| __construct (RevisionLookup $revisionLookup, SiteConfig $siteConfig, PageConfigFactory $pageConfigFactory, DataAccess $dataAccess) |
| execute () |
| Execute the handler.This is called after parameter validation. The return value can either be a Response or any type accepted by ResponseFactory::createFromReturnValue().To automatically construct an error response, execute() should throw a \MediaWiki\Rest\HttpException. Such exceptions will not be logged like a normal exception.If execute() throws any other kind of exception, the exception will be logged and a generic 500 error page will be shown.- Stability: stable
- to override
- Returns
- mixed
| getSupportedRequestTypes () |
| Returns the content types that should be accepted by parseBodyData().
Public Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\Rest\Handler |
| applyCacheControl (ResponseInterface $response) |
| Apply cache control to enforce privacy.
| applyConditionalResponseHeaders (ResponseInterface $response) |
| Apply verifier headers to the response, per RFC 7231 ยง7.2.
| checkPreconditions () |
| Check the conditional request headers and generate a response if appropriate.
| checkSession () |
| Check the session (and session provider)
| getAuthority () |
| Get the current acting authority.
| getBodyParamSettings () |
| Fetch ParamValidator settings for body fields.
| getBodyValidator ( $contentType) |
| Fetch the BodyValidator.
| getConfig () |
| Get the configuration array for the current route.
| getOpenApiSpec (string $method) |
| Returns an OpenAPI Operation Object specification structure as an associative array.
| getParamSettings () |
| Fetch ParamValidator settings for parameters.
| getPath () |
| Returns the path this handler is bound to relative to the module prefix.
| getRequest () |
| Get the current request.
| getResponseFactory () |
| Get the ResponseFactory which can be used to generate Response objects.
| getSession () |
| Get the Session.
| getSupportedPathParams () |
| Get a list of parameter placeholders present in the route's path as returned by getPath().
| getValidatedBody () |
| Fetch the validated body.
| getValidatedParams () |
| Fetch the validated parameters.
| initContext (Module $module, string $path, array $routeConfig) |
| Injects information about the handler's context in the Module.
| initForExecute (RequestInterface $request) |
| Initialise for execution based on the given request.
| initServices (Authority $authority, ResponseFactory $responseFactory, HookContainer $hookContainer) |
| Inject service objects.
| initSession (Session $session) |
| Inject session information.
| needsReadAccess () |
| Indicates whether this route requires read rights.
| needsWriteAccess () |
| Indicates whether this route requires write access to the wiki.
| parseBodyData (RequestInterface $request) |
| Returns the parsed body of the request.
| requireSafeAgainstCsrf () |
| Indicates whether this route can be accessed only by session providers safe vs csrf.
| validate (Validator $restValidator) |
| Validate the request parameters/attributes and body.
| acceptable (array &$attribs) |
| This method checks if we support the requested content formats As a side-effect, it updates $attribs to set outputContentVersion that Parsoid should generate based on request headers.
| assertDomainIsCorrect ( $domain) |
| Verify that the {domain} path parameter matches the actual domain.
| getHtmlInputTransformHelper (array $attribs, string $html, PageIdentity $page) |
| getPageContentEndpoint (string $format=ParsoidFormatHelper::FORMAT_HTML) |
| Get the path for the page content endpoint.
| getParsedBody () |
| Get the parsed body by content-type.
& | getRequestAttributes () |
| Rough equivalent of req.local from Parsoid-JS.
| getRevisionContentEndpoint (string $format=ParsoidFormatHelper::FORMAT_HTML) |
| Get the path for the page content endpoint.
| getTransformEndpoint (string $format=ParsoidFormatHelper::FORMAT_HTML) |
| Get the path for the transform endpoint.
| html2wt ( $page, array $attribs, string $html) |
| languageConversion (PageConfig $pageConfig, array $attribs, array $revision) |
| Do variant conversion on a document.
| newParsoid () |
| parseHTML (string $html, bool $validateXMLNames=false) |
| pb2pb (array $attribs) |
| Pagebundle -> pagebundle helper.
| tryToCreatePageConfig (array $attribs, ?string $wikitextOverride=null, bool $html2WtMode=false) |
| Try to create a PageConfig object.
| tryToCreatePageIdentity (array $attribs) |
| Try to create a PageIdentity object.
| updateRedLinks (PageConfig $pageConfig, array $attribs, array $revision) |
| Update red links on a document.
| wt2html (PageConfig $pageConfig, array $attribs, ?string $wikitext=null) |
| Wikitext -> HTML helper.
Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaWiki\Rest\Handler |
| detectExtraneousBodyFields (Validator $restValidator) |
| Subclasses may override this to disable or modify checks for extraneous body fields.
| generateResponseSpec () |
| Returns an OpenAPI Responses Object specification structure as an associative array.
| getConditionalHeaderUtil () |
| Get a ConditionalHeaderUtil object.
| getETag () |
| The subclass should override this to provide an ETag for the current state of the requested resource.
| getHookContainer () |
| Get a HookContainer, for running extension hooks or for hook metadata.
| getHookRunner () |
| Get a HookRunner for running core hooks.
| getLastModified () |
| The subclass should override this to provide the maximum last modified timestamp of the requested resource.
| getModule () |
| Get the Module this handler belongs to.
| getRequestBodySchema (string $mediaType) |
| Returns a content schema per the OpenAPI spec.
| getRequestSpec (string $method) |
| Returns an OpenAPI Request Body Object specification structure as an associative array.
| getResponseBodySchema () |
| Returns an OpenAPI Schema Object specification structure as an associative array.
| getRouter () |
| Get the Router.
| getRouteUrl ( $pathParams=[], $queryParams=[]) |
| Get the URL of this handler's endpoint.
| hasRepresentation () |
| The subclass should override this to indicate whether the resource exists.
| postInitSetup () |
| The handler can override this to do any necessary setup after the init functions are called to inject dependencies.
| postValidationSetup () |
| The handler can override this to do any necessary setup after validate() has been called.
| urlEncodeTitle ( $title) |
| URL-encode titles in a "pretty" way.
Base class for Parsoid handlers.
- Access: internal
- For use by the Parsoid extension
Definition at line 76 of file ParsoidHandler.php.
MediaWiki\Rest\Handler\ParsoidHandler::getSupportedRequestTypes |
( |
| ) |
Returns the content types that should be accepted by parseBodyData().
Subclasses that support request types other than application/json should override this method.
If "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data" are returned, parseBodyData() will use $request->getPostParams() to determine the body data.
- Note
- The return value of this method is ignored for requests using a method listed in Validator::NO_BODY_METHODS, in particular for the GET method.
for backwards compatibility, the default implementation of this method will examine the parameter definitions returned by getParamSettings() to see if any of the parameters are declared as "post" parameters. If this is the case, support for "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and "multipart/form-data" is added. This may change in future releases. It is preferred to use "body" parameters and override this method explicitly when support for form data is desired.
- Stability: stable
- to override
- Returns
- string[] A list of content-types
Reimplemented from MediaWiki\Rest\Handler.
Definition at line 120 of file ParsoidHandler.php.
References MediaWiki\Rest\Handler\getSupportedRequestTypes().