* VisualEditor UserInterface IndentationAction class.
* @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
* Indentation action.
* @class
* @extends ve.ui.Action
* @constructor
* @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface Surface to act on
* @param {string} [source]
ve.ui.IndentationAction = function VeUiIndentationAction() {
// Parent constructor
ve.ui.IndentationAction.super.apply( this, arguments );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.IndentationAction, ve.ui.Action );
/* Static Properties */
ve.ui.IndentationAction.static.name = 'indentation';
ve.ui.IndentationAction.static.methods = [ 'increase', 'decrease' ];
/* Methods */
* Indent content.
* @return {boolean} Indentation increase occurred
ve.ui.IndentationAction.prototype.increase = function () {
return this.changeIndentation( 1 );
* Unindent content.
* @return {boolean} Indentation decrease occurred
ve.ui.IndentationAction.prototype.decrease = function () {
return this.changeIndentation( -1 );
* Change indentation of content.
* @param {number} indent Indentation change, 1 or -1
* @return {boolean} Indentation decrease occurred
ve.ui.IndentationAction.prototype.changeIndentation = function ( indent ) {
const surfaceModel = this.surface.getModel(),
selection = surfaceModel.getSelection();
if ( !( selection instanceof ve.dm.LinearSelection ) ) {
return false;
const documentModel = surfaceModel.getDocument();
const groups = documentModel.getCoveredSiblingGroups( selection.getRange() );
const fragments = [];
let changed = false;
// Build fragments from groups (we need their ranges since the nodes will be rebuilt on change)
groups.forEach( ( group ) => {
if ( group.grandparent && group.grandparent.getType() === 'list' ) {
fragments.push( surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( group.parent.getRange(), true ) );
changed = true;
} else if ( group.parent && group.parent.getType() === 'list' ) {
// In a slug, the node will be the listItem.
fragments.push( surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( group.nodes[ 0 ].getRange(), true ) );
changed = true;
} );
// Process each fragment (their ranges are automatically adjusted on change)
fragments.forEach( ( fragment ) => {
const listItem = documentModel.getBranchNodeFromOffset( fragment.getSelection().getRange().start );
if ( indent > 0 ) {
this.indentListItem( listItem );
} else {
this.unindentListItem( listItem );
} );
return changed;
* Indent a list item.
* @param {ve.dm.ListItemNode} listItem List item to indent
* @throws {Error} listItem must be a ve.dm.ListItemNode
ve.ui.IndentationAction.prototype.indentListItem = function ( listItem ) {
// This check should never fail
/* istanbul ignore next */
if ( !( listItem instanceof ve.dm.ListItemNode ) ) {
throw new Error( 'listItem must be a ve.dm.ListItemNode' );
* Indenting a list item is done as follows:
* 1. Wrap the listItem in a list and a listItem (<li> --> <li><ul><li>)
* 2. Merge this wrapped listItem into the previous listItem if present
* (<li>Previous</li><li><ul><li>This --> <li>Previous<ul><li>This)
* 3. If this results in the wrapped list being preceded by another list,
* merge those lists.
const listType = listItem.getParent().getAttribute( 'style' );
const listItemRange = listItem.getOuterRange();
// CAREFUL: after initializing the variables above, we cannot use the model tree!
// The first transaction will cause rebuilds so the nodes we have references to now
// will be detached and useless after the first transaction. Instead, inspect
// documentModel.data to find out things about the current structure.
const surfaceModel = this.surface.getModel();
// (1) Wrap the listItem in a list and a listItem
surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( listItemRange, true )
.wrapNodes( [ { type: 'listItem' }, { type: 'list', attributes: { style: listType } } ] );
const documentModel = surfaceModel.getDocument();
// (2) Merge the listItem into the previous listItem (if there is one)
if (
documentModel.data.getData( listItemRange.start ).type === 'listItem' &&
documentModel.data.getData( listItemRange.start - 1 ).type === '/listItem'
) {
let mergeStart = listItemRange.start - 1;
let mergeEnd = listItemRange.start + 1;
// (3) If this results in adjacent lists, merge those too
if (
documentModel.data.getData( mergeEnd ).type === 'list' &&
documentModel.data.getData( mergeStart - 1 ).type === '/list'
) {
surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( new ve.Range( mergeStart, mergeEnd ), true ).removeContent();
// TODO If this listItem has a child list, split&unwrap it
* Unindent a list item.
* TODO: Refactor functionality into {ve.dm.SurfaceFragment}.
