'use strict';
let config = require( './config.json' );
const portletLinkOptions = require( './portletLinkOptions.json' );
const infinityValues = require( './infinityValues.json' );
require( './jquery.accessKeyLabel.js' );
* Encode the string like PHP's rawurlencode.
* @ignore
* @param {string} str String to be encoded.
* @return {string} Encoded string
function rawurlencode( str ) {
return encodeURIComponent( String( str ) )
.replace( /!/g, '%21' )
.replace( /'/g, '%27' )
.replace( /\(/g, '%28' )
.replace( /\)/g, '%29' )
.replace( /\*/g, '%2A' )
.replace( /~/g, '%7E' );
* Private helper function used by util.escapeId*()
* @ignore
* @param {string} str String to be encoded
* @param {string} mode Encoding mode, see documentation at
* MainConfigSchema::FragmentMode.
* @return {string} Encoded string
function escapeIdInternal( str, mode ) {
str = String( str );
switch ( mode ) {
case 'html5':
return str.replace( / /g, '_' );
case 'legacy':
return rawurlencode( str.replace( / /g, '_' ) )
.replace( /%3A/g, ':' )
.replace( /%/g, '.' );
throw new Error( 'Unrecognized ID escaping mode ' + mode );
* Library providing useful common skin-agnostic utility functions. Please see
* [mediawiki.util]{@link module:mediawiki.util}.
* Alias for the [mediawiki.util]{@link module:mediawiki.util} module.
* @namespace mw.util
* Utility library provided by the `mediawiki.util` ResourceLoader module. Accessible inside ResourceLoader modules
* or for gadgets as part of the [mw global object]{@link mw}.
* @example
* // Inside MediaWiki extensions
* const util = require( 'mediawiki.util' );
* // In gadgets
* const mwUtil = mw.util;
* @exports mediawiki.util
const util = {
* Encode the string like PHP's rawurlencode.
* @method
* @param {string} str String to be encoded.
* @return {string} Encoded string
rawurlencode: rawurlencode,
* Encode a string as CSS id, for use as HTML id attribute value.
* Analog to `Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute()` in PHP.
* @since 1.30
* @param {string} str String to encode
* @return {string} Encoded string
escapeIdForAttribute: function ( str ) {
return escapeIdInternal( str, config.FragmentMode[ 0 ] );
* Encode a string as URL fragment, for use as HTML anchor link.
* Analog to `Sanitizer::escapeIdForLink()` in PHP.
* @since 1.30
* @param {string} str String to encode
* @return {string} Encoded string
escapeIdForLink: function ( str ) {
return escapeIdInternal( str, config.FragmentMode[ 0 ] );
* Get the target element from a link hash.
* This is the same element as you would get from
* document.querySelectorAll(':target'), but can be used on
* an arbitrary hash fragment, or after pushState/replaceState
* has been used.
* Link fragments can be unencoded, fully encoded or partially
* encoded, as defined in the spec.
* We can't just use decodeURI as that assumes the fragment
* is fully encoded, and throws an error on a string like '%A',
* so we use the percent-decode.
* @param {string} [hash] Hash fragment, without the leading '#'.
* Taken from location.hash if omitted.
* @return {HTMLElement|null} Element, if found
getTargetFromFragment: function ( hash ) {
hash = hash || location.hash.slice( 1 );
if ( !hash ) {
// Firefox emits a console warning if you pass an empty string
// to getElementById (T272844).
return null;
// Per https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/browsing-the-web.html#target-element
// we try the raw fragment first, then the percent-decoded fragment.
const element = document.getElementById( hash );
if ( element ) {
return element;
const decodedHash = this.percentDecodeFragment( hash );
if ( !decodedHash ) {
// decodedHash can return null, calling getElementById would cast it to a string
return null;
return document.getElementById( decodedHash );
* Percent-decode a string, as found in a URL hash fragment.
* Implements the percent-decode method as defined in
* https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#percent-decode.
* URLSearchParams implements https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-urlencoded-parser
* which performs a '+' to ' ' substitution before running percent-decode.
* To get the desired behaviour we percent-encode any '+' in the fragment
* to effectively expose the percent-decode implementation.
* @param {string} text Text to decode
* @return {string|null} Decoded text, null if decoding failed
percentDecodeFragment: function ( text ) {
const params = new URLSearchParams(
'q=' +
// Query string param decoding replaces '+' with ' ' before doing the
// percent_decode, so encode '+' to prevent this.
.replace( /\+/g, '%2B' )
// Query strings are split on '&' and then '=' so encode these too.
.replace( /&/g, '%26' )
.replace( /=/g, '%3D' )
return params.get( 'q' );
* Return a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not
* be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for
* N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the
* leading edge, instead of the trailing.
* Ported from Underscore.js 1.5.2, Copyright 2009-2013 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud
* and Investigative Reporters & Editors, distributed under the MIT license, from
* <https://github.com/jashkenas/underscore/blob/1.5.2/underscore.js#L689>.
