families — Family Config Files#

Families package.

families.commons_family — Commons#

Family module for Wikimedia Commons.

class families.commons_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaFamily, DefaultWikibaseFamily

Family class for Wikimedia Commons.

Changed in version 6.5: family.WikibaseFamily.interface() was changed to DataSite to enable structured data.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'_default': ('Category redirect', 'Synonym taxon category redirect', 'Invalid taxon category redirect', 'Monotypic taxon category redirect', 'Endashcatredirect')}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

doc_subpages = {'_default': (('/doc',), ['commons'])}#

Provide reopsitory site information for entity types.

The result must be structured as follows:

{<entity type>: (<family code>, <family name>)}

for example:

{‘property’: (‘test’, ‘wikidata’)}

If an empty dict is returned, all entity types are found in the current DataSite.

The result is used by DataSite.get_repo_for_entity_type

interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

langs: dict[str, str] = {'beta': 'commons.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org', 'commons': 'commons.wikimedia.org', 'test': 'test-commons.wikimedia.org'}#
name: str | None = 'commons'#

The family name

test_codes = ['test', 'beta']#

families.foundation_family — Foundation Wiki#

Family module for Foundation wiki.

Added in version 3.0.

class families.foundation_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaFamily, SingleSiteFamily

Family class for Foundation wiki.

Added in version 3.0.

domain = 'foundation.wikimedia.org'#
interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wmf'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

name: str | None = 'foundation'#

The family name

families.i18n_family — Translate Wiki#

Family module for Translate Wiki.

class families.i18n_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SingleSiteFamily

Family class for Translate Wiki.

domain = 'translatewiki.net'#
name: str | None = 'i18n'#

The family name

families.incubator_family — Incubator#

Family module for Incubator Wiki.

class families.incubator_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaOrgFamily

Family class for Incubator Wiki.

interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

name: str | None = 'incubator'#

The family name

families.lingualibre_family — Lingua Libre#

Family module for Lingua Libre.

Added in version 6.5.

class families.lingualibre_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaFamily, WikibaseFamily

Family class for Lingua Libre.

Added in version 6.5.

interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

langs: dict[str, str] = {'lingualibre': 'lingualibre.org'}#
name: str | None = 'lingualibre'#

The family name


Return the script path for this family.

Return type:


families.mediawiki_family — MediaWiki#

Family module for MediaWiki wiki.

class families.mediawiki_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaFamily, SingleSiteFamily

Family class for MediaWiki wiki.

domain = 'www.mediawiki.org'#
interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

name: str | None = 'mediawiki'#

The family name

families.meta_family — Meta#

Family module for Meta Wiki.

class families.meta_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaOrgFamily

Family class for Meta Wiki.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'meta': ('Category redirect',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

cross_allowed: list[str] = ['meta']#

A list with the name in the cross-language flag permissions.

doc_subpages = {'_default': (('/doc',), ['meta'])}#
interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

name: str | None = 'meta'#

The family name

families.osm_family — OpenStreetMap#

Family module for OpenStreetMap wiki.

class families.osm_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SingleSiteFamily

Family class for OpenStreetMap wiki.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'en': ('Category redirect',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

code = 'en'#
disambcatname: dict[str, str] = {'en': 'Disambiguation'}#

A dict with the name of the category containing disambiguation pages for the various languages. Only one category per language, and without the namespace, so add things like:

‘en’: “Disambiguation”

disambiguationTemplates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'en': ('Disambig',)}#

A list of disambiguation template names in different languages.

doc_subpages = {'en': ('/doc',)}#
domain = 'wiki.openstreetmap.org'#
edit_restricted_templates: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = {'en': ('In Bearbeitung',)}#

A dict of tuples for different sites with names of templates that indicate an edit should be avoided.

name: str | None = 'osm'#

The family name

families.outreach_family — Outreach#

Family module for Wikimedia outreach wiki.

class families.outreach_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaOrgFamily

Family class for Wikimedia outreach wiki.

interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

name: str | None = 'outreach'#

The family name

families.species_family — Species#

Family module for Wikimedia species wiki.

class families.species_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaOrgFamily

Family class for Wikimedia species wiki.

interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

name: str | None = 'species'#

The family name

families.vikidia_family — Vikidia#

Family module for Vikidia.

class families.vikidia_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily

Family class for Vikidia.

codes = {'ar', 'ca', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'eu', 'fr', 'hy', 'it', 'nl', 'oc', 'pt', 'ru', 'scn'}#
domain = 'vikidia.org'#

List of domains used by Vikidia family.

langs: dict[str, str]#

Property listing family languages.

name: str | None = 'vikidia'#

The family name


Return the script path for this family.

test_codes = ['central', 'test']#

families.wikibooks_family — Wikibooks#

Family module for Wikibooks.

class families.wikibooks_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for Wikibooks.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'_default': (), 'ar': ('تحويل تصنيف',), 'en': ('Category redirect',), 'es': ('Categoría redirigida',), 'ro': ('Redirect categorie',), 'vi': ('Đổi hướng thể loại',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

closed_wikis: list[str] = ['aa', 'ak', 'ang', 'as', 'ast', 'ay', 'bi', 'bm', 'bo', 'ch', 'co', 'ga', 'gn', 'got', 'gu', 'ie', 'kn', 'ks', 'lb', 'ln', 'lv', 'mi', 'mn', 'my', 'na', 'nah', 'nds', 'ps', 'qu', 'rm', 'se', 'simple', 'su', 'sw', 'tk', 'ug', 'uz', 'vo', 'wa', 'xh', 'yo', 'za', 'zh-min-nan', 'zu']#

Not open for edits; stewards can still edit.

codes = {'af', 'ar', 'az', 'ba', 'be', 'bg', 'bn', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'cv', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'fy', 'gl', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'hy', 'ia', 'id', 'is', 'it', 'ja', 'ka', 'kk', 'km', 'ko', 'ku', 'ky', 'la', 'li', 'lt', 'mg', 'mk', 'ml', 'mr', 'ms', 'ne', 'nl', 'no', 'oc', 'pa', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sa', 'shn', 'si', 'sk', 'sl', 'sq', 'sr', 'sv', 'ta', 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'tl', 'tr', 'tt', 'uk', 'ur', 'vi', 'zh'}#
cross_allowed: list[str] = ['af', 'ar', 'ba', 'ca', 'eu', 'fa', 'fy', 'gl', 'it', 'ko', 'ky', 'nl', 'ru', 'sk', 'th', 'zh']#

