Non editing scripts#
listpages script#
Print a list of pages, as defined by page generator parameters
Optionally, it also prints page content to STDOUT or save it to a file in the current directory.
These parameters are supported to specify which pages titles to print:
-format Defines the output format.
Can be a custom string according to python string.format() notation
or can be selected by a number from following list
(1 is default format):
1 - '{num:4d} {page.title}'
--> 10 PageTitle
2 - '{num:4d} [[{page.title}]]'
--> 10 [[PageTitle]]
3 - '{page.title}'
--> PageTitle
4 - '[[{page.title}]]'
--> [[PageTitle]]
5 - '{num:4d} <<lightred>>{page.loc_title:<40}<<default>>'
--> 10 localised_Namespace:PageTitle (colorised in lightred)
6 - '{num:4d} {page.loc_title:<40} {page.can_title:<40}'
--> 10 localised_Namespace:PageTitle
7 - '{num:4d} {page.loc_title:<40} {page.trs_title:<40}'
--> 10 localised_Namespace:PageTitle
(*) requires "outputlang:lang" set.
num is the sequential number of the listed page.
An empty format is equal to -notitle and just shows the total
amount of pages.
-outputlang Language for translation of namespaces.
-notitle Page title is not printed.
-get Page content is printed.
-tofile Save Page titles to a single file. File name can be set
with -tofile:filename or -tofile:dir_name/filename.
-save Save Page content to a file named as page.title(as_filename=True).
Directory can be set with -save:dir_name
If no dir is specified, current directory will be used.
-encode File encoding can be specified with '-encode:name' (name must be
a valid python encoding: utf-8, etc.).
If not specified, it defaults to config.textfile_encoding.
-put: Save the list to the defined page of the wiki. By default it does
not overwrite an existing page.
-overwrite Overwrite the page if it exists. Can only by applied with -put.
-summary: The summary text when the page is written. If it's one word just
containing letters, dashes and underscores it uses that as a
translation key.
Custom format can be applied to the following items extrapolated from a page object:
site: obtained from page._link._site.
title: obtained from page._link._title.
loc_title: obtained from page._link.canonical_title().
can_title: obtained from page._link.ns_title().
based either the canonical namespace name or on the namespace name
in the language specified by the -trans param;
a default value '******' will be used if no ns is found.
onsite: obtained from pywikibot.Site(outputlang,
trs_title: obtained from page._link.ns_title(onsite=onsite).
If selected format requires trs_title, outputlang must be set.
This script supports use of pagegenerators
touch script#
This bot goes over multiple pages of a wiki, and edits them without changes
This is for example used to get category links in templates working.
Command-line arguments:
-purge Purge the page instead of touching it
Touch mode (default):
-botflag Force botflag in case of edits with changes.
Purge mode:
-converttitles Convert titles to other variants if necessary
-forcelinkupdate Update the links tables
-forcerecursivelinkupdate Update the links table, and update the links tables
for any page that uses this page as a template
-redirects Automatically resolve redirects
This script supports use of pagegenerators