 * VisualEditor DataModel rebase client class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt

 * DataModel rebase client
 * @class
ve.dm.RebaseClient = function VeDmRebaseClient() {
	 * @property {number} authorId Author ID
	this.authorId = null;

	 * @property {number} commitLength Offset up to which we know we have no differences with the server
	this.commitLength = 0;

	 * @property {number} sentLength Offset up to which we have no unsent changes
	this.sentLength = 0;

	 * @property {number} backtrack Number of transactions backtracked (i.e. rejected) since the last send
	this.backtrack = 0;

/* Inheritance */

OO.initClass( ve.dm.RebaseClient );

/* Abstract methods */

 * @abstract
 * @param {number} start Start point for the change
 * @param {boolean} toSubmit If true, mark current selection as sent
 * @return {ve.dm.Change} The change since start in the client's local history
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.getChangeSince = null;

 * @abstract
 * @param {number} backtrack Number of rejected changes backtracked immediately before this change
 * @param {ve.dm.Change} change The change to send
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.sendChange = null;

 * Apply a change to the surface, and add it to the history
 * @abstract
 * @param {ve.dm.Change} change The change to apply
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.applyChange = null;

 * Unapply a change from the surface, and remove it from the history
 * @abstract
 * @param {ve.dm.Change} change The change to unapply
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.unapplyChange = null;

 * Add a change to history, without applying it to the surface
 * @abstract
 * @param {ve.dm.Change} change The change to add
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.addToHistory = null;

 * Remove a change from history, without unapplying it to the surface
 * @abstract
 * @param {ve.dm.Change} change The change to remove
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.removeFromHistory = null;

 * Add an event to the log. Default implementation does nothing; subclasses should override this
 * if they want to collect logs.
 * @param {Object} event Event data
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.logEvent = function () {};

/* Methods */

 * @return {number} Author ID
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.getAuthorId = function () {
	return this.authorId;

 * @param {number} authorId Author ID
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.setAuthorId = function ( authorId ) {
	this.authorId = authorId;

 * Submit all outstanding changes
 * This will submit all transactions that exist in local history but have not been broadcast
 * by the server.
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.submitChange = function () {
	const change = this.getChangeSince( this.sentLength, true );
	if ( change.isEmpty() ) {
	// logEvent before sendChange, for the case where the log entry is sent to the server
	// over the same tunnel as the change, so that there's no way the server will log
	// receiving the change before it receives the submitChange message.
	this.logEvent( {
		type: 'submitChange',
		change: change,
		backtrack: this.backtrack
	} );
	this.sendChange( this.backtrack, change );
	this.backtrack = 0;
	this.sentLength += change.getLength();

 * Accept a committed change from the server
 * If the committed change is by the local author, then it is already applied to the document
 * and at the correct point in history: just move the commitLength pointer.
 * If the commited change is by a different author, then:
 * - Rebase local uncommitted changes over the committed change
 * - If there is a rejected tail, then apply its inverse to the document
 * - Apply the rebase-transposed committed change to the document
 * - Rewrite history to have the committed change followed by rebased uncommitted changes
 * @param {ve.dm.Change} change The committed change from the server
ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.acceptChange = function ( change ) {
	const authorId = change.firstAuthorId(),
		logResult = {};
	if ( !authorId ) {

	let result;
	const unsent = this.getChangeSince( this.sentLength, false );
	if (
		authorId !== this.getAuthorId() ||
		change.start + change.getLength() > this.sentLength
	) {
		let uncommitted = this.getChangeSince( this.commitLength, false );
		result = ve.dm.Change.static.rebaseUncommittedChange( change, uncommitted );
		if ( result.rejected ) {
			// Undo rejected tail, and mark unsent and backtracked if necessary
			this.unapplyChange( result.rejected );
			uncommitted = uncommitted.truncate( result.rejected.start - uncommitted.start );
			if ( this.sentLength > result.rejected.start ) {
				this.backtrack += this.sentLength - result.rejected.start;
			this.sentLength = result.rejected.start;
		// We are already right by definition about our own selection
		delete result.transposedHistory.selections[ this.getAuthorId() ];
		this.applyChange( result.transposedHistory );
		// Rewrite history
		this.removeFromHistory( result.transposedHistory );
		this.removeFromHistory( uncommitted );
		this.addToHistory( change );
		this.addToHistory( result.rebased );

		this.sentLength += change.getLength();
	this.commitLength += change.getLength();

	// Only log the result if it's "interesting", i.e. we rebased or rejected something of nonzero length
	if ( result ) {
		if ( result.rebased.getLength() > 0 || result.rejected ) {
			logResult.rebased = result.rebased;
			logResult.transposedHistory = result.transposedHistory;
		if ( result.rejected ) {
			logResult.rejected = result.rejected;
	if ( unsent.getLength() > 0 ) {
		logResult.unsent = unsent;
	this.logEvent( ve.extendObject( {
		type: 'acceptChange',
		authorId: authorId,
		change: [ change.start, change.getLength() ]
	}, logResult ) );