"""Functions for manipulating wiki-text."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections.abc import Sequence
from contextlib import closing, suppress
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from typing import NamedTuple
import pywikibot
from pywikibot.backports import Callable, Container, Iterable, Match
from pywikibot.backports import OrderedDict as OrderedDictType
from pywikibot.backports import Pattern
from pywikibot.backports import Sequence as SequenceType
from pywikibot.backports import pairwise
from pywikibot.exceptions import InvalidTitleError, SiteDefinitionError
from pywikibot.family import Family
from pywikibot.time import TZoneFixedOffset
from pywikibot.tools import (
from pywikibot.userinterfaces.transliteration import NON_LATIN_DIGITS
import wikitextparser
except ImportError:
import mwparserfromhell as wikitextparser
# cache for replaceExcept to avoid recompile or regexes each call
_regex_cache: dict[str, Pattern[str]] = {}
# The regex below collects nested templates, providing simpler
# identification of templates used at the top-level of wikitext.
# It doesn't match {{{1|...}}}, however it also does not match templates
# with a numerical name. e.g. {{1|..}}. It will correctly match {{{x}} as
# being {{x}} with leading '{' left in the wikitext.
# Prefix msg: is not included in the 'name' group, but all others are
# included for backwards compatibility with TEMP_REGEX.
# Only parser functions using # are excluded.
# When more than two levels of templates are found, this regex will
# capture from the beginning of the first {{ to the end of the last }},
# with wikitext between templates as part of the parameters of the first
# template in the wikitext.
# This ensures it fallsback to a safe mode for replaceExcept, as it
# ensures that any replacement will not occur within template text.
NESTED_TEMPLATE_REGEX = re.compile(r"""
(?:\|(?P<params> [^{]*?
) [^{]*?
(?P<unhandled_depth>{{\s*[^{\|#0-9][^{\|#]*?\s* [^{]* {{ .* }})
""", re.VERBOSE | re.DOTALL)
# The following regex supports wikilinks anywhere after the first pipe
# and correctly matches the end of the file link if the wikilink contains
# [[ or ]].
# The namespace names must be substituted into this regex.
# e.g. FILE_LINK_REGEX % 'File'
# or FILE_LINK_REGEX % '|'.join(site.namespaces[6])
(?:%s) # namespace aliases
# Used in TimeStripper. When a timestamp-like line has longer gaps
# than this between year, month, etc in it, then the line will not be
# considered to contain a timestamp.
def to_local_digits(phrase: str | int, lang: str) -> str:
Change Latin digits based on language to localized version.
Be aware that this function only works for several languages, and that it
returns an unchanged string if an unsupported language is given.
.. versionchanged:: 7.5
always return a string even `phrase` is an int.
:param phrase: The phrase to convert to localized numerical
:param lang: language code
:return: The localized version
digits = NON_LATIN_DIGITS.get(lang)
phrase = str(phrase)
if digits:
trans = str.maketrans('0123456789', digits)
phrase = phrase.translate(trans)
return phrase
def to_latin_digits(phrase: str,
langs: SequenceType[str] | str | None = None) -> str:
"""Change non-latin digits to latin digits.
.. versionadded:: 7.0
:param phrase: The phrase to convert to latin numerical.
:param langs: Language codes. If langs parameter is None, use all
known languages to convert.
:return: The string with latin digits
if langs is None:
langs = NON_LATIN_DIGITS.keys()
elif isinstance(langs, str):
langs = [langs]
digits = [NON_LATIN_DIGITS[key] for key in langs
if digits:
trans = str.maketrans(''.join(digits), '0123456789' * len(digits))
phrase = phrase.translate(trans)
return phrase
def case_escape(case: str, string: str, *, underscore: bool = False) -> str:
"""Return an escaped regex pattern which depends on 'first-letter' case.
.. versionadded:: 7.0
.. versionchanged:: 8.4
Added the optional *underscore* parameter.
:param case: if `case` is 'first-letter', the regex contains an
inline re.IGNORECASE flag for the first letter
:param underscore: if True, expand the regex to detect spaces and
underscores which are interchangeable and collapsible
if case == 'first-letter':
pattern = f'(?i:{string[:1]}){re.escape(string[1:])}'
pattern = re.escape(string)
if underscore:
pattern = re.sub(r'_|\\ ', '[_ ]+', pattern)
return pattern
class MultiTemplateMatchBuilder:
"""Build template matcher."""
def __init__(self, site) -> None:
self.site = site
def pattern(self, template, flags=re.DOTALL):
"""Return a compiled regex to match template."""
# TODO: add ability to also match contents within the template
# TODO: add option for template to be None to match any template
# TODO: merge regex with NESTED_TEMPLATE_REGEX
namespace = self.site.namespaces[10]
if isinstance(template, pywikibot.Page):
if template.namespace() == 10:
old = template.title(with_ns=False)
raise ValueError(
f'{template} is not a template Page object')
elif isinstance(template, str):
old = template
raise ValueError(
f'{template!r} is not a valid template')
pattern = case_escape(namespace.case, old)
# namespaces may be any mixed case
namespaces = [ignore_case(ns) for ns in namespace]
pattern = re.sub(r'_|\\ ', r'[_ ]', pattern)
templateRegexP = (
) % {'namespace': ':|'.join(namespaces), 'pattern': pattern}
templateRegex = re.compile(templateRegexP, flags)
return templateRegex
def search_any_predicate(self, templates):
"""Return a predicate that matches any template."""
predicates = [self.pattern(template).search for template in templates]
return lambda text: any(predicate(text) for predicate in predicates)
def ignore_case(string: str) -> str:
"""Return a case-insensitive pattern for the string.
.. versionchanged:: 7.2
`_ignore_case` becomes a public method
return ''.join(
f'[{c}{s}]' if c != s else c
for s, c in zip(string, string.swapcase()))
def _tag_pattern(tag_name: str) -> str:
"""Return a tag pattern for the given tag name."""
return (
r'<{0}(?:>|\s+[^>]*(?<!/)>)' # start tag
r'[\s\S]*?' # contents
r'</{0}\s*>' # end tag
def _tag_regex(tag_name: str):
"""Return a compiled tag regex for the given tag name."""
return re.compile(_tag_pattern(tag_name))
def _create_default_regexes() -> None:
"""Fill (and possibly overwrite) ``_regex_cache`` with default regexes.
The following keys are provided: ``category``, ``comment``, ``file``,
``header``, ``hyperlink``, ``interwiki``, ``invoke``, ``link``,
``pagelist``, ``property``, ``startcolon``, ``startspace``, ``table``,
:meta public:
# categories
'category': (r'\[\[ *(?:%s)\s*:.*?\]\]',
lambda site: '|'.join(site.namespaces[14])),
'comment': re.compile(r'<!--[\s\S]*?-->'),
# files
'file': (FILE_LINK_REGEX, lambda site: '|'.join(site.namespaces[6])),
# section headers
'header': re.compile(
r' *(?:<!--[\s\S]*?--> *)*(?=\n|\Z)'),
# external links
'hyperlink': compileLinkR(),
# also finds links to foreign sites with preleading ":"
'interwiki': (
lambda site: '|'.join(
ignore_case(i) for i in site.validLanguageLinks()
+ list(site.family.obsolete.keys()))),
# Module invocations (currently only Lua)
'invoke': (
lambda site: '|'.join(
ignore_case(mw) for mw in site.getmagicwords('invoke'))),
# this matches internal wikilinks, but also interwiki, categories, and
# images.
'link': re.compile(r'\[\[[^\]|]*(\|[^\]]*)?\]\]'),
# pagelist tag (used in Proofread extension).
'pagelist': re.compile(r'<{}[\s\S]*?/>'
# Wikibase property inclusions
'property': (
lambda site: '|'.join(
ignore_case(mw) for mw in site.getmagicwords('property'))),
# lines that start with a colon or more will be indented
'startcolon': re.compile(r'(?:(?<=\n)|\A):(.*?)(?=\n|\Z)'),
# lines that start with a space are shown in a monospace font and
# have whitespace preserved.
'startspace': re.compile(r'(?:(?<=\n)|\A) (.*?)(?=\n|\Z)'),
# tables often have whitespace that is used to improve wiki
# source code readability.
# TODO: handle nested tables.
'table': re.compile(
r'(?:(?<=\n)|\A){\|[\S\s]*?\n\|}|%s' % _tag_pattern('table')),
def get_regexes(
keys: str | Iterable[str],
site: pywikibot.site.BaseSite | None = None
) -> list[Pattern[str]]:
"""Fetch compiled regexes.
