 * VisualEditor DataModel InternalList class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt

 * DataModel meta item.
 * @class
 * @mixes OO.EventEmitter
 * @constructor
 * @param {ve.dm.Document} doc Document model
ve.dm.InternalList = function VeDmInternalList( doc ) {
	// Mixin constructors
	OO.EventEmitter.call( this );

	// Properties
	this.document = doc;
	this.itemHtmlQueue = [];
	this.listNode = null;
	this.nodes = {};
	this.groupsChanged = [];
	this.keyIndexes = {};
	this.keys = [];

	// Event handlers
	doc.connect( this, { transact: 'onTransact' } );

/* Inheritance */

OO.mixinClass( ve.dm.InternalList, OO.EventEmitter );

/* Events */

 * @event ve.dm.InternalList#update
 * @param {string[]} groupsChanged List of groups changed since the last transaction

/* Methods */

 * Queues up an item's html for parsing later.
 * If an item with the specified group and key already exists it will be ignored, unless
 * the data already stored is an empty string.
 * @param {string} groupName Item group
 * @param {string} key Item key
 * @param {string} html Item contents
 * @return {Object} Object containing index of the item in the index-value store
 * (and also its index in the internal list node), and a flag indicating if it is a new item.
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.queueItemHtml = function ( groupName, key, html ) {
	let isNew = false,
		index = this.getKeyIndex( groupName, key );

	if ( index === undefined ) {
		index = this.itemHtmlQueue.length;
		this.keyIndexes[ groupName + '/' + key ] = index;
		this.itemHtmlQueue.push( html );
		isNew = true;
	} else if ( this.itemHtmlQueue[ index ] === '' ) {
		// Previous value with this key was empty, overwrite value in queue
		this.itemHtmlQueue[ index ] = html;
		isNew = true;
	return {
		index: index,
		isNew: isNew

 * Gets all the item's HTML strings
 * @return {Object} Name-indexed object containing HTMLElements
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getItemHtmlQueue = function () {
	return this.itemHtmlQueue;

 * Gets the internal list's document model
 * @return {ve.dm.Document} Document model
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getDocument = function () {
	return this.document;

 * Get the list node
 * @return {ve.dm.InternalListNode} List node
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getListNode = function () {
	// Find listNode if not set, or unattached
	if ( !this.listNode || !this.listNode.doc ) {
		const nodes = this.getDocument().getDocumentNode().children;
		for ( let i = nodes.length; i >= 0; i-- ) {
			if ( nodes[ i ] instanceof ve.dm.InternalListNode ) {
				this.listNode = nodes[ i ];
	return this.listNode;

 * Get the number it internal items in the internal list.
 * @return {number}
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getItemNodeCount = function () {
	return this.getListNode().children.length;

 * Get the item node from a specific index.
 * @param {number} index Item index
 * @return {ve.dm.InternalItemNode} Item node
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getItemNode = function ( index ) {
	return this.getListNode().children[ index ];

 * Get all node groups.
 * @return {Object.<string,Object>} Node groups, keyed by group name
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getNodeGroups = function () {
	return this.nodes;

 * Get the node group object for a specified group name.
 * @param {string} groupName Name of the group
 * @return {Object|undefined} Node group object, containing nodes and key order array
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getNodeGroup = function ( groupName ) {
	return this.nodes[ groupName ];

 * Get a unique list key for a given group.
 * The returned list key is added to the list of unique list keys used in this group so that it
 * won't be allocated again. It will also be associated to oldListKey so that if the same oldListKey
 * is passed in again later, the previously allocated name will be returned.
 * @param {string} groupName Name of the group
 * @param {string} oldListKey Current list key to associate the generated list key with
 * @param {string} prefix Prefix to distinguish generated keys from non-generated ones
 * @return {string} Generated unique list key, or existing unique key associated with oldListKey
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getUniqueListKey = function ( groupName, oldListKey, prefix ) {
	const group = this.getNodeGroup( groupName );

	if ( group.uniqueListKeys[ oldListKey ] !== undefined ) {
		return group.uniqueListKeys[ oldListKey ];

	let num = 0;
	while ( group.keyedNodes[ prefix + num ] || group.uniqueListKeysInUse[ prefix + num ] ) {

	group.uniqueListKeys[ oldListKey ] = prefix + num;
	group.uniqueListKeysInUse[ prefix + num ] = true;
	return prefix + num;

 * Get the next number in a monotonically increasing series.
 * @return {number} One higher than the return value of the previous call, or 0 on the first call
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getNextUniqueNumber = function () {
	const doc = this.getDocument();
	const number = ( doc.getStorage( 'internallist-counter' ) || 0 );
	doc.setStorage( 'internallist-counter', number + 1 );
	return number;

