* @author Neil Kandalgaonkar, 2010
* @since 1.18
/* Private members */
let toUpperMap;
const mwString = require( 'mediawiki.String' ),
namespaceIds = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ),
* @private
* @static
* @property {number} NS_MAIN
NS_MAIN = namespaceIds[ '' ],
* @private
* @static
* @property {number} NS_TALK
NS_TALK = namespaceIds.talk,
* @private
* @static
* @property {number} NS_SPECIAL
NS_SPECIAL = namespaceIds.special,
* @private
* @static
* @property {number} NS_MEDIA
NS_MEDIA = namespaceIds.media,
* @private
* @static
* @property {number} NS_FILE
NS_FILE = namespaceIds.file,
* @private
* @static
* @property {number} FILENAME_MAX_BYTES
* @private
* @static
* @property {number} TITLE_MAX_BYTES
* Get the namespace id from a namespace name (either from the localized, canonical or alias
* name).
* Example: On a German wiki this would return 6 for any of 'File', 'Datei', 'Image' or
* even 'Bild'.
* @private
* @static
* @method getNsIdByName
* @param {string} ns Namespace name (case insensitive, leading/trailing space ignored)
* @return {number|boolean} Namespace id or boolean false
getNsIdByName = function ( ns ) {
// Don't cast non-strings to strings, because null or undefined should not result in
// returning the id of a potential namespace called "Null:" (e.g. on null.example.org/wiki)
// Also, toLowerCase throws exception on null/undefined, because it is a String method.
if ( typeof ns !== 'string' ) {
return false;
// TODO: Should just use the local variable namespaceIds here, but it
// breaks test which modify the config
const id = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' )[ ns.toLowerCase() ];
if ( id === undefined ) {
return false;
return id;
* @private
* @method isKnownNamespace
* @param {number} namespace that may or may not exist
* @return {boolean}
isKnownNamespace = function ( namespace ) {
return namespace === NS_MAIN || mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[ namespace ] !== undefined;
* @private
* @method getNamespacePrefix
* @param {number} namespace that is valid and known. Callers should call
* `isKnownNamespace` before executing this method.
* @return {string}
getNamespacePrefix = function ( namespace ) {
return namespace === NS_MAIN ?
'' :
( mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' )[ namespace ].replace( / /g, '_' ) + ':' );
rUnderscoreTrim = /^_+|_+$/g,
rSplit = /^(.+?)_*:_*(.*)$/,
// See MediaWikiTitleCodec.php#getTitleInvalidRegex
rInvalid = new RegExp(
'[^' + mw.config.get( 'wgLegalTitleChars' ) + ']' +
// URL percent encoding sequences interfere with the ability
// to round-trip titles -- you can't link to them consistently.
'|%[\\dA-Fa-f]{2}' +
// XML/HTML character references produce similar issues.
// From MediaWikiTitleCodec::splitTitleString() in PHP
// Note that this is not equivalent to /\s/, e.g. underscore is included, tab is not included.
rWhitespace = /[ _\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000]+/g,
// From MediaWikiTitleCodec::splitTitleString() in PHP
rUnicodeBidi = /[\u200E\u200F\u202A-\u202E]+/g,
* Slightly modified from Flinfo. Credit goes to Lupo and Flominator.
* @private
* @static
* @property {Object[]} sanitationRules
sanitationRules = [
// "signature"
pattern: /~{3}/g,
replace: '',
generalRule: true
// control characters
// eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex
pattern: /[\x00-\x1f\x7f]/g,
replace: '',
generalRule: true
// URL encoding (possibly)
pattern: /%([\dA-Fa-f]{2})/g,
replace: '% $1',
generalRule: true
// HTML-character-entities
pattern: /&(([\dA-Za-z\x80-\xff]+|#\d+|#x[\dA-Fa-f]+);)/g,
replace: '& $1',
generalRule: true
// slash, colon (not supported by file systems like NTFS/Windows, Mac OS 9 [:], ext4 [/])
pattern: new RegExp( '[' + mw.config.get( 'wgIllegalFileChars', '' ) + ']', 'g' ),
replace: '-',
fileRule: true
// brackets, greater than
pattern: /[}\]>]/g,
replace: ')',
generalRule: true
// brackets, lower than
pattern: /[{[<]/g,
replace: '(',
generalRule: true
// everything that wasn't covered yet
pattern: new RegExp( rInvalid.source, 'g' ),
replace: '-',
generalRule: true
// directory structures
pattern: /^(\.|\.\.|\.\/.*|\.\.\/.*|.*\/\.\/.*|.*\/\.\.\/.*|.*\/\.|.*\/\.\.)$/g,
replace: '',
generalRule: true
* Internal helper for #constructor and #newFromText.