.. versionchanged:: 8.2
``_get_regexes`` becomes a public function.
*keys* may be a single string; *site* is optional.
:param keys: a single key or an iterable of keys whose regex pattern
should be given
:param site: a BaseSite object needed for ``category``, ``file``,
``interwiki``, ``invoke`` and ``property`` keys
:raises ValueError: site cannot be None.
if not _regex_cache:
if isinstance(keys, str):
keys = [keys]
result = []
for exc in keys:
if not isinstance(exc, str):
# assume it's a regular expression
# assume the string is a reference to a standard regex above,
# which may not yet have a site specific re compiled.
if exc not in _regex_cache:
# nowiki, noinclude, includeonly, timeline, math and other
# extensions
_regex_cache[exc] = _tag_regex(exc)
elif not isinstance(_regex_cache[exc], tuple):
if not site and exc in ('interwiki', 'property', 'invoke',
'category', 'file'):
raise ValueError(f'site cannot be None for the {exc!r} regex')
if (exc, site) not in _regex_cache:
re_text, re_var = _regex_cache[exc]
_regex_cache[(exc, site)] = re.compile(
re_text % re_var(site), re.VERBOSE)
result.append(_regex_cache[(exc, site)])
# handle aliases
if exc == 'source':
elif exc == 'syntaxhighlight':
elif exc == 'chem':
elif exc == 'math':
return result
def replaceExcept(text: str,
old: str | Pattern[str],
new: str | Callable[[Match[str]], str],
exceptions: SequenceType[str | Pattern[str]],
caseInsensitive: bool = False,
allowoverlap: bool = False,
marker: str = '',
site: pywikibot.site.BaseSite | None = None,
count: int = 0) -> str:
Return text with *old* replaced by *new*, ignoring specified types of text.
Skip occurrences of *old* within *exceptions*; e.g. within nowiki
tags or HTML comments. If *caseInsensitive* is true, then use case
insensitive regex matching. If *allowoverlap* is true, overlapping
occurrences are all replaced
.. caution:: Watch out when using *allowoverlap*, it might lead to
infinite loops!
:param text: text to be modified
:param old: a compiled or uncompiled regular expression
:param new: a string (which can contain regular expression
references), or a function which takes a match object as
parameter. See parameter *repl* of ``re.sub()``.
:param exceptions: a list of strings or already compiled regex
objects which signal what to leave out. List of strings might be
like ``['math', 'table', 'template']`` for example.
:param marker: a string that will be added to the last replacement;
if nothing is changed, it is added at the end
:param count: how many replacements to do at most. See parameter
*count* of ``re.sub()``.
# if we got a string, compile it as a regular expression
if isinstance(old, str):
old = re.compile(old, flags=re.IGNORECASE if caseInsensitive else 0)
# early termination if not relevant
if not old.search(text):
return text + marker
dontTouchRegexes = get_regexes(exceptions, site)
index = 0
replaced = 0
markerpos = len(text)
while not count or replaced < count:
if index > len(text):
match = old.search(text, index)
if not match:
# nothing left to replace
# check which exception will occur next.
nextExceptionMatch = None
for dontTouchR in dontTouchRegexes:
excMatch = dontTouchR.search(text, index)
if excMatch and (
nextExceptionMatch is None
or excMatch.start() < nextExceptionMatch.start()):
nextExceptionMatch = excMatch
if nextExceptionMatch is not None \
and nextExceptionMatch.start() <= match.start():
# an HTML comment or text in nowiki tags stands before the next
# valid match. Skip.
index = nextExceptionMatch.end()
# We found a valid match. Replace it.
if callable(new):
# the parameter new can be a function which takes the match
# as a parameter.
replacement = new(match)
# it is not a function, but a string.
# it is a little hack to make \n work. It would be better
# to fix it previously, but better than nothing.
new = new.replace('\\n', '\n')
# We cannot just insert the new string, as it may contain regex
# group references such as \2 or \g<name>.
# On the other hand, this approach does not work because it
# can't handle lookahead or lookbehind (see bug T123185).
# So we have to process the group references manually.
replacement = ''
group_regex = re.compile(r'\\(\d+)|\\g<(.+?)>')
last = 0
for group_match in group_regex.finditer(new):
group_id = group_match[1] or group_match[2]
with suppress(ValueError):
group_id = int(group_id)
replacement += new[last:group_match.start()]
replacement += match[group_id] or ''
except IndexError:
raise IndexError(f'Invalid group reference: {group_id}\n'
f'Groups found: {match.groups()}')
last = group_match.end()
replacement += new[last:]
text = text[:match.start()] + replacement + text[match.end():]
# continue the search on the remaining text
if allowoverlap:
index = match.start() + 1
index = match.start() + len(replacement)
if not match.group():
# When the regex allows to match nothing, shift by one char
index += 1
markerpos = match.start() + len(replacement)
replaced += 1
return text[:markerpos] + marker + text[markerpos:]
def removeDisabledParts(text: str,
tags: Iterable | None = None,
include: Container | None = None,
site: pywikibot.site.BaseSite | None = None
) -> str:
Return text without portions where wiki markup is disabled.
Parts that will be removed by default are:
* HTML comments
* nowiki tags
* pre tags
* includeonly tags
* source and syntaxhighlight tags
.. versionchanged:: 7.0
the order of removals will correspond to the tags argument
if provided as an ordered collection (list, tuple)
:param tags: The exact set of parts which should be removed using
keywords from :func:`get_regexes`.
:param include: Or, in alternative, default parts that shall not
be removed.
:param site: Site to be used for site-dependent regexes. Default
disabled parts listed above do not need it.
:return: text stripped from disabled parts.
if not tags:
tags = ['comment', 'includeonly', 'nowiki', 'pre', 'syntaxhighlight']
# avoid set(tags) because sets are internally ordered using the hash
# which for strings is salted per Python process => the output of
# this function would likely be different per script run because
# the replacements would be done in different order and the disabled
# parts may overlap and suppress each other
# see https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__hash__
# ("Note" at the end of the section)
if include:
tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag not in include]
regexes = get_regexes(tags, site)
for regex in regexes:
text = regex.sub('', text)
return text
def removeHTMLParts(text: str, keeptags: list[str] | None = None) -> str:
"""Return text without portions where HTML markup is disabled.
Parts that can/will be removed are HTML tags and all wiki tags. The
exact set of parts which should NOT be removed can be passed as the
*keeptags* parameter, which defaults to
``['tt', 'nowiki', 'small', 'sup']``.
