Source code for scripts.download_dump

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This bot downloads dump from

This script supports the following command line parameters:

    -filename:#     The name of the file (e.g. abstract.xml)

    -storepath:#    The stored file's path.

    -dumpdate:#     The dumpdate date of the dump (default to `latest`)
                    formatted as YYYYMMDD.

.. note:: This script is a
   :py:obj:`ConfigParserBot <bot.ConfigParserBot>`. All options
   can be set within a settings file which is scripts.ini by default.
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2017-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import binascii
import os.path
from http import HTTPStatus
from os import remove, replace, symlink, urandom

import pywikibot
from import Bot, ConfigParserBot
from pywikibot.comms.http import fetch

[docs] class DownloadDumpBot(Bot, ConfigParserBot): """Download dump bot. .. versionchanged:: 7.0 DownloadDumpBot is a ConfigParserBot """ available_options = { 'wikiname': '', 'filename': '', 'storepath': './', 'dumpdate': 'latest', }
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dump_name(db_name, typ, dumpdate): """Check if dump file exists locally in a Toolforge server.""" db_path = f'/public/dumps/public/{db_name}/' if os.path.isdir(db_path): dump_filepath_template = ( '/public/dumps/public/{db_name}/{date}/{db_name}-{date}-{typ}') if dumpdate != 'latest': dump_filepath = dump_filepath_template.format( db_name=db_name, date=dumpdate, typ=typ) if os.path.isfile(dump_filepath): return dump_filepath else: # Search for the "latest" dump dirs = [directory for directory in os.listdir(db_path) if directory.isdigit()] dates = map(int, dirs) dates = sorted(dates, reverse=True) for date in dates: dump_filepath = dump_filepath_template.format( db_name=db_name, date=date, typ=typ) if os.path.isfile(dump_filepath): return dump_filepath return None
[docs] def run(self) -> None: """Run bot.""" def convert_from_bytes(total_bytes): for unit in ['B', 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T']: if abs(total_bytes) < 1024: return str(total_bytes) + unit total_bytes = float(format(total_bytes / 1024.0, '.2f')) return str(total_bytes) + 'P''Downloading dump from ' + self.opt.wikiname) download_filename = '{wikiname}-{dumpdate}-{filename}'.format_map( self.opt) temp_filename = download_filename + '-' \ + binascii.b2a_hex(urandom(8)).decode('ascii') + '.part' file_final_storepath = os.path.join( self.opt.storepath, download_filename) file_current_storepath = os.path.join( self.opt.storepath, temp_filename) # toolforge_dump_filepath = self.get_dump_name( self.opt.wikiname, self.opt.filename, self.opt.dumpdate) # First iteration for atomic download with temporary file # Second iteration for fallback non-atomic download for non_atomic in range(2): try: if toolforge_dump_filepath:'Symlinking file from ' + toolforge_dump_filepath) if non_atomic and os.path.exists(file_final_storepath): remove(file_final_storepath) symlink(toolforge_dump_filepath, file_current_storepath) else: url = '{}/{}/{}'.format( self.opt.wikiname, self.opt.dumpdate, download_filename)'Downloading file from ' + url) response = fetch(url, stream=True) if response.status_code != HTTPStatus.OK: if response.status_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND: 'File with name {filename!r}, from dumpdate ' '{dumpdate!r}, and wiki {wikiname!r} ({url}) ' "isn't available in the Wikimedia Dumps" .format(url=url, **self.opt)) else: HTTPStatus(response.status_code).description) return with open(file_current_storepath, 'wb') as result_file: total = int(response.headers['content-length']) if total == -1: pywikibot.warning("'content-length' missing in " 'response headers') downloaded = 0 parts = 50 display_string = '' for data in response.iter_content(100 * 1024): result_file.write(data) if total <= 0: continue downloaded += len(data) done = int(parts * downloaded / total) display = map(convert_from_bytes, (downloaded, total)) prior_display = display_string display_string = '\r|{}{}|{}{}/{}'.format( '=' * done, '-' * (parts - done), ' ' * 5, *display) # Add whitespace to cover up prior bar display_string += ' ' * ( len(prior_display.rstrip()) - len(display_string.rstrip())), newline=False) # Rename the temporary file to the target file # if the download completes successfully if not non_atomic: replace(file_current_storepath, file_final_storepath) break except OSError as e: pywikibot.error(e) try: remove(file_current_storepath) except OSError as e: pywikibot.error(e) # If the atomic download fails, try without a temporary file # If the non-atomic download also fails, exit the script if non_atomic: return'Cannot make temporary file, ' 'falling back to non-atomic download') file_current_storepath = file_final_storepath'Done! File stored as ' + file_final_storepath)
[docs] def main(*args: str) -> None: """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. :param args: command line arguments """ opts = {} unknown_args = [] local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) for arg in local_args: option, _, value = arg.partition(':') if option.startswith('-'): option = option[1:] if option == 'filename': opts[option] = value or pywikibot.input('Enter the filename: ') continue if option == 'storepath': opts[option] = os.path.abspath(value) or pywikibot.input( 'Enter the store path: ') continue if option == 'dumpdate': opts[option] = value or pywikibot.input( 'Enter the dumpdate of the dump: ') continue unknown_args.append(arg) missing = [] if 'filename' not in opts: missing.append('-filename') if, unknown_parameters=unknown_args): return site = pywikibot.Site() opts['wikiname'] = site.dbName() bot = DownloadDumpBot(**opts)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()