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Returns an editable computed property that emits an event when changed.

This is useful to reduce boilerplate when v-model is set on a component in the parent and its modelValue needs to be bound via v-model to an input or another component within the component. Setting v-model="modelValue" on the child component doesn't work, because mutating the modelValue prop is not allowed, and an update:modelValue event needs to be emitted instead.

This composable returns a wrappedModel such that v-model="wrappedModel" does work correctly. When reading from wrappedModel, the value of the modelValue prop is returned; when writing to wrappedModel, an update:modelValue event is emitted, which instructs the parent to change the value it passes into the modelValue prop.

This approach was inspired by


To wrap the modelValue prop, pass in the prop as a ref (using the toRef function from Vue) and the emit function that is passed to the setup function:

const wrappedModel = useModelWrapper( toRef( props, 'modelValue' ), emit );

To wrap a prop with a different name, pass a third parameter with the name of the event to emit. This is update: followed by the name of the prop. For example, to wrap a prop called open, use:

const wrappedOpen = useModelWrapper(
	toRef( props, 'open' ),

Make sure that the event name (update:open in the example above, or update:modelValue when wrapping the modelValue prop) is listed in the emits array in the component definition. If you're using TypeScript, TypeScript will verify that this is the case, and will throw cryptic errors if the event is not listed. For more information and examples of what these errors look like, see the section about useModelWrapper on the TypeScript page.

Full examples

Wrapping the modelValue prop

Below is a simple component that wraps a Codex TextArea. It takes a string through its modelValue prop, and passes it down to the TextArea. It's designed to be used with v-model in its parent component, e.g. <message-editor v-model="message" />.

	<p>Edit your message:</p>
	<!-- Conceptually, we want to use v-model="modelValue",
	     but that causes lint errors -->
	<cdx-text-area v-model="wrappedModel" />

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, toRef } from 'vue';
import { CdxTextArea, useModelWrapper } from '@wikimedia/codex';

export default defineComponent( {
	components: {
	props: {
		modelValue: {
			type: String,
			required: true
	emits: [
	setup( props, { emit } ) {
		const wrappedModel = useModelWrapper(
			toRef( props, 'modelValue' ),
		return {
} );

Wrapping a prop not named modelValue

Below is a simple component that wraps a Codex Dialog. It takes an open prop, and passes it down to the Dialog. It's designed to be used with a named v-model in its parent component, e.g. <custom-dialog v-model:open="isDialogOpen" />.

	<!-- Conceptually, we want to use v-model:open="open",
	     but that causes lint errors -->
	<cdx-dialog v-model:open="wrappedOpen">
		<p>Hello! I am a custom dialog.</p>
		<!-- This could also be @click="wrappedOpen = false" -->
		<cdx-button @click="close">Close me</cdx-button>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, toRef } from 'vue';
import { CdxDialog, useModelWrapper } from '@wikimedia/codex';

export default defineComponent( {
	components: {
	props: {
		open: {
			type: Boolean,
			required: true
	emits: [
	setup( props, { emit } ) {
		const wrappedOpen = useModelWrapper(
			toRef( props, 'open' ),

		function close() {
			// Setting wrappedOpen.value = false; is equivalent to calling
			// emit( 'update:open', false );
			wrappedOpen.value = false;

		return {
} );