', 9882 => '𖢑', 9883 => '𖢒', 9884 => '𖢓', 9885 => '𖢔', 9886 => '𖢕', 9887 => '𖢖', 9888 => '𖢗', 9889 => '𖢘', 9890 => '𖢙', 9891 => '𖢚', 9892 => '𖢛', 9893 => '𖢜', 9894 => '𖢝', 9895 => '𖢞', 9896 => '𖢟', 9897 => '𖢠', 9898 => '𖢡', 9899 => '𖢢', 9900 => '𖢣', 9901 => '𖢤', 9902 => '𖢥', 9903 => '𖢦', 9904 => '𖢧', 9905 => '𖢨', 9906 => '𖢩', 9907 => '𖢪', 9908 => '𖢫', 9909 => '𖢬', 9910 => '𖢭', 9911 => '𖢮', 9912 => '𖢯', 9913 => '𖢰', 9914 => '𖢱', 9915 => '𖢲', 9916 => '𖢳', 9917 => '𖢴', 9918 => '𖢵', 9919 => '𖢶', 9920 => '𖢷', 9921 => '𖢸', 9922 => '𖢹', 9923 => '𖢺', 9924 => '𖢻', 9925 => '𖢼', 9926 => '𖢽', 9927 => '𖢾', 9928 => '𖢿', 9929 => '𖣀', 9930 => '𖣁', 9931 => '𖣂', 9932 => '𖣃', 9933 => '𖣄', 9934 => '𖣅', 9935 => '𖣆', 9936 => '𖣇', 9937 => '𖣈', 9938 => '𖣉', 9939 => '𖣊', 9940 => '𖣋', 9941 => '𖣌', 9942 => '𖣍', 9943 => '𖣎', 9944 => '𖣏', 9945 => '𖣐', 9946 => '𖣑', 9947 => '𖣒', 9948 => '𖣓', 9949 => '𖣔', 9950 => '𖣕', 9951 => '𖣖', 9952 => '𖣗', 9953 => '𖣘', 9954 => '𖣙', 9955 => '𖣚', 9956 => '𖣛', 9957 => '𖣜', 9958 => '𖣝', 9959 => '𖣞', 9960 => '𖣟', 9961 => '𖣠', 9962 => '𖣡', 9963 => '𖣢', 9964 => '𖣣', 9965 => '𖣤', 9966 => '𖣥', 9967 => '𖣦', 9968 => '𖣧', 9969 => '𖣨', 9970 => '𖣩', 9971 => '𖣪', 9972 => '𖣫', 9973 => '𖣬', 9974 => '𖣭', 9975 => '𖣮', 9976 => '𖣯', 9977 => '𖣰', 9978 => '𖣱', 9979 => '𖣲', 9980 => '𖣳', 9981 => '𖣴', 9982 => '𖣵', 9983 => '𖣶', 9984 => '𖣷', 9985 => '𖣸', 9986 => '𖣹', 9987 => '𖣺', 9988 => '𖣻', 9989 => '𖣼', 9990 => '𖣽', 9991 => '𖣾', 9992 => '𖣿', 9993 => '𖤀', 9994 => '𖤁', 9995 => '𖤂', 9996 => '𖤃', 9997 => '𖤄', 9998 => '𖤅', 9999 => '𖤆', 10000 => '𖤇', 10001 => '𖤈', 10002 => '𖤉', 10003 => '𖤊', 10004 => '𖤋', 10005 => '𖤌', 10006 => '𖤍', 10007 => '𖤎', 10008 => '𖤏', 10009 => '𖤐', 10010 => '𖤑', 10011 => '𖤒', 10012 => '𖤓', 10013 => '𖤔', 10014 => '𖤕', 10015 => '𖤖', 10016 => '𖤗', 10017 => '𖤘', 10018 => '𖤙', 10019 => '𖤚', 10020 => '𖤛', 10021 => '𖤜', 10022 => '𖤝', 10023 => '𖤞', 10024 => '𖤟', 10025 => '𖤠', 10026 => '𖤡', 10027 => '𖤢', 10028 => '𖤣', 10029 => '𖤤', 10030 => '𖤥', 10031 => '𖤦', 10032 => '𖤧', 10033 => '𖤨', 10034 => '𖤩', 10035 => '𖤪', 10036 => '𖤫', 10037 => '𖤬', 10038 => '𖤭', 10039 => '𖤮', 10040 => '𖤯', 10041 => '𖤰', 10042 => '𖤱', 10043 => '𖤲', 10044 => '𖤳', 10045 => '𖤴', 10046 => '𖤵', 10047 => '𖤶', 10048 => '𖤷', 10049 => '𖤸', 10050 => '𖤹', 10051 => '𖤺', 10052 => '𖤻', 10053 => '𖤼', 10054 => '𖤽', 10055 => '𖤾', 10056 => '𖤿', 10057 => '𖥀', 10058 => '𖥁', 10059 => '𖥂', 10060 => '𖥃', 10061 => '𖥄', 10062 => '𖥅', 10063 => '𖥆', 10064 => '𖥇', 10065 => '𖥈', 10066 => '𖥉', 10067 => '𖥊', 10068 => '𖥋', 10069 => '𖥌', 10070 => '𖥍', 10071 => '𖥎', 10072 => '𖥏', 10073 => '𖥐', 10074 => '𖥑', 10075 => '𖥒', 10076 => '𖥓', 10077 => '𖥔', 10078 => '𖥕', 10079 => '𖥖', 10080 => '𖥗', 10081 => '𖥘', 10082 => '𖥙', 10083 => '𖥚', 10084 => '𖥛', 10085 => '𖥜', 10086 => '𖥝', 10087 => '𖥞', 10088 => '𖥟', 10089 => '𖥠', 10090 => '𖥡', 10091 => '𖥢', 10092 => '𖥣', 10093 => '𖥤', 10094 => '𖥥', 10095 => '𖥦', 10096 => '𖥧', 10097 => '𖥨', 10098 => '𖥩', 10099 => '𖥪', 10100 => '𖥫', 10101 => '𖥬', 10102 => '𖥭', 10103 => '𖥮', 10104 => '𖥯', 10105 => '𖥰', 10106 => '𖥱', 10107 => '𖥲', 10108 => '𖥳', 10109 => '𖥴', 10110 => '𖥵', 10111 => '𖥶', 10112 => '𖥷', 10113 => '𖥸', 10114 => '𖥹', 10115 => '𖥺', 10116 => '𖥻', 10117 => '𖥼', 10118 => '𖥽', 10119 => '𖥾', 10120 => '𖥿', 10121 => '𖦀', 10122 => '𖦁', 10123 => '𖦂', 10124 => '𖦃', 10125 => '𖦄', 10126 => '𖦅', 10127 => '𖦆', 10128 => '𖦇', 10129 => '𖦈', 10130 => '𖦉', 10131 => '𖦊', 10132 => '𖦋', 10133 => '𖦌', 10134 => '𖦍', 10135 => '𖦎', 10136 => '𖦏', 10137 => '𖦐', 10138 => '𖦑', 10139 => '𖦒', 10140 => '𖦓', 10141 => '𖦔', 10142 => '𖦕', 10143 => '𖦖', 10144 => '𖦗', 10145 => '𖦘', 10146 => '𖦙', 10147 => '𖦚', 10148 => '𖦛', 10149 => '𖦜', 10150 => '𖦝', 10151 => '𖦞', 10152 => '𖦟', 10153 => '𖦠', 10154 => '𖦡', 10155 => '𖦢', 10156 => '𖦣', 10157 => '𖦤', 10158 => '𖦥', 10159 => '𖦦', 10160 => '𖦧', 10161 => '𖦨', 10162 => '𖦩', 10163 => '𖦪', 10164 => '𖦫', 10165 => '𖦬', 10166 => '𖦭', 10167 => '𖦮', 10168 => '𖦯', 10169 => '𖦰', 10170 => '𖦱', 10171 => '𖦲', 10172 => '𖦳', 10173 => '𖦴', 10174 => '𖦵', 10175 => '𖦶', 10176 => '𖦷', 10177 => '𖦸', 10178 => '𖦹', 10179 => '𖦺', 10180 => '𖦻', 10181 => '𖦼', 10182 => '𖦽', 10183 => '𖦾', 10184 => '𖦿', 10185 => '𖧀', 10186 => '𖧁', 10187 => '𖧂', 10188 => '𖧃', 10189 => '𖧄', 10190 => '𖧅', 10191 => '𖧆', 10192 => '𖧇', 10193 => '𖧈', 10194 => '𖧉', 10195 => '𖧊', 10196 => '𖧋', 10197 => '𖧌', 10198 => '𖧍', 10199 => '𖧎', 10200 => '𖧏', 10201 => '𖧐', 10202 => '𖧑', 10203 => '𖧒', 10204 => '𖧓', 10205 => '𖧔', 10206 => '𖧕', 10207 => '𖧖', 10208 => '𖧗', 10209 => '𖧘', 10210 => '𖧙', 10211 => '𖧚', 10212 => '𖧛', 10213 => '𖧜', 10214 => '𖧝', 10215 => '𖧞', 10216 => '𖧟', 10217 => '𖧠', 10218 => '𖧡', 10219 => '𖧢', 10220 => '𖧣', 10221 => '𖧤', 10222 => '𖧥', 10223 => '𖧦', 10224 => '𖧧', 10225 => '𖧨', 10226 => '𖧩', 10227 => '𖧪', 10228 => '𖧫', 10229 => '𖧬', 10230 => '𖧭', 10231 => '𖧮', 10232 => '𖧯', 10233 => '𖧰', 10234 => '𖧱', 10235 => '𖧲', 10236 => '𖧳', 10237 => '𖧴', 10238 => '𖧵', 10239 => '𖧶', 10240 => '𖧷', 10241 => '𖧸', 10242 => '𖧹', 10243 => '𖧺', 10244 => '𖧻', 10245 => '𖧼', 10246 => '𖧽', 10247 => '𖧾', 10248 => '𖧿', 10249 => '𖨀', 10250 => '𖨁', 10251 => '𖨂', 10252 => '𖨃', 10253 => '𖨄', 10254 => '𖨅', 10255 => '𖨆', 10256 => '𖨇', 10257 => '𖨈', 10258 => '𖨉', 10259 => '𖨊', 10260 => '𖨋', 10261 => '𖨌', 10262 => '𖨍', 10263 => '𖨎', 10264 => '𖨏', 10265 => '𖨐', 10266 => '𖨑', 10267 => '𖨒', 10268 => '𖨓', 10269 => '𖨔', 10270 => '𖨕', 10271 => '𖨖', 10272 => '𖨗', 10273 => '𖨘', 10274 => '𖨙', 10275 => '𖨚', 10276 => '𖨛', 10277 => '𖨜', 10278 => '𖨝', 10279 => '𖨞', 10280 => '𖨟', 10281 => '𖨠', 10282 => '𖨡', 10283 => '𖨢', 10284 => '𖨣', 10285 => '𖨤', 10286 => '𖨥', 10287 => '𖨦', 10288 => '𖨧', 10289 => '𖨨', 10290 => '𖨩', 10291 => '𖨪', 10292 => '𖨫', 10293 => '𖨬', 10294 => '𖨭', 10295 => '𖨮', 10296 => '𖨯', 10297 => '𖨰', 10298 => '𖨱', 10299 => '𖨲', 10300 => '𖨳', 10301 => '𖨴', 10302 => '𖨵', 10303 => '𖨶', 10304 => '𖨷', 10305 => '𖨸', 10306 => 'ᄀ', 10307 => 'ᄁ', 10308 => 'ᄂ', 10309 => 'ᄃ', 10310 => 'ᄄ', 10311 => 'ᄅ', 10312 => 'ᄆ', 10313 => 'ᄇ', 10314 => 'ᄈ', 10315 => 'ᄉ', 10316 => 'ᄊ', 10317 => 'ᄋ', 10318 => 'ᄌ', 10319 => 'ᄍ', 10320 => 'ᄎ', 10321 => 'ᄏ', 10322 => 'ᄐ', 10323 => 'ᄑ', 10324 => 'ᄒ', 10325 => 'ᄓ', 10326 => 'ᄔ', 10327 => 'ᄕ', 10328 => 'ᄖ', 10329 => 'ᄗ', 10330 => 'ᄘ', 10331 => 'ᄙ', 10332 => 'ᄚ', 10333 => 'ᄛ', 10334 => 'ᄜ', 10335 => 'ᄝ', 10336 => 'ᄞ', 10337 => 'ᄟ', 10338 => 'ᄠ', 10339 => 'ᄡ', 10340 => 'ᄢ', 10341 => 'ᄣ', 10342 => 'ᄤ', 10343 => 'ᄥ', 10344 => 'ᄦ', 10345 => 'ᄧ', 10346 => 'ᄨ', 10347 => 'ᄩ', 10348 => 'ᄪ', 10349 => 'ᄫ', 10350 => 'ᄬ', 10351 => 'ᄭ', 10352 => 'ᄮ', 10353 => 'ᄯ', 10354 => 'ᄰ', 10355 => 'ᄱ', 10356 => 'ᄲ', 10357 => 'ᄳ', 10358 => 'ᄴ', 10359 => 'ᄵ', 10360 => 'ᄶ', 10361 => 'ᄷ', 10362 => 'ᄸ', 10363 => 'ᄹ', 10364 => 'ᄺ', 10365 => 'ᄻ', 10366 => 'ᄼ', 10367 => 'ᄽ', 10368 => 'ᄾ', 10369 => 'ᄿ', 10370 => 'ᅀ', 10371 => 'ᅁ', 10372 => 'ᅂ', 10373 => 'ᅃ', 10374 => 'ᅄ', 10375 => 'ᅅ', 10376 => 'ᅆ', 10377 => 'ᅇ', 10378 => 'ᅈ', 10379 => 'ᅉ', 10380 => 'ᅊ', 10381 => 'ᅋ', 10382 => 'ᅌ', 10383 => 'ᅍ', 10384 => 'ᅎ', 10385 => 'ᅏ', 10386 => 'ᅐ', 10387 => 'ᅑ', 10388 => 'ᅒ', 10389 => 'ᅓ', 10390 => 'ᅔ', 10391 => 'ᅕ', 10392 => 'ᅖ', 10393 => 'ᅗ', 10394 => 'ᅘ', 10395 => 'ᅙ', 10396 => 'ᅚ', 10397 => 'ᅛ', 10398 => 'ᅜ', 10399 => 'ᅝ', 10400 => 'ᅞ', 10401 => 'ꥠ', 10402 => 'ꥡ', 10403 => 'ꥢ', 10404 => 'ꥣ', 10405 => 'ꥤ', 10406 => 'ꥥ', 10407 => 'ꥦ', 10408 => 'ꥧ', 10409 => 'ꥨ', 10410 => 'ꥩ', 10411 => 'ꥪ', 10412 => 'ꥫ', 10413 => 'ꥬ', 10414 => 'ꥭ', 10415 => 'ꥮ', 10416 => 'ꥯ', 10417 => 'ꥰ', 10418 => 'ꥱ', 10419 => 'ꥲ', 10420 => 'ꥳ', 10421 => 'ꥴ', 10422 => 'ꥵ', 10423 => 'ꥶ', 10424 => 'ꥷ', 10425 => 'ꥸ', 10426 => 'ꥹ', 10427 => 'ꥺ', 10428 => 'ꥻ', 10429 => 'ꥼ', 10430 => 'ᅟ', 10431 => 'ᅠ', 10432 => 'ᅡ', 10433 => 'ᅢ', 10434 => 'ᅣ', 10435 => 'ᅤ', 10436 => 'ᅥ', 10437 => 'ᅦ', 10438 => 'ᅧ', 10439 => 'ᅨ', 10440 => 'ᅩ', 10441 => 'ᅪ', 10442 => 'ᅫ', 10443 => 'ᅬ', 10444 => 'ᅭ', 10445 => 'ᅮ', 10446 => 'ᅯ', 10447 => 'ᅰ', 10448 => 'ᅱ', 10449 => 'ᅲ', 10450 => 'ᅳ', 10451 => 'ᅴ', 10452 => 'ᅵ', 10453 => 'ᅶ', 10454 => 'ᅷ', 10455 => 'ᅸ', 10456 => 'ᅹ', 10457 => 'ᅺ', 10458 => 'ᅻ', 10459 => 'ᅼ', 10460 => 'ᅽ', 10461 => 'ᅾ', 10462 => 'ᅿ', 10463 => 'ᆀ', 10464 => 'ᆁ', 10465 => 'ᆂ', 10466 => 'ᆃ', 10467 => 'ᆄ', 10468 => 'ᆅ', 10469 => 'ᆆ', 10470 => 'ᆇ', 10471 => 'ᆈ', 10472 => 'ᆉ', 10473 => 'ᆊ', 10474 => 'ᆋ', 10475 => 'ᆌ', 10476 => 'ᆍ', 10477 => 'ᆎ', 10478 => 'ᆏ', 10479 => 'ᆐ', 10480 => 'ᆑ', 10481 => 'ᆒ', 10482 => 'ᆓ', 10483 => 'ᆔ', 10484 => 'ᆕ', 10485 => 'ᆖ', 10486 => 'ᆗ', 10487 => 'ᆘ', 10488 => 'ᆙ', 10489 => 'ᆚ', 10490 => 'ᆛ', 10491 => 'ᆜ', 10492 => 'ᆝ', 10493 => 'ᆞ', 10494 => 'ᆟ', 10495 => 'ᆠ', 10496 => 'ᆡ', 10497 => 'ᆢ', 10498 => 'ᆣ', 10499 => 'ᆤ', 10500 => 'ᆥ', 10501 => 'ᆦ', 10502 => 'ᆧ', 10503 => 'ힰ', 10504 => 'ힱ', 10505 => 'ힲ', 10506 => 'ힳ', 10507 => 'ힴ', 10508 => 