MediaWiki master
Go to the documentation of this file.
63use OOUI\ButtonWidget;
64use OOUI\FieldLayout;
65use OOUI\HtmlSnippet;
66use OOUI\LabelWidget;
70use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareTrait;
71use Psr\Log\NullLogger;
72use SkinFactory;
73use UnexpectedValueException;
79 use LoggerAwareTrait;
82 protected $options;
85 protected $contLang;
91 protected $authManager;
94 protected $linkRenderer;
97 protected $nsInfo;
103 private $languageConverter;
106 private $hookRunner;
112 private $languageConverterFactory;
115 private $parserFactory;
118 private $skinFactory;
121 private $userGroupManager;
124 private $signatureValidatorFactory;
129 public const CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS = [
160 ];
179 public function __construct(
186 ILanguageConverter $languageConverter,
188 HookContainer $hookContainer,
189 UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup,
190 LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory = null,
191 ParserFactory $parserFactory = null,
192 SkinFactory $skinFactory = null,
193 UserGroupManager $userGroupManager = null,
194 SignatureValidatorFactory $signatureValidatorFactory = null
195 ) {
196 $options->assertRequiredOptions( self::CONSTRUCTOR_OPTIONS );
198 $this->options = $options;
199 $this->contLang = $contLang;
200 $this->authManager = $authManager;
201 $this->linkRenderer = $linkRenderer;
202 $this->nsInfo = $nsInfo;
204 // We don't use the PermissionManager anymore, but we need to be careful
205 // removing the parameter since this class is extended by GlobalPreferencesFactory
206 // in the GlobalPreferences extension, and that class uses it
207 $this->permissionManager = $permissionManager;
209 $this->logger = new NullLogger();
210 $this->languageConverter = $languageConverter;
211 $this->languageNameUtils = $languageNameUtils;
212 $this->hookRunner = new HookRunner( $hookContainer );
214 // Don't break GlobalPreferences, fall back to global state if missing services
215 // or if passed a UserOptionsLookup that isn't UserOptionsManager
216 $services = static function () {
217 // BC hack. Use a closure so this can be unit-tested.
219 };
220 $this->userOptionsManager = ( $userOptionsLookup instanceof UserOptionsManager )
221 ? $userOptionsLookup
222 : $services()->getUserOptionsManager();
223 $this->languageConverterFactory = $languageConverterFactory ?? $services()->getLanguageConverterFactory();
225 $this->parserFactory = $parserFactory ?? $services()->getParserFactory();
226 $this->skinFactory = $skinFactory ?? $services()->getSkinFactory();
227 $this->userGroupManager = $userGroupManager ?? $services()->getUserGroupManager();
228 $this->signatureValidatorFactory = $signatureValidatorFactory
229 ?? $services()->getSignatureValidatorFactory();
230 }
235 public function getSaveBlacklist() {
236 return [
237 'realname',
238 'emailaddress',
239 ];
240 }
247 public function getFormDescriptor( User $user, IContextSource $context ) {
248 $preferences = [];
250 OutputPage::setupOOUI(
251 strtolower( $context->getSkin()->getSkinName() ),
252 $context->getLanguage()->getDir()
253 );
255 $this->profilePreferences( $user, $context, $preferences );
256 $this->skinPreferences( $user, $context, $preferences );
257 $this->datetimePreferences( $user, $context, $preferences );
258 $this->filesPreferences( $context, $preferences );
259 $this->renderingPreferences( $user, $context, $preferences );
260 $this->editingPreferences( $user, $context, $preferences );
261 $this->rcPreferences( $user, $context, $preferences );
262 $this->watchlistPreferences( $user, $context, $preferences );
263 $this->searchPreferences( $context, $preferences );
265 $this->hookRunner->onGetPreferences( $user, $preferences );
267 $this->loadPreferenceValues( $user, $context, $preferences );
268 $this->logger->debug( "Created form descriptor for user '{$user->getName()}'" );
269 return $preferences;
270 }
278 public static function simplifyFormDescriptor( array $descriptor ) {
279 foreach ( $descriptor as $name => &$params ) {
280 // Info fields are useless and can use complicated closure to provide
281 // text, skip all of them.
282 if ( ( isset( $params['type'] ) && $params['type'] === 'info' ) ||
283 // Checking old alias for compatibility with unchanged extensions
284 ( isset( $params['class'] ) && $params['class'] === \HTMLInfoField::class ) ||
285 ( isset( $params['class'] ) && $params['class'] === HTMLInfoField::class )
286 ) {
287 unset( $descriptor[$name] );
288 continue;
289 }
290 // Message parsing is the heaviest load when constructing the field,
291 // but we just want to validate data.
292 foreach ( $params as $key => $value ) {
293 switch ( $key ) {
294 // Special case, should be kept.
295 case 'options-message':
296 break;
297 // Special case, should be transferred.
298 case 'options-messages':
299 unset( $params[$key] );
300 $params['options'] = $value;
301 break;
302 default:
303 if ( preg_match( '/-messages?$/', $key ) ) {
304 // Unwanted.
305 unset( $params[$key] );
306 }
307 }
308 }
309 }
310 return $descriptor;
311 }
320 private function loadPreferenceValues( User $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences ) {
321 // Remove preferences that wikis don't want to use
322 foreach ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::HiddenPrefs ) as $pref ) {
323 unset( $defaultPreferences[$pref] );
324 }
326 // For validation.
327 $simplified = self::simplifyFormDescriptor( $defaultPreferences );
328 $form = new HTMLForm( $simplified, $context );
330 $disable = !$user->isAllowed( 'editmyoptions' );
332 $defaultOptions = $this->userOptionsManager->getDefaultOptions( $user );
333 $userOptions = $this->userOptionsManager->getOptions( $user );
334 $this->applyFilters( $userOptions, $defaultPreferences, 'filterForForm' );
335 // Add in defaults from the user
336 foreach ( $simplified as $name => $_ ) {
337 $info = &$defaultPreferences[$name];
338 if ( $disable && !in_array( $name, $this->getSaveBlacklist() ) ) {
339 $info['disabled'] = 'disabled';
340 }
341 if ( isset( $info['default'] ) ) {
342 // Already set, no problem
343 continue;
344 }
345 $field = $form->getField( $name );
346 $globalDefault = $defaultOptions[$name] ?? null;
347 $prefFromUser = static::getPreferenceForField( $name, $field, $userOptions );
349 // If it validates, set it as the default
350 // FIXME: That's not how the validate() function works! Values of nested fields
351 // (e.g. CheckMatix) would be missing.
352 if ( $prefFromUser !== null && // Make sure we're not just pulling nothing
353 $field->validate( $prefFromUser, $this->userOptionsManager->getOptions( $user ) ) === true ) {
354 $info['default'] = $prefFromUser;
355 } elseif ( $field->validate( $globalDefault, $this->userOptionsManager->getOptions( $user ) ) === true ) {
356 $info['default'] = $globalDefault;
357 } else {
358 $globalDefault = json_encode( $globalDefault );
359 throw new UnexpectedValueException(
360 "Default '$globalDefault' is invalid for preference $name of user " . $user->getName()
361 );
362 }
363 }
365 return $defaultPreferences;
366 }
378 public static function getPreferenceForField( $name, HTMLFormField $field, array $userOptions ) {
379 $val = $userOptions[$name] ?? null;
381 if ( $field instanceof HTMLNestedFilterable ) {
382 $val = [];
383 $prefix = $field->mParams['prefix'] ?? $name;
384 // Fetch all possible preference keys of the given field on this wiki.
385 $keys = array_keys( $field->filterDataForSubmit( [] ) );
386 foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
387 if ( $userOptions[$prefix . $key] ?? false ) {
388 $val[] = $key;
389 }
390 }
391 }
393 return $val;
394 }
405 protected function getOptionFromUser( $name, $info, array $userOptions ) {
406 $val = $userOptions[$name] ?? null;
408 // Handling for multiselect preferences
409 if ( ( isset( $info['type'] ) && $info['type'] == 'multiselect' ) ||
410 // Checking old alias for compatibility with unchanged extensions
411 ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] === \HTMLMultiSelectField::class ) ||
412 ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] === HTMLMultiSelectField::class )
413 ) {
414 $options = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $info['options-messages'] ?? $info['options'] );
415 $prefix = $info['prefix'] ?? $name;
416 $val = [];
418 foreach ( $options as $value ) {
419 if ( $userOptions["$prefix$value"] ?? false ) {
420 $val[] = $value;
421 }
422 }
423 }
425 // Handling for checkmatrix preferences
426 if ( ( isset( $info['type'] ) && $info['type'] == 'checkmatrix' ) ||
427 // Checking old alias for compatibility with unchanged extensions
428 ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] === \HTMLCheckMatrix::class ) ||
429 ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] === HTMLCheckMatrix::class )
430 ) {
431 $columns = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $info['columns'] );
432 $rows = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $info['rows'] );
433 $prefix = $info['prefix'] ?? $name;
434 $val = [];
436 foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
437 foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
438 if ( $userOptions["$prefix$column-$row"] ?? false ) {
439 $val[] = "$column-$row";
440 }
441 }
442 }
443 }
445 return $val;
446 }
455 protected function profilePreferences(
456 User $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences
457 ) {
458 // retrieving user name for GENDER and misc.
