 * VisualEditor Node class.
 * @copyright See AUTHORS.txt

 * Generic node.
 * @abstract
 * @mixes OO.EventEmitter
 * @constructor
ve.Node = function VeNode() {
	// Properties
	this.type = this.constructor.static.name;
	this.parent = null;
	this.root = null;
	this.doc = null;

 * @event ve.Node#attach
 * @param {ve.Node} New parent

 * @event ve.Node#detach
 * @param {ve.Node} Old parent

 * The node has a new root assigned.
 * The root will be consistent with that set in descendants and ancestors, but other parts of the
 * tree may be inconsistent.
 * @event ve.Node#root
 * @param {ve.Node} New root

 * The node root has been set to null.
 * The root will be consistent with that set in descendants and ancestors, but other parts of the
 * tree may be inconsistent.
 * @event ve.Node#unroot
 * @param {ve.Node} Old root

/* Abstract Methods */

 * Get allowed child node types.
 * @abstract
 * @return {string[]|null} List of node types allowed as children or null if any type is allowed
ve.Node.prototype.getChildNodeTypes = null;

 * Get allowed parent node types.
 * @abstract
 * @return {string[]|null} List of node types allowed as parents or null if any type is allowed
ve.Node.prototype.getParentNodeTypes = null;

 * Check if the specified type is an allowed child node type
 * @param {string} type Node type
 * @return {boolean} The type is allowed
ve.Node.prototype.isAllowedChildNodeType = function ( type ) {
	const childTypes = this.getChildNodeTypes();
	return childTypes === null || childTypes.indexOf( type ) !== -1;

 * Check if the specified type is an allowed child node type
 * @param {string} type Node type
 * @return {boolean} The type is allowed
ve.Node.prototype.isAllowedParentNodeType = function ( type ) {
	const parentTypes = this.getParentNodeTypes();
	return parentTypes === null || parentTypes.indexOf( type ) !== -1;

 * Get suggested parent node types.
 * @abstract
 * @return {string[]|null} List of node types suggested as parents or null if any type is suggested
ve.Node.prototype.getSuggestedParentNodeTypes = null;

 * Check if the node can have children.
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node can have children
ve.Node.prototype.canHaveChildren = null;

 * Check if the node can have children but not content nor be content.
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node can have children but not content nor be content
ve.Node.prototype.canHaveChildrenNotContent = null;

 * Check if the node can contain content.
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node can contain content
ve.Node.prototype.canContainContent = null;

 * Check if the node is content.
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node is content
ve.Node.prototype.isContent = null;

 * Check if the node is an internal node
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node is an internal node
ve.Node.prototype.isInternal = null;

 * Check if the node is a meta data node
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node is a meta data node
ve.Node.prototype.isMetaData = null;

 * Check if the node has a wrapped element in the document data.
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node represents a wrapped element
ve.Node.prototype.isWrapped = null;

 * Check if the node can be unwrapped.
 * Can only be true of the node is wrapped.
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node represents a unwrappable element
ve.Node.prototype.isUnwrappable = null;

 * Check if the node is focusable
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node is focusable
ve.Node.prototype.isFocusable = null;

 * Check if the node is alignable
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node is alignable
ve.Node.prototype.isAlignable = null;

 * Check if the node can behave as a table cell
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node can behave as a table cell
ve.Node.prototype.isCellable = null;

 * Check the node, behaving as a table cell, can be edited in place
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node can be edited in place
ve.Node.prototype.isCellEditable = null;

 * Check if the node behaves like a list for diffing
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node behaves like a list
ve.Node.prototype.isDiffedAsList = null;

 * Check if the node behaves like a leaf for diffing
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node behaves like a leaf
ve.Node.prototype.isDiffedAsLeaf = null;

 * Check if the node behaves like a document for diffing
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node behaves like a document
ve.Node.prototype.isDiffedAsDocument = null;

 * Check if the node behaves like a tree branch for diffing
 * This is the fallback behaviour if the node is not diffed as
 * a list,leaf or document.
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node behaves like a tree branch
ve.Node.prototype.isDiffedAsTree = function () {
	return !this.isDiffedAsList() && !this.isDiffedAsLeaf() && !this.isDiffedAsDocument();

 * Check if the node has significant whitespace.
 * Can only be true if canContainContent is also true.
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node has significant whitespace
ve.Node.prototype.hasSignificantWhitespace = null;

 * Check if the node handles its own children
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node handles its own children
ve.Node.prototype.handlesOwnChildren = null;

 * Check if the node's children should be ignored.
 * @abstract
 * @return {boolean} Node's children should be ignored
ve.Node.prototype.shouldIgnoreChildren = null;

 * Get the length of the node.
 * @abstract
 * @return {number} Node length
ve.Node.prototype.getLength = null;

 * Get the offset of the node within the document.
 * If the node has no parent than the result will always be 0.
 * @abstract
 * @return {number} Offset of node
 * @throws {Error} Node not found in parent's children array
ve.Node.prototype.getOffset = null;