* Based on Title.php#secureAndSplit
* @private
* @static
* @method parse
* @param {string} title
* @param {number} [defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN]
* @return {Object|boolean}
parse = function ( title, defaultNamespace ) {
let namespace = defaultNamespace === undefined ? NS_MAIN : defaultNamespace;
title = title
// Strip Unicode bidi override characters
.replace( rUnicodeBidi, '' )
// Normalise whitespace to underscores and remove duplicates
.replace( rWhitespace, '_' )
// Trim underscores
.replace( rUnderscoreTrim, '' );
if ( title.indexOf( '\uFFFD' ) !== -1 ) {
// Contained illegal UTF-8 sequences or forbidden Unicode chars.
// Commonly occurs when the text was obtained using the `URL` API, and the 'title' parameter
// was using a legacy 8-bit encoding, for example:
// new URL( 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Apollo%96Soyuz' ).searchParams.get( 'title' )
return false;
// Process initial colon
if ( title !== '' && title[ 0 ] === ':' ) {
// Initial colon means main namespace instead of specified default
namespace = NS_MAIN;
title = title
// Strip colon
.slice( 1 )
// Trim underscores
.replace( rUnderscoreTrim, '' );
if ( title === '' ) {
return false;
// Process namespace prefix (if any)
let m = title.match( rSplit );
if ( m ) {
const id = getNsIdByName( m[ 1 ] );
if ( id !== false ) {
// Ordinary namespace
namespace = id;
title = m[ 2 ];
// For Talk:X pages, make sure X has no "namespace" prefix
if ( namespace === NS_TALK && ( m = title.match( rSplit ) ) ) {
// Disallow titles like Talk:File:x (subject should roundtrip: talk:file:x -> file:x -> file_talk:x)
if ( getNsIdByName( m[ 1 ] ) !== false ) {
return false;
// Process fragment
const i = title.indexOf( '#' );
let fragment;
if ( i === -1 ) {
fragment = null;
} else {
fragment = title
// Get segment starting after the hash
.slice( i + 1 )
// Convert to text
// NB: Must not be trimmed ("Example#_foo" is not the same as "Example#foo")
.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
title = title
// Strip hash
.slice( 0, i )
// Trim underscores, again (strips "_" from "bar" in "Foo_bar_#quux")
.replace( rUnderscoreTrim, '' );
// Reject illegal characters
if ( rInvalid.test( title ) ) {
return false;
// Disallow titles that browsers or servers might resolve as directory navigation
if (
title.indexOf( '.' ) !== -1 && (
title === '.' || title === '..' ||
title.indexOf( './' ) === 0 ||
title.indexOf( '../' ) === 0 ||
title.indexOf( '/./' ) !== -1 ||
title.indexOf( '/../' ) !== -1 ||
title.slice( -2 ) === '/.' ||
title.slice( -3 ) === '/..'
) {
return false;
// Disallow magic tilde sequence
if ( title.indexOf( '~~~' ) !== -1 ) {
return false;
// Disallow titles exceeding the TITLE_MAX_BYTES byte size limit (size of underlying database field)
// Except for special pages, e.g. [[Special:Block/Long name]]
// Note: The PHP implementation also asserts that even in NS_SPECIAL, the title should
// be less than 512 bytes.
if ( namespace !== NS_SPECIAL && mwString.byteLength( title ) > TITLE_MAX_BYTES ) {
return false;
// Can't make a link to a namespace alone.
if ( title === '' && namespace !== NS_MAIN ) {
return false;
// Any remaining initial :s are illegal.
if ( title[ 0 ] === ':' ) {
return false;
return {
namespace: namespace,
title: title,
fragment: fragment
* Convert db-key to readable text.
