const byteLength = require( 'mediawiki.String' ).byteLength,
UriProcessor = require( './UriProcessor.js' );
/* eslint no-underscore-dangle: "off" */
* Controller for the filters in Recent Changes.
* @class Controller
* @memberof mw.rcfilters
* @ignore
* @param {} filtersModel Filters view model
* @param {} changesListModel Changes list view model
* @param {} savedQueriesModel Saved queries model
* @param {Object} config Additional configuration
* @param {string} config.savedQueriesPreferenceName Where to save the saved queries
* @param {string} config.daysPreferenceName Preference name for the days filter
* @param {string} config.limitPreferenceName Preference name for the limit filter
* @param {string} config.collapsedPreferenceName Preference name for collapsing and showing
* the active filters area
* @param {boolean} [config.normalizeTarget] Dictates whether or not to go through the
* title normalization to separate title subpage/parts into the target= url
* parameter
const Controller = function MwRcfiltersController( filtersModel, changesListModel, savedQueriesModel, config ) {
this.filtersModel = filtersModel;
this.changesListModel = changesListModel;
this.savedQueriesModel = savedQueriesModel;
this.savedQueriesPreferenceName = config.savedQueriesPreferenceName;
this.daysPreferenceName = config.daysPreferenceName;
this.limitPreferenceName = config.limitPreferenceName;
this.collapsedPreferenceName = config.collapsedPreferenceName;
this.normalizeTarget = !!config.normalizeTarget;
// TODO merge dmConfig.json and config.json virtual files, see T256836
this.pollingRate = require( './dmConfig.json' ).StructuredChangeFiltersLiveUpdatePollingRate;
this.requestCounter = {};
this.uriProcessor = null;
this.initialized = false;
this.wereSavedQueriesSaved = false;
this.prevLoggedItems = [];
this.FILTER_CHANGE = 'filterChange';
this.SHOW_NEW_CHANGES = 'showNewChanges';
this.LIVE_UPDATE = 'liveUpdate';
/* Initialization */
OO.initClass( Controller );
* Initialize the filter and parameter states
* @param {Array} filterStructure Filter definition and structure for the model
* @param {Object} namespaceStructure Namespace definition
* @param {Object} tagList Tag definition
* @param {Object} [conditionalViews] Conditional view definition
Controller.prototype.initialize = function ( filterStructure, namespaceStructure, tagList, conditionalViews ) {
const displayConfig = mw.config.get( 'StructuredChangeFiltersDisplayConfig' ),
defaultSavedQueryExists = mw.config.get( 'wgStructuredChangeFiltersDefaultSavedQueryExists' ),
views = $.extend( true, {}, conditionalViews ),
url = new URL( location.href );
// Prepare views
const nsAllContents = {
name: 'all-contents',
label: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-allcontents-label' ),
description: '',
identifiers: [ 'subject' ],
cssClass: 'mw-changeslist-ns-subject',
subset: []
const nsAllDiscussions = {
name: 'all-discussions',
label: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-alldiscussions-label' ),
description: '',
identifiers: [ 'talk' ],
cssClass: 'mw-changeslist-ns-talk',
subset: []
const items = [ nsAllContents, nsAllDiscussions ];
for ( const namespaceID in namespaceStructure ) {
const label = namespaceStructure[ namespaceID ];
// Build and clean up the individual namespace items definition
const isTalk = mw.Title.isTalkNamespace( namespaceID ),
nsFilter = {
name: namespaceID,
label: label || mw.msg( 'blanknamespace' ),
description: '',
identifiers: [
isTalk ? 'talk' : 'subject'
cssClass: 'mw-changeslist-ns-' + namespaceID
items.push( nsFilter );
( isTalk ? nsAllDiscussions : nsAllContents ).subset.push( { filter: namespaceID } );
views.namespaces = {
title: mw.msg( 'namespaces' ),
trigger: ':',
groups: [ {
// Group definition (single group)
name: 'namespace', // parameter name is singular
type: 'string_options',
title: mw.msg( 'namespaces' ),
labelPrefixKey: {
default: 'rcfilters-tag-prefix-namespace',
inverted: 'rcfilters-tag-prefix-namespace-inverted'
separator: ';',
supportsAll: false,
fullCoverage: true,
