Expand all


Collapse a collection of elements.


$.fn.makeCollapsible([options]) → {jQuery}static #

Enable collapsible-functionality on all elements in the collection.

  • Will prevent binding twice to the same element.
  • Initial state is expanded by default, this can be overridden by adding class "mw-collapsed" to the "mw-collapsible" element.
  • Elements made collapsible have jQuery data "mw-made-collapsible" set to true.
  • The inner content is wrapped in a "div.mw-collapsible-content" (except for tables and lists).

To use this jQuery plugin, load the jquery.makeCollapsible module with mw.loader.


mw.loader.using( 'jquery.makeCollapsible' ).then( () => {
      $( 'table' ).makeCollapsible();
} );


Name Type Attributes Description
options Object optional
Name Type Attributes Default Description
collapseText string optional

Text used for the toggler, when clicking it would collapse the element. Default: the 'data-collapsetext' attribute of the collapsible element or the content of 'collapsible-collapse' message.

expandText string optional

Text used for the toggler, when clicking it would expand the element. Default: the 'data-expandtext' attribute of the collapsible element or the content of 'collapsible-expand' message.

collapsed boolean optional

Whether to collapse immediately. By default collapse only if the element has the 'mw-collapsed' class.

$customTogglers jQuery optional

Elements to be used as togglers for this collapsible element. By default, if the collapsible element has an id attribute like 'mw-customcollapsible-XXX', elements with a class of 'mw-customtoggle-XXX' are made togglers for it.

plainMode boolean optional

Whether to use a "plain mode" when making the element collapsible - that is, hide entire tables and lists (instead of hiding only all rows but first of tables, and hiding each list item separately for lists) and don't wrap other elements in div.mw-collapsible-content. May only be used with custom togglers.



Enable collapsible-functionality on all elements in the collection.