A list with the name in the cross-language flag permissions.

doc_subpages = {'_default': (('/doc',), ['en']), 'ar': ('/شرح', '/doc'), 'es': ('/uso', '/doc'), 'sr': ('/док',)}#
name: str | None = 'wikibooks'#

The family name

removed_wikis: list[str] = ['als', 'dk', 'tokipona']#

Completely removed sites.

families.wikidata_family — Wikidata#

Family module for Wikidata.

class families.wikidata_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaFamily, DefaultWikibaseFamily

Family class for Wikidata.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'wikidata': ('Category redirect',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

doc_subpages = {'_default': (('/doc',), ['wikidata'])}#
interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

langs: dict[str, str] = {'beta': 'wikidata.beta.wmflabs.org', 'test': 'test.wikidata.org', 'wikidata': 'www.wikidata.org'}#
name: str | None = 'wikidata'#

The family name

test_codes = ['test', 'beta']#

families.wikifunctions_family — Wikifunctions#

Family module for Wikifunction.

Added in version 8.4.

class families.wikifunctions_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SingleSiteFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for Wikifunctions.

domain = 'www.wikifunctions.org'#
name: str | None = 'wikifunctions'#

The family name

families.wikihow_family — Wikihow#

Family module for wikiHow wiki.

Added in version 3.0.

class families.wikihow_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily

Family class for wikiHow Wiki.

Added in version 3.0.

codes = {'ar', 'cs', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'fr', 'hi', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'nl', 'pt', 'ru', 'th', 'tr', 'vi', 'zh'}#
domain = 'wikihow.com'#

List of domains used by family wikiHow.

langs: dict[str, str]#

Property listing family languages.

name: str | None = 'wikihow'#

The family name

removed_wikis: list[str] = ['ca', 'cy', 'fa', 'he', 'pl', 'ur']#

Completely removed sites.


Return the script path for this family.

Return type:


title_delimiter_and_aliases = '- '#

Added in version 7.0.

families.wikimania_family — Wikimania#

Family module for Wikimania wikis.

Added in version 3.0.

class families.wikimania_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for Wikimania wikis.

Added in version 3.0.

closed_wikis: list[str] = ['2005', '2006', '2007', '2008', '2009', '2010', '2011', '2012', '2013', '2014', '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018']#

Not open for edits; stewards can still edit.

code_aliases: dict[str, str] = {'2019': 'wikimania'}#

Code mappings which are only an alias, and there is no ‘old’ wiki. For all except ‘nl_nds’, subdomains do exist as a redirect, but that should not be relied upon.

codes = {'team', 'wikimania'}#
interwiki_forward: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

Some families, e. g. commons and meta, are not multilingual and forward interlanguage links to another family (wikipedia). These families can set this variable to the name of the target family.

langs: dict[str, str]#

Property listing family languages.

name: str | None = 'wikimania'#

The family name

families.wikimediachapter_family — Wikimedia Chapter#

Family module for Wikimedia chapter, thematic organisation and WUG wikis.

class families.wikimediachapter_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for WCH, WTO and WUG wikis hosted on wikimedia.org.

closed_wikis: list[str] = ['cn', 'nz', 'pa-us']#

Not open for edits; stewards can still edit.

code_aliases: dict[str, str] = {'et': 'ee'}#

Code mappings which are only an alias, and there is no ‘old’ wiki. For all except ‘nl_nds’, subdomains do exist as a redirect, but that should not be relied upon.

codes = {'ae', 'am', 'ar', 'az', 'bd', 'be', 'br', 'ca', 'co', 'dk', 'ec', 'ee', 'fi', 'ge', 'gr', 'hi', 'id', 'id-internal', 'il', 'mai', 'mk', 'mx', 'ng', 'nl', 'no', 'nyc', 'pl', 'pt', 'punjabi', 'romd', 'rs', 'ru', 'se', 'tr', 'ua', 'uk', 've', 'wb'}#
name: str | None = 'wikimediachapter'#

The family name

families.wikinews_family — Wikinews#

Family module for Wikinews.

class families.wikinews_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for Wikinews.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'_default': (), 'ar': ('تحويل تصنيف',), 'fa': ('الگو:رده بهتر',), 'no': ('Kategoriomdirigering',), 'ro': ('Redirect categorie',), 'ru': ('Category redirect',), 'sr': ('Category redirect',), 'tr': ('Kategori yönlendirme',), 'zh': ('分类重定向',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

closed_wikis: list[str] = ['bg', 'hu', 'sd', 'th', 'tr']#

Not open for edits; stewards can still edit.

codes = {'ar', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'guw', 'he', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'li', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sq', 'sr', 'sv', 'ta', 'uk', 'zh'}#
cross_allowed: list[str] = ['ar', 'bg', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'fa', 'fi', 'he', 'ja', 'ko', 'li', 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'sq', 'sr', 'sv', 'ta', 'tr', 'uk', 'zh']#

A list with the name in the cross-language flag permissions.

doc_subpages = {'_default': (('/doc',), ['en']), 'ar': ('/شرح', '/doc'), 'it': ('/man',), 'sr': ('/док',)}#
name: str | None = 'wikinews'#

The family name

families.wikipedia_family — Wikipedia#

Family module for Wikipedia.

class families.wikipedia_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family module for Wikipedia.

archived_page_templates: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = {'ar': ('أرشيف نقاش',), 'arz': ('صفحة ارشيف',), 'cs': ('Archiv', 'Archiv Wikipedie', 'Archiv diskuse', 'Archivace start', 'Posloupnost archivů', 'Rfa-archiv-start', 'Rfc-archiv-start'), 'de': ('Archiv',)}#

