 * VisualEditor Initialization Target class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt

 * Generic Initialization target.
 * @class
 * @abstract
 * @extends OO.ui.Element
 * @mixes OO.EventEmitter
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
 * @param {Object} [config.toolbarConfig={}] Configuration options for the toolbar
 * @param {Object} [config.toolbarGroups] Toolbar groups, defaults to this.constructor.static.toolbarGroups
 * @param {Object} [config.actionGroups] Toolbar groups, defaults to this.constructor.static.actionGroups
 * @param {string[]} [config.modes] Available editing modes. Defaults to static.modes
 * @param {string} [config.defaultMode] Default mode for new surfaces. Must be in this.modes and defaults to first item.
 * @param {boolean} [register=true] Register the target at ve.init.target
ve.init.Target = function VeInitTarget( config ) {
	config = config || {};

	// Parent constructor
	ve.init.Target.super.call( this, config );

	// Mixin constructors
	OO.EventEmitter.call( this );

	// Register
	if ( config.register !== false ) {
		ve.init.target = this;

	// Properties
	this.surfaces = [];
	this.surface = null;
	this.toolbar = null;
	this.toolbarConfig = config.toolbarConfig || {};
	this.toolbarGroups = config.toolbarGroups || this.constructor.static.toolbarGroups;
	this.actionGroups = config.actionGroups || this.constructor.static.actionGroups;
	this.$scrollContainer = this.getScrollContainer();
	this.$scrollListener = this.$scrollContainer.is( 'html, body' ) ?
		$( OO.ui.Element.static.getWindow( this.$scrollContainer[ 0 ] ) ) :

	this.toolbarScrollOffset = 0;
	this.activeToolbars = 0;
	this.wasSurfaceActive = null;
	this.teardownPromise = null;

	this.modes = config.modes || this.constructor.static.modes;
	this.setDefaultMode( config.defaultMode );


	// Initialization
	this.$element.addClass( 've-init-target' );

	if ( ve.init.platform.constructor.static.isIos() ) {
		this.$element.addClass( 've-init-target-ios' );

	// Events
	this.onDocumentKeyDownHandler = this.onDocumentKeyDown.bind( this );
	this.onDocumentKeyUpHandler = this.onDocumentKeyUp.bind( this );
	this.onDocumentVisibilityChangeHandler = this.onDocumentVisibilityChange.bind( this );
	this.onTargetKeyDownHandler = this.onTargetKeyDown.bind( this );
	this.onContainerScrollHandler = this.onContainerScroll.bind( this );

/* Inheritance */

OO.inheritClass( ve.init.Target, OO.ui.Element );

OO.mixinClass( ve.init.Target, OO.EventEmitter );

/* Events */

 * Must be fired after the surface is initialized
 * @event ve.init.Target#surfaceReady

/* Static Properties */

 * Editing modes available in the target.
 * Must contain at least one mode. Overridden if the #modes config option is used.
 * @static
 * @property {string[]}
 * @inheritable
ve.init.Target.static.modes = [ 'visual' ];

 * Toolbar definition, passed to ve.ui.Toolbar#setup
 * @static
 * @property {Array}
 * @inheritable
ve.init.Target.static.toolbarGroups = [
		name: 'history',
		include: [ { group: 'history' } ]
		name: 'format',
		header: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-paragraph-format' ),
		title: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-format-tooltip' ),
		type: 'menu',
		include: [ { group: 'format' } ],
		promote: [ 'paragraph' ],
		demote: [ 'preformatted', 'blockquote' ]
		name: 'style',
		include: [ 'bold', 'italic', 'moreTextStyle' ]
		name: 'link',
		include: [ 'link' ]
		name: 'structure',
		header: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-structure' ),
		title: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-structure' ),
		label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-structure' ),
		invisibleLabel: true,
		type: 'list',
		icon: 'listBullet',
		include: [ { group: 'structure' } ],
		demote: [ 'outdent', 'indent' ]
		name: 'insert',
		header: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-insert' ),
		title: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-insert' ),
		label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-toolbar-insert' ),
		invisibleLabel: true,
		type: 'list',
		icon: 'add',
		include: '*'
		name: 'specialCharacter',
		include: [ 'specialCharacter' ]
		name: 'pageMenu',
		type: 'list',
		align: 'after',
		icon: 'menu',
		indicator: null,
		header: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-pagemenu-tooltip' ),
		title: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-pagemenu-tooltip' ),
		label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-pagemenu-tooltip' ),
		invisibleLabel: true,
		include: [ { group: 'utility' }, { group: 'help' } ]
	// ve-mw puts help in a separate group and so uses the
	// visualeditor-help-tool message.
	// TODO: Consider downstreaming this message.