* @private
* @static
* @method text
* @param {string} s
* @return {string}
text = function ( s ) {
return s.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
* Sanitizes a string based on a rule set and a filter
* @private
* @static
* @method sanitize
* @param {string} s
* @param {Array} filter
* @return {string}
sanitize = function ( s, filter ) {
const rules = sanitationRules;
for ( let i = 0, ruleLength = rules.length; i < ruleLength; ++i ) {
const rule = rules[ i ];
for ( let m = 0, filterLength = filter.length; m < filterLength; ++m ) {
if ( rule[ filter[ m ] ] ) {
s = s.replace( rule.pattern, rule.replace );
return s;
* Cuts a string to a specific byte length, assuming UTF-8
* or less, if the last character is a multi-byte one
* @private
* @static
* @method trimToByteLength
* @param {string} s
* @param {number} length
* @return {string}
trimToByteLength = function ( s, length ) {
return mwString.trimByteLength( '', s, length ).newVal;
* Cuts a file name to a specific byte length
* @private
* @static
* @method trimFileNameToByteLength
* @param {string} name without extension
* @param {string} extension file extension
* @return {string} The full name, including extension
trimFileNameToByteLength = function ( name, extension ) {
// There is a special byte limit for file names and ... remember the dot
return trimToByteLength( name, FILENAME_MAX_BYTES - extension.length - 1 ) + '.' + extension;
* @class mw.Title
* @classdesc Library for constructing MediaWiki titles.
* @example
* new mw.Title( 'Foo', NS_TEMPLATE ).getPrefixedText();
* // => 'Template:Foo'
* mw.Title.newFromText( 'Foo', NS_TEMPLATE ).getPrefixedText();
* // => 'Template:Foo'
* mw.Title.makeTitle( NS_TEMPLATE, 'Foo' ).getPrefixedText();
* // => 'Template:Foo'
* new mw.Title( 'Category:Foo', NS_TEMPLATE ).getPrefixedText();
* // => 'Category:Foo'
* mw.Title.newFromText( 'Category:Foo', NS_TEMPLATE ).getPrefixedText();
* // => 'Category:Foo'
* mw.Title.makeTitle( NS_TEMPLATE, 'Category:Foo' ).getPrefixedText();
* // => 'Template:Category:Foo'
* new mw.Title( 'Template:Foo', NS_TEMPLATE ).getPrefixedText();
* // => 'Template:Foo'
* mw.Title.newFromText( 'Template:Foo', NS_TEMPLATE ).getPrefixedText();
* // => 'Template:Foo'
* mw.Title.makeTitle( NS_TEMPLATE, 'Template:Foo' ).getPrefixedText();
* // => 'Template:Template:Foo'
* @constructor
* @description Parse titles into an object structure. Note that when using the constructor
* directly, passing invalid titles will result in an exception.
* Use [newFromText]{@link mw.Title.newFromText} to use the
* logic directly and get null for invalid titles which is easier to work with.
* Note that in the constructor and [newFromText]{@link mw.Title.newFromText} method,
* `namespace` is the **default** namespace only, and can be overridden by a namespace
* prefix in `title`. If you do not want this behavior,
* use [makeTitle]{@link mw.Title.makeTitle}.
* @param {string} title Title of the page. If no second argument given,
* this will be searched for a namespace
* @param {number} [namespace=NS_MAIN] If given, will used as default namespace for the given title
* @throws {Error} When the title is invalid
function Title( title, namespace ) {
const parsed = parse( title, namespace );
if ( !parsed ) {
throw new Error( 'Unable to parse title' );
this.namespace = parsed.namespace;
this.title = parsed.title;
this.fragment = parsed.fragment;
/* Static members */
* Constructor for Title objects with a null return instead of an exception for invalid titles.