459 $userName = $user->getName();
461 // Information panel
462 $defaultPreferences['username'] = [
463 'type' => 'info',
464 'label-message' => [ 'username', $userName ],
465 'default' => $userName,
466 'section' => 'personal/info',
467 ];
469 $lang = $context->getLanguage();
471 // Get groups to which the user belongs, Skip the default * group, seems useless here
472 $userEffectiveGroups = array_diff(
473 $this->userGroupManager->getUserEffectiveGroups( $user ),
474 [ '*' ]
475 );
476 $defaultPreferences['usergroups'] = [
477 'type' => 'info',
478 'label-message' => [ 'prefs-memberingroups',
479 Message::numParam( count( $userEffectiveGroups ) ), $userName ],
480 'default' => function () use ( $user, $userEffectiveGroups, $context, $lang, $userName ) {
481 $userGroupMemberships = $this->userGroupManager->getUserGroupMemberships( $user );
482 $userGroups = $userMembers = $userTempGroups = $userTempMembers = [];
483 foreach ( $userEffectiveGroups as $ueg ) {
484 $groupStringOrObject = $userGroupMemberships[$ueg] ?? $ueg;
486 $userG = UserGroupMembership::getLinkHTML( $groupStringOrObject, $context );
487 $userM = UserGroupMembership::getLinkHTML( $groupStringOrObject, $context, $userName );
489 // Store expiring groups separately, so we can place them before non-expiring
490 // groups in the list. This is to avoid the ambiguity of something like
491 // "administrator, bureaucrat (until X date)" -- users might wonder whether the
492 // expiry date applies to both groups, or just the last one
493 if ( $groupStringOrObject instanceof UserGroupMembership &&
494 $groupStringOrObject->getExpiry()
495 ) {
496 $userTempGroups[] = $userG;
497 $userTempMembers[] = $userM;
498 } else {
499 $userGroups[] = $userG;
500 $userMembers[] = $userM;
501 }
502 }
503 sort( $userGroups );
504 sort( $userMembers );
505 sort( $userTempGroups );
506 sort( $userTempMembers );
507 $userGroups = array_merge( $userTempGroups, $userGroups );
508 $userMembers = array_merge( $userTempMembers, $userMembers );
509 return $context->msg( 'prefs-memberingroups-type' )
510 ->rawParams( $lang->commaList( $userGroups ), $lang->commaList( $userMembers ) )
511 ->escaped();
512 },
513 'raw' => true,
514 'section' => 'personal/info',
515 ];
517 $contribTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( "Contributions", $userName );
518 $formattedEditCount = $lang->formatNum( $user->getEditCount() );
519 $editCount = $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $contribTitle, $formattedEditCount );
521 $defaultPreferences['editcount'] = [
522 'type' => 'info',
523 'raw' => true,
524 'label-message' => 'prefs-edits',
525 'default' => $editCount,
526 'section' => 'personal/info',
527 ];
529 if ( $user->getRegistration() ) {
530 $displayUser = $context->getUser();
531 $userRegistration = $user->getRegistration();
532 $defaultPreferences['registrationdate'] = [
533 'type' => 'info',
534 'label-message' => 'prefs-registration',
535 'default' => $context->msg(
536 'prefs-registration-date-time',
537 $lang->userTimeAndDate( $userRegistration, $displayUser ),
538 $lang->userDate( $userRegistration, $displayUser ),
539 $lang->userTime( $userRegistration, $displayUser )
540 )->text(),
541 'section' => 'personal/info',
542 ];
543 }
545 $canViewPrivateInfo = $user->isAllowed( 'viewmyprivateinfo' );
546 $canEditPrivateInfo = $user->isAllowed( 'editmyprivateinfo' );
548 // Actually changeable stuff
549 $defaultPreferences['realname'] = [
550 // (not really "private", but still shouldn't be edited without permission)
551 'type' => $canEditPrivateInfo && $this->authManager->allowsPropertyChange( 'realname' )
552 ? 'text' : 'info',
553 'default' => $user->getRealName(),
554 'section' => 'personal/info',
555 'label-message' => 'yourrealname',
556 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-realname',
557 ];
559 if ( $canEditPrivateInfo && $this->authManager->allowsAuthenticationDataChange(
560 new PasswordAuthenticationRequest(), false )->isGood()
561 ) {
562 $defaultPreferences['password'] = [
563 'type' => 'info',
564 'raw' => true,
565 'default' => (string)new ButtonWidget( [
566 'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ChangePassword' )->getLinkURL( [
567 'returnto' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' )->getPrefixedText()
568 ] ),
569 'label' => $context->msg( 'prefs-resetpass' )->text(),
570 ] ),
571 'label-message' => 'yourpassword',
572 // email password reset feature only works for users that have an email set up
573 'help' => $user->getEmail()
574 ? $context->msg( 'prefs-help-yourpassword',
575 '[[#mw-prefsection-personal-email|{{int:prefs-email}}]]' )->parse()
576 : '',
577 'section' => 'personal/info',
578 ];
579 }
580 // Only show prefershttps if secure login is turned on
581 if ( !$this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ForceHTTPS )
582 && $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::SecureLogin )
583 ) {
584 $defaultPreferences['prefershttps'] = [
585 'type' => 'toggle',
586 'label-message' => 'tog-prefershttps',
587 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-prefershttps',
588 'section' => 'personal/info'
589 ];
590 }
592 $defaultPreferences['downloaduserdata'] = [
593 'type' => 'info',
594 'raw' => true,
595 'label-message' => 'prefs-user-downloaddata-label',
596 'default' => Html::element(
597 'a',
598 [
599 'href' => $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ScriptPath ) .
600 '/api.php?action=query&meta=userinfo&uiprop=*&formatversion=2',
601 ],
602 $context->msg( 'prefs-user-downloaddata-info' )->text()
603 ),
604 'help-message' => [ 'prefs-user-downloaddata-help-message', urlencode( $user->getTitleKey() ) ],
605 'section' => 'personal/info',
606 ];
608 $defaultPreferences['restoreprefs'] = [
609 'type' => 'info',
610 'raw' => true,
611 'label-message' => 'prefs-user-restoreprefs-label',
612 'default' => Html::element(
613 'a',
614 [
615 'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' )
616 ->getSubpage( 'reset' )->getLocalURL()
617 ],
618 $context->msg( 'prefs-user-restoreprefs-info' )->text()
619 ),
620 'section' => 'personal/info',
621 ];
623 $languages = $this->languageNameUtils->getLanguageNames(
624 LanguageNameUtils::AUTONYMS,
625 LanguageNameUtils::SUPPORTED
626 );
627 $languageCode = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::LanguageCode );
628 if ( !array_key_exists( $languageCode, $languages ) ) {
629 $languages[$languageCode] = $languageCode;
630 // Sort the array again
631 ksort( $languages );
632 }
634 $options = [];
635 foreach ( $languages as $code => $name ) {
636 $display = LanguageCode::bcp47( $code ) . ' - ' . $name;
637 $options[$display] = $code;
638 }
639 $defaultPreferences['language'] = [
640 'type' => 'select',
641 'section' => 'personal/i18n',
642 'options' => $options,
643 'label-message' => 'yourlanguage',
644 ];
646 $neutralGenderMessage = $context->msg( 'gender-notknown' )->escaped() . (
647 !$context->msg( 'gender-unknown' )->isDisabled()
648 ? "<br>" . $context->msg( 'parentheses' )
649 ->params( $context->msg( 'gender-unknown' )->plain() )
650 ->escaped()
651 : ''
652 );
654 $defaultPreferences['gender'] = [
655 'type' => 'radio',
656 'section' => 'personal/i18n',
657 'options' => [
658 $neutralGenderMessage => 'unknown',
659 $context->msg( 'gender-female' )->escaped() => 'female',
660 $context->msg( 'gender-male' )->escaped() => 'male',
661 ],
662 'label-message' => 'yourgender',
663 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-gender',
664 ];
666 // see if there are multiple language variants to choose from
667 if ( !$this->languageConverterFactory->isConversionDisabled() ) {
669 foreach ( LanguageConverter::$languagesWithVariants as $langCode ) {
670 if ( $langCode == $this->contLang->getCode() ) {
671 if ( !$this->languageConverter->hasVariants() ) {
672 continue;
673 }
675 $variants = $this->languageConverter->getVariants();
676 $variantArray = [];
677 foreach ( $variants as $v ) {
678 $v = str_replace( '_', '-', strtolower( $v ) );
679 $variantArray[$v] = $lang->getVariantname( $v, false );
680 }
682 $options = [];
683 foreach ( $variantArray as $code => $name ) {
684 $display = LanguageCode::bcp47( $code ) . ' - ' . $name;
685 $options[$display] = $code;
686 }
688 $defaultPreferences['variant'] = [
689 'label-message' => 'yourvariant',
690 'type' => 'select',
691 'options' => $options,
692 'section' => 'personal/i18n',
693 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-variant',
694 ];
695 } else {
696 $defaultPreferences["variant-$langCode"] = [
697 'type' => 'api',
698 ];
699 }
700 }
701 }
703 // show a preview of the old signature first
704 $oldsigWikiText = $this->parserFactory->getInstance()->preSaveTransform(
705 '~~~',
706 $context->getTitle(),
707 $user,
708 ParserOptions::newFromContext( $context )
709 );
710 $oldsigHTML = Parser::stripOuterParagraph(
711 $context->getOutput()->parseAsContent( $oldsigWikiText )
712 );
713 $signatureFieldConfig = [];
714 // Validate existing signature and show a message about it
715 $signature = $this->userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, 'nickname' );
716 $useFancySig = $this->userOptionsManager->getBoolOption( $user, 'fancysig' );
717 if ( $useFancySig && $signature !== '' ) {
718 $parserOpts = ParserOptions::newFromContext( $context );
719 $validator = $this->signatureValidatorFactory
720 ->newSignatureValidator( $user, $context, $parserOpts );
721 $signatureErrors = $validator->validateSignature( $signature );
722 if ( $signatureErrors ) {
723 $sigValidation = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::SignatureValidation );
724 $oldsigHTML .= '<p><strong>' .
725 // Messages used here:
726 // * prefs-signature-invalid-warning
727 // * prefs-signature-invalid-new
728 // * prefs-signature-invalid-disallow
729 $context->msg( "prefs-signature-invalid-$sigValidation" )->parse() .