 * Toolbar definition for the actions side of the toolbar
 * @deprecated Use align:'after' in the regular toolbarGroups instead.
 * @static
 * @property {Array}
 * @inheritable
ve.init.Target.static.actionGroups = [];

 * List of commands which can be triggered anywhere from within the document
 * @type {string[]}
ve.init.Target.static.documentCommands = [];

 * List of commands which can be triggered from within the target element
 * @type {string[]}
ve.init.Target.static.targetCommands = [ 'commandHelp', 'findAndReplace', 'findNext', 'findPrevious' ];

 * List of commands to include in the target
 * Null means all commands in the registry are used (excluding excludeCommands)
 * @type {string[]|null}
ve.init.Target.static.includeCommands = null;

 * List of commands to exclude from the target entirely
 * @type {string[]}
ve.init.Target.static.excludeCommands = [];

 * Surface import rules
 * One set for external (non-VE) paste sources and one for all paste sources.
 * Most rules are handled in ve.dm.ElementLinearData#sanitize, but htmlBlacklist
 * is handled in ve.ce.Surface#afterPaste.
 * @type {Object}
ve.init.Target.static.importRules = {
	external: {
		blacklist: {
			// Annotations
			// TODO: This also removes harmless things like <span style="font-weight: bold;">
			// which would otherwise get converted to a bold annotation
			'textStyle/span': true,
			'textStyle/font': true,
			// Nodes
			alienInline: true,
			alienBlock: true,
			alienTableCell: true,
			comment: true,
			div: true
		// Selectors to filter. Runs before model type blacklist above.
		htmlBlacklist: {
			// remove: { '.selectorToRemove': true }
			unwrap: {
				fieldset: true,
				legend: true,
				// Unsupported sectioning tags
				main: true,
				nav: true,
				aside: true,
				// HTML headings are already bold by default. Some skins may use non-bold
				// heaidngs, but more likely we will end up with useless bold annotations.
				'h1 b, h2 b, h3 b, h4 b, h5 b, h6 b': true,
				'h1 strong, h2 strong, h3 strong, h4 strong, h5 strong, h6 strong': true
		nodeSanitization: true
	all: null

/* Static methods */

 * Create a document model from an HTML document.
 * @param {HTMLDocument|string} doc HTML document or source text
 * @param {string} mode Editing mode
 * @param {Object} options Conversion options
 * @return {ve.dm.Document} Document model
ve.init.Target.static.createModelFromDom = function ( doc, mode, options ) {
	if ( mode === 'source' ) {
		return ve.dm.sourceConverter.getModelFromSourceText( doc, options );
	} else {
		return ve.dm.converter.getModelFromDom( doc, options );

 * Parse document string into an HTML document
 * @param {string} documentString Document. Note that this must really be a whole document
 *   with a single root tag.
 * @param {string} mode Editing mode
 * @return {HTMLDocument|string} HTML document, or document string (source mode)
ve.init.Target.static.parseDocument = function ( documentString, mode ) {
	if ( mode === 'source' ) {
		return documentString;
	return ve.createDocumentFromHtml( documentString );

// Deprecated alias
ve.init.Target.prototype.parseDocument = function () {
	return this.constructor.static.parseDocument.apply( this.constructor.static, arguments );

/* Methods */

 * Set default editing mode for new surfaces
 * @param {string} defaultMode Editing mode, see static.modes
ve.init.Target.prototype.setDefaultMode = function ( defaultMode ) {
	// Mode is not available
	if ( !this.isModeAvailable( defaultMode ) ) {
		if ( !this.defaultMode ) {
			// Use default mode if nothing has been set
			defaultMode = this.modes[ 0 ];
		} else {
			// Fail if we already have a valid mode
	if ( defaultMode !== this.defaultMode ) {
		if ( this.defaultMode ) {
			// Documented below
			// eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/class-doc
			this.$element.removeClass( 've-init-target-' + this.defaultMode );
		// The following classes are used here:
		// * ve-init-target-visual
		// * ve-init-target-[modename]
		this.$element.addClass( 've-init-target-' + defaultMode );
		this.defaultMode = defaultMode;

 * Get default editing mode for new surfaces
 * @return {string} Editing mode
ve.init.Target.prototype.getDefaultMode = function () {
	return this.defaultMode;

