Source code for

"""Objects representing API interface to MediaWiki site extenstions."""
# (C) Pywikibot team, 2008-2024
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any

import pywikibot
from import api
from pywikibot.echo import Notification
from pywikibot.exceptions import (
from import need_extension, need_right
from import deprecated, merge_unique_dicts

[docs] class EchoMixin: """APISite mixin for Echo extension."""
[docs] @need_extension('Echo') def notifications(self, **kwargs): """Yield Notification objects from the Echo extension. :keyword Optional[str] format: If specified, notifications will be returned formatted this way. Its value is either ``model``, ``special`` or ``None``. Default is ``special``. .. seealso:: :api:`Notifications` for other keywords. """ params = { 'action': 'query', 'meta': 'notifications', 'notformat': 'special', } for key, value in kwargs.items(): params['not' + key] = value data = self.simple_request(**params).submit() notifications = data['query']['notifications']['list'] return (Notification.fromJSON(self, notification) for notification in notifications)
[docs] @need_extension('Echo') def notifications_mark_read(self, **kwargs) -> bool: """Mark selected notifications as read. .. seealso:: :api:`echomarkread` :return: whether the action was successful """ # TODO: ensure that the 'echomarkread' action # is supported by the site kwargs = merge_unique_dicts(kwargs, action='echomarkread', token=self.tokens['csrf']) req = self.simple_request(**kwargs) data = req.submit() try: return data['query']['echomarkread']['result'] == 'success' except KeyError: return False
[docs] class ProofreadPageMixin: """APISite mixin for ProofreadPage extension.""" @need_extension('ProofreadPage') def _cache_proofreadinfo(self, expiry=False) -> None: """Retrieve proofreadinfo from site and cache response. Applicable only to sites with ProofreadPage extension installed. The following info is returned by the query and cached: - self._proofread_index_ns: Index Namespace - self._proofread_page_ns: Page Namespace - self._proofread_levels: a dictionary with:: keys: int in the range [0, 1, ..., 4] values: category name corresponding to the 'key' quality level e.g. on en.wikisource: .. code-block:: python {0: 'Without text', 1: 'Not proofread', 2: 'Problematic', 3: 'Proofread', 4: 'Validated'} :param expiry: either a number of days or a datetime.timedelta object :type expiry: int (days), :py:obj:`datetime.timedelta`, False (config) :return: A tuple containing _proofread_index_ns, self._proofread_page_ns and self._proofread_levels. :rtype: Namespace, Namespace, dict """ if (not hasattr(self, '_proofread_index_ns') or not hasattr(self, '_proofread_page_ns') or not hasattr(self, '_proofread_levels')): pirequest = self._request( expiry=pywikibot.config.API_config_expiry if expiry is False else expiry, parameters={'action': 'query', 'meta': 'proofreadinfo'} ) pidata = pirequest.submit() ns_id = pidata['query']['proofreadnamespaces']['index']['id'] self._proofread_index_ns = self.namespaces[ns_id] ns_id = pidata['query']['proofreadnamespaces']['page']['id'] self._proofread_page_ns = self.namespaces[ns_id] self._proofread_levels = {} for ql in pidata['query']['proofreadqualitylevels']: self._proofread_levels[ql['id']] = ql['category'] @property def proofread_index_ns(self): """Return Index namespace for the ProofreadPage extension.""" if not hasattr(self, '_proofread_index_ns'): self._cache_proofreadinfo() return self._proofread_index_ns @property def proofread_page_ns(self): """Return Page namespace for the ProofreadPage extension.""" if not hasattr(self, '_proofread_page_ns'): self._cache_proofreadinfo() return self._proofread_page_ns @property def proofread_levels(self): """Return Quality Levels for the ProofreadPage extension.""" if not hasattr(self, '_proofread_levels'): self._cache_proofreadinfo() return self._proofread_levels
[docs] @need_extension('ProofreadPage') def loadpageurls(self, page: -> None: """Load URLs from api and store in page attributes. Load URLs to images for a given page in the "Page:" namespace. No effect for pages in other namespaces. .. versionadded:: 8.6 .. seealso:: :api:`imageforpage` """ title = page.title(with_section=False) # responsiveimages: server would try to render the other images as well # let's not load the server unless needed. prppifpprop = 'filename|size|fullsize' query = self._generator(api.PropertyGenerator, type_arg='imageforpage', titles=title.encode(self.encoding()), prppifpprop=prppifpprop) self._update_page(page, query)
[docs] class GeoDataMixin: """APISite mixin for GeoData extension."""