* @since 1.34
* @param {Function} func Function to debounce
* @param {number} [wait=0] Wait period in milliseconds
* @param {boolean} [immediate] Trigger on leading edge
* @return {Function} Debounced function
debounce: function ( func, wait, immediate ) {
// Old signature (wait, func).
if ( typeof func === 'number' ) {
const tmpWait = wait;
wait = func;
func = tmpWait;
let timeout;
return function () {
const context = this,
args = arguments,
later = function () {
timeout = null;
if ( !immediate ) {
func.apply( context, args );
if ( immediate && !timeout ) {
func.apply( context, args );
if ( !timeout || wait ) {
clearTimeout( timeout );
timeout = setTimeout( later, wait );
* Return a function, that, when invoked, will only be triggered at most once
* during a given window of time. If called again during that window, it will
* wait until the window ends and then trigger itself again.
* As it's not knowable to the caller whether the function will actually run
* when the wrapper is called, return values from the function are entirely
* discarded.
* Ported from OOUI.
* @param {Function} func Function to throttle
* @param {number} wait Throttle window length, in milliseconds
* @return {Function} Throttled function
throttle: function ( func, wait ) {
let context, args, timeout,
previous = Date.now() - wait,
run = function () {
timeout = null;
previous = Date.now();
func.apply( context, args );
return function () {
// Check how long it's been since the last time the function was
// called, and whether it's more or less than the requested throttle
// period. If it's less, run the function immediately. If it's more,
// set a timeout for the remaining time -- but don't replace an
// existing timeout, since that'd indefinitely prolong the wait.
const remaining = Math.max( wait - ( Date.now() - previous ), 0 );
context = this;
args = arguments;
if ( !timeout ) {
// If time is up, do setTimeout( run, 0 ) so the function
// always runs asynchronously, just like Promise#then .
timeout = setTimeout( run, remaining );
* Encode page titles in a way that matches `wfUrlencode` in PHP.
* This is important both for readability and consistency in the user experience,
* as well as for caching. If URLs are not formatted in the canonical way, they
* may be subject to drastically shorter cache durations and/or miss automatic
* purging after edits, thus leading to stale content being served from a
* non-canonical URL.
* @method
* @param {string} str String to be encoded.
* @return {string} Encoded string
wikiUrlencode: mw.internalWikiUrlencode,
* Get the URL to a given local wiki page name.
* @param {string|null} [pageName=wgPageName] Page name
* @param {Object} [params] A mapping of query parameter names to values,
* e.g. `{ action: 'edit' }`
* @return {string} URL, relative to `wgServer`.
getUrl: function ( pageName, params ) {
let fragmentIdx, url, query, fragment,
title = typeof pageName === 'string' ? pageName : mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
// Find any fragment
fragmentIdx = title.indexOf( '#' );
if ( fragmentIdx !== -1 ) {
fragment = title.slice( fragmentIdx + 1 );
// Exclude the fragment from the page name
title = title.slice( 0, fragmentIdx );
// Produce query string
if ( params ) {
query = $.param( params );
if ( !title && fragment ) {
// If only a fragment was given, make a fragment-only link (T288415)
url = '';
} else if ( query ) {
url = title ?
util.wikiScript() + '?title=' + util.wikiUrlencode( title ) + '&' + query :
util.wikiScript() + '?' + query;
} else {
url = mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' )
.replace( '$1', util.wikiUrlencode( title ).replace( /\$/g, '$$$$' ) );
// Append the encoded fragment
if ( fragment ) {
url += '#' + util.escapeIdForLink( fragment );
return url;
* Get URL to a MediaWiki entry point.
* Similar to `wfScript()` in PHP.
* @since 1.18
* @param {string} [str="index"] Name of entry point (e.g. 'index' or 'api')
* @return {string} URL to the script file (e.g. `/w/api.php`)
wikiScript: function ( str ) {
if ( !str || str === 'index' ) {
return mw.config.get( 'wgScript' );
} else if ( str === 'load' ) {
return config.LoadScript;
} else {
return mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/' + str + '.php';
* Append a new style block to the head and return the CSSStyleSheet object.
* To access the `<style>` element, reference `sheet.ownerNode`, or call
* the {@link mw.loader.addStyleTag} method directly.
* This function returns the CSSStyleSheet object for convenience with features
* that are managed at that level, such as toggling of styles:
* ```
* var sheet = util.addCSS( '.foobar { display: none; }' );
* $( '#myButton' ).click( function () {
* // Toggle the sheet on and off
* sheet.disabled = !sheet.disabled;
* } );
* ```
* See also [MDN: CSSStyleSheet](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CSSStyleSheet).
* @param {string} text CSS to be appended
* @return {CSSStyleSheet} The sheet object
addCSS: function ( text ) {
const s = mw.loader.addStyleTag( text );
return s.sheet;
* Get the value for a given URL query parameter.
