config — Pywikibot Config File#

API reference#

Module to define pywikibot configuration default and user preferences.

User preferences are loaded from a python file called, which may be located in directory specified by the environment variable PYWIKIBOT_DIR, or the same directory as, or in a directory within the users home. See get_base_dir for more information. The different file name can specified with global -config option.

If user config file cannot be found in any of those locations, this module will fail to load unless the environment variable PYWIKIBOT_NO_USER_CONFIG is set to a value other than '0'. i.e. PYWIKIBOT_NO_USER_CONFIG=1 will allow config to load without a user config file. However, warnings will be shown if a user config file was not loaded. To prevent these warnings, set PYWIKIBOT_NO_USER_CONFIG=2. If Pywikibot is installed as a site-package the behaviour is like PYWIKIBOT_NO_USER_CONFIG=2 is set.

Functions made available to user config file:

  • user_home_path

Sets module global base_dir and user_config_file and provides utility methods to build paths relative to base_dir:

  • makepath

  • datafilepath

  • shortpath

Changed in version 6.2: config2 was renamed to config

Changed in version 8.0: Editor settings has been revised. editor variable is None by default. Editor detection functions were moved to editor.

config.datafilepath(*filename, create=True)[source]#

Return an absolute path to a data file in a standard location.

Argument(s) are zero or more directory names, optionally followed by a data file name. The return path is offset to config.base_dir. Any directories in the path that do not already exist are created if create is True, otherwise the filesystem keeps unchanged.

  • filename (str) – path in the filesystem

  • create (bool) – create the directory if it is True. Otherwise don’t change the filesystem. Default is True.

Return type:


config.get_base_dir(test_directory=None, config_file='')[source]#

Return the directory in which user-specific information is stored.

This is determined in the following order:
  1. If the script was called with a -dir: argument, use the directory provided in this argument.

  2. If the user has a PYWIKIBOT_DIR environment variable, use the value of it.

  3. If user-config is present in current directory, use the current directory.

  4. If user-config is present in directory, use that directory

  5. Use (and if necessary create) a 'pywikibot' folder under 'Application Data' or 'AppDataRoaming' (Windows) or '.pywikibot' directory (Unix and similar) under the user’s home directory.

Set PYWIKIBOT_NO_USER_CONFIG=1 to disable loading user config file ( or install Pywikibot as a site-package.

Changed in version 7.7: Added the config_file parameter.

  • test_directory (str | None) – Assume that a user config file exists in this directory. Used to test whether placing a user config file in this directory will cause it to be selected as the base directory.

  • config_file (str) – filename of the user config file

Return type:



Return user config file name.

Added in version 7.7.

Return type:


config.makepath(path, create=True)[source]#

Return a normalized absolute version of the path argument.

If the given path already exists in the filesystem or create is False the filesystem is not modified. Otherwise if create is True makepath creates directories along the given path using the dirname() of the path. You may append a ‘/’ to the path if you want it to be a directory path.

from 2002/03/18

  • path (str) – path in the filesystem

  • create (bool) – create the directory if it is True. Otherwise do not change the filesystem. Default is True.

Return type:


config.register_families_folder(folder_path, not_exists_ok=False)[source]#

Register all family class files contained in a directory.

Added in version 7.0: The not_exists_ok parameter

  • folder_path (str) – The path of a folder containing family files. The families may also be inside a zip archive structure.

  • not_exists_ok (bool) – When true, ignore FileNotFoundError

  • FileNotFoundError – Family folder does not exist

  • NotADirectoryError – folder_path is not a directory

Return type:



Return a file path relative to config.base_dir.


path (str)

Return type:



Return a file path to a file in the user home.


path (str)

Return type:


Option setting#

Account Settings#

# ############# ACCOUNT SETTINGS ##############

# The family of sites we are working on. pywikibot will import
# families/ so if you want to change this variable,
# you need to write such a file if one does not exist.
family = 'wikipedia'
# The language code of the site we're working on.
mylang = 'language'
# If family and mylang are not modified from the above, the default is changed
# to wikipedia:test, which is, at the end of this module.