filters: items
} ]
views.invertNamespaces = {
groups: [
// Should really be called invertNamespacesGroup; legacy name is used so that
// saved queries don't break
name: 'invertGroup',
type: 'boolean',
hidden: true,
filters: [ {
name: 'invert',
default: '0'
} ]
} ]
views.tags = {
title: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-view-tags' ),
trigger: '#',
groups: [ {
// Group definition (single group)
name: 'tagfilter', // Parameter name
type: 'string_options',
title: 'rcfilters-view-tags', // Message key
labelPrefixKey: {
default: 'rcfilters-tag-prefix-tags',
inverted: 'rcfilters-tag-prefix-tags-inverted'
separator: '|',
supportsAll: false,
fullCoverage: false,
filters: tagList
} ]
views.invertTags = {
groups: [
name: 'invertTagsGroup',
type: 'boolean',
hidden: true,
filters: [ {
name: 'inverttags',
default: '0'
} ]
} ]
// Add parameter range operations
views.range = {
groups: [
name: 'limit',
type: 'single_option',
title: '', // Because it's a hidden group, this title actually appears nowhere
hidden: true,
allowArbitrary: true,
// FIXME: $.isNumeric is deprecated
validate: $.isNumeric,
range: {
min: 0, // The server normalizes negative numbers to 0 results
max: 1000
sortFunc: function ( a, b ) {
return Number( ) - Number( );
default: mw.user.options.get( this.limitPreferenceName, displayConfig.limitDefault ),
sticky: true,
filters: ( num ) => this._createFilterDataFromNumber( num, num ) )
name: 'days',
type: 'single_option',
title: '', // Because it's a hidden group, this title actually appears nowhere
hidden: true,
allowArbitrary: true,
// FIXME: $.isNumeric is deprecated
validate: $.isNumeric,
range: {
min: 0,
max: displayConfig.maxDays
sortFunc: function ( a, b ) {
return Number( ) - Number( );
numToLabelFunc: function ( i ) {
return Number( i ) < 1 ?
( Number( i ) * 24 ).toFixed( 2 ) :
Number( i );
default: mw.user.options.get( this.daysPreferenceName, displayConfig.daysDefault ),
sticky: true,
filters: [
// Hours (1, 2, 6, 12)
0.04166, 0.0833, 0.25, 0.5
// Days
].concat( displayConfig.daysArray )
.map( ( num ) => this._createFilterDataFromNumber(
// Convert fractions of days to number of hours for the labels
num < 1 ? Math.round( num * 24 ) : num
) )
views.display = {
groups: [
name: 'display',
type: 'boolean',
title: '', // Because it's a hidden group, this title actually appears nowhere
hidden: true,
sticky: true,
filters: [
name: 'enhanced',
default: String( mw.user.options.get( 'usenewrc', 0 ) )
// Before we do anything, we need to see if we require additional items in the
// groups that have 'AllowArbitrary'. For the moment, those are only single_option
// groups; if we ever expand it, this might need further generalization:
for ( const viewName in views ) {
const viewData = views[ viewName ];
viewData.groups.forEach( ( groupData ) => {
const extraValues = [];
if ( groupData.allowArbitrary ) {
// If the value in the URL isn't in the group, add it
if ( url.searchParams.get( ) !== null ) {
extraValues.push( url.searchParams.get( ) );
// If the default value isn't in the group, add it
if ( groupData.default !== undefined ) {
extraValues.push( String( groupData.default ) );
this.addNumberValuesToGroup( groupData, extraValues );
} );
// Initialize the model
this.filtersModel.initializeFilters( filterStructure, views );
this.uriProcessor = new UriProcessor(
{ normalizeTarget: this.normalizeTarget }
let parsedSavedQueries;
if ( !mw.user.isAnon() ) {
try {
parsedSavedQueries = JSON.parse( mw.user.options.get( this.savedQueriesPreferenceName ) || '{}' );
} catch ( err ) {
parsedSavedQueries = {};
// Initialize saved queries
this.savedQueriesModel.initialize( parsedSavedQueries );
if ( this.savedQueriesModel.isConverted() ) {
// Since we know we converted, we're going to re-save
// the queries so they are now migrated to the new format
if ( defaultSavedQueryExists ) {
// This came from the server, meaning that we have a default
// saved query, but the server could not load it, probably because
// it was pre-conversion to the new format.