730 '</strong></p>';
732 // On initial page load, show the warnings as well
733 // (when posting, you get normal validation errors instead)
734 foreach ( $signatureErrors as &$sigError ) {
735 $sigError = new HtmlSnippet( $sigError );
736 }
737 if ( !$context->getRequest()->wasPosted() ) {
738 $signatureFieldConfig = [
739 'warnings' => $sigValidation !== 'disallow' ? $signatureErrors : null,
740 'errors' => $sigValidation === 'disallow' ? $signatureErrors : null,
741 ];
742 }
743 }
744 }
745 $defaultPreferences['oldsig'] = [
746 'type' => 'info',
747 // Normally HTMLFormFields do not display warnings, so we need to use 'rawrow'
748 // and provide the entire OOUI\FieldLayout here
749 'rawrow' => true,
750 'default' => new FieldLayout(
751 new LabelWidget( [
752 'label' => new HtmlSnippet( $oldsigHTML ),
753 ] ),
754 [
755 'align' => 'top',
756 'label' => new HtmlSnippet( $context->msg( 'tog-oldsig' )->parse() )
757 ] + $signatureFieldConfig
758 ),
759 'section' => 'personal/signature',
760 ];
761 $defaultPreferences['nickname'] = [
762 'type' => $this->authManager->allowsPropertyChange( 'nickname' ) ? 'text' : 'info',
763 'maxlength' => $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::MaxSigChars ),
764 'label-message' => 'yournick',
765 'validation-callback' => function ( $signature, $alldata, HTMLForm $form ) {
766 return $this->validateSignature( $signature, $alldata, $form );
767 },
768 'section' => 'personal/signature',
769 'filter-callback' => function ( $signature, array $alldata, HTMLForm $form ) {
770 return $this->cleanSignature( $signature, $alldata, $form );
771 },
772 ];
773 $defaultPreferences['fancysig'] = [
774 'type' => 'toggle',
775 'label-message' => 'tog-fancysig',
776 // show general help about signature at the bottom of the section
777 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-signature',
778 'section' => 'personal/signature'
779 ];
781 // Email preferences
782 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnableEmail ) ) {
783 if ( $canViewPrivateInfo ) {
784 $helpMessages = [];
785 $helpMessages[] = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EmailConfirmToEdit )
786 ? 'prefs-help-email-required'
787 : 'prefs-help-email';
789 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnableUserEmail ) ) {
790 // additional messages when users can send email to each other
791 $helpMessages[] = 'prefs-help-email-others';
792 }
794 $emailAddress = $user->getEmail() ? htmlspecialchars( $user->getEmail() ) : '';
795 if ( $canEditPrivateInfo && $this->authManager->allowsPropertyChange( 'emailaddress' ) ) {
796 $button = new ButtonWidget( [
797 'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ChangeEmail' )->getLinkURL( [
798 'returnto' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' )->getPrefixedText()
799 ] ),
800 'label' =>
801 $context->msg( $user->getEmail() ? 'prefs-changeemail' : 'prefs-setemail' )->text(),
802 ] );
804 $emailAddress .= $emailAddress == '' ? $button : ( '<br />' . $button );
805 }
807 $defaultPreferences['emailaddress'] = [
808 'type' => 'info',
809 'raw' => true,
810 'default' => $emailAddress,
811 'label-message' => 'youremail',
812 'section' => 'personal/email',
813 'help-messages' => $helpMessages,
814 // 'cssclass' chosen below
815 ];
816 }
818 $disableEmailPrefs = false;
820 $defaultPreferences['requireemail'] = [
821 'type' => 'toggle',
822 'label-message' => 'tog-requireemail',
823 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-requireemail',
824 'section' => 'personal/email',
825 'disabled' => !$user->getEmail(),
826 ];
828 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EmailAuthentication ) ) {
829 if ( $user->getEmail() ) {
830 if ( $user->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp() ) {
831 // date and time are separate parameters to facilitate localisation.
832 // $time is kept for backward compat reasons.
833 // 'emailauthenticated' is also used in SpecialConfirmemail.php
834 $displayUser = $context->getUser();
835 $emailTimestamp = $user->getEmailAuthenticationTimestamp();
836 $time = $lang->userTimeAndDate( $emailTimestamp, $displayUser );
837 $d = $lang->userDate( $emailTimestamp, $displayUser );
838 $t = $lang->userTime( $emailTimestamp, $displayUser );
839 $emailauthenticated = $context->msg( 'emailauthenticated',
840 $time, $d, $t )->parse() . '<br />';
841 $emailauthenticationclass = 'mw-email-authenticated';
842 } else {
843 $disableEmailPrefs = true;
844 $emailauthenticated = $context->msg( 'emailnotauthenticated' )->parse() . '<br />' .
845 new ButtonWidget( [
846 'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Confirmemail' )->getLinkURL(),
847 'label' => $context->msg( 'emailconfirmlink' )->text(),
848 ] );
849 $emailauthenticationclass = "mw-email-not-authenticated";
850 }
851 } else {
852 $disableEmailPrefs = true;
853 $emailauthenticated = $context->msg( 'noemailprefs' )->escaped();
854 $emailauthenticationclass = 'mw-email-none';
855 }
857 if ( $canViewPrivateInfo ) {
858 $defaultPreferences['emailauthentication'] = [
859 'type' => 'info',
860 'raw' => true,
861 'section' => 'personal/email',
862 'label-message' => 'prefs-emailconfirm-label',
863 'default' => $emailauthenticated,
864 // Apply the same CSS class used on the input to the message:
865 'cssclass' => $emailauthenticationclass,
866 ];
867 }
868 }
870 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnableUserEmail ) &&
871 $user->isAllowed( 'sendemail' )
872 ) {
873 $defaultPreferences['disablemail'] = [
874 'id' => 'wpAllowEmail',
875 'type' => 'toggle',
876 'invert' => true,
877 'section' => 'personal/email',
878 'label-message' => 'allowemail',
879 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
880 ];
882 $defaultPreferences['email-allow-new-users'] = [
883 'id' => 'wpAllowEmailFromNewUsers',
884 'type' => 'toggle',
885 'section' => 'personal/email',
886 'label-message' => 'email-allow-new-users-label',
887 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
888 'disable-if' => [ '!==', 'disablemail', '1' ],
889 ];
891 $defaultPreferences['ccmeonemails'] = [
892 'type' => 'toggle',
893 'section' => 'personal/email',
894 'label-message' => 'tog-ccmeonemails',
895 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
896 ];
898 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnableUserEmailMuteList ) ) {
899 $defaultPreferences['email-blacklist'] = [
900 'type' => 'usersmultiselect',
901 'label-message' => 'email-mutelist-label',
902 'section' => 'personal/email',
903 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
904 'filter' => MultiUsernameFilter::class,
905 ];
906 }
907 }
909 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnotifWatchlist ) ) {
910 $defaultPreferences['enotifwatchlistpages'] = [
911 'type' => 'toggle',
912 'section' => 'personal/email',
913 'label-message' => 'tog-enotifwatchlistpages',
914 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
915 ];
916 }
917 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnotifUserTalk ) ) {
918 $defaultPreferences['enotifusertalkpages'] = [
919 'type' => 'toggle',
920 'section' => 'personal/email',
921 'label-message' => 'tog-enotifusertalkpages',
922 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
923 ];
924 }
925 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnotifUserTalk ) ||
926 $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnotifWatchlist ) ) {
927 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnotifMinorEdits ) ) {
928 $defaultPreferences['enotifminoredits'] = [
929 'type' => 'toggle',
930 'section' => 'personal/email',
931 'label-message' => 'tog-enotifminoredits',
932 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
933 ];
934 }
936 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnotifRevealEditorAddress ) ) {
937 $defaultPreferences['enotifrevealaddr'] = [
938 'type' => 'toggle',
939 'section' => 'personal/email',
940 'label-message' => 'tog-enotifrevealaddr',
941 'disabled' => $disableEmailPrefs,
942 ];
943 }
944 }
945 }
946 }
954 protected function skinPreferences( User $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences ) {
955 // Skin selector, if there is at least one valid skin
956 $validSkinNames = $this->getValidSkinNames( $user, $context );
957 if ( $validSkinNames ) {
958 $defaultPreferences['skin'] = [
959 // @phan-suppress-next-line SecurityCheck-XSS False +ve, label is escaped in generateSkinOptions()
960 'type' => 'radio',
961 'options' => $this->generateSkinOptions( $user, $context, $validSkinNames ),
962 'section' => 'rendering/skin',
963 ];
964 $hideCond = [ 'AND' ];
965 foreach ( $validSkinNames as $skinName => $_ ) {
966 $options = $this->skinFactory->getSkinOptions( $skinName );
967 if ( $options['responsive'] ?? false ) {
968 $hideCond[] = [ '!==', 'skin', $skinName ];
969 }
970 }
971 if ( $hideCond === [ 'AND' ] ) {
972 $hideCond = [];
973 }
974 $defaultPreferences['skin-responsive'] = [
975 'type' => 'check',
976 'label-message' => 'prefs-skin-responsive',
977 'section' => 'rendering/skin/skin-prefs',
978 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-skin-responsive',
979 'hide-if' => $hideCond,
980 ];
981 }
983 $allowUserCss = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::AllowUserCss );
984 $allowUserJs = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::AllowUserJs );
985 $safeMode = $this->userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, 'forcesafemode' );
986 // Create links to user CSS/JS pages for all skins.
987 // This code is basically copied from generateSkinOptions().
988 // @todo Refactor this and the similar code in generateSkinOptions().
989 if ( $allowUserCss || $allowUserJs ) {
990 if ( $safeMode ) {
991 $defaultPreferences['customcssjs-safemode'] = [
992 'type' => 'info',
993 'raw' => true,
994 'default' => Html::warningBox( $context->msg( 'prefs-custom-cssjs-safemode' )->parse() ),
995 'section' => 'rendering/skin',
996 ];
997 } else {
998 $linkTools = [];
999 $userName = $user->getName();
1001 if ( $allowUserCss ) {
1002 $cssPage = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $userName . '/common.css' );
1003 $cssLinkText = $context->msg( 'prefs-custom-css' )->text();
1004 $linkTools[] = $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $cssPage, $cssLinkText );
1005 }
1007 if ( $allowUserJs ) {
1008 $jsPage = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $userName . '/common.js' );
1009 $jsLinkText = $context->msg( 'prefs-custom-js' )->text();
1010 $linkTools[] = $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $jsPage, $jsLinkText );
1011 }
1013 $defaultPreferences['commoncssjs'] = [
1014 'type' => 'info',
1015 'raw' => true,
1016 'default' => $context->getLanguage()->pipeList( $linkTools ),
1017 'label-message' => 'prefs-common-config',
1018 'section' => 'rendering/skin',
1019 ];
1020 }
1021 }
1022 }
1028 protected function filesPreferences( IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences ) {
1029 $defaultPreferences['imagesize'] = [
1030 'type' => 'select',
1031 'options' => $this->getImageSizes( $context ),
1032 'label-message' => 'imagemaxsize',
1033 'section' => 'rendering/files',
1034 ];
1035 $defaultPreferences['thumbsize'] = [
1036 'type' => 'select',
1037 'options' => $this->getThumbSizes( $context ),
1038 'label-message' => 'thumbsize',
1039 'section' => 'rendering/files',
1040 ];
1041 }
1049 protected function datetimePreferences(
1050 User $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences
1051 ) {
1052 $dateOptions = $this->getDateOptions( $context );
1053 if ( $dateOptions ) {
1054 $defaultPreferences['date'] = [
1055 'type' => 'radio',
1056 'options' => $dateOptions,
1057 'section' => 'rendering/dateformat',
1058 ];
1059 }
1061 // Info
1062 $now = wfTimestampNow();
1063 $lang = $context->getLanguage();
1064 $nowlocal = Xml::element( 'span', [ 'id' => 'wpLocalTime' ],
1065 $lang->userTime( $now, $user ) );
1066 $nowserver = $lang->userTime( $now, $user,
1067 [ 'format' => false, 'timecorrection' => false ] ) .