[docs] @need_extension('GeoData') def loadcoordinfo(self, page) -> None: """Load [[mw:Extension:GeoData]] info.""" title = page.title(with_section=False) query = self._generator(api.PropertyGenerator, type_arg='coordinates', titles=title.encode(self.encoding()), coprop=['type', 'name', 'dim', 'country', 'region', 'globe'], coprimary='all') self._update_page(page, query)
[docs] class PageImagesMixin: """APISite mixin for PageImages extension."""
[docs] @need_extension('PageImages') def loadpageimage(self, page) -> None: """Load [[mw:Extension:PageImages]] info. :param page: The page for which to obtain the image :type page: pywikibot.Page :raises APIError: PageImages extension is not installed """ title = page.title(with_section=False) query = self._generator(api.PropertyGenerator, type_arg='pageimages', titles=title.encode(self.encoding()), piprop=['name']) self._update_page(page, query)
[docs] class GlobalUsageMixin: """APISite mixin for Global Usage extension."""
[docs] @need_extension('Global Usage') def globalusage(self, page, total=None): """Iterate global image usage for a given FilePage. :param page: the page to return global image usage for. :type page: pywikibot.FilePage :param total: iterate no more than this number of pages in total. :raises TypeError: input page is not a FilePage. :raises pywikibot.exceptions.SiteDefinitionError: Site could not be defined for a returned entry in API response. """ if not isinstance(page, pywikibot.FilePage): raise TypeError(f'Page {page} must be a FilePage.') title = page.title(with_section=False) args = {'titles': title, 'gufilterlocal': False, } query = self._generator(api.PropertyGenerator, type_arg='globalusage', guprop=['url', 'pageid', 'namespace'], total=total, # will set gulimit=total in api, **args) for pageitem in query: if not self.sametitle(pageitem['title'], page.title(with_section=False)): raise InconsistentTitleError(page, pageitem['title']) api.update_page(page, pageitem, query.props) assert 'globalusage' in pageitem, \ "API globalusage response lacks 'globalusage' key" for entry in pageitem['globalusage']: try: gu_site = pywikibot.Site(url=entry['url']) except SiteDefinitionError: pywikibot.warning('Site could not be defined for global ' f'usage for {page}: {entry}.') continue gu_page = pywikibot.Page(gu_site, entry['title']) yield gu_page
[docs] class WikibaseClientMixin: """APISite mixin for WikibaseClient extension."""
[docs] @need_extension('WikibaseClient') def unconnected_pages(self, total=None): """Yield Page objects from Special:UnconnectedPages. .. warning:: The retrieved pages may be connected in meantime. :param total: number of pages to return """ return self.querypage('UnconnectedPages', total)
[docs] class LinterMixin: """APISite mixin for Linter extension."""