* Note that `namespace` is the **default** namespace only, and can be overridden by a namespace
* prefix in `title`. If you do not want this behavior, use #makeTitle. See #constructor for
* details.
* @name mw.Title.newFromText
* @method
* @param {string} title
* @param {number} [namespace=NS_MAIN] Default namespace
* @return {mw.Title|null} A valid Title object or null if the title is invalid
Title.newFromText = function ( title, namespace ) {
const parsed = parse( title, namespace );
if ( !parsed ) {
return null;
const t = Object.create( Title.prototype );
t.namespace = parsed.namespace;
t.title = parsed.title;
t.fragment = parsed.fragment;
return t;
* Constructor for Title objects with predefined namespace.
* Unlike [newFromText]{@link mw.Title.newFromText} or the constructor, this function doesn't allow the given `namespace` to be
* overridden by a namespace prefix in `title`. See the constructor documentation for details about this behavior.
* The single exception to this is when `namespace` is 0, indicating the main namespace. The
* function behaves like [newFromText]{@link mw.Title.newFromText} in that case.
* @name mw.Title.makeTitle
* @method
* @param {number} namespace Namespace to use for the title
* @param {string} title
* @return {mw.Title|null} A valid Title object or null if the title is invalid
Title.makeTitle = function ( namespace, title ) {
if ( !isKnownNamespace( namespace ) ) {
return null;
} else {
return mw.Title.newFromText( getNamespacePrefix( namespace ) + title );
* Constructor for Title objects from user input altering that input to
* produce a title that MediaWiki will accept as legal.
* @name mw.Title.newFromUserInput
* @method
* @param {string} title
* @param {number} [defaultNamespace=NS_MAIN]
* If given, will used as default namespace for the given title.
* @param {Object} [options] additional options
* @param {boolean} [options.forUploading=true]
* Makes sure that a file is uploadable under the title returned.
* There are pages in the file namespace under which file upload is impossible.
* Automatically assumed if the title is created in the Media namespace.
* @return {mw.Title|null} A valid Title object or null if the input cannot be turned into a valid title
Title.newFromUserInput = function ( title, defaultNamespace, options ) {
let namespace = parseInt( defaultNamespace ) || NS_MAIN;
// merge options into defaults
options = Object.assign( {
forUploading: true
}, options );
// Normalise additional whitespace
title = title.replace( /\s/g, ' ' ).trim();
// Process initial colon
if ( title !== '' && title[ 0 ] === ':' ) {
// Initial colon means main namespace instead of specified default
namespace = NS_MAIN;
title = title
// Strip colon
.slice( 1 )
// Trim underscores
.replace( rUnderscoreTrim, '' );
// Process namespace prefix (if any)
const m = title.match( rSplit );
if ( m ) {
const id = getNsIdByName( m[ 1 ] );
if ( id !== false ) {
// Ordinary namespace
namespace = id;
title = m[ 2 ];
if (
namespace === NS_MEDIA ||
( options.forUploading && ( namespace === NS_FILE ) )
) {
title = sanitize( title, [ 'generalRule', 'fileRule' ] );
// Operate on the file extension
// Although it is possible having spaces between the name and the ".ext" this isn't nice for
// operating systems hiding file extensions -> strip them later on
const lastDot = title.lastIndexOf( '.' );
// No or empty file extension
if ( lastDot === -1 || lastDot >= title.length - 1 ) {
return null;
// Get the last part, which is supposed to be the file extension
const ext = title.slice( lastDot + 1 );
// Remove whitespace of the name part (that without extension)
title = title.slice( 0, lastDot ).trim();
// Cut, if too long and append file extension
title = trimFileNameToByteLength( title, ext );
} else {
title = sanitize( title, [ 'generalRule' ] );
// Cut titles exceeding the TITLE_MAX_BYTES byte size limit
// (size of underlying database field)
if ( namespace !== NS_SPECIAL ) {
title = trimToByteLength( title, TITLE_MAX_BYTES );
// Any remaining initial :s are illegal.
title = title.replace( /^:+/, '' );
return Title.newFromText( title, namespace );
* Sanitizes a file name as supplied by the user, originating in the user's file system
* so it is most likely a valid MediaWiki title and file name after processing.