* @example
* mw.util.getParamValue( 'foo', '/?foo=x' ); // "x"
* mw.util.getParamValue( 'foo', '/?foo=' ); // ""
* mw.util.getParamValue( 'foo', '/' ); // null
* @param {string} param The parameter name.
* @param {string} [url=location.href] URL to search through, defaulting to the current browsing location.
* @return {string|null} Parameter value, or null if parameter was not found.
getParamValue: function ( param, url ) {
// Get last match, stop at hash
const re = new RegExp( '^[^#]*[&?]' + util.escapeRegExp( param ) + '=([^&#]*)' ),
m = re.exec( url !== undefined ? url : location.href );
if ( m ) {
// Beware that decodeURIComponent is not required to understand '+'
// by spec, as encodeURIComponent does not produce it.
try {
return decodeURIComponent( m[ 1 ].replace( /\+/g, '%20' ) );
} catch ( e ) {
// catch URIError if parameter is invalid UTF-8
// due to malformed or double-decoded values (T106244),
// e.g. "Autom%F3vil" instead of "Autom%C3%B3vil".
return null;
* Get the value for an array query parameter, combined according to similar rules as PHP uses.
* Currently this does not handle associative or multi-dimensional arrays, but that may be
* improved in the future.
* @example
* mw.util.getArrayParam( 'foo', new URLSearchParams( '?foo[0]=a&foo[1]=b' ) ); // [ 'a', 'b' ]
* mw.util.getArrayParam( 'foo', new URLSearchParams( '?foo[]=a&foo[]=b' ) ); // [ 'a', 'b' ]
* mw.util.getArrayParam( 'foo', new URLSearchParams( '?foo=a' ) ); // null
* @param {string} param The parameter name.
* @param {URLSearchParams} [params] Parsed URL parameters to search through, defaulting to the current browsing location.
* @return {string[]|null} Parameter value, or null if parameter was not found.
getArrayParam: function ( param, params ) {
const paramRe = new RegExp( '^' + util.escapeRegExp( param ) + '\\[(\\d*)\\]$' );
if ( !params ) {
params = new URLSearchParams( location.search );
const arr = [];
params.forEach( ( v, k ) => {
const paramMatch = k.match( paramRe );
if ( paramMatch ) {
let i = paramMatch[ 1 ];
if ( i === '' ) {
// If no explicit index, append at the end
i = arr.length;
arr[ i ] = v;
} );
return arr.length ? arr : null;
* The content wrapper of the skin (`.mw-body`, for example).
* Populated on document ready. To use this property,
* wait for `$.ready` and be sure to have a module dependency on
* `mediawiki.util` which will ensure
* your document ready handler fires after initialization.
* Because of the lazy-initialised nature of this property,
* you're discouraged from using it.
* If you need just the wikipage content (not any of the
* extra elements output by the skin), use `$( '#mw-content-text' )`
* instead. Or listen to {@link event:'wikipage.content' wikipage.content}
* which will allow your code to re-run when the page changes (e.g. live preview
* or re-render after ajax save).
* @type {jQuery}
$content: null,
* Hide a portlet.
* @param {string} portletId ID of the target portlet (e.g. 'p-cactions' or 'p-personal')
hidePortlet: function ( portletId ) {
const portlet = document.getElementById( portletId );
if ( portlet ) {
portlet.classList.add( 'emptyPortlet' );
* Whether a portlet is visible.
* @param {string} portletId ID of the target portlet (e.g. 'p-cactions' or 'p-personal')
* @return {boolean}
isPortletVisible: function ( portletId ) {
const portlet = document.getElementById( portletId );
return portlet && !portlet.classList.contains( 'emptyPortlet' );
* Reveal a portlet if it is hidden.
* @param {string} portletId ID of the target portlet (e.g. 'p-cactions' or 'p-personal')
showPortlet: function ( portletId ) {
const portlet = document.getElementById( portletId );
if ( portlet ) {
portlet.classList.remove( 'emptyPortlet' );
* Clears the entire subtitle if present in the page. Used for refreshing subtitle
* after edit with response from parse API.
clearSubtitle: function () {
const subtitle = document.getElementById( 'mw-content-subtitle' );
if ( subtitle ) {
subtitle.innerHTML = '';
* Create a message box element. Callers are responsible for ensuring suitable Codex styles
* have been added to the page e.g. mediawiki.codex.messagebox.styles.
* @since 1.43
* @param {string|Element} textOrElement text or node.
* @param {string} [type] defaults to notice.
* @param {boolean} [inline] whether the notice should be inline.
