 * VisualEditor ContentEditable Surface class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt

 * ContentEditable surface observer.
 * @class
 * @constructor
 * @param {ve.ce.Surface} surface Surface to observe
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver = function VeCeSurfaceObserver( surface ) {
	// Properties
	this.surface = surface;
	this.domDocument = surface.attachedRoot.getElementDocument();
	this.polling = false;
	this.disabled = false;
	this.timeoutId = null;
	this.pollInterval = 250; // ms
	this.rangeState = null;

/* Inheritance */

OO.initClass( ve.ce.SurfaceObserver );

/* Methods */

 * Clear polling data.
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.clear = function () {
	this.rangeState = null;

 * Detach from the document view
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.detach = function () {
	this.surface = null;
	this.domDocument = null;
	this.rangeState = null;

 * Start the setTimeout synchronisation loop
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.startTimerLoop = function () {
	this.polling = true;
	this.timerLoop( true ); // Will not sync immediately, because timeoutId should be null

 * Loop once with `setTimeout`
 * @param {boolean} firstTime Wait before polling
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.timerLoop = function ( firstTime ) {
	if ( this.timeoutId ) {
		// In case we're not running from setTimeout
		clearTimeout( this.timeoutId );
		this.timeoutId = null;
	if ( !firstTime ) {
	// Only reach this point if pollOnce does not throw an exception
	if ( this.pollInterval !== null ) {
		this.timeoutId = this.setTimeout(
			this.timerLoop.bind( this ),

 * Stop polling
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.stopTimerLoop = function () {
	if ( this.polling === true ) {
		this.polling = false;
		clearTimeout( this.timeoutId );
		this.timeoutId = null;

 * Disable the surface observer
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.disable = function () {
	this.disabled = true;

 * Enable the surface observer
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.enable = function () {
	this.disabled = false;

 * Poll for changes.
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.pollOnce = function () {
	this.pollOnceInternal( true );

 * Poll to update SurfaceObserver, but don't signal any changes back to the Surface
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.pollOnceNoCallback = function () {
	this.pollOnceInternal( false );

 * Poll to update SurfaceObserver, but only check for selection changes
 * Used as an optimisation when you know the content hasn't changed
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.pollOnceSelection = function () {
	this.pollOnceInternal( true, true );

 * Poll for changes.
 * @private
 * @param {boolean} signalChanges If there changes are observed, call Surface#handleObservedChange
 * @param {boolean} selectionOnly Check for selection changes only
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.pollOnceInternal = function ( signalChanges, selectionOnly ) {
	if ( !this.domDocument || this.disabled ) {

	const oldState = this.rangeState;
	const newState = new ve.ce.RangeState(
	this.rangeState = newState;

	if ( signalChanges && (
		newState.contentChanged ||
		newState.branchNodeChanged ||
	) ) {
		this.surface.handleObservedChanges( oldState, newState );

 * Wrapper for setTimeout, for ease of debugging
 * @param {Function} callback
 * @param {number} timeout Timeout ms
 * @return {number} Timeout ID
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.setTimeout = function ( callback, timeout ) {
	return setTimeout( callback, timeout );

 * Get the range last observed.
 * Used when you have just polled, but don't want to wait for a 'rangeChange' event.
 * @return {ve.Range|null}
ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.getRange = function () {
	if ( !this.rangeState ) {
		return null;
	return this.rangeState.veRange;