A dict of tuples for different sites with names of archive templates that indicate an edit of non-archive bots should be avoided.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'_default': (), 'ar': ('تحويل تصنيف',), 'ary': ('Category redirect',), 'arz': ('تحويل تصنيف',), 'bn': ('বিষয়শ্রেণী পুনর্নির্দেশ',), 'bs': ('Category redirect',), 'ckb': ('ڕەوانەکەری پۆل',), 'cs': ('Zastaralá kategorie',), 'da': ('Kategoriomdirigering',), 'en': ('Category redirect',), 'es': ('Categoría redirigida',), 'eu': ('Kategoria birzuzendu',), 'fa': ('رده بهتر',), 'fr': ('Catégorie redirigée',), 'gv': ('Aastiurey ronney',), 'hi': ('श्रेणी अनुप्रेषित',), 'hu': ('Kat-redir',), 'id': ('Alih kategori',), 'ja': ('Category redirect',), 'ko': ('분류 넘겨주기',), 'mk': ('Премести категорија',), 'ml': ('Category redirect',), 'ms': ('Pengalihan kategori',), 'mt': ('Rindirizzament kategorija',), 'ne': ('श्रेणी अनुप्रेषण',), 'no': ('Kategoriomdirigering',), 'pt': ('Redirecionamento de categoria',), 'ro': ('Redirect categorie',), 'ru': ('Переименованная категория',), 'sco': ('Category redirect',), 'sh': ('Prekat',), 'simple': ('Category redirect',), 'sl': ('Preusmeritev kategorije',), 'sq': ('Kategori e zhvendosur',), 'sr': ('Category redirect',), 'sv': ('Kategoriomdirigering',), 'tl': ('Category redirect',), 'tr': ('Kategori yönlendirme',), 'uk': ('Categoryredirect',), 'ur': ('زمرہ رجوع مکرر',), 'vi': ('Đổi hướng thể loại',), 'yi': ('קאטעגאריע אריבערפירן',), 'zh': ('分类重定向',), 'zh-yue': ('分類彈去',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

closed_wikis: list[str] = ['aa', 'ak', 'cho', 'ho', 'hz', 'ii', 'kj', 'kr', 'lrc', 'mh', 'mus', 'na', 'ng', 'ten']#

Not open for edits; stewards can still edit.

codes = {'ab', 'ace', 'ady', 'af', 'als', 'alt', 'am', 'ami', 'an', 'ang', 'anp', 'ar', 'arc', 'ary', 'arz', 'as', 'ast', 'atj', 'av', 'avk', 'awa', 'ay', 'az', 'azb', 'ba', 'ban', 'bar', 'bat-smg', 'bbc', 'bcl', 'bdr', 'be', 'be-tarask', 'bew', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bjn', 'blk', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'bpy', 'br', 'bs', 'btm', 'bug', 'bxr', 'ca', 'cbk-zam', 'cdo', 'ce', 'ceb', 'ch', 'chr', 'chy', 'ckb', 'co', 'cr', 'crh', 'cs', 'csb', 'cu', 'cv', 'cy', 'da', 'dag', 'de', 'dga', 'din', 'diq', 'dsb', 'dtp', 'dty', 'dv', 'dz', 'ee', 'el', 'eml', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'ext', 'fa', 'fat', 'ff', 'fi', 'fiu-vro', 'fj', 'fo', 'fon', 'fr', 'frp', 'frr', 'fur', 'fy', 'ga', 'gag', 'gan', 'gcr', 'gd', 'gl', 'glk', 'gn', 'gom', 'gor', 'got', 'gpe', 'gu', 'guc', 'gur', 'guw', 'gv', 'ha', 'hak', 'haw', 'he', 'hi', 'hif', 'hr', 'hsb', 'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'hyw', 'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'ig', 'igl', 'ik', 'ilo', 'inh', 'io', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'ja', 'jam', 'jbo', 'jv', 'ka', 'kaa', 'kab', 'kbd', 'kbp', 'kcg', 'kg', 'ki', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'koi', 'krc', 'ks', 'ksh', 'ku', 'kus', 'kv', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lad', 'lb', 'lbe', 'lez', 'lfn', 'lg', 'li', 'lij', 'lld', 'lmo', 'ln', 'lo', 'lt', 'ltg', 'lv', 'mad', 'mai', 'map-bms', 'mdf', 'mg', 'mhr', 'mi', 'min', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mni', 'mnw', 'mr', 'mrj', 'ms', 'mt', 'mwl', 'my', 'myv', 'mzn', 'nah', 'nap', 'nds', 'nds-nl', 'ne', 'new', 'nia', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'nov', 'nqo', 'nrm', 'nso', 'nv', 'ny', 'oc', 'olo', 'om', 'or', 'os', 'pa', 'pag', 'pam', 'pap', 'pcd', 'pcm', 'pdc', 'pfl', 'pi', 'pih', 'pl', 'pms', 'pnb', 'pnt', 'ps', 'pt', 'pwn', 'qu', 'rm', 'rmy', 'rn', 'ro', 'roa-rup', 'roa-tara', 'ru', 'rue', 'rw', 'sa', 'sah', 'sat', 'sc', 'scn', 'sco', 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'sh', 'shi', 'shn', 'si', 'simple', 'sk', 'skr', 'sl', 'sm', 'smn', 'sn', 'so', 'sq', 'sr', 'srn', 'ss', 'st', 'stq', 'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'szl', 'szy', 'ta', 'tay', 'tcy', 'te', 'tet', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl', 'tly', 'tn', 'to', 'tpi', 'tr', 'trv', 'ts', 'tt', 'tum', 'tw', 'ty', 'tyv', 'udm', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 've', 'vec', 'vep', 'vi', 'vls', 'vo', 'wa', 'war', 'wo', 'wuu', 'xal', 'xh', 'xmf', 'yi', 'yo', 'za', 'zea', 'zgh', 'zh', 'zh-classical', 'zh-min-nan', 'zh-yue', 'zu'}#
cross_allowed: list[str] = ['ab', 'ace', 'ady', 'af', 'als', 'am', 'an', 'ang', 'ar', 'arc', 'arz', 'as', 'ast', 'atj', 'av', 'ay', 'az', 'ba', 'bar', 'bat-smg', 'bcl', 'be', 'be-tarask', 'bg', 'bh', 'bi', 'bjn', 'bm', 'bo', 'bpy', 'bug', 'bxr', 'ca', 'cbk-zam', 'cdo', 'ce', 'ceb', 'ch', 'chr', 'chy', 'ckb', 'co', 'cr', 'crh', 'cs', 'csb', 'cu', 'cv', 'cy', 'da', 'diq', 'dsb', 'dty', 'dz', 'ee', 'el', 'eml', 'en', 'eo', 'et', 'eu', 'ext', 'fa', 'ff', 'fi', 'fj', 'fo', 'frp', 'frr', 'fur', 'ga', 'gag', 'gan', 'gd', 'glk', 'gn', 'gom', 'gor', 'got', 'gu', 'gv', 'ha', 'hak', 'haw', 'he', 'hi', 'hif', 'hr', 'hsb', 'ht', 'hu', 'hy', 'ia', 'ie', 'ig', 'ik', 'ilo', 'inh', 'io', 'iu', 'ja', 'jam', 'jbo', 'jv', 'ka', 'kaa', 'kab', 'kbd', 'kg', 'ki', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'koi', 'krc', 'ks', 'ku', 'kv', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lad', 'lb', 'lbe', 'lez', 'lfn', 'lg', 'li', 'lij', 'lmo', 'ln', 'lo', 'lt', 'ltg', 'lv', 'map-bms', 'mdf', 'meta', 'mg', 'mhr', 'mi', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mrj', 'ms', 'mwl', 'my', 'myv', 'mzn', 'nah', 'nap', 'nds-nl', 'ne', 'new', 'nl', 'no', 'nov', 'nrm', 'nso', 'nv', 'ny', 'oc', 'olo', 'om', 'or', 'os', 'pa', 'pag', 'pam', 'pap', 'pdc', 'pfl', 'pi', 'pih', 'pms', 'pnb', 'pnt', 'ps', 'qu', 'rm', 'rmy', 'rn', 'roa-rup', 'roa-tara', 'ru', 'rue', 'rw', 'sa', 'sah', 'sc', 'scn', 'sco', 'sd', 'se', 'sg', 'sh', 'shn', 'si', 'simple', 'sk', 'sm', 'sn', 'so', 'srn', 'ss', 'st', 'stq', 'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'szl', 'ta', 'tcy', 'te', 'tet', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl', 'tn', 'to', 'tpi', 'tr', 'ts', 'tt', 'tum', 'tw', 'ty', 'tyv', 'udm', 'ug', 'uz', 've', 'vec', 'vep', 'vls', 'vo', 'wa', 'war', 'wo', 'xal', 'xh', 'xmf', 'yi', 'yo', 'za', 'zea', 'zh', 'zh-classical', 'zh-min-nan', 'zh-yue', 'zu']#