* Returns null on fatal errors.
* @name mw.Title.newFromFileName
* @method
* @param {string} uncleanName The unclean file name including file extension but
* without namespace
* @return {mw.Title|null} A valid Title object or null if the title is invalid
Title.newFromFileName = function ( uncleanName ) {
return Title.newFromUserInput( 'File:' + uncleanName );
* Get the file title from an image element.
* @example
* const title = mw.Title.newFromImg( imageNode );
* @name mw.Title.newFromImg
* @method
* @param {HTMLElement|jQuery} img The image to use as a base
* @return {mw.Title|null} The file title or null if unsuccessful
Title.newFromImg = function ( img ) {
const src = img.jquery ? img[ 0 ].src : img.src,
data = mw.util.parseImageUrl( src );
return data ? mw.Title.newFromText( 'File:' + data.name ) : null;
* Check if a given namespace is a talk namespace.
* See NamespaceInfo::isTalk in PHP
* @name mw.Title.isTalkNamespace
* @method
* @param {number} namespaceId Namespace ID
* @return {boolean} Namespace is a talk namespace
Title.isTalkNamespace = function ( namespaceId ) {
return namespaceId > NS_MAIN && namespaceId % 2 === 1;
* Check if signature buttons should be shown in a given namespace.
* See NamespaceInfo::wantSignatures in PHP
* @name mw.Title.wantSignaturesNamespace
* @method
* @param {number} namespaceId Namespace ID
* @return {boolean} Namespace is a signature namespace
Title.wantSignaturesNamespace = function ( namespaceId ) {
return Title.isTalkNamespace( namespaceId ) ||
mw.config.get( 'wgExtraSignatureNamespaces' ).indexOf( namespaceId ) !== -1;
* Whether this title exists on the wiki.
* @name mw.Title.exists
* @method
* @param {string|mw.Title} title prefixed db-key name (string) or instance of Title
* @return {boolean|null} Boolean if the information is available, otherwise null
* @throws {Error} If title is not a string or mw.Title
Title.exists = function ( title ) {
const obj = Title.exist.pages;
let match;
if ( typeof title === 'string' ) {
match = obj[ title ];
} else if ( title instanceof Title ) {
match = obj[ title.toString() ];
} else {
throw new Error( 'mw.Title.exists: title must be a string or an instance of Title' );
if ( typeof match !== 'boolean' ) {
return null;
return match;
* @typedef {Object} mw.Title~TitleExistenceStore
* @property {Object} pages Keyed by title. Boolean true value indicates page does exist.
* @property {Function} set The setter function. Returns a boolean.
* Example to declare existing titles:
* ```
* Title.exist.set( ['User:John_Doe', ...] );
* ```
* Example to declare titles nonexistent:
* ```
* Title.exist.set( ['File:Foo_bar.jpg', ...], false );
* ```
* @property {string|string[]} set.titles Title(s) in strict prefixedDb title form
* @property {boolean} [set.state=true] State of the given titles
* @name mw.Title.exist
* @type {mw.Title~TitleExistenceStore}
Title.exist = {
pages: {},
set: function ( titles, state ) {
const pages = this.pages;
titles = Array.isArray( titles ) ? titles : [ titles ];
state = state === undefined ? true : !!state;
for ( let i = 0, len = titles.length; i < len; i++ ) {
pages[ titles[ i ] ] = state;
return true;
* Normalize a file extension to the common form, making it lowercase and checking some synonyms,
* and ensure it's clean. Extensions with non-alphanumeric characters will be discarded.
* Keep in sync with File::normalizeExtension() in PHP.
