Source code for scripts.unusedfiles

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This bot appends some text to all unused images and notifies uploaders.


-limit          Specify number of pages to work on with "-limit:n" where
                n is the maximum number of articles to work on.
                If not used, all pages are used.
-always         Don't be asked every time.

This script is a :py:obj:`ConfigParserBot <bot.ConfigParserBot>`.
The following options can be set within a settings file which is scripts.ini
by default::

-nouserwarning  Do not warn uploader about orphaned file.
-filetemplate:  Use a custom template on unused file pages.
-usertemplate:  Use a custom template to warn the uploader.
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2007-2022
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

import re

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import i18n, pagegenerators
from import (
from pywikibot.exceptions import Error, NoPageError, TranslationError
from pywikibot.flow import Board

template_to_the_image = {
    'meta': '{{Orphan file}}',
    'test': '{{Orphan file}}',
    'ar': '{{صورة يتيمة}}',
    'arz': '{{صوره يتيمه}}',
    'ckb': '{{سخ-پ٥|ڕێکەوت={{subst:ڕێکەوت}}}}',
    'en': '{{Orphan image}}',
    'fa': '{{تصاویر بدون استفاده}}',
    'id': '{{Berkas yatim}}',
    'it': '{{immagine orfana}}',
    'mk': '{{Слика сираче}}',
    'te': '{{Orphan image}}',
    'ur': '{{غیر مستعمل تصاویر}}',
    'uz': '{{Yetim tasvir}}',
    'vec': '{{Imaxine orfana}}',
    'vi': '{{Hình mồ côi}}',

template_to_the_user = {
    'test': '{{User:Happy5214/Unused file notice (user)|%(title)s}}',
    'ar': '{{subst:تنبيه صورة يتيمة|%(title)s}}',
    'arz': '{{subst:تنبيه صوره يتيمه|%(title)s}}',
    'ckb': '{{subst:سخ-پ٥-ئاگاداری|1=%(title)s}}',
    'fa': '{{subst:اخطار به کاربر برای تصاویر بدون استفاده|%(title)s}}',
    'ur': '{{subst:اطلاع برائے غیر مستعمل تصاویر|%(title)s}}',

[docs] class UnusedFilesBot(SingleSiteBot, AutomaticTWSummaryBot, ConfigParserBot, ExistingPageBot): """Unused files bot. .. versionchanged:: 7.0 UnusedFilesBot is a ConfigParserBot """ summary_key = 'unusedfiles-comment' update_options = { 'nouserwarning': False, # do not warn uploader 'filetemplate': '', 'usertemplate': '', } def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Initializer.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) # handle the custom templates if not self.opt.filetemplate: self.opt.filetemplate = i18n.translate(, template_to_the_image) elif not re.fullmatch('{{.+}}', self.opt.filetemplate): self.opt.filetemplate = '{{%s}}' % self.opt.filetemplate if not self.opt.usertemplate: self.opt.usertemplate = i18n.translate(, template_to_the_user) elif not re.fullmatch('{{.+}}', self.opt.usertemplate): self.opt.usertemplate = '{{%s}}' % self.opt.usertemplate if not (self.opt.filetemplate and (self.opt.usertemplate or self.opt.nouserwarning)): # if no templates are given raise TranslationError( f'This script is not localized for {} site;\n' 'try using -filetemplate:<template name>.')
[docs] def treat(self, image) -> None: """Process one image page.""" # Use get_file_url() and file_is_shared() to confirm it is local media # rather than a local page with the same name as shared media. if (image.get_file_url() and not image.file_is_shared() and 'http://' not in image.text): if self.opt.filetemplate in image.text:'{image} done already') return self.append_text(image, '\n\n' + self.opt.filetemplate) if self.opt.nouserwarning: return uploader = image.oldest_file_info.user user = pywikibot.User(, uploader) usertalkpage = user.getUserTalkPage() template2uploader = self.opt.usertemplate \ % {'title': image.title()} msg2uploader = if usertalkpage.is_flow_page(): self.post_to_flow_board(usertalkpage, msg2uploader) else: self.append_text(usertalkpage, '\n\n' + msg2uploader + ' ~~~~')
[docs] def append_text(self, page, apptext): """Append apptext to the page.""" if page.isRedirectPage(): page = page.getRedirectTarget() if page.exists(): text = page.text else: if page.isTalkPage(): text = '' else: raise NoPageError(page) text += apptext self.current_page = page self.put_current(text)
[docs] @staticmethod def post_to_flow_board(page, post) -> None: """Post message as a Flow topic.""" board = Board(page) header, rest = post.split('\n', 1) title = header.strip('=') content = rest.lstrip() board.new_topic(title, content)
[docs] def main(*args: str) -> None: """ Process command line arguments and invoke bot. If args is an empty list, sys.argv is used. :param args: command line arguments """ options = {} total = None local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args) for arg in local_args: arg, _, value = arg.partition(':') if arg == '-limit': total = value elif arg == '-filetemplate': options['filetemplate'] = value elif arg == '-usertemplate': options['usertemplate'] = value else: options[arg[1:]] = True site = pywikibot.Site() gen = site.unusedfiles(total=total) gen = pagegenerators.PreloadingGenerator(gen) bot = UnusedFilesBot(site=site, generator=gen, **options) try: except Error as e:
if __name__ == '__main__': main()