# The dictionary usernames should contain a username for each site where you
# have a bot account. Please set your usernames by adding such lines to your
# user config file (
# usernames['wikipedia']['de'] = 'myGermanUsername'
# usernames['wiktionary']['en'] = 'myEnglishUsername'
# If you have a unique username for all languages of a family,
# you can use '*'
# usernames['wikibooks']['*'] = 'mySingleUsername'
# You may use '*' for family name in a similar manner.
usernames: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = collections.defaultdict(dict)
disambiguation_comment: _DabComDict = collections.defaultdict(dict)

# User agent format.
# For the meaning and more help in customization see:
user_agent_format = ('{script_product} ({script_comments}) {pwb} ({revision}) '
                     '{http_backend} {python}')

# User agent description
# This is a free-form string that can be user to describe specific bot/tool,
# provide contact information, etc.
user_agent_description = None
# Fake user agent.
# Some external websites reject bot-like user agents. It is possible to use
# fake user agents in requests to these websites.
# It is recommended to default this to False and use on an as-needed basis.
# Default behaviours in modules that can utilize fake UAs.
# True for enabling fake UA, False for disabling / using pywikibot's own UA,
# str to specify custom UA.
fake_user_agent_default = {'reflinks': False, 'weblinkchecker': False}
# Website domains excepted to the default behaviour.
# True for enabling, False for disabling, str to hardcode a UA.
# Example: {'': True,
#           '': 'snakeoil/4.2'}
fake_user_agent_exceptions: dict[str, bool | str] = {}

# The default interface for communicating with the site
# currently the only defined interface is 'APISite', so don't change this!
site_interface = 'APISite'
# number of days to cache namespaces, api configuration, etc.
API_config_expiry = 30

# The maximum number of bytes which uses a GET request, if not positive
# it'll always use POST requests
maximum_GET_length = 255
# Some networks modify GET requests when they are not encrypted, to avoid
# bug reports related to that disable those. If we are confident that bug
# related to this are really because of the network this could be changed.
enable_GET_without_SSL = False

# Solve captchas in the webbrowser. Setting this to False will result in the
# exception CaptchaError being thrown if a captcha is encountered.
solve_captcha = True

# Some sites will require password authentication to access the HTML
# pages at the site. If you have any such site, add lines to your user
# config file of the following form:
# authenticate[''] = ('John','XXXXX')
# authenticate['*'] = ('John','XXXXX')
# where John is your login name, and XXXXX your password.
# Note:
# 1. This is only for sites that use authentication in the form that gives
#    you a popup for name and password when you try to access any data, NOT
#    for, for example, wiki usernames
# 2. You must use the hostname of the site, not its family/language pair.
#    Pywikibot supports wildcard (*) in the prefix of hostname and select the
#    best match authentication. So you can specify authentication not only for
#    one site
# Pywikibot also support OAuth 1.0a via mwoauth
# You can add OAuth tokens to your user config file of this form:
# authenticate[''] = ('consumer_key','consumer_secret',
#                                     'access_key', 'access_secret')
# authenticate['*'] = ('consumer_key','consumer_secret',
#                                    'access_key', 'access_secret')
# Note: the target wiki site must install OAuth extension
authenticate: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = {}

# By default you are asked for a password on the terminal.
# A password file may be used, e.g. password_file = '.passwd'
# The path to the password file is relative to that of the user_config file.
# The password file should consist of lines containing Python tuples of any
# of the following formats:
# (code, family, username, password)
# (family, username, password)
# (username, password)
# It's also possible (and safer) for bot users to use BotPasswords to limit
# the permissions given to a bot. When using BotPasswords, each instance gets
# keys. This combination can only access the API, not the normal web interface.
# See to know how
# use them. In this case, the password file should contain a BotPassword object
# in the following format:
# (username, BotPassword(botname, botpassword))
password_file = None