* @name mw.Title.normalizeExtension
* @method
* @param {string} extension File extension (without the leading dot)
* @return {string} File extension in canonical form
Title.normalizeExtension = function ( extension ) {
lower = extension.toLowerCase(),
normalizations = {
htm: 'html',
jpeg: 'jpg',
mpeg: 'mpg',
tiff: 'tif',
ogv: 'ogg'
if ( Object.hasOwnProperty.call( normalizations, lower ) ) {
return normalizations[ lower ];
} else if ( /^[\da-z]+$/.test( lower ) ) {
return lower;
} else {
return '';
* PHP's strtoupper differs from String.toUpperCase in a number of cases (T147646).
* @name mw.Title.phpCharToUpper
* @method
* @param {string} chr Unicode character
* @return {string} Unicode character, in upper case, according to the same rules as in PHP
Title.phpCharToUpper = function ( chr ) {
if ( !toUpperMap ) {
toUpperMap = require( './phpCharToUpper.json' );
if ( toUpperMap[ chr ] === 0 ) {
// Optimisation: When the override is to keep the character unchanged,
// we use 0 in JSON. This reduces the data by 50%.
return chr;
return toUpperMap[ chr ] || chr.toUpperCase();
/* Public members */
Title.prototype = /** @lends mw.Title.prototype */ {
constructor: Title,
* Get the namespace number.
* Example: 6 for "File:Example_image.svg".
* @return {number}
getNamespaceId: function () {
return this.namespace;
* Get the namespace prefix (in the content language).
* Example: "File:" for "File:Example_image.svg".
* In `NS_MAIN` this is '', otherwise namespace name plus ':'
* @return {string}
getNamespacePrefix: function () {
return getNamespacePrefix( this.namespace );
* Get the page name as if it is a file name, without extension or namespace prefix,
* in the canonical form with underscores instead of spaces. For example, the title
* `File:Example_image.svg` will be returned as `Example_image`.
* Note that this method will work for non-file titles but probably give nonsensical results.
* A title like `User:Dr._J._Fail` will be returned as `Dr._J`! Use [getMain]{@link mw.Title#getMain} instead.
* @return {string}
getFileNameWithoutExtension: function () {
const ext = this.getExtension();
if ( ext === null ) {
return this.getMain();
return this.getMain().slice( 0, -ext.length - 1 );
* Get the page name as if it is a file name, without extension or namespace prefix,
* in the human-readable form with spaces instead of underscores. For example, the title
* `File:Example_image.svg` will be returned as "Example image".
* Note that this method will work for non-file titles but probably give nonsensical results.
* A title like `User:Dr._J._Fail` will be returned as `Dr. J`! Use [getMainText]{@link mw.Title#getMainText} instead.
* @return {string}
getFileNameTextWithoutExtension: function () {
return text( this.getFileNameWithoutExtension() );
* Get the page name as if it is a file name, without extension or namespace prefix. Warning,
* this is usually not what you want! A title like `User:Dr._J._Fail` will be returned as
* `Dr. J`! Use [getMain]{@link mw.Title#getMain} or [getMainText]{@link mw.Title#getMainText} for the actual page name.
* @return {string} File name without file extension, in the canonical form with underscores
* instead of spaces. For example, the title `File:Example_image.svg` will be returned as
* `Example_image`.
* @deprecated since 1.40, use [getFileNameWithoutExtension]{@link mw.Title#getFileNameWithoutExtension} instead
getName: function () {
return this.getFileNameWithoutExtension();
* Get the page name as if it is a file name, without extension or namespace prefix. Warning,
* this is usually not what you want! A title like `User:Dr._J._Fail` will be returned as
* `Dr. J`! Use [getMainText]{@link mw.Title#getMainText} for the actual page name.
* @return {string} File name without file extension, formatted with spaces instead of
* underscores. For example, the title `File:Example_image.svg` will be returned as
* `Example image`.
* @deprecated since 1.40, use [getFileNameTextWithoutExtension]{@link mw.Title#getFileNameTextWithoutExtension} instead
getNameText: function () {
return text( this.getFileNameTextWithoutExtension() );
* Get the extension of the page name (if any).