A list with the name in the cross-language flag permissions.

doc_subpages = {'_default': (('/doc',), ['arz', 'bn', 'cs', 'da', 'en', 'es', 'hr', 'hu', 'id', 'ilo', 'ja', 'ms', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'simple', 'sh', 'vi', 'zh']), 'ar': ('/شرح', '/doc'), 'ary': ('/توثيق', '/شرح', '/doc'), 'bs': ('/dok',), 'ca': ('/ús',), 'de': ('Doku', '/Meta'), 'dsb': ('/Dokumentacija',), 'eu': ('txantiloi dokumentazioa', '/dok'), 'fa': ('/doc', '/توضیحات'), 'fi': ((),), 'fr': ('/Documentation',), 'hsb': ('/Dokumentacija',), 'it': ('/Man',), 'ka': ('/ინფო',), 'ko': ('/설명문서',), 'nn': ('/dok',), 'no': ('/dok',), 'pl': ('/opis',), 'sk': ('/Dokumentácia',), 'sr': ('/док',), 'sv': ('/dok',), 'uk': ('/Документація',), 'ur': ('/doc', '/دستاویز')}#
edit_restricted_templates: dict[str, tuple[str, ...]] = {'ar': ('تحرر',), 'ary': ('كاتبدل دابا',), 'arz': ('بتتطور',), 'bs': ('Izmjena u toku',), 'cs': ('Pracuje se',), 'de': ('Inuse', 'In use', 'In bearbeitung', 'Inbearbeitung'), 'en': ('Inuse', 'In use'), 'fa': ('ویرایش',), 'fr': ('En cours',), 'he': ('בעבודה',), 'hr': ('Radovi',), 'hy': ('Խմբագրում եմ',), 'ru': ('Редактирую',), 'sr': ('Радови у току', 'Рут'), 'test': ('In use',), 'ur': ('زیر ترمیم',), 'zh': ('Inuse',)}#

A dict of tuples for different sites with names of templates that indicate an edit should be avoided.


Return a list of historical encodings for a specific site.

latin1old = {'af', 'bs', 'co', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'en', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fi', 'fr', 'fy', 'ga', 'gl', 'ia', 'id', 'it', 'la', 'lt', 'lv', 'mi', 'mr', 'na', 'nds', 'nl', 'no', 'pt', 'simple', 'sl', 'sv', 'sw', 'test', 'tt', 'uk', 'vi', 'vo'}#
name: str | None = 'wikipedia'#

The family name

removed_wikis: list[str] = ['dk', 'mo', 'ru-sib', 'tlh', 'tokipona', 'zh_cn', 'zh_tw']#

Completely removed sites.

test_codes = ['test', 'test2']#

families.wikiquote_family — Wikiquote#

Family module for Wikiquote.

class families.wikiquote_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for Wikiquote.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'_default': (), 'ar': ('تحويل تصنيف',), 'en': ('Category redirect',), 'ro': ('Redirect categorie',), 'sq': ('Kategori e zhvendosur',), 'uk': ('Categoryredirect',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

closed_wikis: list[str] = ['am', 'ang', 'ast', 'bm', 'co', 'cr', 'ga', 'kk', 'kr', 'ks', 'kw', 'lb', 'na', 'nds', 'qu', 'simple', 'tk', 'tt', 'ug', 'vo', 'wo', 'za', 'zh-min-nan']#

Not open for edits; stewards can still edit.

codes = {'af', 'ar', 'as', 'az', 'bcl', 'be', 'bg', 'bjn', 'bn', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'gl', 'gu', 'guw', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'hy', 'id', 'ig', 'is', 'it', 'ja', 'ka', 'kn', 'ko', 'ku', 'ky', 'la', 'li', 'lt', 'ml', 'mr', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sa', 'sah', 'sk', 'sl', 'sq', 'sr', 'su', 'sv', 'ta', 'te', 'th', 'tl', 'tr', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 'vi', 'zh'}#
cross_allowed: list[str] = ['af', 'ar', 'az', 'be', 'bg', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'cy', 'da', 'el', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'gl', 'gu', 'he', 'hi', 'hu', 'hy', 'id', 'is', 'it', 'ja', 'ka', 'kn', 'ko', 'ku', 'ky', 'la', 'li', 'lt', 'ml', 'mr', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sa', 'sah', 'sk', 'sl', 'sq', 'sr', 'su', 'sv', 'ta', 'te', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 'vi', 'wo', 'zh']#

A list with the name in the cross-language flag permissions.

doc_subpages = {'_default': (('/doc',), ['en']), 'ar': ('/شرح', '/doc'), 'sr': ('/док',)}#

Return a list of historical encodings for a specific language.


code – site code

name: str | None = 'wikiquote'#

The family name

removed_wikis: list[str] = ['als', 'tokipona']#

Completely removed sites.