# edit summary to use if not supplied by bot script
# WARNING: this should NEVER be used in practice, ALWAYS supply a more
#          relevant summary for bot edits
default_edit_summary = 'Pywikibot ' + pwb_version

# Edit summary prefix
# if a str, always use this as summary prefix e.g. 'Bot:' for all sites
# if True, always use a summary prefix from i18n
# if False, never use a summary prefix
# if None, the i18n summary prefix is used for botflag accounts only
# NOTE: this feature is not yet implemented for all scripts
bot_prefix_summary: bool | str | None = None

# What permissions to use to set private files to it
# such as password file.
# stat.S_IRWXU 0o700 mask for owner permissions
# stat.S_IRUSR 0o400 read permission for owner
# stat.S_IWUSR 0o200 write permission for owner
# stat.S_IXUSR 0o100 execute permission for owner
# stat.S_IRWXG 0o070 mask for group permissions
# stat.S_IRGRP 0o040 read permission for group
# stat.S_IWGRP 0o020 write permission for group
# stat.S_IXGRP 0o010 execute permission for group
# stat.S_IRWXO 0o007 mask for others permissions
# stat.S_IROTH 0o004 read permission for others
# stat.S_IWOTH 0o002 write permission for others
# stat.S_IXOTH 0o001 execute permission for others
private_files_permission = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR
private_folder_permission = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR

# Allow user to stop warnings about file security
# by setting this to true.
ignore_file_security_warnings = False

# Custom headers to send on all requests.
# This is mainly intended to support setting the
# X-Wikimedia-Debug header, which is sometimes
# needed to debug issues with Wikimedia sites:
# Note that these headers will be sent with all requests,
# not just MediaWiki API calls.
extra_headers: Mapping[str, str] = {}

# Set to True to override the {{bots}} exclusion protocol (at your own risk!)
ignore_bot_templates = False

User Interface Settings#

# ############# USER INTERFACE SETTINGS ##############

# The encoding that's used in the user's console, i.e. how strings are encoded
# when they are read by raw_input(). On Windows systems' DOS box, this should
# be 'cp850' ('cp437' for older versions). Linux users might try 'iso-8859-1'
# or 'utf-8'.
# This default code should work fine, so you don't have to think about it.
# When using pywikibot inside a daemonized twisted application, we get
# "StdioOnnaStick instance has no attribute 'encoding'"; assign None instead.
# TODO: consider getting rid of this config variable.
console_encoding = getattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding', None)

# The encoding the user would like to see text transliterated to. This can be
# set to a charset (e.g. 'ascii', 'iso-8859-1' or 'cp850'), and we will output
# only characters that exist in that charset. However, the characters will be
# output using console_encoding.
# If this is not defined on Windows, we emit a Warning explaining the user
# to either switch to a Unicode-able font and use
#    transliteration_target = None
# or to keep using raster fonts and set
#    transliteration_target = console_encoding
# After emitting the warning, this last option will be set.

transliteration_target = None

# The encoding in which textfiles are stored, which contain lists of page
# titles. The most used is 'utf-8'; 'utf-8-sig' recognizes BOM.
# For a complete list please see:
textfile_encoding = 'utf-8'

# currently terminal and buffer are the only supported userinterfaces
userinterface = 'terminal'

# this can be used to pass variables to the UI init function
# useful for e.g.
# userinterface_init_kwargs = {'default_stream': 'stdout'}
userinterface_init_kwargs: dict[str, str] = {}

# i18n setting for user interface language
# default is obtained from locale.getlocale
userinterface_lang = None

# Should we transliterate characters that do not exist in the console
# character set?
# True: whenever possible
# False: never - always replace them by question marks
# Currently only works if interface 'terminal' is set.
transliterate = True

