* VisualEditor UserInterface Surface class.
* @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
* A surface is a top-level object which contains both a surface model and a surface view.
* @class
* @abstract
* @extends OO.ui.Widget
* @constructor
* @param {ve.init.Target} target Target the surface belongs to
* @param {HTMLDocument|Array|ve.dm.ElementLinearData|ve.dm.Document|ve.dm.Surface} dataOrDocOrSurface Document data, document model, or surface model to edit
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
* @param {ve.dm.BranchNode} [config.attachedRoot] Node to surface, if ve.dm.Document passed in
* @param {string} config.mode Editing mode, either "visual" or "source"
* @param {jQuery} [config.$scrollContainer] The scroll container of the surface
* @param {jQuery} [config.$scrollListener] The scroll listener of the surface
* @param {jQuery} [config.$overlayContainer] Clipping container for local overlays, defaults to surface view
* @param {number} [config.overlayPadding] Padding beween local overlays and clipping container
* @param {ve.ui.CommandRegistry} [config.commandRegistry] Command registry to use
* @param {ve.ui.SequenceRegistry} [config.sequenceRegistry] Sequence registry to use
* @param {ve.ui.DataTransferHandlerFactory} [config.dataTransferHandlerFactory] Data transfer handler factory to use
* @param {string[]|null} [config.includeCommands] List of commands to include, null for all registered commands
* @param {string[]} [config.excludeCommands] List of commands to exclude
* @param {Object} [config.importRules={}] Import rules
* @param {boolean} [config.multiline=true] Multi-line surface
* @param {string} [config.placeholder] Placeholder text to display when the surface is empty
* @param {string} [config.readOnly=false] Surface is read-only
* @param {string} [config.nullSelectionOnBlur=true] Surface selection is set to null on blur
* @param {string} [config.inDialog=''] The name of the dialog this surface is in
* @param {boolean} [config.inTargetWidget=false] The surface is in a target widget
ve.ui.Surface = function VeUiSurface( target, dataOrDocOrSurface, config ) {
config = config || {};
// Parent constructor
ve.ui.Surface.super.call( this, config );
// Properties
this.target = target;
this.$scrollContainer = config.$scrollContainer || $( this.getClosestScrollableElementContainer() );
this.$scrollListener = config.$scrollListener || $( this.getElementWindow() );
this.inDialog = config.inDialog || '';
this.inTargetWidget = !!config.inTargetWidget;
this.mode = config.mode;
// The following classes are used here:
// * ve-ui-overlay-global-mobile
// * ve-ui-overlay-global-desktop
this.globalOverlay = new ve.ui.Overlay( { classes: [ 've-ui-overlay-global', 've-ui-overlay-global-' + ( OO.ui.isMobile() ? 'mobile' : 'desktop' ) ] } );
this.localOverlay = new ve.ui.Overlay( { classes: [ 've-ui-overlay-local' ] } );
this.$selections = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 've-ui-surface-selections' );
this.$blockers = $( '<div>' );
this.$controls = $( '<div>' );
this.$menus = $( '<div>' );
this.$placeholder = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 've-ui-surface-placeholder' );
this.commandRegistry = config.commandRegistry || ve.ui.commandRegistry;
this.sequenceRegistry = config.sequenceRegistry || ve.ui.sequenceRegistry;
this.dataTransferHandlerFactory = config.dataTransferHandlerFactory || ve.ui.dataTransferHandlerFactory;
this.commands = OO.simpleArrayDifference(
config.includeCommands || this.commandRegistry.getNames(), config.excludeCommands || []
this.triggerListener = new ve.TriggerListener( this.commands, this.commandRegistry );
if ( dataOrDocOrSurface instanceof ve.dm.Surface ) {
this.model = dataOrDocOrSurface;
} else {
let documentModel;
if ( dataOrDocOrSurface instanceof ve.dm.Document ) {
// ve.dm.Document
documentModel = dataOrDocOrSurface;