* @return {Element}
messageBox: function ( textOrElement, type = 'notice', inline = false ) {
const msgBoxElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
msgBoxElement.classList.add( 'cdx-message' );
if ( [ 'error', 'warning', 'success', 'notice' ].indexOf( type ) > -1 ) {
// The following CSS classes are used here:
// * cdx-message--notice
// * cdx-message--warning
// * cdx-message--error
msgBoxElement.classList.add( `cdx-message--${ type }` );
msgBoxElement.classList.add( inline ? 'cdx-message--inline' : 'cdx-message--block' );
msgBoxElement.setAttribute( 'aria-live', 'polite' );
const iconElement = document.createElement( 'span' );
iconElement.classList.add( 'cdx-message__icon' );
const contentElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
contentElement.classList.add( 'cdx-message__content' );
if ( typeof textOrElement === 'string' ) {
contentElement.textContent = textOrElement;
} else {
contentElement.appendChild( textOrElement );
msgBoxElement.appendChild( iconElement );
msgBoxElement.appendChild( contentElement );
return msgBoxElement;
* Add content to the subtitle of the skin.
* @param {HTMLElement|string} nodeOrHTMLString
addSubtitle: function ( nodeOrHTMLString ) {
const subtitle = document.getElementById( 'mw-content-subtitle' );
if ( subtitle ) {
if ( typeof nodeOrHTMLString === 'string' ) {
subtitle.innerHTML += nodeOrHTMLString;
} else {
subtitle.appendChild( nodeOrHTMLString );
} else {
throw new Error( 'This skin does not support additions to the subtitle.' );
* Creates a detached portlet Element in the skin with no elements.
* @example
* // Create a portlet with 2 menu items that is styled as a dropdown in certain skins.
* const p = mw.util.addPortlet( 'p-myportlet', 'My label', '#p-cactions' );
* mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-myportlet', '#', 'Link 1' );
* mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-myportlet', '#', 'Link 2' );
* @param {string} id of the new portlet.
* @param {string} [label] of the new portlet.
* @param {string} [selectorHint] selector of the element the new portlet would like to
* be inserted near. Typically the portlet will be inserted after this selector, but in some
* skins, the skin may relocate the element when provided to the closest available space.
* If this argument is not passed then the caller is responsible for appending the element
* to the DOM before using addPortletLink.
* To add a portlet in an exact position do not rely on this parameter, instead using the return
* element (make sure to also assign the result to a variable), use
* ```p.parentNode.appendChild( p );```
* When provided, skins can use the parameter to infer information about how the user intended
* the menu to be rendered. For example, in vector and vector-2022 targeting '#p-cactions' will
* result in the creation of a dropdown.
* @fires Hooks~'util.addPortlet'
* @return {HTMLElement|null} will be null if it was not possible to create an portlet with
* the required information e.g. the selector given in `selectorHint` parameter could not be resolved
* to an existing element in the page.
addPortlet: function ( id, label, selectorHint ) {
const portlet = document.createElement( 'div' );
// These classes should be kept in sync with includes/skins/components/SkinComponentMenu.php.
// eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/class-doc
portlet.classList.add( 'mw-portlet', 'mw-portlet-' + id, 'emptyPortlet',
// Additional class is added to allow skins to track portlets added via this mechanism.
portlet.id = id;
if ( label ) {
const labelNode = document.createElement( 'label' );
labelNode.textContent = label;
portlet.appendChild( labelNode );
const listWrapper = document.createElement( 'div' );
const list = document.createElement( 'ul' );
listWrapper.appendChild( list );
portlet.appendChild( listWrapper );
if ( selectorHint ) {
let referenceNode;
try {
referenceNode = document.querySelector( selectorHint );
} catch ( e ) {
// CSS selector not supported by browser.
if ( referenceNode ) {
const parentNode = referenceNode.parentNode;
parentNode.insertBefore( portlet, referenceNode );
} else {
return null;
* Fires when a portlet is successfully created.
* @event ~'util.addPortlet'
* @memberof Hooks
* @param {HTMLElement} portlet the portlet that was created.
* @param {string|null} selectorHint the css selector used to append to the DOM.
* @example
* mw.hook( 'util.addPortlet' ).add( ( p ) => {
* p.style.border = 'solid 1px black';
* } );
mw.hook( 'util.addPortlet' ).fire( portlet, selectorHint );
return portlet;
* Add a link to a portlet menu on the page.
* The portlets that are supported include:
* - p-cactions (Content actions)
* - p-personal (Personal tools)
* - p-navigation (Navigation)
* - p-tb (Toolbox)
* - p-associated-pages (For namespaces and special page tabs on supported skins)
* - p-namespaces (For namespaces on legacy skins)
* Additional menus can be discovered through the following code:
* ```$('.mw-portlet').toArray().map((el) => el.id);```
* Menu availability varies by skin, wiki, and current page.
* The first three parameters are required, the others are optional and
* may be null. Though providing an id and tooltip is recommended.
* By default, the new link will be added to the end of the menu. To
* add the link before an existing item, pass the DOM node or a CSS selector
* for that item, e.g. `'#foobar'` or `document.getElementById( 'foobar' )`.