1068 Html::hidden( 'wpServerTime', (int)substr( $now, 8, 2 ) * 60 + (int)substr( $now, 10, 2 ) );
1070 $defaultPreferences['nowserver'] = [
1071 'type' => 'info',
1072 'raw' => 1,
1073 'label-message' => 'servertime',
1074 'default' => $nowserver,
1075 'section' => 'rendering/timeoffset',
1076 ];
1078 $defaultPreferences['nowlocal'] = [
1079 'type' => 'info',
1080 'raw' => 1,
1081 'label-message' => 'localtime',
1082 'default' => $nowlocal,
1083 'section' => 'rendering/timeoffset',
1084 ];
1086 $userTimeCorrection = (string)$this->userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, 'timecorrection' );
1087 // This value should already be normalized by UserTimeCorrection, so it should always be valid and not
1088 // in the legacy format. However, let's be sure about that and normalize it again.
1089 // Also, recompute the offset because it can change with DST.
1090 $userTimeCorrectionObj = new UserTimeCorrection(
1091 $userTimeCorrection,
1092 null,
1093 $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::LocalTZoffset )
1094 );
1096 if ( $userTimeCorrectionObj->getCorrectionType() === UserTimeCorrection::OFFSET ) {
1097 $tzDefault = UserTimeCorrection::formatTimezoneOffset( $userTimeCorrectionObj->getTimeOffset() );
1098 } else {
1099 $tzDefault = $userTimeCorrectionObj->toString();
1100 }
1102 $defaultPreferences['timecorrection'] = [
1103 'type' => 'timezone',
1104 'label-message' => 'timezonelegend',
1105 'default' => $tzDefault,
1106 'size' => 20,
1107 'section' => 'rendering/timeoffset',
1108 'id' => 'wpTimeCorrection',
1109 'filter' => TimezoneFilter::class,
1110 ];
1111 }
1118 protected function renderingPreferences(
1119 User $user,
1120 MessageLocalizer $l10n,
1121 &$defaultPreferences
1122 ) {
1123 // Diffs
1124 $defaultPreferences['diffonly'] = [
1125 'type' => 'toggle',
1126 'section' => 'rendering/diffs',
1127 'label-message' => 'tog-diffonly',
1128 ];
1129 $defaultPreferences['norollbackdiff'] = [
1130 'type' => 'toggle',
1131 'section' => 'rendering/diffs',
1132 'label-message' => 'tog-norollbackdiff',
1133 ];
1134 $defaultPreferences['diff-type'] = [
1135 'type' => 'api',
1136 ];
1138 // Page Rendering
1139 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::AllowUserCssPrefs ) ) {
1140 $defaultPreferences['underline'] = [
1141 'type' => 'select',
1142 'options' => [
1143 $l10n->msg( 'underline-never' )->text() => 0,
1144 $l10n->msg( 'underline-always' )->text() => 1,
1145 $l10n->msg( 'underline-default' )->text() => 2,
1146 ],
1147 'label-message' => 'tog-underline',
1148 'section' => 'rendering/advancedrendering',
1149 ];
1150 }
1152 $defaultPreferences['showhiddencats'] = [
1153 'type' => 'toggle',
1154 'section' => 'rendering/advancedrendering',
1155 'label-message' => 'tog-showhiddencats'
1156 ];
1158 if ( $user->isAllowed( 'rollback' ) ) {
1159 $defaultPreferences['showrollbackconfirmation'] = [
1160 'type' => 'toggle',
1161 'section' => 'rendering/advancedrendering',
1162 'label-message' => 'tog-showrollbackconfirmation',
1163 ];
1164 }
1166 $defaultPreferences['forcesafemode'] = [
1167 'type' => 'toggle',
1168 'section' => 'rendering/advancedrendering',
1169 'label-message' => 'tog-forcesafemode',
1170 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-forcesafemode'
1171 ];
1172 }
1179 protected function editingPreferences( User $user, MessageLocalizer $l10n, &$defaultPreferences ) {
1180 $defaultPreferences['editsectiononrightclick'] = [
1181 'type' => 'toggle',
1182 'section' => 'editing/advancedediting',
1183 'label-message' => 'tog-editsectiononrightclick',
1184 ];
1185 $defaultPreferences['editondblclick'] = [
1186 'type' => 'toggle',
1187 'section' => 'editing/advancedediting',
1188 'label-message' => 'tog-editondblclick',
1189 ];
1191 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::AllowUserCssPrefs ) ) {
1192 $defaultPreferences['editfont'] = [
1193 'type' => 'select',
1194 'section' => 'editing/editor',
1195 'label-message' => 'editfont-style',
1196 'options' => [
1197 $l10n->msg( 'editfont-monospace' )->text() => 'monospace',
1198 $l10n->msg( 'editfont-sansserif' )->text() => 'sans-serif',
1199 $l10n->msg( 'editfont-serif' )->text() => 'serif',
1200 ]
1201 ];
1202 }
1204 if ( $user->isAllowed( 'minoredit' ) ) {
1205 $defaultPreferences['minordefault'] = [
1206 'type' => 'toggle',
1207 'section' => 'editing/editor',
1208 'label-message' => 'tog-minordefault',
1209 ];
1210 }
1212 $defaultPreferences['forceeditsummary'] = [
1213 'type' => 'toggle',
1214 'section' => 'editing/editor',
1215 'label-message' => 'tog-forceeditsummary',
1216 ];
1218 // T350653
1219 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::EnableEditRecovery ) ) {
1220 $defaultPreferences['editrecovery'] = [
1221 'type' => 'toggle',
1222 'section' => 'editing/editor',
1223 'label-message' => 'tog-editrecovery',
1224 'help-message' => [
1225 'tog-editrecovery-help',
1226 '',
1227 ],
1228 ];
1229 }
1231 $defaultPreferences['useeditwarning'] = [
1232 'type' => 'toggle',
1233 'section' => 'editing/editor',
1234 'label-message' => 'tog-useeditwarning',
1235 ];
1237 $defaultPreferences['previewonfirst'] = [
1238 'type' => 'toggle',
1239 'section' => 'editing/preview',
1240 'label-message' => 'tog-previewonfirst',
1241 ];
1242 $defaultPreferences['previewontop'] = [
1243 'type' => 'toggle',
1244 'section' => 'editing/preview',
1245 'label-message' => 'tog-previewontop',
1246 ];
1247 $defaultPreferences['uselivepreview'] = [
1248 'type' => 'toggle',
1249 'section' => 'editing/preview',
1250 'label-message' => 'tog-uselivepreview',
1251 ];
1252 }
1259 protected function rcPreferences( User $user, MessageLocalizer $l10n, &$defaultPreferences ) {
1260 $rcMaxAge = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::RCMaxAge );
1261 $rcMax = ceil( $rcMaxAge / ( 3600 * 24 ) );
1262 $defaultPreferences['rcdays'] = [
1263 'type' => 'float',
1264 'label-message' => 'recentchangesdays',
1265 'section' => 'rc/displayrc',
1266 'min' => 1 / 24,
1267 'max' => $rcMax,
1268 'help-message' => [ 'recentchangesdays-max', Message::numParam( $rcMax ) ],
1269 ];
1270 $defaultPreferences['rclimit'] = [
1271 'type' => 'int',
1272 'min' => 1,
1273 'max' => 1000,
1274 'label-message' => 'recentchangescount',
1275 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-recentchangescount',
1276 'section' => 'rc/displayrc',
1277 'filter' => IntvalFilter::class,
1278 ];
1279 $defaultPreferences['usenewrc'] = [
1280 'type' => 'toggle',
1281 'label-message' => 'tog-usenewrc',
1282 'section' => 'rc/advancedrc',
1283 ];
1284 $defaultPreferences['hideminor'] = [
1285 'type' => 'toggle',
1286 'label-message' => 'tog-hideminor',
1287 'section' => 'rc/changesrc',
1288 ];
1289 $defaultPreferences['pst-cssjs'] = [
1290 'type' => 'api',
1291 ];
1292 $defaultPreferences['rcfilters-rc-collapsed'] = [
1293 'type' => 'api',
1294 ];
1295 $defaultPreferences['rcfilters-wl-collapsed'] = [
1296 'type' => 'api',
1297 ];
1298 $defaultPreferences['rcfilters-saved-queries'] = [
1299 'type' => 'api',
1300 ];
1301 $defaultPreferences['rcfilters-wl-saved-queries'] = [
1302 'type' => 'api',
1303 ];
1304 // Override RCFilters preferences for RecentChanges 'limit'
1305 $defaultPreferences['rcfilters-limit'] = [
1306 'type' => 'api',
1307 ];
1308 $defaultPreferences['rcfilters-saved-queries-versionbackup'] = [
1309 'type' => 'api',
1310 ];
1311 $defaultPreferences['rcfilters-wl-saved-queries-versionbackup'] = [
1312 'type' => 'api',
1313 ];
1315 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::RCWatchCategoryMembership ) ) {
1316 $defaultPreferences['hidecategorization'] = [
1317 'type' => 'toggle',
1318 'label-message' => 'tog-hidecategorization',
1319 'section' => 'rc/changesrc',
1320 ];
1321 }
1323 if ( $user->useRCPatrol() ) {
1324 $defaultPreferences['hidepatrolled'] = [
1325 'type' => 'toggle',
1326 'section' => 'rc/changesrc',
1327 'label-message' => 'tog-hidepatrolled',
1328 ];
1329 }
1331 if ( $user->useNPPatrol() ) {
1332 $defaultPreferences['newpageshidepatrolled'] = [
1333 'type' => 'toggle',
1334 'section' => 'rc/changesrc',
1335 'label-message' => 'tog-newpageshidepatrolled',
1336 ];
1337 }
1339 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::RCShowWatchingUsers ) ) {
1340 $defaultPreferences['shownumberswatching'] = [
1341 'type' => 'toggle',
1342 'section' => 'rc/advancedrc',
1343 'label-message' => 'tog-shownumberswatching',
1344 ];
1345 }
1347 $defaultPreferences['rcenhancedfilters-disable'] = [