[docs] @need_extension('Linter') def linter_pages(self, lint_categories=None, total=None, namespaces=None, pageids=None, lint_from=None): """Return a generator to pages containing linter errors. :param lint_categories: categories of lint errors :type lint_categories: an iterable that returns values (str), or a pipe-separated string of values. :param total: if not None, yielding this many items in total :type total: int :param namespaces: only iterate pages in these namespaces :type namespaces: iterable of str or Namespace key, or a single instance of those types. May be a '|' separated list of namespace identifiers. :param pageids: only include lint errors from the specified pageids :type pageids: an iterable that returns pageids (str or int), or a comma- or pipe-separated string of pageids (e.g. '945097,1483753, 956608' or '945097|483753|956608') :param lint_from: Lint ID to start querying from :type lint_from: str representing digit or integer :return: pages with Linter errors. :rtype: typing.Iterable[pywikibot.Page] """ query = self._generator(api.ListGenerator, type_arg='linterrors', total=total, # Will set lntlimit namespaces=namespaces) if lint_categories: if isinstance(lint_categories, str): lint_categories = lint_categories.split('|') lint_categories = [p.strip() for p in lint_categories] query.request['lntcategories'] = '|'.join(lint_categories) if pageids: if isinstance(pageids, str): pageids = pageids.split('|') pageids = [p.strip() for p in pageids] # Validate pageids. pageids = (str(int(p)) for p in pageids if int(p) > 0) query.request['lntpageid'] = '|'.join(pageids) if lint_from: query.request['lntfrom'] = int(lint_from) for pageitem in query: page = pywikibot.Page(self, pageitem['title']) api.update_page(page, pageitem) yield page
[docs] class ThanksMixin: """APISite mixin for Thanks extension."""
[docs] @need_extension('Thanks') def thank_revision(self, revid, source=None): """Corresponding method to the 'action=thank' API action. :param revid: Revision ID for the revision to be thanked. :type revid: int :param source: A source for the thanking operation. :type source: str :raise APIError: On thanking oneself or other API errors. :return: The API response. """ token = self.tokens['csrf'] req = self.simple_request(action='thank', rev=revid, token=token, source=source) data = req.submit() if data['result']['success'] != 1: raise APIError('Thanking unsuccessful', '') return data
[docs] class ThanksFlowMixin: """APISite mixin for Thanks and Structured Discussions extension. .. deprecated:: 9.4.0 Structured Discussions extension formerly known as Flow extenstion is not maintained and will be removed. Users are encouraged to stop using it. (:phab:`T371180`) .. seealso:: :mod:`flow` """
[docs] @need_extension('Flow') @need_extension('Thanks') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def thank_post(self, post): """Corresponding method to the 'action=flowthank' API action. :param post: The post to be thanked for. :type post: Post :raise APIError: On thanking oneself or other API errors. :return: The API response. """ post_id = post.uuid token = self.tokens['csrf'] req = self.simple_request(action='flowthank', postid=post_id, token=token) data = req.submit() if data['result']['success'] != 1: raise APIError('Thanking unsuccessful', '') return data
[docs] class FlowMixin: """APISite mixin for Structured Discussions extension. .. deprecated:: 9.4.0 Structured Discussions extension formerly known as Flow extenstion is not maintained and will be removed. Users are encouraged to stop using it. (:phab:`T371180`) .. seealso:: :mod:`flow` """
[docs] @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def load_board(self, page): """Retrieve the data for a Flow board. :param page: A Flow board :type page: Board :return: A dict representing the board's metadata. :rtype: dict """ req = self.simple_request(action='flow', page=page, submodule='view-topiclist', vtllimit=1) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['view-topiclist']['result']['topiclist']
[docs] @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def load_topiclist(self, page: pywikibot.flow.Board, *, content_format: str = 'wikitext', limit: int = 100, sortby: str = 'newest', toconly: bool = False, offset: pywikibot.Timestamp | str | None = None, offset_id: str | None = None, reverse: bool = False, include_offset: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]: """Retrieve the topiclist of a Flow board. .. versionchanged:: 8.0 All parameters except *page* are keyword only parameters. :param page: A Flow board :param content_format: The content format to request the data in. must be either 'wikitext', 'html', or 'fixed-html' :param limit: The number of topics to fetch in each single request. :param sortby: Algorithm to sort topics by ('newest' or 'updated'). :param toconly: Whether to only include information for the TOC. :param offset: The timestamp to start at (when sortby is 'updated'). :param offset_id: The topic UUID to start at (when sortby is 'newest'). :param reverse: Whether to reverse the topic ordering. :param include_offset: Whether to include the offset topic. :return: A dict representing the board's topiclist. """ if offset: offset = pywikibot.Timestamp.fromtimestampformat(offset) offset_dir = 'rev' if reverse else 'fwd' params = {'action': 'flow', 'submodule': 'view-topiclist', 'page': page, 'vtlformat': content_format, 'vtlsortby': sortby, 'vtllimit': limit, 'vtloffset-dir': offset_dir, 'vtloffset': offset, 'vtloffset-id': offset_id, 'vtlinclude-offset': include_offset, 'vtltoconly': toconly} req = self._request(parameters=params) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['view-topiclist']['result']['topiclist']