>>> removeHTMLParts('<div><b><ref><tt>Hi all!</tt></ref></b></div>')
'<tt>Hi all!</tt>'
.. seealso:: :class:`_GetDataHTML`
# TODO: try to merge with 'removeDisabledParts()' above into one generic
# function
parser = _GetDataHTML()
if keeptags is None:
keeptags = ['tt', 'nowiki', 'small', 'sup']
with closing(parser):
parser.keeptags = keeptags
return parser.textdata
class _GetDataHTML(HTMLParser):
"""HTML parser which removes html tags except they are listed in keeptags.
The parser is used by :func:`removeHTMLParts` similar to this:
.. code-block:: python
from contextlib import closing
from pywikibot.textlib import _GetDataHTML
with closing(_GetDataHTML()) as parser:
parser.keeptags = ['html']
'<body><h1><!-- Parse --> me!</h1></body></html>')
The result is:
.. code-block:: html
<html>Test me!</html>
.. versionchanged:: 9.2
This class is no longer a context manager;
should be used instead.
.. seealso::
- :pylib:`html.parser`
- :pylib:`contextlib#contextlib.closing`
:meta public:
textdata = ''
keeptags: list[str] = []
def handle_data(self, data) -> None:
"""Add data to text."""
self.textdata += data
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs) -> None:
"""Add start tag to text if tag should be kept."""
if tag in self.keeptags:
self.textdata += f'<{tag}>'
def handle_endtag(self, tag) -> None:
"""Add end tag to text if tag should be kept."""
if tag in self.keeptags:
self.textdata += f'</{tag}>'
def isDisabled(text: str, index: int, tags=None) -> bool:
Return True if text[index] is disabled, e.g. by a comment or nowiki tags.
For the tags parameter, see :py:obj:`removeDisabledParts`.
# Find a marker that is not already in the text.
marker = findmarker(text)
text = text[:index] + marker + text[index:]
text = removeDisabledParts(text, tags)
return marker not in text
def findmarker(text: str, startwith: str = '@@',
append: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Find a string which is not part of text."""
if not append:
append = '@'
mymarker = startwith
while mymarker in text:
mymarker += append
return mymarker
def expandmarker(text: str, marker: str = '', separator: str = '') -> str:
Return a marker expanded whitespace and the separator.
It searches for the first occurrence of the marker and gets the combination
of the separator and whitespace directly before it.
:param text: the text which will be searched.
:param marker: the marker to be searched.
:param separator: the separator string allowed before the marker. If empty
it won't include whitespace too.
:return: the marker with the separator and whitespace from the text in
front of it. It'll be just the marker if the separator is empty.
# set to remove any number of separator occurrences plus arbitrary
# whitespace before, after, and between them,
# by allowing to include them into marker.
if separator:
firstinmarker = text.find(marker)
firstinseparator = firstinmarker
lenseparator = len(separator)
striploopcontinue = True
while firstinseparator > 0 and striploopcontinue:
striploopcontinue = False
if (firstinseparator >= lenseparator
and separator == text[firstinseparator
- lenseparator:firstinseparator]):
firstinseparator -= lenseparator
striploopcontinue = True
elif text[firstinseparator - 1] < ' ':
firstinseparator -= 1
striploopcontinue = True
marker = text[firstinseparator:firstinmarker] + marker
return marker
def replace_links(text: str, replace, site: pywikibot.site.BaseSite) -> str:
"""Replace wikilinks selectively.
The text is searched for a link and on each link it replaces the text
depending on the result for that link. If the result is just None it skips
that link. When it's False it unlinks it and just inserts the label. When
it is a Link instance it'll use the target, section and label from that
Link instance. If it's a Page instance it'll use just the target from the
replacement and the section and label from the original link.
If it's a string and the replacement was a sequence it converts it into a
Page instance. If the replacement is done via a callable it'll use it like
unlinking and directly replace the link with the text itself.
If either the section or label should be used the replacement can be a
function which returns a Link instance and copies the value which should
.. versionchanged:: 7.0
`site` parameter is mandatory
:param text: the text in which to replace links
:param replace: either a callable which reacts like described above.
The callable must accept four parameters link, text, groups, rng and
allows for user interaction. The groups are a dict containing 'title',
'section', 'label' and 'linktrail' and the rng are the start and end
position of the link. The 'label' in groups contains everything after
the first pipe which might contain additional data which is used in
File namespace for example.
Alternatively it can be a sequence containing two items where the first
must be a Link or Page and the second has almost the same meaning as
the result by the callable. It'll convert that into a callable where
the first item (the Link or Page) has to be equal to the found link and
in that case it will apply the second value from the sequence.
:type replace: sequence of pywikibot.Page/pywikibot.Link/str or
:param site: a Site object to use. It should match the origin or
target site of the text
:raises TypeError: missing positional argument 'site'
:raises ValueError: Wrong site type
:raises ValueError: Wrong replacement number
:raises ValueError: Wrong replacement types
def to_link(source):
"""Return the link from source when it's a Page otherwise itself."""
if isinstance(source, pywikibot.Page):
return source._link
if isinstance(source, str):
return pywikibot.Link(source, site)
return source
def replace_callable(link, text, groups, rng):
if replace_list[0] == link:
return replace_list[1]
return None
def check_classes(replacement):
"""Normalize the replacement into a list."""
if not isinstance(replacement, (pywikibot.Page, pywikibot.Link)):
raise ValueError('The replacement must be None, False, '
'a sequence, a Link or a str but '
'is "{}"'.format(type(replacement)))
def title_section(link) -> str:
title = link.title
if link.section:
title += '#' + link.section
return title
if not isinstance(site, pywikibot.site.BaseSite):
raise ValueError('The "site" argument must be a BaseSite not {}.'
if isinstance(replace, Sequence):
if len(replace) != 2:
raise ValueError('When used as a sequence, the "replace" '
'argument must contain exactly 2 items.')
replace_list = [to_link(replace[0]), replace[1]]
if not isinstance(replace_list[0], pywikibot.Link):
raise ValueError(
'The original value must be either str, Link or Page '
'but is "{}"'.format(type(replace_list[0])))
if replace_list[1] is not False and replace_list[1] is not None:
if isinstance(replace_list[1], str):
replace_list[1] = pywikibot.Page(site, replace_list[1])
replace = replace_callable
linktrail = site.linktrail()
link_pattern = re.compile(
extended_label_pattern = re.compile(fr'(.*?\]\])({linktrail})')
linktrail = re.compile(linktrail)
curpos = 0
# This loop will run until we have finished the current page
while True:
m = link_pattern.search(text, pos=curpos)
if not m:
m_title = m['title'].strip()
# Ignore links to sections of the same page
if not m_title:
curpos = m.end()
# Ignore interwiki links
if site.isInterwikiLink(m_title) and not m_title.startswith(':'):
curpos = m.end()
groups = m.groupdict()
if groups['label'] and '[[' in groups['label']:
# TODO: Work on the link within the label too
# A link within a link, extend the label to the ]] after it
extended_match = extended_label_pattern.search(text, pos=m.end())
if not extended_match:
# TODO: Unclosed link label, what happens there?
curpos = m.end()
groups['label'] += groups['linktrail'] + extended_match[1]
groups['linktrail'] = extended_match[2]
end = extended_match.end()
end = m.end()
start = m.start()
# Since this point the m variable shouldn't be used as it may not
# contain all contents
del m
link = pywikibot.Link.create_separated(
groups['title'], site, section=groups['section'],
except (SiteDefinitionError, InvalidTitleError):
# unrecognized iw prefix or invalid title
curpos = end
# Check whether the link found should be replaced.
# Either None, False or tuple(Link, bool)
new_link = replace(link, text, groups.copy(), (start, end))
if new_link is None:
curpos = end
# The link looks like this:
# [[page_title|new_label]]new_linktrail
page_title = groups['title']
new_label = groups['label']
if not new_label:
# or like this: [[page_title]]new_linktrail
new_label = page_title
# remove preleading ":" from the link text
if new_label[0] == ':':
new_label = new_label[1:]
new_linktrail = groups['linktrail']
if new_linktrail:
new_label += new_linktrail
if new_link is False:
# unlink - we remove the section if there's any
assert isinstance(new_label, str), 'link text must be str.'
new_link = new_label
if isinstance(new_link, str):
text = text[:start] + new_link + text[end:]
# Make sure that next time around we will not find this same hit.
curpos = start + len(new_link)
if isinstance(new_link, bytes):
raise ValueError('The result must be str and not bytes.')