1348 'type' => 'toggle',
1349 'section' => 'rc/advancedrc',
1350 'label-message' => 'rcfilters-preference-label',
1351 'help-message' => 'rcfilters-preference-help',
1352 ];
1353 }
1360 protected function watchlistPreferences(
1361 User $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences
1362 ) {
1363 $watchlistdaysMax = ceil( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::RCMaxAge ) / ( 3600 * 24 ) );
1365 if ( $user->isAllowed( 'editmywatchlist' ) ) {
1366 $editWatchlistLinks = '';
1367 $editWatchlistModes = [
1368 'edit' => [ 'subpage' => false, 'flags' => [] ],
1369 'raw' => [ 'subpage' => 'raw', 'flags' => [] ],
1370 'clear' => [ 'subpage' => 'clear', 'flags' => [ 'destructive' ] ],
1371 ];
1372 foreach ( $editWatchlistModes as $mode => $options ) {
1373 // Messages: prefs-editwatchlist-edit, prefs-editwatchlist-raw, prefs-editwatchlist-clear
1374 $editWatchlistLinks .=
1375 new ButtonWidget( [
1376 'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'EditWatchlist', $options['subpage'] )->getLinkURL(),
1377 'flags' => $options[ 'flags' ],
1378 'label' => new HtmlSnippet(
1379 $context->msg( "prefs-editwatchlist-{$mode}" )->parse()
1380 ),
1381 ] );
1382 }
1384 $defaultPreferences['editwatchlist'] = [
1385 'type' => 'info',
1386 'raw' => true,
1387 'default' => $editWatchlistLinks,
1388 'label-message' => 'prefs-editwatchlist-label',
1389 'section' => 'watchlist/editwatchlist',
1390 ];
1391 }
1393 $defaultPreferences['watchlistdays'] = [
1394 'type' => 'float',
1395 'min' => 1 / 24,
1396 'max' => $watchlistdaysMax,
1397 'section' => 'watchlist/displaywatchlist',
1398 'help-message' => [ 'prefs-watchlist-days-max', Message::numParam( $watchlistdaysMax ) ],
1399 'label-message' => 'prefs-watchlist-days',
1400 ];
1401 $defaultPreferences['wllimit'] = [
1402 'type' => 'int',
1403 'min' => 1,
1404 'max' => 1000,
1405 'label-message' => 'prefs-watchlist-edits',
1406 'help-message' => 'prefs-watchlist-edits-max',
1407 'section' => 'watchlist/displaywatchlist',
1408 'filter' => IntvalFilter::class,
1409 ];
1410 $defaultPreferences['extendwatchlist'] = [
1411 'type' => 'toggle',
1412 'section' => 'watchlist/advancedwatchlist',
1413 'label-message' => 'tog-extendwatchlist',
1414 ];
1415 $defaultPreferences['watchlisthideminor'] = [
1416 'type' => 'toggle',
1417 'section' => 'watchlist/changeswatchlist',
1418 'label-message' => 'tog-watchlisthideminor',
1419 ];
1420 $defaultPreferences['watchlisthidebots'] = [
1421 'type' => 'toggle',
1422 'section' => 'watchlist/changeswatchlist',
1423 'label-message' => 'tog-watchlisthidebots',
1424 ];
1425 $defaultPreferences['watchlisthideown'] = [
1426 'type' => 'toggle',
1427 'section' => 'watchlist/changeswatchlist',
1428 'label-message' => 'tog-watchlisthideown',
1429 ];
1430 $defaultPreferences['watchlisthideanons'] = [
1431 'type' => 'toggle',
1432 'section' => 'watchlist/changeswatchlist',
1433 'label-message' => 'tog-watchlisthideanons',
1434 ];
1435 $defaultPreferences['watchlisthideliu'] = [
1436 'type' => 'toggle',
1437 'section' => 'watchlist/changeswatchlist',
1438 'label-message' => 'tog-watchlisthideliu',
1439 ];
1442 $defaultPreferences['watchlistreloadautomatically'] = [
1443 'type' => 'toggle',
1444 'section' => 'watchlist/advancedwatchlist',
1445 'label-message' => 'tog-watchlistreloadautomatically',
1446 ];
1447 }
1449 $defaultPreferences['watchlistunwatchlinks'] = [
1450 'type' => 'toggle',
1451 'section' => 'watchlist/advancedwatchlist',
1452 'label-message' => 'tog-watchlistunwatchlinks',
1453 ];
1455 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::RCWatchCategoryMembership ) ) {
1456 $defaultPreferences['watchlisthidecategorization'] = [
1457 'type' => 'toggle',
1458 'section' => 'watchlist/changeswatchlist',
1459 'label-message' => 'tog-watchlisthidecategorization',
1460 ];
1461 }
1463 if ( $user->useRCPatrol() ) {
1464 $defaultPreferences['watchlisthidepatrolled'] = [
1465 'type' => 'toggle',
1466 'section' => 'watchlist/changeswatchlist',
1467 'label-message' => 'tog-watchlisthidepatrolled',
1468 ];
1469 }
1471 $watchTypes = [
1472 'edit' => 'watchdefault',
1473 'move' => 'watchmoves',
1474 ];
1476 // Kinda hacky
1477 if ( $user->isAllowedAny( 'createpage', 'createtalk' ) ) {
1478 $watchTypes['read'] = 'watchcreations';
1479 }
1481 // Move uncommon actions to end of list
1482 $watchTypes += [
1483 'rollback' => 'watchrollback',
1484 'upload' => 'watchuploads',
1485 'delete' => 'watchdeletion',
1486 ];
1488 foreach ( $watchTypes as $action => $pref ) {
1489 if ( $user->isAllowed( $action ) ) {
1490 // Messages:
1491 // tog-watchdefault, tog-watchmoves, tog-watchdeletion, tog-watchcreations, tog-watchuploads
1492 // tog-watchrollback
1493 $defaultPreferences[$pref] = [
1494 'type' => 'toggle',
1495 'section' => 'watchlist/pageswatchlist',
1496 'label-message' => "tog-$pref",
1497 ];
1498 }
1499 }
1501 $defaultPreferences['watchlisttoken'] = [
1502 'type' => 'api',
1503 ];
1505 $tokenButton = new ButtonWidget( [
1506 'href' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'ResetTokens' )->getLinkURL( [
1507 'returnto' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Preferences' )->getPrefixedText()
1508 ] ),
1509 'label' => $context->msg( 'prefs-watchlist-managetokens' )->text(),
1510 ] );
1511 $defaultPreferences['watchlisttoken-info'] = [
1512 'type' => 'info',
1513 'section' => 'watchlist/tokenwatchlist',
1514 'label-message' => 'prefs-watchlist-token',
1515 'help-message' => 'prefs-help-tokenmanagement',
1516 'raw' => true,
1517 'default' => (string)$tokenButton,
1518 ];
1520 $defaultPreferences['wlenhancedfilters-disable'] = [
1521 'type' => 'toggle',
1522 'section' => 'watchlist/advancedwatchlist',
1523 'label-message' => 'rcfilters-watchlist-preference-label',
1524 'help-message' => 'rcfilters-watchlist-preference-help',
1525 ];
1526 }
1532 protected function searchPreferences( $context, &$defaultPreferences ) {
1533 $defaultPreferences['search-special-page'] = [
1534 'type' => 'api',
1535 ];
1537 foreach ( $this->nsInfo->getValidNamespaces() as $n ) {
1538 $defaultPreferences['searchNs' . $n] = [
1539 'type' => 'api',
1540 ];
1541 }
1543 if ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::SearchMatchRedirectPreference ) ) {
1544 $defaultPreferences['search-match-redirect'] = [
1545 'type' => 'toggle',
1546 'section' => 'searchoptions/searchmisc',
1547 'label-message' => 'search-match-redirect-label',
1548 'help-message' => 'search-match-redirect-help',
1549 ];
1550 } else {
1551 $defaultPreferences['search-match-redirect'] = [
1552 'type' => 'api',
1553 ];
1554 }
1556 $defaultPreferences['searchlimit'] = [
1557 'type' => 'int',
1558 'min' => 1,
1559 'max' => 500,
1560 'section' => 'searchoptions/searchmisc',
1561 'label-message' => 'searchlimit-label',
1562 'help-message' => $context->msg( 'searchlimit-help', 500 ),
1563 'filter' => IntvalFilter::class,
1564 ];
1566 // show a preference for thumbnails from namespaces other than NS_FILE,
1567 // only when there they're actually configured to be served
1568 $thumbNamespaces = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ThumbnailNamespaces );
1569 $thumbNamespacesFormatted = array_combine(
1570 $thumbNamespaces,
1571 array_map(
1572 static function ( $namespaceId ) use ( $context ) {
1573 return $namespaceId === NS_MAIN
1574 ? $context->msg( 'blanknamespace' )->escaped()
1575 : $context->getLanguage()->getFormattedNsText( $namespaceId );
1576 },
1577 $thumbNamespaces
1578 )
1579 );
1580 $defaultThumbNamespacesFormatted =
1581 array_intersect_key( $thumbNamespacesFormatted, [ NS_FILE => 1 ] ) ?? [];
1582 $extraThumbNamespacesFormatted =
1583 array_diff_key( $thumbNamespacesFormatted, [ NS_FILE => 1 ] );
1584 if ( $extraThumbNamespacesFormatted ) {
1585 $defaultPreferences['search-thumbnail-extra-namespaces'] = [
1586 'type' => 'toggle',
1587 'section' => 'searchoptions/searchmisc',
1588 'label-message' => 'search-thumbnail-extra-namespaces-label',
1589 'help-message' => $context->msg(
1590 'search-thumbnail-extra-namespaces-message',
1591 $context->getLanguage()->listToText( $extraThumbNamespacesFormatted ),
1592 count( $extraThumbNamespacesFormatted ),
1593 $context->getLanguage()->listToText( $defaultThumbNamespacesFormatted ),
1594 count( $defaultThumbNamespacesFormatted )
1595 ),
1596 ];
1597 }
1598 }
1600 /*
1601 * Custom skin string comparison function that takes into account current and preferred skins.