[docs] @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def load_topic(self, page, content_format: str): """Retrieve the data for a Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param content_format: The content format to request the data in. Must ne either 'wikitext', 'html', or 'fixed-html' :return: A dict representing the topic's data. :rtype: dict """ req = self.simple_request(action='flow', page=page, submodule='view-topic', vtformat=content_format) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['view-topic']['result']['topic']
[docs] @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def load_post_current_revision(self, page, post_id, content_format: str): """Retrieve the data for a post to a Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param post_id: The UUID of the Post :type post_id: str :param content_format: The content format used for the returned content; must be either 'wikitext', 'html', or 'fixed-html' :return: A dict representing the post data for the given UUID. :rtype: dict """ req = self.simple_request(action='flow', page=page, submodule='view-post', vppostId=post_id, vpformat=content_format) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['view-post']['result']['topic']
[docs] @need_right('edit') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def create_new_topic(self, page, title, content, content_format): """Create a new topic on a Flow board. :param page: A Flow board :type page: Board :param title: The title of the new topic (must be in plaintext) :type title: str :param content: The content of the topic's initial post :type content: str :param content_format: The content format of the supplied content :type content_format: str (either 'wikitext' or 'html') :return: The metadata of the new topic :rtype: dict """ token = self.tokens['csrf'] params = {'action': 'flow', 'page': page, 'token': token, 'submodule': 'new-topic', 'ntformat': content_format, 'nttopic': title, 'ntcontent': content} req = self._request(parameters=params, use_get=False) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['new-topic']['committed']['topiclist']
[docs] @need_right('edit') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def reply_to_post(self, page, reply_to_uuid: str, content: str, content_format: str) -> dict: """Reply to a post on a Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param reply_to_uuid: The UUID of the Post to create a reply to :param content: The content of the reply :param content_format: The content format used for the supplied content; must be either 'wikitext' or 'html' :return: Metadata returned by the API """ token = self.tokens['csrf'] params = {'action': 'flow', 'page': page, 'token': token, 'submodule': 'reply', 'repreplyTo': reply_to_uuid, 'repcontent': content, 'repformat': content_format} req = self._request(parameters=params, use_get=False) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['reply']['committed']['topic']
[docs] @need_right('flow-lock') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def lock_topic(self, page, lock, reason): """Lock or unlock a Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param lock: Whether to lock or unlock the topic :type lock: bool (True corresponds to locking the topic.) :param reason: The reason to lock or unlock the topic :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ status = 'lock' if lock else 'unlock' token = self.tokens['csrf'] params = {'action': 'flow', 'page': page, 'token': token, 'submodule': 'lock-topic', 'cotreason': reason, 'cotmoderationState': status} req = self._request(parameters=params, use_get=False) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['lock-topic']['committed']['topic']
[docs] @need_right('edit') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def moderate_topic(self, page, state, reason): """Moderate a Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param state: The new moderation state :type state: str :param reason: The reason to moderate the topic :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ token = self.tokens['csrf'] params = {'action': 'flow', 'page': page, 'token': token, 'submodule': 'moderate-topic', 'mtreason': reason, 'mtmoderationState': state} req = self._request(parameters=params, use_get=False) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['moderate-topic']['committed']['topic']