 * Converts stored item HTML into linear data.
 * Each item is an InternalItem, and they are wrapped in an InternalList.
 * If there are no items an empty array is returned.
 * Stored HTML is deleted after conversion.
 * @param {ve.dm.Converter} converter
 * @param {HTMLDocument} doc Document to create nodes in
 * @return {Array} Linear model data
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.convertToData = function ( converter, doc ) {
	const itemHtmlQueue = this.getItemHtmlQueue();

	const list = [];
	list.push( { type: 'internalList' } );
	for ( let i = 0, length = itemHtmlQueue.length; i < length; i++ ) {
		if ( itemHtmlQueue[ i ] !== '' ) {
			const div = doc.createElement( 'div' );
			div.innerHTML = itemHtmlQueue[ i ];
			const itemData = [].concat(
				{ type: 'internalItem' },
				converter.getDataFromDomSubtree( div ),
				{ type: '/internalItem' }
			if ( !converter.isFromClipboard() ) {
				itemData[ 0 ].attributes = { originalHtml: itemHtmlQueue[ i ] };
			ve.batchPush( list, itemData );
		} else {
			list.push( { type: 'internalItem' }, { type: '/internalItem' } );
	list.push( { type: '/internalList' } );
	// After conversion we no longer need the HTML
	this.itemHtmlQueue = [];
	return list;

 * Generate a transaction for inserting a new internal item node
 * @param {string} groupName Item group
 * @param {string} key Item key
 * @param {Array} data Linear model data
 * @return {Object} Object containing the transaction (or null if none required)
 * and the new item's index within the list
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getItemInsertion = function ( groupName, key, data ) {
	let index = this.getKeyIndex( groupName, key );

	let tx;
	if ( index === undefined ) {
		index = this.getItemNodeCount();
		this.keyIndexes[ groupName + '/' + key ] = index;

		const itemData = [].concat( { type: 'internalItem' }, data, { type: '/internalItem' } );
		tx = ve.dm.TransactionBuilder.static.newFromInsertion(
	} else {
		tx = null;

	return {
		transaction: tx,
		index: index

 * Get position of a key within a group
 * @param {string} groupName Name of the group
 * @param {string} key Name of the key
 * @return {number} Position within the key ordering for that group
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getIndexPosition = function ( groupName, key ) {
	return this.nodes[ groupName ].indexOrder.indexOf( key );

 * Get the internal item index of a group key if it already exists
 * @param {string} groupName Item group
 * @param {string} key Item name
 * @return {number|undefined} The index of the group key, or undefined if it doesn't exist yet
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.getKeyIndex = function ( groupName, key ) {
	return this.keyIndexes[ groupName + '/' + key ];

 * Add a node.
 * @param {string} groupName Item group
 * @param {string} key Item name
 * @param {number} index Item index
 * @param {ve.dm.Node} node Item node
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.addNode = function ( groupName, key, index, node ) {
	let group = this.nodes[ groupName ];
	// The group may not exist yet
	if ( group === undefined ) {
		group = this.nodes[ groupName ] = {
			keyedNodes: {},
			firstNodes: [],
			indexOrder: [],
			uniqueListKeys: {},
			uniqueListKeysInUse: {}
	let keyedNodes = group.keyedNodes[ key ];
	this.keys[ index ] = key;
	// The key may not exist yet
	if ( keyedNodes === undefined ) {
		keyedNodes = group.keyedNodes[ key ] = [];
	if ( node.getDocument().buildingNodeTree ) {
		// If the document is building the original node tree
		// then every item is being added in order, so we don't
		// need to worry about sorting.
		keyedNodes.push( node );
		if ( keyedNodes.length === 1 ) {
			group.firstNodes[ index ] = node;
	} else {
		// TODO: We could use binary search insertion sort
		const start = node.getRange().start;
		let i, len;
		for ( i = 0, len = keyedNodes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
			if ( start < keyedNodes[ i ].getRange().start ) {
		// 'i' is now the insertion point, so add the node here
		keyedNodes.splice( i, 0, node );
		if ( i === 0 ) {
			group.firstNodes[ index ] = node;
	if ( group.indexOrder.indexOf( index ) === -1 ) {
		group.indexOrder.push( index );
	this.markGroupAsChanged( groupName );

 * Mark a node group as having been changed since the last transaction.
 * @param {string} groupName Name of group which has changed
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.markGroupAsChanged = function ( groupName ) {
	if ( this.groupsChanged.indexOf( groupName ) === -1 ) {
		this.groupsChanged.push( groupName );

