 * VisualEditor DataModel SurfaceSynchronizer class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt

/* global io */

 * DataModel surface synchronizer.
 * @class
 * @mixes OO.EventEmitter
 * @mixes ve.dm.RebaseClient
 * @constructor
 * @param {ve.dm.Surface} surface Surface model to synchronize
 * @param {string} documentId Document ID
 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
 * @param {string} [config.server] IO server
 * @param {string} [config.defaultName] Default username
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer = function VeDmSurfaceSynchronizer( surface, documentId, config ) {
	config = config || {};

	// Mixin constructors
	OO.EventEmitter.call( this );
	ve.dm.RebaseClient.call( this );

	// Properties
	this.surface = surface;
	this.doc = surface.documentModel;
	this.store = this.doc.getStore();
	this.authors = {};
	this.authorSelections = {};
	this.documentId = documentId;

	// Whether the document has been initialized
	this.initialized = false;
	// Whether we are currently synchronizing the model
	this.applying = false;
	this.token = null;
	this.serverId = null;
	this.paused = false;

	// SocketIO events
	let conn;
	if ( config.peerConnection ) {
		conn = {
			peerConnection: config.peerConnection,
			handlers: new Map(),
			on: function ( type, handler ) {
				if ( !this.handlers.has( type ) ) {
					this.handlers.set( type, [] );
				this.handlers.get( type ).push( handler );
			send: function ( type, data ) {
				this.peerConnection.send( { type: type, data: ve.collab.serialize( data ) } );
			disconnect: function () {
		conn.peerConnection.on( 'data', ( data ) => {
			const type = data.type;
			if ( typeof type !== 'string' ) {
				throw new Error( 'Expected .type in <' + data + '>' );
			( conn.handlers.get( type ) || [] ).forEach( ( handler ) => {
				handler( data.data );
			} );
		} );
	} else {
		const path = ( config.server || '' );
		const options = {
			query: {
				docName: this.documentId,
				authorId: this.getAuthorId() || '',
				token: this.token || ''
			transports: [ 'websocket' ]
		conn = {
			socket: io( path, options ),
			on: function ( type, handler ) {
				this.socket.on( type, handler );
			send: function ( type, data ) {
				this.socket.emit( type, data );
			disconnect: function () {
	this.conn = conn;
	this.conn.on( 'registered', this.onRegistered.bind( this ) );
	this.conn.on( 'initDoc', this.onInitDoc.bind( this ) );
	this.conn.on( 'newChange', this.onNewChange.bind( this ) );
	this.conn.on( 'authorChange', this.onAuthorChange.bind( this ) );
	this.conn.on( 'authorDisconnect', this.onAuthorDisconnect.bind( this ) );

	const authorData = ve.init.platform.sessionStorage.getObject( 've-collab-author' );
	if ( authorData ) {
		this.changeAuthor( authorData );
	} else if ( config.defaultName ) {
		this.changeAuthor( { name: config.defaultName } );

	// Events
	this.surface.connect( this, {
		history: 'onSurfaceHistory',
		select: 'onSurfaceSelect'
	} );

	this.submitChangeThrottled = ve.debounce( ve.throttle( this.submitChange.bind( this ), 250 ), 0 );

/* Inheritance */

OO.mixinClass( ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer, OO.EventEmitter );
OO.mixinClass( ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer, ve.dm.RebaseClient );

/* Events */

 * @event ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#authorSelect
 * @param {number} authorId The author whose selection has changed

 * @event ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#authorChange
 * @param {number} authorId The author whose data has changed

 * @event ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#wrongDoc

 * @event ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#initDoc
 * @param {Error} error Error, if there was a problem initializing the document

 * @event ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#disconnect

 * The synchronizer is paused or resumes
 * @event ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#pause

/* Methods */

 * Destroy the synchronizer
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.destroy = function () {
	this.doc.disconnect( this );
	this.surface.disconnect( this );
	this.initialized = false;

 * Pause sending/receiving changes
 * @fires ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#pause
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.pauseChanges = function () {
	if ( this.paused ) {
	this.paused = true;
	this.queuedChanges = [];
	this.emit( 'pause' );

