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Select ​

A Select is an input with a dropdown menu of predefined, selectable items.

Guidelines ​

When to use selects ​

Selects must feature a label stating the current selection and a menu of at least two, but preferably three or more, options.

Use the Select component when users need to choose an option from a predefined list. For example, to select a country or category. If the list of options is too long, consider using Combobox instead. If users need a multi-selection, use a Checkbox group instead.

Specifications ​

Specification of Select.

  1. Icon (optional)
    An icon can simplify the identification of the available options in selects.
  2. Label
    Dropdown labels communicate what selections the component conveys. Labels are required for selects.
  3. Arrow indicator
    Selects have a button-like appearance, and include a mandatory arrow indicator to communicate that they can be expanded.
  4. Menu
    When the select is open, a menu with options is displayed.

Component limitations ​

The base min-width for the Select component is set at @size-1600 (equivalent to 256px in the default Codex theme), but it can be customized to a smaller width if needed. There is no maximum width limit.

The Select menu must contain a minimum of 2 items. While the number of visible options can vary, we recommend around 5 for optimal usability. If there are more options than what's initially visible, a scrollbar will appear for users to access them.

Refer to the Select component in Codex Figma.

Interaction states ​

Selects have the following visually separate states:

States of the Select component: default, hover, focus, error, disabled, active, and filled with one option selected from the dropdown menu.

  1. Default
  2. Hover
  3. Focus
  4. Error
  5. Error hover
  6. Disabled
  7. Active select and hover on one of the menu options
  8. Active select and one of the menu options being pressed
  9. Active select with one of the menu options selected
  10. Filled (with one option from the menu selected)

Accessibility note

The disabled state does not meet our minimum color contrast rules. WCAG 2.1 states that β€œβ€¦part[s] of an inactive user interface component […] have no contrast requirement”. [1]
Provide sufficient information in a disabled element's context, so the user can understand what is disabled and how to enable it (if applicable).

Best practices ​

Consider the following recommendations when using selects.

Icon ​

Select featuring a start icon, as the menu it displays utilizes start icons for its menu items.

  • Include the start icon in the Select if the selected menu item contains an icon, which is then displayed in the Select.

Select incorrectly using a start icon in its default state.

  • Include a start icon in the Select component by default unless a menu item with an icon has been selected.

Content ​

Select text introduces the options available in a drop-down menu.

Selects conveying examples of clear placeholder text.


Selects conveying examples of vague placeholder text.


Keyboard navigation ​

Down arrowWhen the focus is placed on the input, it opens the menu. When the menu is open, it navigates through menu options. If pressed at the last visible option, it scrolls to the next "hidden" menu item.
Up arrowWhen the focus is placed on the input, it opens the menu. When the menu is open, it navigates through menu options.
EnterIt expands and collapses the menu when the focus is placed on the Select. If the focus is placed in any of the options within the menu, the focused option is selected.
EscThis key closes the menu when it is open.
HomeOptionally, it moves the focus to the first option. Optionally, in a single-select listbox, selection may also move with focus. Supporting this key is strongly recommended for lists with more than five options.
EndOptionally, it moves the focus to the last option. Optionally, in a single-select listbox, selection may also move with focus. Supporting this key is strongly recommended for lists with more than five options.

References ​

  1. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 – Success Criterion 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)

Demos ​

Configurable ​

Reading direction
Note: For icon properties, the relevant icon also needs to be imported from the @wikimedia/codex-icons package. See the usage documentation for more information.

Basic Usage ​

Menu items must have a value, and can have a label to display in the UI. If no label is provided (like the third menu item in this example), the value will be displayed.

With menu item icons and descriptions ​

Items are displayed via the MenuItem componentβ€”see the MenuItem docs for more options. In this example, a menuConfig object is passed to the Select to bold the label text and hide the text overflow of the descriptions.

With custom menu item display ​

The menu-item scoped slot enables you to customize the display of each menu item, with a binding for the menuItem. In this example, only the menu item's icon is displayed in the menu.

With custom label display ​

The label scoped slot enables you to customize the display of the label, with bindings for the selectedMenuItem and the defaultLabel.

With configurable scroll ​

By default, all menu items are displayed when the menu is expanded. To limit the height of the menu and enable scrolling, use the visibleItemLimit property of the menuConfig prop.

With menu groups ​

You can add optgroup-like groupings within the Select via the menuItems prop. Refer to the MenuGroupData type for more information about the configuration options for each menu group.

Form field ​

A Select can be wrapped in the Field component to add features like a semantic label, description and help text, validation messages, and more. See the Field page for more information.

Select a search interface to use by default
Special:Search is better for searching text-based items like articles. Special:MediaSearch provides a better interface for searching files.

Vue usage ​

Menu items are provided as an array of MenuItemData types, and v-model is used to bind the current selection's value.

Props ​

Prop nameDescriptionTypeDefault
menuItems(required)Menu items and/or menu group definitions.

Menu groups and individual menu items will be output in the order they appear here.
selected(required)Value of the current selection.

Must be bound with v-model:selected.

The property should be initialized to null rather than using a falsy value.
defaultLabelLabel to display when no selection has been made.string''
disabledWhether the dropdown is disabled.booleanfalse
menuConfigConfiguration for various menu features. All properties default to false.

See the MenuConfig type.
defaultIconAn icon at the start of the select element displayed when no selection has been made.Icon|undefinedundefined
statusstatus attribute of the input.ValidationStatusType'default'

Events ​

Event namePropertiesDescription
load-moreWhen the user scrolls towards the bottom of the menu.

If it is possible to add or load more menu items, then now would be a good moment so that the user can experience infinite scrolling.
update:selectedmodelValue string|number|null - The new model valueWhen the selection value changes.

Slots ​

labelDisplay of the current selection or default labelselected-menu-item MenuItemData, undefined - The currently selected menu
default-label string - The default label, provided via a prop
menu-itemDisplay of an individual item in the menumenu-item MenuItemData - The current menu item

CSS-only version ​

Markup structure ​

The CSS-only version of this component uses the native <select> element. This element will be styled to match the Vue version, but the menu will use native browser styles.

Disabled ​

Add the disabled attribute to the <select> element to get a disabled element with appropriate styles.