MediaWiki  1.23.2
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 api.phpThis file is the entry point for all API queries
 api.php5Version of api.php to be used in web servers that require the .php5 extension to execute scripts with the PHP5 engine
 img_auth.phpImage authorisation script
 img_auth.php5Version of img_auth.php to be used in web servers that require the .php5 extension to execute scripts with the PHP5 engine
 index.phpThis is the main web entry point for MediaWiki
 index.php5Version of index.php to be used in web servers that require the .php5 extension to execute scripts with the PHP5 engine
 load.phpThis file is the entry point for the resource loader
 load.php5Version of load.php to be used in web servers that require the .php5 extension to execute scripts with the PHP5 engine
 opensearch_desc.phpGenerate an OpenSearch description file
 opensearch_desc.php5Version of opensearch_desc.php to be used in web servers that require the .php5 extension to execute scripts with the PHP5 engine
 profileinfo.phpShow profiling data
 profileinfo.php5Version of profileinfo.php to be used in web servers that require the .php5 extension to execute scripts with the PHP5 engine
 thumb.phpPHP script to stream out an image thumbnail
 thumb.php5Version of thumb.php to be used in web servers that require the .php5 extension to execute scripts with the PHP5 engine
 thumb_handler.phpPHP script to be used as 404 handler to create and stream out a not yet existing image thumbnail
 thumb_handler.php5Version of thumb_handler.php to be used in web servers that require the .php5 extension to execute scripts with the PHP5 engine