'ힵ', 10509 => 'ힶ', 10510 => 'ힷ', 10511 => 'ힸ', 10512 => 'ힹ', 10513 => 'ힺ', 10514 => 'ힻ', 10515 => 'ힼ', 10516 => 'ힽ', 10517 => 'ힾ', 10518 => 'ힿ', 10519 => 'ퟀ', 10520 => 'ퟁ', 10521 => 'ퟂ', 10522 => 'ퟃ', 10523 => 'ퟄ', 10524 => 'ퟅ', 10525 => 'ퟆ', 10526 => 'ᆨ', 10527 => 'ᆩ', 10528 => 'ᆪ', 10529 => 'ᆫ', 10530 => 'ᆬ', 10531 => 'ᆭ', 10532 => 'ᆮ', 10533 => 'ᆯ', 10534 => 'ᆰ', 10535 => 'ᆱ', 10536 => 'ᆲ', 10537 => 'ᆳ', 10538 => 'ᆴ', 10539 => 'ᆵ', 10540 => 'ᆶ', 10541 => 'ᆷ', 10542 => 'ᆸ', 10543 => 'ᆹ', 10544 => 'ᆺ', 10545 => 'ᆻ', 10546 => 'ᆼ', 10547 => 'ᆽ', 10548 => 'ᆾ', 10549 => 'ᆿ', 10550 => 'ᇀ', 10551 => 'ᇁ', 10552 => 'ᇂ', 10553 => 'ᇃ', 10554 => 'ᇄ', 10555 => 'ᇅ', 10556 => 'ᇆ', 10557 => 'ᇇ', 10558 => 'ᇈ', 10559 => 'ᇉ', 10560 => 'ᇊ', 10561 => 'ᇋ', 10562 => 'ᇌ', 10563 => 'ᇍ', 10564 => 'ᇎ', 10565 => 'ᇏ', 10566 => 'ᇐ', 10567 => 'ᇑ', 10568 => 'ᇒ', 10569 => 'ᇓ', 10570 => 'ᇔ', 10571 => 'ᇕ', 10572 => 'ᇖ', 10573 => 'ᇗ', 10574 => 'ᇘ', 10575 => 'ᇙ', 10576 => 'ᇚ', 10577 => 'ᇛ', 10578 => 'ᇜ', 10579 => 'ᇝ', 10580 => 'ᇞ', 10581 => 'ᇟ', 10582 => 'ᇠ', 10583 => 'ᇡ', 10584 => 'ᇢ', 10585 => 'ᇣ', 10586 => 'ᇤ', 10587 => 'ᇥ', 10588 => 'ᇦ', 10589 => 'ᇧ', 10590 => 'ᇨ', 10591 => 'ᇩ', 10592 => 'ᇪ', 10593 => 'ᇫ', 10594 => 'ᇬ', 10595 => 'ᇭ', 10596 => 'ᇮ', 10597 => 'ᇯ', 10598 => 'ᇰ', 10599 => 'ᇱ', 10600 => 'ᇲ', 10601 => 'ᇳ', 10602 => 'ᇴ', 10603 => 'ᇵ', 10604 => 'ᇶ', 10605 => 'ᇷ', 10606 => 'ᇸ', 10607 => 'ᇹ', 10608 => 'ᇺ', 10609 => 'ᇻ', 10610 => 'ᇼ', 10611 => 'ᇽ', 10612 => 'ᇾ', 10613 => 'ᇿ', 10614 => 'ퟋ', 10615 => 'ퟌ', 10616 => 'ퟍ', 10617 => 'ퟎ', 10618 => 'ퟏ', 10619 => 'ퟐ', 10620 => 'ퟑ', 10621 => 'ퟒ', 10622 => 'ퟓ', 10623 => 'ퟔ', 10624 => 'ퟕ', 10625 => 'ퟖ', 10626 => 'ퟗ', 10627 => 'ퟘ', 10628 => 'ퟙ', 10629 => 'ퟚ', 10630 => 'ퟛ', 10631 => 'ퟜ', 10632 => 'ퟝ', 10633 => 'ퟞ', 10634 => 'ퟟ', 10635 => 'ퟠ', 10636 => 'ퟡ', 10637 => 'ퟢ', 10638 => 'ퟣ', 10639 => 'ퟤ', 10640 => 'ퟥ', 10641 => 'ퟦ', 10642 => 'ퟧ', 10643 => 'ퟨ', 10644 => 'ퟩ', 10645 => 'ퟪ', 10646 => 'ퟫ', 10647 => 'ퟬ', 10648 => 'ퟭ', 10649 => 'ퟮ', 10650 => 'ퟯ', 10651 => 'ퟰ', 10652 => 'ퟱ', 10653 => 'ퟲ', 10654 => 'ퟳ', 10655 => 'ퟴ', 10656 => 'ퟵ', 10657 => 'ퟶ', 10658 => 'ퟷ', 10659 => 'ퟸ', 10660 => 'ퟹ', 10661 => 'ퟺ', 10662 => 'ퟻ', 10663 => 'あ', 10664 => 'い', 10665 => 'う', 10666 => '𛀀', 10667 => 'え', 10668 => 'お', 10669 => 'か', 10670 => 'き', 10671 => 'く', 10672 => 'け', 10673 => 'こ', 10674 => 'さ', 10675 => 'し', 10676 => 'す', 10677 => 'せ', 10678 => 'そ', 10679 => 'た', 10680 => 'ち', 10681 => 'つ', 10682 => 'て', 10683 => 'と', 10684 => 'な', 10685 => 'に', 10686 => 'ぬ', 10687 => 'ね', 10688 => 'の', 10689 => 'は', 10690 => 'ひ', 10691 => 'ふ', 10692 => 'へ', 10693 => 'ほ', 10694 => 'ま', 10695 => 'み', 10696 => 'む', 10697 => 'め', 10698 => 'も', 10699 => 'や', 10700 => 'ゆ', 10701 => '𛀁', 10702 => 'よ', 10703 => 'ら', 10704 => 'り', 10705 => 'る', 10706 => 'れ', 10707 => 'ろ', 10708 => 'わ', 10709 => 'ゐ', 10710 => 'ゑ', 10711 => 'を', 10712 => 'ん', 10713 => 'ㄅ', 10714 => 'ㄆ', 10715 => 'ㄇ', 10716 => 'ㄈ', 10717 => 'ㄪ', 10718 => 'ㄉ', 10719 => 'ㄊ', 10720 => 'ㄋ', 10721 => 'ㄌ', 10722 => 'ㄍ', 10723 => 'ㄎ', 10724 => 'ㄫ', 10725 => 'ㆭ', 10726 => 'ㄏ', 10727 => 'ㄐ', 10728 => 'ㄑ', 10729 => 'ㄒ', 10730 => 'ㄬ', 10731 => 'ㄓ', 10732 => 'ㄔ', 10733 => 'ㄕ', 10734 => 'ㄖ', 10735 => 'ㄗ', 10736 => 'ㄘ', 10737 => 'ㄙ', 10738 => 'ㆸ', 10739 => 'ㆹ', 10740 => 'ㆺ', 10741 => 'ㄚ', 10742 => 'ㄛ', 10743 => 'ㆦ', 10744 => 'ㄜ', 10745 => 'ㄝ', 10746 => 'ㆤ', 10747 => 'ㄞ', 10748 => 'ㄟ', 10749 => 'ㄠ', 10750 => 'ㄡ', 10751 => 'ㄢ', 10752 => 'ㄣ', 10753 => 'ㄤ', 10754 => 'ㆲ', 10755 => 'ㄥ', 10756 => 'ㆰ', 10757 => 'ㆱ', 10758 => 'ㆬ', 10759 => 'ㄦ', 10760 => 'ㄧ', 10761 => 'ㄨ', 10762 => 'ㄩ', 10763 => 'ㄭ', 10764 => 'ꀀ', 10765 => 'ꀁ', 10766 => 'ꀂ', 10767 => 'ꀃ', 10768 => 'ꀄ', 10769 => 'ꀅ', 10770 => 'ꀆ', 10771 => 'ꀇ', 10772 => 'ꀈ', 10773 => 'ꀉ', 10774 => 'ꀊ', 10775 => 'ꀋ', 10776 => 'ꀌ', 10777 => 'ꀍ', 10778 => 'ꀎ', 10779 => 'ꀏ', 10780 => 'ꀐ', 10781 => 'ꀑ', 10782 => 'ꀒ', 10783 => 'ꀓ', 10784 => 'ꀔ', 10785 => 'ꀕ', 10786 => 'ꀖ', 10787 => 'ꀗ', 10788 => 'ꀘ', 10789 => 'ꀙ', 10790 => 'ꀚ', 10791 => 'ꀛ', 10792 => 'ꀜ', 10793 => 'ꀝ', 10794 => 'ꀞ', 10795 => 'ꀟ', 10796 => 'ꀠ', 10797 => 'ꀡ', 10798 => 'ꀢ', 10799 => 'ꀣ', 10800 => 'ꀤ', 10801 => 'ꀥ', 10802 => 'ꀦ', 10803 => 'ꀧ', 10804 => 'ꀨ', 10805 => 'ꀩ', 10806 => 'ꀪ', 10807 => 'ꀫ', 10808 => 'ꀬ', 10809 => 'ꀭ', 10810 => 'ꀮ', 10811 => 'ꀯ', 10812 => 'ꀰ', 10813 => 'ꀱ', 10814 => 'ꀲ', 10815 => 'ꀳ', 10816 => 'ꀴ', 10817 => 'ꀵ', 10818 => 'ꀶ', 10819 => 'ꀷ', 10820 => 'ꀸ', 10821 => 'ꀹ', 10822 => 'ꀺ', 10823 => 'ꀻ', 10824 => 'ꀼ', 10825 => 'ꀽ', 10826 => 'ꀾ', 10827 => 'ꀿ', 10828 => 'ꁀ', 10829 => 'ꁁ', 10830 => 'ꁂ', 10831 => 'ꁃ', 10832 => 'ꁄ', 10833 => 'ꁅ', 10834 => 'ꁆ', 10835 => 'ꁇ', 10836 => 'ꁈ', 10837 => 'ꁉ', 10838 => 'ꁊ', 10839 => 'ꁋ', 10840 => 'ꁌ', 10841 => 'ꁍ', 10842 => 'ꁎ', 10843 => 'ꁏ', 10844 => 'ꁐ', 10845 => 'ꁑ', 10846 => 'ꁒ', 10847 => 'ꁓ', 10848 => 'ꁔ', 10849 => 'ꁕ', 10850 => 'ꁖ', 10851 => 'ꁗ', 10852 => 'ꁘ', 10853 => 'ꁙ', 10854 => 'ꁚ', 10855 => 'ꁛ', 10856 => 'ꁜ', 10857 => 'ꁝ', 10858 => 'ꁞ', 10859 => 'ꁟ', 10860 => 'ꁠ', 10861 => 'ꁡ', 10862 => 'ꁢ', 10863 => 'ꁣ', 10864 => 'ꁤ', 10865 => 'ꁥ', 10866 => 'ꁦ', 10867 => 'ꁧ', 10868 => 'ꁨ', 10869 => 'ꁩ', 10870 => 'ꁪ', 10871 => 'ꁫ', 10872 => 'ꁬ', 10873 => 'ꁭ', 10874 => 'ꁮ', 10875 => 'ꁯ', 10876 => 'ꁰ', 10877 => 'ꁱ', 10878 => 'ꁲ', 10879 => 'ꁳ', 10880 => 'ꁴ', 10881 => 'ꁵ', 10882 => 'ꁶ', 10883 => 'ꁷ', 10884 => 'ꁸ', 10885 => 'ꁹ', 10886 => 'ꁺ', 10887 => 'ꁻ', 10888 => 'ꁼ', 10889 => 'ꁽ', 10890 => 'ꁾ', 10891 => 'ꁿ', 10892 => 'ꂀ', 10893 => 'ꂁ', 10894 => 'ꂂ', 10895 => 'ꂃ', 10896 => 'ꂄ', 10897 => 'ꂅ', 10898 => 'ꂆ', 10899 => 'ꂇ', 10900 => 'ꂈ', 10901 => 'ꂉ', 10902 => 'ꂊ', 10903 => 'ꂋ', 10904 => 'ꂌ', 10905 => 'ꂍ', 10906 => 'ꂎ', 10907 => 'ꂏ', 10908 => 'ꂐ', 10909 => 'ꂑ', 10910 => 'ꂒ', 10911 => 'ꂓ', 10912 => 'ꂔ', 10913 => 'ꂕ', 10914 => 'ꂖ', 10915 => 'ꂗ', 10916 => 'ꂘ', 10917 => 'ꂙ', 10918 => 'ꂚ', 10919 => 'ꂛ', 10920 => 'ꂜ', 10921 => 'ꂝ', 10922 => 'ꂞ', 10923 => 'ꂟ', 10924 => 'ꂠ', 10925 => 'ꂡ', 10926 => 'ꂢ', 10927 => 'ꂣ', 10928 => 'ꂤ', 10929 => 'ꂥ', 10930 => 'ꂦ', 10931 => 'ꂧ', 10932 => 'ꂨ', 10933 => 'ꂩ', 10934 => 'ꂪ', 10935 => 'ꂫ', 10936 => 'ꂬ', 10937 => 'ꂭ', 10938 => 'ꂮ', 10939 => 'ꂯ', 10940 => 'ꂰ', 10941 => 'ꂱ', 10942 => 'ꂲ', 10943 => 'ꂳ', 10944 => 'ꂴ', 10945 => 'ꂵ', 10946 => 'ꂶ', 10947 => 'ꂷ', 10948 => 'ꂸ', 10949 => 'ꂹ', 10950 => 'ꂺ', 10951 => 'ꂻ', 10952 => 'ꂼ', 10953 => 'ꂽ', 10954 => 'ꂾ', 10955 => 'ꂿ', 10956 => 'ꃀ', 10957 => 'ꃁ', 10958 => 'ꃂ', 10959 => 'ꃃ', 10960 => 'ꃄ', 10961 => 'ꃅ', 10962 => 'ꃆ', 10963 => 'ꃇ', 10964 => 'ꃈ', 10965 => 'ꃉ', 10966 => 'ꃊ', 10967 => 'ꃋ', 10968 => 'ꃌ', 10969 => 'ꃍ', 10970 => 'ꃎ', 10971 => 'ꃏ', 10972 => 'ꃐ', 10973 => 'ꃑ', 10974 => 'ꃒ', 10975 => 'ꃓ', 10976 => 'ꃔ', 10977 => 'ꃕ', 10978 => 'ꃖ', 10979 => 'ꃗ', 10980 => 'ꃘ', 10981 => 'ꃙ', 10982 => 'ꃚ', 10983 => 'ꃛ', 10984 => 'ꃜ', 10985 => 'ꃝ', 10986 => 'ꃞ', 10987 => 'ꃟ', 10988 => 'ꃠ', 10989 => 'ꃡ', 10990 => 'ꃢ', 10991 => 'ꃣ', 10992 => 'ꃤ', 10993 => 'ꃥ', 10994 => 'ꃦ', 10995 => 'ꃧ', 10996 => 'ꃨ', 10997 => 'ꃩ', 10998 => 'ꃪ', 10999 => 'ꃫ', 11000 => 'ꃬ', 11001 => 'ꃭ', 11002 => 'ꃮ', 11003 => 'ꃯ', 11004 => 'ꃰ', 11005 => 'ꃱ', 11006 => 'ꃲ', 11007 => 'ꃳ', 11008 => 'ꃴ', 11009 => 'ꃵ', 11010 => 'ꃶ', 11011 => 'ꃷ', 11012 => 'ꃸ', 11013 => 'ꃹ', 11014 => 'ꃺ', 11015 => 'ꃻ', 11016 => 'ꃼ', 11017 => 'ꃽ', 11018 => 'ꃾ', 11019 => 'ꃿ', 11020 => 'ꄀ', 11021 => 'ꄁ', 11022 => 'ꄂ', 11023 => 'ꄃ', 11024 => 'ꄄ', 11025 => 'ꄅ', 11026 => 'ꄆ', 11027 => 'ꄇ', 11028 => 'ꄈ', 11029 => 'ꄉ', 11030 => 'ꄊ', 11031 => 'ꄋ', 11032 => 'ꄌ', 11033 => 'ꄍ', 11034 => 'ꄎ', 11035 => 'ꄏ', 11036 => 'ꄐ', 11037 => 'ꄑ', 11038 => 'ꄒ', 11039 => 'ꄓ', 11040 => 'ꄔ', 11041 => 'ꄕ', 11042 => 'ꄖ', 11043 => 'ꄗ', 11044 => 'ꄘ', 11045 => 'ꄙ', 11046 => 'ꄚ', 11047 => 'ꄛ', 11048 => 'ꄜ', 11049 => 'ꄝ', 11050 => 'ꄞ', 11051 => 'ꄟ', 11052 => 'ꄠ', 11053 => 'ꄡ', 11054 => 'ꄢ', 11055 => 'ꄣ', 11056 => 'ꄤ', 11057 => 'ꄥ', 11058 => 'ꄦ', 11059 => 'ꄧ', 11060 => 'ꄨ', 11061 => 'ꄩ', 11062 => 'ꄪ', 11063 => 'ꄫ', 11064 => 'ꄬ', 11065 => 'ꄭ', 11066 => 'ꄮ', 11067 => 'ꄯ', 11068 => 'ꄰ', 11069 => 'ꄱ', 11070 => 'ꄲ', 11071 => 'ꄳ', 11072 => 'ꄴ', 11073 => 'ꄵ', 11074 => 'ꄶ', 11075 => 'ꄷ', 11076 => 'ꄸ', 11077 => 'ꄹ', 11078 => 'ꄺ', 11079 => 'ꄻ', 11080 => 'ꄼ', 11081 => 'ꄽ', 11082 => 'ꄾ', 11083 => 'ꄿ', 11084 => 'ꅀ', 11085 => 'ꅁ', 11086 => 'ꅂ', 11087 => 'ꅃ', 11088 => 'ꅄ', 11089 => 'ꅅ', 11090 => 'ꅆ', 11091 => 'ꅇ', 11092 => 'ꅈ', 11093 => 'ꅉ', 11094 => 'ꅊ', 11095 => 'ꅋ', 11096 => 'ꅌ', 11097 => 'ꅍ', 11098 => 'ꅎ', 11099 => 'ꅏ', 11100 => 'ꅐ', 11101 => 'ꅑ', 11102 => 'ꅒ', 11103 => 'ꅓ', 11104 => 'ꅔ', 11105 => 'ꅕ', 11106 => 'ꅖ', 11107 => 'ꅗ', 11108 => 'ꅘ', 11109 => 'ꅙ', 11110 => 'ꅚ', 11111 => 'ꅛ', 11112 => 'ꅜ', 11113 => 'ꅝ', 11114 => 'ꅞ', 11115 => 'ꅟ', 11116 => 'ꅠ', 11117 => 'ꅡ', 11118 => 'ꅢ', 11119 => 'ꅣ', 11120 => 'ꅤ', 11121 => 'ꅥ', 11122 => 'ꅦ', 11123 => 'ꅧ', 11124 => 'ꅨ', 11125 => 'ꅩ', 11126 => 'ꅪ', 