"""Diff module."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2014-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations
import difflib
import math
from collections import abc
from difflib import SequenceMatcher, _format_range_unified
from heapq import nlargest
from itertools import zip_longest
import pywikibot
from pywikibot.backports import Iterable, Sequence
from pywikibot.tools import chars
__all__ = [
'PatchManager', 'cherry_pick',
class Hunk:
"""One change hunk between a and b.
.. note:: parts of this code are taken from by
APPR = 1
def __init__(self, a: str | Sequence[str],
b: str | Sequence[str],
grouped_opcode: Sequence[tuple[str, int, int, int, int]]
) -> None:
:param a: sequence of lines
:param b: sequence of lines
:param grouped_opcode: list of 5-tuples describing how to turn a into
b. It has the same format as returned by difflib.get_opcodes().
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.group = grouped_opcode
self.header = ''
self.colors = {
'+': 'lightgreen',
'-': 'lightred',
self.bg_colors = {
'+': 'lightgreen',
'-': 'lightred',
self.diff = list(self.create_diff())
self.diff_plain_text = ''.join(self.diff)
self.diff_text = ''.join(self.format_diff())
first, last = self.group[0], self.group[-1]
self.a_rng = (first[1], last[2])
self.b_rng = (first[3], last[4])
self.header = self.get_header()
self.diff_plain_text = f'{self.header}\n{self.diff_plain_text}'
self.diff_text = str(self.diff_text)
self.reviewed = self.PENDING
self.pre_context = 0
self.post_context = 0
def create_diff(self) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Generator of diff text for this hunk, without formatting.
Check each line ends with line feed to prevent behaviour like
def check_line(line: str) -> str:
r"""Make sure each line ends with '\n'."""
return line if line.endswith('\n') else line + '\n'
for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in self.group:
# equal/delete/insert add additional space after the sign as it's
# what difflib.ndiff does do too.
if tag == 'equal':
for line in self.a[i1:i2]:
yield ' ' + check_line(line)
elif tag == 'delete':
for line in self.a[i1:i2]:
yield '- ' + check_line(line)
elif tag == 'insert':
for line in self.b[j1:j2]:
yield '+ ' + check_line(line)
elif tag == 'replace':
for line in difflib.ndiff(self.a[i1:i2], self.b[j1:j2]):
yield check_line(line)
def color_line(self, line: str, line_ref: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Color line characters.
If line_ref is None, the whole line is colored.
If line_ref[i] is not blank, line[i] is colored.
Color depends if line starts with +/-.
line_ref: string.
color = line[0]
if line_ref is None:
if color in self.colors:
colored_line = f'<<{self.colors[color]}>>{line}<<default>>'
return colored_line
return line
colored_line = ''
color_closed = True
for char, char_ref in zip_longest(
line, line_ref.strip(), fillvalue=' '
char_tagged = char
if color_closed:
if char_ref != ' ':
if char != ' ':
apply_color = self.colors[color]
apply_color = 'default;' + self.bg_colors[color]
char_tagged = f'<<{apply_color}>>{char}'
color_closed = False
elif char_ref == ' ':
char_tagged = f'<<default>>{char}'
color_closed = True
colored_line += char_tagged
if not color_closed:
colored_line += '<<default>>'
return colored_line
def apply(self) -> Sequence[str]:
"""Turn a into b for this hunk."""
return self.b[self.b_rng[0]:self.b_rng[1]]
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Return the diff as plain text."""
return ''.join(self.diff_plain_text)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Return a reconstructable representation."""
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(a, b, {self.group})'
class _SuperHunk(abc.Sequence):
def __init__(self, hunks: Sequence[Hunk]) -> None:
self._hunks = hunks
self.a_rng = (self._hunks[0].a_rng[0], self._hunks[-1].a_rng[1])
self.b_rng = (self._hunks[0].b_rng[0], self._hunks[-1].b_rng[1])
self.pre_context = self._hunks[0].pre_context
self.post_context = self._hunks[0].post_context
def __getitem__(self, idx: int) -> Hunk: # type: ignore[override]
return self._hunks[idx]
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._hunks)
def split(self) -> list[_SuperHunk]:
return [_SuperHunk([hunk]) for hunk in self._hunks]
def reviewed(self) -> int:
assert len({hunk.reviewed for hunk in self._hunks}) == 1, \
'All hunks should have the same review status'
return self._hunks[0].reviewed
def reviewed(self, reviewed: int) -> None:
for hunk in self._hunks:
hunk.reviewed = reviewed
class PatchManager:
"""Apply patches to text_a to obtain a new text.
