 * VisualEditor UserInterface ListAction class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt

 * List action.
 * @class
 * @extends ve.ui.Action
 * @constructor
 * @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface Surface to act on
 * @param {string} [source]
ve.ui.ListAction = function VeUiListAction() {
	// Parent constructor
	ve.ui.ListAction.super.apply( this, arguments );

/* Inheritance */

OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.ListAction, ve.ui.Action );

/* Static Properties */

ve.ui.ListAction.static.name = 'list';

ve.ui.ListAction.static.methods = [ 'wrap', 'unwrap', 'toggle', 'wrapOnce' ];

/* Methods */

 * Check if the current selection is wrapped in a list of a given style
 * @param {string|null} style List style, e.g. 'number' or 'bullet', or null for any style
 * @param {string} [listType='list'] List type
 * @return {boolean} Current selection is all wrapped in a list
ve.ui.ListAction.prototype.allWrapped = function ( style, listType ) {
	listType = listType || 'list';
	const attributes = style ? { style: style } : undefined;
	return this.surface.getModel().getFragment().hasMatchingAncestor( listType, attributes, true );

 * Toggle a list around content.
 * @param {string} style List style, e.g. 'number' or 'bullet'
 * @param {boolean} noBreakpoints Don't create breakpoints
 * @param {string} [listType='list'] List type
 * @return {boolean} Action was executed
ve.ui.ListAction.prototype.toggle = function ( style, noBreakpoints, listType ) {
	if ( this.allWrapped( style, listType ) ) {
		return this.unwrap( noBreakpoints, listType );
	} else {
		return this.wrap( style, noBreakpoints, listType );

 * Add a list around content only if it has no list already.
 * @param {string} style List style, e.g. 'number' or 'bullet'
 * @param {boolean} noBreakpoints Don't create breakpoints
 * @param {string} [listType='list'] List type
 * @return {boolean} Action was executed
ve.ui.ListAction.prototype.wrapOnce = function ( style, noBreakpoints, listType ) {
	// Check for a list of any style
	if ( !this.allWrapped( null, listType ) ) {
		return this.wrap( style, noBreakpoints, listType );
	return false;

 * Add a list around content.
 * TODO: Refactor functionality into {ve.dm.SurfaceFragment}.
 * @param {string} style List style, e.g. 'number' or 'bullet'
 * @param {boolean} noBreakpoints Don't create breakpoints
 * @param {string} [listType='list'] List type
 * @return {boolean} Action was executed
ve.ui.ListAction.prototype.wrap = function ( style, noBreakpoints, listType ) {
	const surfaceModel = this.surface.getModel(),
		selection = surfaceModel.getSelection();

	if ( !( selection instanceof ve.dm.LinearSelection ) ) {
		return false;

	listType = listType || 'list';

	if ( !noBreakpoints ) {

	const documentModel = surfaceModel.getDocument();
	let range = selection.getRange();

	// TODO: Would be good to refactor at some point and avoid/abstract path split for block slug
	// and not block slug.
	if (
		range.isCollapsed() &&
		!documentModel.data.isContentOffset( range.to ) &&
		documentModel.hasSlugAtOffset( range.to )
	) {
		// Inside block level slug
		const fragment = surfaceModel.getFragment( null, true )
			.insertContent( [
				{ type: 'paragraph' },
				{ type: '/paragraph' }
			] )
			.adjustLinearSelection( 1, 1 )
		range = fragment.getSelection().getRange();

	let previousList;
	const groups = documentModel.getCoveredSiblingGroups( range );
	for ( let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++ ) {
		const group = groups[ i ];
		// TODO: Allow conversion between different list types
		if ( group.grandparent && group.grandparent.getType() === listType ) {
			if ( group.grandparent !== previousList ) {
				surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( group.grandparent.getOuterRange(), true )
					// Change the list style
					.changeAttributes( { style: style } );
				previousList = group.grandparent;
		} else {
			// Get a range that covers the whole group
			const groupRange = new ve.Range(
				group.nodes[ 0 ].getOuterRange().start,
				group.nodes[ group.nodes.length - 1 ].getOuterRange().end
			const element = { type: listType };
			if ( style ) {
				element.attributes = { style: style };
			const itemElement = ve.dm.modelRegistry.lookup( listType ).static.createItem();
			surfaceModel.getLinearFragment( groupRange, true )
				// Convert everything to paragraphs first
				.convertNodes( 'paragraph', null, { generated: 'wrapper' } )
				// Wrap everything in a list and each content branch in a listItem
				.wrapAllNodes( element, itemElement );

	if ( !noBreakpoints ) {
	return true;

 * Remove list around content.
 * TODO: Refactor functionality into {ve.dm.SurfaceFragment}.
 * @param {boolean} noBreakpoints Don't create breakpoints
 * @param {string} [listType='list'] List type
 * @return {boolean} Action was executed
ve.ui.ListAction.prototype.unwrap = function ( noBreakpoints, listType ) {
	const surfaceModel = this.surface.getModel();

	if ( !( surfaceModel.getSelection() instanceof ve.dm.LinearSelection ) ) {
		return false;

	if ( !noBreakpoints ) {

	const indentationAction = ve.ui.actionFactory.create( 'indentation', this.surface );
	const documentModel = surfaceModel.getDocument();

	listType = listType || 'list';

	let node;
	do {
		node = documentModel.getBranchNodeFromOffset( surfaceModel.getSelection().getRange().start );
	} while ( node.hasMatchingAncestor( listType ) && indentationAction.decrease() );

	if ( !noBreakpoints ) {

	return true;

/* Registration */

ve.ui.actionFactory.register( ve.ui.ListAction );