 * Check if a specific editing mode is available
 * @param {string} mode Editing mode
 * @return {boolean} Editing mode is available
ve.init.Target.prototype.isModeAvailable = function ( mode ) {
	return this.modes.indexOf( mode ) !== -1;

 * Bind event handlers to target and document
ve.init.Target.prototype.bindHandlers = function () {
	$( this.getElementDocument() ).on( {
		keydown: this.onDocumentKeyDownHandler,
		keyup: this.onDocumentKeyUpHandler,
		visibilitychange: this.onDocumentVisibilityChangeHandler
	} );
	this.$element.on( 'keydown', this.onTargetKeyDownHandler );
	this.$scrollListener[ 0 ].addEventListener( 'scroll', this.onContainerScrollHandler, { passive: true } );

 * Unbind event handlers on target and document
ve.init.Target.prototype.unbindHandlers = function () {
	$( this.getElementDocument() ).off( {
		keydown: this.onDocumentKeyDownHandler,
		keyup: this.onDocumentKeyUpHandler,
		visibilitychange: this.onDocumentVisibilityChangeHandler
	} );
	this.$element.off( 'keydown', this.onTargetKeyDownHandler );
	this.$scrollListener[ 0 ].removeEventListener( 'scroll', this.onContainerScrollHandler );

 * Teardown the target, removing all surfaces, toolbars and handlers
 * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves when the target has been torn down
ve.init.Target.prototype.teardown = function () {
	if ( !this.teardownPromise ) {
		// Wait for the toolbar to teardown before clearing surfaces,
		// as it may want to transition away
		this.teardownPromise = this.teardownToolbar().then( this.clearSurfaces.bind( this ) );
	return this.teardownPromise;

 * Destroy the target
 * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves when the target has been destroyed
ve.init.Target.prototype.destroy = function () {
	return this.teardown().then( () => {
		if ( ve.init.target === this ) {
			ve.init.target = null;
	} );

 * Set up trigger listeners
ve.init.Target.prototype.setupTriggerListeners = function () {
	const surfaceOrSurfaceConfig = this.getSurface() || this.getSurfaceConfig();
	this.documentTriggerListener = new ve.TriggerListener( this.constructor.static.documentCommands, surfaceOrSurfaceConfig.commandRegistry );
	this.targetTriggerListener = new ve.TriggerListener( this.constructor.static.targetCommands, surfaceOrSurfaceConfig.commandRegistry );

 * Get the target's scroll container
 * @return {jQuery} The target's scroll container
ve.init.Target.prototype.getScrollContainer = function () {
	return $( OO.ui.Element.static.getClosestScrollableContainer( document.body ) );

 * Handle scroll container scroll events
ve.init.Target.prototype.onContainerScroll = function () {
	// Don't use getter as it creates the toolbar
	const toolbar = this.toolbar;

	if ( toolbar && toolbar.isFloatable() ) {
		const wasFloating = toolbar.isFloating();
		const scrollTop = this.$scrollContainer.scrollTop();

		if ( scrollTop + this.toolbarScrollOffset > toolbar.getElementOffset().top ) {
		} else {

		if ( toolbar.isFloating() !== wasFloating ) {
			// HACK: Re-position any active toolgroup popups. We can't rely on normal event handler order
			// because we're mixing jQuery and non-jQuery events. T205924#4657203
			toolbar.getItems().forEach( ( toolgroup ) => {
				if ( toolgroup instanceof OO.ui.PopupToolGroup && toolgroup.isActive() ) {
			} );

 * Handle key down events on the document
 * @param {jQuery.Event} e Key down event
ve.init.Target.prototype.onDocumentKeyDown = function ( e ) {
	const trigger = new ve.ui.Trigger( e );
	if ( trigger.isComplete() ) {
		const command = this.documentTriggerListener.getCommandByTrigger( trigger.toString() );
		const surface = this.getSurface();
		if ( surface && command && command.execute( surface, undefined, 'trigger' ) ) {
	// Allows elements to re-style for ctrl+click behaviour, e.g. ve.ce.LinkAnnotation
	this.$element.toggleClass( 've-init-target-ctrl-meta-down', e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey );

 * Handle key up events on the document
 * @param {jQuery.Event} e Key up event
ve.init.Target.prototype.onDocumentKeyUp = function ( e ) {
	this.$element.toggleClass( 've-init-target-ctrl-meta-down', e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey );

 * Handle visibility change events on the document
 * @param {jQuery.Event} e Visibility change event
ve.init.Target.prototype.onDocumentVisibilityChange = function () {
	// keyup event will be missed if you ctrl+tab away from the page
	this.$element.removeClass( 've-init-target-ctrl-meta-down' );

 * Handle key down events on the target
 * @param {jQuery.Event} e Key down event
ve.init.Target.prototype.onTargetKeyDown = function ( e ) {
	const trigger = new ve.ui.Trigger( e );
	if ( trigger.isComplete() ) {
		const command = this.targetTriggerListener.getCommandByTrigger( trigger.toString() );
		const surface = this.getSurface();
		if ( surface && command && command.execute( surface, undefined, 'trigger' ) ) {

 * Handle toolbar resize events
ve.init.Target.prototype.onToolbarResize = function () {
	if ( !this.getSurface() ) {
	this.getSurface().setPadding( {
		top: this.getToolbar().getHeight() + this.toolbarScrollOffset
	} );

 * Create a target widget.
 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
 * @return {ve.ui.TargetWidget}
ve.init.Target.prototype.createTargetWidget = function ( config ) {
	return new ve.ui.TargetWidget( ve.extendObject( {
		toolbarGroups: this.toolbarGroups
	}, config ) );

 * Create a surface.
 * @param {ve.dm.Document|ve.dm.Surface} dmDocOrSurface Document model or surface model
 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
 * @return {ve.ui.Surface}
ve.init.Target.prototype.createSurface = function ( dmDocOrSurface, config ) {
	return new ve.ui.Surface( this, dmDocOrSurface, this.getSurfaceConfig( config ) );

 * Get surface configuration options
 * @param {Object} config Configuration option overrides
 * @return {Object} Surface configuration options
ve.init.Target.prototype.getSurfaceConfig = function ( config ) {
	return ve.extendObject( {
		$scrollContainer: this.$scrollContainer,
		$scrollListener: this.$scrollListener,
		commandRegistry: ve.ui.commandRegistry,
		sequenceRegistry: ve.ui.sequenceRegistry,
		dataTransferHandlerFactory: ve.ui.dataTransferHandlerFactory,
		includeCommands: this.constructor.static.includeCommands,
		excludeCommands: OO.simpleArrayUnion(
		importRules: this.constructor.static.importRules
	}, config );

 * Add a surface to the target
 * @param {ve.dm.Document|ve.dm.Surface} dmDocOrSurface Document model or surface model
 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
 * @return {ve.ui.Surface}
ve.init.Target.prototype.addSurface = function ( dmDocOrSurface, config ) {
	const surface = this.createSurface( dmDocOrSurface, ve.extendObject( { mode: this.getDefaultMode() }, config ) );
	this.surfaces.push( surface );
	surface.getView().connect( this, {
		focus: this.onSurfaceViewFocus.bind( this, surface )
	} );
	// Sub-classes should initialize the surface when possible, then fire 'surfaceReady'
	return surface;

 * Destroy and remove all surfaces from the target
ve.init.Target.prototype.clearSurfaces = function () {
	// We're about to destroy this.surface, so unset it for sanity
	// Otherwise, getSurface() could return a destroyed surface
	this.surface = null;
	while ( this.surfaces.length ) {

 * Handle focus events from a surface's view
 * @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface Surface firing the event
ve.init.Target.prototype.onSurfaceViewFocus = function ( surface ) {
	this.setSurface( surface );

 * Set the target's active surface
 * @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface
ve.init.Target.prototype.setSurface = function ( surface ) {
	if ( OO.ui.isMobile() ) {
		// Allow popup tool groups's menus to display on top of the mobile context, which is attached
		// to the global overlay (T307849)
		this.toolbarConfig.$overlay = surface.getGlobalOverlay().$element;
		// There is already a toolbar (e.g. when switching), swap out the overlay:
		// TODO: Add a setOverlay method to Toolbar, or create a new toolbar
		if ( this.toolbar ) {
			this.toolbar.$overlay = this.toolbarConfig.$overlay;
			this.toolbar.$overlay.append( this.toolbar.$popups );

	if ( this.surfaces.indexOf( surface ) === -1 ) {
		throw new Error( 'Active surface must have been added first' );
	if ( surface !== this.surface ) {
		this.surface = surface;
		this.setupToolbar( surface );

 * Get the target's active surface, if it exists
 * @return {ve.ui.Surface|null}
ve.init.Target.prototype.getSurface = function () {
	return this.surface;