// We need to load this query again
this.applySavedQuery( this.savedQueriesModel.getDefault() );
} else {
// There are either recognized parameters in the URL
// or there are none, but there is also no default
// saved query (so defaults are from the backend)
// We want to update the state but not fetch results
// again
this.updateStateFromUrl( false );
const pieces = this._extractChangesListInfo( $( '#mw-content-text' ) );
// Update the changes list with the existing data
// so it gets processed
true // We're using existing DOM elements
this.initialized = true;
this.switchView( 'default' );
if ( this.pollingRate ) {
* Check if the controller has finished initializing.
* @return {boolean} Controller is initialized
Controller.prototype.isInitialized = function () {
return this.initialized;
* Extracts information from the changes list DOM
* @param {jQuery} $root Root DOM to find children from
* @param {number} [statusCode] Server response status code
* @return {Object} Information about changes list
* @return {Object|string} return.changes Changes list, or 'NO_RESULTS' if there are no results
* (either normally or as an error)
* @return {string} [return.noResultsDetails] 'NO_RESULTS_NORMAL' for a normal 0-result set,
* 'NO_RESULTS_TIMEOUT' for no results due to a timeout, or omitted for more than 0 results
* @return {jQuery} return.fieldset Fieldset
Controller.prototype._extractChangesListInfo = function ( $root, statusCode ) {
const $changesListContents = $root.find( '.mw-changeslist' ).first().contents(),
areResults = !!$changesListContents.length,
checkForLogout = !areResults && statusCode === 200;
// We check if user logged out on different tab/browser or the session has expired.
// 205 status code returned from the server, which indicates that we need to reload the page
// is not usable on WL page, because we get redirected to login page, which gives 200 OK
// status code (if everything else goes well).
// Bug: T177717
if ( checkForLogout && !!$root.find( '#wpName1' ).length ) {
location.reload( false );
const info = {
changes: $changesListContents.length ? $changesListContents : 'NO_RESULTS',
fieldset: $root.find( 'fieldset.cloptions' ).first()
if ( !areResults ) {
if ( $root.find( '.mw-changeslist-timeout' ).length ) {
info.noResultsDetails = 'NO_RESULTS_TIMEOUT';
} else if ( $root.find( '.mw-changeslist-notargetpage' ).length ) {
info.noResultsDetails = 'NO_RESULTS_NO_TARGET_PAGE';
} else if ( $root.find( '.mw-changeslist-invalidtargetpage' ).length ) {
info.noResultsDetails = 'NO_RESULTS_INVALID_TARGET_PAGE';
} else {
info.noResultsDetails = 'NO_RESULTS_NORMAL';
return info;
* Create filter data from a number, for the filters that are numerical value
* @param {number} num Number
* @param {number} numForDisplay Number for the label
* @return {Object} Filter data
Controller.prototype._createFilterDataFromNumber = function ( num, numForDisplay ) {
return {
name: String( num ),
label: mw.language.convertNumber( numForDisplay )
* Add an arbitrary values to groups that allow arbitrary values
* @param {Object} groupData Group data
* @param {string|string[]} arbitraryValues An array of arbitrary values to add to the group
Controller.prototype.addNumberValuesToGroup = function ( groupData, arbitraryValues ) {
const normalizeWithinRange = function ( range, val ) {
if ( val < range.min ) {
return range.min; // Min
} else if ( val >= range.max ) {
return range.max; // Max
return val;
arbitraryValues = Array.isArray( arbitraryValues ) ? arbitraryValues : [ arbitraryValues ];
// Normalize the arbitrary values and the default value for a range
if ( groupData.range ) {
arbitraryValues = ( val ) => normalizeWithinRange( groupData.range, val ) );
// Normalize the default, since that's user defined
if ( groupData.default !== undefined ) {
groupData.default = String( normalizeWithinRange( groupData.range, groupData.default ) );
// This is only true for single_option group
// We assume these are the only groups that will allow for
// arbitrary, since it doesn't make any sense for the other
// groups.
arbitraryValues.forEach( ( val ) => {
if (
// If the group allows for arbitrary data
groupData.allowArbitrary &&
// and it is single_option (or string_options, but we
// don't have cases of those yet, nor do we plan to)
groupData.type === 'single_option' &&
// and, if there is a validate method and it passes on
// the data
( !groupData.validate || groupData.validate( val ) ) &&
// but if that value isn't already in the definition
.map( ( filterData ) => String( ) )
.indexOf( String( val ) ) === -1
) {
// Add the filter information
groupData.filters.push( this._createFilterDataFromNumber(
groupData.numToLabelFunc ?
groupData.numToLabelFunc( val ) :
) );
// If there's a sort function set up, re-sort the values
if ( groupData.sortFunc ) {
groupData.filters.sort( groupData.sortFunc );
} );
* Reset to default filters
Controller.prototype.resetToDefaults = function () {
const params = this._getDefaultParams();
if ( this.applyParamChange( params ) ) {
// Only update the changes list if there was a change to actual filters
} else {
this.uriProcessor.updateURL( params );
* Check whether the default values of the filters are all false.