 * Resume sending/receiving changes
 * @fires ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#pause
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.resumeChanges = function () {
	if ( !this.paused ) {
	this.applying = true;
	try {
		// Don't cache length, as it's not inconceivable acceptChange could
		// cause another change to arrive in some weird setup
		for ( let i = 0; i < this.queuedChanges.length; i++ ) {
			this.acceptChange( this.queuedChanges[ i ] );
	} finally {
		this.applying = false;
	this.paused = false;
	// Schedule submission of unsent local changes, if any
	this.emit( 'pause' );

 * @inheritdoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.getChangeSince = function ( start, toSubmit ) {
	const change = this.doc.getChangeSince( start ),
		selection = this.surface.getSelection();
	if ( !selection.equals( this.lastSubmittedSelection ) ) {
		change.selections[ this.getAuthorId() ] = selection;
		if ( toSubmit ) {
			this.lastSubmittedSelection = selection;
	return change;

 * @inheritdoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.submitChange = function () {
	// Prevent submission before initialization is complete
	if ( !this.initialized ) {
	// Parent method
	ve.dm.RebaseClient.prototype.submitChange.apply( this, arguments );

 * @inheritdoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.sendChange = function ( backtrack, change ) {
	this.conn.send( 'submitChange', {
		backtrack: this.backtrack,
		// Serialize (don't rely on the transport to perform implicit serialization)
		change: change.serialize()
	} );

 * @inheritdoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.applyChange = function ( change ) {
	// Author selections are superseded by change.selections, so no need to translate them
	for ( let authorId in change.selections ) {
		authorId = +authorId;
		delete this.authorSelections[ authorId ];
	change.applyTo( this.surface );
	// HACK: After applyTo(), the selections are wrong and applying them could crash.
	// The only reason this doesn't happen is because everything that tries to do that uses setTimeout().
	// Translate the selections that aren't going to be overwritten by change.selections
	this.applyNewSelections( this.authorSelections, change );
	// Apply the overwrites from change.selections
	this.applyNewSelections( change.selections );

 * @inheritdoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.unapplyChange = function ( change ) {
	change.unapplyTo( this.surface );
	// Translate all selections for what we just unapplied
	// HACK: After unapplyTo(), the selections are wrong and applying them could crash.
	// The only reason this doesn't happen is because everything that tries to do that uses setTimeout().
	this.applyNewSelections( this.authorSelections, change.reversed() );

 * @inheritdoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.addToHistory = function ( change ) {
	change.addToHistory( this.doc );

 * @inheritdoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.removeFromHistory = function ( change ) {
	change.removeFromHistory( this.doc );

 * @inheritdoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.logEvent = function ( event ) {
	if ( !this.initialized ) {
		// Do not log before initialization is complete; this prevents us from logging the entire
		// document history during initialization
	this.conn.send( 'logEvent', ve.extendObject( { sendTimestamp: Date.now() }, event ) );

 * Respond to transactions happening on the document. Ignores transactions applied by
 * SurfaceSynchronizer itself.
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.onSurfaceHistory = function () {
	if ( this.applying || !this.initialized || this.paused ) {
		// Ignore our own synchronization or initialization transactions
	const change = this.getChangeSince( this.sentLength, true );
	const authorId = this.authorId;
	// HACK annotate transactions with authorship information
	// This relies on being able to access the transaction object by reference;
	// we should probably set the author deeper in dm.Surface or dm.Document instead.
	change.transactions.forEach( ( tx ) => {
		tx.authorId = authorId;
	} );
	// TODO deal with staged transactions somehow
	this.applyNewSelections( this.authorSelections, change );

 * Respond to selection changes.
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.onSurfaceSelect = function () {
	if ( this.paused ) {

 * Translate incoming selections by change, then apply them and fire authorSelect
 * @param {Object} newSelections Each author (key) maps to a new incoming ve.dm.Selection
 * @param {ve.dm.Change|ve.dm.Transaction} [changeOrTx] Object to translate over, if any
 * @fires ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#authorSelect
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.applyNewSelections = function ( newSelections, changeOrTx ) {
	const change = changeOrTx instanceof ve.dm.Change ? changeOrTx : null,
		tx = changeOrTx instanceof ve.dm.Transaction ? changeOrTx : null;
	for ( let authorId in newSelections ) {
		authorId = +authorId;
		if ( authorId === this.authorId ) {
		let translatedSelection;
		if ( change ) {
			translatedSelection = newSelections[ authorId ].translateByChange( change, authorId );
		} else if ( tx ) {
			translatedSelection = newSelections[ authorId ].translateByTransactionWithAuthor( tx, authorId );
		} else {
			translatedSelection = newSelections[ authorId ];
		if ( !translatedSelection.equals( this.authorSelections[ authorId ] ) ) {
			// This works correctly even if newSelections === this.authorSelections
			this.authorSelections[ authorId ] = translatedSelection;
			this.emit( 'authorSelect', authorId );