 * Handle document transaction events
 * @fires ve.dm.InternalList#update
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.onTransact = function () {
	if ( this.groupsChanged.length > 0 ) {
		// length will almost always be 1, so probably better to not cache it
		for ( let i = 0; i < this.groupsChanged.length; i++ ) {
			this.sortGroupIndexes( this.nodes[ this.groupsChanged[ i ] ] );
		this.emit( 'update', this.groupsChanged );
		this.groupsChanged = [];

 * Remove a node.
 * @param {string} groupName Item group
 * @param {string} key Item name
 * @param {number} index Item index
 * @param {ve.dm.Node} node Item node
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.removeNode = function ( groupName, key, index, node ) {
	const group = this.nodes[ groupName ];
	const keyedNodes = group.keyedNodes[ key ];
	for ( let i = 0, len = keyedNodes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
		if ( keyedNodes[ i ] === node ) {
			keyedNodes.splice( i, 1 );
			if ( i === 0 ) {
				group.firstNodes[ index ] = keyedNodes[ 0 ];
	// If the all the items in this key have been removed
	// then remove this index from indexOrder and firstNodes
	if ( keyedNodes.length === 0 ) {
		delete group.keyedNodes[ key ];
		delete group.firstNodes[ index ];
		const j = group.indexOrder.indexOf( index );
		group.indexOrder.splice( j, 1 );
	this.markGroupAsChanged( groupName );

 * Sort the indexOrder array within a group object.
 * Items are sorted by the start offset of their firstNode, unless that node
 * has the 'placeholder' attribute, in which case it moved to the end of the
 * list, where it should be ignored.
 * @param {Object} group
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.sortGroupIndexes = function ( group ) {
	// Sort indexOrder
	group.indexOrder.sort( ( index1, index2 ) => {
		// Sometimes there is no node at the time of sorting (T350902) so move these to the end to be ignored
		if ( !group.firstNodes[ index1 ] ) {
			return !group.firstNodes[ index2 ] ? 0 : 1;
		// Sort placeholder nodes to the end, so they don't interfere with numbering
		if ( group.firstNodes[ index1 ].getAttribute( 'placeholder' ) ) {
			return group.firstNodes[ index2 ].getAttribute( 'placeholder' ) ? 0 : 1;
		return group.firstNodes[ index1 ].getRange().start - group.firstNodes[ index2 ].getRange().start;
	} );

 * Clone this internal list.
 * @param {ve.dm.Document} [doc] The new list's document. Defaults to this list's document.
 * @return {ve.dm.InternalList} Clone of this internal
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.clone = function ( doc ) {
	const clone = new this.constructor( doc || this.getDocument() );
	// Most properties don't need to be copied, because addNode() will be invoked when the new
	// document tree is built. But some do need copying:
	clone.itemHtmlQueue = ve.copy( this.itemHtmlQueue );
	return clone;

 * Merge another internal list into this one.
 * This function updates the state of this list, and returns a mapping from indexes in list to
 * indexes in this, as well as a set of ranges that should be copied from list's linear model
 * into this list's linear model by the caller.
 * @param {ve.dm.InternalList} list Internal list to merge into this list
 * @param {number} commonLength The number of elements, counted from the beginning, that the lists have in common
 * @return {Object} 'mapping' is an object mapping indexes in list to indexes in this; newItemRanges is an array
 *  of ranges of internal nodes in list's document that should be copied into our document
ve.dm.InternalList.prototype.merge = function ( list, commonLength ) {
	const listLen = list.getItemNodeCount(),
		newItemRanges = [],
		mapping = {};
	let nextIndex = this.getItemNodeCount();

	for ( let i = 0; i < commonLength; i++ ) {
		mapping[ i ] = i;
	for ( let i = commonLength; i < listLen; i++ ) {
		// Try to find i in list.keyIndexes
		let key = null;
		for ( const k in list.keyIndexes ) {
			if ( list.keyIndexes[ k ] === i ) {
				key = k;

		if ( this.keyIndexes[ key ] !== undefined ) {
			// We already have this key in this internal list. Ignore the duplicate that the other
			// list is trying to merge in.
			// NOTE: This case cannot occur in VE currently, but may be possible in the future with
			// collaborative editing, which is why this code needs to be rewritten before we do
			// collaborative editing.
			mapping[ i ] = this.keyIndexes[ key ];
		} else {
			mapping[ i ] = nextIndex;
			if ( key !== null ) {
				this.keyIndexes[ key ] = nextIndex;
			newItemRanges.push( list.getItemNode( i ).getOuterRange() );
	return {
		mapping: mapping,
		newItemRanges: newItemRanges