families.wikisource_family — Wikisource#

Family module for Wikisource.

class families.wikisource_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for Wikisource.

authornamespaces = {'_default': [0], 'ar': [102], 'be': [102], 'beta': [102], 'bg': [100], 'bn': [100], 'ca': [106], 'cs': [100], 'da': [102], 'en': [102], 'eo': [102], 'es': [106], 'et': [106], 'fa': [102], 'fr': [102], 'he': [108], 'hr': [100], 'hu': [100], 'hy': [100], 'it': [102], 'ko': [100], 'la': [102], 'nap': [102], 'nl': [102], 'no': [102], 'pl': [104], 'pt': [102], 'ro': [102], 'sr': [100], 'sv': [106], 'tr': [100], 'vi': [102], 'zh': [102]}#
category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'_default': (), 'ar': ('تحويل تصنيف',), 'bn': ('বিষয়শ্রেণী পুনর্নির্দেশ',), 'en': ('Category redirect',), 'es': ('Categoría redirigida',), 'ro': ('Redirect categorie',), 'zh': ('分類重定向',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

closed_wikis: list[str] = ['ang', 'ht']#

Not open for edits; stewards can still edit.

code_aliases: dict[str, str] = {'-': 'mul', 'aa': 'mul', 'ab': 'mul', 'ace': 'mul', 'ady': 'mul', 'af': 'mul', 'ak': 'mul', 'als': 'mul', 'alt': 'mul', 'am': 'mul', 'ami': 'mul', 'an': 'mul', 'arc': 'mul', 'ary': 'mul', 'arz': 'mul', 'ast': 'mul', 'atj': 'mul', 'av': 'mul', 'avk': 'mul', 'awa': 'mul', 'ay': 'mul', 'azb': 'mul', 'ba': 'mul', 'bar': 'mul', 'bat-smg': 'mul', 'bcl': 'mul', 'be-tarask': 'mul', 'be-x-old': 'be-tarask', 'bh': 'mul', 'bi': 'mul', 'bjn': 'mul', 'blk': 'mul', 'bm': 'mul', 'bo': 'mul', 'bpy': 'mul', 'bug': 'mul', 'bxr': 'mul', 'cbk-zam': 'mul', 'cdo': 'mul', 'ce': 'mul', 'ceb': 'mul', 'ch': 'mul', 'cho': 'mul', 'chr': 'mul', 'chy': 'mul', 'ckb': 'mul', 'co': 'mul', 'cr': 'mul', 'crh': 'mul', 'csb': 'mul', 'cu': 'mul', 'cv': 'mul', 'dag': 'mul', 'din': 'mul', 'diq': 'mul', 'dk': 'da', 'dsb': 'mul', 'dty': 'mul', 'dv': 'mul', 'dz': 'mul', 'ee': 'mul', 'eml': 'mul', 'ext': 'mul', 'ff': 'mul', 'fiu-vro': 'mul', 'fj': 'mul', 'frp': 'mul', 'frr': 'mul', 'fur': 'mul', 'fy': 'mul', 'ga': 'mul', 'gag': 'mul', 'gan': 'mul', 'gcr': 'mul', 'gd': 'mul', 'glk': 'mul', 'gn': 'mul', 'gom': 'mul', 'gor': 'mul', 'got': 'mul', 'guw': 'mul', 'gv': 'mul', 'ha': 'mul', 'hak': 'mul', 'haw': 'mul', 'hif': 'mul', 'ho': 'mul', 'hsb': 'mul', 'hyw': 'mul', 'hz': 'mul', 'ia': 'mul', 'ie': 'mul', 'ig': 'mul', 'ii': 'mul', 'ik': 'mul', 'ilo': 'mul', 'inh': 'mul', 'io': 'mul', 'iu': 'mul', 'jam': 'mul', 'jbo': 'mul', 'jp': 'ja', 'kaa': 'mul', 'kab': 'mul', 'kbd': 'mul', 'kbp': 'mul', 'kcg': 'mul', 'kg': 'mul', 'ki': 'mul', 'kj': 'mul', 'kk': 'mul', 'kl': 'mul', 'km': 'mul', 'koi': 'mul', 'kr': 'mul', 'krc': 'mul', 'ks': 'mul', 'ksh': 'mul', 'ku': 'mul', 'kv': 'mul', 'kw': 'mul', 'ky': 'mul', 'lad': 'mul', 'lb': 'mul', 'lbe': 'mul', 'lez': 'mul', 'lfn': 'mul', 'lg': 'mul', 'lld': 'mul', 'lmo': 'mul', 'ln': 'mul', 'lo': 'mul', 'lrc': 'mul', 'ltg': 'mul', 'lv': 'mul', 'mad': 'mul', 'mai': 'mul', 'map-bms': 'mul', 'mdf': 'mul', 'mg': 'mul', 'mh': 'mul', 'mhr': 'mul', 'mi': 'mul', 'min': 'mul', 'minnan': 'zh-min-nan', 'mn': 'mul', 'mni': 'mul', 'mnw': 'mul', 'mo': 'ro', 'mrj': 'mul', 'mt': 'mul', 'mus': 'mul', 'mwl': 'mul', 'myv': 'mul', 'mzn': 'mul', 'na': 'mul', 'nah': 'mul', 'nan': 'zh-min-nan', 'nb': 'no', 'nds': 'mul', 'nds-nl': 'mul', 'nds_nl': 'nds-nl', 'ne': 'mul', 'new': 'mul', 'ng': 'mul', 'nia': 'mul', 'nn': 'mul', 'nov': 'mul', 'nqo': 'mul', 'nrm': 'mul', 'nso': 'mul', 'nv': 'mul', 'ny': 'mul', 'oc': 'mul', 'olo': 'mul', 'om': 'mul', 'os': 'mul', 'pag': 'mul', 'pam': 'mul', 'pap': 'mul', 'pcd': 'mul', 'pcm': 'mul', 'pdc': 'mul', 'pfl': 'mul', 'pi': 'mul', 'pih': 'mul', 'pnb': 'mul', 'pnt': 'mul', 'ps': 'mul', 'pwn': 'mul', 'qu': 'mul', 'rm': 'mul', 'rmy': 'mul', 'rn': 'mul', 'roa-rup': 'mul', 'roa-tara': 'mul', 'rue': 'mul', 'rw': 'mul', 'sat': 'mul', 'sc': 'mul', 'scn': 'mul', 'sco': 'mul', 'sd': 'mul', 'se': 'mul', 'sg': 'mul', 'sh': 'mul', 'shi': 'mul', 'shn': 'mul', 'si': 'mul', 'simple': 'mul', 'skr': 'mul', 'sm': 'mul', 'smn': 'mul', 'sn': 'mul', 'so': 'mul', 'sq': 'mul', 'srn': 'mul', 'ss': 'mul', 'st': 'mul', 'stq': 'mul', 'sw': 'mul', 'szl': 'mul', 'szy': 'mul', 'tay': 'mul', 'tcy': 'mul', 'tet': 'mul', 'tg': 'mul', 'ti': 'mul', 'tk': 'mul', 'tl': 'mul', 'tn': 'mul', 'to': 'mul', 'tpi': 'mul', 'trv': 'mul', 'ts': 'mul', 'tt': 'mul', 'tum': 'mul', 'tw': 'mul', 'ty': 'mul', 'tyv': 'mul', 'udm': 'mul', 'ug': 'mul', 'ur': 'mul', 'uz': 'mul', 've': 'mul', 'vep': 'mul', 'vls': 'mul', 'vo': 'mul', 'war': 'mul', 'wo': 'mul', 'wuu': 'mul', 'www': 'mul', 'xal': 'mul', 'xh': 'mul', 'xmf': 'mul', 'yo': 'mul', 'za': 'mul', 'zea': 'mul', 'zh-classical': 'mul', 'zh-cn': 'zh', 'zh-tw': 'zh', 'zh-yue': 'mul', 'zu': 'mul'}#