# Verify that it's either Link, Page or str
# Use section and label if it's a Link and not otherwise
if isinstance(new_link, pywikibot.Link):
is_link = True
new_link = new_link._link
is_link = False
new_title = new_link.canonical_title()
# Make correct langlink if needed
if new_link.site != site:
new_title = ':' + new_link.site.code + ':' + new_title
if is_link:
# Use link's label
new_label = new_link.anchor
must_piped = new_label is not None
new_section = new_link.section
must_piped = True
new_section = groups['section']
if new_section:
new_title += '#' + new_section
if new_label is None:
new_label = new_title
# Parse the link text and check if it points to the same page
parsed_new_label = pywikibot.Link(new_label, new_link.site)
except InvalidTitleError:
parsed_link_title = title_section(parsed_new_label)
new_link_title = title_section(new_link)
# compare title, but only with parts if linktrail works
if not linktrail.sub('',
# TODO: This must also compare everything that was used as a
# prefix (in case insensitive)
must_piped = (
not parsed_link_title.startswith(new_link_title)
or parsed_new_label.namespace != new_link.namespace)
if must_piped:
new_text = f'[[{new_title}|{new_label}]]'
new_text = (f'[[{new_label[:len(new_title)]}]]'
text = text[:start] + new_text + text[end:]
# Make sure that next time around we will not find this same hit.
curpos = start + len(new_text)
return text
def add_text(text: str, add: str, *, site=None) -> str:
"""Add text to a page content above categories and interwiki.
.. versionadded:: 6.4
:param text: The page content to add text to.
:param add: Text to add.
:param site: The site that the text is coming from. Required for
reorder of categories and interlanguage links. Te default site
is used otherwise.
:type site: pywikibot.Site
# Translating the \\n (e.g. from command line) into binary \n
add = add.replace('\\n', '\n')
# Getting the categories
categories_inside = getCategoryLinks(text, site)
# Deleting the categories
text = removeCategoryLinks(text, site)
# Getting the interwiki
interwiki_inside = getLanguageLinks(text, site)
# Removing the interwiki
text = removeLanguageLinks(text, site)
# Adding the text
text += '\n' + add
# Reputting the categories
text = replaceCategoryLinks(text, categories_inside, site, add_only=True)
# Adding the interwiki
return replaceLanguageLinks(text, interwiki_inside, site)
# -------------------------------
# Functions dealing with sections
# -------------------------------
#: Head pattern
HEAD_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(={1,6}).+\1', re.DOTALL)
TITLE_PATTERN = re.compile("'{3}([^']+)'{3}")
class _Heading(NamedTuple):
text: str
start: int
end: int
class Section(NamedTuple):
"""A namedtuple as part of :class:`Content` describing a page section.
.. versionchanged:: 8.2
``_Section`` becomes a public class.
title: str #: section title including equal signs
content: str #: section content
def level(self) -> int:
"""Return the section level.
.. versionadded:: 8.2
m = HEAD_PATTERN.match(self.title)
return len(m[1])
def heading(self) -> str:
"""Return the section title without equal signs.
.. versionadded:: 8.2
level = self.level
return self.title[level:-level].strip()
class Content(NamedTuple):
"""A namedtuple as result of :func:`extract_sections` holding page content.
.. versionchanged:: 8.2
``_Content`` becomes a public class.
header: str #: the page header
sections: list[Section] #: the page sections
footer: str #: the page footer
def title(self) -> str:
"""Return the first main title found on the page.
The first main title is anything enclosed within triple quotes.
.. versionadded:: 8.2
m = TITLE_PATTERN.search(self.header)
return m[1].strip() if m else ''
def _extract_headings(text: str) -> list[_Heading]:
"""Return _Heading objects."""
headings = []
heading_regex = get_regexes('header')[0]
for match in heading_regex.finditer(text):
start, end = match.span(1)
if not isDisabled(text, start) and not isDisabled(text, end):
headings.append(_Heading(match[1], start, end))
return headings
def _extract_sections(text: str, headings) -> list[Section]:
"""Return a list of :class:`Section` objects."""
sections = []
if headings:
# Assign them their contents
for heading, next_heading in pairwise(headings):
content = text[heading.end:next_heading.start]
sections.append(Section(heading.text, content))
last = headings[-1]
sections.append(Section(last.text, text[last.end:]))
return sections
# -----------------------------------------------
# Functions dealing with interwiki language links
# -----------------------------------------------
# Note - MediaWiki supports several kinds of interwiki links; two kinds are
# inter-language links. We deal here with those kinds only.
# A family has by definition only one kind of inter-language links:
# 1 - inter-language links inside the own family.
# They go to a corresponding page in another language in the same
# family, such as from 'en.wikipedia' to 'pt.wikipedia', or from
# 'es.wiktionary' to 'ar.wiktionary'.
# Families with this kind have several language-specific sites.
# They have their interwiki_forward attribute set to None
# 2 - language links forwarding to another family.
# They go to a corresponding page in another family, such as from
# 'commons' to 'zh.wikipedia, or from 'incubator' to 'en.wikipedia'.
# Families having those have one member only, and do not have
# language-specific sites. The name of the target family of their
# inter-language links is kept in their interwiki_forward attribute.
# These functions only deal with links of these two kinds only. They
# do not find or change links of other kinds, nor any that are formatted
# as in-line interwiki links (e.g., "[[:es:Artículo]]".
def getLanguageLinks(
text: str,
template_subpage: bool = False
) -> dict[pywikibot.site.BaseSite, pywikibot.Page]:
"""Return a dict of inter-language links found in text.
The returned dict uses the site as keys and Page objects as values.
It does not contain its own site.