} else if ( dataOrDocOrSurface instanceof ve.dm.ElementLinearData || Array.isArray( dataOrDocOrSurface ) ) {
// LinearData or raw linear data
documentModel = new ve.dm.Document( dataOrDocOrSurface );
} else {
// HTMLDocument
documentModel = ve.dm.converter.getModelFromDom( dataOrDocOrSurface );
this.model = this.createModel( documentModel, config.attachedRoot );
this.view = this.createView( this.model );
this.dialogs = this.createDialogWindowManager();
this.importRules = config.importRules || {};
this.multiline = config.multiline !== false;
this.context = this.createContext( {
$popupContainer: config.$overlayContainer,
popupPadding: config.overlayPadding
} );
this.progresses = [];
this.showProgressDebounced = ve.debounce( this.showProgress.bind( this ) );
this.scrollSelectionIntoViewDebounced = ve.debounce( this.scrollSelectionIntoView.bind( this ), 500 );
this.debugBar = null;
this.placeholder = null;
this.placeholderVisible = false;
this.setPlaceholder( config.placeholder );
this.setReadOnly( !!config.readOnly );
this.nullSelectionOnBlur = config.nullSelectionOnBlur !== false;
this.completion = new ve.ui.CompletionWidget( this );
// Deprecated, use this.padding.top
this.toolbarHeight = 0;
this.padding = {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
// Intiailised on first use
this.toolbarDialogs = {};
// Events
this.getModel().connect( this, {
select: 'onModelSelect',
blur: 'onModelBlur',
focus: 'onModelFocus'
} );
this.getModel().getDocument().connect( this, { transact: 'onDocumentTransact' } );
this.getView().connect( this, {
position: 'onViewPosition',
activation: 'onViewActivation'
} );
this.getContext().connect( this, { resize: ve.debounce( this.onContextResize.bind( this ) ) } );
// Initialization
if ( OO.ui.isMobile() ) {
// Mobile context is almost fullscreen and must appear on top of other elements (T308716)
this.globalOverlay.$element.append( this.context.$element );
} else {
this.$menus.append( this.context.$element );
this.$menus.append( this.completion.$element );
// The following classes are used here:
// * ve-ui-surface-visual
// * ve-ui-surface-source
.addClass( 've-ui-surface ve-ui-surface-' + this.mode )
.append( this.view.$element );
if ( this.mode === 'source' ) {
// Separate class to make it easier to override
this.getView().$element.add( this.$placeholder )
.addClass( 've-ui-surface-source-font' );
this.view.$element.after( this.localOverlay.$element );
this.localOverlay.$element.append( this.$selections, this.$blockers, this.$controls, this.$menus );
this.globalOverlay.$element.append( this.dialogs.$element );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.Surface, OO.ui.Widget );
/* Events */
* When a surface has been initialized
* @event ve.ui.Surface#ready
* When a surface is destroyed.
* @event ve.ui.Surface#destroy
* The surface was scrolled programmatically
* as a result of a native selection change
* @event ve.ui.Surface#scroll
* The surface has been submitted by user action, e.g. Ctrl+Enter
* @event ve.ui.Surface#submit
* The surface has been cancelled by user action, e.g. Escape
* @event ve.ui.Surface#cancel
* The surface read-only state has changed
* @event ve.ui.Surface#readOnly
* @param {boolean} readOnly The surface is read-only
/* Methods */
* Destroy the surface, releasing all memory and removing all DOM elements.
* @return {ve.ui.Surface}
* @chainable
* @fires ve.ui.Surface#destroy
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.destroy = function () {
// Destroy the ce.Surface, the ui.Context and window managers
for ( const side in this.toolbarDialogs ) {
this.toolbarDialogs[ side ].destroy();
if ( this.debugBar ) {
// Disconnect events
this.dialogs.disconnect( this );
this.context.getInspectors().disconnect( this );
// Remove DOM elements
// Let others know we have been destroyed
this.emit( 'destroy' );
return this;
* Initialize surface.
* This must be called after the surface has been attached to the DOM.