# The wrapper calls the script given as parameter in this way
# python <name_of_script> <options>
# If there is a misspelling in <name_of_script> the most similar script
# scripts are displayed or if only one is found, it will be started.
# There are some configuration values to change the behavior
# pwb_close_matches: the maximum number of similar scripts to be found
pwb_close_matches = 10  # must be greater than 0
# pwb_cut_off: similarity of scripts to be found
pwb_cut_off = 0.7  # must be a float in the range [0, 1]
# pwb_autostart_waittime: wait time until the most similar script starts
pwb_autostart_waittime = 5.0

# Should the system bell ring if the bot expects user input?
ring_bell = False

# Colorization can be used to markup important text parts of the output.
# On Linux/Unix terminals, ANSI escape codes are used for this. On Windows,
# it is done by a DLL call via ctypes.
# Set this to False if you're using Linux and your tty doesn't support
# ANSI colors.
    # Don't print colorized when the output is, for example, piped to a file.
    colorized_output = sys.stdout.isatty()
except AttributeError:
    # When using pywikibot inside a daemonized twisted application,
    # we get "StdioOnnaStick instance has no attribute 'isatty'"
    colorized_output = False

# An indication of the size of your screen, or rather the size of the screen
# to be shown, for flickrripper
tkhorsize = 1280
tkvertsize = 800

External Editor Settings#

# ############# EXTERNAL EDITOR SETTINGS ##############
# The command for the editor you want to use. If set to True, Tkinter
# editor will be used. If set to False, no editor will be used. In
# script tests to be a noop (like /bin/true) so the script continues.
# If set to None, the EDITOR environment variable will be used as
# command. If EDITOR is not set, on Windows platforms it tries to
# determine the default text editor from registry. Finally, Tkinter is
# used as fallback.
editor: bool | str | None = None

# Warning: DO NOT use an editor which doesn't support Unicode to edit pages!
# You will BREAK non-ASCII symbols!
editor_encoding = 'utf-8'

# The temporary file name extension can be set in order to use syntax
# highlighting in your text editor.
editor_filename_extension = 'wiki'

Logfile Settings#

# ############# LOGFILE SETTINGS ##############

# Defines for which scripts a logfile should be enabled. Logfiles will be
# saved in the 'logs' subdirectory.
# Example:
#     log = ['redirect', 'replace', 'weblinkchecker']
# It is also possible to enable logging for all scripts, using this line:
#     log = ['*']
# To disable all logging, use this:
#     log = []
# Per default, no logging is enabled.
# This setting can be overridden by the -log or -nolog command-line arguments.
log: list[str] = []
# filename defaults to modulename-bot.log
logfilename: str | None = None
# maximal size of a logfile in kilobytes. If the size reached that limit the
# logfile will be renamed (if logfilecount is not 0) and the old file is filled
# again. logfilesize must be an integer value
logfilesize = 1024
# Number of rotating logfiles are created. The older files get the higher
# number. If logfilecount is 0, no logfile will be archived but the current
# logfile will be overwritten if the file size reached the logfilesize above.
logfilecount = 5
# set to 1 (or higher) to generate "informative" messages to terminal
verbose_output = 0
# set to True to fetch the pywiki version online
log_pywiki_repo_version = False
# if True, include a lot of debugging info in logfile
# (overrides log setting above)
debug_log: list[str] = []

External Script Path Settings#

# ############# EXTERNAL SCRIPT PATH SETTINGS ##############
# Set your own script path to lookup for your script files.
# Your private script path is relative to your base directory.
# Subfolders must be delimited by '.'. every folder must contain
# an (empty) file.
# The search order is
# 1. user_script_paths in the given order
# 2. scripts/userscripts
# 3. scripts
# 4. scripts/maintenance
# 5. pywikibot/scripts
# 2. - 4. are available in directory mode only
# sample:
# user_script_paths = ['scripts.myscripts']
user_script_paths: list[str] = []

External Families Settings#

# ############# EXTERNAL FAMILIES SETTINGS ##############
# Set your own family path to lookup for your family files.
# Your private family path may be either an absolute or a relative path.
# You may have multiple paths defined in user_families_paths list.
# You may also define various family files stored directly in
# family_files dict. Use the family name as dict key and the path or an
# url as value.
# samples:
# family_files['mywiki'] = ''
# user_families_paths = ['data/families']
user_families_paths: list[str] = []

