* JavaScript for diff inline toggle
module.exports = function ( $inlineToggleSwitchLayout ) {
const url = new URL( location.href ),
api = new mw.Api(),
$inlineLegendContainer = $( '.mw-diff-inline-legend' ),
inlineToggleSwitchLayout = OO.ui.FieldLayout.static.infuse( $inlineToggleSwitchLayout ),
inlineToggleSwitch = inlineToggleSwitchLayout.getField();
inlineToggleSwitch.on( 'change', ( e ) => {
onDiffTypeInlineChange( e, true );
} );
inlineToggleSwitch.on( 'disable', onDiffTypeInlineDisabled );
const $wikitextDiffContainer = $( 'table.diff[data-mw="interface"]' );
const $wikitextDiffHeader = $wikitextDiffContainer.find( 'tr.diff-title' )
.add( $wikitextDiffContainer.find( 'td.diff-multi, td.diff-notice' ).parent() );
let $wikitextDiffBody = $wikitextDiffContainer.find( 'tr' ).not( $wikitextDiffHeader );
let $wikitextDiffBodyInline, $wikitextDiffBodyTable;
if ( inlineToggleSwitch.getValue() ) {
$wikitextDiffBodyInline = $wikitextDiffBody;
} else {
$wikitextDiffBodyTable = $wikitextDiffBody;
* Handler for inlineToggleSwitch onChange event
* @param {boolean} isInline
* @param {boolean} saveDiffTypeOption
function onDiffTypeInlineChange( isInline, saveDiffTypeOption ) {
if ( ( isInline && typeof $wikitextDiffBodyInline === 'undefined' ) ||
( !isInline && typeof $wikitextDiffBodyTable === 'undefined' ) ) {
fetchDiff( isInline );
} else {
toggleDiffTypeVisibility( isInline );
if ( saveDiffTypeOption ) {
api.saveOption( 'diff-type', isInline ? 'inline' : 'table' )
.fail( ( error ) => {
if ( error === 'notloggedin' ) {
// Can't save preference, so use query parameter stickiness
switchQueryParams( isInline );
} );
* Toggle legend and the DOM containers according to the format selected.
* @param {boolean} isInline
function toggleDiffTypeVisibility( isInline ) {
$inlineLegendContainer.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden', !isInline );
if ( typeof $wikitextDiffBodyInline !== 'undefined' ) {
$wikitextDiffBodyInline.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden', !isInline );
if ( typeof $wikitextDiffBodyTable !== 'undefined' ) {
$wikitextDiffBodyTable.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden', isInline );
* Change the query parameters to maintain the new diff type.
* This is used for anonymous users.
* @param {boolean} isInline
function switchQueryParams( isInline ) {
$( '#differences-prevlink, #differences-nextlink' )
.each( function () {
let linkUrl;
try {
linkUrl = new URL( this.href );
} catch ( e ) {
if ( isInline ) {
linkUrl.searchParams.set( 'diff-type', 'inline' );
} else {
linkUrl.searchParams.delete( 'diff-type' );
this.href = linkUrl.toString();
} );
* Toggle the legend when the toggle switch disabled state changes.
* @param {boolean} disabled
function onDiffTypeInlineDisabled( disabled ) {
if ( disabled ) {
$inlineLegendContainer.addClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' );
} else {
$inlineLegendContainer.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden', !inlineToggleSwitch.getValue() );
// When Inline Switch is enabled, toggle wikitext according to its value.
// Do not save user 'diff-type' preference
onDiffTypeInlineChange( inlineToggleSwitch.getValue(), false );
* Fetch the diff through mw.API in the given format.
* @param {boolean} isInline
function fetchDiff( isInline ) {
const diffType = isInline ? 'inline' : 'table',
oldRevId = mw.config.get( 'wgDiffOldId' ),
newRevId = mw.config.get( 'wgDiffNewId' );
let oldPageName, newPageName;
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' ) !== 'ComparePages' ) {
oldPageName = newPageName = mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' );
} else {
oldPageName = url.searchParams.get( 'page1' );
newPageName = url.searchParams.get( 'page2' );
const apiParams = {
action: 'compare',
fromtitle: oldPageName,
totitle: newPageName,
fromrev: oldRevId,
torev: newRevId,
difftype: diffType
api.get( apiParams ).done( ( diffData ) => {
if ( isInline ) {
$wikitextDiffBodyInline = $( diffData.compare[ '*' ] );
} else {
$wikitextDiffBodyTable = $( diffData.compare[ '*' ] );
toggleDiffTypeVisibility( inlineToggleSwitch.getValue() );
$wikitextDiffBody.last().after( isInline ? $wikitextDiffBodyInline : $wikitextDiffBodyTable );
$wikitextDiffBody = $wikitextDiffContainer.find( 'tr' ).not( $wikitextDiffHeader );
* Fired when the wikitext DOM is updated so others can react accordingly.
* @event ~'wikipage.diff.wikitextDiffBody'
* @memberof Hooks
* @param {jQuery} $wikitextDiffBody
mw.hook( 'wikipage.diff.wikitextBodyUpdate' ).fire( $wikitextDiffBody );
} );
* Fired when the diff type switch is present so others can decide
* how to manipulate the DOM.
* @event ~'wikipage.diff.diffTypeSwitch'
* @memberof Hooks
* @param {OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget} inlineToggleSwitch
mw.hook( 'wikipage.diff.diffTypeSwitch' ).fire( inlineToggleSwitch );