Do not call this routine directly, use
:meth:`page.BasePage.interwiki` method instead.
if insite is None:
insite = pywikibot.Site()
fam = insite.family
# when interwiki links forward to another family, retrieve pages & other
# infos there
if fam.interwiki_forward:
fam = Family.load(fam.interwiki_forward)
result: dict[pywikibot.site.BaseSite, pywikibot.Page] = {}
# Ignore interwiki links within nowiki tags, includeonly tags, pre tags,
# and HTML comments
include = []
if template_subpage:
include = ['includeonly']
text = removeDisabledParts(text, include=include)
# This regular expression will find every link that is possibly an
# interwiki link.
# NOTE: language codes are case-insensitive and only consist of basic latin
# letters and hyphens.
# TODO: currently, we do not have any, but BCP 47 allows digits, and
# underscores.
# TODO: There is no semantic difference between hyphens and
# underscores -> fold them.
interwikiR = re.compile(r'\[\[([a-zA-Z\-]+)\s?:([^\[\]\n]*)\]\]')
for lang, pagetitle in interwikiR.findall(text):
lang = lang.lower()
# Check if it really is in fact an interwiki link to a known
# language, or if it's e.g. a category tag or an internal link
lang = fam.obsolete.get(lang, lang)
if lang in fam.langs:
if '|' in pagetitle:
# ignore text after the pipe
pagetitle = pagetitle[:pagetitle.index('|')]
# we want the actual page objects rather than the titles
site = pywikibot.Site(code=lang, fam=fam)
# skip language links to its own site
if site == insite:
previous_key_count = len(result)
page = pywikibot.Page(site, pagetitle)
result[page.site] = page # need to trigger page._link.parse()
except InvalidTitleError:
pywikibot.info(f'[getLanguageLinks] Text contains invalid '
f'interwiki link [[{lang}:{pagetitle}]].')
if previous_key_count == len(result):
pywikibot.warning(f'[getLanguageLinks] 2 or more interwiki '
f'links point to site {site}.')
return result
def removeLanguageLinks(text: str, site=None, marker: str = '') -> str:
"""Return text with all inter-language links removed.
If a link to an unknown language is encountered, a warning
is printed.
:param text: The text that needs to be modified.
:param site: The site that the text is coming from.
:type site: pywikibot.Site
:param marker: If defined, marker is placed after the last language
link, or at the end of text if there are no language links.
:return: The modified text.
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.Site()
# This regular expression will find every interwiki link, plus trailing
# whitespace.
languages = '|'.join(site.validLanguageLinks()
+ list(site.family.obsolete.keys()))
if not languages:
return text
interwikiR = re.compile(r'\[\[({})\s?:[^\[\]\n]*\]\][\s]*'
.format(languages), re.IGNORECASE)
text = replaceExcept(text, interwikiR, '',
['comment', 'math', 'nowiki', 'pre',
return text.strip()
def removeLanguageLinksAndSeparator(text: str, site=None, marker: str = '',
separator: str = '') -> str:
Return text with inter-language links and preceding separators removed.
If a link to an unknown language is encountered, a warning
is printed.
:param text: The text that needs to be modified.
:param site: The site that the text is coming from.
:type site: pywikibot.Site
:param marker: If defined, marker is placed after the last language
link, or at the end of text if there are no language links.
:param separator: The separator string that will be removed
if followed by the language links.
:return: The modified text
if separator:
mymarker = findmarker(text, '@L@')
newtext = removeLanguageLinks(text, site, mymarker)
mymarker = expandmarker(newtext, mymarker, separator)
return newtext.replace(mymarker, marker)
return removeLanguageLinks(text, site, marker)
@deprecated_args(addOnly='add_only') # since 8.0
def replaceLanguageLinks(oldtext: str,
new: dict,
site: pywikibot.site.BaseSite | None = None,
add_only: bool = False,
template: bool = False,
template_subpage: bool = False) -> str:
"""Replace inter-language links in the text with a new set of links.
:param oldtext: The text that needs to be modified.
:param new: A dict with the Site objects as keys, and Page or Link
objects as values (i.e., just like the dict returned by
:func:`getLanguageLinks` function).
:param site: The site that the text is from.
:param add_only: If True, do not remove old language links, only add
new ones.
:param template: Indicates if text belongs to a template page or not.
:param template_subpage: Indicates if text belongs to a template sub-page
or not.
:return: The modified text.
# Find a marker that is not already in the text.
marker = findmarker(oldtext)
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.Site()
separator = site.family.interwiki_text_separator
cseparator = site.family.category_text_separator
separatorstripped = separator.strip()
cseparatorstripped = cseparator.strip()
if add_only:
s2 = oldtext
s2 = removeLanguageLinksAndSeparator(oldtext, site=site, marker=marker,
s = interwikiFormat(new, insite=site)
if not s:
newtext = s2.replace(marker, '')
elif site.code in site.family.interwiki_attop \
or '<!-- interwiki at top -->' in oldtext:
# do not add separator if interwiki links are on one line
newtext = s + ('' if site.code in site.family.interwiki_on_one_line
else separator) + s2.replace(marker, '').strip()
# calculate what was after the language links on the page
firstafter = s2.find(marker)
if firstafter < 0:
firstafter = len(s2)
firstafter += len(marker)
# Any text in 'after' part that means we should keep it after?
if '</noinclude>' in s2[firstafter:]:
if separatorstripped:
s = separator + s
newtext = (s2[:firstafter].replace(marker, '')
+ s + s2[firstafter:])
elif site.code in site.family.categories_last:
cats = getCategoryLinks(s2, site=site)
s2 = removeCategoryLinksAndSeparator(
s2.replace(marker, cseparatorstripped).strip(), site) \
+ separator + s
newtext = replaceCategoryLinks(s2, cats, site=site, add_only=True)
# for Wikitravel's language links position.
# (not supported by rewrite - no API)
elif site.family.name == 'wikitravel':
s = separator + s + separator
newtext = (s2[:firstafter].replace(marker, '')
+ s + s2[firstafter:])
elif template or template_subpage:
if template_subpage:
includeOn = '<includeonly>'
includeOff = '</includeonly>'
includeOn = '<noinclude>'
includeOff = '</noinclude>'
separator = ''
# Do we have a noinclude at the end of the template?
parts = s2.split(includeOff)
lastpart = parts[-1]
if re.match(fr'\s*{marker}', lastpart):
# Put the langlinks back into the noinclude's
regexp = re.compile(fr'{includeOff}\s*{marker}')
# replace via lambda due to T330021
newtext = regexp.sub(lambda m: s + includeOff, s2)
# Put the langlinks at the end, inside noinclude's
newtext = (s2.replace(marker, '').strip()
+ separator
+ f'{includeOn}\n{s}{includeOff}\n')
newtext = s2.replace(marker, '').strip() + separator + s
# special parts above interwiki
above_interwiki = []
if site.sitename == 'wikipedia:nn':
comment = re.compile(
r'<!--interwiki \(no(\/nb)?, *sv, *da first; then other languages '
r'alphabetically by name\)-->')
if site.family.name == 'wikipedia' and site.code in ('ba', 'crh', 'krc'):
comment = re.compile(r'<!-- [Ii]nterwikis -->')
if above_interwiki:
interwiki = get_regexes('interwiki', site)[0]
first_interwiki = interwiki.search(newtext)
for reg in above_interwiki:
special = reg.search(newtext)
if special and not isDisabled(newtext, special.start()):
newtext = (newtext[:special.start()].strip()
+ newtext[special.end():])
newtext = (newtext[:first_interwiki.start()].strip()
+ special.group() + '\n'
+ newtext[first_interwiki.start():])
return newtext.strip()
def interwikiSort(sites, insite=None):
"""Sort sites according to local interwiki sort logic."""
if not sites:
return []
if insite is None:
insite = pywikibot.Site()
putfirst = insite.interwiki_putfirst()
if putfirst:
# In this case I might have to change the order
firstsites = []
validlanglinks = insite.validLanguageLinks()
for code in putfirst:
if code in validlanglinks:
site = insite.getSite(code=code)
if site in sites:
del sites[sites.index(site)]
sites = firstsites + sites
return sites
# -------------------------------------
# Functions dealing with category links
# -------------------------------------
def getCategoryLinks(text: str, site=None,
include: list[str] | None = None,
expand_text: bool = False) -> list[pywikibot.Category]:
"""Return a list of category links found in text.