[docs] @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def summarize_topic(self, page, summary): """Add summary to Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param summary: The text of the summary :type symmary: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ token = self.tokens['csrf'] params = {'action': 'flow', 'page': page, 'token': token, 'submodule': 'edit-topic-summary', 'etssummary': summary, 'etsformat': 'wikitext'} if 'summary' in page.root._current_revision: params['etsprev_revision'] = page.root._current_revision[ 'summary']['revision']['revisionId'] req = self._request(parameters=params, use_get=False) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['edit-topic-summary']['committed']['topicsummary']
[docs] @need_right('flow-delete') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def delete_topic(self, page, reason): """Delete a Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param reason: The reason to delete the topic :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ return self.moderate_topic(page, 'delete', reason)
[docs] @need_right('flow-hide') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def hide_topic(self, page, reason): """Hide a Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param reason: The reason to hide the topic :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ return self.moderate_topic(page, 'hide', reason)
[docs] @need_right('flow-suppress') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def suppress_topic(self, page, reason): """Suppress a Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param reason: The reason to suppress the topic :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ return self.moderate_topic(page, 'suppress', reason)
[docs] @need_right('edit') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def restore_topic(self, page, reason): """Restore a Flow topic. :param page: A Flow topic :type page: Topic :param reason: The reason to restore the topic :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ return self.moderate_topic(page, 'restore', reason)
[docs] @need_right('edit') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def moderate_post(self, post, state, reason): """Moderate a Flow post. :param post: A Flow post :type post: Post :param state: The new moderation state :type state: str :param reason: The reason to moderate the topic :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ page = uuid = post.uuid token = self.tokens['csrf'] params = {'action': 'flow', 'page': page, 'token': token, 'submodule': 'moderate-post', 'mpreason': reason, 'mpmoderationState': state, 'mppostId': uuid} req = self._request(parameters=params, use_get=False) data = req.submit() return data['flow']['moderate-post']['committed']['topic']
[docs] @need_right('flow-delete') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def delete_post(self, post, reason): """Delete a Flow post. :param post: A Flow post :type post: Post :param reason: The reason to delete the post :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ return self.moderate_post(post, 'delete', reason)
[docs] @need_right('flow-hide') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def hide_post(self, post, reason): """Hide a Flow post. :param post: A Flow post :type post: Post :param reason: The reason to hide the post :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ return self.moderate_post(post, 'hide', reason)
[docs] @need_right('flow-suppress') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def suppress_post(self, post, reason): """Suppress a Flow post. :param post: A Flow post :type post: Post :param reason: The reason to suppress the post :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ return self.moderate_post(post, 'suppress', reason)
[docs] @need_right('edit') @need_extension('Flow') @deprecated(since='9.4.0') def restore_post(self, post, reason): """Restore a Flow post. :param post: A Flow post :type post: Post :param reason: The reason to restore the post :type reason: str :return: Metadata returned by the API :rtype: dict """ return self.moderate_post(post, 'restore', reason)
[docs] class UrlShortenerMixin: """APISite mixin for UrlShortener extension."""
[docs] class TextExtractsMixin: """APISite mixin for TextExtracts extension. .. versionadded:: 7.1 """
[docs] @need_extension('TextExtracts') def extract(self, page: pywikibot.Page, *, chars: int | None = None, sentences: int | None = None, intro: bool = True, plaintext: bool = True) -> str: """Retrieve an extract of a page. :param page: The Page object for which the extract is read :param chars: How many characters to return. Actual text returned might be slightly longer. :param sentences: How many sentences to return :param intro: Return only content before the first section :param plaintext: if True, return extracts as plain text instead of limited HTML .. seealso:: - - :meth:`page.BasePage.extract`. """ if not page.exists(): raise NoPageError(page) req = self.simple_request(action='query', prop='extracts', titles=page.title(with_section=False), exchars=chars, exsentences=sentences, exintro=intro, explaintext=plaintext) data = req.submit()['query']['pages'] if '-1' in data: msg = data['-1'].get('invalidreason', f"Unknown exception:\n{data['-1']}") raise Error(msg) return data[str(page.pageid)]['extract']