* ```
* mw.util.addPortletLink(
* 'p-tb', 'https://www.mediawiki.org/',
* 'mediawiki.org', 't-mworg', 'Go to mediawiki.org', 'm', '#t-print'
* );
* var node = mw.util.addPortletLink(
* 'p-tb',
* mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Example' ),
* 'Example'
* );
* $( node ).on( 'click', function ( e ) {
* console.log( 'Example' );
* e.preventDefault();
* } );
* ```
* Remember that to call this inside a user script, you may have to ensure the
* `mediawiki.util` is loaded first:
* ```
* $.when( mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.util' ] ), $.ready ).then( function () {
* mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-tb', 'https://www.mediawiki.org/', 'mediawiki.org' );
* } );
* ```
* @param {string} portletId ID of the target portlet (e.g. 'p-cactions' or 'p-personal')
* @param {string} href Link URL
* @param {string} text Link text
* @param {string} [id] ID of the list item, should be unique and preferably have
* the appropriate prefix ('ca-', 'pt-', 'n-' or 't-')
* @param {string} [tooltip] Text to show when hovering over the link, without accesskey suffix
* @param {string} [accesskey] Access key to activate this link. One character only,
* avoid conflicts with other links. Use `$( '[accesskey=x]' )` in the console to
* see if 'x' is already used.
* @param {HTMLElement|jQuery|string} [nextnode] Element that the new item should be added before.
* Must be another item in the same list, it will be ignored otherwise.
* Can be specified as DOM reference, as jQuery object, or as CSS selector string.
* @fires Hooks~'util.addPortletLink'
* @return {HTMLElement|null} The added list item, or null if no element was added.
addPortletLink: function ( portletId, href, text, id, tooltip, accesskey, nextnode ) {
if ( !portletId ) {
// Avoid confusing id="undefined" lookup
return null;
const portlet = document.getElementById( portletId );
if ( !portlet ) {
// Invalid portlet ID
return null;
// Setup the anchor tag and set any the properties
const link = document.createElement( 'a' );
link.href = href;
let linkChild = document.createTextNode( text );
let i = portletLinkOptions[ 'text-wrapper' ].length;
// Wrap link using text-wrapper option if provided
// Iterate backward since the wrappers are declared from outer to inner,
// and we build it up from the inside out.
while ( i-- ) {
const wrapper = portletLinkOptions[ 'text-wrapper' ][ i ];
const wrapperElement = document.createElement( wrapper.tag );
if ( wrapper.attributes ) {
$( wrapperElement ).attr( wrapper.attributes );
wrapperElement.appendChild( linkChild );
linkChild = wrapperElement;
link.appendChild( linkChild );
if ( tooltip ) {
link.title = tooltip;
if ( accesskey ) {
link.accessKey = accesskey;
// Unhide portlet if it was hidden before
util.showPortlet( portletId );
const item = $( '<li>' ).append( link )[ 0 ];
// mw-list-item-js distinguishes portlet links added via javascript and the server
item.className = 'mw-list-item mw-list-item-js';
if ( id ) {
item.id = id;
// Select the first (most likely only) unordered list inside the portlet
let ul = portlet.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'ul' ? portlet : portlet.querySelector( 'ul' );
if ( !ul ) {
// If it didn't have an unordered list yet, create one
ul = document.createElement( 'ul' );
const portletDiv = portlet.querySelector( 'div' );
if ( portletDiv ) {
// Support: Legacy skins have a div (such as div.body or div.pBody).
// Append the <ul> to that.
portletDiv.appendChild( ul );
} else {
// Append it to the portlet directly
portlet.appendChild( ul );
let next;
if ( nextnode && ( typeof nextnode === 'string' || nextnode.nodeType || nextnode.jquery ) ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/variable-pattern
nextnode = $( ul ).find( nextnode );
if ( nextnode.length === 1 && nextnode[ 0 ].parentNode === ul ) {
// Insertion point: Before nextnode
nextnode.before( item );
next = true;
// Else: Invalid nextnode value (no match, more than one match, or not a direct child)
// Else: Invalid nextnode type
if ( !next ) {
// Insertion point: End of list (default)
ul.appendChild( item );
// Update tooltip for the access key after inserting into DOM
// to get a localized access key label (T69946).
if ( accesskey ) {
$( link ).updateTooltipAccessKeys();
* Fires when a portlet link is successfully created.
* @event ~'util.addPortletLink'
* @memberof Hooks
* @param {HTMLElement} item the portlet link that was created.
* @param {Object} information about the item include id.
* @example
* mw.hook( 'util.addPortletLink' ).add( ( link ) => {
* const span = $( '<span class="icon">' );
* link.appendChild( span );
* } );
mw.hook( 'util.addPortletLink' ).fire( item, {
id: id
} );
return item;
* Validate a string as representing a valid e-mail address.