1602 *
1603 * @param string $a
1604 * @param string $b
1605 * @param string $currentSkin
1606 * @param array $preferredSkins
1607 * @return int
1608 */
1609 private static function sortSkinNames( $a, $b, $currentSkin, $preferredSkins ) {
1610 // Display the current skin first in the list
1611 if ( strcasecmp( $a, $currentSkin ) === 0 ) {
1612 return -1;
1613 }
1614 if ( strcasecmp( $b, $currentSkin ) === 0 ) {
1615 return 1;
1616 }
1617 // Display preferred skins over other skins
1618 if ( count( $preferredSkins ) ) {
1619 $aPreferred = array_search( $a, $preferredSkins );
1620 $bPreferred = array_search( $b, $preferredSkins );
1621 // Cannot use ! operator because array_search returns the
1622 // index of the array item if found (i.e. 0) and false otherwise
1623 if ( $aPreferred !== false && $bPreferred === false ) {
1624 return -1;
1625 }
1626 if ( $aPreferred === false && $bPreferred !== false ) {
1627 return 1;
1628 }
1629 // When both skins are preferred, default to the ordering
1630 // specified by the preferred skins config array
1631 if ( $aPreferred !== false && $bPreferred !== false ) {
1632 return strcasecmp( $aPreferred, $bPreferred );
1633 }
1634 }
1635 // Use normal string comparison if both strings are not preferred
1636 return strcasecmp( $a, $b );
1637 }
1647 private function getValidSkinNames( User $user, IContextSource $context ) {
1648 // Only show skins that aren't disabled
1649 $validSkinNames = $this->skinFactory->getAllowedSkins();
1650 $allInstalledSkins = $this->skinFactory->getInstalledSkins();
1652 // Display the installed skin the user has specifically requested via useskin=….
1653 $useSkin = $context->getRequest()->getRawVal( 'useskin' );
1654 if ( isset( $allInstalledSkins[$useSkin] )
1655 && $context->msg( "skinname-$useSkin" )->exists()
1656 ) {
1657 $validSkinNames[$useSkin] = $useSkin;
1658 }
1660 // Display the skin if the user has set it as a preference already before it was hidden.
1661 $currentUserSkin = $this->userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, 'skin' );
1662 if ( isset( $allInstalledSkins[$currentUserSkin] )
1663 && $context->msg( "skinname-$currentUserSkin" )->exists()
1664 ) {
1665 $validSkinNames[$currentUserSkin] = $currentUserSkin;
1666 }
1668 foreach ( $validSkinNames as $skinkey => &$skinname ) {
1669 $msg = $context->msg( "skinname-{$skinkey}" );
1670 if ( $msg->exists() ) {
1671 $skinname = htmlspecialchars( $msg->text() );
1672 }
1673 }
1675 $preferredSkins = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::SkinsPreferred );
1676 // Sort by the internal name, so that the ordering is the same for each display language,
1677 // especially if some skin names are translated to use a different alphabet and some are not.
1678 uksort( $validSkinNames, function ( $a, $b ) use ( $currentUserSkin, $preferredSkins ) {
1679 return $this->sortSkinNames( $a, $b, $currentUserSkin, $preferredSkins );
1680 } );
1682 return $validSkinNames;
1683 }
1691 protected function generateSkinOptions( User $user, IContextSource $context, array $validSkinNames ) {
1692 $ret = [];
1694 $mptitle = Title::newMainPage();
1695 $previewtext = $context->msg( 'skin-preview' )->escaped();
1696 $defaultSkin = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::DefaultSkin );
1697 $allowUserCss = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::AllowUserCss );
1698 $allowUserJs = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::AllowUserJs );
1699 $safeMode = $this->userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, 'forcesafemode' );
1700 $foundDefault = false;
1701 foreach ( $validSkinNames as $skinkey => $sn ) {
1702 $linkTools = [];
1704 // Mark the default skin
1705 if ( strcasecmp( $skinkey, $defaultSkin ) === 0 ) {
1706 $linkTools[] = $context->msg( 'default' )->escaped();
1707 $foundDefault = true;
1708 }
1710 // Create talk page link if relevant message exists.
1711 $talkPageMsg = $context->msg( "$skinkey-prefs-talkpage" );
1712 if ( $talkPageMsg->exists() ) {
1713 $linkTools[] = $talkPageMsg->parse();
1714 }
1716 // Create preview link
1717 $mplink = htmlspecialchars( $mptitle->getLocalURL( [ 'useskin' => $skinkey ] ) );
1718 $linkTools[] = "<a target='_blank' href=\"$mplink\">$previewtext</a>";
1720 if ( !$safeMode ) {
1721 // Create links to user CSS/JS pages
1722 // @todo Refactor this and the similar code in skinPreferences().
1723 if ( $allowUserCss ) {
1724 $cssPage = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $user->getName() . '/' . $skinkey . '.css' );
1725 $cssLinkText = $context->msg( 'prefs-custom-css' )->text();
1726 $linkTools[] = $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $cssPage, $cssLinkText );
1727 }
1729 if ( $allowUserJs ) {
1730 $jsPage = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $user->getName() . '/' . $skinkey . '.js' );
1731 $jsLinkText = $context->msg( 'prefs-custom-js' )->text();
1732 $linkTools[] = $this->linkRenderer->makeLink( $jsPage, $jsLinkText );
1733 }
1734 }
1736 $display = $sn . ' ' . $context->msg( 'parentheses' )
1737 ->rawParams( $context->getLanguage()->pipeList( $linkTools ) )
1738 ->escaped();
1739 $ret[$display] = $skinkey;
1740 }
1742 if ( !$foundDefault ) {
1743 // If the default skin is not available, things are going to break horribly because the
1744 // default value for skin selector will not be a valid value. Let's just not show it then.
1745 return [];
1746 }
1748 return $ret;
1749 }
1755 protected function getDateOptions( IContextSource $context ) {
1756 $lang = $context->getLanguage();
1757 $dateopts = $lang->getDatePreferences();
1759 $ret = [];
1761 if ( $dateopts ) {
1762 if ( !in_array( 'default', $dateopts ) ) {
1763 $dateopts[] = 'default'; // Make sure default is always valid T21237
1764 }
1766 // FIXME KLUGE: site default might not be valid for user language
1767 global $wgDefaultUserOptions;
1768 if ( !in_array( $wgDefaultUserOptions['date'], $dateopts ) ) {
1769 $wgDefaultUserOptions['date'] = 'default';
1770 }
1772 $epoch = wfTimestampNow();
1773 foreach ( $dateopts as $key ) {
1774 if ( $key == 'default' ) {
1775 $formatted = $context->msg( 'datedefault' )->escaped();
1776 } else {
1777 $formatted = htmlspecialchars( $lang->timeanddate( $epoch, false, $key ) );
1778 }
1779 $ret[$formatted] = $key;
1780 }
1781 }
1782 return $ret;
1783 }
1789 protected function getImageSizes( MessageLocalizer $l10n ) {
1790 $ret = [];
1791 $pixels = $l10n->msg( 'unit-pixel' )->text();
1793 foreach ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ImageLimits ) as $index => $limits ) {
1794 // Note: A left-to-right marker (U+200E) is inserted, see T144386
1795 $display = "{$limits[0]}\u{200E}×{$limits[1]}$pixels";
1796 $ret[$display] = $index;
1797 }
1799 return $ret;
1800 }
1806 protected function getThumbSizes( MessageLocalizer $l10n ) {
1807 $ret = [];
1808 $pixels = $l10n->msg( 'unit-pixel' )->text();
1810 foreach ( $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::ThumbLimits ) as $index => $size ) {
1811 $display = $size . $pixels;
1812 $ret[$display] = $index;
1813 }
1815 return $ret;
1816 }
1824 protected function validateSignature( $signature, $alldata, HTMLForm $form ) {
1825 $sigValidation = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::SignatureValidation );
1826 $maxSigChars = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::MaxSigChars );
1827 if ( is_string( $signature ) && mb_strlen( $signature ) > $maxSigChars ) {
1828 return $form->msg( 'badsiglength' )->numParams( $maxSigChars )->escaped();
1829 }
1831 if ( $signature === null || $signature === '' ) {
1832 // Make sure leaving the field empty is valid, since that's used as the default (T288151).
1833 // Code using this preference in Parser::getUserSig() handles this case specially.
1834 return true;
1835 }
1837 // Remaining checks only apply to fancy signatures
1838 if ( !( isset( $alldata['fancysig'] ) && $alldata['fancysig'] ) ) {
1839 return true;
1840 }
1843 //
1844 // If this value is already saved as the user's signature, treat it as valid, even if it
1845 // would be invalid to save now, and even if $wgSignatureValidation is set to 'disallow'.
1846 //
1847 // It can become invalid when we introduce new validation, or when the value just transcludes
1848 // some page containing the real signature and that page is edited (which we can't validate),
1849 // or when someone's username is changed.
1850 //
1851 // Otherwise it would be completely removed when the user opens their preferences page, which
1852 // would be very unfriendly.
1853 $user = $form->getUser();
1854 if (
1855 $signature === $this->userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, 'nickname' ) &&
1856 (bool)$alldata['fancysig'] === $this->userOptionsManager->getBoolOption( $user, 'fancysig' )
1857 ) {
1858 return true;
1859 }
1861 if ( $sigValidation === 'new' || $sigValidation === 'disallow' ) {
1862 // Validate everything
1863 $parserOpts = ParserOptions::newFromContext( $form->getContext() );
1864 $validator = $this->signatureValidatorFactory
1865 ->newSignatureValidator( $user, $form->getContext(), $parserOpts );
1866 $errors = $validator->validateSignature( $signature );
1867 if ( $errors ) {
1868 return $errors;
1869 }
1870 }
1872 // Quick check for mismatched HTML tags in the input.
1873 // Note that this is easily fooled by wikitext templates or bold/italic markup.
1874 // We're only keeping this until Parsoid is integrated and guaranteed to be available.
1875 if ( $this->parserFactory->getInstance()->validateSig( $signature ) === false ) {
1876 return $form->msg( 'badsig' )->escaped();
1877 }
1879 return true;
1880 }
1888 protected function cleanSignature( $signature, $alldata, HTMLForm $form ) {
1889 if ( isset( $alldata['fancysig'] ) && $alldata['fancysig'] ) {
1890 $signature = $this->parserFactory->getInstance()->cleanSig( $signature );
1891 } else {
1892 // When no fancy sig used, make sure ~{3,5} get removed.
