Namespace for all VisualEditor UserInterface classes, static methods and static properties.
- Action
- Generic action.
- ActionFactory
- Action factory.
- AlignWidget
- Widget that lets the user edit alignment of an object
- AlignableContextItem
- Context item for an alignable node.
- AnnotationAction
- Annotation action.
- AnnotationContextItem
- Context item for an annotation.
- AnnotationInspector
- Inspector for working with content annotations.
- AnnotationTool
- UserInterface annotation tool.
- AuthorItemWidget
- UserInterface AuthorItemWidget
- AuthorListPopupTool
- UserInterface AuthorListPopupTool
- BigAnnotationTool
- UserInterface big tool.
- BlockquoteAction
- Blockquote action.
- BlockquoteFormatTool
- UserInterface blockquote tool.
- BoldAnnotationTool
- UserInterface bold tool.
- BulletListTool
- UserInterface bullet tool.
- ChangeDescriptionsSelectWidget
- Creates a ve.ui.ChangeDescriptionsSelectWidget object.
- ChangeDirectionalityTool
- UserInterface change view directionality tool.
- CheckListTool
- UserInterface list tool.
- ClearAnnotationCommand
- UserInterface clear all annotations command.
- ClearAnnotationTool
- UserInterface clear all annotations tool.
- CodeAnnotationTool
- UserInterface code tool.
- Command
- Command that executes an action.
- CommandHelpDialog
- Dialog for listing all command keyboard shortcuts.
- CommandHelpDialogTool
- Command help tool.
- CommandHelpRegistry
- Command help registry.
- CommandRegistry
- Command registry.
- CommentAnnotationContextItem
- Context item for a comment.
- CommentAnnotationInspector
- Inspector for linked content.
- CommentAnnotationInspectorTool
- UserInterface CommentAnnotation tool.
- CommentContextItem
- Context item for a comment.
- CommentInspector
- Comment inspector.
- CommentInspectorTool
- UserInterface comment tool.
- CompletionAction
- Completion action.
- CompletionWidget
- Widget that displays autocompletion suggestions
- ContentAction
- Content action.
- Context
- UserInterface context.
- ContextItem
- Item in a context.
- ContextItemFactory
- Factory for context items.
- ContextOptionWidget
- Proxy for a tool, displaying information about the current context.
- ContextSelectWidget
- Menu of items, each an inspectable attribute of the current context.
- DSVFileTransferHandler
- Delimiter-separated values file transfer handler.
- DataTransferHandler
- Data transfer handler.
- DataTransferHandlerFactory
- Data transfer handler factory.
- DataTransferItem
- Data transfer item wrapper
- DebugBar
- Debug bar
- DecreaseIndentationTool
- UserInterface outdent tool.
- DesktopContext
- Context menu and inspectors.
- DesktopInspectorWindowManager
- Window manager for desktop inspectors.
- DiffDialog
- Dialog for displaying a diff.
- DiffElement
- Creates a ve.ui.DiffElement object.
- DimensionsWidget
- Widget that visually displays width and height inputs.
- FileTransferHandler
- Data transfer handler.
- FindAndReplaceDialog
- Find and replace dialog.
- FindAndReplaceTool
- Find and replace tool.
- FormatAction
- Format action.
- FormatTool
- UserInterface format tool.
- FragmentDialog
- Dialog for working with fragments of content.
- FragmentInspector
- Inspector for working with fragments of content.
- FragmentInspectorTool
- UserInterface fragment inspector tool.
- FragmentWindow
- Mixin for window for working with fragments of content.
- FragmentWindowTool
- UserInterface fragment window tool.
- HTMLFileTransferHandler
- HTML file transfer handler.
- HTMLStringTransferHandler
- HTML string transfer handler.
- Heading1FormatTool
- UserInterface heading 1 tool.
- Heading2FormatTool
- UserInterface heading 2 tool.
- Heading3FormatTool
- UserInterface heading 3 tool.
- Heading4FormatTool
- UserInterface heading 4 tool.
- Heading5FormatTool
- UserInterface heading 5 tool.
- Heading6FormatTool
- UserInterface heading 6 tool.
- HelpCompletionAction
- HelpCompletionAction action.
- HelpCompletionTool
- UserInterface help completion tool.
- HistoryAction
- History action.
- HistoryCommand
- UserInterface history command.
- HistoryTool
- UserInterface history tool.
- IncreaseIndentationTool
- UserInterface indent tool.
- IndentationAction
- Indentation action.
- IndentationCommand
- UserInterface indentation command.
- IndentationTool
- UserInterface indentation tool.
- ItalicAnnotationTool
- UserInterface italic tool.
- LanguageContextItem
- Context item for a language.