* @return {boolean} Defaults are all false
Controller.prototype.areDefaultsEmpty = function () {
return $.isEmptyObject( this._getDefaultParams() );
* Empty all selected filters
Controller.prototype.emptyFilters = function () {
if ( this.applyParamChange( {} ) ) {
// Only update the changes list if there was a change to actual filters
} else {
* Update the selected state of a filter
* @param {string} filterName Filter name
* @param {boolean} [isSelected] Filter selected state
Controller.prototype.toggleFilterSelect = function ( filterName, isSelected ) {
const filterItem = this.filtersModel.getItemByName( filterName );
if ( !filterItem ) {
// If no filter was found, break
isSelected = isSelected === undefined ? !filterItem.isSelected() : isSelected;
if ( filterItem.isSelected() !== isSelected ) {
this.filtersModel.toggleFilterSelected( filterName, isSelected );
// Check filter interactions
this.filtersModel.reassessFilterInteractions( filterItem );
* Clear both highlight and selection of a filter
* @param {string} filterName Name of the filter item
Controller.prototype.clearFilter = function ( filterName ) {
const filterItem = this.filtersModel.getItemByName( filterName ),
isHighlighted = filterItem.isHighlighted(),
isSelected = filterItem.isSelected();
if ( isSelected || isHighlighted ) {
this.filtersModel.clearHighlightColor( filterName );
this.filtersModel.toggleFilterSelected( filterName, false );
if ( isSelected ) {
// Only update the changes list if the filter changed
// its selection state. If it only changed its highlight
// then don't reload
this.filtersModel.reassessFilterInteractions( filterItem );
* Toggle the highlight feature on and off
Controller.prototype.toggleHighlight = function () {
if ( this.filtersModel.isHighlightEnabled() ) {
* Fires when highlight feature is enabled.
* @event ~'RcFilters.highlight.enable'
* @memberof Hooks
mw.hook( 'RcFilters.highlight.enable' ).fire();
* Toggle the inverted tags feature on and off
Controller.prototype.toggleInvertedTags = function () {
if (
this.filtersModel.getFiltersByView( 'tags' ).filter(
( filterItem ) => filterItem.isSelected()
) {
// Only re-fetch results if there are tags items that are actually selected
} else {
* Toggle the inverted namespaces feature on and off
Controller.prototype.toggleInvertedNamespaces = function () {
if (
this.filtersModel.getFiltersByView( 'namespaces' ).filter(
( filterItem ) => filterItem.isSelected()
) {
// Only re-fetch results if there are namespace items that are actually selected
} else {
* Set the value of the 'showlinkedto' parameter
* @param {boolean} value
Controller.prototype.setShowLinkedTo = function ( value ) {
const targetItem = this.filtersModel.getGroup( 'page' ).getItemByParamName( 'target' ),
showLinkedToItem = this.filtersModel.getGroup( 'toOrFrom' ).getItemByParamName( 'showlinkedto' );
this.filtersModel.toggleFilterSelected( showLinkedToItem.getName(), value );
// reload the results only when target is set
if ( targetItem.getValue() ) {
* Set the target page
* @param {string} page
Controller.prototype.setTargetPage = function ( page ) {
const targetItem = this.filtersModel.getGroup( 'page' ).getItemByParamName( 'target' );
targetItem.setValue( page );
* Set the highlight color for a filter item
* @param {string} filterName Name of the filter item
* @param {string} color Selected color
Controller.prototype.setHighlightColor = function ( filterName, color ) {
this.filtersModel.setHighlightColor( filterName, color );
* Clear highlight for a filter item
* @param {string} filterName Name of the filter item
Controller.prototype.clearHighlightColor = function ( filterName ) {
this.filtersModel.clearHighlightColor( filterName );
* Enable or disable live updates.
