MediaWiki REL1_35
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 api.phpThe web entry point for all Action API queries, handled by ApiMain and ApiBase subclasses
 img_auth.phpThe web entry point for serving non-public images to logged-in users
 index.phpThe main web entry point for web browser navigations, usually via an Action or SpecialPage subclass
 load.phpThe web entry point for ResourceLoader, which serves static CSS/JavaScript via ResourceLoaderModule subclasses
 opensearch_desc.phpThe web entry point for generating an OpenSearch description document
 rest.phpThis is the entry point for the REST API
 thumb.phpThe web entry point for retrieving media thumbnails, created by a MediaHandler subclass or proxy request if FileRepo::getThumbProxyUrl is configured
 thumb_handler.phpThe web entry point to be used as 404 handler behind a web server rewrite rule for media thumbnails, internally handled via thumb.php