* @return {string|null} Name extension or null if there is none
getExtension: function () {
const lastDot = this.title.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( lastDot === -1 ) {
return null;
return this.title.slice( lastDot + 1 ) || null;
* Get the main page name.
* Example: `Example_image.svg` for `File:Example_image.svg`.
* @return {string}
getMain: function () {
if (
mw.config.get( 'wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces' ).indexOf( this.namespace ) !== -1 ||
) {
return this.title;
const firstChar = mwString.charAt( this.title, 0 );
return mw.Title.phpCharToUpper( firstChar ) + this.title.slice( firstChar.length );
* Get the main page name (transformed by text()).
* Example: `Example image.svg` for `File:Example_image.svg`.
* @return {string}
getMainText: function () {
return text( this.getMain() );
* Get the full page name.
* Example: `File:Example_image.svg`.
* Most useful for API calls, anything that must identify the "title".
* @return {string}
getPrefixedDb: function () {
return this.getNamespacePrefix() + this.getMain();
* Get the full page name (transformed by [text]{@link mw.Title#text}).
* Example: `File:Example image.svg` for `File:Example_image.svg`.
* @return {string}
getPrefixedText: function () {
return text( this.getPrefixedDb() );
* Get the page name relative to a namespace.
* Example:
* - "Foo:Bar" relative to the Foo namespace becomes "Bar".
* - "Bar" relative to any non-main namespace becomes ":Bar".
* - "Foo:Bar" relative to any namespace other than Foo stays "Foo:Bar".
* @param {number} namespace The namespace to be relative to
* @return {string}
getRelativeText: function ( namespace ) {
if ( this.getNamespaceId() === namespace ) {
return this.getMainText();
} else if ( this.getNamespaceId() === NS_MAIN ) {
return ':' + this.getPrefixedText();
} else {
return this.getPrefixedText();
* Get the fragment (if any).
* Note that this method (by design) does not include the hash character and
* the value is not url encoded.
* @return {string|null}
getFragment: function () {
return this.fragment;
* Get the URL to this title.
* @see [mw.util.getUrl]{@link module:mediawiki.util.getUrl}
* @param {Object} [params] A mapping of query parameter names to values,
* e.g. `{ action: 'edit' }`.
* @return {string}
getUrl: function ( params ) {
const fragment = this.getFragment();
if ( fragment ) {
return mw.util.getUrl( this.toString() + '#' + fragment, params );
} else {
return mw.util.getUrl( this.toString(), params );
* Check if the title is in a talk namespace.
* @return {boolean} The title is in a talk namespace
isTalkPage: function () {
return Title.isTalkNamespace( this.getNamespaceId() );
* Get the title for the associated talk page.
* @return {mw.Title|null} The title for the associated talk page, null if not available
getTalkPage: function () {
if ( !this.canHaveTalkPage() ) {
return null;
return this.isTalkPage() ?
this :
Title.makeTitle( this.getNamespaceId() + 1, this.getMainText() );
* Get the title for the subject page of a talk page.
* @return {mw.Title|null} The title for the subject page of a talk page, null if not available
getSubjectPage: function () {
return this.isTalkPage() ?
Title.makeTitle( this.getNamespaceId() - 1, this.getMainText() ) :
* Check the title can have an associated talk page.
* @return {boolean} The title can have an associated talk page
canHaveTalkPage: function () {
return this.getNamespaceId() >= NS_MAIN;
* Whether this title exists on the wiki.
* @see mw.Title.exists
* @return {boolean|null} Boolean if the information is available, otherwise null
exists: function () {
return Title.exists( this );
* Alias of [getPrefixedDb]{@link mw.Title#getPrefixedDb}.
* @name mw.Title.prototype.toString
* @method
Title.prototype.toString = Title.prototype.getPrefixedDb;
* Alias of [getPrefixedText]{@link mw.Title#getPrefixedText}.
* @name mw.Title.prototype.toText
* @method
Title.prototype.toText = Title.prototype.getPrefixedText;
// Expose
mw.Title = Title;