* @param {boolean} enable True to enable, false to disable
Controller.prototype.toggleLiveUpdate = function ( enable ) {
this.changesListModel.toggleLiveUpdate( enable );
if ( this.changesListModel.getLiveUpdate() && this.changesListModel.getNewChangesExist() ) {
this.updateChangesList( null, this.LIVE_UPDATE );
* Set a timeout for the next live update.
* @private
Controller.prototype._scheduleLiveUpdate = function () {
setTimeout( this._doLiveUpdate.bind( this ), this.pollingRate * 1000 );
* Perform a live update.
* @private
Controller.prototype._doLiveUpdate = function () {
if ( !this._shouldCheckForNewChanges() ) {
// skip this turn and check back later
.then( ( statusCode ) => {
// no result is 204 with the 'peek' param
// logged out is 205
const newChanges = statusCode === 200;
if ( !this._shouldCheckForNewChanges() ) {
// by the time the response is received,
// it may not be appropriate anymore
// 205 is the status code returned from server when user's logged in/out
// status is not matching while fetching live update changes.
// This works only on Recent Changes page. For WL, look _extractChangesListInfo.
// Bug: T177717
if ( statusCode === 205 ) {
location.reload( false );
if ( newChanges ) {
if ( this.changesListModel.getLiveUpdate() ) {
return this.updateChangesList( null, this.LIVE_UPDATE );
} else {
this.changesListModel.setNewChangesExist( true );
} )
.always( this._scheduleLiveUpdate.bind( this ) );
* @return {boolean} It's appropriate to check for new changes now
* @private
Controller.prototype._shouldCheckForNewChanges = function () {
return !document.hidden &&
!this.filtersModel.hasConflict() &&
!this.changesListModel.getNewChangesExist() &&
!this.updatingChangesList &&
* Check if new changes, newer than those currently shown, are available
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise object that resolves with a bool
* specifying if there are new changes or not
* @private
Controller.prototype._checkForNewChanges = function () {
const params = {
limit: 1,
peek: 1, // bypasses ChangesList specific UI
from: this.changesListModel.getNextFrom(),
isAnon: mw.user.isAnon()
return this._queryChangesList( 'liveUpdate', params ).then(
( data ) => data.status
* Show the new changes
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise object that resolves after
* fetching and showing the new changes
Controller.prototype.showNewChanges = function () {
return this.updateChangesList( null, this.SHOW_NEW_CHANGES );
* Save the current model state as a saved query
* @param {string} [label] Label of the saved query
* @param {boolean} [setAsDefault=false] This query should be set as the default
Controller.prototype.saveCurrentQuery = function ( label, setAsDefault ) {
// Add item
label || mw.msg( 'rcfilters-savedqueries-defaultlabel' ),
this.filtersModel.getCurrentParameterState( true ),
// Save item
* Remove a saved query
* @param {string} queryID Query id
Controller.prototype.removeSavedQuery = function ( queryID ) {
this.savedQueriesModel.removeQuery( queryID );
* Rename a saved query
* @param {string} queryID Query id
* @param {string} newLabel New label for the query
Controller.prototype.renameSavedQuery = function ( queryID, newLabel ) {
const queryItem = this.savedQueriesModel.getItemByID( queryID );
if ( queryItem ) {
queryItem.updateLabel( newLabel );
* Set a saved query as default
* @param {string} queryID Query Id. If null is given, default
* query is reset.
Controller.prototype.setDefaultSavedQuery = function ( queryID ) {
this.savedQueriesModel.setDefault( queryID );
* Load a saved query
* @param {string} queryID Query id
Controller.prototype.applySavedQuery = function ( queryID ) {
const params = this.savedQueriesModel.getItemParams( queryID );
const currentMatchingQuery = this.findQueryMatchingCurrentState();
if (
currentMatchingQuery &&
currentMatchingQuery.getID() === queryID
) {
// If the query we want to load is the one that is already
// loaded, don't reload it
if ( this.applyParamChange( params ) ) {
// Update changes list only if there was a difference in filter selection
} else {
this.uriProcessor.updateURL( params );
* Check whether the current filter and highlight state exists
* in the saved queries model.
* @ignore
* @return {} Matching item model
Controller.prototype.findQueryMatchingCurrentState = function () {
return this.savedQueriesModel.findMatchingQuery(
this.filtersModel.getCurrentParameterState( true )
* Save the current state of the saved queries model with all
* query item representation in the user settings.