* @return {ve.ui.Surface}
* @chainable
* @fires ve.ui.Surface#ready
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.initialize = function () {
$( OO.ui.getTeleportTarget() ).append( this.globalOverlay.$element );
if ( ve.debug ) {
// The following classes are used here:
// * ve-ui-surface-dir-ltr
// * ve-ui-surface-dir-rtl
this.$element.addClass( 've-ui-surface-dir-' + this.getDir() );
this.emit( 'ready' );
return this;
* Get the target the surface belongs to
* @return {ve.init.Target}
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getTarget = function () {
return this.target;
* Get the DOM representation of the surface's current state.
* @return {HTMLDocument|string} HTML document (visual mode) or text (source mode)
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getDom = function () {
return this.getModel().getDom();
* Get the HTML representation of the surface's current state.
* @return {string} HTML
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getHtml = function () {
return this.getModel().getHtml();
* Get the surface's editing mode
* @return {string} Editing mode
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getMode = function () {
return this.mode;
* Create a context.
* @param {Object} config Configuration options
* @return {ve.ui.LinearContext}
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.createContext = function ( config ) {
return OO.ui.isMobile() ? new ve.ui.MobileContext( this, config ) : new ve.ui.DesktopContext( this, config );
* Create a dialog window manager.
* @return {ve.ui.WindowManager} Dialog window manager
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.createDialogWindowManager = function () {
return OO.ui.isMobile() ?
new ve.ui.MobileWindowManager( this, {
factory: ve.ui.windowFactory,
overlay: this.globalOverlay
} ) :
new ve.ui.SurfaceWindowManager( this, { factory: ve.ui.windowFactory } );
* Create a surface model
* @param {ve.dm.Document} doc Document model
* @param {ve.dm.BranchNode} [attachedRoot] Node to surface
* @return {ve.dm.Surface} Surface model
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.createModel = function ( doc, attachedRoot ) {
return new ve.dm.Surface( doc, attachedRoot, { sourceMode: this.getMode() === 'source' } );
* Create a surface view
* @param {ve.dm.Surface} model Surface model
* @return {ve.ce.Surface} Surface view
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.createView = function ( model ) {
return new ve.ce.Surface( model, this );
* Set up the debug bar and insert it into the DOM.
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.setupDebugBar = function () {
this.debugBar = new ve.ui.DebugBar( this );
this.$element.append( this.debugBar.$element );
* Get the bounding rectangle of the surface, relative to the viewport.
* @return {Object|null} Object with top, bottom, left, right, width and height properties.
* Null if the surface is not attached.
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function () {
// We would use getBoundingClientRect(), but in iOS7 that's relative to the
// document rather than to the viewport
return this.$element[ 0 ].getClientRects()[ 0 ] || null;
* Get vertical measurements of the visible area of the surface viewport
* @return {Object|null} Object with top, left, bottom, and height properties. Null if the surface is not attached.
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getViewportDimensions = function () {
const rect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
if ( !rect ) {
return null;
const top = Math.max( this.getPadding().top - rect.top, 0 );
const bottom = $( this.getElementWindow() ).height() - rect.top;
return {
top: top,
left: rect.left,
bottom: bottom,
height: bottom - top
* Get the surface model.
* @return {ve.dm.Surface} Surface model
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this.model;
* Get the surface view.
* @return {ve.ce.Surface} Surface view
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getView = function () {
return this.view;
* Get the context menu.
* @return {ve.ui.LinearContext} Context user interface
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getContext = function () {
return this.context;
* Get dialogs window set.
* @return {ve.ui.WindowManager} Dialogs window set
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getDialogs = function () {
return this.dialogs;
* Get toolbar dialogs window set.
* @param {string} [position='side'] Get the toolbar dialogs window set for a specific position
* @return {ve.ui.WindowManager} Toolbar dialogs window set
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getToolbarDialogs = function ( position ) {
position = position || 'side';
this.toolbarDialogs[ position ] = this.toolbarDialogs[ position ] ||
new ve.ui.ToolbarDialogWindowManager( this, {
factory: ve.ui.windowFactory,
modal: false
} );
return this.toolbarDialogs[ position ];
* Get the local overlay.
* Local overlays are attached to the same frame as the surface.