1893 $signature = Parser::cleanSigInSig( $signature );
1894 }
1896 return $signature;
1897 }
1906 public function getForm(
1907 User $user,
1908 IContextSource $context,
1909 $formClass = PreferencesFormOOUI::class,
1910 array $remove = []
1911 ) {
1912 // We use ButtonWidgets in some of the getPreferences() functions
1913 $context->getOutput()->enableOOUI();
1915 // Note that the $user parameter of getFormDescriptor() is deprecated.
1916 $formDescriptor = $this->getFormDescriptor( $user, $context );
1917 if ( count( $remove ) ) {
1918 $removeKeys = array_fill_keys( $remove, true );
1919 $formDescriptor = array_diff_key( $formDescriptor, $removeKeys );
1920 }
1922 // Remove type=api preferences. They are not intended for rendering in the form.
1923 foreach ( $formDescriptor as $name => $info ) {
1924 if ( isset( $info['type'] ) && $info['type'] === 'api' ) {
1925 unset( $formDescriptor[$name] );
1926 }
1927 }
1932 $htmlForm = new $formClass( $formDescriptor, $context, 'prefs' );
1934 // This allows users to opt-in to hidden skins. While this should be discouraged and is not
1935 // discoverable, this allows users to still use hidden skins while preventing new users from
1936 // adopting unsupported skins. If no useskin=… parameter was provided, it will not show up
1937 // in the resulting URL.
1938 $htmlForm->setAction( $context->getTitle()->getLocalURL( [
1939 'useskin' => $context->getRequest()->getRawVal( 'useskin' )
1940 ] ) );
1942 $htmlForm->setModifiedUser( $user );
1943 $htmlForm->setOptionsEditable( $user->isAllowed( 'editmyoptions' ) );
1944 $htmlForm->setPrivateInfoEditable( $user->isAllowed( 'editmyprivateinfo' ) );
1945 $htmlForm->setId( 'mw-prefs-form' );
1946 $htmlForm->setAutocomplete( 'off' );
1947 $htmlForm->setSubmitTextMsg( 'saveprefs' );
1948 // Used message keys: 'accesskey-preferences-save', 'tooltip-preferences-save'
1949 $htmlForm->setSubmitTooltip( 'preferences-save' );
1950 $htmlForm->setSubmitID( 'prefcontrol' );
1951 $htmlForm->setSubmitCallback(
1952 function ( array $formData, PreferencesFormOOUI $form ) use ( $formDescriptor ) {
1953 return $this->submitForm( $formData, $form, $formDescriptor );
1954 }
1955 );
1957 return $htmlForm;
1958 }
1968 protected function saveFormData( $formData, PreferencesFormOOUI $form, array $formDescriptor ) {
1969 $user = $form->getModifiedUser();
1970 $hiddenPrefs = $this->options->get( MainConfigNames::HiddenPrefs );
1971 $result = true;
1973 if ( !$user->isAllowedAny( 'editmyprivateinfo', 'editmyoptions' ) ) {
1974 return Status::newFatal( 'mypreferencesprotected' );
1975 }
1977 // Filter input
1978 $this->applyFilters( $formData, $formDescriptor, 'filterFromForm' );
1980 // Fortunately, the realname field is MUCH simpler
1981 // (not really "private", but still shouldn't be edited without permission)
1983 if ( !in_array( 'realname', $hiddenPrefs )
1984 && $user->isAllowed( 'editmyprivateinfo' )
1985 && array_key_exists( 'realname', $formData )
1986 ) {
1987 $realName = $formData['realname'];
1988 $user->setRealName( $realName );
1989 }
1991 if ( $user->isAllowed( 'editmyoptions' ) ) {
1992 $oldUserOptions = $this->userOptionsManager->getOptions( $user );
1994 foreach ( $this->getSaveBlacklist() as $b ) {
1995 unset( $formData[$b] );
1996 }
1998 // If users have saved a value for a preference which has subsequently been disabled
1999 // via $wgHiddenPrefs, we don't want to destroy that setting in case the preference
2000 // is subsequently re-enabled
2001 foreach ( $hiddenPrefs as $pref ) {
2002 // If the user has not set a non-default value here, the default will be returned
2003 // and subsequently discarded
2004 $formData[$pref] = $this->userOptionsManager->getOption( $user, $pref, null, true );
2005 }
2007 // If the user changed the rclimit preference, also change the rcfilters-rclimit preference
2008 if (
2009 isset( $formData['rclimit'] ) &&
2010 intval( $formData[ 'rclimit' ] ) !== $this->userOptionsManager->getIntOption( $user, 'rclimit' )
2011 ) {
2012 $formData['rcfilters-limit'] = $formData['rclimit'];
2013 }
2015 // Keep old preferences from interfering due to back-compat code, etc.
2016 $optionsToReset = $this->getOptionNamesForReset( $user, $form->getContext(), 'unused' );
2017 $this->userOptionsManager->resetOptionsByName( $user, $optionsToReset );
2019 foreach ( $formData as $key => $value ) {
2020 // If we're creating a new local override, we need to explicitly pass
2021 // GLOBAL_OVERRIDE to setOption(), otherwise the update would be ignored
2022 // due to the conflicting global option.
2023 $except = !empty( $formData[$key . UserOptionsLookup::LOCAL_EXCEPTION_SUFFIX] );
2024 $this->userOptionsManager->setOption( $user, $key, $value,
2025 $except ? UserOptionsManager::GLOBAL_OVERRIDE : UserOptionsManager::GLOBAL_IGNORE );
2026 }
2028 $this->hookRunner->onPreferencesFormPreSave(
2029 $formData, $form, $user, $result, $oldUserOptions );
2030 }
2032 $user->saveSettings();
2034 return $result;
2035 }
2045 protected function applyFilters( array &$preferences, array $formDescriptor, $verb ) {
2046 foreach ( $formDescriptor as $preference => $desc ) {
2047 if ( !isset( $desc['filter'] ) || !isset( $preferences[$preference] ) ) {
2048 continue;
2049 }
2050 $filterDesc = $desc['filter'];
2051 if ( $filterDesc instanceof Filter ) {
2052 $filter = $filterDesc;
2053 } elseif ( class_exists( $filterDesc ) ) {
2054 $filter = new $filterDesc();
2055 } elseif ( is_callable( $filterDesc ) ) {
2056 $filter = $filterDesc();
2057 } else {
2058 throw new UnexpectedValueException(
2059 "Unrecognized filter type for preference '$preference'"
2060 );
2061 }
2062 $preferences[$preference] = $filter->$verb( $preferences[$preference] );
2063 }
2064 }
2074 protected function submitForm(
2075 array $formData,
2076 PreferencesFormOOUI $form,
2077 array $formDescriptor
2078 ) {
2079 $res = $this->saveFormData( $formData, $form, $formDescriptor );
2081 if ( $res === true ) {
2082 $context = $form->getContext();
2083 $urlOptions = [];
2085 $urlOptions += $form->getExtraSuccessRedirectParameters();
2087 $url = $form->getTitle()->getFullURL( $urlOptions );
2089 // Set session data for the success message
2090 $context->getRequest()->getSession()->set( 'specialPreferencesSaveSuccess', 1 );
2092 $context->getOutput()->redirect( $url );
2093 }
2095 return ( $res === true ? Status::newGood() : $res );
2096 }
2098 public function getResetKinds(
2099 User $user, IContextSource $context, $options = null
2100 ): array {
2101 $options ??= $this->userOptionsManager->loadUserOptions( $user );
2103 $prefs = $this->getFormDescriptor( $user, $context );
2104 $mapping = [];
2106 // Pull out the "special" options, so they don't get converted as
2107 // multiselect or checkmatrix.
2108 $specialOptions = array_fill_keys( $this->getSaveBlacklist(), true );
2109 foreach ( $specialOptions as $name => $value ) {
2110 unset( $prefs[$name] );
2111 }
2113 // Multiselect and checkmatrix options are stored in the database with
2114 // one key per option, each having a boolean value. Extract those keys.
2115 $multiselectOptions = [];
2116 foreach ( $prefs as $name => $info ) {
2117 if ( ( isset( $info['type'] ) && $info['type'] == 'multiselect' ) ||
2118 // Checking old alias for compatibility with unchanged extensions
2119 ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] === \HTMLMultiSelectField::class ) ||
2120 ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] === HTMLMultiSelectField::class )
2121 ) {
2122 $opts = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $info['options'] ?? $info['options-messages'] );
2123 $prefix = $info['prefix'] ?? $name;
2125 foreach ( $opts as $value ) {
2126 $multiselectOptions["$prefix$value"] = true;
2127 }
2129 unset( $prefs[$name] );
2130 }
2131 }
2132 $checkmatrixOptions = [];
2133 foreach ( $prefs as $name => $info ) {
2134 if ( ( isset( $info['type'] ) && $info['type'] == 'checkmatrix' ) ||
2135 // Checking old alias for compatibility with unchanged extensions
2136 ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] === \HTMLCheckMatrix::class ) ||
2137 ( isset( $info['class'] ) && $info['class'] === HTMLCheckMatrix::class )
2138 ) {
2139 $columns = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $info['columns'] );
2140 $rows = HTMLFormField::flattenOptions( $info['rows'] );
2141 $prefix = $info['prefix'] ?? $name;
2143 foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
2144 foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
2145 $checkmatrixOptions["$prefix$column-$row"] = true;
2146 }
2147 }
2149 unset( $prefs[$name] );
2150 }
2151 }
2153 // $value is ignored
2154 foreach ( $options as $key => $value ) {
2155 if ( isset( $prefs[$key] ) ) {
2156 $mapping[$key] = 'registered';
2157 } elseif ( isset( $multiselectOptions[$key] ) ) {
2158 $mapping[$key] = 'registered-multiselect';
2159 } elseif ( isset( $checkmatrixOptions[$key] ) ) {
2160 $mapping[$key] = 'registered-checkmatrix';
2161 } elseif ( isset( $specialOptions[$key] ) ) {
2162 $mapping[$key] = 'special';
2163 } elseif ( str_starts_with( $key, 'userjs-' ) ) {
2164 $mapping[$key] = 'userjs';
2165 } elseif ( str_starts_with( $key, UserOptionsLookup::LOCAL_EXCEPTION_SUFFIX ) ) {
2166 $mapping[$key] = 'local-exception';
2167 } else {
2168 $mapping[$key] = 'unused';
2169 }
2170 }
2172 return $mapping;
2173 }
2175 public function listResetKinds() {
2176 return [
2177 'registered',
2178 'registered-multiselect',
2179 'registered-checkmatrix',
2180 'userjs',
2181 'special',
2182 'unused'
2183 ];
2184 }
2186 public function getOptionNamesForReset( User $user, IContextSource $context, $kinds ) {
2187 $oldOptions = $this->userOptionsManager->loadUserOptions( $user, IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST );
2189 if ( !is_array( $kinds ) ) {
2190 $kinds = [ $kinds ];
2191 }
2193 if ( in_array( 'all', $kinds ) ) {
2194 return array_keys( $oldOptions );
2195 } else {
2196 $optionKinds = $this->getResetKinds( $user, $context );
2197 $kinds = array_intersect( $kinds, $this->listResetKinds() );
2198 $optionNames = [];
2200 foreach ( $oldOptions as $key => $value ) {
2201 if ( in_array( $optionKinds[$key], $kinds ) ) {
2202 $optionNames[] = $key;
2203 }
2204 }
2205 return $optionNames;
2206 }
2207 }
const NS_USER
Definition Defines.php:67
const NS_FILE
Definition Defines.php:71
const NS_MAIN
Definition Defines.php:65
Convenience function; returns MediaWiki timestamp for the present time.
array $params
The job parameters.