Controller.prototype._saveSavedQueries = function () {
const backupPrefName = this.savedQueriesPreferenceName + '-versionbackup',
state = this.savedQueriesModel.getState();
// Stringify state
const stringified = JSON.stringify( state );
if ( byteLength( stringified ) > 65535 ) {
// Double check, since the preference can only hold that.
if ( !this.wereSavedQueriesSaved && this.savedQueriesModel.isConverted() ) {
// The queries were converted from the previous version
// Keep the old string in the [prefname]-versionbackup
const oldPrefValue = mw.user.options.get( this.savedQueriesPreferenceName );
// Save the old preference in the backup preference
new mw.Api().saveOption( backupPrefName, oldPrefValue );
// Update the preference for this session
mw.user.options.set( backupPrefName, oldPrefValue );
// Save the preference
new mw.Api().saveOption( this.savedQueriesPreferenceName, stringified );
// Update the preference for this session
mw.user.options.set( this.savedQueriesPreferenceName, stringified );
// Tag as already saved so we don't do this again
this.wereSavedQueriesSaved = true;
* Update sticky preferences with current model state
Controller.prototype.updateStickyPreferences = function () {
// Update default sticky values with selected, whether they came from
// the initial defaults or from the URL value that is being normalized
this.updateDaysDefault( this.filtersModel.getGroup( 'days' ).findSelectedItems()[ 0 ].getParamName() );
this.updateLimitDefault( this.filtersModel.getGroup( 'limit' ).findSelectedItems()[ 0 ].getParamName() );
// TODO: Make these automatic by having the model go over sticky
// items and update their default values automatically
* Update the limit default value
* @param {number} newValue New value
Controller.prototype.updateLimitDefault = function ( newValue ) {
this.updateNumericPreference( this.limitPreferenceName, newValue );
* Update the days default value
* @param {number} newValue New value
Controller.prototype.updateDaysDefault = function ( newValue ) {
this.updateNumericPreference( this.daysPreferenceName, newValue );
* Update the group by page default value
* @param {boolean} newValue New value
Controller.prototype.updateGroupByPageDefault = function ( newValue ) {
this.updateNumericPreference( 'usenewrc', Number( newValue ) );
* Update the collapsed state value
* @param {boolean} isCollapsed Filter area is collapsed
Controller.prototype.updateCollapsedState = function ( isCollapsed ) {
this.updateNumericPreference( this.collapsedPreferenceName, Number( isCollapsed ) );
* Update a numeric preference with a new value
* @param {string} prefName Preference name
* @param {number|string} newValue New value
Controller.prototype.updateNumericPreference = function ( prefName, newValue ) {
// FIXME: $.isNumeric is deprecated
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-is-numeric
if ( !$.isNumeric( newValue ) ) {
if ( String( mw.user.options.get( prefName ) ) !== String( newValue ) ) {
// Save the preference
new mw.Api().saveOption( prefName, newValue );
// Update the preference for this session
mw.user.options.set( prefName, newValue );
* Synchronize the URL with the current state of the filters
* without adding a history entry.
Controller.prototype.replaceUrl = function () {
* Update filter state (selection and highlighting) based
* on current URL values.
* @param {boolean} [fetchChangesList=true] Fetch new results into the changes
* list based on the updated model.
Controller.prototype.updateStateFromUrl = function ( fetchChangesList ) {
fetchChangesList = fetchChangesList === undefined ? true : !!fetchChangesList;
// Update the sticky preferences, in case we received a value
// from the URL
// Only update and fetch new results if it is requested
if ( fetchChangesList ) {
* Update the list of changes and notify the model
* @param {Object} [params] Extra parameters to add to the API call
* @param {string} [updateMode='filterChange'] One of 'filterChange', 'liveUpdate', 'showNewChanges', 'markSeen'
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise that is resolved when the update is complete
Controller.prototype.updateChangesList = function ( params, updateMode ) {
updateMode = updateMode === undefined ? this.FILTER_CHANGE : updateMode;
if ( updateMode === this.FILTER_CHANGE ) {
this.uriProcessor.updateURL( params );
if ( updateMode === this.FILTER_CHANGE || updateMode === this.SHOW_NEW_CHANGES ) {
this.changesListModel.setNewChangesExist( false );
this.updatingChangesList = true;
return this._fetchChangesList()
// Success
( pieces ) => {
const $changesListContent = pieces.changes,
$fieldset = pieces.fieldset;
// separator between old and new changes
updateMode === this.SHOW_NEW_CHANGES || updateMode === this.LIVE_UPDATE
// Do nothing for failure
.always( () => {
this.updatingChangesList = false;
} );
* Get an object representing the default parameter state, whether
* it is from the model defaults or from the saved queries.