11127 => 'ꅫ', 11128 => 'ꅬ', 11129 => 'ꅭ', 11130 => 'ꅮ', 11131 => 'ꅯ', 11132 => 'ꅰ', 11133 => 'ꅱ', 11134 => 'ꅲ', 11135 => 'ꅳ', 11136 => 'ꅴ', 11137 => 'ꅵ', 11138 => 'ꅶ', 11139 => 'ꅷ', 11140 => 'ꅸ', 11141 => 'ꅹ', 11142 => 'ꅺ', 11143 => 'ꅻ', 11144 => 'ꅼ', 11145 => 'ꅽ', 11146 => 'ꅾ', 11147 => 'ꅿ', 11148 => 'ꆀ', 11149 => 'ꆁ', 11150 => 'ꆂ', 11151 => 'ꆃ', 11152 => 'ꆄ', 11153 => 'ꆅ', 11154 => 'ꆆ', 11155 => 'ꆇ', 11156 => 'ꆈ', 11157 => 'ꆉ', 11158 => 'ꆊ', 11159 => 'ꆋ', 11160 => 'ꆌ', 11161 => 'ꆍ', 11162 => 'ꆎ', 11163 => 'ꆏ', 11164 => 'ꆐ', 11165 => 'ꆑ', 11166 => 'ꆒ', 11167 => 'ꆓ', 11168 => 'ꆔ', 11169 => 'ꆕ', 11170 => 'ꆖ', 11171 => 'ꆗ', 11172 => 'ꆘ', 11173 => 'ꆙ', 11174 => 'ꆚ', 11175 => 'ꆛ', 11176 => 'ꆜ', 11177 => 'ꆝ', 11178 => 'ꆞ', 11179 => 'ꆟ', 11180 => 'ꆠ', 11181 => 'ꆡ', 11182 => 'ꆢ', 11183 => 'ꆣ', 11184 => 'ꆤ', 11185 => 'ꆥ', 11186 => 'ꆦ', 11187 => 'ꆧ', 11188 => 'ꆨ', 11189 => 'ꆩ', 11190 => 'ꆪ', 11191 => 'ꆫ', 11192 => 'ꆬ', 11193 => 'ꆭ', 11194 => 'ꆮ', 11195 => 'ꆯ', 11196 => 'ꆰ', 11197 => 'ꆱ', 11198 => 'ꆲ', 11199 => 'ꆳ', 11200 => 'ꆴ', 11201 => 'ꆵ', 11202 => 'ꆶ', 11203 => 'ꆷ', 11204 => 'ꆸ', 11205 => 'ꆹ', 11206 => 'ꆺ', 11207 => 'ꆻ', 11208 => 'ꆼ', 11209 => 'ꆽ', 11210 => 'ꆾ', 11211 => 'ꆿ', 11212 => 'ꇀ', 11213 => 'ꇁ', 11214 => 'ꇂ', 11215 => 'ꇃ', 11216 => 'ꇄ', 11217 => 'ꇅ', 11218 => 'ꇆ', 11219 => 'ꇇ', 11220 => 'ꇈ', 11221 => 'ꇉ', 11222 => 'ꇊ', 11223 => 'ꇋ', 11224 => 'ꇌ', 11225 => 'ꇍ', 11226 => 'ꇎ', 11227 => 'ꇏ', 11228 => 'ꇐ', 11229 => 'ꇑ', 11230 => 'ꇒ', 11231 => 'ꇓ', 11232 => 'ꇔ', 11233 => 'ꇕ', 11234 => 'ꇖ', 11235 => 'ꇗ', 11236 => 'ꇘ', 11237 => 'ꇙ', 11238 => 'ꇚ', 11239 => 'ꇛ', 11240 => 'ꇜ', 11241 => 'ꇝ', 11242 => 'ꇞ', 11243 => 'ꇟ', 11244 => 'ꇠ', 11245 => 'ꇡ', 11246 => 'ꇢ', 11247 => 'ꇣ', 11248 => 'ꇤ', 11249 => 'ꇥ', 11250 => 'ꇦ', 11251 => 'ꇧ', 11252 => 'ꇨ', 11253 => 'ꇩ', 11254 => 'ꇪ', 11255 => 'ꇫ', 11256 => 'ꇬ', 11257 => 'ꇭ', 11258 => 'ꇮ', 11259 => 'ꇯ', 11260 => 'ꇰ', 11261 => 'ꇱ', 11262 => 'ꇲ', 11263 => 'ꇳ', 11264 => 'ꇴ', 11265 => 'ꇵ', 11266 => 'ꇶ', 11267 => 'ꇷ', 11268 => 'ꇸ', 11269 => 'ꇹ', 11270 => 'ꇺ', 11271 => 'ꇻ', 11272 => 'ꇼ', 11273 => 'ꇽ', 11274 => 'ꇾ', 11275 => 'ꇿ', 11276 => 'ꈀ', 11277 => 'ꈁ', 11278 => 'ꈂ', 11279 => 'ꈃ', 11280 => 'ꈄ', 11281 => 'ꈅ', 11282 => 'ꈆ', 11283 => 'ꈇ', 11284 => 'ꈈ', 11285 => 'ꈉ', 11286 => 'ꈊ', 11287 => 'ꈋ', 11288 => 'ꈌ', 11289 => 'ꈍ', 11290 => 'ꈎ', 11291 => 'ꈏ', 11292 => 'ꈐ', 11293 => 'ꈑ', 11294 => 'ꈒ', 11295 => 'ꈓ', 11296 => 'ꈔ', 11297 => 'ꈕ', 11298 => 'ꈖ', 11299 => 'ꈗ', 11300 => 'ꈘ', 11301 => 'ꈙ', 11302 => 'ꈚ', 11303 => 'ꈛ', 11304 => 'ꈜ', 11305 => 'ꈝ', 11306 => 'ꈞ', 11307 => 'ꈟ', 11308 => 'ꈠ', 11309 => 'ꈡ', 11310 => 'ꈢ', 11311 => 'ꈣ', 11312 => 'ꈤ', 11313 => 'ꈥ', 11314 => 'ꈦ', 11315 => 'ꈧ', 11316 => 'ꈨ', 11317 => 'ꈩ', 11318 => 'ꈪ', 11319 => 'ꈫ', 11320 => 'ꈬ', 11321 => 'ꈭ', 11322 => 'ꈮ', 11323 => 'ꈯ', 11324 => 'ꈰ', 11325 => 'ꈱ', 11326 => 'ꈲ', 11327 => 'ꈳ', 11328 => 'ꈴ', 11329 => 'ꈵ', 11330 => 'ꈶ', 11331 => 'ꈷ', 11332 => 'ꈸ', 11333 => 'ꈹ', 11334 => 'ꈺ', 11335 => 'ꈻ', 11336 => 'ꈼ', 11337 => 'ꈽ', 11338 => 'ꈾ', 11339 => 'ꈿ', 11340 => 'ꉀ', 11341 => 'ꉁ', 11342 => 'ꉂ', 11343 => 'ꉃ', 11344 => 'ꉄ', 11345 => 'ꉅ', 11346 => 'ꉆ', 11347 => 'ꉇ', 11348 => 'ꉈ', 11349 => 'ꉉ', 11350 => 'ꉊ', 11351 => 'ꉋ', 11352 => 'ꉌ', 11353 => 'ꉍ', 11354 => 'ꉎ', 11355 => 'ꉏ', 11356 => 'ꉐ', 11357 => 'ꉑ', 11358 => 'ꉒ', 11359 => 'ꉓ', 11360 => 'ꉔ', 11361 => 'ꉕ', 11362 => 'ꉖ', 11363 => 'ꉗ', 11364 => 'ꉘ', 11365 => 'ꉙ', 11366 => 'ꉚ', 11367 => 'ꉛ', 11368 => 'ꉜ', 11369 => 'ꉝ', 11370 => 'ꉞ', 11371 => 'ꉟ', 11372 => 'ꉠ', 11373 => 'ꉡ', 11374 => 'ꉢ', 11375 => 'ꉣ', 11376 => 'ꉤ', 11377 => 'ꉥ', 11378 => 'ꉦ', 11379 => 'ꉧ', 11380 => 'ꉨ', 11381 => 'ꉩ', 11382 => 'ꉪ', 11383 => 'ꉫ', 11384 => 'ꉬ', 11385 => 'ꉭ', 11386 => 'ꉮ', 11387 => 'ꉯ', 11388 => 'ꉰ', 11389 => 'ꉱ', 11390 => 'ꉲ', 11391 => 'ꉳ', 11392 => 'ꉴ', 11393 => 'ꉵ', 11394 => 'ꉶ', 11395 => 'ꉷ', 11396 => 'ꉸ', 11397 => 'ꉹ', 11398 => 'ꉺ', 11399 => 'ꉻ', 11400 => 'ꉼ', 11401 => 'ꉽ', 11402 => 'ꉾ', 11403 => 'ꉿ', 11404 => 'ꊀ', 11405 => 'ꊁ', 11406 => 'ꊂ', 11407 => 'ꊃ', 11408 => 'ꊄ', 11409 => 'ꊅ', 11410 => 'ꊆ', 11411 => 'ꊇ', 11412 => 'ꊈ', 11413 => 'ꊉ', 11414 => 'ꊊ', 11415 => 'ꊋ', 11416 => 'ꊌ', 11417 => 'ꊍ', 11418 => 'ꊎ', 11419 => 'ꊏ', 11420 => 'ꊐ', 11421 => 'ꊑ', 11422 => 'ꊒ', 11423 => 'ꊓ', 11424 => 'ꊔ', 11425 => 'ꊕ', 11426 => 'ꊖ', 11427 => 'ꊗ', 11428 => 'ꊘ', 11429 => 'ꊙ', 11430 => 'ꊚ', 11431 => 'ꊛ', 11432 => 'ꊜ', 11433 => 'ꊝ', 11434 => 'ꊞ', 11435 => 'ꊟ', 11436 => 'ꊠ', 11437 => 'ꊡ', 11438 => 'ꊢ', 11439 => 'ꊣ', 11440 => 'ꊤ', 11441 => 'ꊥ', 11442 => 'ꊦ', 11443 => 'ꊧ', 11444 => 'ꊨ', 11445 => 'ꊩ', 11446 => 'ꊪ', 11447 => 'ꊫ', 11448 => 'ꊬ', 11449 => 'ꊭ', 11450 => 'ꊮ', 11451 => 'ꊯ', 11452 => 'ꊰ', 11453 => 'ꊱ', 11454 => 'ꊲ', 11455 => 'ꊳ', 11456 => 'ꊴ', 11457 => 'ꊵ', 11458 => 'ꊶ', 11459 => 'ꊷ', 11460 => 'ꊸ', 11461 => 'ꊹ', 11462 => 'ꊺ', 11463 => 'ꊻ', 11464 => 'ꊼ', 11465 => 'ꊽ', 11466 => 'ꊾ', 11467 => 'ꊿ', 11468 => 'ꋀ', 11469 => 'ꋁ', 11470 => 'ꋂ', 11471 => 'ꋃ', 11472 => 'ꋄ', 11473 => 'ꋅ', 11474 => 'ꋆ', 11475 => 'ꋇ', 11476 => 'ꋈ', 11477 => 'ꋉ', 11478 => 'ꋊ', 11479 => 'ꋋ', 11480 => 'ꋌ', 11481 => 'ꋍ', 11482 => 'ꋎ', 11483 => 'ꋏ', 11484 => 'ꋐ', 11485 => 'ꋑ', 11486 => 'ꋒ', 11487 => 'ꋓ', 11488 => 'ꋔ', 11489 => 'ꋕ', 11490 => 'ꋖ', 11491 => 'ꋗ', 11492 => 'ꋘ', 11493 => 'ꋙ', 11494 => 'ꋚ', 11495 => 'ꋛ', 11496 => 'ꋜ', 11497 => 'ꋝ', 11498 => 'ꋞ', 11499 => 'ꋟ', 11500 => 'ꋠ', 11501 => 'ꋡ', 11502 => 'ꋢ', 11503 => 'ꋣ', 11504 => 'ꋤ', 11505 => 'ꋥ', 11506 => 'ꋦ', 11507 => 'ꋧ', 11508 => 'ꋨ', 11509 => 'ꋩ', 11510 => 'ꋪ', 11511 => 'ꋫ', 11512 => 'ꋬ', 11513 => 'ꋭ', 11514 => 'ꋮ', 11515 => 'ꋯ', 11516 => 'ꋰ', 11517 => 'ꋱ', 11518 => 'ꋲ', 11519 => 'ꋳ', 11520 => 'ꋴ', 11521 => 'ꋵ', 11522 => 'ꋶ', 11523 => 'ꋷ', 11524 => 'ꋸ', 11525 => 'ꋹ', 11526 => 'ꋺ', 11527 => 'ꋻ', 11528 => 'ꋼ', 11529 => 'ꋽ', 11530 => 'ꋾ', 11531 => 'ꋿ', 11532 => 'ꌀ', 11533 => 'ꌁ', 11534 => 'ꌂ', 11535 => 'ꌃ', 11536 => 'ꌄ', 11537 => 'ꌅ', 11538 => 'ꌆ', 11539 => 'ꌇ', 11540 => 'ꌈ', 11541 => 'ꌉ', 11542 => 'ꌊ', 11543 => 'ꌋ', 11544 => 'ꌌ', 11545 => 'ꌍ', 11546 => 'ꌎ', 11547 => 'ꌏ', 11548 => 'ꌐ', 11549 => 'ꌑ', 11550 => 'ꌒ', 11551 => 'ꌓ', 11552 => 'ꌔ', 11553 => 'ꌕ', 11554 => 'ꌖ', 11555 => 'ꌗ', 11556 => 'ꌘ', 11557 => 'ꌙ', 11558 => 'ꌚ', 11559 => 'ꌛ', 11560 => 'ꌜ', 11561 => 'ꌝ', 11562 => 'ꌞ', 11563 => 'ꌟ', 11564 => 'ꌠ', 11565 => 'ꌡ', 11566 => 'ꌢ', 11567 => 'ꌣ', 11568 => 'ꌤ', 11569 => 'ꌥ', 11570 => 'ꌦ', 11571 => 'ꌧ', 11572 => 'ꌨ', 11573 => 'ꌩ', 11574 => 'ꌪ', 11575 => 'ꌫ', 11576 => 'ꌬ', 11577 => 'ꌭ', 11578 => 'ꌮ', 11579 => 'ꌯ', 11580 => 'ꌰ', 11581 => 'ꌱ', 11582 => 'ꌲ', 11583 => 'ꌳ', 11584 => 'ꌴ', 11585 => 'ꌵ', 11586 => 'ꌶ', 11587 => 'ꌷ', 11588 => 'ꌸ', 11589 => 'ꌹ', 11590 => 'ꌺ', 11591 => 'ꌻ', 11592 => 'ꌼ', 11593 => 'ꌽ', 11594 => 'ꌾ', 11595 => 'ꌿ', 11596 => 'ꍀ', 11597 => 'ꍁ', 11598 => 'ꍂ', 11599 => 'ꍃ', 11600 => 'ꍄ', 11601 => 'ꍅ', 11602 => 'ꍆ', 11603 => 'ꍇ', 11604 => 'ꍈ', 11605 => 'ꍉ', 11606 => 'ꍊ', 11607 => 'ꍋ', 11608 => 'ꍌ', 11609 => 'ꍍ', 11610 => 'ꍎ', 11611 => 'ꍏ', 11612 => 'ꍐ', 11613 => 'ꍑ', 11614 => 'ꍒ', 11615 => 'ꍓ', 11616 => 'ꍔ', 11617 => 'ꍕ', 11618 => 'ꍖ', 11619 => 'ꍗ', 11620 => 'ꍘ', 11621 => 'ꍙ', 11622 => 'ꍚ', 11623 => 'ꍛ', 11624 => 'ꍜ', 11625 => 'ꍝ', 11626 => 'ꍞ', 11627 => 'ꍟ', 11628 => 'ꍠ', 11629 => 'ꍡ', 11630 => 'ꍢ', 11631 => 'ꍣ', 11632 => 'ꍤ', 11633 => 'ꍥ', 11634 => 'ꍦ', 11635 => 'ꍧ', 11636 => 'ꍨ', 11637 => 'ꍩ', 11638 => 'ꍪ', 11639 => 'ꍫ', 11640 => 'ꍬ', 11641 => 'ꍭ', 11642 => 'ꍮ', 11643 => 'ꍯ', 11644 => 'ꍰ', 11645 => 'ꍱ', 11646 => 'ꍲ', 11647 => 'ꍳ', 11648 => 'ꍴ', 11649 => 'ꍵ', 11650 => 'ꍶ', 11651 => 'ꍷ', 11652 => 'ꍸ', 11653 => 'ꍹ', 11654 => 'ꍺ', 11655 => 'ꍻ', 11656 => 'ꍼ', 11657 => 'ꍽ', 11658 => 'ꍾ', 11659 => 'ꍿ', 11660 => 'ꎀ', 11661 => 'ꎁ', 11662 => 'ꎂ', 11663 => 'ꎃ', 11664 => 'ꎄ', 11665 => 'ꎅ', 11666 => 'ꎆ', 11667 => 'ꎇ', 11668 => 'ꎈ', 11669 => 'ꎉ', 11670 => 'ꎊ', 11671 => 'ꎋ', 11672 => 'ꎌ', 11673 => 'ꎍ', 11674 => 'ꎎ', 11675 => 'ꎏ', 11676 => 'ꎐ', 11677 => 'ꎑ', 11678 => 'ꎒ', 11679 => 'ꎓ', 11680 => 'ꎔ', 11681 => 'ꎕ', 11682 => 'ꎖ', 11683 => 'ꎗ', 11684 => 'ꎘ', 11685 => 'ꎙ', 11686 => 'ꎚ', 11687 => 'ꎛ', 11688 => 'ꎜ', 11689 => 'ꎝ', 11690 => 'ꎞ', 11691 => 'ꎟ', 11692 => 'ꎠ', 11693 => 'ꎡ', 11694 => 'ꎢ', 11695 => 'ꎣ', 11696 => 'ꎤ', 11697 => 'ꎥ', 11698 => 'ꎦ', 11699 => 'ꎧ', 11700 => 'ꎨ', 11701 => 'ꎩ', 11702 => 'ꎪ', 11703 => 'ꎫ', 11704 => 'ꎬ', 11705 => 'ꎭ', 11706 => 'ꎮ', 11707 => 'ꎯ', 11708 => 'ꎰ', 11709 => 'ꎱ', 11710 => 'ꎲ', 11711 => 'ꎳ', 11712 => 'ꎴ', 11713 => 'ꎵ', 11714 => 'ꎶ', 11715 => 'ꎷ', 11716 => 'ꎸ', 11717 => 'ꎹ', 11718 => 'ꎺ', 11719 => 'ꎻ', 11720 => 'ꎼ', 11721 => 'ꎽ', 11722 => 'ꎾ', 11723 => 'ꎿ', 11724 => 'ꏀ', 11725 => 'ꏁ', 11726 => 'ꏂ', 11727 => 'ꏃ', 11728 => 'ꏄ', 11729 => 'ꏅ', 11730 => 'ꏆ', 11731 => 'ꏇ', 11732 => 'ꏈ', 11733 => 'ꏉ', 11734 => 'ꏊ', 11735 => 'ꏋ', 11736 => 'ꏌ', 11737 => 'ꏍ', 11738 => 'ꏎ', 11739 => 'ꏏ', 11740 => 'ꏐ', 11741 => 'ꏑ', 11742 => 'ꏒ', 11743 => 'ꏓ', 11744 => 'ꏔ', 11745 => 