Types and constants ​
Type definitions ​
Since Codex is written in TypeScript, we often make use of special types for things like complex props. Below is documentation of all public types.
ButtonAction ​
See ButtonActions.
// Allowed values: 'default', 'progressive', 'destructive'
type ButtonAction = typeof ButtonActions[ number ];
ButtonGroupItem ​
interface ButtonGroupItem {
/** Button value or unique identifier */
value: string | number,
* Display label for the button, or null to show no label (for icon-only buttons).
* If the label property is missing, the value property is used as the label.
label?: string|null,
/** Icon to display before the label */
icon?: Icon,
/** ARIA label for the button. Used for accessibility for icon-only buttons. */
ariaLabel?: string,
/** Whether the button is disabled */
disabled?: boolean
ButtonSize ​
See ButtonSizes.
// Allowed values: 'medium', 'large'
type ButtonSize = typeof ButtonSizes[ number ];
ButtonType ​
See ButtonTypes.
// Allowed values: 'button', 'submit', 'reset'
type ButtonType = typeof ButtonTypes[ number ];
ButtonWeight ​
See ButtonWeights.
// Allowed values: 'normal', 'primary', 'quiet'
type ButtonWeight = typeof ButtonWeights[ number ];
ChipInputItem ​
interface ChipInputItem {
value: string|number,
label?: string,
icon?: Icon
ChipValidator ​
type ChipValidator = ( value: string|number ) => boolean;
DialogAction ​
interface DialogAction {
label: string,
disabled?: boolean
FloatingMenuOptions ​
Options which can be passed to the useFloatingMenu
composable. The Placement
and OffsetOptions
types come from the 3rd-party FloatingUI package.
interface FloatingMenuOptions {
useAvailableWidth?: boolean,
placement?: Placement,
offset?: OffsetOptions
HTMLDirection ​
type HTMLDirection = 'ltr' | 'rtl';
I18nFunction ​
export type I18nFunction = ( messageKey: I18nMessageKey, ...params: any[] ) => string | null;
Icon ​
Icons are a special type defined in the @wikimedia/codex-icons
package. The Icon
type is a union of several different other types.
type Icon = SimpleIcon | IconFlipForRtl | IconVariedByDir | IconVariedByLang;
SimpleIcon ​
Either an object with a path
property or a string.
interface PathIcon {
* An SVG path string, e.g. 'M3 3H1v16h18v-2H3z'
path: string
* An SVG string, e.g. '<path d="M3 3H1v16h18v-2H3z"/>'. An SVG string may contain multiple tags,
* e.g. '<circle x="..." y="..." r="..."/><path d="..."/>'. SVG strings should not contain an
* <?xml ...?> tag or a wrapping <svg> tag.
type SvgIcon = string;
type SimpleIcon = PathIcon | SvgIcon;
IconSize ​
See IconSizes.
// Allowed values: 'medium', 'small', 'x-small'
type IconSize = typeof IconSizes[ number ];
IconFlipForRtl ​
An icon with a single SVG that should flip horizontally in RTL mode.
interface IconFlipForRtl {
/** LTR version of the icon. */
ltr: SimpleIcon,
/** Indicates that the icon should be flipped via CSS in RTL mode. */
shouldFlip: true,
* Language codes that are exceptions to the above property (e.g. the help
* icon should flip in RTL mode, but not for Hebrew or Yiddish).
shouldFlipExceptions?: string[]
IconVariedByDir ​
An icon that varies per text direction (but can't only be flipped).
interface IconVariedByDir {
/** Icon for RTL */
rtl: SimpleIcon,
/** Icon for LTR */
ltr: SimpleIcon
IconVariedByLang ​
An icon that varies per language.
interface IconVariedByLang {
/** HTMLElement.lang code with corresponding icon. */
langCodeMap: Record<string, SimpleIcon | IconFlipForRtl>,
/** The default icon. */
default: SimpleIcon | IconFlipForRtl
ImageAspectRatio ​
See ImageAspectRatios.