* @return {Object} Default parameters
Controller.prototype._getDefaultParams = function () {
if ( this.savedQueriesModel.getDefault() ) {
return this.savedQueriesModel.getDefaultParams();
} else {
return this.filtersModel.getDefaultParams();
* Query the list of changes from the server for the current filters
* @param {string} counterId Id for this request. To allow concurrent requests
* not to invalidate each other.
* @param {Object} [params={}] Parameters to add to the query
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise object resolved with { content, status }
Controller.prototype._queryChangesList = function ( counterId, params ) {
const uri = this.uriProcessor.getUpdatedUri(),
stickyParams = this.filtersModel.getStickyParamsValues();
params = params || {};
params.action = 'render'; // bypasses MW chrome
uri.extend( params );
this.requestCounter[ counterId ] = this.requestCounter[ counterId ] || 0;
const requestId = ++this.requestCounter[ counterId ];
const latestRequest = function () {
return requestId === this.requestCounter[ counterId ];
}.bind( this );
// Sticky parameters override the URL params
// this is to make sure that whether we represent
// the sticky params in the URL or not (they may
// be normalized out) the sticky parameters are
// always being sent to the server with their
// current/default values
uri.extend( stickyParams );
return $.ajax( uri.toString() )
( content, message, jqXHR ) => {
if ( !latestRequest() ) {
return $.Deferred().reject();
return {
content: content,
status: jqXHR.status
// RC returns 404 when there is no results
( jqXHR ) => {
if ( latestRequest() ) {
return $.Deferred().resolve(
content: jqXHR.responseText,
status: jqXHR.status
* Fetch the list of changes from the server for the current filters
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise object that will resolve with the changes list
* and the fieldset.
Controller.prototype._fetchChangesList = function () {
return this._queryChangesList( 'updateChangesList' )
( data ) => {
// Status code 0 is not HTTP status code,
// but is valid value of XMLHttpRequest status.
// It is used for variety of network errors, for example
// when an AJAX call was cancelled before getting the response
if ( data && data.status === 0 ) {
return {
changes: 'NO_RESULTS',
// We need empty result set, to avoid exceptions because of undefined value
fieldset: $( [] ),
const $parsed = $( '<div>' ).append( $( $.parseHTML(
data ? data.content : ''
) ) );
return this._extractChangesListInfo( $parsed, data.status );
* Apply a change of parameters to the model state, and check whether
* the new state is different than the old state.
* @param {Object} newParamState New parameter state to apply
* @return {boolean} New applied model state is different than the previous state
Controller.prototype.applyParamChange = function ( newParamState ) {
const before = this.filtersModel.getSelectedState();
this.filtersModel.updateStateFromParams( newParamState );
const after = this.filtersModel.getSelectedState();
return ! before, after );
* Mark all changes as seen on Watchlist
Controller.prototype.markAllChangesAsSeen = function () {
const api = new mw.Api();
api.postWithToken( 'csrf', {
formatversion: 2,
action: 'setnotificationtimestamp',
entirewatchlist: true
} ).then( () => {
this.updateChangesList( null, 'markSeen' );
} );
* Set the current search for the system.
* @param {string} searchQuery Search query, including triggers
Controller.prototype.setSearch = function ( searchQuery ) {
this.filtersModel.setSearch( searchQuery );
* Switch the view by changing the search query trigger
* without changing the search term
* @param {string} view View to change to
Controller.prototype.switchView = function ( view ) {
this.filtersModel.getViewTrigger( view ) +
this.filtersModel.removeViewTriggers( this.filtersModel.getSearch() )
* Reset the search for a specific view. This means we null the search query
* and replace it with the relevant trigger for the requested view
* @param {string} [view='default'] View to change to
Controller.prototype.resetSearchForView = function ( view ) {
view = view || 'default';
this.filtersModel.getViewTrigger( view )
module.exports = Controller;