 * Get the range inside the node.
 * @param {boolean} backwards Return a backwards range
 * @return {ve.Range} Inner node range
ve.Node.prototype.getRange = function ( backwards ) {
	const offset = this.getOffset() + ( this.isWrapped() ? 1 : 0 ),
		range = new ve.Range( offset, offset + this.getLength() );
	return backwards ? range.flip() : range;

 * Get the outer range of the node, which includes wrappers if present.
 * @param {boolean} backwards Return a backwards range
 * @return {ve.Range} Node outer range
ve.Node.prototype.getOuterRange = function ( backwards ) {
	const range = new ve.Range( this.getOffset(), this.getOffset() + this.getOuterLength() );
	return backwards ? range.flip() : range;

 * Get the outer length of the node, which includes wrappers if present.
 * @return {number} Node outer length
ve.Node.prototype.getOuterLength = function () {
	return this.getLength() + ( this.isWrapped() ? 2 : 0 );

/* Methods */

 * Get the symbolic node type name.
 * @return {string} Symbolic name of element type
ve.Node.prototype.getType = function () {
	return this.type;

 * Get a reference to the node's parent.
 * @return {ve.Node|null} Reference to the node's parent, null if detached
ve.Node.prototype.getParent = function () {
	return this.parent;

 * Get the root node of the tree the node is currently attached to.
 * @return {ve.Node|null} Root node, null if detached
ve.Node.prototype.getRoot = function () {
	return this.root;

 * Set the root node.
 * This method is overridden by nodes with children.
 * @param {ve.Node|null} root Node to use as root
 * @fires ve.Node#root
 * @fires ve.Node#unroot
ve.Node.prototype.setRoot = function ( root ) {
	const oldRoot = this.root;
	if ( root === oldRoot ) {
	if ( oldRoot ) {
		this.root = null;
		this.emit( 'unroot', oldRoot );
	this.root = root;
	if ( root ) {
		this.emit( 'root', root );

 * Get the document the node is a part of.
 * @return {ve.Document|null} Document the node is a part of, null if detached
ve.Node.prototype.getDocument = function () {
	return this.doc;

 * Set the document the node is a part of.
 * This method is overridden by nodes with children.
 * @param {ve.Document|null} doc Document this node is a part of
ve.Node.prototype.setDocument = function ( doc ) {
	const oldDoc = this.doc;
	if ( doc === oldDoc ) {
	if ( oldDoc ) {
		this.doc = null;
		oldDoc.nodeDetached( this );
	this.doc = doc;
	if ( doc ) {
		doc.nodeAttached( this );

 * Attach the node to another as a child.
 * @param {ve.Node} parent Node to attach to
 * @fires ve.Node#attach
ve.Node.prototype.attach = function ( parent ) {
	this.parent = parent;
	this.setDocument( parent.getDocument() );
	this.setRoot( parent.getRoot() );
	this.emit( 'attach', parent );

 * Detach the node from its parent.
 * @fires ve.Node#detach
ve.Node.prototype.detach = function () {
	const parent = this.parent;
	this.parent = null;
	this.setRoot( null );
	this.setDocument( null );
	this.emit( 'detach', parent );

 * Traverse tree of nodes (model or view) upstream.
 * For each traversed node, the callback function will be passed the traversed node as a parameter.
 * @param {Function} callback Callback method to be called for every traversed node. Returning false stops the traversal.
 * @return {ve.Node|null} Node which caused the traversal to stop, or null if it didn't
ve.Node.prototype.traverseUpstream = function ( callback ) {
	let node = this;
	while ( node ) {
		if ( callback( node ) === false ) {
			return node;
		node = node.getParent();
	return null;

 * Traverse upstream until a parent of a specific type is found
 * @param {Function} type Node type to find
 * @return {ve.Node|null} Ancestor of this node matching the specified type
ve.Node.prototype.findParent = function ( type ) {
	return this.traverseUpstream( ( node ) => !( node instanceof type ) );

 * Traverse upstream and collect all nodes, including the node itself.
 * @return {ve.Node[]} List of nodes which are upstream of the current node
ve.Node.prototype.collectUpstream = function () {
	const nodes = [];
	this.traverseUpstream( ( node ) => {
		nodes.push( node );
	} );
	return nodes;

 * Check if the current node is a descendant of (or equal to) a specific node.
 * @param {ve.Node} upstreamNode Parent node to check for
 * @return {boolean} Current node is a descendant
ve.Node.prototype.isDownstreamOf = function ( upstreamNode ) {
	return this.traverseUpstream( ( node ) => node !== upstreamNode ) !== null;

 * Get the offset path from the document node to this node.
 * @return {number[]|null} The offset path, or null if not attached to a DocumentNode
ve.Node.prototype.getOffsetPath = function () {
	let node = this;
	const path = [];

	while ( true ) {
		if ( node.type === 'document' ) {
			// We reached the ve.dm.DocumentNode/ve.ce.DocumentNode that this node is attached to
			return path;
		const parent = node.getParent();
		if ( !parent ) {
			return null;
		path.unshift( parent.indexOf( node ) );
		node = parent;