:param include: list of tags which should not be removed by
removeDisabledParts() and where CategoryLinks can be searched.
:return: all category links found
result = []
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.Site()
# Ignore category links within nowiki tags, pre tags, includeonly tags,
# and HTML comments
text = removeDisabledParts(text, include=include or [])
catNamespace = '|'.join(site.namespaces.CATEGORY)
R = re.compile(r'\[\[\s*(?P<namespace>{})\s*:\s*(?P<rest>.+?)\]\]'
.format(catNamespace), re.I)
for match in R.finditer(text):
match_rest = match['rest']
if expand_text and '{{' in match_rest:
rest = site.expand_text(match_rest)
rest = match_rest
if '|' in rest:
title, sortKey = rest.split('|', 1)
title, sortKey = rest, None
cat = pywikibot.Category(site,
except InvalidTitleError:
# Category title extracted contains invalid characters
# Likely due to on-the-fly category name creation, see T154309
pywikibot.warning(f'Invalid category title extracted: {title}')
return result
def removeCategoryLinks(text: str, site=None, marker: str = '') -> str:
"""Return text with all category links removed.
:param text: The text that needs to be modified.
:param site: The site that the text is coming from.
:type site: pywikibot.Site
:param marker: If defined, marker is placed after the last category
link, or at the end of text if there are no category links.
:return: The modified text.
# This regular expression will find every link that is possibly an
# interwiki link, plus trailing whitespace. The language code is grouped.
# NOTE: This assumes that language codes only consist of non-capital
# ASCII letters and hyphens.
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.Site()
catNamespace = '|'.join(site.namespaces.CATEGORY)
categoryR = re.compile(r'\[\[\s*({})\s*:.*?\]\]\s*'
.format(catNamespace), re.I)
text = replaceExcept(text, categoryR, '',
['comment', 'includeonly', 'math', 'nowiki', 'pre',
if marker:
# avoid having multiple linefeeds at the end of the text
text = re.sub(fr'\s*{re.escape(marker)}', '\n' + marker,
return text.strip()
def removeCategoryLinksAndSeparator(text: str, site=None, marker: str = '',
separator: str = '') -> str:
Return text with category links and preceding separators removed.
:param text: The text that needs to be modified.
:param site: The site that the text is coming from.
:type site: pywikibot.Site
:param marker: If defined, marker is placed after the last category
link, or at the end of text if there are no category links.
:param separator: The separator string that will be removed
if followed by the category links.
:return: The modified text
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.Site()
if separator:
mymarker = findmarker(text, '@C@')
newtext = removeCategoryLinks(text, site, mymarker)
mymarker = expandmarker(newtext, mymarker, separator)
return newtext.replace(mymarker, marker)
return removeCategoryLinks(text, site, marker)
def replaceCategoryInPlace(oldtext, oldcat, newcat, site=None,
add_only: bool = False) -> str:
Replace old category with new one and return the modified text.
:param oldtext: Content of the old category
:param oldcat: pywikibot.Category object of the old category
:param newcat: pywikibot.Category object of the new category
:param add_only: If add_only is True, the old category won't
be replaced and the category given will be added after it.
:return: the modified text
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.Site()
catNamespace = '|'.join(site.namespaces.CATEGORY)
title = oldcat.title(with_ns=False)
if not title:
return oldtext
# title might contain regex special characters
title = case_escape(site.namespaces[14].case, title, underscore=True)
categoryR = re.compile(r'\[\[\s*({})\s*:\s*{}[\s\u200e\u200f]*'
.format(catNamespace, title), re.I)
categoryRN = re.compile(
.format(catNamespace, title), re.I | re.M)
exceptions = ['comment', 'math', 'nowiki', 'pre', 'syntaxhighlight']
if newcat is None:
# First go through and try the more restrictive regex that removes
# an entire line, if the category is the only thing on that line (this
# prevents blank lines left over in category lists following a removal)
text = replaceExcept(oldtext, categoryRN, '',
exceptions, site=site)
text = replaceExcept(text, categoryR, '',
exceptions, site=site)
elif add_only:
text = replaceExcept(
oldtext, categoryR,
oldcat.title(as_link=True, allow_interwiki=False),
newcat.title(as_link=True, allow_interwiki=False)),
exceptions, site=site)
text = replaceExcept(oldtext, categoryR,
exceptions, site=site)
return text
@deprecated_args(addOnly='add_only') # since 8.0
def replaceCategoryLinks(oldtext: str,
new: Iterable,
site: pywikibot.site.BaseSite | None = None,
add_only: bool = False) -> str:
Replace all existing category links with new category links.
:param oldtext: The text that needs to be replaced.
:param new: Should be a list of Category objects or strings
which can be either the raw name or ``[[Category:..]]``.
:param site: The site that the text is from.
:param add_only: If add_only is True, the old category won't be
deleted and the category(s) given will be added (and they won't
replace anything).
:return: The modified text.
# Find a marker that is not already in the text.
marker = findmarker(oldtext)
if site is None:
site = pywikibot.Site()
if re.search(r'\{\{ *(' + r'|'.join(site.getmagicwords('defaultsort'))
+ r')', oldtext, flags=re.I):
separator = '\n'
separator = site.family.category_text_separator
iseparator = site.family.interwiki_text_separator
separatorstripped = separator.strip()
iseparatorstripped = iseparator.strip()
if add_only:
cats_removed_text = oldtext
cats_removed_text = removeCategoryLinksAndSeparator(
oldtext, site=site, marker=marker, separator=separatorstripped)
new_cats = categoryFormat(new, insite=site)
if not new_cats:
newtext = cats_removed_text.replace(marker, '')
elif site.code in site.family.category_attop:
newtext = new_cats + separator + cats_removed_text
# calculate what was after the categories links on the page
firstafter = cats_removed_text.find(marker)
if firstafter < 0:
firstafter = len(cats_removed_text)
firstafter += len(marker)
# Is there text in the 'after' part that means we should keep it
# after?
if '</noinclude>' in cats_removed_text[firstafter:]:
if separatorstripped:
new_cats = separator + new_cats
newtext = (cats_removed_text[:firstafter].replace(marker, '')
+ new_cats + cats_removed_text[firstafter:])
elif site.code in site.family.categories_last:
newtext = (cats_removed_text.replace(marker, '').strip()
+ separator + new_cats)
interwiki = getLanguageLinks(cats_removed_text, insite=site)
langs_removed_text = removeLanguageLinksAndSeparator(
cats_removed_text.replace(marker, ''), site, '',
iseparatorstripped) + separator + new_cats
newtext = replaceLanguageLinks(
langs_removed_text, interwiki, site, add_only=True)
# special parts under categories
under_categories = []
if site.sitename == 'wikipedia:de':
personendaten = re.compile(r'\{\{ *Personendaten.*?\}\}',
re.I | re.DOTALL)
if site.sitename == 'wikipedia:yi':
stub = re.compile(r'\{\{.*?שטומף *\}\}', re.I)
if site.family.name == 'wikipedia' and site.code in ('simple', 'en'):
stub = re.compile(r'\{\{.*?stub *\}\}', re.I)
if under_categories:
category = get_regexes('category', site)[0]
last_category = list(category.finditer(newtext))[-1]
for reg in under_categories:
special = reg.search(newtext)
if special and not isDisabled(newtext, special.start()):
newtext = (newtext[:special.start()].strip()
+ newtext[special.end():])
newtext = (newtext[:last_category.end()].strip() + '\n' * 2
+ special.group() + newtext[last_category.end():])
return newtext.strip()
# -------------------------------------
# Functions dealing with external links
# -------------------------------------
def compileLinkR(withoutBracketed: bool = False, onlyBracketed: bool = False):
"""Return a regex that matches external links."""