* @param {ve.dm.ListItemNode} listItem List item to unindent
* @throws {Error} listItem must be a ve.dm.ListItemNode
ve.ui.IndentationAction.prototype.unindentListItem = function ( listItem ) {
// This check should never fail
/* istanbul ignore next */
if ( !( listItem instanceof ve.dm.ListItemNode ) ) {
throw new Error( 'listItem must be a ve.dm.ListItemNode' );
let tx;
const surfaceModel = this.surface.getModel();
const documentModel = surfaceModel.getDocument();
const fragment = surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( listItem.getOuterRange(), true );
const list = listItem.getParent();
const listElement = list.getClonedElement();
const grandParentType = list.getParent().getType();
let listItemRange = listItem.getOuterRange();
* Outdenting a list item is done as follows:
* 1. Split the parent list to isolate the listItem in its own list
* 1a. Split the list before the listItem if it's not the first child
* 1b. Split the list after the listItem if it's not the last child
* 2. If this isolated list's parent is not a listItem, unwrap the listItem and the isolated list, and stop.
* 3. Split the parent listItem to isolate the list in its own listItem
* 3a. Split the listItem before the list if it's not the first child
* 3b. Split the listItem after the list if it's not the last child
* 4. Unwrap the now-isolated listItem and the isolated list
// TODO: Child list handling, gotta figure that out.
// CAREFUL: after initializing the variables above, we cannot use the model tree!
// The first transaction will cause rebuilds so the nodes we have references to now
// will be detached and useless after the first transaction. Instead, inspect
// documentModel.data to find out things about the current structure.
// (1) Split the listItem into a separate list
if ( documentModel.data.getData( listItemRange.start - 1 ).type !== 'list' ) {
// (1a) listItem is not the first child, split the list before listItem
tx = ve.dm.TransactionBuilder.static.newFromInsertion( documentModel, listItemRange.start,
[ { type: '/list' }, listElement ]
surfaceModel.change( tx );
// tx.translateRange( listItemRange ) doesn't do what we want
listItemRange = listItemRange.translate( 2 );
if ( documentModel.data.getData( listItemRange.end ).type !== '/list' ) {
// (1b) listItem is not the last child, split the list after listItem
tx = ve.dm.TransactionBuilder.static.newFromInsertion( documentModel, listItemRange.end,
[ { type: '/list' }, listElement ]
surfaceModel.change( tx );
// listItemRange is not affected by this transaction
let splitListRange = new ve.Range( listItemRange.start - 1, listItemRange.end + 1 );
if ( grandParentType !== 'listItem' ) {
// The user is trying to unindent a list item that's not nested
// (2) Unwrap both the list and the listItem, dumping the listItem's contents
// into the list's parent
surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( new ve.Range( listItemRange.start + 1, listItemRange.end - 1 ), true )
.unwrapNodes( 2 );
// Ensure paragraphs are not generated paragraphs now that they are not in a list
const children = fragment.getSiblingNodes();
for ( let i = 0, length = children.length; i < length; i++ ) {
const child = children[ i ].node;
if ( child.type === 'paragraph' && ve.getProp( child.element, 'internal', 'generated' ) ) {
surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( child.getOuterRange(), true ).convertNodes( 'paragraph', child.getAttributes(), {} );
} else {
// (3) Split the list away from parentListItem into its own listItem
// TODO factor common split logic somehow?
if ( documentModel.data.getData( splitListRange.start - 1 ).type !== 'listItem' ) {
// (3a) Split parentListItem before list
tx = ve.dm.TransactionBuilder.static.newFromInsertion( documentModel, splitListRange.start,
[ { type: '/listItem' }, { type: 'listItem' } ]
surfaceModel.change( tx );
// tx.translateRange( splitListRange ) doesn't do what we want
splitListRange = splitListRange.translate( 2 );
if ( documentModel.data.getData( splitListRange.end ).type !== '/listItem' ) {
// (3b) Split parentListItem after list
tx = ve.dm.TransactionBuilder.static.newFromInsertion( documentModel, splitListRange.end,
[ { type: '/listItem' }, { type: 'listItem' } ]
surfaceModel.change( tx );
// splitListRange is not affected by this transaction
// (4) Unwrap the list and its containing listItem
surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( new ve.Range( splitListRange.start + 1, splitListRange.end - 1 ), true )
.unwrapNodes( 2 );
/* Registration */
ve.ui.actionFactory.register( ve.ui.IndentationAction );