 * Get author data object
 * @param {number} [authorId] Author ID, defaults to current author
 * @return {Object} Author object, containing 'name' and 'color'
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.getAuthorData = function ( authorId ) {
	if ( authorId === undefined ) {
		authorId = this.getAuthorId();
	return this.authors[ authorId ];

ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.onAuthorChange = function ( data ) {
	this.authors[ data.authorId ] = data.authorData;
	this.emit( 'authorChange', data.authorId );

	if ( data.authorId === this.getAuthorId() ) {
		ve.init.platform.sessionStorage.setObject( 've-collab-author', data.authorData );

ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.changeAuthor = function ( data ) {
	this.conn.send( 'changeAuthor', ve.extendObject( {}, this.getAuthorData( this.getAuthorId() ), data ) );

ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.onAuthorDisconnect = function ( authorId ) {
	delete this.authors[ authorId ];
	delete this.authorSelections[ authorId ];
	this.emit( 'authorDisconnect', authorId );

 * Respond to a "registered" event from the server
 * @param {Object} data
 * @param {number} data.authorId The author ID allocated by the server
 * @param {string} data.token
 * @fires ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#wrongDoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.onRegistered = function ( data ) {
	if ( this.serverId && this.serverId !== data.serverId ) {
		this.emit( 'wrongDoc' );
	this.serverId = data.serverId;
	this.setAuthorId( data.authorId );
	this.surface.setAuthorId( this.authorId );
	this.token = data.token;

ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.saveSessionKey = function () {
	ve.init.platform.sessionStorage.setObject( 'visualeditor-session-key', {
		serverId: this.serverId,
		docName: this.documentId,
		authorId: this.getAuthorId(),
		token: this.token
	} );

ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.loadSessionKey = function () {
	const data = ve.init.platform.sessionStorage.getObject( 'visualeditor-session-key' );
	if ( data && data.docName === this.documentId ) {
		this.serverId = data.serverId;
		this.setAuthorId( data.authorId );
		this.token = data.token;

 * Respond to an initDoc event from the server, catching us up on the prior history of the document.
 * @param {Object} data
 * @param {Object} data.history Serialized change representing the server's history
 * @param {Object} data.authors Object mapping author IDs to author data objects (name/color)
 * @fires ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer#initDoc
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.onInitDoc = function ( data ) {
	if ( this.initialized ) {
		// Ignore attempt to initialize a second time
	for ( const authorId in data.authors ) {
		this.onAuthorChange( {
			authorId: +authorId,
			authorData: data.authors[ authorId ]
		} );
	try {
		const history = ve.dm.Change.static.deserialize( data.history );
		this.acceptChange( history );
	} catch ( e ) {
		this.emit( 'initDoc', e );
	this.emit( 'initDoc' );

	// Mark ourselves as initialized and retry any prevented submissions
	this.initialized = true;

 * Respond to a newChange event from the server, signalling a newly committed change
 * If the commited change is by another author, then:
 * - Rebase uncommitted changes over the committed change
 * - If there is a rebase rejection, then apply its inverse to the document
 * - Apply the rebase-transposed committed change to the document
 * - Rewrite history to have the committed change followed by rebased uncommitted changes
 * If the committed change is by the local author, then it is already applied to the document
 * and at the correct point in the history: just move the commit pointer.
 * @param {Object} serializedChange Serialized ve.dm.Change that the server has applied
ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.onNewChange = function ( serializedChange ) {
	const change = ve.dm.Change.static.deserialize( serializedChange );
	if ( this.paused ) {
		this.queuedChanges.push( change );
	// Make sure we don't attempt to submit any of the transactions we commit while manipulating
	// the state of the document
	this.applying = true;
	try {
		this.acceptChange( change );
	} finally {
		this.applying = false;
	// Schedule submission of unsent local changes, if any

ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer.prototype.onDisconnect = function () {
	this.initialized = false;
	this.emit( 'disconnect' );