* @return {ve.ui.Overlay} Local overlay
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getLocalOverlay = function () {
return this.localOverlay;
* Get the global overlay.
* Global overlays are attached to the top-most frame.
* @return {ve.ui.Overlay} Global overlay
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getGlobalOverlay = function () {
return this.globalOverlay;
* @inheritdoc
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.setDisabled = function ( disabled ) {
if ( disabled ) {
OO.ui.warnDeprecation( 'Surfaces can\'t be disabled, only set to readOnly' );
* Set the read-only state of the surface
* @param {boolean} readOnly Make surface read-only
* @fires ve.ui.Surface#readOnly
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.setReadOnly = function ( readOnly ) {
this.readOnly = !!readOnly;
this.model.setReadOnly( readOnly );
this.view.setReadOnly( readOnly );
this.emit( 'readOnly', readOnly );
* Check if the surface is read-only
* @return {boolean}
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.isReadOnly = function () {
return this.readOnly;
* Give focus to the surface
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.focus = function () {
* Handle transact events from the document model
* @param {ve.dm.Transaction} Transaction
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.onDocumentTransact = function () {
if ( this.placeholder ) {
* Handle select events from the model
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.onModelSelect = function () {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
if ( this.getView().dragging ^ OO.ui.isMobile() ) {
// Allow native scroll behavior while dragging, as the start/end
// points are unreliable until we're finished. Without this, trying to
// drag a selection larger than a single screen will sometimes lock
// the viewport in place, as it tries to keep the wrong end of the
// selection on-screen.
// On mobile the dragging flag is essentially reversed in meaning, as
// it is set during mouse down, which happens when you are tapping
// to select, but when you drag selection handles no mousedown event
// occurs (or any event other 'selectionchange') so the flag is unset.
const synchronizer = this.getModel().synchronizer;
// Don't scroll to this user's cursor due to another user's changes being applied
if ( !( synchronizer && synchronizer.applying ) ) {
* Scroll the selection into view
* Called in response to selection events.
* This is done for all selections, even native ones, to account
* for the extra padding of the floating toolbar.
* @param {ve.dm.Selection} [selectionModel] Optional selection model, defaults to current selection
* @param {Object} [scrollConfig] Scroll config options, passed to ve.scrollIntoView
* @fires ve.ui.Surface#scroll
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.scrollSelectionIntoView = function ( selectionModel, scrollConfig ) {
selectionModel = selectionModel || this.getModel().getSelection();
const view = this.getView(),
selectionView = view.getSelection( selectionModel ),
isNative = selectionView.isNativeCursor();
// We only care about the focus end of the selection, the anchor never
// moves and should be allowed off screen.
let clientRect = selectionView.getSelectionFocusRect();
const surfaceRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
if ( !clientRect || !surfaceRect ) {
// We want viewport-relative coordinates, so we need to translate it
clientRect = ve.translateRect( clientRect, surfaceRect.left, surfaceRect.top );
const padding = ve.copy( this.getPadding() );
let animate = true;
if ( isNative ) {
animate = false;
if (
OO.ui.isMobile() &&
) {
const profile = $.client.profile();
// Assume that if the selection has been expanded, then a context menu is visible
// above the selection. We don't want this to obscure the toolbar so add on an
// estimate of its height.
// Previously we applied this fix to iOS, even though scrolling closed the context,
// because the user could touch the selection to re-open it. However sometime between
// iOS 12 and 12.3, scrolling stopped closing the context, but it doesn't move it either,
// so this fix became useless.
