'use strict';
* Provide navigation routing and location information.
* A router responds to hashchange and popstate events.
* OOjs Router Copyright 2011-2024 OOjs Team and other contributors.
* Released under the MIT license
* http://oojs.mit-license.org
* @author Ed Sanders <esanders@wikimedia.org>
* @author James D. Forrester <jforrester@wikimedia.org>
* @author Jon Robson <jdlrobson@gmail.com>
* @author Kunal Mehta <legoktm@member.fsf.org>
* @author MarcoAurelio <maurelio@tools.wmflabs.org>
* @author Prateek Saxena <prtksxna@gmail.com>
* @author Timo Tijhof <krinkle@fastmail.com>
* @exports mediawiki.router
class Router extends OO.Registry {
* Create an instance of a router that responds to hashchange and popstate events.
constructor() {
// Parent constructor
this.enabled = true;
this.oldHash = this.getPath();
// Events
window.addEventListener( 'popstate', () => {
this.emit( 'popstate' );
} );
window.addEventListener( 'hashchange', () => {
this.emit( 'hashchange' );
} );
this.connect( this, { hashchange: 'onRouterHashChange' } );
/* Events */
* @event module:mediawiki.router#popstate
* @event module:mediawiki.router#hashchange
* Event fired whenever the hash changes.
* @event module:mediawiki.router#route
* @param {jQuery.Event} routeEvent
/* Methods */
* Handle hashchange events emitted by ourselves
* @param {HashChangeEvent} [event] Hash change event, if triggered by native event
onRouterHashChange() {
if ( this.enabled ) {
// event.originalEvent.newURL is undefined on Android 2.x
const routeEvent = $.Event( 'route', {
path: this.getPath()
} );
this.emit( 'route', routeEvent );
if ( !routeEvent.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
} else {
// if route was prevented, ignore the next hash change and revert the
// hash to its old value
this.enabled = false;
this.navigate( this.oldHash, true );
} else {
this.enabled = true;
this.oldHash = this.getPath();
* Check the current route and run appropriate callback if it matches.
checkRoute() {
const hash = this.getPath();
for ( const id in this.registry ) {
const entry = this.registry[ id ];
const match = hash.match( entry.path );
if ( match ) {
entry.callback.apply( this, match.slice( 1 ) );
* Bind a specific callback to a hash-based route.
* ```
* addRoute( 'alert', function () { alert( 'something' ); } );
* addRoute( /hi-(.*)/, function ( name ) { alert( 'Hi ' + name ) } );
* ```
* Note that after defining all available routes it is up to the caller
* to check the existing route via the checkRoute method.
* @param {string|RegExp} path Path to match, string or regular expression
* @param {Function} callback Callback to be run when hash changes to one
* that matches.
addRoute( path, callback ) {
const entry = {
path: typeof path === 'string' ?
new RegExp( '^' + path.replace( /[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&' ) + '$' ) :
callback: callback
this.register( entry.path.toString(), entry );
* @deprecated Use {@link module:mediawiki.router#addRoute} instead.
route() {
this.addRoute.apply( this, arguments );
* Navigate to a specific route.
* @param {string} title Title of new page
* @param {Object} options
* @param {string} options.path e.g. '/path/' or '/path/#foo'
* @param {boolean} options.useReplaceState Set replaceStateState to use pushState when you want to
* avoid long history queues.
navigateTo( title, options ) {
const oldHash = this.getPath();
if ( options.useReplaceState ) {
history.replaceState( null, title, options.path );
} else {
history.pushState( null, title, options.path );
if ( this.getPath() !== oldHash ) {
// history.replaceState/pushState doesn't trigger a hashchange event
* Navigate to a specific 'hash fragment' route.
* @deprecated Use {@link module:mediawiki.router#navigateTo} instead
* @param {string} path String with a route (hash without #).
* @param {boolean} [fromHashchange] (Internal) The navigate call originated
* form a hashchange event, so don't emit another one.
navigate( path, fromHashchange ) {
// Take advantage of `pushState` when available, to clear the hash and
// not leave `#` in the history. An entry with `#` in the history has
// the side-effect of resetting the scroll position when navigating the
// history.
if ( path === '' ) {
// To clear the hash we need to cut the hash from the URL.
path = window.location.href.replace( /#.*$/, '' );
history.pushState( null, document.title, path );
if ( !fromHashchange ) {
// history.pushState doesn't trigger a hashchange event
} else {
} else {
window.location.hash = path;
* Navigate to the previous route. This is a wrapper for window.history.back.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise which resolves when the back navigation is complete
back() {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let timeoutID;
const deferred = $.Deferred();
this.once( 'popstate', () => {
clearTimeout( timeoutID );
} );
// If for some reason (old browser, bug in IE/windows 8.1, etc) popstate doesn't fire,
// resolve manually. Since we don't know for sure which browsers besides IE10/11 have
// this problem, it's better to fall back this way rather than singling out browsers
// and resolving the deferred request for them individually.
// See https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/793618/history-back-popstate-not-working-as-expected-in-webview-control
// Give browser a few ms to update its history.
timeoutID = setTimeout( () => {
this.off( 'popstate' );
}, 50 );
return deferred.promise();
* Get current path (hash).
* @return {string} Current path.
getPath() {
return window.location.hash.slice( 1 );
* Whether the current browser supports 'hashchange' events.
* @deprecated No longer needed
* @return {boolean} Always true
isSupported() {
return true;
OO.Router = Router;
module.exports = new Router();