If all hunks are approved, text_b will be obtained.
def __init__(self, text_a: str, text_b: str, context: int = 0,
by_letter: bool = False,
replace_invisible: bool = False) -> None:
:param text_a: base text
:param text_b: target text
:param context: number of lines which are context
:param by_letter: if text_a and text_b are single lines, comparison can
be done letter by letter.
:param replace_invisible: Replace invisible characters like U+200e with
the charnumber in brackets (e.g. <200e>).
self.a: str | list[str] = text_a.splitlines(True)
self.b: str | list[str] = text_b.splitlines(True)
if by_letter and len(self.a) <= 1 and len(self.b) <= 1:
self.a = text_a
self.b = text_b
# groups and hunk have same order (one hunk correspond to one group).
s = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, self.a, self.b)
self.groups = list(s.get_grouped_opcodes(0))
self.hunks = []
previous_hunk = None
for group in self.groups:
hunk = Hunk(self.a, self.b, group)
hunk.pre_context = hunk.a_rng[0]
if previous_hunk:
hunk.pre_context -= previous_hunk.a_rng[1]
previous_hunk.post_context = hunk.pre_context
previous_hunk = hunk
if self.hunks:
self.hunks[-1].post_context = len(self.a) - self.hunks[-1].a_rng[1]
# blocks are a superset of hunk, as include also parts not
# included in any hunk.
self.blocks = self.get_blocks()
self.context = context
self._super_hunks = self._generate_super_hunks()
self._replace_invisible = replace_invisible
def get_blocks(self) -> list[tuple[int, tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]]:
"""Return list with blocks of indexes.
Format of each block::
[-1, (i1, i2), (-1, -1)] -> block a[i1:i2] does not change from
a to b then is there is no corresponding hunk.
[hunk index, (i1, i2), (j1, j2)] -> block a[i1:i2] becomes b[j1:j2]
blocks = []
i2 = 0
for hunk_idx, group in enumerate(self.groups):
first, last = group[0], group[-1]
i1, prev_i2, i2 = first[1], i2, last[2]
# there is a section of unchanged text before this hunk.
if prev_i2 < i1:
rng = (-1, (prev_i2, i1), (-1, -1))
rng = (hunk_idx, (first[1], last[2]), (first[3], last[4]))
# there is a section of unchanged text at the end of a, b.
if i2 < len(self.a):
rng = (-1, (i2, len(self.a)), (-1, -1))
return blocks
def print_hunks(self) -> None:
"""Print the headers and diff texts of all hunks to the output."""
if self.hunks:
for super_hunk in self._super_hunks))
def _generate_super_hunks(self, hunks: Iterable[Hunk] | None = None
) -> list[_SuperHunk]:
if hunks is None:
hunks = self.hunks
if not hunks:
return []
if self.context:
# Determine if two hunks are connected by self.context
super_hunk: list[Hunk] = []
super_hunks = [super_hunk]
for hunk in hunks:
# self.context * 2, because if self.context is 2 the hunks
# would be directly adjacent when 4 lines in between and for
# anything below 4 they share lines.
# not super_hunk == first hunk as any other super_hunk is
# created with one hunk
if (not super_hunk or hunk.pre_context <= self.context * 2):
# previous hunk has shared/adjacent self.context lines
super_hunk = [hunk]
super_hunks = [[hunk] for hunk in hunks]
return [_SuperHunk(sh) for sh in super_hunks]
def _get_context_range(self, super_hunk: _SuperHunk
) -> tuple[tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]:
"""Dynamically determine context range for a super hunk."""
a0, a1 = super_hunk.a_rng
b0, b1 = super_hunk.b_rng
return ((a0 - min(super_hunk.pre_context, self.context),
a1 + min(super_hunk.post_context, self.context)),
(b0 - min(super_hunk.pre_context, self.context),
b1 + min(super_hunk.post_context, self.context)))
def _generate_diff(self, hunks: _SuperHunk) -> str:
"""Generate a diff text for the given hunks."""
def extend_context(start: int, end: int) -> str:
"""Add context lines."""
return ''.join(f' {line.rstrip()}\n'
for line in self.a[start:end])
context_range = self._get_context_range(hunks)
output = (
f'{extend_context(context_range[0][0], hunks[0].a_rng[0])}'
previous_hunk = None
for hunk in hunks:
if previous_hunk:
output += extend_context(previous_hunk.a_rng[1], hunk.a_rng[0])
previous_hunk = hunk
output += hunk.diff_text
output += extend_context(hunks[-1].a_rng[1], context_range[0][1])
if self._replace_invisible:
output = chars.replace_invisible(output)
return output
def review_hunks(self) -> None:
"""Review hunks."""