// Older versions of Android draw the context menu in the address bar and so
// don't need to be fixed.
if ( profile.name === 'android' && profile.versionNumber >= 6 ) {
padding.top += 60;
// Also assume there are selection handles below on Android. (T204718)
if ( profile.name === 'android' || profile.name === 'firefox' ) {
padding.bottom += 30;
} else {
// Don't attempt to scroll non-native selections into view if they
// are taller than the viewport (T305862).
const viewportDimensions = this.getViewportDimensions();
if ( clientRect.height > viewportDimensions.height ) {
// Add some minimum padding so the selection doesn't touch the edge of the viewport
padding.top += 5;
padding.bottom += 5;
padding.left += 5;
padding.right += 5;
ve.scrollIntoView( clientRect, ve.extendObject( {
animate: animate,
scrollContainer: this.$scrollContainer[ 0 ],
padding: padding
}, scrollConfig ) ).then( () => {
if ( isNative ) {
// TODO: This event has only even been emitted for native selection
// scroll changes. Perhaps rename it.
this.emit( 'scroll' );
} );
// Deprecated alias
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.scrollCursorIntoView = ve.ui.Surface.prototype.scrollSelectionIntoView;
* Set placeholder text
* @param {string} [placeholder] Placeholder text, clears placeholder if not set
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.setPlaceholder = function ( placeholder ) {
this.placeholder = placeholder;
if ( this.placeholder ) {
this.$placeholder.prependTo( this.$element );
const documentView = this.getView().getDocument();
this.$placeholder.prop( {
dir: documentView.getDir(),
lang: documentView.getLang()
} );
} else {
this.placeholderVisible = false;
this.getView().$element.css( 'min-height', '' );
this.getView().attachedRoot.$element.attr( 'aria-label', this.placeholder || null );
* Update placeholder rendering
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.updatePlaceholder = function () {
const hasContent = this.getModel().getDocument().data.hasContent();
this.$placeholder.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden', hasContent );
this.placeholderVisible = !hasContent;
if ( !hasContent ) {
// Use a clone of the first node in the document so the placeholder
// styling matches the text the users sees when they start typing
const firstNode = this.getView().attachedRoot.children[ 0 ];
let $wrapper;
if ( firstNode ) {
$wrapper = firstNode.$element.clone();
if ( ve.debug ) {
// In debug mode a background colour from the render animation may be present
$wrapper.removeAttr( 'style' );
} else {
$wrapper = $( '<p>' );
this.$placeholder.empty().append( $wrapper.text( this.placeholder ) );
} else {
this.getView().$element.css( 'min-height', '' );
* Handle position events from the view
* @param {boolean} [wasSynchronizing=false]
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.onViewPosition = function ( wasSynchronizing ) {
const padding = {};
for ( const side in this.toolbarDialogs ) {
ve.extendObject( padding, this.toolbarDialogs[ side ].getSurfacePadding() );
if ( Object.keys( padding ).length ) {
this.setPadding( padding );
// Don't scroll to this user's cursor due to another user's changes being applied
if ( !wasSynchronizing ) {
if ( this.placeholderVisible ) {
this.getView().$element.css( 'min-height', this.$placeholder.outerHeight() );
* Get list of commands available on this surface.
* @return {string[]} Commands
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getCommands = function () {
return this.commands;
* Execute an action or command
* This is a compatability wrapper for executeCommandWithSource.
* @param {ve.ui.Trigger|string} triggerOrAction Trigger or symbolic name of action
* @param {string} [method] Action method name
* @param {...any} [args] Additional arguments for action
* @return {boolean} Action or command was executed
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.execute = function ( triggerOrAction, method, ...args ) {
return this.executeWithSource( triggerOrAction, method, false, ...args );
* Execute an action or command
* @param {ve.ui.Trigger|string} triggerOrAction Trigger or symbolic name of action
* @param {string} [method] Action method name
* @param {string} [source] Action source, for logging
* @param {...any} [args] Additional arguments for action
* @return {boolean} Action or command was executed
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.executeWithSource = function ( triggerOrAction, method, source, ...args ) {
if ( triggerOrAction instanceof ve.ui.Trigger ) {
const command = this.triggerListener.getCommandByTrigger( triggerOrAction.toString() );
if ( command ) {
// Have command call execute with action arguments
return command.execute( this, false, source );
} else if ( typeof triggerOrAction === 'string' && typeof method === 'string' ) {
// Validate method
if ( ve.ui.actionFactory.doesActionSupportMethod( triggerOrAction, method ) ) {
// Create an action object and execute the method on it
const obj = ve.ui.actionFactory.create( triggerOrAction, this, source );
const ret = obj[ method ]( ...args );
return ret === undefined || !!ret;
return false;
* Execute a command by name
* @param {string} commandName Command name
* @return {boolean} The command was executed
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.executeCommand = function ( commandName ) {
const command = this.commandRegistry.lookup( commandName );
if ( command ) {
return command.execute( this );
return false;
// Deprecated, use #setPadding
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.setToolbarHeight = function ( toolbarHeight ) {
this.setPadding( { top: toolbarHeight } );
* @typedef {Object} Padding
* @memberof ve.ui.Surface
* @property {number} [top] Top padding
* @property {number} [right] Right padding
* @property {number} [bottom] Bottom padding
* @property {number} [left] Left padding
* Set content area padding.