# RFC 2396 says that URLs may only contain certain characters.
# For this regex we also accept non-allowed characters, so that the bot
# will later show these links as broken ('Non-ASCII Characters in URL').
# Note: While allowing dots inside URLs, MediaWiki will regard
# dots at the end of the URL as not part of that URL.
# The same applies to comma, colon and some other characters.
notAtEnd = r'\]\s\.:;,<>"\|\)}'
# So characters inside the URL can be anything except whitespace,
# closing squared brackets, quotation marks, greater than and less
# than, and the last character also can't be parenthesis or another
# character disallowed by MediaWiki.
notInside = r'\]\s<>"'
# The first half of this regular expression is required because '' is
# not allowed inside links. For example, in this wiki text:
# ''Please see https://www.example.org.''
# .'' shouldn't be considered as part of the link.
regex = r'(?P<url>http[s]?://[^{notInside}]*?[^{notAtEnd}]' \
r'(?=[{notAtEnd}]*\'\')|http[s]?://[^{notInside}]*' \
if withoutBracketed:
regex = r'(?<!\[)' + regex
elif onlyBracketed:
regex = r'\[' + regex
return re.compile(regex)
# --------------------------------
# Functions dealing with templates
# --------------------------------
def extract_templates_and_params(
text: str,
remove_disabled_parts: bool = False,
strip: bool = False,
) -> list[tuple[str, OrderedDictType[str, str]]]:
"""Return a list of templates found in text.
Return value is a list of tuples. There is one tuple for each use of a
template in the page, with the template title as the first entry and a
dict of parameters as the second entry. Parameters are indexed by
strings; as in MediaWiki, an unnamed parameter is given a parameter name
with an integer value corresponding to its position among the unnamed
parameters, and if this results multiple parameters with the same name
only the last value provided will be returned.
This uses the package :py:obj:`mwparserfromhell` or
:py:obj:`wikitextparser` as MediaWiki markup parser.
``mwparserfromhell`` is installed by default.
There are minor differences between the two implementations.
The parser packages preserves whitespace in parameter names and
If there are multiple numbered parameters in the wikitext for the
same position, MediaWiki will only use the last parameter value.
e.g. `{{a| foo | 2 <!-- --> = bar | baz }}` is `{{a|1=foo|2=baz}}`
To replicate that behaviour, enable both `remove_disabled_parts`
and `strip` parameters.
:param text: The wikitext from which templates are extracted
:param remove_disabled_parts: If enabled, remove disabled wikitext
such as comments and pre.
:param strip: If enabled, strip arguments and values of templates.
:return: list of template name and params
.. versionchanged:: 6.1
*wikitextparser* package is supported; either *wikitextparser* or
*mwparserfromhell* is strictly recommended.
def explicit(param):
attr = param.showkey
except AttributeError:
attr = not param.positional
return attr
if remove_disabled_parts:
text = removeDisabledParts(text)
parser_name = wikitextparser.__name__
pywikibot.debug(f'Using {parser_name!r} wikitext parser')
result = []
parsed = wikitextparser.parse(text)
if parser_name == 'wikitextparser':
templates = parsed.templates
arguments = 'arguments'
templates = parsed.ifilter_templates(
matches=lambda x: not x.name.lstrip().startswith('#'),
arguments = 'params'
for template in templates:
params = OrderedDict()
for param in getattr(template, arguments):
value = str(param.value) # mwpfh needs upcast to str
if strip:
key = param.name.strip()
if explicit(param):
value = param.value.strip()
value = str(param.value)
key = str(param.name)
params[key] = value
result.append((template.name.strip(), params))
return result
def extract_templates_and_params_regex_simple(text: str):
Extract top-level templates with params using only a simple regex.
This function uses only a single regex, and returns
an entry for each template called at the top-level of the wikitext.
Nested templates are included in the argument values of the top-level
This method will incorrectly split arguments when an
argument value contains a '|', such as {{template|a={{b|c}} }}.
:param text: The wikitext from which templates are extracted
:return: list of template name and params
:rtype: list of tuple of name and OrderedDict
result = []
for match in NESTED_TEMPLATE_REGEX.finditer(text):
name, params = match[1], match[2]
# Special case for {{a}}
params = [] if params is None else params.split('|')
numbered_param_identifiers = itertools.count(1)
params = OrderedDict(
arg.split('=', 1)
if '=' in arg
else (str(next(numbered_param_identifiers)), arg)
for arg in params)
result.append((name, params))
return result
def glue_template_and_params(template_and_params) -> str:
"""Return wiki text of template glued from params.
You can use items from extract_templates_and_params here to get
an equivalent template wiki text (it may happen that the order
of the params changes).
template, params = template_and_params
text = ''
for items in params.items():
text += '|{}={}\n'.format(*items)
return f'{{{{{template}\n{text}}}}}'
# --------------------------
# Page parsing functionality
# --------------------------
def does_text_contain_section(pagetext: str, section: str) -> bool:
Determine whether the page text contains the given section title.
It does not care whether a section string may contain spaces or
underlines. Both will match.
If a section parameter contains an internal link, it will match the
section with or without a preceding colon which is required for a
text link e.g. for categories and files.
:param pagetext: The wikitext of a page
:param section: a section of a page including wikitext markups
# match preceding colon for text links
section = re.sub(r'\\\[\\\[(\\?:)?', r'\[\[\:?', re.escape(section))
# match underscores and white spaces
section = re.sub(r'\\?[ _]', '[ _]', section)
m = re.search(f"=+[ ']*{section}[ ']*=+", pagetext)
return bool(m)
# ---------------------------------------
# Time parsing functionality (Archivebot)
# ---------------------------------------
TIMEGROUPS = ('time', 'tzinfo', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute')
class TimeStripperPatterns(NamedTuple):
"""Hold precompiled timestamp patterns for :class:`TimeStripper`.
Attribute order is important to avoid mismatch when searching.
.. versionadded:: 8.0
time: Pattern[str]
tzinfo: Pattern[str]
year: Pattern[str]
month: Pattern[str]
day: Pattern[str]
class TimeStripper:
"""Find timestamp in page and return it as pywikibot.Timestamp object.
.. versionchanged:: 8.0
*group* attribute is a set instead of a list.
*patterns* is a :class:`TimeStripperPatterns` namedtuple instead
of a list.