// Allowed values: '16-9','3-2','4-3','1-1','3-4','2-3'
export type ImageAspectRatio = typeof ImageAspectRatios[ number ];
MenuConfig ​
interface MenuConfig {
/** The maximum number of items visible in an expanded menu. */
visibleItemLimit?: number | null,
/** Whether to show thumbnails (or placeholder). */
showThumbnail?: boolean,
/** Whether to bold menu item labels. */
boldLabel?: boolean,
/** Whether to hide description text overflow via an ellipsis. */
hideDescriptionOverflow?: boolean
MenuGroupData ​
interface MenuGroupData {
/** Required label for the group. */
label: string,
/** The menu items that appear in this group. */
items: MenuItemData[],
/** Optional description for the group. */
description?: string,
/** Optional icon for the group. */
icon?: Icon,
/** Whether to visually hide the label. */
hideLabel?: boolean
MenuItemValue ​
type MenuItemValue = string | number;
MenuItemData ​
interface MenuItemData {
/** Item value or unique identifier. */
value: MenuItemValue,
/** Display label for the menu item. */
label?: string,
/** Text to be appended to the result's label, e.g. text matching a search query. */
match?: string,
description?: string | null,
/** Lang attributes of text properties. */
language?: MenuItemLanguageData,
icon?: Icon,
thumbnail?: Thumbnail | null,
/** If URL is included, menu item will be wrapped in an anchor element. */
url?: string,
disabled?: boolean
MenuItemDataWithId ​
interface MenuItemDataWithId extends MenuItemData {
id: string
MenuButtonItemData ​
interface MenuButtonItemData extends MenuItemData {
// Only the "destructive" action is allowed for now
action?: typeof ButtonActions[ 2 ]
MenuItemLanguageData ​
interface MenuItemLanguageData {
/** lang attribute of the label. */
label?: string,
/** lang attribute of the match. */
match?: string,
/** lang attribute of the description. */
description?: string
MenuState ​
See MenuStates.
// Allowed values: 'selected', 'highlighted', 'active'
type MenuState = typeof MenuStates[ number ];
PrimaryDialogAction ​
See DialogAction.
interface PrimaryDialogAction extends DialogAction {
actionType: 'progressive' | 'destructive'
SearchResult ​
interface SearchResult extends MenuItemData {
/** Result link. */
url: string
SearchResultClickEvent ​
interface SearchResultClickEvent {
/** Search result that was clicked. */
searchResult: SearchResult|null,
/** Index of the search result within the array of results. */
index: number,
/** Number of search results. */
numberOfResults: number
StatusType ​
See StatusTypes.
// Allowed values: 'notice', 'warning', 'error', 'success'
type StatusType = typeof StatusTypes[ number ];
TableSort ​
type TableSort<K extends string = string> = { [P in K]?: TableSortOption };
TableSortOption ​
type TableSortOption = 'none' | 'asc' | 'desc';
TableColumn ​
interface TableColumn {
id: string,
label?: string,
// Allowed values: 'start' (default), 'center', 'end', 'number'
textAlign?: typeof TableTextAlignments[ number ]
// Value with units.
width?: string,
// Value with units.
minWidth?: string,
allowSort?: boolean
TableRow ​
type TableRow = Record<string, any>;
TableRowWithIdentifier ​
When both sorting and row selection are enabled, an extra unique idenfitier is needed for each row. Check TableRowIdentifier.
interface TableRowWithIdentifier extends TableRow {
[TableRowIdentifier]: string
TablePaginationPosition ​
type TablePaginationPosition = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'both';
TablePaginationSizeOption ​
Like MenuItemData, but value
must be a number.
export interface TablePaginationSizeOption extends MenuItemData {
value: number;
TextInputType ​
See TextInputTypes.
// Allowed values: 'text', 'search', 'number', 'email', 'password', 'tel', 'url', 'week', 'month', 'date', 'datetime-local', 'time'
type TextInputType = typeof TextInputTypes[ number ];
ValidationMessages ​
interface ValidationMessages {
warning?: string,
error?: string,
success?: string
ValidationStatusType ​
// Allowed values: 'default', 'error'
type ValidationStatusType = typeof ValidationStatusTypes[ number ];
Thumbnail ​
interface Thumbnail {
url: string;
Constants ​
ButtonActions ​
const ButtonActions = [
ButtonSizes ​
const ButtonSizes = [
ButtonTypes ​
const ButtonTypes = [
ButtonWeights ​
const ButtonWeights = [
IconSizes ​
const IconSizes = [
ImageAspectRatios ​
const ImageAspectRatios = [
MenuStates ​
const MenuStates = [
ObjectFitOptions ​
const ObjectFitOptions = [
ObjectPositions ​
const ObjectPositions = [
StatusTypes ​
const StatusTypes = [
TableRowIdentifier ​
Special property of a table row for a unique identifier. Required when both sorting and row selection are enabled.
const TableRowIdentifier = Symbol( 'CdxTableRowIdentifier' );
TableTextAlignments ​
const TableTextAlignments = [
// Numbers should be aligned to the right in all reading directionalities.
TextInputTypes ​
const TextInputTypes = [
ValidationStatusTypes ​
const ValidationStatusTypes = [
DebounceInterval ​
Default length of delay for debouncing, in milliseconds.
const DebounceInterval = 120;
PendingDelay ​
Default length of delay for displaying pending state, in milliseconds.
const PendingDelay = 500;
NoInvertClass ​
A utility class to indicate that certain elements (like thumbnail images) should be excluded from any invert-based "dark mode" theming applied downstream (by the DarkMode extension, for example). No styles are applied to this class within Codex.
const NoInvertClass = 'cdx-no-invert';
Any user of Codex applying an invert-based color theme can use this class to exclude certain elements from color inversion so that they appear in their natural colors.