Code mappings which are only an alias, and there is no ‘old’ wiki. For all except ‘nl_nds’, subdomains do exist as a redirect, but that should not be relied upon.

codes = {'ar', 'as', 'az', 'ban', 'be', 'bg', 'bn', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'cs', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fo', 'fr', 'gl', 'gu', 'he', 'hi', 'hr', 'hu', 'hy', 'id', 'is', 'it', 'ja', 'jv', 'ka', 'kn', 'ko', 'la', 'li', 'lij', 'lt', 'mk', 'ml', 'mr', 'ms', 'mul', 'my', 'nap', 'nl', 'no', 'or', 'pa', 'pl', 'pms', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'sa', 'sah', 'sk', 'sl', 'sr', 'su', 'sv', 'ta', 'te', 'th', 'tr', 'uk', 'vec', 'vi', 'wa', 'yi', 'zh', 'zh-min-nan'}#
cross_allowed: list[str] = ['ar', 'be', 'bg', 'bn', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'cy', 'da', 'el', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fo', 'gl', 'hr', 'hy', 'id', 'it', 'ja', 'kn', 'ko', 'ml', 'nap', 'no', 'or', 'pa', 'pl', 'pt', 'ro', 'sa', 'sk', 'sr', 'ta', 'te', 'th', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh']#

A list with the name in the cross-language flag permissions.