Interwiki Settings#

# ############# INTERWIKI SETTINGS ##############

# Should report warnings for missing links between foreign
# languages?
interwiki_backlink = True

# Should display every new link it discovers?
interwiki_shownew = True

# Should output a graph PNG file on conflicts?
# You need pydot for this:
interwiki_graph = False

# Specifies that the robot should process that amount of subjects at a time,
# only starting to load new pages in the original language when the total
# falls below that number. Default is to process (at least) 100 subjects at
# once.
interwiki_min_subjects = 100

# If interwiki graphs are enabled, which format(s) should be used?
# Supported formats include png, jpg, ps, and svg. See:
# If you want to also dump the dot files, you can use this in your
# user config file:
# interwiki_graph_formats = ['dot', 'png']
# If you need a PNG image with an HTML image map, use this:
# interwiki_graph_formats = ['png', 'cmap']
# If you only need SVG images, use:
# interwiki_graph_formats = ['svg']
interwiki_graph_formats = ['png']

# You can post the contents of your autonomous_problems.dat to the wiki,
# e.g. to .
# This allows others to assist you in resolving interwiki problems.
# To help these people, you can upload the interwiki graphs to your
# webspace somewhere. Set the base URL here, e.g.:
# ''
interwiki_graph_url = None

# Save file with local articles without interwikis.
without_interwiki = False

Solve Disambiguations Settings#

# ############# SOLVE_DISAMBIGUATION SETTINGS ############
# Set disambiguation_comment[FAMILY][LANG] to a non-empty string to override
# the default edit comment for the solve_disambiguation bot.
# Use %s to represent the name of the disambiguation page being treated.
# Example:
# disambiguation_comment['wikipedia']['en'] = \
#    'Robot-assisted disambiguation ([[WP:DPL|you can help!]]): %s'

# Sorting order for alternatives. Set to True to ignore case for sorting order.
sort_ignore_case = False

Settings to Avoid Server Overload#

# ############# SETTINGS TO AVOID SERVER OVERLOAD ##############

# Slow down the robot such that it never requests a second page within
# 'minthrottle' seconds. This can be lengthened if the server is slow,
# but never more than 'maxthrottle' seconds. However - if you are running
# more than one bot in parallel the times are lengthened.
# 'maxlag' is used to control the rate of server access (see below).
# Set minthrottle to non-zero to use a throttle on read access.
minthrottle = 0
maxthrottle = 60

# Slow down the robot such that it never makes a second page edit within
# 'put_throttle' seconds.
put_throttle: int | float = 10

# Sometimes you want to know when a delay is inserted. If a delay is larger
# than 'noisysleep' seconds, it is logged on the screen.
noisysleep = 3.0

# Defer bot edits during periods of database server lag. For details, see
# You can set this variable to a number of seconds, or to None (or 0) to
# disable this behavior. Higher values are more aggressive in seeking
# access to the wiki.
# Non-Wikimedia wikis may or may not support this feature; for families
# that do not use it, it is recommended to set minthrottle (above) to
# at least 1 second.
maxlag = 5

# Maximum of pages which can be retrieved at one time from wiki server.
# -1 indicates limit by api restriction
step = -1

# Maximum number of times to retry an API request before quitting.
max_retries = 15
# Minimum time to wait before resubmitting a failed API request.
retry_wait = 5
# Maximum time to wait before resubmitting a failed API request.
retry_max = 120

Database Settings#

# ############# DATABASE SETTINGS ##############
# Setting to connect the database or replica of the database of the wiki.
# db_name_format can be used to manipulate the dbName of site.
# Example for a pywikibot running on Wikimedia Cloud (Toolforge):
# db_hostname_format = '{0}'
# db_name_format = '{0}_p'
# db_connect_file = user_home_path('')
db_hostname_format = 'localhost'
db_username = ''
db_password = ''
db_name_format = '{0}'
db_connect_file = user_home_path('.my.cnf')
# local port for mysql server
# ssh -L \
db_port = 3306

