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new ve.Scheduler() #


now() → {number} #

Obtain the current timestamp

This is a separate function because that makes it easier to replace when testing



Current timestamp in milliseconds


Obtain the current timestamp

This is a separate function because that makes it easier to replace when testing

postpone(callback, delay) → {number} #

Make a postponed call.

This is a separate function because that makes it easier to replace when testing


Name Type Description
callback function

The function to call

delay number

Delay before running callback



Unique postponed timeout id

Make a postponed call.

schedule(immediateAction, completionTest, [delayHint]) → {jQuery.Promise} #

Perform an action and await a callback when its side-effects are complete

The ultimate definition of "side-effects are complete" is "when the chain of async actions / setTimeout calls spawned by the action finish". This is intended to be a way to wrap non-promise code in promises and have it mostly work.

As currently implemented, we use completionTest as our sole signal. This is not guaranteed to remain true. Don't write code that assumes completionTest will be called, or which tests for a completely unrelated condition.

The signature of this function is designed to let you leave signals about your intent. You pass the action with side-effects in, and explain the conditions that must be met for further actions to be taken.


Name Type Attributes Description
immediateAction function

Action to take whose status we want to track

completionTest function

Tests whether action is complete; ideally very cheap; there's no guarantee that we will ever call this, if we can sense completion in some other way

delayHint number optional

Optional hint about how long to wait between tests



Promise that resolves when the completionTest returns true. Note that this could already be resolved when it's returned, so there's no guarantee that your done call on it will be delayed.


Perform an action and await a callback when its side-effects are complete

The ultimate definition of "side-effects are complete" is "when the chain of async actions / setTimeout calls spawned by the action finish".