 * Get the target's toolbar
 * @return {ve.ui.TargetToolbar} Toolbar
ve.init.Target.prototype.getToolbar = function () {
	if ( !this.toolbar ) {
		this.toolbar = new ve.ui.PositionedTargetToolbar( this, this.toolbarConfig );
	return this.toolbar;

 * Get the actions toolbar
 * @deprecated
 * @return {ve.ui.TargetToolbar} Actions toolbar (same as the normal toolbar)
ve.init.Target.prototype.getActions = function () {
	OO.ui.warnDeprecation( 'Target#getActions: Use #getToolbar instead ' +
		'(actions toolbar has been merged into the normal toolbar)' );
	if ( !this.actionsToolbar ) {
		this.actionsToolbar = this.getToolbar();
	return this.actionsToolbar;

 * Set up the toolbar, attaching it to a surface.
 * @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface
ve.init.Target.prototype.setupToolbar = function ( surface ) {
	const toolbar = this.getToolbar();
	if ( this.actionGroups.length ) {
		// Backwards-compatibility
		if ( !this.actionsToolbar ) {
			this.actionsToolbar = this.getToolbar();

	toolbar.connect( this, {
		resize: 'onToolbarResize',
		active: 'onToolbarActive'
	} );

	if ( surface.nullSelectionOnBlur ) {
			.on( 'focusin', () => {
				// When the focus moves to the toolbar, deactivate the surface but keep the selection (even if
				// nullSelectionOnBlur is true), to allow tools to act on that selection.
				surface.getView().deactivate( /* showAsActivated= */ true );
			} )
			.on( 'focusout', ( e ) => {
				const newFocusedElement = e.relatedTarget;
				if ( !OO.ui.contains( [ toolbar.$element[ 0 ], toolbar.$overlay[ 0 ] ], newFocusedElement, true ) ) {
					// When the focus moves out of the toolbar:
					if ( OO.ui.contains( surface.getView().$element[ 0 ], newFocusedElement, true ) ) {
						// When the focus moves out of the toolbar, and it moves back into the surface,
						// make sure the previous selection is restored.
						const previousSelection = surface.getModel().getSelection();
						if ( !previousSelection.isNull() ) {
							surface.getModel().setSelection( previousSelection );
					} else {
						// When the focus moves out of the toolbar, and it doesn't move back into the surface,
						// blur the surface explicitly to restore the expected nullSelectionOnBlur behavior.
						// The surface was deactivated, so it doesn't react to the focus change itself.
			} );

	this.actionGroups.forEach( ( group ) => {
		group.align = 'after';
	} );
	const groups = [ ...this.toolbarGroups, ...this.actionGroups ];

	toolbar.setup( groups, surface );
	requestAnimationFrame( this.onContainerScrollHandler );

 * Deactivate the surface. Maybe save some properties that should be restored when it's activated.
 * @protected
ve.init.Target.prototype.deactivateSurfaceForToolbar = function () {
	const view = this.getSurface().getView();
	// Surface may already be deactivated (e.g. link inspector is open)
	this.wasSurfaceActive = !view.deactivated;
	if ( this.wasSurfaceActive ) {

 * Activate the surface. Restore any properties saved in #deactivate.
 * @protected
ve.init.Target.prototype.activateSurfaceForToolbar = function () {
	const view = this.getSurface().getView();
	// For non-collapsed mobile selections, don't reactivate
	if ( this.wasSurfaceActive && !( OO.ui.isMobile() && !view.getModel().getSelection().isCollapsed() ) ) {

 * Handle active events from the toolbar
 * @param {boolean} active The toolbar is active
ve.init.Target.prototype.onToolbarActive = function ( active ) {
	// Deactivate the surface when the toolbar is active (T109529, T201329)
	if ( active ) {
		if ( this.activeToolbars === 1 ) {
	} else {
		if ( !this.activeToolbars ) {

 * Teardown the toolbar
 * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves when the toolbar has been torn down
ve.init.Target.prototype.teardownToolbar = function () {
	if ( this.toolbar ) {
		this.toolbar = null;
	if ( this.actionsToolbar ) {
		this.actionsToolbar = null;
	return ve.createDeferred().resolve().promise();

 * Attach the toolbar to the DOM
ve.init.Target.prototype.attachToolbar = function () {
	const toolbar = this.getToolbar();
	toolbar.$element.insertBefore( toolbar.getSurface().$element );