 * VisualEditor UserInterface SequenceRegistry class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt

 * Sequence registry.
 * @class
 * @extends OO.Registry
 * @constructor
ve.ui.SequenceRegistry = function VeUiSequenceRegistry() {
	// Parent constructor
	ve.ui.SequenceRegistry.super.call( this );

/* Inheritance */

OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.SequenceRegistry, OO.Registry );

 * Register a sequence with the factory.
 * @param {ve.ui.Sequence} sequence
 * @throws {Error} If sequence is not an instance of ve.ui.Sequence
ve.ui.SequenceRegistry.prototype.register = function ( sequence ) {
	// Validate arguments
	if ( !( sequence instanceof ve.ui.Sequence ) ) {
		throw new Error(
			'sequence must be an instance of ve.ui.Sequence, cannot be a ' + typeof sequence

	ve.ui.SequenceRegistry.super.prototype.register.call( this, sequence.getName(), sequence );

 * Matching sequence and corresponding range
 * @typedef {Object} Match
 * @memberof ve.ui.SequenceRegistry
 * @property {ve.ui.Sequence} sequence
 * @property {ve.Range} range

 * Find sequence matches a given offset in the data
 * @param {ve.dm.ElementLinearData} data
 * @param {number} offset
 * @param {boolean} [isPaste] Whether this in the context of a paste
 * @param {boolean} [isDelete] Whether this is after content being deleted
 * @return {ve.ui.SequenceRegistry.Match[]} Array of matching sequences, and the corresponding range of the match for each.
ve.ui.SequenceRegistry.prototype.findMatching = function ( data, offset, isPaste, isDelete ) {
	// To avoid blowup when matching RegExp sequences, we're going to grab
	// all the plaintext to the left (until the nearest node) *once* and pass
	// it to each sequence matcher.  We're also going to hard-limit that
	// plaintext to 256 characters to ensure we don't run into O(N^2)
	// slowdown when inserting N characters of plain text.

	// First skip over open elements, then close elements, to ensure that
	// pressing enter after a (possibly nested) list item or inside a
	// paragraph works properly.  Typing "foo\n" inside a paragraph creates
	// "foo</p><p>" in the content model, and typing "foo\n" inside a list
	// creates "foo</p></li><li><p>" -- we want to give the matcher a
	// chance to match "foo\n+" in these cases.
	let textStart;
	let state = 0;
	for ( textStart = offset - 1; textStart >= 0 && ( offset - textStart ) <= 256; textStart-- ) {
		if ( state === 0 && !data.isOpenElementData( textStart ) ) {
		if ( state === 1 && !data.isCloseElementData( textStart ) ) {
		if ( state === 2 && data.isElementData( textStart ) ) {
	const sequences = [];
	const plaintext = data.getText( true, new ve.Range( textStart + 1, offset ) );
	// Now search through the registry.
	for ( const name in this.registry ) {
		const sequence = this.registry[ name ];
		if ( isPaste && !sequence.checkOnPaste ) {
		if ( isDelete && !sequence.checkOnDelete ) {
		const range = sequence.match( data, offset, plaintext );
		if ( range !== null ) {
			sequences.push( {
				sequence: sequence,
				range: range
			} );
	return sequences;

/* Initialization */

ve.ui.sequenceRegistry = new ve.ui.SequenceRegistry();

/* Registrations */

	new ve.ui.Sequence( 'bulletStar', 'bulletWrapOnce', [ { type: 'paragraph' }, '*', ' ' ], 2 )
	new ve.ui.Sequence( 'numberDot', 'numberWrapOnce', [ { type: 'paragraph' }, '1', '.', ' ' ], 3 )
	new ve.ui.Sequence( 'horizontalRule', 'insertHorizontalRule', [ { type: 'paragraph' }, '-', '-', '-', '-' ], 4 )