* This validation is based on the HTML5 specification.
* @example
* mw.util.validateEmail( "me@example.org" ) === true;
* @param {string} email E-mail address
* @return {boolean|null} True if valid, false if invalid, null if `email` was empty.
validateEmail: function ( email ) {
if ( email === '' ) {
return null;
// HTML5 defines a string as valid e-mail address if it matches
// the ABNF:
// 1 * ( atext / "." ) "@" ldh-str 1*( "." ldh-str )
// With:
// - atext : defined in RFC 5322 section 3.2.3
// - ldh-str : defined in RFC 1034 section 3.5
// (see STD 68 / RFC 5234 https://tools.ietf.org/html/std68)
// First, define the RFC 5322 'atext' which is pretty easy:
// atext = ALPHA / DIGIT / ; Printable US-ASCII
// "!" / "#" / ; characters not including
// "$" / "%" / ; specials. Used for atoms.
// "&" / "'" /
// "*" / "+" /
// "-" / "/" /
// "=" / "?" /
// "^" / "_" /
// "`" / "{" /
// "|" / "}" /
// "~"
const rfc5322Atext = 'a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\\-/=?^_`{|}~';
// Next define the RFC 1034 'ldh-str'
// <domain> ::= <subdomain> | " "
// <subdomain> ::= <label> | <subdomain> "." <label>
// <label> ::= <letter> [ [ <ldh-str> ] <let-dig> ]
// <ldh-str> ::= <let-dig-hyp> | <let-dig-hyp> <ldh-str>
// <let-dig-hyp> ::= <let-dig> | "-"
// <let-dig> ::= <letter> | <digit>
const rfc1034LdhStr = 'a-z0-9\\-';
const html5EmailRegexp = new RegExp(
// start of string
'^' +
// User part which is liberal :p
'[' + rfc5322Atext + '\\.]+' +
// 'at'
'@' +
// Domain first part
'[' + rfc1034LdhStr + ']+' +
// Optional second part and following are separated by a dot
'(?:\\.[' + rfc1034LdhStr + ']+)*' +
// End of string
// RegExp is case insensitive
return ( email.match( html5EmailRegexp ) !== null );
* Whether a string is a valid IPv4 address or not.
* Based on \Wikimedia\IPUtils::isIPv4 in PHP.
* @example
* // Valid
* mw.util.isIPv4Address( '' );
* mw.util.isIPv4Address( '' );
* // Invalid
* mw.util.isIPv4Address( '' );
* mw.util.isIPv4Address( 'hello' );
* @param {string} address
* @param {boolean} [allowBlock=false]
* @return {boolean}
isIPv4Address: function ( address, allowBlock ) {
let block,
RE_IP_BYTE = '(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|0?[0-9]?[0-9])',
RE_IP_ADD = '(?:' + RE_IP_BYTE + '\\.){3}' + RE_IP_BYTE;
if ( typeof address !== 'string' ) {
return false;
block = allowBlock ? '(?:\\/(?:3[0-2]|[12]?\\d))?' : '';
return ( new RegExp( '^' + RE_IP_ADD + block + '$' ).test( address ) );
* Whether a string is a valid IPv6 address or not.
* Based on \Wikimedia\IPUtils::isIPv6 in PHP.
* @example
* // Valid
* mw.util.isIPv6Address( '2001:db8:a:0:0:0:0:0' );
* mw.util.isIPv6Address( '2001:db8:a::' );
* // Invalid
* mw.util.isIPv6Address( '2001:db8:a::/32' );
* mw.util.isIPv6Address( 'hello' );
* @param {string} address
* @param {boolean} [allowBlock=false]
* @return {boolean}
isIPv6Address: function ( address, allowBlock ) {
let block, RE_IPV6_ADD;
if ( typeof address !== 'string' ) {
return false;
block = allowBlock ? '(?:\\/(?:12[0-8]|1[01][0-9]|[1-9]?\\d))?' : '';
'(?:' + // starts with "::" (including "::")
':(?::|(?::' +
'[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' +
'){1,7})' +
'|' + // ends with "::" (except "::")
'[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' +
'(?::' +
'[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' +
'){0,6}::' +
'|' + // contains no "::"
'[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' +
'(?::' +
'[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' +
'){7}' +
if ( new RegExp( '^' + RE_IPV6_ADD + block + '$' ).test( address ) ) {
return true;
// contains one "::" in the middle (single '::' check below)
'[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' +
'(?:::?' +
'[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' +
return (
new RegExp( '^' + RE_IPV6_ADD + block + '$' ).test( address ) &&
/::/.test( address ) &&
!/::.*::/.test( address )
* Check whether a string is a valid IP address.