def find_pending(start: int, end: int) -> int | None:
step = -1 if start > end else +1
for pending in range(start, end, step):
if super_hunks[pending].reviewed == Hunk.PENDING:
return pending
return None
help_msg = {
'y': 'accept this hunk',
'n': 'do not accept this hunk',
'q': 'do not accept this hunk and quit reviewing',
'a': 'accept this hunk and all other pending',
'd': 'do not apply this or any of the later hunks in the file',
'g': 'select a hunk to go to',
'j': 'leave this hunk undecided, see next undecided hunk',
'J': 'leave this hunk undecided, see next hunk',
'k': 'leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk',
'K': 'leave this hunk undecided, see previous hunk',
's': 'split this hunk into smaller ones',
'?': 'help',
super_hunks = self._generate_super_hunks(
h for h in self.hunks if h.reviewed == Hunk.PENDING)
position: int | None = 0
while any(any(hunk.reviewed == Hunk.PENDING for hunk in super_hunk)
for super_hunk in super_hunks):
assert position is not None
super_hunk = super_hunks[position]
next_pending = find_pending(position + 1, len(super_hunks))
prev_pending = find_pending(position - 1, -1)
answers = ['y', 'n', 'q', 'a', 'd', 'g']
if next_pending is not None:
if position < len(super_hunks) - 1:
if prev_pending is not None:
if position > 0:
if len(super_hunk) > 1:
choice = pywikibot.input(
f"Accept this hunk [{','.join(answers)}]?")
if choice not in answers:
choice = '?'
if choice in ['y', 'n']:
super_hunk.reviewed = \
Hunk.APPR if choice == 'y' else Hunk.NOT_APPR
if next_pending is not None:
position = next_pending
position = find_pending(0, position)
elif choice == 'q':
for super_hunk in super_hunks:
for hunk in super_hunk:
if hunk.reviewed == Hunk.PENDING:
hunk.reviewed = Hunk.NOT_APPR
elif choice in ['a', 'd']:
for super_hunk in super_hunks[position:]:
for hunk in super_hunk:
if hunk.reviewed == Hunk.PENDING:
hunk.reviewed = \
Hunk.APPR if choice == 'a' else Hunk.NOT_APPR
position = find_pending(0, position)
elif choice == 'g':
hunk_list = []
rng_width = 18
for index, super_hunk in enumerate(super_hunks, start=1):
assert -1 <= super_hunk.reviewed <= 1, \
"The super hunk's review status is unknown."
status = ' +-'[super_hunk.reviewed]
if super_hunk[0].a_rng[1] - super_hunk[0].a_rng[0] > 0:
mode = '-'
first = self.a[super_hunk[0].a_rng[0]]
mode = '+'
first = self.b[super_hunk[0].b_rng[0]]
hunk_list += [(status, index,
mode, first)]
rng_width = max(len(hunk_list[-1][2]), rng_width)
line_template = ('{0}{1} {2: >'
+ str(int(math.log10(len(super_hunks)) + 1))
+ '}: {3: <' + str(rng_width) + '} {4}{5}')
# the last entry is the first changed line which usually ends
# with a \n (only the last may not, which is covered by the
# if-condition following this block)
hunk_list_str = ''.join(
'*' if hunk_entry[1] == position + 1 else
' ', *hunk_entry)
for hunk_entry in hunk_list)
if hunk_list_str.endswith('\n'):
hunk_list_str = hunk_list_str[:-1]
next_hunk = pywikibot.input('Go to which hunk?')
next_hunk_position = int(next_hunk) - 1
except ValueError:
next_hunk_position = False
if (next_hunk_position is not False
and 0 <= next_hunk_position < len(super_hunks)):
position = next_hunk_position
elif next_hunk: # nothing entered is silently ignored
f'Invalid hunk number "{next_hunk}"')
elif choice == 'j':
assert next_pending is not None
position = next_pending
elif choice == 'J':
position += 1
elif choice == 'k':
assert prev_pending is not None
position = prev_pending
elif choice == 'K':
position -= 1
elif choice == 's':
super_hunks = (super_hunks[:position]
+ super_hunks[position].split()
+ super_hunks[position + 1:])
f'Split into {len(super_hunk._hunks)} hunks')
else: # choice == '?':
f'{answer} -> {help_msg[answer]}'
for answer in answers)))
def apply(self) -> list[str]:
"""Apply changes. If there are undecided changes, ask to review."""
if any(h.reviewed == h.PENDING for h in self.hunks):
pywikibot.info('There are unreviewed hunks.\n'
'Please review them before proceeding.\n')
l_text: list[str] = []
for hunk_idx, (i1, i2), (j1, j2) in self.blocks:
# unchanged text.
if hunk_idx < 0:
# changed text; check if hunk is approved.
hunk = self.hunks[hunk_idx]
if hunk.reviewed == hunk.APPR:
# Make a sanity check in case all are approved.
if all(h.reviewed == h.APPR for h in self.hunks):
assert ''.join(l_text) == ''.join(self.b)
return l_text
def cherry_pick(oldtext: str, newtext: str, n: int = 0,
by_letter: bool = False) -> str:
"""Propose a list of changes for approval.
