Source code for page._toolforge

"""Object representing interface to toolforge tools.

.. versionadded:: 7.7
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2022-2023
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import collections
import re

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import config

[docs] class WikiBlameMixin: """Page mixin for main authorship. .. versionadded:: 7.7 """ #: Supported wikipedia site codes WIKIBLAME_CODES = 'als', 'bar', 'de', 'en', 'it', 'nds', 'sco' def _check_wh_supported(self): """Check if WikiHistory is supported.""" if != 'wikipedia': raise NotImplementedError( 'main_authors method is implemented for wikipedia family only') if not in self.WIKIBLAME_CODES: raise NotImplementedError( 'main_authors method is not implemented for wikipedia:{}' .format( if self.namespace() != raise NotImplementedError( 'main_authors method is implemented for main namespace only') if not self.exists(): raise pywikibot.exceptions.NoPageError(self)
[docs] def main_authors(self, *, onlynew: bool | None = None) -> collections.Counter: """Retrieve the 5 topmost main authors of an article. This method uses WikiHistory to retrieve the text based main authorship. Sample: >>> import pywikibot >>> site = pywikibot.Site('wikipedia:nds') >>> page = pywikibot.Page(site, 'Python (Programmeerspraak)') >>> auth = page.main_authors(onlynew=False) >>> auth Counter({'RebeccaBreu': 99, 'Slomox': 1}) .. note:: Only implemented for main namespace pages. .. note:: Only wikipedias of :attr:`WIKIBLAME_CODES` are supported. .. seealso:: - - :param onlynew: If False, use the cached values. If True, calculate the Counter data which can take some time; it may fail with TimeoutError after ``config.max_retries``. If None it calculates new data like for True but uses data from cache if new data cannot be calculated in meantime. :return: Number of edits for each username :raise NotImplementedError: unsupported site or unsupported namespace :raise pywikibot.exceptions.NoPageError: The page does not exist :raise pywikibot.exceptions.TimeoutError: Maximum retries exceeded """ baseurl = '' pattern = (r'><bdi>(?P<author>.+?)</bdi></a>\s' r'\((?P<percent>\d{1,3})&') self._check_wh_supported() url = baseurl + '/wiki/getauthors.php?wiki={}wiki&page_id={}'.format(, self.pageid) if onlynew: url += '&onlynew=1' for current_retries in range(config.max_retries): r = pywikibot.comms.http.fetch(url) if r.status_code != 200: r.raise_for_status() if 'Timeout' not in r.text: # window.setTimeout in result return collections.Counter( {user: int(cnt) for user, cnt in re.findall(pattern, r.text)}) delay = pywikibot.config.retry_wait * 2 ** current_retries pywikibot.warning('WikiHistory timeout.\n' 'Waiting {:.1f} seconds before retrying.' .format(delay)) pywikibot.sleep(delay) if onlynew is None and current_retries >= config.max_retries - 2: url += '&onlynew=1' raise pywikibot.exceptions.TimeoutError( 'Maximum retries attempted without success.')