'ꏕ', 11746 => 'ꏖ', 11747 => 'ꏗ', 11748 => 'ꏘ', 11749 => 'ꏙ', 11750 => 'ꏚ', 11751 => 'ꏛ', 11752 => 'ꏜ', 11753 => 'ꏝ', 11754 => 'ꏞ', 11755 => 'ꏟ', 11756 => 'ꏠ', 11757 => 'ꏡ', 11758 => 'ꏢ', 11759 => 'ꏣ', 11760 => 'ꏤ', 11761 => 'ꏥ', 11762 => 'ꏦ', 11763 => 'ꏧ', 11764 => 'ꏨ', 11765 => 'ꏩ', 11766 => 'ꏪ', 11767 => 'ꏫ', 11768 => 'ꏬ', 11769 => 'ꏭ', 11770 => 'ꏮ', 11771 => 'ꏯ', 11772 => 'ꏰ', 11773 => 'ꏱ', 11774 => 'ꏲ', 11775 => 'ꏳ', 11776 => 'ꏴ', 11777 => 'ꏵ', 11778 => 'ꏶ', 11779 => 'ꏷ', 11780 => 'ꏸ', 11781 => 'ꏹ', 11782 => 'ꏺ', 11783 => 'ꏻ', 11784 => 'ꏼ', 11785 => 'ꏽ', 11786 => 'ꏾ', 11787 => 'ꏿ', 11788 => 'ꐀ', 11789 => 'ꐁ', 11790 => 'ꐂ', 11791 => 'ꐃ', 11792 => 'ꐄ', 11793 => 'ꐅ', 11794 => 'ꐆ', 11795 => 'ꐇ', 11796 => 'ꐈ', 11797 => 'ꐉ', 11798 => 'ꐊ', 11799 => 'ꐋ', 11800 => 'ꐌ', 11801 => 'ꐍ', 11802 => 'ꐎ', 11803 => 'ꐏ', 11804 => 'ꐐ', 11805 => 'ꐑ', 11806 => 'ꐒ', 11807 => 'ꐓ', 11808 => 'ꐔ', 11809 => 'ꐕ', 11810 => 'ꐖ', 11811 => 'ꐗ', 11812 => 'ꐘ', 11813 => 'ꐙ', 11814 => 'ꐚ', 11815 => 'ꐛ', 11816 => 'ꐜ', 11817 => 'ꐝ', 11818 => 'ꐞ', 11819 => 'ꐟ', 11820 => 'ꐠ', 11821 => 'ꐡ', 11822 => 'ꐢ', 11823 => 'ꐣ', 11824 => 'ꐤ', 11825 => 'ꐥ', 11826 => 'ꐦ', 11827 => 'ꐧ', 11828 => 'ꐨ', 11829 => 'ꐩ', 11830 => 'ꐪ', 11831 => 'ꐫ', 11832 => 'ꐬ', 11833 => 'ꐭ', 11834 => 'ꐮ', 11835 => 'ꐯ', 11836 => 'ꐰ', 11837 => 'ꐱ', 11838 => 'ꐲ', 11839 => 'ꐳ', 11840 => 'ꐴ', 11841 => 'ꐵ', 11842 => 'ꐶ', 11843 => 'ꐷ', 11844 => 'ꐸ', 11845 => 'ꐹ', 11846 => 'ꐺ', 11847 => 'ꐻ', 11848 => 'ꐼ', 11849 => 'ꐽ', 11850 => 'ꐾ', 11851 => 'ꐿ', 11852 => 'ꑀ', 11853 => 'ꑁ', 11854 => 'ꑂ', 11855 => 'ꑃ', 11856 => 'ꑄ', 11857 => 'ꑅ', 11858 => 'ꑆ', 11859 => 'ꑇ', 11860 => 'ꑈ', 11861 => 'ꑉ', 11862 => 'ꑊ', 11863 => 'ꑋ', 11864 => 'ꑌ', 11865 => 'ꑍ', 11866 => 'ꑎ', 11867 => 'ꑏ', 11868 => 'ꑐ', 11869 => 'ꑑ', 11870 => 'ꑒ', 11871 => 'ꑓ', 11872 => 'ꑔ', 11873 => 'ꑕ', 11874 => 'ꑖ', 11875 => 'ꑗ', 11876 => 'ꑘ', 11877 => 'ꑙ', 11878 => 'ꑚ', 11879 => 'ꑛ', 11880 => 'ꑜ', 11881 => 'ꑝ', 11882 => 'ꑞ', 11883 => 'ꑟ', 11884 => 'ꑠ', 11885 => 'ꑡ', 11886 => 'ꑢ', 11887 => 'ꑣ', 11888 => 'ꑤ', 11889 => 'ꑥ', 11890 => 'ꑦ', 11891 => 'ꑧ', 11892 => 'ꑨ', 11893 => 'ꑩ', 11894 => 'ꑪ', 11895 => 'ꑫ', 11896 => 'ꑬ', 11897 => 'ꑭ', 11898 => 'ꑮ', 11899 => 'ꑯ', 11900 => 'ꑰ', 11901 => 'ꑱ', 11902 => 'ꑲ', 11903 => 'ꑳ', 11904 => 'ꑴ', 11905 => 'ꑵ', 11906 => 'ꑶ', 11907 => 'ꑷ', 11908 => 'ꑸ', 11909 => 'ꑹ', 11910 => 'ꑺ', 11911 => 'ꑻ', 11912 => 'ꑼ', 11913 => 'ꑽ', 11914 => 'ꑾ', 11915 => 'ꑿ', 11916 => 'ꒀ', 11917 => 'ꒁ', 11918 => 'ꒂ', 11919 => 'ꒃ', 11920 => 'ꒄ', 11921 => 'ꒅ', 11922 => 'ꒆ', 11923 => 'ꒇ', 11924 => 'ꒈ', 11925 => 'ꒉ', 11926 => 'ꒊ', 11927 => 'ꒋ', 11928 => 'ꒌ', 11929 => 'ꓸ', 11930 => 'ꓹ', 11931 => 'ꓺ', 11932 => 'ꓻ', 11933 => 'ꓽ', 11934 => 'ꓼ', 11935 => 'ꓐ', 11936 => 'ꓑ', 11937 => 'ꓒ', 11938 => 'ꓓ', 11939 => 'ꓔ', 11940 => 'ꓕ', 11941 => 'ꓖ', 11942 => 'ꓗ', 11943 => 'ꓘ', 11944 => 'ꓙ', 11945 => 'ꓚ', 11946 => 'ꓛ', 11947 => 'ꓜ', 11948 => 'ꓝ', 11949 => 'ꓞ', 11950 => 'ꓟ', 11951 => 'ꓠ', 11952 => 'ꓡ', 11953 => 'ꓢ', 11954 => 'ꓣ', 11955 => 'ꓤ', 11956 => 'ꓥ', 11957 => 'ꓦ', 11958 => 'ꓧ', 11959 => 'ꓨ', 11960 => 'ꓩ', 11961 => 'ꓫ', 11962 => 'ꓭ', 11963 => 'ꓪ', 11964 => 'ꓬ', 11965 => 'ꓮ', 11966 => 'ꓯ', 11967 => 'ꓰ', 11968 => 'ꓱ', 11969 => 'ꓲ', 11970 => 'ꓳ', 11971 => 'ꓴ', 11972 => 'ꓵ', 11973 => 'ꓶ', 11974 => 'ꓷ', 11975 => '𐊀', 11976 => '𐊁', 11977 => '𐊂', 11978 => '𐊃', 11979 => '𐊄', 11980 => '𐊅', 11981 => '𐊆', 11982 => '𐊇', 11983 => '𐊈', 11984 => '𐊉', 11985 => '𐊊', 11986 => '𐊋', 11987 => '𐊌', 11988 => '𐊍', 11989 => '𐊎', 11990 => '𐊏', 11991 => '𐊐', 11992 => '𐊑', 11993 => '𐊒', 11994 => '𐊓', 11995 => '𐊔', 11996 => '𐊕', 11997 => '𐊖', 11998 => '𐊗', 11999 => '𐊘', 12000 => '𐊙', 12001 => '𐊚', 12002 => '𐊛', 12003 => '𐊜', 12004 => '𐊠', 12005 => '𐊡', 12006 => '𐊢', 12007 => '𐊣', 12008 => '𐊤', 12009 => '𐊥', 12010 => '𐊦', 12011 => '𐊧', 12012 => '𐊨', 12013 => '𐊩', 12014 => '𐊪', 12015 => '𐊫', 12016 => '𐊬', 12017 => '𐊭', 12018 => '𐊮', 12019 => '𐊯', 12020 => '𐊰', 12021 => '𐊱', 12022 => '𐊲', 12023 => '𐊳', 12024 => '𐊴', 12025 => '𐊵', 12026 => '𐊶', 12027 => '𐊷', 12028 => '𐊸', 12029 => '𐊹', 12030 => '𐊺', 12031 => '𐊻', 12032 => '𐊼', 12033 => '𐊽', 12034 => '𐊾', 12035 => '𐊿', 12036 => '𐋀', 12037 => '𐋁', 12038 => '𐋂', 12039 => '𐋃', 12040 => '𐋄', 12041 => '𐋅', 12042 => '𐋆', 12043 => '𐋇', 12044 => '𐋈', 12045 => '𐋉', 12046 => '𐋊', 12047 => '𐋋', 12048 => '𐋌', 12049 => '𐋍', 12050 => '𐋎', 12051 => '𐋏', 12052 => '𐋐', 12053 => '𐤠', 12054 => '𐤡', 12055 => '𐤢', 12056 => '𐤣', 12057 => '𐤤', 12058 => '𐤥', 12059 => '𐤦', 12060 => '𐤧', 12061 => '𐤨', 12062 => '𐤩', 12063 => '𐤪', 12064 => '𐤫', 12065 => '𐤬', 12066 => '𐤭', 12067 => '𐤮', 12068 => '𐤯', 12069 => '𐤰', 12070 => '𐤱', 12071 => '𐤲', 12072 => '𐤳', 12073 => '𐤴', 12074 => '𐤵', 12075 => '𐤶', 12076 => '𐤷', 12077 => '𐤸', 12078 => '𐤹', 12079 => '𐌀', 12080 => '𐌁', 12081 => '𐌂', 12082 => '𐌃', 12083 => '𐌄', 12084 => '𐌅', 12085 => '𐌆', 12086 => '𐌇', 12087 => '𐌈', 12088 => '𐌉', 12089 => '𐌊', 12090 => '𐌋', 12091 => '𐌌', 12092 => '𐌍', 12093 => '𐌎', 12094 => '𐌏', 12095 => '𐌐', 12096 => '𐌑', 12097 => '𐌒', 12098 => '𐌓', 12099 => '𐌔', 12100 => '𐌕', 12101 => '𐌖', 12102 => '𐌗', 12103 => '𐌘', 12104 => '𐌙', 12105 => '𐌚', 12106 => '𐌛', 12107 => '𐌜', 12108 => '𐌝', 12109 => '𐌞', 12110 => '𐌰', 12111 => '𐌱', 12112 => '𐌲', 12113 => '𐌳', 12114 => '𐌴', 12115 => '𐌵', 12116 => '𐌶', 12117 => '𐌷', 12118 => '𐌸', 12119 => '𐌹', 12120 => '𐌺', 12121 => '𐌻', 12122 => '𐌼', 12123 => '𐌽', 12124 => '𐌾', 12125 => '𐌿', 12126 => '𐍀', 12127 => '𐍁', 12128 => '𐍂', 12129 => '𐍃', 12130 => '𐍄', 12131 => '𐍅', 12132 => '𐍆', 12133 => '𐍇', 12134 => '𐍈', 12135 => '𐍉', 12136 => '𐍊', 12137 => '𐐀', 12138 => '𐐁', 12139 => '𐐂', 12140 => '𐐃', 12141 => '𐐄', 12142 => '𐐅', 12143 => '𐐆', 12144 => '𐐇', 12145 => '𐐈', 12146 => '𐐉', 12147 => '𐐊', 12148 => '𐐋', 12149 => '𐐌', 12150 => '𐐍', 12151 => '𐐎', 12152 => '𐐏', 12153 => '𐐐', 12154 => '𐐑', 12155 => '𐐒', 12156 => '𐐓', 12157 => '𐐔', 12158 => '𐐕', 12159 => '𐐖', 12160 => '𐐗', 12161 => '𐐘', 12162 => '𐐙', 12163 => '𐐚', 12164 => '𐐛', 12165 => '𐐜', 12166 => '𐐝', 12167 => '𐐞', 12168 => '𐐟', 12169 => '𐐠', 12170 => '𐐡', 12171 => '𐐢', 12172 => '𐐣', 12173 => '𐐤', 12174 => '𐐥', 12175 => '𐐦', 12176 => '𐐧', 12177 => '𐑐', 12178 => '𐑑', 12179 => '𐑒', 12180 => '𐑓', 12181 => '𐑔', 12182 => '𐑕', 12183 => '𐑖', 12184 => '𐑗', 12185 => '𐑘', 12186 => '𐑙', 12187 => '𐑚', 12188 => '𐑛', 12189 => '𐑜', 12190 => '𐑝', 12191 => '𐑞', 12192 => '𐑟', 12193 => '𐑠', 12194 => '𐑡', 12195 => '𐑢', 12196 => '𐑣', 12197 => '𐑤', 12198 => '𐑥', 12199 => '𐑦', 12200 => '𐑧', 12201 => '𐑨', 12202 => '𐑩', 12203 => '𐑪', 12204 => '𐑫', 12205 => '𐑬', 12206 => '𐑭', 12207 => '𐑮', 12208 => '𐑯', 12209 => '𐑰', 12210 => '𐑱', 12211 => '𐑲', 12212 => '𐑳', 12213 => '𐑴', 12214 => '𐑵', 12215 => '𐑶', 12216 => '𐑷', 12217 => '𐑸', 12218 => '𐑹', 12219 => '𐑺', 12220 => '𐑻', 12221 => '𐑼', 12222 => '𐑽', 12223 => '𐑾', 12224 => '𐑿', 12225 => '𐒀', 12226 => '𐒁', 12227 => '𐒂', 12228 => '𐒃', 12229 => '𐒄', 12230 => '𐒅', 12231 => '𐒆', 12232 => '𐒇', 12233 => '𐒈', 12234 => '𐒉', 12235 => '𐒊', 12236 => '𐒋', 12237 => '𐒌', 12238 => '𐒍', 12239 => '𐒎', 12240 => '𐒏', 12241 => '𐒐', 12242 => '𐒑', 12243 => '𐒒', 12244 => '𐒓', 12245 => '𐒔', 12246 => '𐒕', 12247 => '𐒖', 12248 => '𐒗', 12249 => '𐒘', 12250 => '𐒙', 12251 => '𐒚', 12252 => '𐒛', 12253 => '𐒜', 12254 => '𐒝', 12255 => '𐀀', 12256 => '𐀁', 12257 => '𐀂', 12258 => '𐀃', 12259 => '𐀄', 12260 => '𐀅', 12261 => '𐀆', 12262 => '𐀇', 12263 => '𐀈', 12264 => '𐀉', 12265 => '𐀊', 12266 => '𐀋', 12267 => '𐀍', 12268 => '𐀎', 12269 => '𐀏', 12270 => '𐀐', 12271 => '𐀑', 12272 => '𐀒', 12273 => '𐀓', 12274 => '𐀔', 12275 => '𐀕', 12276 => '𐀖', 12277 => '𐀗', 12278 => '𐀘', 12279 => '𐀙', 12280 => '𐀚', 12281 => '𐀛', 12282 => '𐀜', 12283 => '𐀝', 12284 => '𐀞', 12285 => '𐀟', 12286 => '𐀠', 12287 => '𐀡', 12288 => '𐀢', 12289 => '𐀣', 12290 => '𐀤', 12291 => '𐀥', 12292 => '𐀦', 12293 => '𐀨', 12294 => '𐀩', 12295 => '𐀪', 12296 => '𐀫', 12297 => '𐀬', 12298 => '𐀭', 12299 => '𐀮', 12300 => '𐀯', 12301 => '𐀰', 12302 => '𐀱', 12303 => '𐀲', 12304 => '𐀳', 12305 => '𐀴', 12306 => '𐀵', 12307 => '𐀶', 12308 => '𐀷', 12309 => '𐀸', 12310 => '𐀹', 12311 => '𐀺', 12312 => '𐀼', 12313 => '𐀽', 12314 => '𐀿', 12315 => '𐁀', 12316 => '𐁁', 12317 => '𐁂', 12318 => '𐁃', 12319 => '𐁄', 12320 => '𐁅', 12321 => '𐁆', 12322 => '𐁇', 12323 => '𐁈', 12324 => '𐁉', 12325 => '𐁊', 12326 => '𐁋', 12327 => '𐁌', 12328 => '𐁍', 12329 => '𐁐', 12330 => '𐁑', 12331 => '𐁒', 12332 => '𐁓', 12333 => '𐁔', 12334 => '𐁕', 12335 => '𐁖', 12336 => '𐁗', 12337 => '𐁘', 12338 => '𐁙', 12339 => '𐁚', 12340 => '𐁛', 12341 => '𐁜', 12342 => '𐁝', 12343 => '𐂀', 12344 => '𐂁', 12345 => '𐂂', 12346 => '𐂃', 12347 => '𐂄', 12348 => '𐂅', 12349 => '𐂆', 12350 => '𐂇', 12351 => '𐂈', 12352 => '𐂉', 12353 => '𐂊', 12354 => '𐂋', 12355 => '𐂌', 12356 => '𐂍', 12357 => '𐂎', 12358 => '𐂏', 12359 => '𐂐', 12360 => '𐂑', 12361 => '𐂒', 12362 => '𐂓', 12363 => '𐂔', 