* When UI components obscure the surface (e.g. the toolbar),
* set the appropriate amount of padding here so that
* scroll-into-view calculations can be adjusted.
* @param {ve.ui.Surface.Padding} padding Padding object. Omit properties to leave unchanged.
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.setPadding = function ( padding ) {
ve.extendObject( this.padding, padding );
// Deprecated, use this.padding.top
this.toolbarHeight = this.padding.top;
* Get the current content area padding
* Padding in this context means areas of the surface which are
* rendered but are obsured by some other UI element, e.g. a
* floating toolbar (but not a static toolbar).
* This can be used when deciding how to position other floating
* UI elements, e.g. to avoid rendering a context menu under
* a floating toolbar.
* @return {ve.ui.Surface.Padding}
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getPadding = function () {
return this.padding;
* Handle resize events from the context
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.onContextResize = function () {
const padding = this.context.getSurfacePadding();
if ( padding ) {
this.setPadding( padding );
* Handle surface model blur events
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.onModelBlur = function () {
* Handle surface model focus events
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.onModelFocus = function () {
* Handle surface view activation events
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.onViewActivation = function () {
* Adjust visible padding on the surface to allow the whole document
* to be scrolled to.
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.adjustVisiblePadding = function () {
if ( OO.ui.isMobile() && !this.inTargetWidget ) {
const keyboardShown = this.getView().hasNativeCursorSelection();
let bottom;
if ( ve.init.platform.constructor.static.isIos() && keyboardShown ) {
// iOS needs a whole extra page of padding when the virtual keyboard is shown.
// Note: we keep this padding when surface is deactivated-but-shown-as-activated
// so that the view doesn't shift when e.g. opening a toolbar toolgroup popup.
bottom = $( window ).height() - this.getPadding().top;
} else {
// otherwise just add padding to account for the context
bottom = this.getPadding().bottom;
this.getView().$attachedRootNode.css( 'padding-bottom', bottom );
* Create a progress bar in the progress dialog
* @param {jQuery.Promise} progressCompletePromise Promise which resolves when the progress action is complete
* @param {jQuery|string|Function} label Progress bar label
* @param {boolean} nonCancellable Progress item can't be cancelled
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves with a progress bar widget and fails if cancelled
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.createProgress = function ( progressCompletePromise, label, nonCancellable ) {
const progressBarDeferred = ve.createDeferred();
this.progresses.push( {
label: label,
cancellable: !nonCancellable,
progressCompletePromise: progressCompletePromise,
progressBarDeferred: progressBarDeferred
} );
return progressBarDeferred.promise();
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.showProgress = function () {
const progresses = this.progresses;
this.dialogs.openWindow( 'progress', { progresses: progresses, $returnFocusTo: null } );
this.progresses = [];
* Get sanitization rules for rich paste
* @return {Object} Import rules
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getImportRules = function () {
return this.importRules;
* Check if the surface is multi-line
* @return {boolean} Surface is multi-line
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.isMultiline = function () {
return this.multiline;
* Surface 'dir' property (GUI/User-Level Direction)
* @return {string} 'ltr' or 'rtl'
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getDir = function () {
return this.$element.css( 'direction' );
* Get the name of the dialog this surface is in
* @return {string} The name of the dialog this surface is in
ve.ui.Surface.prototype.getInDialog = function () {
return this.inDialog;