doc_subpages = {'_default': (('/doc',), ['as', 'az', 'bn', 'en', 'es', 'et', 'gu', 'hu', 'it', 'ja', 'kn', 'ml', 'mk', 'mr', 'pt', 'ro', 'sa', 'sah', 'ta', 'te', 'th', 'vi']), 'ar': ('/شرح', '/doc'), 'be': ('/Дакументацыя',), 'bn': ('/নথি',), 'br': ('/diellerezh',), 'de': ('/Doku', '/Meta'), 'el': ('/τεκμηρίωση',), 'eo': ('/dokumentado',), 'fr': ('/documentation',), 'id': ('/dok',), 'ko': ('/설명문서',), 'no': ('/dok',), 'ru': ('/Документация',), 'sl': ('/dok',), 'sr': ('/док',), 'sv': ('/dok',), 'uk': ('/документація',)}#
domains = ['wikisource.org', 'en.wikisource.beta.wmflabs.org']#
langs: dict[str, str] = {'-': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'aa': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ab': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ace': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ady': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'af': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ak': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'als': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'alt': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'am': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ami': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'an': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ang': 'ang.wikisource.org', 'ar': 'ar.wikisource.org', 'arc': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ary': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'arz': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'as': 'as.wikisource.org', 'ast': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'atj': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'av': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'avk': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'awa': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ay': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'az': 'az.wikisource.org', 'azb': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ba': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ban': 'ban.wikisource.org', 'bar': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'bat-smg': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'bcl': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'be': 'be.wikisource.org', 'be-tarask': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'be-x-old': 'be-tarask.wikisource.org', 'beta': 'en.wikisource.beta.wmflabs.org', 'bg': 'bg.wikisource.org', 'bh': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'bi': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'bjn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'blk': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'bm': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'bn': 'bn.wikisource.org', 'bo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'bpy': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'br': 'br.wikisource.org', 'bs': 'bs.wikisource.org', 'bug': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'bxr': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ca': 'ca.wikisource.org', 'cbk-zam': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'cdo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ce': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ceb': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ch': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'cho': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'chr': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'chy': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ckb': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'co': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'cr': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'crh': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'cs': 'cs.wikisource.org', 'csb': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'cu': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'cv': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'cy': 'cy.wikisource.org', 'da': 'da.wikisource.org', 'dag': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'de': 'de.wikisource.org', 'din': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'diq': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'dk': 'da.wikisource.org', 'dsb': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'dty': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'dv': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'dz': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ee': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'el': 'el.wikisource.org', 'eml': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'en': 'en.wikisource.org', 'eo': 'eo.wikisource.org', 'es': 'es.wikisource.org', 'et': 'et.wikisource.org', 'eu': 'eu.wikisource.org', 'ext': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'fa': 'fa.wikisource.org', 'ff': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'fi': 'fi.wikisource.org', 'fiu-vro': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'fj': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'fo': 'fo.wikisource.org', 'fr': 'fr.wikisource.org', 'frp': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'frr': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'fur': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'fy': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ga': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gag': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gan': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gcr': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gd': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gl': 'gl.wikisource.org', 'glk': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gom': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gor': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'got': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gu': 'gu.wikisource.org', 'guw': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'gv': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ha': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'hak': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'haw': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'he': 'he.wikisource.org', 'hi': 'hi.wikisource.org', 'hif': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ho': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'hr': 'hr.wikisource.org', 'hsb': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ht': 'ht.wikisource.org', 'hu': 'hu.wikisource.org', 'hy': 'hy.wikisource.org', 'hyw': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'hz': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ia': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'id': 'id.wikisource.org', 'ie': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ig': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ii': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ik': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ilo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'inh': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'io': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'is': 'is.wikisource.org', 'it': 'it.wikisource.org', 'iu': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ja': 'ja.wikisource.org', 'jam': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'jbo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'jp': 'ja.wikisource.org', 'jv': 'jv.wikisource.org', 'ka': 'ka.wikisource.org', 'kaa': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kab': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kbd': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kbp': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kcg': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kg': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ki': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kj': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kk': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kl': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'km': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kn': 'kn.wikisource.org', 'ko': 'ko.wikisource.org', 'koi': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kr': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'krc': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ks': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ksh': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ku': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kv': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'kw': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ky': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'la': 'la.wikisource.org', 'lad': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lb': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lbe': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lez': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lfn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lg': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'li': 'li.wikisource.org', 'lij': 'lij.wikisource.org', 'lld': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lmo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ln': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lrc': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lt': 'lt.wikisource.org', 'ltg': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'lv': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mad': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mai': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'map-bms': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mdf': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mg': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mh': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mhr': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mi': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'min': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'minnan': 'zh-min-nan.wikisource.org', 'mk': 'mk.wikisource.org', 'ml': 'ml.wikisource.org', 'mn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mni': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mnw': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mo': 'ro.wikisource.org', 'mr': 'mr.wikisource.org', 'mrj': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ms': 'ms.wikisource.org', 'mt': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mul': 'wikisource.org', 'mus': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mwl': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'my': 'my.wikisource.org', 'myv': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'mzn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'na': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nah': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nan': 'zh-min-nan.wikisource.org', 'nap': 'nap.wikisource.org', 'nb': 'no.wikisource.org', 'nds': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nds-nl': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nds_nl': 'nds-nl.wikisource.org', 'ne': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'new': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ng': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nia': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nl': 'nl.wikisource.org', 'nn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'no': 'no.wikisource.org', 'nov': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nqo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nrm': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nso': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'nv': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ny': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'oc': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'olo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'om': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'or': 'or.wikisource.org', 'os': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pa': 'pa.wikisource.org', 'pag': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pam': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pap': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pcd': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pcm': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pdc': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pfl': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pi': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pih': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pl': 'pl.wikisource.org', 'pms': 'pms.wikisource.org', 'pnb': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pnt': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ps': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'pt': 'pt.wikisource.org', 'pwn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'qu': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'rm': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'rmy': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'rn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ro': 'ro.wikisource.org', 'roa-rup': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'roa-tara': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ru': 'ru.wikisource.org', 'rue': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'rw': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sa': 'sa.wikisource.org', 'sah': 'sah.wikisource.org', 'sat': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sc': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'scn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sco': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sd': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'se': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sg': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sh': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'shi': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'shn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'si': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'simple': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sk': 'sk.wikisource.org', 'skr': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sl': 'sl.wikisource.org', 'sm': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'smn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'so': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sq': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'sr': 'sr.wikisource.org', 'srn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ss': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'st': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'stq': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'su': 'su.wikisource.org', 'sv': 'sv.wikisource.org', 'sw': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'szl': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'szy': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ta': 'ta.wikisource.org', 'tay': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tcy': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'te': 'te.wikisource.org', 'tet': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tg': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'th': 'th.wikisource.org', 'ti': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tk': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tl': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tn': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'to': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tpi': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tr': 'tr.wikisource.org', 'trv': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ts': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tt': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tum': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tw': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ty': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'tyv': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'udm': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'ug': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'uk': 'uk.wikisource.org', 'ur': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'uz': 'mul.wikisource.org', 've': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'vec': 'vec.wikisource.org', 'vep': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'vi': 'vi.wikisource.org', 'vls': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'vo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'wa': 'wa.wikisource.org', 'war': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'wo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'wuu': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'www': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'xal': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'xh': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'xmf': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'yi': 'yi.wikisource.org', 'yo': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'za': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'zea': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'zh': 'zh.wikisource.org', 'zh-classical': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'zh-cn': 'zh.wikisource.org', 'zh-min-nan': 'zh-min-nan.wikisource.org', 'zh-tw': 'zh.wikisource.org', 'zh-yue': 'mul.wikisource.org', 'zu': 'mul.wikisource.org'}#
name: str | None = 'wikisource'#

The family name

removed_wikis: list[str] = ['tokipona']#

Completely removed sites.

test_codes = ['beta']#

families.wikisopore_family — Wikispore#

Family module for Wikispore.

Added in version 4.1.

class families.wikispore_family.Family[source]#

Bases: Family

Family class for Wikispore.

Added in version 4.1.

langs: dict[str, str] = {'en': 'wikispore.wmflabs.org', 'test': 'wikispore-test.wmflabs.org'}#
name: str | None = 'wikispore'#

The family name

families.wikitech_family — Wikitech#

Family module for Wikitech.

class families.wikitech_family.Family[source]#

Bases: WikimediaOrgFamily

Family class for Wikitech.

code = 'en'#
name: str | None = 'wikitech'#

The family name


Return the protocol for this family.

Return type:


families.wikiversity_family — Wikiversity#

Family module for Wikiversity.

class families.wikiversity_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for Wikiversity.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'_default': (), 'ar': ('تحويل تصنيف',), 'en': ('Category redirect',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

code_aliases: dict[str, str] = {'be-x-old': 'be-tarask', 'dk': 'da', 'jp': 'ja', 'minnan': 'zh-min-nan', 'mo': 'ro', 'mul': 'beta', 'nan': 'zh-min-nan', 'nb': 'no', 'nds_nl': 'nds-nl', 'zh-cn': 'zh', 'zh-tw': 'zh'}#

Code mappings which are only an alias, and there is no ‘old’ wiki. For all except ‘nl_nds’, subdomains do exist as a redirect, but that should not be relied upon.

codes = {'ar', 'cs', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'hi', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'pt', 'ru', 'sl', 'sv', 'zh'}#
cross_allowed: list[str] = ['ar', 'hi', 'ja', 'ko', 'zh']#

A list with the name in the cross-language flag permissions.

name: str | None = 'wikiversity'#

The family name

test_codes = ['beta']#

families.wikivoyage_family— Wikivoyage#

Family module for Wikivoyage.

class families.wikivoyage_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for Wikivoyage.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'_default': (), 'bn': ('বিষয়শ্রেণী পুনর্নির্দেশ',), 'zh': ('分类重定向',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

codes = {'bn', 'cs', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'he', 'hi', 'it', 'ja', 'nl', 'pl', 'ps', 'pt', 'ro', 'ru', 'shn', 'sv', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh'}#
cross_allowed: list[str] = ['bn', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'fa', 'fi', 'hi', 'ps', 'ru']#

A list with the name in the cross-language flag permissions.

name: str | None = 'wikivoyage'#

The family name

families.wiktionary_family — Wiktionary#

Family module for Wiktionary.

class families.wiktionary_family.Family[source]#

Bases: SubdomainFamily, WikimediaFamily

Family class for Wiktionary.