12364 => '𐂕', 12365 => '𐂖', 12366 => '𐂗', 12367 => '𐂘', 12368 => '𐂙', 12369 => '𐂚', 12370 => '𐂛', 12371 => '𐂜', 12372 => '𐂝', 12373 => '𐂞', 12374 => '𐂟', 12375 => '𐂠', 12376 => '𐂡', 12377 => '𐂢', 12378 => '𐂣', 12379 => '𐂤', 12380 => '𐂥', 12381 => '𐂦', 12382 => '𐂧', 12383 => '𐂨', 12384 => '𐂩', 12385 => '𐂪', 12386 => '𐂫', 12387 => '𐂬', 12388 => '𐂭', 12389 => '𐂮', 12390 => '𐂯', 12391 => '𐂰', 12392 => '𐂱', 12393 => '𐂲', 12394 => '𐂳', 12395 => '𐂴', 12396 => '𐂵', 12397 => '𐂶', 12398 => '𐂷', 12399 => '𐂸', 12400 => '𐂹', 12401 => '𐂺', 12402 => '𐂻', 12403 => '𐂼', 12404 => '𐂽', 12405 => '𐂾', 12406 => '𐂿', 12407 => '𐃀', 12408 => '𐃁', 12409 => '𐃂', 12410 => '𐃃', 12411 => '𐃄', 12412 => '𐃅', 12413 => '𐃆', 12414 => '𐃇', 12415 => '𐃈', 12416 => '𐃉', 12417 => '𐃊', 12418 => '𐃋', 12419 => '𐃌', 12420 => '𐃍', 12421 => '𐃎', 12422 => '𐃏', 12423 => '𐃐', 12424 => '𐃑', 12425 => '𐃒', 12426 => '𐃓', 12427 => '𐃔', 12428 => '𐃕', 12429 => '𐃖', 12430 => '𐃗', 12431 => '𐃘', 12432 => '𐃙', 12433 => '𐃚', 12434 => '𐃛', 12435 => '𐃜', 12436 => '𐃝', 12437 => '𐃞', 12438 => '𐃟', 12439 => '𐃠', 12440 => '𐃡', 12441 => '𐃢', 12442 => '𐃣', 12443 => '𐃤', 12444 => '𐃥', 12445 => '𐃦', 12446 => '𐃧', 12447 => '𐃨', 12448 => '𐃩', 12449 => '𐃪', 12450 => '𐃫', 12451 => '𐃬', 12452 => '𐃭', 12453 => '𐃮', 12454 => '𐃯', 12455 => '𐃰', 12456 => '𐃱', 12457 => '𐃲', 12458 => '𐃳', 12459 => '𐃴', 12460 => '𐃵', 12461 => '𐃶', 12462 => '𐃷', 12463 => '𐃸', 12464 => '𐃹', 12465 => '𐃺', 12466 => '𐠀', 12467 => '𐠁', 12468 => '𐠂', 12469 => '𐠃', 12470 => '𐠄', 12471 => '𐠅', 12472 => '𐠈', 12473 => '𐠊', 12474 => '𐠋', 12475 => '𐠌', 12476 => '𐠍', 12477 => '𐠎', 12478 => '𐠏', 12479 => '𐠐', 12480 => '𐠑', 12481 => '𐠒', 12482 => '𐠓', 12483 => '𐠔', 12484 => '𐠕', 12485 => '𐠖', 12486 => '𐠗', 12487 => '𐠘', 12488 => '𐠙', 12489 => '𐠚', 12490 => '𐠛', 12491 => '𐠜', 12492 => '𐠝', 12493 => '𐠞', 12494 => '𐠟', 12495 => '𐠠', 12496 => '𐠡', 12497 => '𐠢', 12498 => '𐠣', 12499 => '𐠤', 12500 => '𐠥', 12501 => '𐠦', 12502 => '𐠧', 12503 => '𐠨', 12504 => '𐠩', 12505 => '𐠪', 12506 => '𐠫', 12507 => '𐠬', 12508 => '𐠭', 12509 => '𐠮', 12510 => '𐠯', 12511 => '𐠰', 12512 => '𐠱', 12513 => '𐠲', 12514 => '𐠳', 12515 => '𐠴', 12516 => '𐠵', 12517 => '𐠷', 12518 => '𐠸', 12519 => '𐠼', 12520 => '𐠿', 12521 => '𐩠', 12522 => '𐩡', 12523 => '𐩢', 12524 => '𐩣', 12525 => '𐩤', 12526 => '𐩥', 12527 => '𐩦', 12528 => '𐩧', 12529 => '𐩨', 12530 => '𐩩', 12531 => '𐩪', 12532 => '𐩫', 12533 => '𐩬', 12534 => '𐩭', 12535 => '𐩮', 12536 => '𐩯', 12537 => '𐩰', 12538 => '𐩱', 12539 => '𐩲', 12540 => '𐩳', 12541 => '𐩴', 12542 => '𐩵', 12543 => '𐩶', 12544 => '𐩷', 12545 => '𐩸', 12546 => '𐩹', 12547 => '𐩺', 12548 => '𐩻', 12549 => '𐩼', 12550 => '𐬀', 12551 => '𐬁', 12552 => '𐬂', 12553 => '𐬃', 12554 => '𐬄', 12555 => '𐬅', 12556 => '𐬆', 12557 => '𐬇', 12558 => '𐬈', 12559 => '𐬉', 12560 => '𐬊', 12561 => '𐬋', 12562 => '𐬌', 12563 => '𐬍', 12564 => '𐬎', 12565 => '𐬏', 12566 => '𐬐', 12567 => '𐬑', 12568 => '𐬒', 12569 => '𐬓', 12570 => '𐬔', 12571 => '𐬕', 12572 => '𐬖', 12573 => '𐬗', 12574 => '𐬘', 12575 => '𐬙', 12576 => '𐬚', 12577 => '𐬛', 12578 => '𐬜', 12579 => '𐬝', 12580 => '𐬞', 12581 => '𐬟', 12582 => '𐬠', 12583 => '𐬡', 12584 => '𐬢', 12585 => '𐬣', 12586 => '𐬤', 12587 => '𐬥', 12588 => '𐬦', 12589 => '𐬧', 12590 => '𐬨', 12591 => '𐬩', 12592 => '𐬪', 12593 => '𐬫', 12594 => '𐬬', 12595 => '𐬭', 12596 => '𐬯', 12597 => '𐬰', 12598 => '𐬱', 12599 => '𐬲', 12600 => '𐬳', 12601 => '𐬴', 12602 => '𐬵', 12603 => '𐡀', 12604 => '𐡁', 12605 => '𐡂', 12606 => '𐡃', 12607 => '𐡄', 12608 => '𐡅', 12609 => '𐡆', 12610 => '𐡇', 12611 => '𐡈', 12612 => '𐡉', 12613 => '𐡊', 12614 => '𐡋', 12615 => '𐡌', 12616 => '𐡍', 12617 => '𐡎', 12618 => '𐡏', 12619 => '𐡐', 12620 => '𐡑', 12621 => '𐡒', 12622 => '𐡓', 12623 => '𐡔', 12624 => '𐡕', 12625 => '𐭀', 12626 => '𐭁', 12627 => '𐭂', 12628 => '𐭃', 12629 => '𐭄', 12630 => '𐭅', 12631 => '𐭆', 12632 => '𐭇', 12633 => '𐭈', 12634 => '𐭉', 12635 => '𐭊', 12636 => '𐭋', 12637 => '𐭌', 12638 => '𐭍', 12639 => '𐭎', 12640 => '𐭏', 12641 => '𐭐', 12642 => '𐭑', 12643 => '𐭒', 12644 => '𐭓', 12645 => '𐭔', 12646 => '𐭕', 12647 => '𐭠', 12648 => '𐭡', 12649 => '𐭢', 12650 => '𐭣', 12651 => '𐭤', 12652 => '𐭥', 12653 => '𐭦', 12654 => '𐭧', 12655 => '𐭨', 12656 => '𐭩', 12657 => '𐭪', 12658 => '𐭫', 12659 => '𐭬', 12660 => '𐭭', 12661 => '𐭮', 12662 => '𐭯', 12663 => '𐭰', 12664 => '𐭱', 12665 => '𐭲', 12666 => '𐎀', 12667 => '𐎁', 12668 => '𐎂', 12669 => '𐎃', 12670 => '𐎄', 12671 => '𐎅', 12672 => '𐎆', 12673 => '𐎇', 12674 => '𐎈', 12675 => '𐎉', 12676 => '𐎊', 12677 => '𐎋', 12678 => '𐎌', 12679 => '𐎍', 12680 => '𐎎', 12681 => '𐎏', 12682 => '𐎐', 12683 => '𐎑', 12684 => '𐎒', 12685 => '𐎓', 12686 => '𐎔', 12687 => '𐎕', 12688 => '𐎖', 12689 => '𐎗', 12690 => '𐎘', 12691 => '𐎙', 12692 => '𐎚', 12693 => '𐎛', 12694 => '𐎜', 12695 => '𐎝', 12696 => '𐎠', 12697 => '𐎡', 12698 => '𐎢', 12699 => '𐎣', 12700 => '𐎤', 12701 => '𐎥', 12702 => '𐎦', 12703 => '𐎧', 12704 => '𐎨', 12705 => '𐎩', 12706 => '𐎪', 12707 => '𐎫', 12708 => '𐎬', 12709 => '𐎭', 12710 => '𐎮', 12711 => '𐎯', 12712 => '𐎰', 12713 => '𐎱', 12714 => '𐎲', 12715 => '𐎳', 12716 => '𐎴', 12717 => '𐎵', 12718 => '𐎶', 12719 => '𐎷', 12720 => '𐎸', 12721 => '𐎹', 12722 => '𐎺', 12723 => '𐎻', 12724 => '𐎼', 12725 => '𐎽', 12726 => '𐎾', 12727 => '𐎿', 12728 => '𐏀', 12729 => '𐏁', 12730 => '𐏂', 12731 => '𐏃', 12732 => '𐏈', 12733 => '𐏉', 12734 => '𐏊', 12735 => '𐏋', 12736 => '𐏌', 12737 => '𐏍', 12738 => '𐏎', 12739 => '𐏏', 12740 => '𒀀', 12741 => '𒀁', 12742 => '𒀂', 12743 => '𒀃', 12744 => '𒀄', 12745 => '𒀅', 12746 => '𒀆', 12747 => '𒀇', 12748 => '𒀈', 12749 => '𒀉', 12750 => '𒀊', 12751 => '𒀋', 12752 => '𒀌', 12753 => '𒀍', 12754 => '𒀎', 12755 => '𒀏', 12756 => '𒀐', 12757 => '𒀑', 12758 => '𒀒', 12759 => '𒀓', 12760 => '𒀔', 12761 => '𒀕', 12762 => '𒀖', 12763 => '𒀗', 12764 => '𒀘', 12765 => '𒀙', 12766 => '𒀚', 12767 => '𒀛', 12768 => '𒀜', 12769 => '𒀝', 12770 => '𒀞', 12771 => '𒀟', 12772 => '𒀠', 12773 => '𒀡', 12774 => '𒀢', 12775 => '𒀣', 12776 => '𒀤', 12777 => '𒀥', 12778 => '𒀦', 12779 => '𒀧', 12780 => '𒀨', 12781 => '𒀩', 12782 => '𒀪', 12783 => '𒀫', 12784 => '𒀬', 12785 => '𒀭', 12786 => '𒀮', 12787 => '𒀯', 12788 => '𒀰', 12789 => '𒀱', 12790 => '𒀲', 12791 => '𒀳', 12792 => '𒀴', 12793 => '𒀵', 12794 => '𒀶', 12795 => '𒀷', 12796 => '𒀸', 12797 => '𒀹', 12798 => '𒀺', 12799 => '𒀻', 12800 => '𒀼', 12801 => '𒀽', 12802 => '𒀾', 12803 => '𒀿', 12804 => '𒁀', 12805 => '𒁁', 12806 => '𒁂', 12807 => '𒁃', 12808 => '𒁄', 12809 => '𒁅', 12810 => '𒁆', 12811 => '𒁇', 12812 => '𒁈', 12813 => '𒁉', 12814 => '𒁊', 12815 => '𒁋', 12816 => '𒁌', 12817 => '𒁍', 12818 => '𒁎', 12819 => '𒁏', 12820 => '𒁐', 12821 => '𒁑', 12822 => '𒁒', 12823 => '𒁓', 12824 => '𒁔', 12825 => '𒁕', 12826 => '𒁖', 12827 => '𒁗', 12828 => '𒁘', 12829 => '𒁙', 12830 => '𒁚', 12831 => '𒁛', 12832 => '𒁜', 12833 => '𒁝', 12834 => '𒁞', 12835 => '𒁟', 12836 => '𒁠', 12837 => '𒁡', 12838 => '𒁢', 12839 => '𒁣', 12840 => '𒁤', 12841 => '𒁥', 12842 => '𒁦', 12843 => '𒁧', 12844 => '𒁨', 12845 => '𒁩', 12846 => '𒁪', 12847 => '𒁫', 12848 => '𒁬', 12849 => '𒁭', 12850 => '𒁮', 12851 => '𒁯', 12852 => '𒁰', 12853 => '𒁱', 12854 => '𒁲', 12855 => '𒁳', 12856 => '𒁴', 12857 => '𒁵', 12858 => '𒁶', 12859 => '𒁷', 12860 => '𒁸', 12861 => '𒁹', 12862 => '𒁺', 12863 => '𒁻', 12864 => '𒁼', 12865 => '𒁽', 12866 => '𒁾', 12867 => '𒁿', 12868 => '𒂀', 12869 => '𒂁', 12870 => '𒂂', 12871 => '𒂃', 12872 => '𒂄', 12873 => '𒂅', 12874 => '𒂆', 12875 => '𒂇', 12876 => '𒂈', 12877 => '𒂉', 12878 => '𒂊', 12879 => '𒂋', 12880 => '𒂌', 12881 => '𒂍', 12882 => '𒂎', 12883 => '𒂏', 12884 => '𒂐', 12885 => '𒂑', 12886 => '𒂒', 12887 => '𒂓', 12888 => '𒂔', 12889 => '𒂕', 12890 => '𒂖', 12891 => '𒂗', 12892 => '𒂘', 12893 => '𒂙', 12894 => '𒂚', 12895 => '𒂛', 12896 => '𒂜', 12897 => '𒂝', 12898 => '𒂞', 12899 => '𒂟', 12900 => '𒂠', 12901 => '𒂡', 12902 => '𒂢', 12903 => '𒂣', 12904 => '𒂤', 12905 => '𒂥', 12906 => '𒂦', 12907 => '𒂧', 12908 => '𒂨', 12909 => '𒂩', 12910 => '𒂪', 12911 => '𒂫', 12912 => '𒂬', 12913 => '𒂭', 12914 => '𒂮', 12915 => '𒂯', 12916 => '𒂰', 12917 => '𒂱', 12918 => '𒂲', 12919 => '𒂳', 12920 => '𒂴', 12921 => '𒂵', 12922 => '𒂶', 12923 => '𒂷', 12924 => '𒂸', 12925 => '𒂹', 12926 => '𒂺', 12927 => '𒂻', 12928 => '𒂼', 12929 => '𒂽', 12930 => '𒂾', 12931 => '𒂿', 12932 => '𒃀', 12933 => '𒃁', 12934 => '𒃂', 12935 => '𒃃', 12936 => '𒃄', 12937 => '𒃅', 12938 => '𒃆', 12939 => '𒃇', 12940 => '𒃈', 12941 => '𒃉', 12942 => '𒃊', 12943 => '𒃋', 12944 => '𒃌', 12945 => '𒃍', 12946 => '𒃎', 12947 => '𒃏', 12948 => '𒃐', 12949 => '𒃑', 12950 => '𒃒', 12951 => '𒃓', 12952 => '𒃔', 12953 => '𒃕', 12954 => '𒃖', 12955 => '𒃗', 12956 => '𒃘', 12957 => '𒃙', 12958 => '𒃚', 12959 => '𒃛', 12960 => '𒃜', 12961 => '𒃝', 12962 => '𒃞', 12963 => '𒃟', 12964 => '𒃠', 12965 => '𒃡', 12966 => '𒃢', 12967 => '𒃣', 12968 => '𒃤', 12969 => '𒃥', 12970 => '𒃦', 12971 => '𒃧', 12972 => '𒃨', 12973 => '𒃩', 12974 => '𒃪', 12975 => '𒃫', 12976 => '𒃬', 12977 => '𒃭', 12978 => '𒃮', 12979 => '𒃯', 12980 => '𒃰', 12981 => '𒃱', 12982 => '𒃲', 12983 => '𒃳', 12984 => '𒃴', 12985 => '𒃵', 12986 => '𒃶', 12987 => '𒃷', 12988 => '𒃸', 12989 => '𒃹', 12990 => '𒃺', 12991 => '𒃻', 12992 => '𒃼', 12993 => '𒃽', 12994 => '𒃾', 12995 => '𒃿', 12996 => '𒄀', 12997 => '𒄁', 12998 => '𒄂', 12999 => '𒄃', 13000 => '𒄄', 13001 => '𒄅', 13002 => '𒄆', 13003 => '𒄇', 13004 => '𒄈', 13005 => '𒄉', 13006 => '𒄊', 13007 => '𒄋', 13008 => '𒄌', 13009 => '𒄍', 13010 => '𒄎', 13011 => '𒄏', 13012 => '𒄐', 13013 => '𒄑', 13014 => '𒄒', 13015 => '𒄓', 13016 => '𒄔', 13017 => '𒄕', 13018 => '𒄖', 13019 => '𒄗', 13020 => '𒄘', 13021 => '𒄙', 13022 => '𒄚', 13023 => '𒄛', 13024 => '𒄜', 13025 => '𒄝', 13026 => '𒄞', 13027 => '𒄟', 13028 => '𒄠', 13029 => '𒄡', 13030 => '𒄢', 13031 => '𒄣', 13032 => '𒄤', 13033 => '𒄥', 13034 => '𒄦', 13035 => '𒄧', 13036 => '𒄨', 13037 => '𒄩', 13038 => '𒄪', 13039 => '𒄫', 13040 => '𒄬', 13041 => '𒄭', 13042 => '𒄮', 13043 => '𒄯', 13044 => '𒄰', 13045 => '𒄱', 13046 => '𒄲', 13047 => '𒄳', 13048 => '𒄴', 13049 => '𒄵', 13050 => '𒄶', 13051 => '𒄷', 13052 => '𒄸', 13053 => '𒄹', 13054 => '𒄺', 13055 => '𒄻', 13056 => '𒄼', 13057 => '𒄽', 13058 => '𒄾', 13059 => '𒄿', 13060 => '𒅀', 13061 => '𒅁', 13062 => '𒅂', 13063 => '𒅃', 13064 => '𒅄', 13065 => '𒅅', 13066 => '𒅆', 13067 => '𒅇', 13068 => '𒅈', 13069 => '𒅉', 13070 => '𒅊', 13071 => '𒅋', 13072 => '𒅌', 13073 => '𒅍', 13074 => '𒅎', 13075 => '𒅏', 13076 => '𒅐', 13077 => '𒅑', 13078 => '𒅒', 13079 => '𒅓', 13080 => '𒅔', 13081 => '𒅕', 13082 => '𒅖', 13083 => '𒅗', 13084 => '𒅘', 13085 => '𒅙', 13086 => '𒅚', 13087 => '𒅛', 13088 => '𒅜', 13089 => '𒅝', 13090 => '𒅞', 13091 => '𒅟', 13092 => '𒅠', 13093 => '𒅡', 13094 => '𒅢', 13095 => '𒅣', 13096 => '𒅤', 13097 => '𒅥', 13098 => '𒅦', 13099 => '𒅧', 13100 => '𒅨', 13101 => '𒅩', 13102 => '𒅪', 13103 => '𒅫', 13104 => '𒅬', 13105 => '𒅭', 13106 => '𒅮', 13107 => '𒅯', 13108 => '𒅰', 13109 => '𒅱', 13110 => '𒅲', 13111 => '𒅳', 13112 => '𒅴', 13113 => '𒅵', 13114 => '𒅶', 13115 => '𒅷', 13116 => '𒅸', 13117 => '𒅹', 13118 => '𒅺', 13119 => '𒅻', 13120 => '𒅼', 13121 => '𒅽', 13122 => '𒅾', 13123 => '𒅿', 13124 => '𒆀', 13125 => '𒆁', 13126 => '𒆂', 13127 => '𒆃', 13128 => '𒆄', 13129 => '𒆅', 13130 => '𒆆', 13131 => '𒆇', 13132 => '𒆈', 13133 => '𒆉', 13134 => '𒆊', 13135 => '𒆋', 13136 => '𒆌', 13137 => '𒆍', 13138 => '𒆎', 13139 => '𒆏', 13140 => '𒆐', 13141 => '𒆑', 13142 => '𒆒', 13143 => '𒆓', 13144 => '𒆔', 13145 => '𒆕', 13146 => '𒆖', 13147 => '𒆗', 13148 => '𒆘', 13149 => '𒆙', 13150 => '𒆚', 13151 => '𒆛', 13152 => '𒆜', 13153 => '𒆝', 13154 => '𒆞', 13155 => '𒆟', 13156 => '𒆠', 13157 => '𒆡', 13158 => '𒆢', 13159 => '𒆣', 13160 => '𒆤', 13161 => '𒆥', 13162 => '𒆦', 13163 => '𒆧', 13164 => '𒆨', 13165 => '𒆩', 13166 => '𒆪', 13167 => '𒆫', 13168 => '𒆬', 13169 => '𒆭', 13170 => '𒆮', 13171 => '𒆯', 13172 => '𒆰', 13173 => '𒆱', 13174 => '𒆲', 13175 => '𒆳', 13176 => '𒆴', 13177 => '𒆵', 13178 => '𒆶', 13179 => '𒆷', 13180 => '𒆸', 13181 => '𒆹', 13182 => '𒆺', 13183 => '𒆻', 13184 => '𒆼', 13185 => '𒆽', 13186 => '𒆾', 13187 => '𒆿', 13188 => '𒇀', 13189 => '𒇁', 13190 => '𒇂', 13191 => '𒇃', 13192 => '𒇄', 13193 => '𒇅', 13194 => '𒇆', 13195 => '𒇇', 13196 => '𒇈', 13197 => '𒇉', 13198 => '𒇊', 13199 => '𒇋', 13200 => '𒇌', 13201 => '𒇍', 13202 => '𒇎', 13203 => '𒇏', 13204 => '𒇐', 13205 => '𒇑', 13206 => '𒇒', 13207 => '𒇓', 13208 => '𒇔', 13209 => '𒇕', 13210 => '𒇖', 13211 => '𒇗', 13212 => '𒇘', 13213 => '𒇙', 13214 => '𒇚', 13215 => '𒇛', 13216 => '𒇜', 13217 => '𒇝', 13218 => '𒇞', 13219 => '𒇟', 13220 => '𒇠', 13221 => '𒇡', 13222 => '𒇢', 13223 => '𒇣', 13224 => '𒇤', 13225 => '𒇥', 13226 => '𒇦', 13227 => '𒇧', 13228 => '𒇨', 13229 => '𒇩', 13230 => '𒇪', 13231 => '𒇫', 13232 => '𒇬', 13233 => '𒇭', 13234 => '𒇮', 13235 => '𒇯', 13236 => '𒇰', 13237 => '𒇱', 13238 => '𒇲', 13239 => '𒇳', 13240 => '𒇴', 13241 => '𒇵', 13242 => '𒇶', 13243 => '𒇷', 13244 => '𒇸', 13245 => '𒇹', 13246 => '𒇺', 13247 => '𒇻', 13248 => '𒇼', 13249 => '𒇽', 13250 => '𒇾', 13251 => '𒇿', 13252 => '𒈀', 13253 => '𒈁', 13254 => '𒈂', 13255 => '𒈃', 13256 => '𒈄', 13257 => '𒈅', 13258 => '𒈆', 13259 => '𒈇', 13260 => '𒈈', 13261 => '𒈉', 13262 => '𒈊', 13263 => '𒈋', 13264 => '𒈌', 13265 => '𒈍', 13266 => '𒈎', 13267 => '𒈏', 13268 => '𒈐', 13269 => '𒈑', 13270 => '𒈒', 13271 => '𒈓', 13272 => '𒈔', 13273 => '𒈕', 13274 => '𒈖', 13275 => '𒈗', 13276 => '𒈘', 13277 => '𒈙', 13278 => '𒈚', 13279 => '𒈛', 13280 => '𒈜', 13281 => '𒈝', 13282 => '𒈞', 13283 => '𒈟', 13284 => '𒈠', 13285 => '𒈡', 13286 => '𒈢', 13287 => '𒈣', 13288 => '𒈤', 13289 => '𒈥', 13290 => '𒈦', 13291 => '𒈧', 13292 => '𒈨', 13293 => '𒈩', 13294 => '𒈪', 13295 => '𒈫', 13296 => '𒈬', 13297 => '𒈭', 13298 => '𒈮', 13299 => '𒈯', 13300 => '𒈰', 13301 => '𒈱', 13302 => '𒈲', 13303 => '𒈳', 13304 => '𒈴', 13305 => '𒈵', 13306 => '𒈶', 13307 => '𒈷', 13308 => '𒈸', 13309 => '𒈹', 13310 => '𒈺', 13311 => '𒈻', 13312 => '𒈼', 13313 => '𒈽', 13314 => '𒈾', 13315 => '𒈿', 13316 => '𒉀', 13317 => '𒉁', 13318 => '𒉂', 13319 => '𒉃', 13320 => '𒉄', 13321 => '𒉅', 13322 => '𒉆', 13323 => '𒉇', 13324 => '𒉈', 13325 => '𒉉', 13326 => '𒉊', 13327 => '𒉋', 13328 => '𒉌', 13329 => '𒉍', 13330 => '𒉎', 13331 => '𒉏', 13332 => '𒉐', 13333 => '𒉑', 13334 => '𒉒', 13335 => '𒉓', 13336 => '𒉔', 13337 => '𒉕', 13338 => '𒉖', 13339 => '𒉗', 13340 => '𒉘', 13341 => '𒉙', 13342 => '𒉚', 13343 => '𒉛', 13344 => '𒉜', 13345 => '𒉝', 13346 => '𒉞', 13347 => '𒉟', 13348 => '𒉠', 13349 => '𒉡', 13350 => '𒉢', 13351 => '𒉣', 13352 => '𒉤', 13353 => '𒉥', 13354 => '𒉦', 13355 => '𒉧', 13356 => '𒉨', 13357 => '𒉩', 13358 => '𒉪', 13359 => '𒉫', 13360 => '𒉬', 13361 => '𒉭', 13362 => '𒉮', 13363 => '𒉯', 13364 => '𒉰', 13365 => '𒉱', 13366 => '𒉲', 13367 => '𒉳', 13368 => '𒉴', 13369 => '𒉵', 13370 => '𒉶', 13371 => '𒉷', 13372 => '𒉸', 13373 => '𒉹', 13374 => '𒉺', 13375 => '𒉻', 13376 => '𒉼', 13377 => '𒉽', 13378 => '𒉾', 13379 => '𒉿', 13380 => '𒊀', 13381 => '𒊁', 13382 => '𒊂', 13383 => '𒊃', 13384 => '𒊄', 13385 => '𒊅', 13386 => '𒊆', 13387 => '𒊇', 13388 => '𒊈', 13389 => '𒊉', 13390 => '𒊊', 13391 => '𒊋', 13392 => '𒊌', 13393 => '𒊍', 13394 => '𒊎', 13395 => '𒊏', 13396 => '𒊐', 13397 => '𒊑', 13398 => '𒊒', 13399 => '𒊓', 13400 => '𒊔', 13401 => '𒊕', 13402 => '𒊖', 13403 => '𒊗', 13404 => '𒊘', 13405 => '𒊙', 13406 => '𒊚', 13407 => '𒊛', 13408 => '𒊜', 13409 => '𒊝', 13410 => '𒊞', 13411 => '𒊟', 13412 => '𒊠', 13413 => '𒊡', 13414 => '𒊢', 13415 => '𒊣', 13416 => '𒊤', 13417 => '𒊥', 13418 => '𒊦', 13419 => '𒊧', 13420 => '𒊨', 13421 => '𒊩', 13422 => '𒊪', 13423 => '𒊫', 13424 => '𒊬', 13425 => '𒊭', 13426 => '𒊮', 13427 => '𒊯', 13428 => '𒊰', 13429 => '𒊱', 13430 => '𒊲', 13431 => '𒊳', 13432 => '𒊴', 13433 => '𒊵', 13434 => '𒊶', 13435 => '𒊷', 13436 => '𒊸', 13437 => '𒊹', 13438 => '𒊺', 13439 => '𒊻', 13440 => '𒊼', 13441 => '𒊽', 13442 => '𒊾', 13443 => '𒊿', 13444 => '𒋀', 13445 => '𒋁', 13446 => '𒋂', 13447 => '𒋃', 13448 => '𒋄', 13449 => '𒋅', 13450 => '𒋆', 13451 => '𒋇', 13452 => '𒋈', 13453 => '𒋉', 13454 => '𒋊', 13455 => '𒋋', 13456 => '𒋌', 13457 => '𒋍', 13458 => '𒋎', 13459 => '𒋏', 13460 => '𒋐', 13461 => '𒋑', 13462 => '𒋒', 13463 => '𒋓', 13464 => '𒋔', 13465 => '𒋕', 13466 => '𒋖', 13467 => '𒋗', 13468 => '𒋘', 13469 => '𒋙', 13470 => '𒋚', 13471 => '𒋛', 13472 => '𒋜', 13473 => '𒋝', 13474 => '𒋞', 13475 => '𒋟', 13476 => '𒋠', 13477 => '𒋡', 13478 => '𒋢', 13479 => '𒋣', 13480 => '𒋤', 13481 => '𒋥', 13482 => '𒋦', 13483 => '𒋧', 13484 => '𒋨', 13485 => '𒋩', 13486 => '𒋪', 13487 => '𒋫', 13488 => '𒋬', 13489 => '𒋭', 13490 => '𒋮', 13491 => '𒋯', 13492 => '𒋰', 13493 => '𒋱', 13494 => '𒋲', 13495 => '𒋳', 13496 => '𒋴', 13497 => '𒋵', 13498 => '𒋶', 13499 => '𒋷', 13500 => '𒋸', 13501 => '𒋹', 13502 => '𒋺', 13503 => '𒋻', 13504 => '𒋼', 13505 => '𒋽', 13506 => '𒋾', 13507 => '𒋿', 13508 => '𒌀', 13509 => '𒌁', 13510 => '𒌂', 13511 => '𒌃', 13512 => '𒌄', 13513 => '𒌅', 13514 => '𒌆', 13515 => '𒌇', 13516 => '𒌈', 13517 => '𒌉', 13518 => '𒌊', 13519 => '𒌋', 13520 => '𒌌', 13521 => '𒌍', 13522 => '𒌎', 13523 => '𒌏', 13524 => '𒌐', 13525 => '𒌑', 13526 => '𒌒', 13527 => '𒌓', 13528 => '𒌔', 13529 => '𒌕', 13530 => '𒌖', 13531 => '𒌗', 13532 => '𒌘', 13533 => '𒌙', 13534 => '𒌚', 13535 => '𒌛', 13536 => '𒌜', 13537 => '𒌝', 13538 => '𒌞', 13539 => '𒌟', 13540 => '𒌠', 13541 => '𒌡', 13542 => '𒌢', 13543 => '𒌣', 13544 => '𒌤', 13545 => '𒌥', 13546 => '𒌦', 13547 => '𒌧', 13548 => '𒌨', 13549 => '𒌩', 13550 => '𒌪', 13551 => '𒌫', 13552 => '𒌬', 13553 => '𒌭', 13554 => '𒌮', 13555 => '𒌯', 13556 => '𒌰', 13557 => '𒌱', 13558 => '𒌲', 13559 => '𒌳', 13560 => '𒌴', 13561 => '𒌵', 13562 => '𒌶', 13563 => '𒌷', 13564 => '𒌸', 13565 => '𒌹', 13566 => '𒌺', 13567 => '𒌻', 13568 => '𒌼', 13569 => '𒌽', 13570 => '𒌾', 13571 => '𒌿', 13572 => '𒍀', 13573 => '𒍁', 13574 => '𒍂', 13575 => '𒍃', 13576 => '𒍄', 13577 => '𒍅', 13578 => '𒍆', 13579 => '𒍇', 13580 => '𒍈', 13581 => '𒍉', 13582 => '𒍊', 13583 => '𒍋', 13584 => '𒍌', 13585 => '𒍍', 13586 => '𒍎', 13587 => '𒍏', 13588 => '𒍐', 13589 => '𒍑', 13590 => '𒍒', 13591 => '𒍓', 13592 => '𒍔', 13593 => '𒍕', 13594 => '𒍖', 13595 => '𒍗', 13596 => '𒍘', 13597 => '𒍙', 13598 => '𒍚', 13599 => '𒍛', 13600 => '𒍜', 