- LanguageInputWidget
- Creates an ve.ui.LanguageInputWidget object.
- LanguageInspector
- Inspector for specifying the language of content.
- LanguageInspectorTool
- UserInterface language tool.
- LanguageResultWidget
- Creates an ve.ui.LanguageResultWidget object.
- LanguageSearchDialog
- Dialog for searching for and selecting a language.
- LanguageSearchWidget
- Creates an ve.ui.LanguageSearchWidget object.
- LinearContext
- UserInterface context.
- LinearContextItem
- Item in a context.
- LinkAction
- Link action.
- LinkAnnotationInspector
- Inspector for linked content.
- LinkAnnotationWidget
- Creates an ve.ui.LinkAnnotationWidget object.
- LinkContextItem
- Context item for a link.
- LinkInspectorTool
- UserInterface link tool.
- ListAction
- List action.
- ListTool
- UserInterface list tool.
- MediaSizeWidget
Widget that lets the user edit dimensions (width and height), based on a scalable object.
- MergeCellsCommand
- UserInterface merge cells command.
- MergeCellsContextItem
- Context item for mergeable cels.
- MobileActionsContextItem
- Context item to show extra actions required on mobile.
- MobileContext
- UserInterface context that displays inspector full screen.
- MobileWindowManager
- Window manager for mobile windows.
- ModeledFactory
- Mixin for factories whose items associate with specific models.
- MoreTextStyleTool
- UserInterface more text styles tool.
- NodeDialog
- Dialog for working with a node.
- NodeInspector
- Inspector for working with a node.
- NodeWindow
- Mixin for window for working with a node.
- NumberListTool
- UserInterface number tool.
- Overlay
- Container for content that should appear in front of everything else.
- ParagraphFormatTool
- UserInterface paragraph tool.
- PersistentContextItem
- Context item for a tool.
- PlainTextFileTransferHandler
- Plain text file transfer handler.
- PlainTextStringTransferHandler
- Plain text string transfer handler.
- PositionedTargetToolbar
- UserInterface positioned target toolbar.
- PreformattedFormatTool
- UserInterface preformatted tool.
- PreviewElement
- Creates a ve.ui.PreviewElement object.
- ProgressDialog
- Dialog for showing operations in progress.
- RedoHistoryTool
- UserInterface redo tool.
- Sequence
- Key sequence.
- SequenceRegistry
- Sequence registry.
- SmallAnnotationTool
- UserInterface small tool.
- SpecialCharacterDialog
- Inspector for inserting special characters.
- SpecialCharacterDialogTool
- Special character tool.
- StrikethroughAnnotationTool
- UserInterface strikethrough tool.
- SubscriptAnnotationTool
- UserInterface subscript tool.
- SumCellsContextItem
- Show the sum and average of numeric values across a table selection.
- SuperscriptAnnotationTool
- UserInterface superscript tool.
- Surface
- A surface is a top-level object which contains both a surface model and a surface view.
- SurfaceWindowManager
- Window manager for desktop inspectors.
- SymbolListBookletLayout
- ...
- SymbolListPage
- Special symbol toolbar dialog.
- TabIndexScope
- TabIndex Scope container constructor
- TableAction
- Table action.
- TableCellDataFormatTool
- UserInterface table cell data tool.
- TableCellHeaderFormatTool
- UserInterface table cell header tool.
- TableContextItem
- Context item for tables.
- TableDialog
- Dialog for table properties.
- TableLineContext
- Context menu for editing tables.
- TableLineContextItem
- Context item for a table line (row or column) toolset.
- TargetToolbar
- UserInterface target toolbar.
- TargetWidget
- Creates an ve.ui.TargetWidget object.
- Tool
- UserInterface tool.
- ToolContextItem
- Context item for a tool.
- ToolFactory
- Factory for tools.
- Toolbar
- UserInterface surface toolbar.
- ToolbarDialog
- Toolbar dialog.
- ToolbarDialogTool
- UserInterface toolbar dialog tool.
- ToolbarDialogWindowManager
- Window manager for toolbar dialogs.
- Trigger
- Key trigger.
- TriggerRegistry
- Trigger registry.
- UnderlineAnnotationTool
- UserInterface underline tool.
- UndoHistoryTool
- UserInterface undo tool.
- UrlStringTransferHandler
- Handle pastes and drag-and-drop of URLs and links.
- WhitespacePreservingTextInputWidget
- Text input widget which hides but preserves leading and trailing whitespace
- WindowAction
- Window action.
- WindowManager
- Window manager.
- WindowTool
- UserInterface dialog tool.
Button widget that cancels mousedown events.
TODO: Make cancelButtonMouseDownEvents an upstream param, instead of requiring inheritance.
Button widget that cancels mousedown events.