Exposes an instance of AuthPopup
configured to display a login dialog for the local
instance of MediaWiki.
The promises returned by AuthPopup
methods will be resolved with a userinfo
This library is not stable yet (as of May 2024). We're still testing which of the methods work from the technical side, and which methods are understandable for users. Some methods or the whole library may be removed in the future.
const authPopup = require( 'mediawiki.authenticationPopup' );
// or: authPopup.startNewTabOrWindow()
// or: authPopup.startIframe()
.then( function ( userinfo ) {
if ( userinfo ) {
// Logged in
console.log( userinfo.name );
} else {
// Cancelled by the user
}, function ( error ) {
// Unexpected error stopped the login process
} );
Example using `await` syntax
const userinfo = await authPopup.startPopupWindow(); // etc.
if ( userinfo ) {
// Logged in
} else {
// Cancelled by the user
Type Definitions
object as returned by the
action=query&meta=userinfo API module.