* @since 1.25
* @param {string} address String to check
* @param {boolean} [allowBlock=false] If a block of IPs should be allowed
* @return {boolean}
isIPAddress: function ( address, allowBlock ) {
return util.isIPv4Address( address, allowBlock ) ||
util.isIPv6Address( address, allowBlock );
* @typedef {Object} ResizeableThumbnailUrl
* @property {string} name File name (same format as Title.getMainText()).
* @property {number} [width] Thumbnail width, in pixels. Null when the file is not
* a thumbnail.
* @property {function(number):string} [resizeUrl] A function that takes a width
* parameter and returns a thumbnail URL (URL-encoded) with that width. The width
* parameter must be smaller than the width of the original image (or equal to it; that
* only works if MediaHandler::mustRender returns true for the file). Null when the
* file in the original URL is not a thumbnail.
* On wikis with $wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse set to true, this will fall back to using
* Special:Redirect which is less efficient. Otherwise, it is a direct thumbnail URL.
* Parse the URL of an image uploaded to MediaWiki, or a thumbnail for such an image,
* and return the image name, thumbnail size and a template that can be used to resize
* the image.
* @param {string} url URL to parse (URL-encoded)
* @return {ResizeableThumbnailUrl|null} null if the URL is not a valid MediaWiki
* image/thumbnail URL.
parseImageUrl: function ( url ) {
let name, decodedName, width, urlTemplate;
// thumb.php-generated thumbnails
// thumb.php?f=<name>&w[idth]=<width>[px]
if ( /thumb\.php/.test( url ) ) {
decodedName = mw.util.getParamValue( 'f', url );
name = encodeURIComponent( decodedName );
width = mw.util.getParamValue( 'width', url ) || mw.util.getParamValue( 'w', url );
urlTemplate = url.replace( /([&?])w(?:idth)?=[^&]+/g, '' ) + '&width={width}';
} else {
const regexes = [
// Thumbnails
// /<hash prefix>/<name>/[<options>-]<width>-<name*>[.<ext>]
// where <name*> could be the filename, 'thumbnail.<ext>' (for long filenames)
// or the base-36 SHA1 of the filename.
// Full size images
// /<hash prefix>/<name>
// Thumbnails in non-hashed upload directories
// /<name>/[<options>-]<width>-<name*>[.<ext>]
// Full-size images in non-hashed upload directories
// /<name>
for ( let i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++ ) {
const match = url.match( regexes[ i ] );
if ( match ) {
name = match[ 1 ];
decodedName = decodeURIComponent( name );
width = match[ 2 ] || null;
if ( name ) {
if ( width !== null ) {
width = parseInt( width, 10 ) || null;
if ( config.GenerateThumbnailOnParse ) {
// The wiki cannot generate thumbnails on demand. Use a special page - this means
// an extra redirect and PHP request, but it will generate the thumbnail if it does
// not exist.
urlTemplate = mw.util.getUrl( 'Special:Redirect/file/' + decodedName, { width: '{width}' } )
// getUrl urlencodes the template variable, fix that
.replace( '%7Bwidth%7D', '{width}' );
} else if ( width && !urlTemplate ) {
// Javascript does not expose regexp capturing group indexes, and the width
// part could in theory also occur in the filename so hide that first.
const strippedUrl = url.replace( name, '{name}' )
.replace( name, '{name}' )
.replace( width + 'px-', '{width}px-' );
urlTemplate = strippedUrl.replace( /\{name\}/g, name );
return {
name: decodedName.replace( /_/g, ' ' ),
resizeUrl: urlTemplate ? function ( w ) {
return urlTemplate.replace( '{width}', w );
} : null
return null;
* Escape string for safe inclusion in regular expression.
* The following characters are escaped:
* \ { } ( ) | . ? * + - ^ $ [ ]
* @since 1.26; moved to mw.util in 1.34
* @param {string} str String to escape
* @return {string} Escaped string
escapeRegExp: function ( str ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
return str.replace( /([\\{}()|.?*+\-^$\[\]])/g, '\\$1' );
* Convert an IP into a verbose, uppercase, normalized form.
* Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are trimmed. Additionally,
* IPv6 addresses in octet notation are expanded to 8 words;
* IPv4 addresses have leading zeros, in each octet, removed.
* This functionality has been adapted from \Wikimedia\IPUtils::sanitizeIP()
* @param {string} ip IP address in quad or octet form (CIDR or not).