This serves as the entry point to the authentication system.
This is a value object for authentication requests with a username and password.
A class for passing options to services.
assertRequiredOptions(array $expectedKeys)
Assert that the list of options provided in this instance exactly match $expectedKeys,...
msg( $key,... $params)
Get a Message object with context set Parameters are the same as wfMessage()
Get the base IContextSource object.
A checkbox matrix Operates similarly to HTMLMultiSelectField, but instead of using an array of option...
An information field (text blob), not a proper input.
The parent class to generate form fields.
Object handling generic submission, CSRF protection, layout and other logic for UI forms in a reusabl...
Definition HTMLForm.php:208
This class provides an implementation of the core hook interfaces, forwarding hook calls to HookConta...
This class is a collection of static functions that serve two purposes:
Definition Html.php:56
static element( $element, $attribs=[], $contents='')
Identical to rawElement(), but HTML-escapes $contents (like Xml::element()).
Definition Html.php:216
Methods for dealing with language codes.
Base class for multi-variant language conversion.
Base class for language-specific code.
Definition Language.php:78
An interface for creating language converters.
A service that provides utilities to do with language names and codes.
Class that generates HTML for internal links.
A class containing constants representing the names of configuration variables.
const HiddenPrefs
Name constant for the HiddenPrefs setting, for use with Config::get()
const ForceHTTPS
Name constant for the ForceHTTPS setting, for use with Config::get()
const EnotifWatchlist
Name constant for the EnotifWatchlist setting, for use with Config::get()
const MaxSigChars
Name constant for the MaxSigChars setting, for use with Config::get()
const RCMaxAge
Name constant for the RCMaxAge setting, for use with Config::get()
const DefaultSkin
Name constant for the DefaultSkin setting, for use with Config::get()
const EnableUserEmailMuteList
Name constant for the EnableUserEmailMuteList setting, for use with Config::get()
const EnotifRevealEditorAddress
Name constant for the EnotifRevealEditorAddress setting, for use with Config::get()
const EnableUserEmail
Name constant for the EnableUserEmail setting, for use with Config::get()
const SkinsPreferred
Name constant for the SkinsPreferred setting, for use with Config::get()
const EnableEditRecovery
Name constant for the EnableEditRecovery setting, for use with Config::get()
const EmailConfirmToEdit
Name constant for the EmailConfirmToEdit setting, for use with Config::get()
const EnableEmail
Name constant for the EnableEmail setting, for use with Config::get()
const LocalTZoffset
Name constant for the LocalTZoffset setting, for use with Config::get()
const RCShowWatchingUsers
Name constant for the RCShowWatchingUsers setting, for use with Config::get()
const EnotifUserTalk
Name constant for the EnotifUserTalk setting, for use with Config::get()
const AllowUserJs
Name constant for the AllowUserJs setting, for use with Config::get()
const ImageLimits
Name constant for the ImageLimits setting, for use with Config::get()
const SearchMatchRedirectPreference
Name constant for the SearchMatchRedirectPreference setting, for use with Config::get()
const EnotifMinorEdits
Name constant for the EnotifMinorEdits setting, for use with Config::get()
const ScriptPath
Name constant for the ScriptPath setting, for use with Config::get()
const AllowUserCss
Name constant for the AllowUserCss setting, for use with Config::get()
const ThumbLimits
Name constant for the ThumbLimits setting, for use with Config::get()
const SecureLogin
Name constant for the SecureLogin setting, for use with Config::get()
const LanguageCode
Name constant for the LanguageCode setting, for use with Config::get()
const SignatureValidation
Name constant for the SignatureValidation setting, for use with Config::get()
const AllowUserCssPrefs
Name constant for the AllowUserCssPrefs setting, for use with Config::get()
const RCWatchCategoryMembership
Name constant for the RCWatchCategoryMembership setting, for use with Config::get()
const ThumbnailNamespaces
Name constant for the ThumbnailNamespaces setting, for use with Config::get()
const EmailAuthentication
Name constant for the EmailAuthentication setting, for use with Config::get()
Service locator for MediaWiki core services.
static getInstance()
Returns the global default instance of the top level service locator.
The Message class deals with fetching and processing of interface message into a variety of formats.
Definition Message.php:150
This is one of the Core classes and should be read at least once by any new developers.
PHP Parser - Processes wiki markup (which uses a more user-friendly syntax, such as "[[link]]" for ma...
Definition Parser.php:155
A service class for checking permissions To obtain an instance, use MediaWikiServices::getInstance()-...
This is the default implementation of PreferencesFactory.
validateSignature( $signature, $alldata, HTMLForm $form)
rcPreferences(User $user, MessageLocalizer $l10n, &$defaultPreferences)
watchlistPreferences(User $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences)
Return a list of the types of user options currently returned by getResetKinds().
profilePreferences(User $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences)
renderingPreferences(User $user, MessageLocalizer $l10n, &$defaultPreferences)
getForm(User $user, IContextSource $context, $formClass=PreferencesFormOOUI::class, array $remove=[])
getOptionNamesForReset(User $user, IContextSource $context, $kinds)
Get the list of option names which have been saved by the user, thus having non-default values,...
skinPreferences(User $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences)
__construct(ServiceOptions $options, Language $contLang, AuthManager $authManager, LinkRenderer $linkRenderer, NamespaceInfo $nsInfo, PermissionManager $permissionManager, ILanguageConverter $languageConverter, LanguageNameUtils $languageNameUtils, HookContainer $hookContainer, UserOptionsLookup $userOptionsLookup, LanguageConverterFactory $languageConverterFactory=null, ParserFactory $parserFactory=null, SkinFactory $skinFactory=null, UserGroupManager $userGroupManager=null, SignatureValidatorFactory $signatureValidatorFactory=null)
generateSkinOptions(User $user, IContextSource $context, array $validSkinNames)
static simplifyFormDescriptor(array $descriptor)
Simplify form descriptor for validation or something similar.
getResetKinds(User $user, IContextSource $context, $options=null)
Return an associative array mapping preferences keys to the kind of a preference they're used for.
editingPreferences(User $user, MessageLocalizer $l10n, &$defaultPreferences)
getOptionFromUser( $name, $info, array $userOptions)
Pull option from a user account.
datetimePreferences(User $user, IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences)
cleanSignature( $signature, $alldata, HTMLForm $form)
Get the names of preferences that should never be saved (such as 'realname' and 'emailaddress')....
applyFilters(array &$preferences, array $formDescriptor, $verb)
Applies filters to preferences either before or after form usage.
static getPreferenceForField( $name, HTMLFormField $field, array $userOptions)
Get preference values for the 'default' param of html form descriptor, compatible with nested fields.
filesPreferences(IContextSource $context, &$defaultPreferences)
submitForm(array $formData, PreferencesFormOOUI $form, array $formDescriptor)
Save the form data and reload the page.
saveFormData( $formData, PreferencesFormOOUI $form, array $formDescriptor)
Handle the form submission if everything validated properly.
Parent class for all special pages.
static getTitleFor( $name, $subpage=false, $fragment='')
Get a localised Title object for a specified special page name If you don't need a full Title object,...
A special page that lists last changes made to the wiki, limited to user-defined list of titles.
static checkStructuredFilterUiEnabled(UserIdentity $user)
Static method to check whether StructuredFilter UI is enabled for the given user.1....
Generic operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value.
Definition Status.php:54
This is a utility class for dealing with namespaces that encodes all the "magic" behaviors of them ba...
Represents a title within MediaWiki.
Definition Title.php:78
Provides access to user options.
A service class to control user options.
Represents a "user group membership" – a specific instance of a user belonging to a group.
Utility class to parse the TimeCorrection string value.
internal since 1.36
Definition User.php:93
Get the timestamp of account creation.
Definition User.php:3073
Check whether to enable recent changes patrol features for this user.
Definition User.php:2181
isAllowedAny(... $permissions)
Checks whether this authority has any of the given permissions in general.
Definition User.php:2165
Get the user's edit count.
Definition User.php:2102
Get the user's real name.
Definition User.php:1983
Get the user's name escaped by underscores.
Definition User.php:1660
Get the timestamp of the user's e-mail authentication.
Definition User.php:1899
isAllowed(string $permission, PermissionStatus $status=null)
Checks whether this authority has the given permission in general.
Definition User.php:2173
Check whether to enable new pages patrol features for this user.
Definition User.php:2191
Get the user's e-mail address.
Definition User.php:1886
Get the user name, or the IP of an anonymous user.
Definition User.php:1568
Module of static functions for generating XML.
Definition Xml.php:37
Set options of the Parser.
Form to edit user preferences.
Get extra parameters for the query string when redirecting after successful save.
Factory class to create Skin objects.
Config variable stub for the DefaultUserOptions setting, for use by phpdoc and IDEs.
Interface for database access objects.
Interface for objects which can provide a MediaWiki context on request.
The shared interface for all language converters.
Base interface for user preference filters that work as a middleware between storage and interface.
Definition Filter.php:27
A PreferencesFactory is a MediaWiki service that provides the definitions of preferences for a given ...
Interface for localizing messages in MediaWiki.
msg( $key,... $params)
This is the method for getting translated interface messages.
element(SerializerNode $parent, SerializerNode $node, $contents)