Http Settings#

# ############# HTTP SETTINGS ##############
# Default socket timeout in seconds.
# DO NOT set to None to disable timeouts. Otherwise this may freeze your
# script.
# You may assign either a tuple of two int or float values for connection and
# read timeout, or a single value for both.
# See also:
socket_timeout = (6.05, 45)

Cosmetic Changes Settings#

# ############# COSMETIC CHANGES SETTINGS ##############
# The bot can make some additional changes to each page it edits, e.g. fix
# whitespace or positioning of category links.

# This is an experimental feature; handle with care and consider re-checking
# each bot edit if enabling this!
cosmetic_changes = False

# If cosmetic changes are switched on, and you also have several accounts at
# projects where you're not familiar with the local conventions, you probably
# only want the bot to do cosmetic changes on your "home" wiki which you
# specified in config.mylang and
# If you want the bot to also do cosmetic changes when editing a page on a
# foreign wiki, set cosmetic_changes_mylang_only to False, but be careful!
cosmetic_changes_mylang_only = True

# The dictionary cosmetic_changes_enable should contain a tuple of languages
# for each site where you wish to enable in addition to your own langlanguage
# (if cosmetic_changes_mylang_only is set)
# Please set your dictionary by adding such lines to your user config file:
# cosmetic_changes_enable['wikipedia'] = ('de', 'en', 'fr')
cosmetic_changes_enable: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = {}

# The dictionary cosmetic_changes_disable should contain a tuple of languages
# for each site where you wish to disable cosmetic changes. You may use it with
# cosmetic_changes_mylang_only is False, but you can also disable your own
# language. This also overrides the settings in the cosmetic_changes_enable
# dictionary. Please set your dict by adding such lines to your user config:
# cosmetic_changes_disable['wikipedia'] = ('de', 'en', 'fr')
cosmetic_changes_disable: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = {}

# cosmetic_changes_deny_script is a list of scripts for which cosmetic changes
# are disabled. You may add additional scripts by appending script names in
# your user config file ("+=" operator is strictly recommended):
# cosmetic_changes_deny_script += ['your_script_name_1', 'your_script_name_2']
# Appending the script name also works:
# cosmetic_changes_deny_script.append('your_script_name')
cosmetic_changes_deny_script = ['category_redirect', 'cosmetic_changes',
                                'newitem', 'touch']

Replication Bot Settings#

# ############# REPLICATION BOT SETTINGS ################
# You can add replicate_replace to your user config file.
# Use has the following format:
# replicate_replace = {
#            'wikipedia:li': {'Hoofdpagina': 'Veurblaad'}
# }
# to replace all occurrences of 'Hoofdpagina' with 'Veurblaad' when writing to
# liwiki. Note that this does not take the origin wiki into account.
replicate_replace: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {}

Further Settings#

# ############# FURTHER SETTINGS ##############

# Simulate settings

# Defines what additional actions the bots are NOT allowed to do (e.g. 'edit')
# on the wiki server. Allows simulation runs of bots to be carried out without
# changing any page on the server side. Use this setting to add more actions
# into user config file for wikis with extra write actions.
actions_to_block: list[str] = []

# Set simulate to True or use -simulate option to block all actions given
# above.
simulate: bool | str = False

# How many pages should be put to a queue in asynchronous mode.
# If maxsize is <= 0, the queue size is infinite.
# Increasing this value will increase memory space but could speed up
# processing. As higher this value this effect will decrease.
max_queue_size = 64

# Pickle protocol version to use for storing dumps.
# This config variable is not used for loading dumps.
# Version 0 is a more or less human-readable protocol
# Version 2 is common to both Python 2 and 3, and should
# be used when dumps are accessed by both versions.
# Version 3 is only available for Python 3
# Version 4 is only available for Python 3.4+
# Version 5 was added with Python 3.8
pickle_protocol = 2