Changed in version 8.0: alphabetic_sv attribute was removed; interwiki_putfirst attribute was removed and default setting from parent class is used.

category_redirect_templates: dict[str, Sequence[str]] = {'_default': (), 'ar': ('تحويل تصنيف',), 'zh': ('分类重定向',)}#

A list of category redirect template names in different languages.

closed_wikis: list[str] = ['aa', 'ab', 'ak', 'as', 'av', 'bh', 'bi', 'bm', 'bo', 'ch', 'cr', 'dz', 'ik', 'mh', 'pi', 'rm', 'rn', 'sc', 'sn', 'to', 'tw', 'xh', 'yo', 'za']#

Not open for edits; stewards can still edit.

codes = {'af', 'am', 'an', 'ang', 'ar', 'ast', 'ay', 'az', 'bcl', 'be', 'bg', 'bjn', 'blk', 'bn', 'br', 'bs', 'btm', 'ca', 'chr', 'ckb', 'co', 'cs', 'csb', 'cy', 'da', 'de', 'diq', 'dv', 'el', 'en', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fj', 'fo', 'fr', 'fy', 'ga', 'gd', 'gl', 'gn', 'gom', 'gor', 'gu', 'guw', 'gv', 'ha', 'he', 'hi', 'hif', 'hr', 'hsb', 'hu', 'hy', 'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'ig', 'io', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'ja', 'jbo', 'jv', 'ka', 'kaa', 'kbd', 'kcg', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'ks', 'ku', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lb', 'li', 'lmo', 'ln', 'lo', 'lt', 'lv', 'mg', 'mi', 'min', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mni', 'mnw', 'mr', 'ms', 'mt', 'my', 'na', 'nah', 'nds', 'ne', 'nia', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'oc', 'om', 'or', 'pa', 'pl', 'pnb', 'ps', 'pt', 'qu', 'ro', 'roa-rup', 'ru', 'rw', 'sa', 'scn', 'sd', 'sg', 'sh', 'shn', 'shy', 'si', 'simple', 'sk', 'skr', 'sl', 'sm', 'so', 'sq', 'sr', 'ss', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta', 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl', 'tn', 'tpi', 'tr', 'ts', 'tt', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 'vec', 'vi', 'vo', 'wa', 'wo', 'yi', 'yue', 'zh', 'zh-min-nan', 'zu'}#
cross_allowed: list[str] = ['af', 'am', 'an', 'ang', 'ar', 'ast', 'ay', 'az', 'be', 'bg', 'bn', 'br', 'bs', 'ca', 'chr', 'co', 'cs', 'csb', 'cy', 'da', 'dv', 'el', 'eo', 'es', 'et', 'eu', 'fa', 'fi', 'fj', 'fo', 'fy', 'ga', 'gd', 'gl', 'gn', 'gu', 'gv', 'ha', 'hsb', 'hu', 'hy', 'ia', 'id', 'ie', 'io', 'iu', 'jbo', 'jv', 'ka', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'ks', 'ku', 'kw', 'ky', 'la', 'lb', 'ln', 'lo', 'lt', 'lv', 'mg', 'mi', 'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'ms', 'mt', 'my', 'na', 'nah', 'nds', 'ne', 'nl', 'nn', 'no', 'oc', 'om', 'or', 'pa', 'pnb', 'ps', 'pt', 'qu', 'roa-rup', 'rw', 'sa', 'scn', 'sd', 'sg', 'sh', 'si', 'simple', 'sk', 'sl', 'sm', 'so', 'sq', 'sr', 'ss', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'ta', 'te', 'tg', 'th', 'ti', 'tk', 'tl', 'tn', 'tpi', 'tr', 'ts', 'tt', 'ug', 'uk', 'ur', 'uz', 'vec', 'vi', 'vo', 'wa', 'wo', 'yi', 'zh', 'zh-min-nan', 'zu']#

A list with the name in the cross-language flag permissions.

doc_subpages = {'_default': (('/doc',), ['en']), 'ar': ('/شرح', '/doc'), 'sr': ('/док',)}#
interwiki_attop: list[str] = ['pl']#

attop is a list of languages that prefer to have the interwiki links at the top of the page.

interwiki_on_one_line: list[str] = ['pl']#

on_one_line is a list of languages that want the interwiki links one-after-another on a single line

name: str | None = 'wiktionary'#

The family name

removed_wikis: list[str] = ['als', 'ba', 'dk', 'mo', 'tlh', 'tokipona']#

Completely removed sites.

families.wowwiki_family — Fandom WOW#

Family module for WOW wiki.

class families.wowwiki_family.Family[source]#

Bases: FandomFamily

Family class for WOW Wiki.

categories_last: list[str]#

When both at the bottom should categories come after interwikilinks?

TODO: T86284 Needed on Wikia sites, as it uses the CategorySelect extension which puts categories last on all sites. TO BE DEPRECATED!

code_aliases: dict[str, str] = {'nn': 'no'}#

Code mappings which are only an alias, and there is no ‘old’ wiki. For all except ‘nl_nds’, subdomains do exist as a redirect, but that should not be relied upon.

codes = {'ar', 'cs', 'da', 'de', 'el', 'en', 'es', 'et', 'fa', 'fi', 'fr', 'he', 'hu', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'nl', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'pt-br', 'ru', 'uk', 'zh', 'zh-tw'}#
disambcatname: dict[str, str]#

A dict with the name of the category containing disambiguation pages for the various languages. Only one category per language, and without the namespace, so add things like:

‘en’: “Disambiguation”

disambiguationTemplates: dict[str, Sequence[str]]#

A list of disambiguation template names in different languages.

domain = 'wowwiki.fandom.com'#

List of domains used by family wowwiki.

langs: dict[str, str]#

Property listing family languages.

name: str | None = 'wowwiki'#

The family name

removed_wikis: list[str] = ['is', 'hr', 'lt', 'lv', 'ro', 'sk', 'sr', 'sv', 'tr']#

Completely removed sites.


Return the script path for this family.