* @return {string|null}
sanitizeIP: function ( ip ) {
if ( typeof ip !== 'string' ) {
return null;
ip = ip.trim();
if ( ip === '' ) {
return null;
if ( !this.isIPAddress( ip, true ) ) {
return ip;
if ( this.isIPv4Address( ip, true ) ) {
return ip.replace( /(^|\.)0+(\d)/g, '$1$2' );
ip = ip.toUpperCase();
const abbrevPos = ip.indexOf( '::' );
if ( abbrevPos !== -1 ) {
const CIDRStart = ip.indexOf( '/' );
const addressEnd = ( CIDRStart !== -1 ) ? CIDRStart - 1 : ip.length - 1;
let repeatStr, extra, pad;
if ( abbrevPos === 0 ) {
repeatStr = '0:';
extra = ip === '::' ? '0' : '';
pad = 9;
} else if ( abbrevPos === addressEnd - 1 ) {
repeatStr = ':0';
extra = '';
pad = 9;
} else {
repeatStr = ':0';
extra = ':';
pad = 8;
const count = pad - ( ip.split( ':' ).length - 1 );
ip = ip.replace( '::', repeatStr.repeat( count ) + extra );
return ip.replace( /(^|:)0+(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}))/g, '$1$2' );
* Prettify an IP for display to end users.
* This will make it more compact and lower-case.
* This functionality has been adapted from \Wikimedia\IPUtils::prettifyIP()
* @param {string} ip IP address in quad or octet form (CIDR or not).
* @return {string|null}
prettifyIP: function ( ip ) {
ip = this.sanitizeIP( ip );
if ( ip === null ) {
return null;
if ( this.isIPv6Address( ip, true ) ) {
let cidr, matches, ipCidrSplit, i, replaceZeros;
if ( ip.indexOf( '/' ) !== -1 ) {
ipCidrSplit = ip.split( '/', 2 );
ip = ipCidrSplit[ 0 ];
cidr = ipCidrSplit[ 1 ];
} else {
cidr = '';
matches = ip.match( /(?:^|:)0(?::0)+(?:$|:)/g );
if ( matches ) {
replaceZeros = matches[ 0 ];
for ( i = 1; i < matches.length; i++ ) {
if ( matches[ i ].length > replaceZeros.length ) {
replaceZeros = matches[ i ];
ip = ip.replace( replaceZeros, '::' );
if ( cidr !== '' ) {
ip = ip.concat( '/', cidr );
ip = ip.toLowerCase();
return ip;
* Checks if the given username matches $wgAutoCreateTempUser.
* This functionality has been adapted from MediaWiki\User\TempUser\Pattern::isMatch()
* @param {string|null} username
* @return {boolean}
isTemporaryUser: function ( username ) {
// Just return early if temporary accounts are not known about.
if ( !config.AutoCreateTempUser.enabled && !config.AutoCreateTempUser.known ) {
return false;
if ( username === null ) {
return false;
/** @type {string|string[]} */
let matchPatterns = config.AutoCreateTempUser.matchPattern;
if ( typeof matchPatterns === 'string' ) {
matchPatterns = [ matchPatterns ];
} else if ( matchPatterns === null ) {
matchPatterns = [ config.AutoCreateTempUser.genPattern ];
for ( let i = 0; i < matchPatterns.length; i++ ) {
const autoCreateUserMatchPattern = matchPatterns[ i ];
// Check each match pattern, and if any matches then return a match.
const position = autoCreateUserMatchPattern.indexOf( '$1' );
// '$1' was not found in autoCreateUserMatchPattern
if ( position === -1 ) {
return false;
const prefix = autoCreateUserMatchPattern.slice( 0, position );
const suffix = autoCreateUserMatchPattern.slice( position + '$1'.length );
let match = true;
if ( prefix !== '' ) {
match = ( username.indexOf( prefix ) === 0 );
if ( match && suffix !== '' ) {
match = ( username.slice( -suffix.length ) === suffix ) &&
( username.length >= prefix.length + suffix.length );
if ( match ) {
return true;
// No match patterns matched the username, so the given username is not a temporary user.
return false;
* Determine if an input string represents a value of infinity.
* This is used when testing for infinity in the context of expiries,
* such as watchlisting, page protection, and block expiries.
* @param {string|null} str
* @return {boolean}
* @stable
isInfinity: function ( str ) {
return infinityValues.indexOf( str ) !== -1;
* Initialisation of mw.util.$content
* @ignore
function init() {
// The preferred standard is class "mw-body".
// You may also use class "mw-body mw-body-primary" if you use
// mw-body in multiple locations. Or class "mw-body-primary" if
// you use mw-body deeper in the DOM.
const content = document.querySelector( '.mw-body-primary' ) ||
document.querySelector( '.mw-body' ) ||
// If the skin has no such class, fall back to the parser output
document.querySelector( '#mw-content-text' ) ||
// Should never happen..., except if the skin is still in development.
util.$content = $( content );
// Backwards-compatible alias for mediawiki.RegExp module.
// @deprecated since 1.34
mw.RegExp = {};
mw.log.deprecate( mw.RegExp, 'escape', util.escapeRegExp, 'Use mw.util.escapeRegExp() instead.', 'mw.RegExp.escape' );
if ( window.QUnit ) {
// Not allowed outside unit tests
util.setOptionsForTest = function ( opts ) {
config = !opts ? require( './config.json' ) : Object.assign( {}, config, opts );
util.init = init;
} else {
$( init );
mw.util = util;
module.exports = util;