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A ToggleSwitch enables the user to instantly toggle between on and off states.

Reading direction


When to use ToggleSwitch

Toggle switches must feature a descriptive label.

Use the ToggleSwitch component only where an instant change in the user-interface based on their assigned action is intended. For non-instant selections and selection groups, use Checkbox instead.

Avoid using a ToggleSwitch to control opposing options like Yes/No.

About ToggleSwitch

ToggleSwitch includes the following elements.


The ToggleSwitch must always contain a label, with the text size matching the base font size for consistency with the body text. The label should be short, with text that clearly describes the state being toggled.

  • Use text formatting like bold and italic sparingly in the label.
  • Include standalone links within the label to provide additional information regarding a specific option when necessary.
  • Avoid linking the entire label as it could cause issues with the selection.


Toggle switches make the on and off states visually distinct by using different colors and moving the grabber from left to right and vice versa.

Description (optional)

If additional information about the label is required, a description can be included.


Single switch

Single switches can be used, such as turning a setting on or off.

Turn on to use the visual editor. You can switch back to source mode at any time.

Developer notes

Always include label text via the default slot. You can also add description text via the #description slot.

A single switch does not need an inputValue prop. v-model is bound to a boolean value: true for "on", false for "off".

In rare cases, a visible label is not necessary.

In rare cases where the purpose of the ToggleSwitch is made clear in context, a visible label is not necessary.

Use the toggle switch to show hidden content.

Here is the hidden content

Developer notes

You can use the hideLabel prop to visually hide the label, which will still appear in the markup for accessibility purposes.

Form field

When used in a form, a single ToggleSwitch or group of ToggleSwitches can be wrapped in the Field component to add features like a semantic label, description and help text, validation messages, and more. Visit the Field documentation for more information.

If using a ToggleSwitch or ToggleSwitch group outside of a form, follow the instructions in the next demo.

Editing options General option for editing
Visit Special:Preferences for more editing options.

Developer notes

When building a ToggleSwitch field, always set isFieldset to true, even for a single ToggleSwitch, to ensure proper accessibility support. This wraps the group in a <fieldset> element and labels it with an associated <legend>.

ToggleSwitch group

ToggleSwitches can be used in groups.

  • Use ToggleSwitch groups vertically for a clear and organized layout.

Developer notes

For a group of related ToggleSwitches, each ToggleSwitch component's v-model will be bound to an array of the inputValue props of the ToggleSwitches that are currently "on".

Use the alignSwitch prop to align all of the switches to the end of the container, creating a more streamlined look.

This demo shows what to do when using a ToggleSwitch group outside of a form:

  1. Wrap the group in an element with role="group"
  2. Connect the group with a label via the aria-labelledby attribute

Technical implementation

Vue usage

Attributes passed to input

This component will pass any HTML attributes applied to it, except for CSS class, to the <input> element within the component.

For a single ToggleSwitch, the v-model value will be a boolean true when the switch is "on" and false when "off".
For multiple ToggleSwitches, the v-model value will be an array of the inputValue props of any currently "on" switches (or an empty array if all switches are "off").


Prop nameDescriptionTypeDefault
modelValueCurrent value of the toggle switch or toggle switch group.

Provided by v-model binding in the parent component.
inputValueHTML "value" attribute to assign to the input element.

Required for groups of ToggleSwitches. Can be omitted for single true/false switches.
alignSwitchWhether to align the switch to the end of the container.

Useful for ToggleSwitch groups, where each switch should be aligned regardless of label length.
hideLabelWhether the label should be visually hidden.

Note that this will also hide the description.
disabledWhether the disabled attribute should be added to the input.booleanfalse


Event namePropertiesDescription
update:modelValuemodelValue boolean - The new model valueEmitted when modelValue changes.


defaultLabel text.
descriptionShort description text.

CSS-only version

Markup structure

With description

To add a description below the label:

  • Add a <span> after the <label> element with an ID and class cdx-label__description. Include the description text here.
  • Add an aria-describedby attribute to the <input> element with the value of the ID of the description
Turn on to use the visual editor. You can switch back to source mode at any time.

With visually-hidden label

For a visually-hidden label, add the cdx-label--visually-hidden class to the <div> that has the cdx-label class.

Initially on

The ToggleSwitch appears "on" when the hidden checkbox is checked. To initially set the switch to "on", add the checked attribute to the <input>.


To disable the ToggleSwitch, add the disabled attribute to the <input> element.

Keyboard navigation

TabIt moves the focus to the next ToggleSwitch within a group or to the next interactive element in tab order when the focus is placed on the last ToggleSwitch of a group.
Shift + TabIt moves the focus to the previous button within the group or to the previous interactive element when the focus is placed on the first button of the group.
Enter / SpaceIf the focus is placed on the ToggleSwitch, it toggles the switch on and off.