Text with approved changes will be returned.
n: int, line of context as defined in difflib.get_grouped_opcodes().
by_letter: if text_a and text_b are single lines, comparison can be done
template = '{2}<<lightpurple>>{0:{1}^50}<<default>>{2}'
patch = PatchManager(oldtext, newtext, context=n, by_letter=by_letter)
pywikibot.info(template.format(' ALL CHANGES ', '*', '\n'))
for hunk in patch.hunks:
pywikibot.info(template.format(' REVIEW CHANGES ', '*', '\n'))
text_list = patch.apply()
pywikibot.info(template.format(' APPROVED CHANGES ', '*', '\n'))
if any(hunk.reviewed == hunk.APPR for hunk in patch.hunks):
for hunk in patch.hunks:
if hunk.reviewed == hunk.APPR:
pywikibot.info(template.format('None.', '', ''))
return ''.join(text_list)
def html_comparator(compare_string: str) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
"""List of added and deleted contexts from ``action=compare`` html string.
This function is useful when combined with :meth:`Site.compare()
<pywikibot.site._apisite.APISite.compare>` method. ``compare()``
returns HTML that is useful for displaying on a page. Here we use
``BeautifulSoup`` to get the un-HTML-ify the context of changes.
Finally we present the added and deleted contexts.
.. note:: ``beautifulsoup4`` package is needed for this function.
:param compare_string: HTML string from MediaWiki API
:return: deleted and added list of contexts
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
comparands: dict[str, list[str]] = {'deleted-context': [],
'added-context': []}
soup = BeautifulSoup(compare_string, 'html.parser')
for change_type, css_class in (('deleted-context', 'diff-deletedline'),
('added-context', 'diff-addedline')):
crutons = soup.find_all('td', class_=css_class)
for cruton in crutons:
cruton_string = ''.join(cruton.strings)
return comparands
def get_close_matches_ratio(word: Sequence,
possibilities: list[Sequence],
n: int = 3,
cutoff: float = 0.6,
ignorecase: bool = False) -> list[float, Sequence]:
"""Return a list of the best “good enough” matches and its ratio.
This method is similar to Python's :pylib:`difflib.get_close_matches()
<difflib#difflib.get_close_matches>` but also gives ratio back and
has a *ignorecase* parameter to compare case-insensitive.
SequenceMatcher is used to return a list of the best "good enough"
matches together with their ratio. The ratio is computed by the
:wiki:`Gestalt pattern matching` algorithm. The best (no more than
*n*) matches among the *possibilities* with their ratio are returned
in a list, sorted by similarity score, most similar first.
>>> get_close_matches_ratio('appel', ['ape', 'apple', 'peach', 'puppy'])
[(0.8, 'apple'), (0.75, 'ape')]
>>> p = possibilities = ['Python', 'Wikipedia', 'Robot', 'Framework']
>>> get_close_matches_ratio('Pywikibot', possibilities, n=2, cutoff=0)
[(0.42857142857142855, 'Robot'), (0.4, 'Python')]
>>> get_close_matches_ratio('Pywikibot', p, n=2, cutoff=0, ignorecase=True)
[(0.4444444444444444, 'Wikipedia'), (0.42857142857142855, 'Robot')]
.. versionadded:: 9.4
.. note:: Most code is incorporated from Python software under the
`PSF`_ license.
:param word: a sequence for which close matches are desired
(typically a string)
:param possibilities: a list of sequences against which to match
*word* (typically a list of strings)
:param n: optional arg (default 3) which is the maximum number of
close matches to return. *n* must be :code:`> 0`.
:param cutoff: optional arg (default 0.6) is a float in :code:`[0, 1]`.
*possibilities* that don't score at least that similar to *word*
are ignored.
:param ignorecase: if false, compare case sensitive
:raises ValueError: invalid value for *n* or *catoff*
.. _PSF:
if n < 0:
raise ValueError(f'n must be > 0: {n!r}')
if not 0.0 <= cutoff <= 1.0:
raise ValueError(f'cutoff must be in [0.0, 1.0]: {cutoff!r}')
result = []
s = SequenceMatcher()
s.set_seq2(word.lower() if ignorecase else word)
for x in possibilities:
s.set_seq1(x.lower() if ignorecase else x)
if s.real_quick_ratio() >= cutoff and \
s.quick_ratio() >= cutoff and \
s.ratio() >= cutoff:
result.append((s.ratio(), x))
# Move the best scorers to head of list
return nlargest(n, result)