>>> site = pywikibot.Site('wikipedia:fr')
>>> sign = 'Merci bien Xqt (d) 15 mai 2013 à 20:34 (CEST)'
>>> ts = TimeStripper(site)
>>> ts.timestripper(sign) # doctest: +SKIP
Timestamp(2013, 5, 15, 20, 34, tzinfo=TZoneFixedOffset(3600, Europe/Paris))
def __init__(self, site=None) -> None:
self.site = pywikibot.Site() if site is None else site
self.origNames2monthNum = {}
# use first_lower/first_upper for those language where month names
# were changed: T324310, T356175
if self.site.lang in ('hy', 'vi'):
functions = [first_upper, first_lower]
functions = [str]
for n, (long, short) in enumerate(self.site.months_names, start=1):
for func in functions:
self.origNames2monthNum[func(long)] = n
self.origNames2monthNum[func(short)] = n
# in some cases month in ~~~~ might end without dot even if
# site.months_names do not.
if short.endswith('.'):
self.origNames2monthNum[func(short[:-1])] = n
timeR = (r'(?P<time>(?P<hour>([0-1]\d|2[0-3]))[:\.h]'
timeznR = r'\((?P<tzinfo>[A-Z]+)\)'
yearR = r'(?P<year>(19|20)\d\d)(?:{})?'.format('\ub144')
# if months have 'digits' as names, they need to be
# removed; will be handled as digits in regex, adding d+{1,2}\.?
escaped_months = [month for month in self.origNames2monthNum if
not month.strip('.').isdigit()]
# match longest names first.
escaped_months = [re.escape(month) for
month in sorted(escaped_months, reverse=True)]
# work around for cs wiki: if month are in digits, we assume
# that format is dd. mm. (with dot and spaces optional)
# the last one is workaround for Korean
if any(month.isdigit() for month in self.origNames2monthNum):
self.is_digit_month = True
monthR = r'(?P<month>({})|(?:1[012]|0?[1-9])\.)' \
dayR = r'(?P<day>(3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9]))(?:{})' \
self.is_digit_month = False
monthR = r'(?P<month>({}))'.format('|'.join(escaped_months))
dayR = r'(?P<day>(3[01]|[12]\d|0?[1-9]))\.?'
self.patterns = TimeStripperPatterns(
self._hyperlink_pat = re.compile(r'\[\s*?http[s]?://[^\]]*?\]')
self._comment_pat = re.compile(r'<!--(.*?)-->')
self._wikilink_pat = re.compile(
self.tzinfo = TZoneFixedOffset(self.site.siteinfo['timeoffset'],
@deprecated('patterns.time', since='8.0.0')
def ptimeR(self):
"""Deprecated time pattern attribute.
.. deprecated:: 8.0
use pattern.time instead
return self.patterns.time
@deprecated('patterns.tzinfo', since='8.0.0')
def ptimeznR(self):
"""Deprecated tzinfo pattern attribute.
.. deprecated:: 8.0
use patterns.tzinfo instead
return self.patterns.tzinfo
@deprecated('patterns.year', since='8.0.0')
def pyearR(self):
"""Deprecated year pattern attribute.
.. deprecated:: 8.0
use patterns.year instead
return self.patterns.year
@deprecated('patterns.month', since='8.0.0')
def pmonthR(self):
"""Deprecated month pattern attribute.
.. deprecated:: 8.0
use patterns.month instead
return self.patterns.month
@deprecated('patterns.day', since='8.0.0')
def pdayR(self):
"""Deprecated day pattern attribute.
.. deprecated:: 8.0
use patterns.day instead
return self.patterns.day
@deprecated('textlib.TIMEGROUPS', since='8.0.0')
def groups(self):
"""Deprecated groups attribute.
.. deprecated:: 8.0
use textlib.TIMEGROUPS instead
@deprecated('to_latin_digits() function', since='7.0.0')
def fix_digits(line):
"""Make non-latin digits like Persian to latin to parse.
.. deprecated:: 7.0
Use :func:`to_latin_digits` instead.
return to_latin_digits(line)
def _last_match_and_replace(self,
txt: str,
pat) -> tuple[str, Match[str] | None]:
"""Take the rightmost match and replace with marker.
It does so to prevent spurious earlier matches.
all_matches = list(pat.finditer(txt))
cnt = len(all_matches)
if not cnt:
return (txt, None)
m = all_matches[-1]
def marker(m: Match[str]):
Replace exactly the same number of matched characters.
Same number of chars shall be replaced, in order to be able
to compare pos for matches reliably (absolute pos of a match
is not altered by replacement).
return '@' * (m.end() - m.start())
# month and day format might be identical (e.g. see bug T71315),
# avoid to wipe out day, after month is matched. Replace all matches
# but the last two (i.e. allow to search for dd. mm.)
if pat != self.patterns.month:
txt = pat.sub(marker, txt)
elif self.is_digit_month:
if cnt > 2:
txt = pat.sub(marker, txt, cnt - 2)
txt = pat.sub(marker, txt)
return (txt, m)
def _valid_date_dict_positions(dateDict) -> bool:
"""Check consistency of reasonable positions for groups."""
time_pos = dateDict['time']['start']
tzinfo_pos = dateDict['tzinfo']['start']
date_pos = sorted(
(dateDict['day'], dateDict['month'], dateDict['year']),
key=lambda x: x['start'])
min_pos, max_pos = date_pos[0]['start'], date_pos[-1]['start']
max_gap = max(x[1]['start'] - x[0]['end']
for x in zip(date_pos, date_pos[1:]))
return False
if tzinfo_pos < min_pos or tzinfo_pos < time_pos:
return False
if min_pos < tzinfo_pos < max_pos:
return False
return not min_pos < time_pos < max_pos
def timestripper(self, line: str) -> pywikibot.Timestamp | None:
Find timestamp in line and convert it to time zone aware datetime.
All the following items must be matched, otherwise None is
returned: -. year, month, hour, time, day, minute, tzinfo
.. versionchanged:: 7.6
HTML parts are removed from line
:return: A timestamp found on the given line
# Try to maintain gaps that are used in _valid_date_dict_positions()
def censor_match(match):
return '_' * (match.end() - match.start())
# match date fields
dateDict = {}
# Analyze comments separately from rest of each line to avoid to skip
# dates in comments, as the date matched by timestripper is the
# rightmost one.
most_recent = []
for comment in self._comment_pat.finditer(line):
# Recursion levels can be maximum two. If a comment is found, it
# will not for sure be found in the next level.
# Nested comments are excluded by design.
timestamp = self.timestripper(comment[1])
# Censor comments.
line = self._comment_pat.sub(censor_match, line)
# Censor external links.
line = self._hyperlink_pat.sub(censor_match, line)
for wikilink in self._wikilink_pat.finditer(line):
# Recursion levels can be maximum two. If a link is found, it will
# not for sure be found in the next level.
# Nested links are excluded by design.
link, anchor = wikilink['link'], wikilink['anchor']
timestamp = self.timestripper(link)
if anchor:
timestamp = self.timestripper(anchor)
# Censor wikilinks.
line = self._wikilink_pat.sub(censor_match, line)
# Remove parts that are not supposed to contain the timestamp, in order
# to reduce false positives.
line = removeDisabledParts(line)
line = removeHTMLParts(line)
line = to_latin_digits(line)
for pat in self.patterns:
line, match_obj = self._last_match_and_replace(line, pat)
if match_obj:
for group, value in match_obj.groupdict().items():
start, end = (match_obj.start(group), match_obj.end(group))
# The positions are stored for later validation
dateDict[group] = {
'value': value, 'start': start, 'end': end
# all fields matched -> date valid
# groups are in a reasonable order.
if (all(g in dateDict for g in TIMEGROUPS)
and self._valid_date_dict_positions(dateDict)):
# remove 'time' key, now split in hour/minute and not needed
# by datetime.
del dateDict['time']
# replace month name in original language with month number
value = self.origNames2monthNum[dateDict['month']['value']]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(
f"incorrect month name {dateDict['month']['value']!r} "
f'in page in site {self.site}'
dateDict['month']['value'] = value
# convert to integers and remove the inner dict
for k, v in dateDict.items():
if k == 'tzinfo':
dateDict[k] = int(v['value'])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f"Value: {v['value']} could not be "
f'converted for key: {k}.')
# find timezone
dateDict['tzinfo'] = self.tzinfo
timestamp = pywikibot.Timestamp(**dateDict)
timestamp = None
timestamp = max(ts for ts in most_recent if ts is not None)
except ValueError:
timestamp = None
return timestamp
wrapper = ModuleDeprecationWrapper(__name__)