13601 => '𒍝', 13602 => '𒍞', 13603 => '𒍟', 13604 => '𒍠', 13605 => '𒍡', 13606 => '𒍢', 13607 => '𒍣', 13608 => '𒍤', 13609 => '𒍥', 13610 => '𒍦', 13611 => '𒍧', 13612 => '𒍨', 13613 => '𒍩', 13614 => '𒍪', 13615 => '𒍫', 13616 => '𒍬', 13617 => '𒍭', 13618 => '𒍮', 13619 => '𓀀', 13620 => '𓀁', 13621 => '𓀂', 13622 => '𓀃', 13623 => '𓀄', 13624 => '𓀅', 13625 => '𓀆', 13626 => '𓀇', 13627 => '𓀈', 13628 => '𓀉', 13629 => '𓀊', 13630 => '𓀋', 13631 => '𓀌', 13632 => '𓀍', 13633 => '𓀎', 13634 => '𓀏', 13635 => '𓀐', 13636 => '𓀑', 13637 => '𓀒', 13638 => '𓀓', 13639 => '𓀔', 13640 => '𓀕', 13641 => '𓀖', 13642 => '𓀗', 13643 => '𓀘', 13644 => '𓀙', 13645 => '𓀚', 13646 => '𓀛', 13647 => '𓀜', 13648 => '𓀝', 13649 => '𓀞', 13650 => '𓀟', 13651 => '𓀠', 13652 => '𓀡', 13653 => '𓀢', 13654 => '𓀣', 13655 => '𓀤', 13656 => '𓀥', 13657 => '𓀦', 13658 => '𓀧', 13659 => '𓀨', 13660 => '𓀩', 13661 => '𓀪', 13662 => '𓀫', 13663 => '𓀬', 13664 => '𓀭', 13665 => '𓀮', 13666 => '𓀯', 13667 => '𓀰', 13668 => '𓀱', 13669 => '𓀲', 13670 => '𓀳', 13671 => '𓀴', 13672 => '𓀵', 13673 => '𓀶', 13674 => '𓀷', 13675 => '𓀸', 13676 => '𓀹', 13677 => '𓀺', 13678 => '𓀻', 13679 => '𓀼', 13680 => '𓀽', 13681 => '𓀾', 13682 => '𓀿', 13683 => '𓁀', 13684 => '𓁁', 13685 => '𓁂', 13686 => '𓁃', 13687 => '𓁄', 13688 => '𓁅', 13689 => '𓁆', 13690 => '𓁇', 13691 => '𓁈', 13692 => '𓁉', 13693 => '𓁊', 13694 => '𓁋', 13695 => '𓁌', 13696 => '𓁍', 13697 => '𓁎', 13698 => '𓁏', 13699 => '𓁐', 13700 => '𓁑', 13701 => '𓁒', 13702 => '𓁓', 13703 => '𓁔', 13704 => '𓁕', 13705 => '𓁖', 13706 => '𓁗', 13707 => '𓁘', 13708 => '𓁙', 13709 => '𓁚', 13710 => '𓁛', 13711 => '𓁜', 13712 => '𓁝', 13713 => '𓁞', 13714 => '𓁟', 13715 => '𓁠', 13716 => '𓁡', 13717 => '𓁢', 13718 => '𓁣', 13719 => '𓁤', 13720 => '𓁥', 13721 => '𓁦', 13722 => '𓁧', 13723 => '𓁨', 13724 => '𓁩', 13725 => '𓁪', 13726 => '𓁫', 13727 => '𓁬', 13728 => '𓁭', 13729 => '𓁮', 13730 => '𓁯', 13731 => '𓁰', 13732 => '𓁱', 13733 => '𓁲', 13734 => '𓁳', 13735 => '𓁴', 13736 => '𓁵', 13737 => '𓁶', 13738 => '𓁷', 13739 => '𓁸', 13740 => '𓁹', 13741 => '𓁺', 13742 => '𓁻', 13743 => '𓁼', 13744 => '𓁽', 13745 => '𓁾', 13746 => '𓁿', 13747 => '𓂀', 13748 => '𓂁', 13749 => '𓂂', 13750 => '𓂃', 13751 => '𓂄', 13752 => '𓂅', 13753 => '𓂆', 13754 => '𓂇', 13755 => '𓂈', 13756 => '𓂉', 13757 => '𓂊', 13758 => '𓂋', 13759 => '𓂌', 13760 => '𓂍', 13761 => '𓂎', 13762 => '𓂏', 13763 => '𓂐', 13764 => '𓂑', 13765 => '𓂒', 13766 => '𓂓', 13767 => '𓂔', 13768 => '𓂕', 13769 => '𓂖', 13770 => '𓂗', 13771 => '𓂘', 13772 => '𓂙', 13773 => '𓂚', 13774 => '𓂛', 13775 => '𓂜', 13776 => '𓂝', 13777 => '𓂞', 13778 => '𓂟', 13779 => '𓂠', 13780 => '𓂡', 13781 => '𓂢', 13782 => '𓂣', 13783 => '𓂤', 13784 => '𓂥', 13785 => '𓂦', 13786 => '𓂧', 13787 => '𓂨', 13788 => '𓂩', 13789 => '𓂪', 13790 => '𓂫', 13791 => '𓂬', 13792 => '𓂭', 13793 => '𓂮', 13794 => '𓂯', 13795 => '𓂰', 13796 => '𓂱', 13797 => '𓂲', 13798 => '𓂳', 13799 => '𓂴', 13800 => '𓂵', 13801 => '𓂶', 13802 => '𓂷', 13803 => '𓂸', 13804 => '𓂹', 13805 => '𓂺', 13806 => '𓂻', 13807 => '𓂼', 13808 => '𓂽', 13809 => '𓂾', 13810 => '𓂿', 13811 => '𓃀', 13812 => '𓃁', 13813 => '𓃂', 13814 => '𓃃', 13815 => '𓃄', 13816 => '𓃅', 13817 => '𓃆', 13818 => '𓃇', 13819 => '𓃈', 13820 => '𓃉', 13821 => '𓃊', 13822 => '𓃋', 13823 => '𓃌', 13824 => '𓃍', 13825 => '𓃎', 13826 => '𓃏', 13827 => '𓃐', 13828 => '𓃑', 13829 => '𓃒', 13830 => '𓃓', 13831 => '𓃔', 13832 => '𓃕', 13833 => '𓃖', 13834 => '𓃗', 13835 => '𓃘', 13836 => '𓃙', 13837 => '𓃚', 13838 => '𓃛', 13839 => '𓃜', 13840 => '𓃝', 13841 => '𓃞', 13842 => '𓃟', 13843 => '𓃠', 13844 => '𓃡', 13845 => '𓃢', 13846 => '𓃣', 13847 => '𓃤', 13848 => '𓃥', 13849 => '𓃦', 13850 => '𓃧', 13851 => '𓃨', 13852 => '𓃩', 13853 => '𓃪', 13854 => '𓃫', 13855 => '𓃬', 13856 => '𓃭', 13857 => '𓃮', 13858 => '𓃯', 13859 => '𓃰', 13860 => '𓃱', 13861 => '𓃲', 13862 => '𓃳', 13863 => '𓃴', 13864 => '𓃵', 13865 => '𓃶', 13866 => '𓃷', 13867 => '𓃸', 13868 => '𓃹', 13869 => '𓃺', 13870 => '𓃻', 13871 => '𓃼', 13872 => '𓃽', 13873 => '𓃾', 13874 => '𓃿', 13875 => '𓄀', 13876 => '𓄁', 13877 => '𓄂', 13878 => '𓄃', 13879 => '𓄄', 13880 => '𓄅', 13881 => '𓄆', 13882 => '𓄇', 13883 => '𓄈', 13884 => '𓄉', 13885 => '𓄊', 13886 => '𓄋', 13887 => '𓄌', 13888 => '𓄍', 13889 => '𓄎', 13890 => '𓄏', 13891 => '𓄐', 13892 => '𓄑', 13893 => '𓄒', 13894 => '𓄓', 13895 => '𓄔', 13896 => '𓄕', 13897 => '𓄖', 13898 => '𓄗', 13899 => '𓄘', 13900 => '𓄙', 13901 => '𓄚', 13902 => '𓄛', 13903 => '𓄜', 13904 => '𓄝', 13905 => '𓄞', 13906 => '𓄟', 13907 => '𓄠', 13908 => '𓄡', 13909 => '𓄢', 13910 => '𓄣', 13911 => '𓄤', 13912 => '𓄥', 13913 => '𓄦', 13914 => '𓄧', 13915 => '𓄨', 13916 => '𓄩', 13917 => '𓄪', 13918 => '𓄫', 13919 => '𓄬', 13920 => '𓄭', 13921 => '𓄮', 13922 => '𓄯', 13923 => '𓄰', 13924 => '𓄱', 13925 => '𓄲', 13926 => '𓄳', 13927 => '𓄴', 13928 => '𓄵', 13929 => '𓄶', 13930 => '𓄷', 13931 => '𓄸', 13932 => '𓄹', 13933 => '𓄺', 13934 => '𓄻', 13935 => '𓄼', 13936 => '𓄽', 13937 => '𓄾', 13938 => '𓄿', 13939 => '𓅀', 13940 => '𓅁', 13941 => '𓅂', 13942 => '𓅃', 13943 => '𓅄', 13944 => '𓅅', 13945 => '𓅆', 13946 => '𓅇', 13947 => '𓅈', 13948 => '𓅉', 13949 => '𓅊', 13950 => '𓅋', 13951 => '𓅌', 13952 => '𓅍', 13953 => '𓅎', 13954 => '𓅏', 13955 => '𓅐', 13956 => '𓅑', 13957 => '𓅒', 13958 => '𓅓', 13959 => '𓅔', 13960 => '𓅕', 13961 => '𓅖', 13962 => '𓅗', 13963 => '𓅘', 13964 => '𓅙', 13965 => '𓅚', 13966 => '𓅛', 13967 => '𓅜', 13968 => '𓅝', 13969 => '𓅞', 13970 => '𓅟', 13971 => '𓅠', 13972 => '𓅡', 13973 => '𓅢', 13974 => '𓅣', 13975 => '𓅤', 13976 => '𓅥', 13977 => '𓅦', 13978 => '𓅧', 13979 => '𓅨', 13980 => '𓅩', 13981 => '𓅪', 13982 => '𓅫', 13983 => '𓅬', 13984 => '𓅭', 13985 => '𓅮', 13986 => '𓅯', 13987 => '𓅰', 13988 => '𓅱', 13989 => '𓅲', 13990 => '𓅳', 13991 => '𓅴', 13992 => '𓅵', 13993 => '𓅶', 13994 => '𓅷', 13995 => '𓅸', 13996 => '𓅹', 13997 => '𓅺', 13998 => '𓅻', 13999 => '𓅼', 14000 => '𓅽', 14001 => '𓅾', 14002 => '𓅿', 14003 => '𓆀', 14004 => '𓆁', 14005 => '𓆂', 14006 => '𓆃', 14007 => '𓆄', 14008 => '𓆅', 14009 => '𓆆', 14010 => '𓆇', 14011 => '𓆈', 14012 => '𓆉', 14013 => '𓆊', 14014 => '𓆋', 14015 => '𓆌', 14016 => '𓆍', 14017 => '𓆎', 14018 => '𓆏', 14019 => '𓆐', 14020 => '𓆑', 14021 => '𓆒', 14022 => '𓆓', 14023 => '𓆔', 14024 => '𓆕', 14025 => '𓆖', 14026 => '𓆗', 14027 => '𓆘', 14028 => '𓆙', 14029 => '𓆚', 14030 => '𓆛', 14031 => '𓆜', 14032 => '𓆝', 14033 => '𓆞', 14034 => '𓆟', 14035 => '𓆠', 14036 => '𓆡', 14037 => '𓆢', 14038 => '𓆣', 14039 => '𓆤', 14040 => '𓆥', 14041 => '𓆦', 14042 => '𓆧', 14043 => '𓆨', 14044 => '𓆩', 14045 => '𓆪', 14046 => '𓆫', 14047 => '𓆬', 14048 => '𓆭', 14049 => '𓆮', 14050 => '𓆯', 14051 => '𓆰', 14052 => '𓆱', 14053 => '𓆲', 14054 => '𓆳', 14055 => '𓆴', 14056 => '𓆵', 14057 => '𓆶', 14058 => '𓆷', 14059 => '𓆸', 14060 => '𓆹', 14061 => '𓆺', 14062 => '𓆻', 14063 => '𓆼', 14064 => '𓆽', 14065 => '𓆾', 14066 => '𓆿', 14067 => '𓇀', 14068 => '𓇁', 14069 => '𓇂', 14070 => '𓇃', 14071 => '𓇄', 14072 => '𓇅', 14073 => '𓇆', 14074 => '𓇇', 14075 => '𓇈', 14076 => '𓇉', 14077 => '𓇊', 14078 => '𓇋', 14079 => '𓇌', 14080 => '𓇍', 14081 => '𓇎', 14082 => '𓇏', 14083 => '𓇐', 14084 => '𓇑', 14085 => '𓇒', 14086 => '𓇓', 14087 => '𓇔', 14088 => '𓇕', 14089 => '𓇖', 14090 => '𓇗', 14091 => '𓇘', 14092 => '𓇙', 14093 => '𓇚', 14094 => '𓇛', 14095 => '𓇜', 14096 => '𓇝', 14097 => '𓇞', 14098 => '𓇟', 14099 => '𓇠', 14100 => '𓇡', 14101 => '𓇢', 14102 => '𓇣', 14103 => '𓇤', 14104 => '𓇥', 14105 => '𓇦', 14106 => '𓇧', 14107 => '𓇨', 14108 => '𓇩', 14109 => '𓇪', 14110 => '𓇫', 14111 => '𓇬', 14112 => '𓇭', 14113 => '𓇮', 14114 => '𓇯', 14115 => '𓇰', 14116 => '𓇱', 14117 => '𓇲', 14118 => '𓇳', 14119 => '𓇴', 14120 => '𓇵', 14121 => '𓇶', 14122 => '𓇷', 14123 => '𓇸', 14124 => '𓇹', 14125 => '𓇺', 14126 => '𓇻', 14127 => '𓇼', 14128 => '𓇽', 14129 => '𓇾', 14130 => '𓇿', 14131 => '𓈀', 14132 => '𓈁', 14133 => '𓈂', 14134 => '𓈃', 14135 => '𓈄', 14136 => '𓈅', 14137 => '𓈆', 14138 => '𓈇', 14139 => '𓈈', 14140 => '𓈉', 14141 => '𓈊', 14142 => '𓈋', 14143 => '𓈌', 14144 => '𓈍', 14145 => '𓈎', 14146 => '𓈏', 14147 => '𓈐', 14148 => '𓈑', 14149 => '𓈒', 14150 => '𓈓', 14151 => '𓈔', 14152 => '𓈕', 14153 => '𓈖', 14154 => '𓈗', 14155 => '𓈘', 14156 => '𓈙', 14157 => '𓈚', 14158 => '𓈛', 14159 => '𓈜', 14160 => '𓈝', 14161 => '𓈞', 14162 => '𓈟', 14163 => '𓈠', 14164 => '𓈡', 14165 => '𓈢', 14166 => '𓈣', 14167 => '𓈤', 14168 => '𓈥', 14169 => '𓈦', 14170 => '𓈧', 14171 => '𓈨', 14172 => '𓈩', 14173 => '𓈪', 14174 => '𓈫', 14175 => '𓈬', 14176 => '𓈭', 14177 => '𓈮', 14178 => '𓈯', 14179 => '𓈰', 14180 => '𓈱', 14181 => '𓈲', 14182 => '𓈳', 14183 => '𓈴', 14184 => '𓈵', 14185 => '𓈶', 14186 => '𓈷', 14187 => '𓈸', 14188 => '𓈹', 14189 => '𓈺', 14190 => '𓈻', 14191 => '𓈼', 14192 => '𓈽', 14193 => '𓈾', 14194 => '𓈿', 14195 => '𓉀', 14196 => '𓉁', 14197 => '𓉂', 14198 => '𓉃', 14199 => '𓉄', 14200 => '𓉅', 14201 => '𓉆', 14202 => '𓉇', 14203 => '𓉈', 14204 => '𓉉', 14205 => '𓉊', 14206 => '𓉋', 14207 => '𓉌', 14208 => '𓉍', 14209 => '𓉎', 14210 => '𓉏', 14211 => '𓉐', 14212 => '𓉑', 14213 => '𓉒', 14214 => '𓉓', 14215 => '𓉔', 14216 => '𓉕', 14217 => '𓉖', 14218 => '𓉗', 14219 => '𓉘', 14220 => '𓉙', 14221 => '𓉚', 14222 => '𓉛', 14223 => '𓉜', 14224 => '𓉝', 14225 => '𓉞', 14226 => '𓉟', 14227 => '𓉠', 14228 => '𓉡', 14229 => '𓉢', 14230 => '𓉣', 14231 => '𓉤', 14232 => '𓉥', 14233 => '𓉦', 14234 => '𓉧', 14235 => '𓉨', 14236 => '𓉩', 14237 => '𓉪', 14238 => '𓉫', 14239 => '𓉬', 14240 => '𓉭', 14241 => '𓉮', 14242 => '𓉯', 14243 => '𓉰', 14244 => '𓉱', 14245 => '𓉲', 14246 => '𓉳', 14247 => '𓉴', 14248 => '𓉵', 14249 => '𓉶', 14250 => '𓉷', 14251 => '𓉸', 14252 => '𓉹', 14253 => '𓉺', 14254 => '𓉻', 14255 => '𓉼', 14256 => '𓉽', 14257 => '𓉾', 14258 => '𓉿', 14259 => '𓊀', 14260 => '𓊁', 14261 => '𓊂', 14262 => '𓊃', 14263 => '𓊄', 14264 => '𓊅', 14265 => '𓊆', 14266 => '𓊇', 14267 => '𓊈', 14268 => '𓊉', 14269 => '𓊊', 14270 => '𓊋', 14271 => '𓊌', 14272 => '𓊍', 14273 => '𓊎', 14274 => '𓊏', 14275 => '𓊐', 14276 => '𓊑', 14277 => '𓊒', 14278 => '𓊓', 14279 => '𓊔', 14280 => '𓊕', 14281 => '𓊖', 14282 => '𓊗', 14283 => '𓊘', 14284 => '𓊙', 14285 => '𓊚', 14286 => '𓊛', 14287 => '𓊜', 14288 => '𓊝', 14289 => '𓊞', 14290 => '𓊟', 14291 => '𓊠', 14292 => '𓊡', 14293 => '𓊢', 14294 => '𓊣', 14295 => '𓊤', 14296 => '𓊥', 14297 => '𓊦', 14298 => '𓊧', 14299 => '𓊨', 14300 => '𓊩', 14301 => '𓊪', 14302 => '𓊫', 14303 => '𓊬', 14304 => '𓊭', 14305 => '𓊮', 14306 => '𓊯', 14307 => '𓊰', 14308 => '𓊱', 14309 => '𓊲', 14310 => '𓊳', 14311 => '𓊴', 14312 => '𓊵', 14313 => '𓊶', 14314 => '𓊷', 14315 => '𓊸', 14316 => '𓊹', 14317 => '𓊺', 14318 => '𓊻', 14319 => '𓊼', 14320 => '𓊽', 14321 => '𓊾', 14322 => '𓊿', 14323 => '𓋀', 14324 => '𓋁', 14325 => '𓋂', 14326 => '𓋃', 14327 => '𓋄', 14328 => '𓋅', 14329 => '𓋆', 14330 => '𓋇', 14331 => '𓋈', 14332 => '𓋉', 14333 => '𓋊', 14334 => '𓋋', 14335 => '𓋌', 14336 => '𓋍', 14337 => '𓋎', 14338 => '𓋏', 14339 => '𓋐', 14340 => '𓋑', 14341 => '𓋒', 14342 => '𓋓', 14343 => '𓋔', 14344 => '𓋕', 14345 => '𓋖', 14346 => '𓋗', 14347 => '𓋘', 14348 => '𓋙', 14349 => '𓋚', 14350 => '𓋛', 14351 => '𓋜', 14352 => '𓋝', 14353 => '𓋞', 14354 => '𓋟', 14355 => '𓋠', 14356 => '𓋡', 14357 => '𓋢', 14358 => '𓋣', 14359 => '𓋤', 14360 => '𓋥', 14361 => '𓋦', 14362 => '𓋧', 14363 => '𓋨', 14364 => '𓋩', 14365 => '𓋪', 14366 => '𓋫', 14367 => '𓋬', 14368 => '𓋭', 14369 => '𓋮', 14370 => '𓋯', 14371 => '𓋰', 14372 => '𓋱', 14373 => '𓋲', 14374 => '𓋳', 14375 => '𓋴', 14376 => '𓋵', 14377 => '𓋶', 14378 => '𓋷', 14379 => '𓋸', 14380 => '𓋹', 14381 => '𓋺', 14382 => '𓋻', 14383 => '𓋼', 14384 => '𓋽', 14385 => '𓋾', 14386 => '𓋿', 14387 => '𓌀', 14388 => '𓌁', 14389 => '𓌂', 14390 => '𓌃', 14391 => '𓌄', 14392 => '𓌅', 14393 => '𓌆', 14394 => '𓌇', 14395 => '𓌈', 14396 => '𓌉', 14397 => '𓌊', 14398 => '𓌋', 14399 => '𓌌', 14400 => '𓌍', 14401 => '𓌎', 14402 => '𓌏', 14403 => '𓌐', 14404 => '𓌑', 14405 => '𓌒', 14406 => '𓌓', 14407 => '𓌔', 14408 => '𓌕', 14409 => '𓌖', 14410 => '𓌗', 14411 => '𓌘', 14412 => '𓌙', 14413 => '𓌚', 14414 => '𓌛', 14415 => '𓌜', 14416 => '𓌝', 14417 => '𓌞', 14418 => '𓌟', 14419 => '𓌠', 14420 => '𓌡', 14421 => '𓌢', 14422 => '𓌣', 14423 => '𓌤', 14424 => '𓌥', 14425 => '𓌦', 14426 => '𓌧', 14427 => '𓌨', 14428 => '𓌩', 14429 => '𓌪', 14430 => '𓌫', 14431 => '𓌬', 14432 => '𓌭', 14433 => '𓌮', 14434 => '𓌯', 14435 => '𓌰', 14436 => '𓌱', 14437 => '𓌲', 14438 => '𓌳', 14439 => '𓌴', 14440 => '𓌵', 14441 => '𓌶', 14442 => '𓌷', 14443 => '𓌸', 14444 => '𓌹', 14445 => '𓌺', 14446 => '𓌻', 14447 => '𓌼', 14448 => '𓌽', 14449 => '𓌾', 14450 => '𓌿', 14451 => '𓍀', 14452 => '𓍁', 14453 => '𓍂', 14454 => '𓍃', 14455 => '𓍄', 14456 => '𓍅', 14457 => '𓍆', 14458 => '𓍇', 14459 => '𓍈', 14460 => '𓍉', 14461 => '𓍊', 14462 => '𓍋', 14463 => '𓍌', 14464 => '𓍍', 14465 => '𓍎', 14466 => '𓍏', 14467 => '𓍐', 14468 => '𓍑', 14469 => '𓍒', 14470 => '𓍓', 14471 => '𓍔', 14472 => '𓍕', 14473 => '𓍖', 14474 => '𓍗', 14475 => '𓍘', 14476 => '𓍙', 14477 => '𓍚', 14478 => '𓍛', 14479 => '𓍜', 14480 => '𓍝', 14481 => '𓍞', 14482 => '𓍟', 14483 => '𓍠', 14484 => '𓍡', 14485 => '𓍢', 14486 => '𓍣', 14487 => '𓍤', 14488 => '𓍥', 14489 => '𓍦', 14490 => '𓍧', 14491 => '𓍨', 14492 => '𓍩', 14493 => '𓍪', 14494 => '𓍫', 14495 => '𓍬', 14496 => '𓍭', 14497 => '𓍮', 14498 => '𓍯', 14499 => '𓍰', 14500 => '𓍱', 14501 => '𓍲', 14502 => '𓍳', 14503 => '𓍴', 14504 => '𓍵', 14505 => '𓍶', 14506 => '𓍷', 14507 => '𓍸', 14508 => '𓍹', 14509 => '𓍺', 14510 => '𓍻', 14511 => '𓍼', 14512 => '𓍽', 14513 => '𓍾', 14514 => '𓍿', 14515 => '𓎀', 14516 => '𓎁', 14517 => '𓎂', 14518 => '𓎃', 14519 => '𓎄', 14520 => '𓎅', 14521 => '𓎆', 14522 => '𓎇', 14523 => '𓎈', 14524 => '𓎉', 14525 => '𓎊', 14526 => '𓎋', 14527 => '𓎌', 14528 => '𓎍', 14529 => '𓎎', 14530 => '𓎏', 14531 => '𓎐', 14532 => '𓎑', 14533 => '𓎒', 14534 => '𓎓', 14535 => '𓎔', 14536 => '𓎕', 14537 => '𓎖', 14538 => '𓎗', 14539 => '𓎘', 14540 => '𓎙', 14541 => '𓎚', 14542 => '𓎛', 14543 => '𓎜', 14544 => '𓎝', 14545 => '𓎞', 14546 => '𓎟', 14547 => '𓎠', 14548 => '𓎡', 14549 => '𓎢', 14550 => '𓎣', 14551 => '𓎤', 14552 => '𓎥', 14553 => '𓎦', 14554 => '𓎧', 14555 => '𓎨', 14556 => '𓎩', 14557 => '𓎪', 14558 => '𓎫', 14559 => '𓎬', 14560 => '𓎭', 14561 => '𓎮', 14562 => '𓎯', 14563 => '𓎰', 14564 => '𓎱', 14565 => '𓎲', 14566 => '𓎳', 14567 => '𓎴', 14568 => '𓎵', 14569 => '𓎶', 14570 => '𓎷', 14571 => '𓎸', 14572 => '𓎹', 14573 => '𓎺', 14574 => '𓎻', 14575 => '𓎼', 14576 => '𓎽', 14577 => '𓎾', 14578 => '𓎿', 14579 => '𓏀', 14580 => '𓏁', 14581 => '𓏂', 14582 => '𓏃', 14583 => '𓏄', 14584 => '𓏅', 14585 => '𓏆', 14586 => '𓏇', 14587 => '𓏈', 14588 => '𓏉', 14589 => '𓏊', 14590 => '𓏋', 14591 => '𓏌', 14592 => '𓏍', 14593 => '𓏎', 14594 => '𓏏', 14595 => '𓏐', 14596 => '𓏑', 14597 => '𓏒', 14598 => '𓏓', 14599 => '𓏔', 14600 => '𓏕', 14601 => '𓏖', 14602 => '𓏗', 14603 => '𓏘', 14604 => '𓏙', 14605 => '𓏚', 14606 => '𓏛', 14607 => '𓏜', 14608 => '𓏝', 14609 => '𓏞', 14610 => '𓏟', 14611 => '𓏠', 14612 => '𓏡', 14613 => '𓏢', 14614 => '𓏣', 14615 => '𓏤', 14616 => '𓏥', 14617 => '𓏦', 14618 => '𓏧', 14619 => '𓏨', 14620 => '𓏩', 14621 => '𓏪', 14622 => '𓏫', 14623 => '𓏬', 14624 => '𓏭', 14625 => '𓏮', 14626 => '𓏯', 14627 => '𓏰', 14628 => '𓏱', 14629 => '𓏲', 14630 => '𓏳', 14631 => '𓏴', 14632 => '𓏵', 14633 => '𓏶', 14634 => '𓏷', 14635 => '𓏸', 14636 => '𓏹', 14637 => '𓏺', 14638 => '𓏻', 14639 => '𓏼', 14640 => '𓏽', 14641 => '𓏾', 14642 => '𓏿', 14643 => '𓐀', 14644 => '𓐁', 14645 => '𓐂', 14646 => '𓐃', 14647 => '𓐄', 14648 => '𓐅', 14649 => '𓐆', 14650 => '𓐇', 14651 => '𓐈', 14652 => '𓐉', 14653 => '𓐊', 14654 => '𓐋', 14655 => '𓐌', 14656 => '𓐍', 14657 => '𓐎', 14658 => '𓐏', 14659 => '𓐐', 14660 => '𓐑', 14661 => '𓐒', 14662 => '𓐓', 14663 => '𓐔', 14664 => '𓐕', 14665 => '𓐖', 14666 => '𓐗', 14667 => '𓐘', 14668 => '𓐙', 14669 => '𓐚', 14670 => '𓐛', 14671 => '𓐜', 14672 => '𓐝', 14673 => '𓐞', 14674 => '𓐟', 14675 => '𓐠', 14676 => '𓐡', 14677 => '𓐢', 14678 => '𓐣', 14679 => '𓐤', 14680 => '𓐥', 14681 => '𓐦', 14682 => '𓐧', 14683 => '𓐨', 14684 => '𓐩', 14685 => '𓐪', 14686 => '𓐫', 14687 => '𓐬', 14688 => '𓐭', 14689 => '𓐮', 14690 => '㆒', 14691 => '㆜', 14692 => '㆔', 14693 => '㆖', 14694 => '㆘', 14695 => '㆛', 14696 => '㆗', 14697 => '㆚', 14698 => '㆓', 14699 => '🈘', 14700 => '㆟', 14701 => '🈞', 14702 => '🈠', 14703 => '🈜', 14704 => '🈹', 14705 => '🈒', 14706 => '🉑', 14707 => '🈮', 14708 => '🈴', 14709 => '🈥', 14710 => '🈺', 14711 => '㆕', 14712 => '㆞', 14713 => '🈤', 14714 => '🈕', 14715 => '㆝', 14716 => '🈑', 14717 => '🈬', 14718 => '🈝', 14719 => '🉐', 14720 => '🈐', 14721 => '🈱', 14722 => '🈧', 14723 => '🈯', 14724 => '🈨', 14725 => '🈛', 14726 => '🈟', 14727 => '🈙', 14728 => '🈷', 14729 => '🈶', 14730 => '🈵', 14731 => '🈦', 14732 => '🈚', 14733 => '🈢', 14734 => '㆙', 14735 => '🈸', 14736 => '🈲', 14737 => '🈳', 14738 => '🈡', 14739 => '🈖', 14740 => '🈣', 14741 => '🈰', 14742 => '🈫',]
Interface for database access objects.
An AuthenticationProvider is used by AuthManager when authenticating users.
Return a unique identifier for this instance.
A pre-authentication provider can prevent authentication early on.
A primary authentication provider is responsible for associating the submitted authentication data wi...
Provider can link to existing accounts elsewhere.
A secondary provider mostly acts when the submitted authentication data has already been associated t...
Interface for configuration instances.
Definition Config.php:32
Interface for objects (potentially) representing an editable wiki page.
This interface represents the authority associated with the current execution context,...
Definition Authority.php:37
Is the user a normal non-temporary registered user?
authorizeWrite(string $action, PageIdentity $target, PermissionStatus $status=null)
Authorize write access.
Returns the performer of the actions associated with this authority.
probablyCan(string $action, PageIdentity $target, PermissionStatus $status=null)
Checks whether this authority can probably perform the given action on the given target page.
Interface for objects representing user identity.
Shared interface for rigor levels when dealing with User methods.
This class is a delegate to ILBFactory for a given database cluster.